lnpedigll mo mm cl prguun vhldl rmldphl Kama Ind undlu Mr mum Micinlllnn old tho Noun Co urldny LONDON mumA mu 03 mm lmldonl Konmdy Prlm Mlnlnler Mumlllul an Vllll nutlur MilMn II lun In umlod lo ha dullmed Izdlluulln lramlnr Khruuhrhev lunln lemII up In man an In In Cnmp mm can In Cdn nuonln gin JFK Macmillan My Issue Text rfIll PM ms Inn llul use It vl Mani am an NJ NM Inu hL Immun IA on jug xov Albulol mum Alluml uni lumxnlum yum an Hymn Ix hllh prenura over the Great Lake hmuzht clear lktea and Ham varlabla wlnda to much at Ontario Thun day night In both northern and Iauthern Ontarla temperature wera generally 1n the upper to or low 50 The name weather ahuuld continua Ulraulh Satur day la the north wlh gradual warmtnl Scattered Ihowen and thundenturma nuocluted with daveloplnl alrunle ba tleen very warm weather over lhe central Ilatea and Iauthern pralrIaI and water weatherpver Forum mum by the Tar nnlo nilherafllylan nm Arum Glnker and 11 11 pm duced lull at the lhird luc ceulva Vlclnrln my Thu Hut co the II Jnhnny nth mm wouded Me In this comer hl develop ment which wllI have panor amic View on lwo Me of In reacth Kempcnlell Bay The most donrnble of hue unlll will he the eight lots runn lnr down Penetanaulsheno Reid and lronlinl on Shanty Buy told Already retaining well made of the mm mm the old Barrio Pol Olflca lm been ereclld on the Ioulhust corner the sub dlvlllon overlnoklnz the Shanty md flhg vnll anyway Work and week In In lullarln the land for what will aventua ly ba 19 IIch land uaped and wooded mldentlal IIWIIIIE Nnflh Shore damn yroject of Garrett Developments Barrie le wlll ccmnm ex eculivo class lots wllh houses mndelomenxnra to Iho lndlvld all lulu at their ownen Were mndlng on the hl the In lho ens and city Inld Jack Ganen 0n clear dny nu can see as far Iha Blue aunulna Road is mllu my CPI DIIL NORTH SHORE HEIGHTS No two hnusél will be ï¬llke TODAYS STOCK PRICES Cumpllrd by Executiveicvldss Low New Subdivision ml Ilan ACT Imcu DIIL llhlnm Tn Cu NM 10 Nu loll AVIIAI 1mm Ila mm Umuu WEATHER FORECATT nmNolll nut to um ulllllh III llflh Ulkl1 ll 01 minim ac IITIIANOI mun In ma uu Hum an om up xï¬ All Dullu Anlh lln Ann Anmm plldn llmlmu Nrkuult Ix Mulll Innile Nulun ll Ham on no my Mln Imp hum Im on In mm mm Na lnm Nlrhl um uumrlu nuran om cm bu Flynn Dunlap 5t am KNDUITIML VICTORIA DAY CELEBRITIES pm MIND NV rum rm Tlmnxnml Algoml Ioulhern While Riva rcnlunl North Bay Slliburyx Incrzulnz cloudincn loulnht Scaumd xhowm Ind lhund Sntllydzy Nuwu amuruly Norlhnn White River Coch rano 11cm Mainly cloudy It Lake St Clnlr Lake Erie leu Huron Niagara Lako 0n mm Hullhurlpn Gwrnlan Day nalonnWlndmr landon Tor onto Hnmlllon Mainly sunny and warm lodny and Smurdny Wlnldn um yorlherpCnnudn ago expaded lu conllnï¬o Aprudinl ml Ind south acrou northern 0n qunymlgld ï¬nlyrdnz Canuck and her brother Ind III In Flrocncker Ind Silver Queen mm or will be phoun by Chlflex Although much of the bill In hm foliage and rather bleak at the moment line It dlmcd gravel ml Mr Gand Illl extensive rlnnl Inr planting trees of mu ulude of moles ln conumcunl the house It will be necessary to removn sum luau ha anld However able ChOOIGMl own architect uld Mn Gunen We lay down no hard and as rule which ymauecllva homwwner mun ollnw othnr hnn that um flnllh Ed home must have lIvIng floor space least 1700 mm VLANTING The amulleslmroperly In from 75 Ice and no fee deep Thu larger and mm Individuallyshaped have Iron BBC gp 11 m1 nulo Dumber hmmuca Ind nunlnm Ind memfll mudlvojumu Mllvflln um my Mum 10 mi and pm The alum wooded lot wlll be ln the 0000 prlce range he noted Hawaver sums of ht amnllu lots on lhe secnnd and rear llar of