Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jun 1963, p. 6

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CAMI nnnzl Imr Ann Lnndml Hl lhc Hm Iho year when my hul hnml hrllnl lo hnr lho uIl alilhllwlld uuu urln huml Ind you In may lo ulvo lovu Inolhrr chum ha ulvu ynu handhuh In THAT rnnrmlun no un dldlll or Ihm month um ho Elm mu on more goodnng hnndlhnluy Ill Imnm ELF VICTIM Nellvlzllmludx Dnnl omnm You may lrluhtcn hlm nlhlll ml Mm ll plnln Jun ml nlm In Inln flml ygnr mulled Mr lwo Illnl l0 and mm no Eur Ilnu lhn When we Hm Ilnrlrd lo am mnda hlm prumlle lo 1th ll thinly Intunlc hnd had mush love and dIdn wan in be hurl unln Ha ha krpl hII word darn II and lhla In my problem Im lltk lo dcnlh MI brotherIllin Holt lllltn hard And Im nun he hll no hul he llmld lo mnko flu Ir ll III Mull den went Ihndy with Eddlo or mu We drclded to call null be tausa relmloul dlllucncu whlch could nol be molvcd Im 20 so plum dont lhlnk um mm In from Iddy hlzh upon Iaphomolje ll lbnk IEVKID munlhl let over In henrlncho but did ra cavur and Im now dnllnl ler rHIc uuy Mm In Irlrnd Efldlan Dur Lndyx Mlny truck driv erl wlvu wrote lo My 11 am Mr but yau uld but Trunk or your letter HEART IIEALED no at latter mull hn living In ha dark am Why truck driven mnko handloma living Many of our mud who are pronsalami peep anr xecullm large camgnnlu are Ilruullnl by not us am proud In In married to Knlzh The Band SHE Ihuuld have loodTIIE KNIGHT LADY am gradulta Hunter College and married truck driver We the hm hrlzhl children own comlonnhh heme lake thretwnk vncI Ian awry yur llwlce Io Eu rupI ulna 56 Ind have benulllul nine Ilrlpe huver c033 wlllh mJnk mllnr Denr Ann Lindmx wish tould my handl on 1h llnle Inlp who dldnl Win In Invite he llancel mud lo their weddlng beeuse they wqra ruck drlveu you run rmwr mmma my on lmmn Full OLAZINO AND MINOR REPAIR Inquln AMI our low lummrr prim on mulu Ind mmhllln HOMO 0N REMODEL Dpl CA LL TODAV In W3 MONDAY MI ll AGAINST MOTHS HEAT FIRI AND EHEFT Only lunler who mlhl and um um urlulvuly hymn new In like mgr hm durlnl lummm ANN LANDERS PHONE WIGGINS FURS Junos flu month or bride but almdy thcyn provlew In bridal and formal lulu Ion or all and winter ml pretty model Ihnws buds Mn zivlnl hlzhllghu alhlnn trend oAIrmocrauc swaminc combined wm my to wear From one of Knights Of The Road Providé Good Living PROTECT YOUR FURS WITH COLD STORAGE ARISTOCRATIC TOUCH Confldrnllll In JUST CUM DUE So Am Inmcono ll Illllnl my mnurlnl Id Him In know mm Home and ma lhl column which mind Io Imlllarfl would npprcclnlo ACCLMM LEADER MILLUIIOOK NS UP Thu llny mmmunlty In lkclou Counly nu not had munlclpnl oltctlon In so ynrl Ml Ill rrprumlnuvtl In lhlt pcrlad hlvo been put lnlo om by Icclnmnllon Den Mum Telllnnluro boy youve had with lhe Lewll and ClHK blt Ind youre hold Inl him to hll pmme last year The boy can get plenty ouldoor llfu and Ill new In Dad nlnh and lake bnlh In lub 11 he lnIIIlI on nnalhcr ten vulllon ml him In drop poll urdl whrn he noel Ino lawn Iur lunburn lollon Ind mm qullo netting hM ynufl b0 wnlllna or hlm at homu Well nnw hal tllklnu lent aznln Ind am doing slow bum Im Eerlecuy willlnl Io rent but no mm roughing IL Ha nccum mu halnz lellllh and dcprlvlnx Iha boy real ouldoor llle What do you thlnk