mm ne Iurs mm Mam Tubn whn Ilgnnl wmunll ennhllu Police In 1de lhrm wlllmut churn lekll rwprnlng MI In uul mm Ionlh plll 60 mm Inlrhmm III my mnllllnl mun Eleven diled OtherS sought mollu nnnuuuml Mnmlny um Ilhl men wm lilthd up dur In Um warhean nml llml llvu EImm wnn dmlnwl Monday £01k nlllrlnl wlm Mth mama nnl he Illrloml le In lrhphurm Inlrrvlew lo lhnl In nlhrr men um aim Inlo cullmly Mnmlny nu omclnl nnrr puly II rsule ml the polite huhan ll palm DI lhrm haw Ar and he re lure nrnnur Mun 0mm hillle Awn an unu bomb uvlodvd al MONTREAL CPD Pollrn nnw In holding ll pmanIIo men ml womanIn IIuXr cnnllnuhu ruumlup of mm hcld In rnunerllrm with lhelr In vuuznllan Inln lmnrlnl ncllv unlar polite nfllrlnl uld Durlnx he wild fllghl Hm nul lmm lho mm Imnahcd lhmunh Um Iron wlmkhlrld Imd on the bark wlmlow Ilixhuy In Jurlnl Mrl McKmL AI 1500 person watched the car unlhcd lhmugh pnrklnl Iol harder and awunf wlldly lhrouzh crowd at nmul llnlnl mil nncc hrloru rum lnn flop nl mend bar xlur I50 yum nwny All of hi Injured taken In ll Ital Yuncouypg wen ro In the run pnssenxcr ml at Uma was lho who at Sen lumen 01 Vnncnu ver By ALAN DONNELLY OTTAWA CPD The New emncrauc Party has won skirmishand perhaps major battleIn In vehement attack on In accurny Investigation method 01 lhe RCMP Juxllce Mlnlner Chevricr lngcllcnlly adfnllled Mpnginx LI AL LADNER ILC CP One man was killed and I7 olhcra njurcd Monday when driver Im tar won out control mm crowd pwplo mu luck Mr Char or offered my deep apology ta Gordon Harry night that serious rm ad been made In dlsmLuIng young Nannlma 130 mm mm the nnvy an had security rlsk He also promlscd the most Wrelul scrutiny demand Douglas New Dam uallc lender or some arm trihunnl In which Canndlnm can clLm htIr name from lhe RCMPLA black book Driverless Car Kills BC Mam 1500 At Race Track Watch Alex Muchml or lllch vuuwuvtr wm ro nlr tondlllun or hot Admits Serious Error In NavYs Dismissal 99th Your No Ian For Examiner Want Ad Talo phon PA Mm The manhunt numbex cull or the Bushes or Edllarlnl Dept LI PA 66581 Our Telephones Mmlml hwy uld ho had bun annual vrpvmnl nplllnn pm In mlul ntnethInadlu will Amt hum any man of MI Inn nrllln In ampmn hclnl fluenun nm Fromh tum lunn lnIlu DInrlvr Adm hm uld Al menu commute Mnmlny hut Ihu um nl lhnI Anyrd ungul hum II In It The nrlllan In nr 11 unlur Mlco nmclal lln mlhul hlmrnfl 51 mm llnhnd mm lluul sullen In sullluu Munlrul hunlnrw man who laid lo luv ll nnnml Ihu Imqu nrlleUM Lo Frunl dc Lihmllnn Qua heroin lha Mr he mmlllul nln llun 11m Inquul II Ichrduled In ha munml nul Mumlny SINK AVE VLF 11 1mm m1 ll luran lhll unnw momlwru ol lho FL Imn In Ihr munlry Two hm It In work and album allcr UNMHI llNllL The driver be lo be no mm Mn McKcrn md en the Vehklo cmrornrlly lo bufy llckML mllm In ll Thu car or an unrxplnlucd rensnn Iuddtnly lunged torwnnl knock nu down lwolnrh Ilnol plgo bmler nnd hcmlcd Mr crowd along the rnll Ono woman clam mnnlhn prclnnnl wnl drugged 20 col Sllcnuy um cnr ho wnman occupant mmlnzly frnun mowed people down Ilka lo many tn plm The thaw inap pan lcnccpasu and lhu whlnu ol hn mglnc lnlcrmlnzlcd with lhe cream 01 um horror xrlppcd audlcncc Tho pman at the mill mumbled lnr cover not knuwln whm In turn nyaqan ram mend ML dled multiple In Judo Mlku Sane Provlncu rcpurtcr cnvcrlnn tho Pnlenon Park hnmen ncinz event 20 mlch Inulh of Vancouver wmlc Thu Knolt case was rnistd Friday by Colin Cameron NDP Nnnnlmo Cawlchan he Iandst and Mr Chevrlcr said wetlend check by the RCMP launtlherc was no family can nccunn unex nlL He pmmlstd to see whether the young mans navy career can he rqskarcd Knnll