mu MrL Tom Cowlrd ludrr of Ill cluh lnlmduml lho 1le who rrmnlod uh 11m Mny mullnl ho Dul IInn anenl Inllllull held Al lhl km Mn Waller Far lw with mrmlml Ind llvl mum nmwtrlnl roll all wllh An hluunrnl ullr luv ullul The ulldml Mn Al lm Ilmwn cal ed he nmllnl In em with an lmlflulc Odo Antiques Exhibited At Dalston WI Ballet popuiur then in France Pas de Basque is one at tho oldest dance steps and il iound in Eradic nily ail forms of dancinf and was possibly step used at one time or oi ligurcs of Scottish Country Dancing according to Miss Jean iiiiiligans book Itl Ihn mo of your Theyre out In ull force the graders rollers and mnchlncl Ihnl mi or patching and larrlng lho my much And lhcro nrc chllrlrcn In the homo ou know whnt um mcnnl Tar stnlns can ho remove from lock and Itocklngl lnr slalna can be removed from lock nnd Mocking by slmply rubblng bullet over them bolero laundering In descrtbtn these dances Mrs Wilson says they are more deman Inf than uare dancing Many ste originate tn the bat et postt am they are not as eIa crate of course although some of the terms are In French Some of tho dance titles are Ca lain iiiacBeans Reel Lady Aucklandl Reel iiir Wimnn Hornpipe The Shepherds Crook Dainty Davie The New iligxc Ship Madge Viidilroa Siralhspcy By iho wa gentlemen 315 him invited to attend the classes in ac Mr Wilson will be assisting his wlio with ihe igaqhin Hg is quilliiigd ihslfucior Congratulatlonr go to the Barrie Venture Club on recelvlng the award or the Best Club Scrapbook It the Eastern Canada no Ion Soroptlmlat And Ven lure Clubs held at Lon on Ontario Thllll the rec onrl consecullvo year the limb club has recelved this honor for tho clubl collecllon of events of the year Miss Ruthmnrle Green in lo be commended or her ellom in compiling both winnlng books war cam Itha wonderful form of exercise and there is Inï¬nite variety many hundreds of dances in fact Mrs Wilson commented Scottish country dancing is social dance and its performance should bedludged by that standard Its more elegant and more illicult than Folk Dancin accordinF to Mrs Wilson and must not ha referre to as to dancing since it belongs to all classes of society It is said to have been danced in the ballroom and in the barn as part of the ordinary social life oi the community Man of he lormallons are similar to those found In 911 Ilihtlgh dgnces gxld 15 lp 1135 muilc Sphnquo and spirit thhf lhé réai SEoIlish trddmbn Her The tech nlque requires personal knowledge and much prac uce to get the correct feeling for tho slc as well as or the timing and shape according to Earrle In structorr Tho whole performance of the Scottish Country or Ballroom duncln shows markedly the Influence of the French Court an here lie the Influence of the French The Sklp Change Step now used or All steps of rogression is more modern but It the Kemsoole or orwnrd stag Gaelic Ceum Slubhall to go with my ldlty claims addltion of much grace and poise ac cording to Miss Mllllgan THIS THAT fhere one however which has been Included and honored It ls entitled the Reel of 5lst and was written dnnlng the second World War In prlsoner of Sounds lntcrcsflni inï¬ll ccrtnlnly fur Hire elegant than the mist Miss Milligan and Mrs Stewart oi Fasnsclolch are main responsible for the revival of the dances and also or the formation of the manual on Scottish Country Dancin One of the tlrst books was published with the aid cl late Michael Diack who arranged the music and Lady Dorothea Brise who wrote most of the historical notes Miss Mllitgan ironed out any difficulties as member of the Betano society and with her ex erience in the Department oi Physical Ed ucation at ordanhlli was well