11w Mural mp mum Al Ihn Uullnl Iznr um lunrh ounln wlll cmmnus In be mm nut 15 ml upoer In The Hxnmimr Smunluy ifunrrn wwlux WM held In Dunch II In Ila momber 01 ion llnllml Church wu prun mued by on brother In ma and In Iurvlvrd by hll wlln Ollvn Wynw lnrmcrly Ednr Ind lm IIIRn Mrl Annla Len Ind Mu Mun Humphrey bolh Mimic an United Cigar Holds Price Than Mnlhlmkl 71 Mnln 54mm Mom Jaw dlcd In hnspllnl Mr MmMockI wnn born In Ontario and rum wu In 1910 ultllnu In lhn nnhnrm dlnlrlrl uhrrn ho lnrmcd unlll tomlnl In leso Jaw In 1951 mm ï¬lm my Imp Chlb Cnn In Cfln Dlvenl an Hunky Cm Dal mo Dm Ham hlnhnn Imhm hlennhrldl um nmwoun le lou Ann lndullmh uonn mn up mum am mnoma Irocl uclIANol Nan lnflullmll up IL Golfll dawn Mum up 14 ou dawn 10ch ILA on anr can Imp llk Cona Cdn uuwu CPR cm Emmi cmmlul cmm Pawn Can MM Sn Con rm Com flu Alum Mu Aluminium Mharu in Affll Anul Ann and Bk Maul Ink at N3 mu Irnlljln Another lam which reaped fortune 15 cent to tho ollca wu box cnnlnlnlnu llrc runs two lam wallets an old palr many the Ilch sold bl cycln brought $33 and hearing nld for translslor rndlo brought 10 cents The auction held yam1y brought over $580 luia lhe Bah rie City Police Commisslunl funds Chief Ed Tschirhurl snld 0w money would be used in tho normal npentinl dishuncmenu within tho iorcc THOMM MADDOCKH About 90 miscellaneous Item were nucllnncd Salurday morn Jng behind the Bnrrla Clly Polite Slallon by conslnhlo Ralph Ber Annual Police Auction Gets Rid Of 90 Items CITY POLICE CLERK John an make Ml male bicycln nl lhannnnal pollen 03mm rn flaw Eumpï¬rd TODAYS STOCK PRICES nvl nmn Acnvl Ixocxl Ml Tullrnonl Lrx smn flock um ll 5750 £7 2er 15 am lll nw ml mumr Ilolllnltr XIII Ktrr Llhudnr 14h Dullull lAnll Luln Am Ancnun Inndu Manllmu McKnnxlb lb Mum Mlnmll Nulun D11 Don Iloun Dun Elflfll Dom TIP at leu PIN UIL You In hm KIWI lldddl an 01 Mud In Mln an on In mun Inllnd Nu mm Nlml In Ummu InkIvmv Ile gag cm INDUITIIAL Flynn Dunlap SI Burl MINING nvI VII77 HAIRCUTS Allcndlnl Iho mvlu um mcmhm Frlemhhlp Un ll Um Unnrd Church Women or llan Chum The canxrununn Inn the hymn God our help In Ix nrl Junl 10 of nnrl Mr Ruler Lun mlcr IIIYIR do nnl Ink Inn lhnl IIII may In plun nnl mud Murlal In modulo Crmr lery ml Chapel Nev Ingum condurlul tho lurvlca Over 100 persons gathered Iboul hqu an hnur helme tho auction begun Chlel Tuhlrhnrl snld lho nucllnn was pracllul Icllaul consldcrlng only our copls were left Yélcrday two more bicycles were lound by lhe Cily Palico callbre mm retard layar my purse Inset cutlink nnfl screwarlvcr Other Hams mid Included 14 bicycles hm Iricyclcs non eralor In car starter two 21 lb 10 rccgrd glove and whalnols said polka clerk John Law Four overcoals ireVIram the auction wlll be handed out to gainucm the all laid the 100 JOHNS 11 Dunlap Vlil aucllan held In the department pmklng lo Saturday More than no Hem were sold Ar uii id mi Nhll IIIn Adulll MM un Pro mun Nova an Unlud on WIxmy wumy Nor 0n NJ Plclflc Pun Hp ll Hum Qu nay nun Slllfll IM slmvwm mu Ehlwhflnn am or Tannnm Turn Cln Tnnl DIE Fin IIxnn Unlnn an Wllhr MW Inxm Munlnll Lou 155 uu 91 2911 ll Im 15p Murine Forums Luke Huron Georglnn nay variable southerly winds 10 In 15 lfllDll dncreminu to la la lunlnhl Mostly Inh loday ex £pr occasional ahnwm norlh and Inka Fox tonight Hnwevu band cloud wllh scattered allowch and lhunderslorms mulchan across nurlhcrn Onnrln cdfllny slowly southward Tn he south law all lhe Carallnn cons lr movlna slowly norlhwnrl sprendlnz claud and showers am umnl east coast slum Showers from lhls source may reach lnln anulhuslrrn Onlarlo Tuesday Luke Clnlr Lake Erle Lake Huron ngara wcsIem Lalw Onlprlo southern Gear nlln Bay Wlndsur London llnmlllan Consldmhle hlxh cloudiness and cunllnulnx wnrm today Ind madly nghl soullh easterly wlnds Synomls Summer wealher still rclnined ll hold an south ern nnd cenlnl Onlarln lhl mnrninx thanks to stagnant high pmsura Iron extending In land from he Allnnllc In the lower luku um wuw When