dismissed mm Ihe navy inla Mi Tim minister laid the dismissal was bused on an RCMP report that lwn Kcpui ahie ources had said hi young man was nuphew Ernest Knoll Communist candidnle in Nannimo consiliu ml min 1963 Marni elem 1m NO CONNECTION Mr Douglas angrily said the POPE JOHN XXIII Eh matrivï¬xaminpr In nmh Inf re lam promom lurned lnla null Iavrmmml domnnalrn Ilam wllh lyman 1mm and 7mm mnrrhlnl un lha unlnp III In Trhlun wally Imml lump hp um the am pm and nlao way mm nlnl pain Ihu Imm mm ndlo Tum pvmlr Im llllnl ml uvml Mum In alvnllur luh In More Mnmlny lmlcr Inn Maple um armml um polko 111ml nld Inla tmnu lnllrhml wllh MIMI rcllnfaun wonInn An mum mnh wl thlln um llru In ha llluu of 11m4 and lollnwnl hum um HMNI 1m mllco 11ml car no Ihflll Ic rrglorl onlrr Thu Sullln Moalcml Mod the Irl 01ml Cullpm Hm um WM rulou Um thurch aner Hm pmyhul Mnlmmmul dlnl am can lha pmNuI mn Inrluw hll lrno tumnor 11m Eunnn nro mfllodru Mou Irma KARACHI Inklllan MP lnllw npnrlnl Um no mum wm klllcd ml to anund lnr day In clmh hnlwten Shlllo Ind ï¬unnl Mnnlrml In VIIIIKI mnml my Knrnrhl 75 cenll bid llo lnld lho llrm Ihould be high an the Hal cl those nccdlnl Invullgalian by no labor du rarlmcnl whrn mlnlmum wags rkhlnllun lnkcs elltd hraum nulhqprgvntel nc nnnhl mld ho lnund llml II lnlrllchl Cnmpnnyll pnylnu womtn cmplnym as 11 hour nnd men between TORONTO CF An Owen Sound lrm whlth received the Oann guvummenll Hm 1n duxlrlnl duvnlopmcnl lonn II or ernllnu under Iwunuhnp con dilluns Donald MacDonald Omnrlo lend or lho New Bern ncrnlic Party said Monday night However he justicc minister mndn no courtsalon In two ouwr demands by Mr Douglas That spcclnl Common cum mlleu met In secret neces sary to review security prom durcs and that ha job 01 secur Ily lnvcnlgnflon be stripped lrom Um RCMP and put In ha hands capable specially lrnlncd group Moslems Clash 120 Killed ave mm was pm 01 ha need for selling up some ap 51 body has been lhDWfl ere lonlght Mr Chevrler asking for pn cm on behalf swam men not lung In unice aaid we mm already been giving con sidernlinn In ingestion of that character Mummull mlormallon 31m by unlnlelll WUsz Owen Sound Finn 1i$weatShop dismissal had been based on the klnd cvldenca on which yugrwnruld pa hang dog Ho repeated tho NDP attack hegun Friday and continued Mundny on the use by the RCMP security lnvtsllgalars ofutllelallle Alfummj Fouryuer Inmoln May bew shun how the upan door wllh her mnulh nlullc lwr hand wm led to mupo lmm hmmrnt llmlll mm whm robber Iml lell lur m1 Mr Innnuron hmhn lnmrlul hum Kan May hem duand In lnhle In In thn ndJolulnl mm mauled Thu cultarreporlcd ll saw nu rim of any lurvlvorn or bodlrs and the coast guard xnld can Her pcrlon tould nut llrn or more lhnn 10 or 15 mlnutcs In um Mtmo wnlm An RCA Album alrcrnll nnd lbs 11 nase wm la Elmcndor Air Force Dan in Alaska cons uunrd mum on the scene about 60 mllu west cl the Island snld llfn Jackets lux gngo and clothing had been pm llde ldenllfled hell from ehnrler Northwest Airlines DCI mlsslnl IIXILD Monday on flight from McChord Ah Form JUNBAU Alen AHThe US Com Guard rcponed lo dny that debris sighlcd Gm hnm Island 30 In the null cl Alnskn deï¬nitely was from mlssInl plane wllh Iol person aboard The coast guard said no survivan nor bodies had been Limited The Han wark my man Kennedy said to protect and President Kennedy ï¬rst R0 man Catholic president the United States xaId the Popes wisdom complsslon and ï¬nely strength hnva he quealhed humanity new leg acy purpaso and courage or the lulure On this and occasion Her Majesty and Duke of Edin burgh recah Lu lmpresslve me moxie 01 he