qualified to organize the movement of the right lines lo the initial stages worn or MOUTH Mrs wllson says that these dance were collected or years word mouth until the tlrst book was complled of the dance numbers many of which havelllustrated dance steps orlglnated more than cenery ngq LL 11 FRENCH INFLUENCE small grou Interested Barrieites Ire already meeting at We ilsons home every Tuesdey evening to learn formations and steps There are approxim ater 10 members atthe time but lot of interest is hein shown says Mrs Wilson who has been inter este in this form of dancing for about five ears She has taken several courses in Toronto throu the Re al Scottish Country Dance Societf This to Mrshw son hopes to receive her certif cste when Miss Jean Miiligan visits Toronto nm BARN EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE Are you interested in Scottish Country Dancing Commencing the first week in September Barrie Ind district residents will have an opportunity to learn these intricate dance steps Mrs Charles Wiiéiinl has received permission to use Oakley Park School mnasium to conduct classes every Tuesday evening any classel will probabiy be from to 10 pm you ml PICKUP nvnmu nu on nvmmn mu ouzmo AND MINOR IIPAIR mum AMI our low mmmu mm on rmlu Ind 10 malalllnu rm mum on mm Jam glamour AOAINST MOTHS HEAT Ill AND THIFT Only lunm Ilw mum ind ullu Inn mlmlvnly known how In of our Inn durum lummm PHONE WIGGINSFURS PAS4868 SKIBTING THE BAY PROTECT YOUR FURS WITH COlD STORAGE By EILEEN DIXON ml thaw dllplnylnl lhclr lep Irplu or nummm Mu fluldnn Jo an parl 1m dlllrlcl Innull htld IlVVnhu Mlllarlcll mmrh canvnm Mm llmy WIIIhI lnlrnduud Mn Mu Cull who Ihowld llquu lhn hnc been uud In ullhunl Iler sale tho rly hlllory Dulllnn And oth IPIPllll lllflmly PI 11w IHh mullï¬ will ho hrld hI 50ml Mn Wlllllm lilono Junc mnd by Mn Fmon Ind Mn ï¬lln Sh Worthy dnulHor cl Pllm Llouluum Wamn Wcrlley Ind Mu valIey Sydncy Novl SMII Amouncemrnl of lhn uni wu nudt rocrnlly by mk ï¬lm Oluwlv Um loun dnllon pmldenl Marilyn wlll rmlvn her Imollnillp vnlued ll 00 from Dalton Waller mum pmldenl ho Clnnd Inn lluumrlnl Almmlon number II III bl naynln Hoch In Bydnoy on Jun Illm bluuyed blondo Cr Min hu been nwlrdtd cum Innull Ichnlmhlp mound by ht nunlly lama Canndln nulluran MarlIon Foundnuonl nl The when ham warn Hoar length lawn pain bluu nylon over lulleln elluflnl lied bodlce only rounded nukllno Ind boumnt skin circle mulchlnu malarial wnl lnxhluncd lnlo headdreu or flu AllendnnL flower xlrll ruck wu dullned whlu nylon am Hell whllu huddreu wu lflliflmd pl mntflllnl malan Thu bride In the dluzhler of Mr and Mn Lulle Tylor ol Rose The brldemoma mm In Mr and Mn Gyl mur Holman Holland Mrs John nobinmn ol Angus Illler of he bride was the ma lmn boner Mlu Cindy Trol tenko ol Inndnn Ont wu tho lager llrl The mnlmn honor carried hnuqucl of pink carnation Ind whlla Ilnphnnolll and tha lower Klrll bouqucl will pink Ind while urnnllonl nuke aprlng lower dec oralad he alllr St Andnwl Prnshylerlln Church or me wedding Mlu Jean Leslle Taylor and Peter Hnlmln Ihll Illernoon Rev Adnml omclntud ho oclock cm mfly The bride was escorted down lhe aieln on ihe arm oi liar ia lher For her ecinl dly the chase floor fllfllh gown oi French lace over mile and min The lilied bodice we designed wlih Acnllnped neckilne en hnhced with requine whlch were carried through an the bodice oi ihe own The boufluni Ikirt ieeiure triple Hen oi nppliqucd Inn of mum and earl hcld tha hrldol elbow mxlh vell lull Illusion Sha curried bouquet of red Iweelhem rob Ind while Ilephanafls TRADITIONAL GOWN Inca My mum MM 00 munmum Former Barrie Resident Awarded $800 Scholarship VampMpqu 5mm unumowm