un lnm llno II qu MIn In no rum 11mm YUKIIMI JUNI Kld mun um Mlchy Mum any mnmr luaun Klddu fllduwly um mum mm munn mu 00 we TV In LII Ihll and IquJ 11th IN no Tm mum It Good Ilumlnl ll Iludlo Pmy mo mm mu no nlnéuvmnnl no at man cum lm Eula laid Kirk lrnnkly Brennan In mm yuï¬can saylm failure VchEEflhhllghi of £0111 lnlv lha mavlu when Med out wanted Io makl an UN Why Ihould nun with lhrco Acndcmy Award nominallom lo hllcrcdil IhLlvo l1 um Icrccn 1012 even Inmporarlly or rlaky adventure when ho lrled nlyi Ilmel blclm my log Hal 110an to take another chlnce an Bmdwny meet when he tuned to win lama enrllcr in Ink career but which lprlnzbuarded him In Holly wood and Ilurdom Douglal Elan la open hm um Noverru er In drum culled One Flew Owe lhg Cpgkool NEIL So Illor mmplcllnx hls 5901 movie Thu LIsI nl Adrlnn Mes Iengcr mystery melodram dlrecled by John Huston Doui In has decldcd to 11 up to hll mollo Fllrn itlr Klrk Douglas de Iplle deceptive dlmple In blz qunru chln vary nub bqury man Indeed mimoub In New play IagoInk chance never um over he dream of MI ynulh And Ilubborn man he novcr quill mi in mak 1cm come true mu rmlu nrrlna by vm luv and Mn Dnuuiu Fbx Carol Ind Mlicalm oi Toronto ware recent visiiorl with Mr and Mn iiiul Hrnymnn Mr Fox was rludcnt minister at he Cooksiawn Presbyterian church and in nuw lhu minlucr at St James Presbyterian Church Long Branch Mr Ind Mn Ive Wood San dra and Sheila visited recently in GI with Mr and Mrs Ber Hgdlng Mrs Ber Murphy Ind her mother Mrl Nell Murrhan vialud on Sunday In Beacon with ML Jud Curlr Stewart AM row wm ll nnnm To 1m mm THERE IS NO CHAROI FOR YHII IIRVICI Mil Dave Prlce and Inmlly of Toronto were recon vlsnnrl wig MrLund 131 Tom WHIIIyu HMIAVIVMIIJDHE Eldrldxo Talk onto upon the weekend with her 93 therLlgldrIdKo Never Play SafeTake Chance Is Kirk Douglas Philosophy mm nu mum AI You Iriu Noun cIuI llldullr PM mm rumon ma rm Lunnn Mlu Darla Knccshaw and Miss Lou Booth oi anontn visA Hod on Sunday with Mr Ind Mfg John Coulis Mr and Mn Gleavu ol Toronto vlsllcd Sunday with their dauxhlar And sonlnllw MyluniMru 1ch7 Wood By MRS ANDERSON Mr and Mn Bob Rain and Mr Ind Mn Nurmln Clarke nr Tvronlo were Sunday vlslton wlth Mr nnd Mn Russell Dr pcr gym SIMCO COUNT NEW YORK AP man inch III unqu mum You rm mm mm mu rm mm mm Im Hum 11 An wmhu mm Ill mm mm Mnl III Chllllnll DRIVIYOURIILF CARI AND TRUCK wmm mm nth And fun Im Ill nrllvmd Tl TELEVISION PROGRAMS COOKSTOWN CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 NON uh r11 lot nut Dunn out crv Nun aun Khan namlno Matnlnl ll rm gar qu Klfldl llum Allan In rnnmd ol Thum 10 II II 3533323328 mmmun 1100 Th Olhlr Mlll 1030 Counlry Juntuvu HM CBCTV Null mu Iyufll mm 110 lenlm wleIuAY JUN In PIllIm IIJI Good Mumlnl 1110 an lThI man at Ma Alanna rmnaxy mum umm Youll In Tm ï¬lrly nun Inn row may run Om xa lluclluhlm nmma no nvluhl Allllu Eg rs Thunksxivlnl hm was down an thn ancry try In In Ind me lurke dln nuThonul Thankmlvlnu wn drinklnx chlmpagne hailne qualll plan on thl River When act lmlled now la 1th home and lush mesh Iomellmu axk mylelf Whera wm all lhm people when WHIUIWT muw uuyl mwurnm My nu hero mad Ilka grade Icript he remarked 11 In