meellng wllh HI Hnllnm 11 ml the message said Her Majesty has greath up predated ha kindly cellngs which Holiness has always axhlblled toward hersell and her subjecuf magnum mnnsuan VATICAN CITY Reuters TrIbqu to Pope John XXIII be gun to pour In from all parts or world as soon as his death was announced In message sen to the Brit ish nunlsker the Holy See Queen Ellznbelh said she and Prince Pthp had received ha ewa of Pope Johns death with $4119 IQLJQSL Debris Sighted From Around Globe Come Tributes To Pope OPENED noon WITH MOUTH BIrrlopOnIaIlm CInIdETyalday Juno l63 In llck chllr nay from lbs door to Imeln could open ll 5h ran lo neith lmr 1w help no um ml of her lumlly could be loved mm Hair bonds Two muted mm mm III ma hm clr mm clfll Ind In um um Mr tm dfmrwm ma guvcrnmrfll had vclcrnn pilot Capt Albert Olson Sumner Wuh The our engined crnfl mnk Int daily mullnn 111th In In bun Jun oulsldu Anchorue wal curryan mlllury pcrlon ml dependent and clvlllnn em pggyclcs lo the US gqycrnrgcm coast guard Hitler was dil palchrd la the area lmmedl ulcly and Japanese lrclxhlcr Um Hasel Mum wn diverted ltho Vsccne He mid appeared Ille savlng equipment had been ieul auned lust belore ha plane crashed Thu sea was llltered with small plecu of wreckage Some of tho Illa mils were partly by ilnled but then was no xlxn aurvlvon panese trelghler Hosel Maxu we1oalsoroyl the scene Flyliiofflcer Ross pl of an RCA Albatross which arrived on the steps Inld The president the Lutheran orld Pedalmun Franklin Clark Pry of New York xald at the organizations headquanul in Geneva heart Chrisllan every mumslon are united to degree that In unique or many mnlurles the dealh ol President Joan Goulart oi Em laid all humanin mourns the deaih great Pnpe oi pence His pnnifllcale lhnuxn short was really ex ccplianal and mud or it high inlilniivcs Pope John presldcnl nld brought compassion and unden slnnding the most devldva ms ofna tynultulaua axe He was the chosen leader ol wnriu Catholicism but hi can tern far the human spirit trans cended all boundaries oi belie or geography ihu president said mm or PEACE carry an the deepest spirflual ht ugly lhg human Inca To Pope John ha added was given the almost unique xiii of enriching and enlarging that lradilion Huh ClMdlIn mm dia clam lhnl thy pull plun tomyrltlu Hour dull nwln Ilnu Ind bun mm by lonlUM lmv mm mm no man MroAulnn ml an Amrrlun bloc Inchden In IquIlou on Hand UN arm In Th Conn In MM rm In III II mnlhl this nu UNITED NATIONS CF In alum Ill 1qu lhe Unflrd nllonl ml llnnnclnl lul dnnnl enwunlvml dlmcnlllu nlmmru won ll wu um Manda Anuumr thud hr In be In ldnplul Ion wn dramd ram lha IJurnlnl apartment Ivy nalahhar who crawled Icmn mm In adjarcnl balcony and Imuhed wlmluw Polka anld Ihnra no hr Hanan Um lho llra an llm work rumanllc who haw larmlml lo Mal md wlIh man than awn ol Hm In In low wcrkm WM Ircvlllu mutual 1an mm vmk nonrhy man llml In In llnmu MONTHEML CWJenn lre vllle 36 Ind Inn MI chll drtn dlnd luxlny In In thnl Iwrpl thclr erdnoor llnl In on tnd Monlml The lhfca young vlcllm wm Dnnlrl Mnnan and Andra financial Plan Unveiled In UN Die In Flat Fire Father Children Ienrn wllh profound em0 Hon Ihe death 01 III IIoIInm John XXIII The death 01 lb loverclm ponllIl who relxn has been consecrated lo pence among men and lo up prochemonl among ChrIauam fell with He by the people France Thu Roman Cnlhollc Arch bishop at Liverpool Dr John Hcenan Britains xenlor Calho 11c Irchblshop laid It Ilka losing one la amlly flle algnmcnm than um lhll me 01 10 L1 In by Proteu nnuvandJcw1u wall Calho Iicl nul dtho mounts 15inch Pnsldenl afonuue tale Not