they do nollly us then lull to com and check to we we lound lhe stolen or Inst Item laid Mr Law In many Failure to rcglslcr and llcenca um and than failure noUIy us that cycle was lost salduthe voila earn held by the pallca alnca Jaggary PavesId mak Hole are held for year and 11 not clulmed to up or rubs Examiner Pholnl WEATHER Tempmlum llllh luudny Theres nnlhlnz qullu Io ml havlnz In report weekend lnlallllu every Monday lhruuuh out In summer The ml mm jorlly ol lhcse mum result mm carelessncss Ignorance or plain disregard or the simple rules surely natal ha Can dlnn Red Cross Society Summer fun is back ngaln now mlghl be mod lma brush up on than walcr Inlcly rule lhnl hive grown rusty aver Ihu wlnler Tho Canndlnn Red Cross the followlng safely llps or happy holldny Al recent dlreclou maellng the secretary Mrs Myrll Lynn reporled that he contemplated lelavlslnn ud TflY EXAMINER WANI ADS PHONE PA mu These pledged fund was llnlnce series television ndvenlsment Mr Lanxevln emphasized They had no can necllan with the Chambers overall operIUng expensu WASAGA BEACH Special Ohamber 01 Commerce prexld all Gene Lanuvin nld ladly the critical Hnanclbl situation harChlmhen hnd nothlnu Kn do wlUI lundnlslng cnmpnlgn which ell short the mnrk In the campaign only nlna al the pledges obtained were lb Inmed gmmssnsss BRINGS MacGIlllvny ï¬lm of broken pclvlszrunclured lungs He also sulfer broken ribs Accnrdlnu lo the Burl OPP omce me car In which Mae Gllllvny was passenger swer ved Into um wcsl side of lhe mad alter tryan lo avnld toflhbannd car The car werii on or control hit the dltph Ind rammtd Inlu He died In Royal Vlclorln Ho pllll law hours mar he was nerlously injured In car crash on Highway 11 about 10 mile my 917 Bum lhd thlrd lrafllc victim at lhu weekend In the Barrie area was myeamld Don Malcolm Mas Gllllvrny Blue Grass haula 1911mm mu Tourists Answer NeWspaper Ads Eoo Many Drownings With Summers Fun THIRD 0P WEEKEND Richmnd H111 youth 15 Traffic Victim Electric heating EllMlNllTES THE FLAME provides new standard of safety in home heating cannot create dust soot or dirt of any kind lts revolutionizing modern living and is within every familys means For more information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or Lam wnler xkllng letï¬nquu and dumb on land before laking loklhu wnIer Use soar manner In water chr govummonlnprrurcd 11 151 whcq walla sk lug Commenting on Ihis report Mn Lnngevin said the advertising committee was lo be commended ior mapping out ihls promotional campaign and carrying it ihrough to such Isucccssiui cnnclusion Supervise chlldrcn and ham swlmmerl Swlm during the dayllzhl huun only Investigate condillans before en crinz lrnnge waten Avnld uslng Inner lube and nlbflakd toys or suppml on tha wmr and dllcourlxe their use by olhm Adverllsements wcra running In bom Canadian and us newav papers In all $1500 was spent on these and enquiries mm them hava been awamping the ofllce here Mrs Lynn gonad Mn Lynn was lnslrucled In notify moss who had sent In the nine pledges luzgesllnz that they cared to make contribu lion In the Chamber newspaper ndvertlslng fund it would be most welcome Vermin campulgn had been dropped Inca pledged funds had no beenlorhconflnx Mickey Melanin 19 75 mt Ava Richvale was released from hoxpllll iflu emergency heatmenllor bmlses NInetcenyeamld ins inlandé Church SL Richmond Hm still In hospital sufferlnl 1mm nose bmlsea bend and hand In cerallanl Drive the northbound vehA icle Gerald Eschbach is Cartier Ora Richmond Hill was not injured but three olher passmum in his car were lak cn to Ihe Barrie hospital hydni ole Ap Arenllyme soulhboumf car Extending to turn lell suddenly swung Hth The can didnt collide ClaudeVQulnlvall 20 01113 Lu Constable Glcn Gnhlm of the OPP Invtstlnnled and round hat 155 nlnllon wgan drlven by 1101ch Joseph Dummy 41 Port Severn hld been bick lna up when lhn accident oc wmd Na rhnuu hnvn been Inld In connection with ml hnp znsnllna pump on lhl pro