Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1963, p. 4

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From Ime to time proposals are ut forward in Canada to legalize lotteres Thu proposers alwayspolnt to such gamble as the Han Sweepstakes Of course the profit from this supposed to finance such necessltles as hospitals afid schools It is called palnlcss tax on But lg lhls really good lhlng or ls ll just an illusion Flrsl conslder what one of the leadln newspapers In the wprld hasm say out the matter Considering the recent action of the State legislature of NewHampshire in reaching for loner instead of legit imate tax the New ork Herald Tribune say the consequences of this action will not be seen for months As with time bomb however the length of the delay will not diminish the alreadih oi the explosion the writer pre me The sweepstakes iottery signed into law by Governor John King receniiy has been defended in the art few da by New Hampshire politic ans and wr on as merciful way to extract money from the pubilel The money is siphoned away from more vicious pes of gambl ing the argument goes ew Hampshire education is desperately in need of the $4 million annuain the lottery is ex in contrast with the majority of Mir C10 leaders Walter Reuiher has com out or flexible workweek as distinguished from the rigid 35hour week for which labor leaders have been arguing ariulnfi Ir author head of the Unlted Auto Workers Union sold in an Interview that he was not opposed to straight slash In the present 40hour week as called forby fellow fcdgratlon just layupEn to preler the flexible wegk ldgahe sale Mr Reuther sald 35hour week could badly hurt some lndustrles and actually cause Increased unemployment lnslea he proposed formula that would reduce the standard workweek automallcally and progresslvely as un employment reached prescrlbed levels In Mun urn um Imnnronnl hn Legalizing Lotteries Is Not Painless Form Of Taxation 50 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Northern Advance May 29 1013 Chairman Salter announced ublicity committee for towns diamond ubiiee celebration June 30 July had distributed advertising all over Ontario Colonel Curriei commandin oiiicer sold the 48th iilfhlnnders Reg ment of Toronto was de ighted with twoday weekend visit in Barrie The highlanders 450 strong with their two bands and colorful uniforms camped at tho inir grounds on Elizabeth St Thousands oi citizens watched the porzule downtown and Hooping oi at queens larlt mum on Immnu Wva1 mt Allandato YMCA organized an ath lelic association with Ed Shear president Avera daily attendance is more than 100 will 21 regular lodgers Ill arts news was the death or Luther Mc Larthy in heavyweight prim fight at Cal gary McCarty died shortly alter knock out by Arthur iclkey formerly Rar rie where he worked as fireman for Grand Trunk Railway Peikey was held th Alberta police on manslau hler marge llnrrlo granted 32500 tor annnury hulldlng Federal govern ment Members llamlllon Board of Trade vhlled llarrle on luesdaf hfi apo clal lraln necompanied hy 015i llg lami Ilnml They were glven clvlc rcccpl Inn olncd In parado wlIh llnrrln Board Trade member and Ilmlo Clllxenn Ilnml lrl down My on Slumcr Mon arch nu Ilnncr 1humn Sldxworlh one llnrrlul lendln buxlnessmcn Ior nmny cm dlcd In nnconvor on way hnmn mm CullIornln where he had one for wInlnr duo Io Ill henllh lulu llnrsIInlll lofnnlul GnrrcII IllM mm In olecllon In In nlrlcrmnnlc vncnnc In Vanl Flvc due In ll llark nr mnv nu In Tornnln lIrcmcn null ml In quell hlm ll ScnIln Icohnum murmur rm mu uymnl at IMl mlm d4 Ind qunm mum nvwnn lull 7mm IAN umlmll mu wrlluww mm null um um nun III on nun nmmnlJ nmhnu IMMH nu Il mm um lk 17 IV Ilulo my 11 ll um lug mum rm lmmlh am ulllfl mu mm mm mmum III nvgln In uva dug mm mmm Inn mm um In than an rv Mull alum In in mm nn nnl urn In um nu nu mu mum