corny lbs Ihey mnda mom of It wnuldnt Play lhehlcud Douglnl lnokn buck wlth and nullnlgln now an Ml youthful ycm here when wn lryln belt lhe bl town down tn his me Ha lived In the traditional Greenwich Vlllln mm worked in aelllemcnl house an Edngrayl In arllaurnnt this one Is flop can Illll any lm canalstenL But MI hava laflslled lhe bl dream my Illa wgnkgn VINVRESTAUIIANT In name Im lrylnz to do whnl Ive wanted to do or Ion Ime And all didnt to top gearpd This wlll be my lmh play on Broadway him kind canalslcn recnrd flop except or Kiss and Tell tha evening Juno In this town ML The motto lot lhln mullng wlll ha Ill not whnlu but what In done that crut an even The Roll Cnll will W0IEN8 INSTITUTE Tho Cooksmwn Auriculiurni Society in holdinx mammoth dance in the Curiinl Rink Juno with music by the Country Cousin 1mm Schrlnivllla Thin orchestra won lirsi prize in Iho Old Time Orchelirl Compelli lon lpomond by the Cnoksluwn Agricultural society in Sepiem ber 1362 The Cookstown WanenI 1n imulu wl link 113 my many Recam visitor with Jun nnd Mn Norman Navllls were Mr and Mn Jerry cher and Inn Slyhen afï¬xonto Visitor on Mondny with Mn Leonard nos were Mr and Mg Dnvld Alderaonï¬ qnmnlca Mrl Llannrd Ron And grand children Pauln Anna Ind Llln Ron vlsltcd in Orlllla on Sun day wlxh tho annex5 Ian and daughterlnllw Mr Ind Mn Eon ii In all mm mm um flddu Pvllnlall ma TM Lawnn lrom wmnu Nov Dunnll AM Anny Mllllml lllln noun unmm WIMI Mr And Mrl Normnn Navllll have purchmd Mu ham in Me Mlu Luelll Kneuhaw and will like up mldenca at II cnd of June Conn Larry Ind Jimmy visited during til weak end In Bmio with Mr And Mn im an Imp Mull II nmnm new TV WI lvflm rum an My mm Ian Tund mn Clny lennl xlnl lleuMan 11 ninth lpuru Nun mm mm the am noon TORONTO yluu yhnlo mother cluh Soulh look tho ace cashed Ml dlu mend and Au npndu Ind wound wllh unclly nlnu has cm of goo palm Wu lcd Inc queen clubs Eul cumInn with lhn klnn Ind declmr ducked Ens Ihlilcd lo lho queen 0f lpndu Declmr look wllh the king Ind led ha eight of dlnmnmll And llnmed the Junk Iminu lo sham IIIum Thll hnnd occurred In tho mllrh between Argcnllnn and lb Unllad States in 1061 anh 1m murh happcncd he Hm lnblc when he Nnrlh Amul cnn palr nrrlvcd three no lru onAtho blddfnx Ihawn lull Mlllm Olfll DAILY CROSSWOBD pvlnl hr luvam It Palm VIwa onlloq To ï¬nd flu with H111 Wm An Ii 0mm um Mullanou ILNat mull Ippured nurmll minqu dMn cmma Duck wnrlh Mrs Duckwarlh lrs Vullnr McMackon and Miss Kala McKcvcrspcnl Wad nudny In Toronto and worn In Cooksvllle in the evening wllh ME and IM Frank Woodrow Mn and Mrs Vern Hadzlns went Hue weekend with Mr and Mn John Dobsun at Aurora shower was held recenlly Itï¬qndn Ileslggrang 1n honor of IrMulnbc Miss Glnrla Jelly She recelvcd many worthwhile ulna or which she thanked evyyanez evcra mem er of the Angus Lays True Blue Lodgu 52 mn omd by charmed bus to Gur gelnwn to attend the Lodge meet lng there for Ihe Scarlet Degree cefpmony Openan leadqueen club No car load of ihe Ladies Auxiliary lo the Canadian Le lion 499 Want In For McNicoii lo the spring galiy By MRS DUCKWDWIE The MT meeting will he held the horns Mn Helm LII lle June Noonday lunch and afternoon were Icrved