Ann THE MULE ms NAME FOR ME Lax yur told him was Ihrauzh drauan slang dishes poll pun bedding and canned goodl washing clothes by hand and doing wllhoul plumblnu pcrlon ha ho crny lo luve he convcnlcnccl home Ind work the my dld Ik agreed mu ho last lme had Ask me to do It boy have hecn old enough In walk wa have spent hm wukl every summer camping outInd DO mcnn out My hulband pick tho mast God omkzn prImIIlve spots he can find Horn of our camp site have bun l0 rocky Ind miser nMo avenlha Indian dldn wnnl em Canndan leadlnl bridal fa hlon hm Portrait Gowns Manuel ha ensemble len tum the controlled nith em elm nomination batman brldnl and formal owns Invuled plenu Illgh waIsllIne dam and he prnctlcnl detachable mln and Mn CP Whnpholo cm pnllrnu lzxcelxnul Inc or prlulo nr lprlvm Hot and cold vuln ln room numer Od Num Allcndancc mman NURSING HOME STAYNER om MARSHALL Rog mom PA 84868 Mlli nulhmule Gmn campll ed bath Scrap Bush Ihort bullnul mtnllnx ac cupled he reminder Sunday mornxnl allnwrd by luncheon ll lha Frlnrl Collu ncslnurnnl An evenlnz hnnquu mended by both Saropllmlsu Ind Ventur hu wu thoroughly enjoyed by everynne The null wm prlv Hoiod lo hear memorable ad dress by lha Rev Danton Ma mu whasa message was boLh onlomlnlnl nd lnxplrlni Mora Informnlly Vnnlumu Joined nller Ihe bunquel or Ian at azclher Emmnlnmant lnr lha evening Wu provided the lndlvldull um Ind IN by lha Peltrboroug Club marl ed prlze lha cnnlrlbullon mosl Enjoyed by Ill Veniurllll uuemblrd or formal brcnklm early Sunday mornlnl Several presenlulons worn made Ihh mu Includ Inl nn award to Danla or Iho Bu Club Scrnp Book The Kmu received Ilmllnr her at Conference In mm In nulhmule gmn campll Vllllnn lo dly lilcmunn well glenned general bull nm meelnz occupled lhe lernwn eeulon lor Venture Cluhl Ind nllered new mem ber valuable experience In Venture Admlnlslrellnn ll hluh llghl llll maelan was me esmbusnment ol Servlce ward ln humor en oulxlnndlnz Venturlel Mlsl Peny Miller of the Monlml Club The Awerd wlll lake the form ellver lmy Ie be presenled annually In one ol lhe Club on he heels conlrlbullons lo Iervlce The President oi ihe Burrle Venture Club Miu Margaret Gondlellow and Mia Amy Lee iile Regional Treasurer motor ed to London Friday evening ior preliminary Board Meet in anr olher members Gindyu Hart Deleflie Evelyn Hunter Delema Peggy Clmphell lemuia Delelnie Ind Earher Goodwin iravelled ingeiher London Sninrdny morning Six member at the Venture Club 01 Banla recently enjny ed pleasant wetkcnd in Lon don Ontario The annual Confer ence In Eastern Cunadl Re xlon Soropllmln and Venturl Cluhl wn very capany ho lid his year by Iha London Uhl 11 oz nson credlls her Iuccm In large mcnsure lo TOPS he nallonal organiza Ilnn whlch stands or TIM Off Pqugq Senslbly til the ms 45 and then aha xtnrted gaining Handiupped by all that Int the couldnt get out with people or even Into ml at the movies Ilcr welxht cllmbed to 441 pounds Faced with the cholca loslnz weight or losing her Illa Iha darted dleltu Lou Amua wzlzhed sou ung She hpjd ha wglzht qr homemnker who has lual turned so writes who Im asking for in miracle weigh 50 pounds Ive been on at least 20 dleln but Ive never had he will power to may wlih it Am loo old in reduce now Please help mol rho lmplured Lei