the development will sell or consldcrnbly 1w heJald mu um Mr barren Everytth will be IBPyulntply gumen 1m mt rm hum um Ila All Mm Mn In Unllbd on Wlllm wum wmr mm mm 709d Lor FRANCHISE 11 NH VIIIII HAIRCUTS Fumnl Trmperllum Low mum lllxh lllIIIdl Wlndmr Thou London Kllchener Mount Fem Wlnghnm Hlmlllon Trtnlon Killlloe Mulkoka Norlh Ely Sudhury Enrflon bnull Sm Marl Knpmkallnl Whflo Ive Moomnu Tunmlnl 65 IMH CENTRAL CONTROL In Tokyw lha wurldl 1n My All lrnfllc l4 cvnlmltd from linnlo canlrnl hudqufl Western llmel Day glam Nonhcrn necllon clenrlnn Ind cold lodny Soulhem Mellon cloudy wllh muered Ihawm nyd turnlnz colder Suturdny malnly lunny Ind cool bath norlh and Iaulh Wlndx 11th Mnlna Fomnll Lnku llumn Gearllln Buy South la Ioulhwm wlndl 12 lo ll knnlc lnmulnl tn Innlherly ls lo 25 lonlzhl and Sammy Manly lnlr day and saturdny few ml lmd shower or lhundeuhaw today becomln more re uen tonight In snurdly mine cooler thin nflemoon Wgdlllght David Ind Mary Jinn ll childxen Mr Ind Mu Elli Laws of 125 Welllnxton Strut West Examlncr PM Work on ermlon of In two houses will heiln um tlme local Irchltect ll com plellnz his ï¬nal drnwlnu an moment he continued the tin stage of onmtrucuou will ho computed In than 111 wggkx ha noted The northweal corner th uubdlvlulon will be plrk This greenbelt Iva per cent cl ha enuroland Inflace will ba handed over Io the city to be ndmlnlllmd by It Eventually will complament and link up with the purl to ba mm mm tho as yet unnamed 110qu pm ect that 55 dlrggjhlo ï¬e north or North Shara Height Ipld Mr Gunell Mr Gilmt do not eel that than will be any need to provide speciï¬c recraallonnl mum for lnhabltnnu of North short Hellhu Swimming and ylcht lnz facilities In only law hundnd yard away he noted these will not ha torn dawn In the Mmehonored uldluon ol Iuhurhun hulldlna but wlll ha lrlmlarred In olhm lols in tho development 88388283823 ISARJEANT Co LTD PA 82461 rmpdm It the Laid Ruidenu wlli oHow flu dance nd tht rnlruhmlnu will nmd nu uduulon aur clu win In he Wednuday North Collullh pm MM mduuml nurm mm Roynl Vldnril Howl will be ml at honor the nunu undunllan bull to nlm Central Collulm other dun the Dominion Dly Festival which ll mnwnd by tho Jnycm lhll will bu ml odll Ivenl 11 mm In In lxh mutant rlzu will In Awnrded tar lhu um Huh Map mm the flocked rout will be Ipecill mun rimming In the Slawn pool bubmed but do lumbar Ind mm and flahlnx contest IM moman nm¥£m In um Mu Mambo In and lem unl huld their lm dinner mm lnx of the non lul night and lomnmw they wlu pmldpm In In outdoor party II I0 ml dunco ol thelr mm commute chllnmn Slawg1 Cpl Holtham BIKHI deuchment OPP uld with mmmcr mule lnmm then bound lo be In 11mm In no ddmu We um drlvan to 29 met Ihu lulu of lhI ton and drive with common um nif And peinltlu lmpoud tho mum lbh Honor Graduates Rt Nurses Dance SUNOGD noon ran Lona nun beuer lo mum ham ler motorlnl wnkend 11v um 91 hlkuc you human to um Ihlnx and you Are mm tho police hIV recavued he Item least on yelr to Yam name wau pretty aura wav It nld dimInh ar John LIW Ho and Chic Tach 1mm will Mather lame ume lodly lo mm on mum lo 11h Inventory Iaycees Plan Outdoor Fun In and Chief Tlchhhml alike In number mlmfllneoul Item Iuch as one boot rifles the blanket muvll cnmen In mum Enjoy Motoring By Staying Alive MI 51ml Hayden and ob ch wad by the pane will or pugllc laupuon Tho Bunk City Police Do pmrntnll Innull lumon will 1le pllce tomorrow moral 3115 oclock behind the pullcu Thirteen elm man EM menu auction are unlergd In thtAdvInced Rum Competi tion which wan wan In yur by IHlmllton elm Elmn team Ité entered la PM Eula 11mm Computldon snvml Emumncy Manure Orlanlullon men men