W10 know r1 1er are Ann lvecmu lnm boy who rlmml and Mr Am pnylnl Hm pr cmallonllly Ind Iro Du Ann hndmx Your Ad Vito lo lho huh Ichool Ilmlcnl who tomplnlnrd Iboul cemln boy In mo than who chulcd durlnl Mum mmlu Ilmul lmnrmlnn on me You InM lhI complain ml In In An In lonnrr hnl cvenlullly lhc chum wuuld dohlmnfl in Dnr Ann hudth read he loner mm Plumhcr wne um dccldcd um um Ihad com or lo upsk oul Every llnu work hll dlmdvnnluu Ind lherol no emu Around It My hulbnnd In undertnkzr PM year fhno had In listen to joku About mnrflclnm until was nndy lo Imam You cant ulna lhl rude nmlrkl lvo hnd In Imlo lhmuxhIuch How In your huubnndl bulb mu Dad Ill hot or mull be wonderful In hnvc cu lomeu Um mm talk hack thcnuy woman Mild to me lnulmnd cnnl lune Ila unnIXIogmr or Inlcr Um lluni Eml Thnnk yml ln bclmll ol all wlm mm when Nowum you Hand on mom Dun your hmlmnd dom lnynwny plmn CHHAHNH TUDHNT Use LayAway Plan For Those Dead Iokes used to bctnmc Indlunnnl nnd pwpla invw ll Now II ceyl ll III pm IIII work cvcn Um pny yuu nu john 50 plum Ann all lha women who mmle mm lhm lhlnal llm nothlnl can um lhem Him mm hu manHum Em All The bride II flue dauxhler Mr and Mn Snow at New 14de The bridelroom VI son Mr and Mn Lloyd Shirley Street Halrim Thu mom Mlu Pauline Mark lln nan the Weddlng Pnycr mmnganied by the organhl 3M Lonlmlre Given In man1m by her Mather the bride chm Ind lluual awn of organza and Inc lhl Ipzclal day The med Inca bodlc of the dull Wu Hamloncd will mum neck Hne And my aim Ileovu Ap yï¬uquu of op escen uqulna en unced the neckline the own 111 only Ialhered aklr or xunzu wu floor lenlth crown nl penll Ind opnlmenl qulna held the bridel double llcred veil of llluslon tulle Sh married cascade bouquet red mm whlta carnation Ind my of tha valley ATTENDANT Tho hrlda wan Attended by her oncANZA GOWN thn bridal parents or he chnnge of vow between Mlu Betty Ann Snow Ind Robert Frederick Lloyd Rev Muckenzle nlflclaled at the doublrrlnl ceremony my 18 mmwncx ism rm Dellmy mm an or Mm to flunk ANN LANDERS WE IIECIAIJZK IN QUARTER 01 Eli CUT AND WRAPPED FOR HOME HIEEZEM MI Only Oakland Basket of red lull and whlto munnhdecnraud hum of wum comm maéï¬bn or MIAT um roux LAMB VIM ma woumw BMW EXAMINEM HUD MAY 31 1665 LloydSnow Bites At Home Of Bride MR AND MRS ROBERT FREDERICK LLOYD GERRYS Mali MERE NOW OPEN Ikar Ann Landon My huh Mud and in mm 40 W0 hnvu been mnrrlul lunlly nr ml lur IMth womln but Inld 11 mm Flvo mu lcn lundlq nulwynl dlvnrm Ho hu burl dlnnrr wllh ma Ind Um thlldrrn llvn MIMI no Ind ollrn amp hm and MI humu with wk blm lunch la uh In wart mullly andl plund with 01 nIhlr wnmnn no Inn to much empha III II lured an urmlu llml mm id will do nnylhlnx lo tel hem Undrnlnhly Ilnwcvtr min In In lnttnllrr Ind rcwlnl Var nrhlnvrmml nllrn mu Iplll nul grade no nubllltulu or Inuwltduo Imd ILMJ who lulu out Hm rnrhcr wind up with Ink Alwlll mllllon Imel um dldnl play II urnluht In Ichool Pcrhupl lha bullc prob lem ll Hm lno numy kldn danl Imnw Mm they nm in Iclmol larCh ted Mmll Dent Cheltd fhnnh or Itllct mm wmtnnn who hm hm Hum lwun nu um wu notorioul solof In math comm Ind lhln his call