Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1963, p. 3

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Dr llnll uulllncd plan pm puscd by lha pmldenu 0n llrlo unlvcrsltlu who met wlh ulhe Advisory Cummlllcn an Unl venlly Alfalfa The plan con rrslslod of recognlzlnn the need lour new unlvmltlu Il lhe our new lnslllullans could have 2000 studenu each lhn end elghl yam we waulrl b9 very uglunatol Dr Hall presldcnt Ihe Unlvorslly of Western On llrlo nulllncd Weslerns expan lion plans or the next eight Mm about 40 members thehnnrrle Dimlcl Alumni Inst said In um In Ontario We had 32000 unlvcrslly slu mvdenka We were nnllclpnllng lho unlverslflus of Ontario would have to provide space or 58 009Ko 57090 ntudqnu by 1970 C1aims Ontario Needs Four ew Universities Nounml ol Fm LIndy lormu union mi lulrrlnu mm lull Mnuhv Llnum vmm Chrhllnn mInIIrr Nme AllIn In lh lumln lmvmlv Will llepmrnullm In Caul rlln mnclllnuy rnmpnm luv annum Sunday lot lwo mk vllll In no Chlula and film PM In Imul lha poul lvlllllu ul lnrrrurd Clnldlln mmulmhxrn 15 mnchlnrry umlrr HunIn mnnumrnu llnlhllnd hill NJ Dr Paul Muyer Wood In In nullnnnlly knnwn unulhulnlnr III bum nllmrnl OTTAWA CPINo luda mluianl one nrrlvlnf mm mum lho olhu lrnv nu nr Ir Unlud sumno Inlo ncllnn lhh wrekend In mambrr lump nl Hrlllh hallIn uncm II lo nrrlvt ln Ollnwn salunluy to Iludy how Cnnndlnn melhodl llmlm mm mmlmdlon an ulnplrd In llgllnln Thanks in lh Shchn Shrlnn Gub Enrria mad he CF Faun dullnn in Toronto hm lwo youngster have bull zlvtn new lease on Me One Barrio Klrl has the bendltl or an anllhlollc mlsl producing mnchlnc under which aha sloop wry nlzhl The llundl mile llbrosll vlcllm do not Iva on normal flowlnx ucrcllom but lunud pruducu hlck and lucky lub Iluncu which 1nd wny In tho lunxl ORDER SECOND The nlher vitllm 01 CF younnlcr In Phelpslon The machine purthmd lull munlh wn or the BmIo xlrl nd Ipokumnn lnr lhl Sheba Shrlm Frank Taylar Inld the ond machine hII been ordered or he Phelpllon pallnnl The machine coma in hm pm plastic tent com puuor and hm mask The plllent Ilccm nvorninhl under ha on whlch hep mm nnltblolln ln lha Ilr Dutan the My ihu pnlenl mml war brenlhln mm Ind Illl hll or her lung leI Inllhlollu Ind oxynm Narmnlly ha anen wurl tho mnk Icmrdlnl In No Simcuo County chlldnn mm wllh killer dlleuu cystic brash may Mu to adulthood Relenan lo the queullon what can lhu existing univer Illlea do1 ho plnpolnmd dim culch hnl wlll prohibit cxpan alon plan he Unlvnralty ol When these figures were reviewed lust wlnlcr new pra jeclnd figures resulted By mu the projected Onlnrlo unl vvcrslky enrollment now hmds at 31000 and hat mlnlmum omLmEs PLANV Trade Missions Going Into Action 1m cANAmAN rum MEMBERS OF the Unlver n1 chi with Dr Hall Lat my Warm Ontario Alum president of he unlvenlly Dr Hnl Shriners Provide Health Equipment DEATHS Mr Taylor nld um loundnlom uslm than lnmlllcl who can not Hard have emitted chil dren lrenlcd 0J1 Ehrlna mono uld Mr Taylor II to htlp Anyone who ulu ul or II wduh pmcrihed hy phyl Idln cnrdln to Mr Taylor over 5200 It is obulned wilh the llslnncu nl ma Cnnndlln Cyillc Flpfosll Euundullon fiihn cVoIlWln drug and equip ment can vary between 170 and 32007 month The Shrlnu Circus ll due In Burr Ihmlly and procredn from In wlll to the urnllh in chlldnnl mm In Iho Orlllla Muffin TM Shah Shrl nm hlvu umhhcd chlldrenl wnrd In lhe Bmln Ind Culling woud holpllIXl Dr Hnll ndmltlcd Ihnl the cost In provide nplcu or 3000 more Ilndcnu wax areal The pruvlnce has to consider whelh or there thu type money Dr Hail said that Iho univer siiy has decided to double gain or tho third consecutive um 11 an eightyear period In nccnmmodnle n2 icul 8000 siudunh including the enrol menu oi our aliiilaied COIIEICI Ha bucklmckcd Ind nnud um Western made firm decision that It Wnuld remam at 5000 sludenu Western doubled In alzo hclwccn 45 and 53 and ugfllq hgt 53and 81 esponslhll lty wu almost moral and that cfllclnll the university must loo at In that regp Toronlo can only no so tar Quecna urrnundlnu land has rcsldcnklal property In Klngslon The new unlversllles have nn ye mhlllzed lb present plan and Manager can no no cclmlu more quickly lhan 7000 mm over the next In years What Western role In lhll crlslsr Toronto Queenl Unlvmlly of Ottawa the newer one luch WIndsur Waterloo and Lawn Uan and McMnmL cont MI mlchllueV I¢ Bngfl The npullll of halldnmmlmplnullymw by