will amnd the thlrd an anal EMO Emu competition or II Ontario Chllenla Tro phy at Guelph Juno Elven EMO menu 1mm from municipallqu In Onlnrln will compete Welllnxton Guelh EMO will hosUhe compel on Wllnnwwangton Alrpan my Bum Aw mmn MAY City Police Department Holds Auction Sale Tomorrow Night HIAIINO Oll Respï¬e squads Hold Competition John Anlhony Sam Inn of Mr And Mn Anthony saw 68 52 BanIo mduated from nlvenlly ol Wellem Onuxln with In hanun de PHEE rmuo mm inlet mufï¬n In Inc we have mum ba Khulna Ioon pkkil up Ind thin the length oluqmg Vbweennucuonl an yearl tuc uon wt lollout The 1101ch mld evtrythlnl they managed to collect 1op EMO reign secllonx mind In all phase of menu operatlon by municlpallllu throwhoul the rovince man dtlermlned bd to cop than Provincial cglllum Trnphiu DLUIElrjl More than 200 men will who pm In the thylong competition Trapth and crust will be Ivgrdegyn the manly lenml Ray Atkinson cwrdlnalu or sinmoo Barrie EMO nld Wu are not entering team um ear but some of the buy will dawn We hop to have FIRST mom BEER is or so many people an LABATTS PILSENER JOIN THE FUN TRY CASE OF REAL 0000 DRINKING BEER Big partlessmall partiesor relaxing together 451wa mnf GRADUATES is the fDowner Has Bouquei For County Officials The diners were entertained by two mica rendered by Ron Cawnn Inn of Innisiill road aupervianr and chairman oi iha banquei committee Jnhn an an LauLI Trim Em Tawn shiv president ha associailnn and master ceremonies uh ed or Introduction from each Wen Gwmlmhury was re pmented by the one woman member in the person Deputy Reeve Mn Vlnla Mcmflan The group Wu Ionmed About year but this wu the int tima that many municipal father were awm in ex btence Reeves depuly reeves and council member from rural municipalities formed par he 65 who wm served by the indie Strand Pmbyterian Church Th5 newlyunned County As satiation Road Supervlson held public dlnner In slmud Corgmunlty Hï¬ll nlzhL Dan Stewm chalnmn flu Barrio Jayne sue Driv Inz TeenAle Romo pm lent certiï¬cate to Christine SAFE DRIVERS RECEIVE CERTIFICATES Reeve Joseph Cachnne laid the gathering the hlnh qual iliu oi ha man who lupervim innisiiil mad program lie Hid that whm municipality can havn 50 per cent ii road mi uimburled by the high way deparimani maney spent on permanent iypupi roads is not cost bui an investment Tfllcnck munIprnI en gineer for the Depnrlmenl Highway uld although he had been In this Iran or nearly two yem he had not yet bun to all the municipalities My work lakes me men the road lupeflntendenll and Ilnd they often hm Ilm la Ioluuon la problem be In ml the trip took ï¬ve houn ram Toronto Mochlnery good ouyervklon and money had chonxed the mid conditions he commuted Warden Albert DaConkey ex4 reused Illa nppreclallnn he next And told the chun uu adsln Qpldwaler Lnrkln and Andy Malcomum wha laced am In their re lpec vo cluxu The Iwn win ner lam tonight or the Ha laid that pnIlllu can bc and nrolherwm Ind nn cauu war and rush pence It can work or welllra and Ac taxes and the Ian member calm 21L hnvo the problem keep In the Ix tales dawn and shawl lha ratepayers whnl they get or lheLr money Yam ago were wu only on road partly conslmcted In lhl county Ind Iha ms the Penn tanzulshene road eel that am addreulnl the fines group lull poll liclnu that one could meet when Aland he befora In many munlclpnl repreunlauvu nld MrManner It no or pun ly that th are olflce but for lha nod of their munlclpal ltyand My munlgy Rev Dawnr MPP wu Introduced by the ram Natlawusaza Orvllle Younl FINEST GROUP feel flu by building bet ter roads we cut mulnunnncn cosy he said urng In Mlllrl Full Ex aminer Photo pllOglargo Jiyceg Sgig Driv