rm durly lvn lookld bad In bunlnm became could no we mpla purctnlnzu lnlmll um and on mutt If on olhen hccuuu Am unit la coma up wllh an Iw Ingmar Aquuylom nomlully Ive Ipcnl my lrylnl lo mvrr up my lxnur Into lhlnxl should hnva lurned In Ichoal Iva hiullcd And llkedromllna my luck of undnmenlm um and llml 0n mum from the honey moon Ipem It North Bay the coupl will mlda It Thornlan For luvclung he hrlda wore green wool mil with ur trim mlnl In belga Accessories Aulnlnz the brldelrooml mother wore yellow linen dreu wllh malehlnl nuke And yelan and while Iceeuorlu Her corv me will plnk men and pink manila Following the ceremony the brldee mother received mlred In pink llnen dren with In bodlcu Ind mnlchlnz leckel White acceuorlee and com oi pink ram and white cama llugu ghaneed herrmxluma VnlB rectum1 wn Brynn Lalondc of Toronto RECEPTION MM The flower lrl wnle ban Anl rock yellow nylon wlth mulchan Jackal and whllo ac Harlem Her bouqun was yel low Mel whlle camatlnns and 111 ghu vnlley Ilner Mlu Bubr Snow on mold honor Mlu Nancy Co wan hiece the bride wu flown ilrl The mold ol honor won um length gown ol yellow dlllon over slim luhlonzd with Jacket of yellow lace and bell shaped Iklrt Hnr bouquet was yellow rem whlta cam Ioflx Ed lily of Wevalley an emu Photo PA um an mar 70111de rnnl lul Jrllylllh purllculnrly jollylu who dont want In In lltlpml You lmvn Illawcd your hulblnd In May all llm mmlnrll ol homo and dnlo on he AMI like Ilflllv mun And In will mnv llnuo to him lull uh and cl lqnq Ill nvullnhlu wlnh Md tho comm In but havrnl lava Mm nnd nm nlrnld llml pm It to hlm lhll will lam Mm nllnzclhrr Plum help ml Conlnud munh hldu wu wro Cormle And ucond clln bldgu Dim Anew Sulnn Beckett Mary Jane Low Barbu McGlbbon Karen Pucock Shirlay Wlllllmu Nulncy WWdl And ancel Cow Ill BRIGADE Bndzu were wan by Dllno Agnew Hllen lel Llndl lhrv row Jnnll Cnrmler Ehlron Kd Iy Jlnlu Perkin IndM Ion heard Mm bull hll wornn Irlend on he phone Ind Mk dale ha told ml wu fool in put Mm MI nonunu Ind lhnl ould lhmw hlm out or lullt um in my ham Ill tha limo Follnwlnl dInnu the camplny mumbled in hanuhoe lurml lien or the prmnullon cl pro cyngy lwlrdln ell maker or bi evenlnl wn Commlnlonu Granny who Lpoke on lhu lemnd law Guldo kynlf Cammlnloner Kllnaur lament ed 1m Ia balh Mn Eun Ind Mn Corhn whn In rcllrlnl Irom nrvlce mi Cnpuln Emu Introduced th hud ubln uuh wlm Included the thenb Archdmon Rud Dlvlllan Commlulnner Grmy Lieu Bran Brawn Owl Evan Brown Owl Fm Tawny Owl Alkln Mn Pl er bldn Mercury Mn Burr Ireuurer Mu Corkn 0111le Ind presldtn the In Bum Rulde molhm uroup and Public cllflona lecretary erll Mir 1101 700611 r0 CHILD lama5W GEM lMNG IF YOU awn ms DILA mm The lender and guide ol um Barrio Company were houmn In lhclr molhm and mm mm or Inqunl bnnquut on My 18 The rhinher withlha matm dluanco lo lnvel wn Mu Dullll who um tram CI ml to be with her dnuzhler ynn for tha event r151 mum pmguzjr Janet Jeï¬k Ins lone ran ger wu pm empd wllll both her In Clul buds and bar AllRound Cord and the comp any presented Archdo Read will chequl to be used or Sun dny School nun mm my WM nInJIy Vlslllnz dlznlurlu