mull Seek Flexible Work Week Could Feed Millions he details are wnBi Vimporiaht he Walls Publfsher The Barrie Examiner Barrie Examimr puhnsned by Caiudlan Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE mer Brian Slllght Géneral Manager mummy mu ma pected to leld people will gamble my way so ata wrong with cultln the schools In on some of the gum lers dollars Plenty is wrong For one thing New Hampshirea cynical action is certain to lurethe racketeer to her borders For another it will encoura other states to act in selfdefence ermont is al ready considering lottery bill and Connecticut has one in committee in Maasachusetta the General Courts de feat ot lottery this year looks more like postponement than cancellation Worse still Rep Paul Finoa plan for national lottery is getting new attention not healthy situation in country quite capable oi footing the bills of government honorable and moral means It coud he year it could be longer before the fruits of New Hampshires cynical action are apprrent Governor King promises honest admin istration and we wish him well but it will take miracle to eliminate the op portunities ior crookedness that are so ohyloos so open anti eoinvitirln Other Eritres wofilfdiirwélrlruto reject the quickmoney named by which New flammhire mes t0 r91 Wm f£¥ Ill fihose who seek painieés Viaxatlon like those attracted to palnless den tlsts will find their comfort an illuston sald Its concept full employ ment week There would be payroll tax to accumulate natlonal und the work week should all to say 37hour week payments lrom the fund would provldo 40hour regular pay to employees work lnLthe temporary 37hour woek VYVVIHE would at additional overtime for work after 37 hoursu there was gractlcally full employ ment or as Ir Reuther suggested an idle rate of no more than to 25 per cent Is now 58 per cent workers wou my on agegularlqpfipunwch we want Mr Reulhcr sald 15 not more lelsure but lull 40 huur wages and work for everybody the economy cannot provlde enough jobs the uallzallon fund or pa roll lax collect ans would conllnue 40mur pay but on reduced workweek basls Bradford 51 neatly driver of the reels and town tenmster resigned at to take another job Barrie Cr Club called meellng to reorganize For Dr Bosanko dentist ring 203 Simmons and Co hats are sold for and quality wilh the object at annihl ing buying in Toronto Mother should be photographed by Frank Jackson We lve special attention io banking by mai deposits and che ques Union Bank of Canadni Short manager Professor Stephen Leneock of Cr llln endorsed naval policy of Prime Minister Sir Robert llorden to build up in view oi growing German menace on the seas and condemned doctrine of neu tralilydaid downby Sir Wilfrid Lnurier Parkhlll collector custom or llldland pen and leadlng Orangemnn In Slmcoe County lled of malignant lll ncss Mr and hlrsl McNell and lllasler Marcus of Montreal vlsllcd lllro lllcNells mother ln Allnndnle for week end They wlll spend next few months ln Newfoundland where Mr lllcNell has new nper assignment Alherl lJllloll nnd Krlhur Conlon lell or Vashln Ion to attend convenllon ol Brotherhoo of Locomotive llremcn New summer lrnln rervlce lornnlo ln llluskokn Wharf lnr dlrecl eonnecllon wllh lnke nleemers llov Thompson BA relurned from New York Cll where he nllended Unlen Theological emlnnry llld has been awarded degree Bachelor llvln lly Lndles Golf Club held enjdynhle Ion lllrl Wlxmer And Mrs llou worn hoslmen Chlengo Journal com mented Canada ln growan ll pace lew Amerlennn renllze ln pnnl year more Ihnn 402000 lmmlszrnnll nrrlved 130 000 from Unlled am lheae Americ ana Ire nearly all lnrmerl And all hnvo money llwy have liken lhelr know led energy nnd wenllh Iwe lrom llle hlx prlced mm of the US Mltlwlul ln lhe cllel lrnlrle land of Mnnllohn Alherln run nsknlchewau llevld llurrle loll llnrrle for uslllnn wllh tan Idl