nriother homemaker help an achieve miracle At the me Im liarted lo die she was liegean old weighed pound on worn elm am person nlly acquainted wllh this re ducer and it ls Joy to loll you her glory Ordinarily do not mention nnmen Lou Anna Ho klnwn of Cleveland tell her name in order to give her slory authenticity and to encuurnxn other to reduce Today she welnhl IIB pounds and wears ll beautifully Present Barrie Venture Club With Best Scrap Book Award PICKUP AND DILIVan 52mm DUNMII WENT ll DUNIA mm WRIGHT CLEANERS lTD Homérfiaker Achieves Miracle Encouraged By Tops Members ONLY $295 STORES YOUR wmrm CLOTHES KEEP IN THE TRIM nympilhy ellowshlp Wlll drllur flu box wlnlar wnrlu urnl Ind Wall Itnn ll unll all at nnl mum ululllan mo plnl IDA JEAN KAIN FOR SURE PROIECTION no NOT London Iprnl Run II on conducted Guaranteed MQIHEROOFING uu Analhol xlIn with out Proloulonnl SANITONE Drycloanlng PAY UNTIL You III II all ul nr plr My up box Then my be lama chnnm on Iho dometic rant In Novem ber but do no ml about them Try la adjust youmll to now Illuallan which mny prove to bu lomporlry allu But month or romance Auzunl Scplcmbcr and Dtctmbcr or lrnvtl Auxuu Am next Janu Ary chIId born on MI dny wlll delight In lnlcllcclunl purlulu bul may lack lho conccnlrnLlon needed lo lucteed In mom lomormw your blrlhdny lho next cw month should Ilnd you ln excellent poslllon to our thud wllh lmporllnl plans lnca your horoscopa Iuru lha hourly endommenl and coopernllan of hose In Eoslllon to help you Vhelhcr ln uslnul or unused ln crrullvo llnu your menu and Ablllllu will be under xcellnnl allrnull or he bnlanco 01 mm Ind lha Inllcr purl ol Ihu your should Ito your ideal brlnglnz tho oc cupallonnl recoinlllon or whlcll you hm worked where nnnm aro concernrd your but months will be ha currcnt one Snplember November nnd next January Certain buslnus or Hnnnclal altuAUonl may am now that could be contuslnu but you mnlntlln reallsllc altitude youll cnme uul 11 Ill no careful In your dulinls with emollonnl nationsespecially In In AM Influence later In tho dny wlfl be mare wnzcnlnl F917 11 BlnfllDAY Tha Barrie Venturm molor ed homo Sunday evening with lhe exception of Amy Lea and Margaret Goodicuow who row gnawed In London or nnnther ay FOR TOMORROW tour of the city The Lnndnn member were hostesses and 1315 climax and cancluslnn to the weekend look the form an outdoor Chicken Bnrhccun the 11an Mrs Dally Lani Presldent ol the London Venture Club The almusphere was plen um and the and delicious an appropmla tndlng or vary lugeulul comma present her welsh 189 pounds or her SM wauld Ilka to welsh 150 pounds but wlxcly leavlnz that deal Ilun to her doctor At 83 she healthy hlppy wnmnn Tell yaur dieters thnl cuuld gel dawn to right wclghl any oven weight can Um all heavy welghu ln lock the help good medical man she ud vlced Al one lime in bar reducing program this dicicr ran into aerioua troublei Overzealous to loss all she cut down too dras tically Finally on mistm ion rations instead of loslnl aha alaried in gain This was also gain and represented an edema caused by dangerous milnulrlliani Alarmed aha want to specialist Thu doclor raised her caloric rla 1200 day hinh In all the bady ra pienlshlng nulrleniar She had ample protein at each at lha three meals and