Includtd the Venerablu Archdencnn Read Deputy Am Commlulnm er Carter Ind Dlvlnlon Commu alaner Gracoy Thu newly manned mm company under Cnptaln Selwond held in am annual pot luck lupper on my 22 with unhovgorgd tugs Ipeclal ceremony wu pm farmed durln the avanlnl when Dllna Huxl lo wu IWIrded her AllRound Card by Mrl Marlin who had been Dllnel brawn owl In brownies Ind both captain and dlltrick commlulon er at vnrloul mm In Mind ulrl guide career RANGER leNQUEl he guide nerved refmh menu under the direction of Ehtlrld Commhnlhner Hub er am of Ilalnlm ablewm was presented to Raumary from the company an whole and man MI gave Imnller per Iona am well Tho nhowerwu opan wary one In the community and number ladle the vlllm attended Special mum includ ed Dlvlllon Commlnlonar Gra cey Cam Advlwr Mu Bruce Gray an Public Relallanl Sm rletary Marlo Martin Ill Run re The zuldu of llm shank any Company held aurprlla fldll Ihnwer In close of their re xnlar meeting May or Ca Iain Runmary Haiku who her mlflledr June 71 my mum mum cAmmr BRIDEELECI News Of Kempenieltl Division Of The Girl GUidesUfCanaHa On Sunday the mun vlewed the color llldfl mm by and It on the wall In IlII movlu which he Indu hnd taken compring mm and rtmlnlwlng on um ny young ndvenlurc on ma city cl Elma Ihu hon enel ask them In Mn Glamnun coma and held wedl campfire on sllurdly evening Guelll lar cnmpflra In cluded Deruty Am Comm Cm Dhlrcl Commluloner or Allmdale MrL Waller Dyzr DimIn Comm or Banlo Nnrlh Em Mn 13 Crnluhead ClmK Advila Gray lel Bum Clplllfl Mn Corri lnll Mu Saunderl Mn winter Mn Corrinn And My cMIhon RECEIVES DEGREE Mlu Mary Denlln daugh lrr at Mr and Mn Codrlnlun Sly r0 htr BI tlnr al Am Delm IGmml Courcl It Unlvmfly Wulem 0n Invlo Convocullqn umlm Wm hlld on Mly ll Thou mendlnl wm Lind Plrker For Credit Lyndn WWdllI of Cooklvllle Leann Manon of Oman Mlnu Chi1H flue summon Canmon And lender Mn Brown ol Han lllon and Mn MIcKay sudhuryAnolhor reunlon II llnmd or Jammy the num ltgn ham My Brown The girl arrived on Frlduy Ind let Monday evening be In Mlleled It ho homo ol Mr Ind Mu McMahon on P221 sum or the entlru weekznd Guide Brandi McMahon Ind Linda Carrlzan were Join hub met or reunion or tho Onto nrlo zuldu who mulled an the lnlamalionll tour of Gm 311 hyll In ghg tamper 1963 The ulrl zuldu honoured their lender by pmenllnl bath Cap llln Emu and antenna Bran with new IIlver callus Ipoon with blur epnmel guide cm It the lip of the bundle vote of thank wan extant ed the third Bunla Brawnlu mnlhew who urvzd and did dime lor all event The Ixll demomlmted lame Ind held clmpllra or their mothm claim will prnyar and Tupi Each mother wu prlvflmd to keep the beauumlly uhlnned llyolthevnlley comm with which Aha had been prennted an her arrival and the but bouquet bright golden tulip were presenltd to some of tha fluent REUNION Hm yaarmvlce alan wan preumzd to France Cowell and go year an to Shirley Will Archdmon Read uwardtd llzlan Ind ma emblems ta Helen Boll Bonnla Lyn Flldey and Bubn McGlhban Tnymaker hndm wen enn ad by ery Juno Lowe and Blrbm Mcolbhon Bunburn hnvlng Aha earned laundreu tank homemaker and nrlbe bugm