only among them but in Every purl of Christendom here II we the passan of EreaLChrkmq lgader President Sarvapalll Radhnk rlshnan India now vmllng In the United Stall2 said the Populwas great servant 01 God and the human race who had woxked 01 world recan clllallon TheiArchblshop éanler bury Michael Ramsey head the Church Englanq said am very grieved at the new ha deblh oi Pope John and eel sympathy wILh mem bers at the Roman Catholic Ch ch uterywhere CASTRO BACK N0 WELCOME Thanks to God who gave him to our generation All or us would have wished for him to live Inowing open doors of undenundlnl and thawing an tngonlsnu that have separated Chï¬sUpg brtjhren Nut even mm body guard and chaufleur mot hlm an Inlormtd luurco nld 3mm oallcd Dorllcol on an Ilrpafl plum and lhcn wcnl downtown In III the mum Added the universally esteemed and bleloved John XXIII the Pope CQNTERBQRY GRIEVES Cuhul attention and tho hendllno he dny wen wnccnlrnled at the llmo on If death lhungez sin Mandny and no on met him mu Ilrpan In rlvnl In nusslnn TUdll alrllncr WM Ihroudm In Iuch locrzcy lhnl even Pm Idenl Oxvnldo Damn wnl said In have burn tnhn by lummo HAVANA APPrtmlcr Mlhvulh MI rnldlnal II Hm llme Artthump Munllnl menflmed ollen pouibll pope fluvial Ibo ma mm llulelodcd John 11 gr and dc not In mm CanlInnl Ihmllnl Mn one the lvpel 1mm ndvlml durlnl flu but al flu ecumenlul muncl In all m1 will lhq llnl gudlnnl rmlad by PM John Amnnl lhrm In ll mnllnum Hon lho anlml cwmrnlrnl wunrll mmldond the MI polnl at Pops uhnl mom la modemlxa hln mum and hwl ll luwurd GuiInn unlly Olhm lurlmlo lmo Jvhnl wall In mulllo In Inn nl Jaw Cudlnnl Mlndmuly am my lary and hlu drlvn lo Imam Inllnul wlth the Communlnl wnvld VATICAN CITY For lhe moml llmn In In than Hvu yrnu fllovnnnl Inlllnll Cnnll nnl Monllnl Archhlnhuv MI lnn In new ur mum uI Hm 1ch Pope Only lho new ronlm nm rhlc lhn lulu wnlrnvmlnl Ilrlu Inlllnlod by the lam ano John nmn vallclu wlll llama anzly when llm Cal lrxo of Girdlmll mnmm la ler 1m mnnlh In Hm my Irllnal nller man Calhn Tim llrli mmllng waa Il icadrd only by cardinal who warn ln liorno when lhn Para dicdl llul Eugene Cardinal 11 urani lrcncllborn dean ol lha Callas of Cardinal Monday nllhi Ian larmal nollco oi lho Iopca dtfllh in the ailm ll mainler oi lha lured rolleza including PaulEmlln Cardinal mm lilonlnal and JamiI Cardinal Galvan oi lornnlo and Iummoncd than to llama mumm may mourned lha Collcxa Cnrdlnnll About tho task running the church duran he lnlcrreznumllm llma unlll lho collcgo mm In new ponllll Today lhu cnnflnnll begun dnlly mullnu In den with the routine Ham ha church and to plan lhe conchvn lhnl wlll mm bnlwccn June In and June 21 la elect Papa Johna mm The Vlllcnn mad no an nouncnmcnl of he dale Im the lime luneral It Jamhnbly wlll bo toward ha on of the NM day pcrlnd lclnlmourngnz It Thursday nIth the body wIII b9 alnccd In crypt In the Bus lIcn In prIvnIo burInl cure m9ny his puan wm admitted In St Pelorl Wednesday and Thunday to pay homage mm mm pm RILEY CRYPT Thu Popol body was to be canmi Imer today 5cm St PelérI Squat Ind Inn Po terl Bullion the 1mm church In Christendom II will Ilate lhure until Thursday nu The cardinals and dlplamlls knell at the not of the calm alqua to pray and klsl the Popes flipper The pralales sprinkled holy wear an the body they lgneAlL The Papal body dressed In white papal robes and red velvet cup lay In man today 111 ha recepllon hull of hI Vall can apartment Cardinals Ind diplomats nccredlkd to the Val lcan came to tho bier Io pay hogqu pumat Tho Popes body lay in ctatn in an antechamber oi lha opal Vatican apartment car inn