pcrly chk Barryl mle mllnn In Part Severn wu knocked our mu Saturday at appmxlmaloly 125 In In mam June In National Water Salaly Week flhml la more towuer my than he cw llps mentioned here Man poln ol conlaclln your Red Cross or lurlhcr Informnllon Thll lummer have lun In the Inn Ea Wm wm In lruuble call or help Hl mm to be we humble survlvor 1th you drink dont go near Ihe 13 Gasoline Pump Knocked Over ihe proprielor on OLeary said mat the damage was pariiaiiy covered by insur ance Mr and ML Antoine Duval and heir live children wtic iorccd to flee their irame house buide the mill at ihelhaighl oi the ire Their house was saved although ii sustained some wa ter dams The blue destroyed the two storey mill mall sales oflice and owe building well as an mknbwn quamlny lumber an sILppllu Thanh lasicd for lime hours an volunteers from Midland and Penman ought to unger cnnlml Damage exceeding 6100000 Wu caused the Wynnold Tessler Plnnlnz Mill Penn an yeslenlay by lira ol un kngwn arigln OTHER VICTIMS 11 other two tuiiic fatalit ies were Mrs Layerne Hart 33 Hamilloni who died early Sal urday morning in the Royal Vic toria Hospital as result or in Juries inflicted in hm car collision on Highway Iain Frl day evening James Playlord 61 Hill dale died Friday ailernmin hem seizure mar his car left Highway ii about three miles nnrih Barrie and Ilruck 10x hydro 561 l5 BAYFIILD STREET LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Damage Is $100000 To Old Mill cu St in hospl HugL mullipl Richmond H11 still In with he OPP nfllce mid charges In being considered BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Miss Anne Baxler dauzhier oi Lt Cal and Mn John Euler ni Barrie received her Bachelor oi Ari dcgree at Queens University Kink sian Anne is zrndualu oi Barrio Dislrid Ccnlrni Colic Iniel Sho Ls presenin rm piuycd on the stall oi Sunny side special home ar cilii den in Xingsinn The CIrcuslIs comlni mm the kids from LIX to over 60 an glad The worlds largest Interna Ilmal Indoor circus Clyde Brother Circus will be Barrie Arena Wednesday II 430 pm and 315 pm Rum and dcmnnd necessllnlu nur appalnllnx lrnnchlscd dlslrlbulnr In the Dnrrlo nnd Orlllln nrcn New IMAM dlo dlsplnycnhlncl camhlned wllh our popuhr brand load product mallet III tremendous moneymakzr Gran turning 1000 lo $3000 tr month or rluhl man 12050 Investment roqulrctr Inr new vehlclu merchandln Ind cqulnmtnl Far nppolnlmcnt phnna collect Mr Jarvil Cunllncnlnl Inn Barrio Parkway 534 Wednesdly Thu day and Frlday mucm 10 Am and pm are mtmbeu It Taronlo Dcunr nullneu numIL Bel Ievllla Chamber of Commcm and Bullncu and Conlumen Prolecuw Bumu Dellevlllt This Va changing world hut Circus Is Coming To Barrie Arena HARM EXAMINER DlUNDAYUNE 1m GRADUATES BOUNCING BABY BEAR ON BICYCLE FRANCHISE Roll call nl lhe Clyde Brolhm Circus producer ol he largest International Indoor circul snunds like rnll tall It thl Unlled Nallms nigh 1mm lhu opening specs lacular la the clnslnz exil march two hours lam he Clyde Bmlhtrs show prover Khans no business like show business and no pm of show buslntss as exciting as tha Circus PA 64825 over5006 poun dwl ls anolhar mowstopper The Rex and Ava WIIIIImA elephants with an amazing bal anclng parlafmnnce by one lh pachydermsl who balance Special Bcls are lncludcd lor lhe chldren From England come Gun and Ursula In lhaw stupplnz act ol two peopla Jun llng that has amazed every lud lento It has played belnre Many the act bear swinging by hls teeth mm chain and he hlgh aerial work he Great Davflan Troup are being presented or he Ilnt me In North America Emughl here under the span sarxhlp Sheba Shrine club heres no ylctup in the Ihrllll or ymngsters all Igcs Clyde Brothers have assembl ed has of performers that present dnzfllng 27 produc tion number in th lwmhour show that has pleased hundreds of thousands In both the Unlled Slate and Canada the circuswith all It colon Its laughs and Hum hasnt chang ed Its still the blues in the entertainment world EM