Four guide recelvzd their mm mm sum fluke MM June lam Baxbarn Mc Glbbonlnd NancyWoodlmhllc Jinn Connler received her hllm bldu Ind um houn emblem nlm uuldel qualifying or Iha Ithlate budge were Diane new Eualn Beckett Janll Car mler ery Jana Lowe and Nancy Waodl and or lhrm bum Lind Barron ery Jana Laws Ind Blrhm McGlbbnn For murvnllnna lpply lo Humid Nuh lurmrymem Elmvalc Community Hull Bond llmulo Onmlo Tol I75 We upulally mlcomt ugvlcvllunl mini Ind nmnlmlam gum Wlnw and chlldml Adm by DlmAznew Linda Barron Helen Bell Janie Per ldn an Mumu Winner menuJada ml Id lo both Jan Cormier and Bnrbm Mcuibhnn and Ikaler had at to Mary Jane Lowe and Jan ca Perkin Main Hall HMO per In or uvcnmm um kllchun exlrn all or no person 11000 per day or Ivenlnl All Newly Decorated Suitabl Io Accommodm mulling or banqum up to 400 pmonl TWO HAllS AVAILABLE HAllS FOR RENT Dennll M353 Mn Bemlca Mchnn wn lpeclnl Inert It mlork lhower held Tuesday avenln the home of Mn Barth Slawrt Dunlop Street Weak Guam remblad in tho recrntlon room which was decanted wllh pink and whlta Ilmmerl um llnr ll Irranlemenl cl urnMon Follnwlnx the prennullon all when waracgllyld um comedy plly an ad by Mrl Stewart Mrll Val Flnlly Ind Mrl Ruth Lennox PlrIy null Included Mn Am Mlllhlll Ivy Marshll Mrs Annle Mlo Mmhlll Mn Velml Kent Mrl Vel Finlay Mrlr Iqu Lennoxl Mrs Lllllnn Blldwln Mn Lula Owens Mn Mary Ley Mrs Mary McMulkln Mn llnbel Mankmun Mn Bllllo Redmln Mn Hannah erlln Mn Jun Mumchem Mrl WInnllred Sprint Mn Joye Brown Mrs Velmu Stewart Mn Lllla Hubbnrd Mn Mny Flynnl Mn Belly Caldwell Mn Pat Brown Mn Rn Jny Mrl Jain Scull Mn Rare Puller Ian Mn Mm Hunter Mrs Smllh puny girl Andrewl Prubylerlnn Church Bmle In lar lhc murrl shlrley Dllnnl mm Green luv no Adam olllclnled ma mm noon ceremuny on autumn The Mid ll the dluzhler Mr And Mn Mllllon ol Ncwlon Sl The brldmwm parenu In Mr and Mn Grunslde Oak El The new lywzdl wlll mlkl lhelr homl Nam In human my the gnarl loch ma an city and dullM Woddlnl nr nmmrlu bmhdm Wu pullu 70mm olIu pm tlel vllltou Ind lnullm In III Illml menu to wane re 11 Ill pm Yanr Mp In Iupplylnl Im nem will III ml Inn clliefl Plnu phone no and Ellmlner PA 531 Ind Ilk lar Elloeu Dixon or Audrey Comm I5 Wm anl Dapmmem 1qu gnaw mm mm rm nu Inva numaun ml my dorm mm m1 phlrmlry nuI mm flu vmmmlu nu lerlvllonl vlrlodup Ind dtllvlnd chvfl For Many Ind conflict em anenu Exuucnl thnm or print or umlprlvnu Ho and mud water In roam numer ed Num ln allandlncc NAIM CUSDENS snvnan NURSING HOME 514mm om MARSHAL Rog PHONE IN mm mum mm or mm com mum PEOPLEJND PLACES Mil Mrl Mchnn wu prelunled wuh crib Ind mumu blur hello Kenwood my labour and olhar Kim Luncheon wn mud by Mu 5mm umb ed by Mu Velml Stewrt Mn Rm Pnllamn Mn Vel Flu lny Ind Mn Keith Lennox pgammum sc Eiï¬ own es chlion with bend budico within in Ind mink Iloia completed her enumhie Mn Perry Rynnl an wu floor ienxlh lurquoiu pun do aoie with bodice Incrusied with panix Ind 1min Ind bell Akin my ou mm ARC Rodney Flewy of the United sum Air Force llltlon ed It Klncheloe AlrFom Base Mlchllln wu ucenl vllllar with 11 menu Major Ind Mu Ray Fleury 91 Wellle Earlier