and dipiamats accredited to the Vatican calted today to pay homage The body was dressed in red Eontittcnl robes with gnidcn ishopl mltre on the head and red slippers on th tact Two at the Votlcnn noble guards stood at the head ot the cata tnigue The fllycnmld spiritual lnller 01 500000000 Catholics died Monday night after our day or ngonlzlng sunning mm stgzlach mol 9nd pegnanllla VATICAN CITY ANCount lm millions around the world mmmled Pope John Xxlllto day as the cardinal oi the Rt man Catholic Church began preparations to pick his succes sot Cardinal Montini Again gored For New Pope Cardinals Run Church Prepare For Election No MoraThin Par Copyfl Plan Mainly sunny on Wednesday Law lonlm 53 Hizh lomoh row as For complete lum maryplgm turn page two AM hummus nut fludy but who reind um um mu um TO NM BLACKIMWKH MONTREAL lCIlLhlulo Bllck nth al lhe NIUDnll Noelf lulu luv unwind new rgqchyl Um nunHanan hm not born OINIH papa Ilncv llle Dalm Imm lulun In 1m Mm wllh Cnllnnl Monllnl thu mull pmmlurnl papahlln llhly umIIdIIHnre llnlluru Tinr Include Allan Cnrdlnnl Culn do 71 Arrhhhhnp It and Carla Curdlml Cm llnnlnl Imllnl member lb Vllkan Cum Than up tunllnnlu morn llmn rvcr decler In the will um um ha mud The ollver mm mm dlflrrrnl nnllnm Within lhu colicg llnu urn Ilrnwn belwml llnlll nnd nunllalnnl pmzunlvu Ind mxlnrvnllm In anlrnn circlu nkrn fur rnulrd Hm Cnnllunl Mon llIII wlll land on ha Hrll ballot 1719 Ma quullon whdher ht nun wln lhn lwnlhlrd mahrv ll an lur elccllvm Local Weather ran from among lhrlr number Jul m7 prclnlu of lower rank ha been clrclcd In yanrl Lébudcd on ol John Lnlernn In Ham VII lmn Iourcn Iald lodny VATICAN cm muflm no oï¬nlnflpd Jn wlll Uhllme church uhnlmhlp and an In tho dlplomulc mvlno the church ha Wu curdlml pnlrlnrch Vench when he Collagen Cudlnulu eluded him in meted Papa Plul XII up mum p0 barn Angela Glusnppo Rnncnlll ona ll chlldrcn tenant armor In ha Alplna hlll vlllngo or 50110 ll Manta Under tho Mountain In north Italy He chqu the den cod early In Ille Mler um uuu bedside when he died were hll three bmlhm Ind hII Ilstcr nephew our nlccra ho anlcnn Incrclury 01 um Amlelo Curdlnnl Clmnnni he Popel mnlcsmr who had numd Mm mush ulna um mu ummmm year 150 with stomach lumor which caused hemorrhaging hul ho continued working hls hnnvyulnska nlmos lo the and gvvuunvub ur dered ï¬lm day 01 nnllunnl mourning 00m Catholic coun tries pmclnlmed Ilmllnr mount Inx UN Secretary General Than ordemi the UN flag own at half Ila mark of expect lo the ponllfl who lcvm weekl ago cnlhd or pom fougch 0er xuvgmmcnl Pope Asks Burial In St John Laleran Soviet Prtmler Khmhcbw lolned In the condolence HI manage to the Vatican snld Pope Jahna tndllul Icllvllm la the maintenance Ind menzlhcnlnz peace have named hlm wlde rmznlllun and maul milk The cardinals will vote iwica daily in the Sistine Chapel until lwolhirds Ike prince oi the church agree on choice Ai lhaugh neither lesser pram nor nonileiian i1 barred th new Pope probably will in In Iiaiimlz and cpniinai He must decide whelhu to cnntinua the ecumenical coun cil which Pope John cnnvened last all and which was aus pended nuiumnlicaliy at his death The cnunciia aim was greater Christian unity and ii is considered almost cemln that the new Papa will summon the churchl 2100 bishop in cluding some 60 Cnnadianl back 03an lo gunman work nu null The new Papa also must de cide whelher In move 510111 the p21 of better relallam wlUI Communist governments which Pope John had opened In hum ul easing the pllgh Catholic behind thallrpn 99mm Major decmdns lel over from tho relgn of Pope John awn 59 PP noverqmenc or