lllle lnclory In lrnnllord 0N CLEANING STATUES Hamilton Speclnlor Conmnvllvu puny mrmhm 1n Way mnum England ms 11 In nrms TM are furlmu bmuao My muncll won rlcnn the Maine at Quoun Victoria which dumlnnlcn lha mnln mflon ol llm my Slxly can exposure 10 he wea ther Ind brds have glven the bromo ll xlol goal mnny rglors in tlluénpéciiflinnd unknllanl It lul nuch gm Imly no lo pol llmn dmd Tory nyokumm OTHER EDITORS VIEWS By PATRICK NICHOLSON onAWA Any day of the week you can mud In any Cn nadlan roculerla and watch Canadlan housewives uy clrlluln load and ram each cart more wlll be waned mm load lhan many In Aalan Inm Ilykwlll hm to ea In the who we Bob Thompson lender of lhe Social Credit party mlde that Illlcmenl In prlvnle conver Iallun at purer mclnl nth crlnx One his hemm wnl Herb Murnn lhn dcdl mud chlel Cnnndn vFur lzh Md Officeand he agreed all Herb dadlculud be cause ha II more than com clenl chll Icrvant dulmz Ihal umano 10h he was urmcrly Cunndlnn high commluianar Io Pnklmn Ipd whiln Hvln In lhll country in was ID to us whal hnxe gull here be tween lha Canndlnn way In nnd the Mlun drunk or ex lslcnce OTTAWA REPORT tht Bab Thampmn tx prcucd drumullcally vns lhe umu lhlnl lhnl Inulhnr Cnua dlnn nnld nut long on Parllm mcnl lllll ln equally lraphlc wordL auul weaker Ihe Sennlo and lluuse nl Common volunlnry committee on hullh Dr Brock Chllholm Imrlcd lhll ll 13000000 Allan war In bu plchd al rnndom lo be per mllled ln mulch llvlnl on ha narlune dump nl lho ls 000000 Inhnblunll wl Cnnudu they would lmpmu lhclr lnl lhnl mmpllcency Ihlllcrlnx rcmnrk ll lhe munl unlullonnl Illllll nlalemcnl hm ever heard on Purllumcnl lllll 50 WHAT 11m llna llwugm we awakened hy rcmlrk mudl hy Mlu lnullnl JewclL lhn nuwIKclcclcd Llhcrnl or Norl umlmrllnd OntIla In her much muvlng lha Iddrm In rtply to In much ram lhu lhronu ll lh optnlnl ol lhll lunnmrnl Ieopln mk about lhl Illlu In wcmy haw mid llII hrllllunl Unhmlly Primar Mhl Jewell II pralmor ol pulillufl ncltnre ll ll qulu ruuihln lhul law mun 1m ul ur In whu nul nlurly Illlurn ul with lam numbeu would thin clan lo mum IMI ll ur lnlnly nul llu rnla Many Ihrm llvo In mndlllnm hll Ihnuld nol bu ulcrlud by ny dmnl lhouuhllul mloly Ihruquulm Cand lvlvlnl MM crlllclml larrlxn MI Amled hmulh Hu Cn lamho Ill Lul your plud In mmIII Ilrlnnncy mlr lovnrnmcul Iluhud our yurl tunlrlhullou lrom 0000000 In 1500000 11ml II nppwxlmAl ely ha ha Hqu mm our uumnmrnl mmrlhulrd to help Ilnlnrr he ovrrullunn In nmulinn Ilmndrulln Tamar Allun ll llllhlly min mu Iron rm mlnul luvmu nlmhn Ir hluh In ha wovnm Enlkslchewnn n10 lull yur ll mulmlrnl In In than rim ul hnhhll lum pvr Inmlln per day II II punull DONT PLEA InVElITY vhuleur olu may In he mm lnr uur routem Ilhk mum lld In olher tounlrm Ihwhl not plud lhal HIM nllmd to ma man 111 IN wont lnvm nfilntunullnnnl yubllc plum nn Jewell tumult ur lnmly hn vnlhmy wllhln Hm nnnrllun umlul hm lulu muluud lb Irv With Wasted Food ieuw Iemauanal pIcIure we must quutInn whether II II decent compInInl Even our unem ployed And we mun feel ashamed or Iha luck lob or Ihou who mIly mk Ihem ¢nIay cash Income from he Unemployment Insurance Fund In one month whlch mead thI ma Asian an em unCInudlnnly Ion wurklni hour In whole yum In the havenut unions 99 per cent of ma people 1m to borrow llu Juwelll wards In condltionl mu Ihnuld not be lolemcd by any decent thumqu loclcly Cmdn pulallun alone hr loo amal to be able Ia Inlvo Ihlx worldwlde problem But Canadal ralce Almuld be relied Ind Cnnndan exlmple lthlId be tel la urge worldwldo com mon um Collective IECHIIW In In long run will bl but Ichlevem not by nutlur bombs ml by Irlll will not by Ill llh luxury bul by lwlplnx Illa underdevelopEd nnllom ul lhn wurld la Apprnxlmllu la lha well led dlxuu leclml cnllylrnlncd ulndnrda whlch evcn Mlu Jewell unllllucnt onerlhlrd enjoy Dru Edllor Allcr rendinl In mudy pnper commnu