man unh pun mum quIuy mull nl fun IMMwMImhIlIm vmmoml Hum mud ammch lv mu ovummm IUR Till DISCRIMINHING Khem Kulï¬Ã©rl Hampton nï¬ll THE BARRIE EXAMINER Imam emu PA Far ma Klan ut the Conun enul Inn mother or Ill brda received her mm mm In belle llnen null with mt ch accemrlu She complr menled hu enumhle with Icelaan qp1nk and win Marilyn plans to tnrol It Mount St Demrd Cullen An llgonhh whcn uh lnduuu lrom Holy Ann Hllh School num uh ll olnl la wark lo urdl drum In Homo Eco numlu and hop lo lpttllllll in 004 mulch Ind mllriuon Born in anenlo on Maui ma Ihl lived lor mnny yam In Arm Ind Illandcd nnrrll Norm Cellulite 5m Iavu hamI Ind during wmmlr vr cnllm hnl worknd on ullllm Imml over yem ulnlnl Hmrouuhlmdu 5m hu In old ar bmuur who II prmnl unlymlly Bhndullonl Ichnllrlhlp ll Mn or lulllon Ind Mr nnd Mn John Lnllmer hnve nnnuuncnd Ihu cnlnlemcnl lhelr daughter Sherryn Lyn da Annette to when Alvin Drury Ion 01m Mn Her bert bmy ol narrh nurlan Avenun United Church will bu he will or Ihc nutran Wedding on June 29 II oclock PhMo by SmKh Swdlo ms the mommam Thu usher were Arnuld Dees Palnswlck Ind Tony Schoanevelk Bunla RECEPTION 0n lhelr relirn Mr and Mn Holman will bu mnklnz their homI In Palnswlck The Mlde wore light Mus dress wlh matchlnz lhmquu lu lenxlh jacket or weddlnl trip to Northern Ontario Hat accessorch Wm while BRIDEELECT Mamba lha Bela Slim Phl Sorority held lheir Inal ru ulnr meeting lha lesson to cedtd by In Inlormnl panck lupper It the ham Mn my Tud Marlon Crescent Mn Dumlhy Merrill callnd the roll Ind md lha mlnum lhl Ink retulnr mewng Mrl Merrill mulled In In Iulk of lh execullvo meean held May 21 ha followlnl com mittee hand wm appolnlcd or the now union to hegln In Ecptember Mn Pow lumlthed umber lnlormadon to the rum and Inndl nurdlnl lhn upcomlnl Sammy convinllon In Taronln In Junl ll pr cnlallanl to mrm llowad Th lncomlnl cm mlmnct II In Colleu or unlvmily olhrlnl Ioubyur cwm Iondln lo dun In mm mm bunlnou Idmlnhludon or homc mnamlu The regular meeting oi St Andxewl Pmbyierian Evening Womenl Auxiliary was held in tho IIdlas pnrlor with Pmsldcni Mn Allan Gundry pmlding Mn Cation opened the meat inl with th mi Pnlm lollowed by pnyer Tho roll call wu answered by 31 membm Mn MIcLennan Inlm duced Kuuu choir 19 boy ram Codrlnlton School and lhelr luder Ron Caldwell Thu bay nnu Iclacuom mm tho musl Oliver Ind three navally Tho prelldenl Mn Burlan few owned tho buslnm meet nz lel and Mclnl Mn Jenn Butlenby Vglemina Dana Mn Elalm King Publlclly Mn Irena army saclnl Mn nu ly Mnmn Program Min Mar McDouKnll Telephone MIL Jug Fnjr Pot Luck Supper Planned For Iune Announce Committee Conveners For Beta Sigma Phi Sorority pruldcnt presenlcd old gav el pIMuIrd lnlhlrl 11mm Nlchol cmled silver clnrelln bum tho lrldlllunul aim in nuwly married and mined memberl wan prescntzd Mn Elunar Donavam Mlu Janet Remy Mlu Gloria Pm and uh Lam Richards by Mn Durban Pom Mn Faye Mlklln Mn Jean unuenby Ind Mn grimy Wu HbcidEd the Box met in would be held In he arm pot luck luppcr on June Flrcwell ml of cmlcd Illver calm moon were presumed to Mluel Dorolhy Tlmmonl and Kay Buckley by Mrl Jean Fnlr nd Mp Durolguy Merrill numberl Dm Keyho analled the boy with lha ulecuan Ea Buck Saon from Oliver by 1955 in Flgap Mlss Lolh expressed the feeling all preunl when Iha thanked lhn choir In Mr ex cellent program and wished them avary success and encour nxgmcnl 1p horlulura dcllcloul lrull llth wu Icmd duran lha In armnl Aac Ill hour which rounded out In evtnlnz Membm hndo smell to Mu Deny Rnwbollnm who will noon bl mnllnl her hum In Newmurkel Mlu Mnrllyn Ruth Warnch will become the brldo 01 Ill herl Grlllln ll Emmanuel Bap llal Church Banla lhls allu