Mlu Jurophlnn men Mn Irena MncDanald Mn Marla Grrnar Mn Velm Wllum Ind Karenr Mlu Jo Ann Mr Ryan of Toronto tanner mldenu 01 Eur He mended tho opening Pm men In OHIWI mm of the 8mm Mr and Mn Ryln plum Perry Ryan Lib erll her of Pnrllamenl or Sp limp x319 The enunmanl ha bean In nouncod IIMIII Eunice Ellu Chlppol to Carl Waync Hlmllton The brideelect ll the mm or uuuuuu vl mr Inn Leon lrd Oh Barfle The bride moma act flu sun Mr Ind Mu Cllllord Hamilton Edwin June weddan plann Aï¬pwnflnumm In Bunit Phulnby Eric Clmm Cnm 45A DUNlOP 51 WEST $1499500 Bllnneo To Ono NHA Mmego LIVI MODIRN AND COMFORTABLE WITH 150000 DOWN PAYMINT Exmmggflnomn or THE wnmi MORRIS CAIT CONSTRUCTION NO ON OTTAWAY AVE CARSON AS PUBLISHED ON FRIDAY APRIL 72776 Is now UNDER consmucnou av For Rho Hm limo lbs district delmlu decided In mm curator la camp dlalrict Tweedxmulr hlnory book since nun cl hm nnmlnuled wed nesdy would accept lb pm It wu Ion la Mn Mnulra to ï¬nd undldm Ind ppojnlgnen Iller on olonmni Thn elccllnn look In It the Human mxlom wu con ducted by Mn Victor OBrlen Hawkeslone board mtmber or lQeAngernled Womens Immuu Convener Ire alrIcuIIun and Clnadlln lnduslrlu Mn Jnhn Patterson BR Harris hmorlcal research and current events Mu Wumlcl RR Barrie home econnm Ind helm Mn Oaclla Ward RE Mineslnl clllzenlhln Ind edu ullon Mrs Max Cnlz RR Junk publlc rdallon omcer Robert Slmud RR Elm vlle rmlutlnn comm Mn Ely Tuck RR Elmvtle Fedenuon Afllcullun re pruenllllve Mn Howard Greer In dhlrlct dele to cmvanflon Mn Don Jncohl RR Elmvnle Fodeuled Womenl lmtllmo Damlo npruenlntlve Mu Cecil Punch Elmvnle Illum III Mazulre Mine Ila udilon Mn John Pal lenon RR Elma and Mn mine ï¬denvq MW other rvlnu on tha 1565M district In In vlcapmldenl Mrs Don Jambm RR Elm vn mend vicepruldenl Mn Dean Wyevnle um urytreuurer MrL Hum Mc Lean Mlneslnu CRAiGHURST sum Mrl Mn uire Mineslnl was reflected intrict president oi the Gimme Centre Womens in ailiute It the district nnnunl meeting held In the Community Haynhm qunudnyt Simcoe Centre WI Executive Elected At District Annual REAl ESTATE Exclmlvn Agon MRS HUGH MCIEAN MRS MAGUIRE Illumfll wmnu nun Inna lulumm nu DISIGNOOZ How0 Dechlm wupollpanad an 193 Inc next year meethm Since wu put our pm1 when hunlneu on Ike and VII completed deleualel Mr morn lime could be duvoled 1m on to chmslnz ll lrom the lnvlllllnm recelvzd CraIghurlt WI members mva ed lunch to the WI vhlkor In the newlycampleted bmmentE St Johns Anglican Church here The WI luncheon wu lha Hm even take Inc In lhe church bucmml Inca It wu built on WI member explllnw Allendance It the dhtdd and hunt was up over last yenrl total wIlh 10s delcfalea andi members at In On hum WI mending About so woman mended lul yeaAru peellnz recqrds Ihnywed Openan cmmanle Ind the ï¬rst the business raporls wen given at the momlu culnn Lller In ha mnrnhlz there was display of zurmcnls sewn by It In the Dllslan 4H Home mglglnl Club mum of the Sliver Mapla WI hunch pluyed Instrumenul number during muslcnl lnlcr ludel both mornlnl Ind Iner noon Commercial or Industrial Photo Passpan roman Film Developing CALL SMITH STUDIO Owen It PA H11 For PA 6648