proicln pick up midmorning and aiiarnoo and nwurnzemunt thu mem bm or our group known II NPS helped me to Inn 150 polland In eight monlhs aha In met Mu Hosklnsnn when talked NPS convumlon In Ohio Wu had ten Iogclher and men we took walk just or flu nhcer lay of walklnl When all wasburdened with that moun Mn of flesh she could scarcely move let alone wnlk THE STARS SAY Ll By ESTRELLITA an NIGERIANa DARTMOUTH NS DP Dartmouth Ichnol books will loan be helping nudenu In Northern Nigeria Margaret Graham who graduated mm high achool here In mo and now the wile teacher In Kano Nonhern Nigeria appealed for Queen Eflzahetfl II IdJualed hcr Ield luau then ured she watched her horn Amlcnhla run out of Ike money In Epsom cm at lldln ml chnlnl um mm It In cl pm lllln ll mm Whrn ROYAL RACING FAN Ihopplnl II Ilm 1m ml bu my will you In pur Inly quillu luv flu ml you mm Our mu mu ulunnu Mullah my In at you In pun quillu Ill ml paw Our npu MY llllflllfl buck or pupils them Some 5000 books were sent by the Rotary Club In on operation with other groups MANY ERUPIED Belwuen 1957 and we here wera 41 major vnlcanlc erup Honu lhmulhout lhe world Epsom England Nobluu owned by Mrs John Gun 01 Allon won lho clan lor Lhrceyeamld 1mm MP Wlmpholo Olven In mmllu by her la ther lha hrlde were waltz length own nylon uhoer and Inn Iqum neckllnc and llly Eolnt Ileavu enhlnced the 1m odlco of tho dreu The full nun WM Iccented with appll qua matchlnl lace crown ol rhlnuuonu Ind pun1 held Ihe Ihnuldarlannh vol of am broldered lllullon lullo The hrlde curled bouqust of role Ind camllom Vow were exchanged between Min Blndn Mly Roblnl and Guam Alben Arnold an mean ceremony May In In the penonue with Rev 51111 on Allluon ofllclnllnl MAID Hanan Mm Sharon Roblnl of All lan mended mild honor Her own Wu line lenulh dress red Iheor mylnn Her henddrm wn lam while lln and mum how with llny veil The mnld of honor canled bouquet of while carnntlou The nmomunnn WM Norman mu For George Nova Scam RECEPTION The recepilon wn held he home he bridel parents The bride mothar receivad wenrlnz brlda ll lhl dnuxhlu Mr Ind Mn Elmer Roblnl Al hart Street Wu Allluon Thu bfldeiroom the can Mr and MH Wlllllm Arnold Eat Jeddon Nov Scans mammova Wed AtT Alliston To LiVe In Ottawa 02 Come See The Whole Exciting Collection ollerlnl Ill yurl Inmmer Ilmn mull lovely nlezllon lem Ill Ilyllnu by bolh Ron Mum field Ind Janlun We prom lovely uhullu bunlllul mullloll Ind lthIbll Innplea lulu uunlly dozen flych lo choou hum Won luluflnl Ihuluklnl mlld cnlnn pflnu bold Illml Ind flonl dulm ad ported pwlm III mu Blmmunu own champagne hengnllno with mulchnl jacket Brown and Mdlam Incessnrlu and enr me pink mm completed her ensemble rum nxasmmu LONDON mum Prim Philly mflund bldly rullnd mm Ihoulder Sunday en he tell from MI ham durlnl polo much Windsor Culle Phlllp was rown from MI Don in ualllu wllh three olhar mu Ind lay on the round among thelr hnavu or uvml lecondl bermu rlmnununl For rnvalllnz lhe bndu chose threeTlm men llnen lull wllh whle accemrlgg The nuwlywedl will take up ruidencc 1n Ottawa I1 vrcellu amt eaummu MCI All your doctor maul yummy um tlmu lac mm vmcnleol or an Lrunnpuom nickMp ma dallvma than HIMKMA ll Damon Colllll It um CUSDENS

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