cunctmlnx Mon Council mull Ind wul one lha dtvullllofll mch lo ml mull make cnuph Alumni marl rim dld no HM tnunrll wuuld not do In hm nl WIYI melvtd only tonsldm Ho Ind hrlp from mm and nlw lha Plannan Board when nnvv dad for hip Mllun drrnlnndlng cnmu In when com nunll Ind coxnplnlnll da pulIIIoII my run peeled My complnlnl wu In recamv mrndlnu lonl ml um utnl In In Am Plnnuln Danni My rrillchm WIII dlrech ll lwo Ildermcn who ll lhl Councll mull 3in In hurl rtmmmrndul me up pulnlmml In tho Donrd Thus Aldermen wm Md nobem Ind Md Wlllon SILENT SPRING My mmmenll Im lhm No Aldermm with lho Nfllldlr nllou hi rlllunl lluvlnl nu My lullnu Ill my mfilht hum could nol tommvml lhlL or II lrll he Ihuulzl nut In hm ulna lvm aldmntn lqu Illcndrd mm In mm Hm In nu Coun Ill Chnmhm wllh pmptrly own Illcndlnu whm nmlrll urn mud lo lhl cum um lhll uma mm llml Ihaulxl lwl In on tho hannl And the column DIM lhvn lhAl ll Ihnuld not lhll Mlnl undo by mnmlwr hi rom mmu uh fell thl whrn we lulu lho nummlhllfly in mnmmd In uwmlnlmem II Ihulxl only hm whan II II uholahrnmd Wu nlm wlll inn Inlh4 an my mnuh uld In pr r11 wu toned commmll 1y mm In Al dmmn MIN VII hid IIM Maul lrnln Tmonla ar Aummlllrwnn In nu ma ll hid yum lha mlnmer II nl Inl ulna Ilnlrd IIan rmlnd nellrr mm lh NDfllmml nl Ilruld nl Mlnlu la mm lml hr munhlpnmy In MW lh mm mm MI mmdmml of muhmlulon lo IIIIIWII my mkwl um LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We mull work the work at Mm Ihli RM Inc whlle ll dnyx lho nlghl mmelh whrn no mu can workalohn By THE CANADIAN HES We are to be he llxhl ma world Mllnu olhm the llxhl nnd uldlnx thnm mm lhc dark nm Iln nlo lhe light Inlullon Ihu dcparlmcnl 0n lhc bnAI cl rccrnl dlqcuulon wtlh tho manlclpul nfllclaXL wu cxnucl to revel the revlsrd nppllcnllun In the MM future at consldcrv mlon or Inn Inprnvnl 1113 Enrrle Exnmlner or Mnr lpacn lo ha hcnrd And heave me do mldlr ul crmrllm whom no deserv very badly to haw to wall any Dcpmmen In Um Clly but my ncmmllunl cl Mandi Council Merlln In mulled Tha bows pargram II uuolatlon mm Icfler lo me 147 BIBLE THOUGHT Juno Th Brltlsh nnhmurlne mu nnk in leerpool Buy with 103 men on board lour of whom escaped24 yum ago My In 1939 Thu nur escaped by mom he Dlvh escape method and lhreu olhen were be Hand In hlvo ptrhhed al lempllnz tn allow them lo the nurture The was new nuhmlrine conducting dlvlnx lull when ll be came disabled ma The llner Queen Ma ruched New ank on er maiden voyage Mexlco dcclmd war on Illa Axh power In the Second World War mm Chm ll mnll mu In hldlnl dmlu cm um Alla And Hull mm MI lllu My mum udn Ion In mm Ann Tom IN HISTORY Elncmly Mn Coruncchll lllxh Bl Hmle DON OHIMN ronom onnrton mm Ilunfllmt pallllcll quullnn my cqmllnl 0Iheld The pravinclni Mm nur keunu ellllntlon In hula man to the court The 10 Independent chum grower who hm rebelled mum he lelllmlnn or the In low yam plllnl In denlllan tho ohlccn Gruwm Band In rafunlnl lhumllcenQH QUEENS PARK And to ma Iulharily av unmem In control lure1o and now In domoy cramll Ilnnlly to be Bhlllflnfld Wln or qu no matter thI the Ml autumn of lho IWIII It lyexpectad In Inn in 1h Supreme Court v0 Clnldl eventually as citlzena of Ihe pxpvinco lhould Ill ha mtg TO BE EXMIINED For II lent lhll Icalllallun whlch passed throuah lhe legll lmura without anything like the IPanhlnI exnmlnnuon It Ihould have rccelved now wlll un dvr crlllcal ngtllghkh Al llma wrlllnl me grounds appeal have no bum 52L The solicitor or the Mr pendants McndelGrcen of Tor onto probably wlll lake an runThermal pglngg He wilfpmhahly clalm danlnl ul nnlunl lusllcmnd mmlnt n1 Irnde By JOSEPH MOLNER Md nenr Dr Molnar am and fluently look phyalul exam lnnlon when applied or ln surnnce The doctor uld might have blood win And look more mu danar luv card Ilnllng my bloud excellcnl or lranalnslnn punpoms am all conlused Haw doc one knowMn CJ Conlrntulallonl the