by the hostels and mmmmee of Belly Wares Gertruda Mllllzan and Lena AEnalmnu The Run Social Group met It the homo of Mn Emily nam ny 11 meeting was opened by the president Mrs Elslo Whaler Roll call was nnsweh ed by 10 members and two luula qull was completed or 1y Ramsay Later my mind Rev and Mrs Douala Fox Mr Ind Mrs Mel Ernyman and Mr and Mn Vern Abrams were In Toronto on Sunday and mended church Iervlce St Lung Brunch hluwr be answered with recent cur rent aunt Lund will be thy convener the meeting with ha Iopic being currnnt avunili Helium or the even ing will in Mn Walker Mrs Donnell Mu Fiidey Mn Williams Min Slight Mrl Fidier Mn Pinkncy Mn Mum and Mn Lund Eu dcnlcr mum Mr and himLyman Willllon guilta wzsi 00 side ulnernble ANGUS CONTRACT 3m NORTH AKXM V30 437 EAST no no 152 5011111 innH mm lwllllha Mummy IM bull ï¬lm 7me 80 NJ Firm By JAV BECKER II Pumau mum worldloa Mnum ll D11 cuyoo numb Am luv mumrpm ll Huh Apron mop 0100mm IL 5mm pom After cashing ho Ice 01 hnnns West played undo to he now lann are lhu orclnz dummy In return hem la hl IN result at lhua plnyl Ihe Arxcnllnu dcclnm Want dawn llve losing live club lrlrks diamond Ind Lhm hum Thu outmma demonstrale ha trlmcndoul ndvnnlan Ulll nomcllmu accrue Irom lhe holdup play Neither decllrcr could be properly ccnlumi or having lulled In gum he uln nlrlon quacn diamonds4m Unease II In better play In no long runhut the allure In dutk lho klnl club It lhl Itcand Inblc wu rovaul cxmr up Ihe are proved expenslvc Declare en tered dummy wllh WM and led diamond Ind llneucd lho Jack West look lhe quean Ind cashed Hru club rkks dummy dlxcnrdlng heart Ind lwo spades Wu led lhe queen of dubs just us at the 11m luble but whm Ban covered wllh the king calm topk he Act the llme but when the hand wns played at the second table wllh Argentlna now holdan lhe NnnhSoulh cardl this nulcomn wastquila dlflcrent The blddlnu wen Tnmamwl Thu an dun hi3 Mrs Vlclnr Howard Mm Ilnwnrd and Mrs Cole cndlng mecllng in Angus Wednesday evenlng la hear Mrs Jory meal on the work 01 lho UCW cleaning bee was held It she Community Cnnlxa 1m Tue Mr and Mrs Cal mended he runcrnl of Jamel Ewell in Ggl onflesdgy The Uhiled Church Women will meet Juna 51 the cum munlly Cenlrc All ladle wel By MRS COLE Guests with Mr Ind Mrs Hulmu Ind family on Sunday were Victor Bowers of Ladner 110 Ma Herb Gunneu of Winnipeg Mam her dnuzhtu Mrs Barry Thompaun and child ran 01 Sudhury and Mn Nelsu Hillsdnle Mrs Cllfford Harris Mrs Russell Hurrls MIL Harry Pm Ind Mrs ChnrlcsCole attended the meeting at Central Church on Monday They heard In Irene Quick missionary rurn Africa and saw Alida of her work lhcre Sympathy extended in Mr and Mrs Herrick Smith In the death of Mn Smiths ulster Mn Lorna Haylock Lnndon vn dun Raw and Mrs Wlllls were In annnln Ins weak ah landing the Unlled Church Cun fegence mend Mrnind Mn Duckwdrth spent Sunday In Camuzwoad wlm heir Ilaler Mm Orml Vglklnshaw The Angus Horllcultuul So ciety will hold meeflnl Ind social evening In he Slmcne St School Jun at pm evary 0qu welcgmer Own1i Sound Mailed teéently lwith Mr and pinuflmay Bnh Hi0 auLh ywm GRENFEI lunarnah NANCE wuv UK $55 amwm Mam NMth Mm mm EXAMINER mom ma HA EB