noan II oclock ceremony The brldr he daukhlzr Mr and Mrs Russel Lloyd Warnlca Enrrle Thu hrlde Iroom the son Mr and Mn Albert Grlllln ol Toronto Photo By Favem T0 WED TODAY Phqu hv hum Ybu EStill SanT Beat Natural GAS Den Ann Lnndenx My prob lem may Ieem 1mm you bul It llhregklnn my heqrt Ever Ilncn can remember hm lacked lorwnrd lo the hi Iu mlal even tun alerl ma tha JuniorSenior Prom med to dream about what would wear and how would have my hair ï¬xed mn planned him to my and how to any 09anth to my hgn we Jen the house Well Viilmydreams are Ihnl lam 55qu nobodyhag egked me to in All my Mend have been Invlted lo and lva been huplni that maybe cw 01 he boy wlmhava been pleasant Ia me were just bashful and llnld lng all Bu now am aura my not ba nakegl all How can hold back the learn when hear lha girls dis cussing iiluir gowns and all the in minute dciaiki hate iar them in piiy me but am ma they are doing that rluhl now Plea ziva me some help amCrulhed But it Isnt the and the world honey You will IIHVIVI he blow and It will fade ram memory Life can be tough Ind disappoinlmcnls and Ichu came to averyona mner ale Nabjnldy eslcgpu So Deu Crluhedx you knew the number later have re ceived similar to your you wouldnt he so Ilene And hi one of the lad thing new pram or any special event where some people an Fwd to be left out It doe dlxup lntment nl one of the trial at must be lacdAnd remember Its not what happens to us but how Aka that count TEA TALK Dur Ann Linden Ill air vim that you dont know any thing about hrzwlflg leaor the profler usn leabagl When woman wrote and asked what to do will the sloppylooking thing you laid guest Ihould not be laced wlth the pmblEmtha Imam should removo the an In lhg kitchen The Men of the let bu II to that each person can hrnw to own gme Sonm mp1 llke weak And other Ilka ll brink will lens ll there In having lea has 12 gala to be removed in lhe kllchem It good thin you arent the load edlwr or youd nerve to cum Tu hour PLEADS GUILTY NEW WESTMINSTER EC CPVIn Hum 17 hlzh Idiool Iludcnl pleaded zumy In mlzlrlralel mm It nenrhy Cloverdllo Friday In maul oc usionlnl bodily harm Ha wu remanded In June Th0 charzo wu laid allowing classroom Altercation Thurlday 1n whlch Incher Mlnmd Pohn was nabbed In hack th pair or Ihnmpalnlcd metal dlvldcu ANN LANDERS Phunn um Dream Is Shattered By Lack Of An Escort 0mm nan n1 iiiummn on Hlliiébfs $166 PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE ion with 550 Alllnllll Wlll Delr Lam Many load ed1 lurl who are no starving lo death wrote to tell me was oil hm with my anxwer Your Ielur however wu the week Thank you 50 three luhu wllh wn Iel ban or mo And Hunk you for writing NOTHING LOST Exclunzly Beaulllul Extremely Ecannmlcll Bulan SIer Tread TraumaFm Euy mun llon 9139mm WroughtIron Dar Ann Landmx have been widow or 10 yam Thu mln next door 105 hi wllo about year ago Our relnuon 9hlp was mm plamn mm law manna Ago thin man begun to ahaw an lnlemt In me Ha began by invltllu me In an an exhibit Man with sister and brothel411 Railinp Avnllablc 1n numemu Mann nimther am to you harm mar that usually with Ier and hrolherlnlnw alonl but somatime alone znt Ihe deHn lmprmlan that londneu or me WM increallnl and um In would In marry him would MW uld Y9 PRODUCTS LTD 01 Anna Suddenly he flopped calling and It wax ll he had dropped nfllhe planet thong per haps ha mlzht be 11 no called him He mu bluntly My later all was becoming too lnlemlcd In you and that peo lewm talking thought en lo laminate uu ro PHONE PA Mm row rm mmuu DOUGlAS CONCRETE but to laminate uu ro lauomhiy Du MJJJ mun who could be eully Inflnanced by hi mm no redhot hamln Youve Ian nothlnz belle mu Emu $3