duclnr IoLdulnlnl poruqah lob Fin all lhuugh ynu mum worrlzd dont think yau hav reason to be We all hav bland lulll ll rcpmenll energy People wllh excesslvely law blond war may xuller mulls ol weakness dlulncss or hinting Con vcrscl people with loo much my hnvo dllbtlu Mensurlnz lhu blnnd lunar Is he hula mglhoq dlnunullnx dlahclu TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH mood IUKII measurcmvn huwclcr are nnl rzquIrcd In lull Iar lrnnlluilonl In Ihnrl lha lncl lhnl you hnva ghch bland lor lrnmlus om doc nnl conlrndlcl lha pnnlbllfly lhal your hlnnd Ill nnr my be luu hlxh In curly Ilniu dlnbulu can exlsl wllhuul any lymplnms other lhnn Inme eIcvullan blood Iugnrlhere may or my not be mm In lhe urIne In douhHul uses mcmnd la la have Am mu MIN ad lwa nr lhrco you have lakcn amount lululkn um mu MIN over per lod lwa nr lhrco houu nmr you have lakcn Ipeclfled amount lulullnn of Iuan you hm dlnhtlu you hm found ll out urly In lhnl can kuplnl under con lml can be My euy Dur Dr Mnlnen In your ml nrllcla on In bnnkl yau didnl menllon lhn Unnl club have Imam In Iowa my eye In bunk alarmed by Ml ounnlnllomNJJI And lxttlltnl work lhu Liam are damn loo llawcvtr may by no mun In only noun ennxed In work ll lhm II on Club In commun Tobagcd Legislation To Go Beioxé Courts also possihln will Donor Is Coniused About Blood Sugar dent chum rebelled Illnn or the Igpllllll oblm lha turn lake dam1 nllll mint the mnmbm the board Ind Ilso pmny Iulnll the govern mpnl nlnled OnmIo Farm Product hrketlnl Bond But no Ar you and Ire touteer lhl molt ulxnlllcanl vulm will no Iubmmlon whlch will undoubtedly In made um lhl ldvlrnmontI leghlau lion Ind lhe Acllm ha bond lnlrlnn Mon ll of um lednm Bill Elihu unlldn mm an Thin II the Mellon which guar nnuu enJoymenl cl properly MIN RIGHT The basic quilllnn underlylng lhw ohm conmvmy in how llr lovernmenk cm no In llmll In lhn lndeldull rights of clu ltnl 0r put in nnolher way how far or he ccnnnmlc prolecllon mllun ol lhccommunlty can It In In llmlllnx the lrndl lhnal right the whole com munlly For Ihh lellslnllon is fmkly protection or mu hlcco zrnwlnzlndustry and un pub llnill he uedom 3f enlorpfln which hu been lfindlflbnnl right In our way of Personally the observer has the one hnpe lha Ihu case can be decided on lhla polnl and that here wlll no he luchnlcal finding on whlch the courts wlll base lhelr findlngs For good restatement of lurk whrro wu mud Iodny on our hula prlnclplu badly maded and could be Invaluable lty It good Iource In formation not then the up thllmology department 01 hospital can Idvlla poop how to about leaving their eyes so that other will he min In lea again Mlka arranumenu in ad vance because removal of eyes or such use mus ha dons prompuy and lhere no lime Io unit the lechnlcnlillc ll lhll hunl already been done LONDON Reutm Thu Brillsh government In an nounced rolorms hnl wlll hnva lhe pmllcnl enact lrans lurmlnf lhe nulerc House lard nto Ihe House Lord and Ladlui Already le women ml when HE are not hm nary Ill In he upper house cl Parlia mcnl or Ihc puran nl Im proving the qualfly the de bate They no known ma prormu But new relnrm bill In naunccd by Prlme Mlnlslur Mncmlllunx government Thurs dny Ipccillu lhul no my life pewms but film aban 10 more Indies whu Inherltcd their llllel will he allowrd Imldc lo debaa and vote with ma 900 mm lords The lndlu will loln he women In he lluun 01 Cum mons lha lower chamber In rm 1an ltglllnllan la cavern Brll Iln In lhclr rutgrand lnllum would have rcgmkd as ll Mr And whlch lhelr own bulglynllnd HIMEll House Of Lords Uhdeigoes Beiom Bul he dlu htan Illnwrd Inslda lama noblo lord known In the relucunt peer Ire finally bclnl allowed gel oul Th form blll bnckrd by blfnrllnan commlllce will Ru ml lordl lo rennuncu IheIr tr edlllvy llllrl Ind run or elm Ion la lhl mm Comnwnl

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