up 200 0M yr ol hullM Chapno lud from Incll um mm In flu Nllnn PaulaIII For that flflfi1r day he bflmwfibbm Champagne Th lpnlllll of mldnmflnmplnnhymw In tho nowu old moon ol fortannual In bank And In Drlflna who ullm PMIIIIM Chapno II nude on wooll um um II In Nllllll PaulaIII YITAWA CPIThen wlll In an adequate lupply of want in Canada lhls your Trade Mlnls at Mitchell Sharp Inld Thun ny llaknuw no difficulties coll cernln lupplln Price wnl dllmnl mnller In reply to Wlllllm 1L IL Than PCMIdchacx Well Mn Sharp uld Um hotnule mmd lunar prlcu iha Ca dlnn rule luxu been likely lo rim hll yur In 110 nu 5000 cm mm In nvmuo 85000 In Common rorly lo Jam MeNully LLlncn he Inld luzar Ilockl have Incrused 1ch and Import reculpll It about the same lcvel In ye On cloxlnz unto he laid Western wll conllnue to help Inc as private unlveully or In private as It can win Ihh day and age when ul unl vmillu must depend on prov lpclll Ind adernl lubxldles hu alumnl across Canada hm pledged ammo he no and early mponsa la the appeal Western Unlvmlly Fund 196 from Canadian bxul ness ha been antastlpl Tha oleve 1n voluntary contributions hu been set $1200001 Thu sum lonelher with what we have in hand at no Immudlulely avnilable add up to Ipproxlmalely HS th mentioning ihai the alterna ilve would be far Ontario to lose students and cripple its in ture by den in the right oi hlxhcr educal on to younn peopio who have the abiliiy Dr iinli expressed optimistic thoughts that the clmpullu iur iunda would luccud ALUMNI PLEDGE To provide Inclllllu 101 nudenu includlnl ahaul postEradunla students 400000 building program been dnwn up to house 60000 new place In Ontario at 20000000 each yaur or Um next 1th yearl But think ha cost would bu renter If we did not mum our obligation he added Canada Will Get Adequate Sugar Lat to right no Fuller Dr Hull Mrs hnlca Laklng Praises Chinese In Hoanohg Brawn yhohaldl dermn 9L MN 1nd Jdd ll naw llvlnz In Tornnlo Illcr ter vlng as mlnslonnr In Chlnl Inrmns he adul We When the Communx It me name In power In 1919 aha want In Hon Kong when her with laws In mnlnlnnd Chlnn Ind htr facility with he lnnxuaua qunll 1ch her fur work with the Cann dl Iar Christian Lllerakure AUTHOR ILL LONDON AWhard Rum lecrpoo Myearold author and lawyer in gravely ill with lung lnlecllan Ml lumHy In nounccd Thunday nusull an nulhorlli nn mlllllry Inw won lnlrrnnl unnl acclnlm In ID with llnl book Thu Scout he Swnxllkl Sh uld um tho pea la an Kong were mlklnz arolc attempt Io mm the challenges ul hmlnm hum Ind educa Ian Bonn and later urved 1n Shnnzhnl edlm at two migraines Happy Childhood and Th Wamnnl Sm or Chrlaglnnflldtcralufq Sachm The amazing Industry lnllla MW andadaptlhfllly ol the people of Hon Kong to ha almost overwhelming problems they face was txplalned by Miss Margaret Brown on nlcsday evening She wax the Ru weaker at the Alnhl Unll oIMColllarA Unjled Church The man kllled Wednesday mm In twocar colllslnn on Highway 12 wn Idenllmd by Ontario Provincial Pollco In Orllllu yerlerday by fingerprints He is Edward Game 0mm 57 9t Peters Orlllla Police said the mlnl head wal crushrd so badly that vau al Identification could not be made An autopsy showed he Osm lng who had bnd heart did nu din of heart attack as um Inflectch The other driver Huwnrd Charles Aimwurlh laid police aner the accident that he honk cd his horn and pniied oVEl to the aide oi lho road when in oiher car here down on him Oslerlag wai aclvlllan miln tenance employee at RCAF Sla llon Edgar Mu Elsa McLean andJack Pollock Forty people Illend ed the reception 1Exnmlnar Photo Identify Victim Auto Crash Coffee will have two price in Barrie heulnnlns tomorrow morning and tho price wlll dr pegd nwhera yyn buy And It Home laces collce ha counter wll remain 10 cent cup but lakeml colteo wlgl an up If In AErnufi of about llrestuur an awnm merycsterday In dis cuss the price rlxe reception in the church basement of St Giles Anxllcnn Church will be held fulln lng um ll oclock my or ev Jun mqqel av nddel will mnclude IIA mos le years ministerial dulle It the church Friends are Invllcd In mend ha ser vice nndfor ha rccepllon delay in delivery of llnk lento Ind flood light 13 hold IL up the Harbour Comm Ilonl plan la lune lease or boat sllps the marina Lloyd Parlrldxc sccrclary said yesterday Thu reasonwhy we havent advertised or Issued lease because dellvcry has been delayed on Ilnk Anne glvaflsoma security to he mnr Hold Reception For Minister Lease Boat Slips Within Week He said Hydro pole have LETS HAVE ANOTHER CUP 0P COFFEE The Price Depends Where You Buy It REV ll RIDDEL WEDNESDAY JUNE PERFORMANCES 430 and MS pm FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY at the BARRIE ARENA Virtually allVpinm with din lng rooms will raise coitus 15 coal cup Slcdman Scare and Wool woflhs will hold the HM at 10 centsn cup as will number of smaller places Jacksons Grill will continue to charge 10 cents or notice an flarpmmlsc but will begin Wu expect to have delivery and lheJenco up next week such the case well be randy to lenso ally by the end of next week Asked to comment on the aug mtlnn that the icttya were too narrow to permit some boat ta get Into the slips Rowe chairman at the Harbour Com mission sald Yes It has been suggested that the dockl that is thexjetuu might have been 11qu larther apart But no maucr whnl you do Ihera will always be some com plainl mlghl be ll light or sun190 the larger bouts but was designed by an engineer Some pcnple yau could give the whole bay lo manoeuvre in and It all wouldnt he enbug been In but weve had to wall on deflyppllo Ugo llghlg We didnt want In make any lease prior to pnlllng the fence up and Installing Hahn hecausa wad huvo no way preventlnl p0slble than and no on Appllcmlon arms are avail able at the clerks olflce Harry Jensen of A1 bernl 130 was fined 50 In Banlo Maxlslrnlul Court yesv erday on charge Healing chroma whch dlsc of amino of Ian than $50 from Nick Alex Siezlnm II mean type of nuance uld Mlglslrake Foam In uulng aenlcnce Unlortunnte you have tha rncnrd crlmlnnl nuance ualmt yo The can sequel to one has week when Mr Slezlnskl wan ilncd Ilmlllr amount or slcallng wheel dlxcs mm lhlrd puny Youth Fined $50 On Theit Charge museum av 11m sum 31mm cm or nAmun ncxm AVAILABLI AT JACKSONI mun CALDWILL min on aim HM trAnoN mm wan mo cummfl in mm AMERICAS FAMOUS Saturday In chnrgé 12 cent cup or lakeon coflea The yraprlelur explained Ihat thu paper cup cos nearly two cents each at 513 houmnd and he would he forced to take the prlco to 12 cents Dans Grlll will continue to charm 10 cents will the DH wood mg 10 cams Com will remain ll cent cup In the Byrnn lunch counter and Lakevlew Super Milk Bar One prnprlem with lime coffee trade said Sure the prlce sum went up but didnt go up that much to in Myk ralshm the price 50 per ecu The price Ilse will also meet beverage hat mid or 10 cents previously and Ilso lama nun uln drlnk lhal had been ulL In or centl spokesman fnr some the restaurant owners said the In cresse was due not only In the Increase In the price of sugar but also to wage Increases lnr waitresses ll ls also expected ghat res taurants ln Huntsville wlll raise YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you needn medicine Pick up your remlptlon ll Lhopplnu neuby or we will dclver pmmplly without extra charm cut many people enlnut us with their prescrlp ans May compound yours CALDWELLS For every mcdlclne there Is one form ln whlch wlll be be able to combat parllcular Illness In our pharmacy laborulory there are over 4000 dillerenl mcdlclnu pills capsulns tablets powder crclml elixln emulslom and nlnl menu pharmacist we know the specific uses he prescribed dosages the mm emcuva mm storage insure potency every one of these medicine New medlclnes are tracked Immed mely um there II no delay Cor Owen Indium DRUG STORE ADMISSION ADULT ms CHILDREN 75¢ MEDICINE IN EVERY SHAPE AND FORM Gto cImli PM 10 Inge th Ihe price In 15 um on Salar dZ Restaurants nionz lha man area on the math shore Laxa 51mm have not said what may Inland to do but one owner said he wIl follow the lead Tot onfip and rasu the price No Increase In anliclpnted In Parry So nd One restaurant owner mi wage In the town are on low to permit an In crease In are east of Luke Slm cue In Beavertun Cannlnxlon Sunderland and Llndny mans no increase are planned Ncnlyvilva cases Including two criminal actions are on um list of cam or hearing at in General Sesslun ol the Peace heginnitgg piqndlayu The 11 lziéludfi five appeals slx Jury civil actions and 11 mm Sumclvll acylnns mum represenllng par ties In all cases an lhe list are requested to ho present or re presenled at tho openlnx of tour on Monday at mm General Sessions Has 25 Cases Prmnnd By CLYDE BROIHERS CIRCUS my

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