Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1963, p. 15

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FUEL and coumucnofim 49 ESSA nvo um Imépl nunum mm um um TORONN CPVllnd Pay lum szyenmld plalnllfl in 31100000 damnxa action against the Toronto stock Exchann and Geom Gnrdlnu an mm the exchange mulled Thqu day that to lhla day ha do not know why ha axchanzaa dJrec on withdrew approval at Ma mm dhcclar and ahnw holder Daly and Com pany atockhrokerl Mr Pulling spent thu Hill ninth day MI court action ln the wllneu box lull in about the clnummncu nl Jon Posluns All Day In Witness Box Not Told Reason For Discharge AllANDALE UMBER EXAMINER Humor THE WEEK l055 son cmpom 160 2450 442 Mr Plllfllo kod Mr Pu lum whalhur hl knlw um lhc mack exchan dlrectcn did not arprove of be dmclor the Duly Inn min In cen mn Ilock yum duh or Ft lerborauxh John Lynch whllo lb ml balm one point Mr Juuiu Gala who II hurl the null without Jury Interrupud quaHoning by axchnn coun IArulur gnuuo Wlmdfl with tho Duly Inn Ind he exchanlo ileum which Prlvacdlllgn Inga mulling PA pmm In 01 km Lida Invcumenu which bought op tion from Mr Lynch NNNNNN mm L511 IP mun lent leuhnlng aqulpment and our to urporl Den could um am bldroom necunry Bur bedroom hm comer window Ind hm clout Full mu bu legume tnwtl clblnet Unen clout ban the been provided Dr Jim Ihawn brick veneer 034414 or Eflfi CHZF or Fume Bum dud Builder Blueprint or thh dulm No cm 15 for the flu Ind $5 or addition ml nwy nvnll lb In Canndn by mum mill Onnrlo mldenu mun remit per ml um tax Idlpubla to varylnl llvlnz re qummenu Iona lennflnlnz mom 3m two explnnm win dow amt Front Incnon of kitchen mm by many hornnrnakeu And mum gomarfinx axcelg pmucll room plan you home that PM VMK Pimn DWMIDN or nu PMNINO MILL CO Outllandlng Valu Indlvldull Dulgn Start bulldlng garage from the Ball now Dollyoursell or can do ll or you llbour and material ll wlll cost less than you lhlnk Illd wlll be an excellent plncu to store bicycles and lawn mowers as well protect the car next wlnlet mareer mm 04 CHOOSE GARAGE THAT BLENDS WITH YOUR HOME FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION OHAWA CWAmendment to the National Housinl Ad maklnz It easier or Canadian to buy oldsr homes an ex Heated In bl introduced In Pun nmenl next nulumn An Inlormed lource Inld Thunday the amendmenu nllo will urovldo or lonnl on man zonalmu term for building house lnr rent Ind wlll en counn urbln ranewnl and da filament Theu ire the Erinclpal pm panll in the L1 an lovem Floraled In the In looked exactly Ilka avarybodyn Idea of In Ionpent Caddy the monitor nmcuonllely known on ha Wen Coast WA made In III dun rubber um lulled upright will In her tuba rubbar Iracov ered wouden neck and held Ind Inner tubmuppmed out ruler um lhn menthy Invent clnlmed to hnvn been photographed Wednu day turned out Thundly to Doug nzmldc III mum all or study oI the problem Involved In the promotion the weIlm lbs agedJnd 1th terms In or derlto ensure In addIIIon In the provIoIon IuflIcIent In come there are also developed adgqualo Ierva and mum very wldu Ield which annexally 1m been dealt with In llmlled my within province or axnmpla eggs ran may mum Many the ed feel that they are unwnnw that they no uselm Io omen said Sen gwr Crall in In Inmview Thur Tho Myemold Libernl sena tor hu Introduced motion In the Upper ChAmber almad at mung wmamber committee to work on national survey at problem ranglnz tram health amploymen and houlnu to in or leyura acglvmu my nun Bzhlnd the move while hmrzd vigorous sentor David Crou larmer Ontario wellm and labor minister with long flme lnlemt In welfnre proh um SERPENT TALE WAS INFLATED OHAWA CHThe Senaleyll belnz ukod to mike may In degufiloz Hayley gnu aggd Changes To Boost Urban Renewal THE RABBI EXAMINER FRIDAY WORM CF QIdboro Senaieflskéd To ConductStfidy On Health Housing Aged Modernizing Services 48 Anne St PA 60902 Cull thc null or In lm cauluzua Ind lha mlny Ilylu lVlUlhll lo blend wklh your house Wllh down plymcnt Ind lam to null yaur budut why no um Iodly Urbnn renawal and develop maul along with NHA umend menu to yrovlda ovarnment uurlnlud mortgage or the urchua of exlmu Mum and at conltmcunn of noun or rent wm romlud by lhe Con luvHm Iha 1m election Former mime mlnlmr Dlelcm baker lulled out min pmvoull Gulf In lhl clmrnlln to spark bout And mun clpal development Onu ol the mm immedme and urgent plan at ha govern ment or the um pm at the union he laid II lhn lab thment the $400000000 mu nIprII davelopmenl Ind lonn lund um to be up within cw week Prime Minimr Pemun In hll nm muon ddmuflc allnln ufeech ouuldn Pnrflnmenl Ilnce clump told lhohdemlon Mnyon Ind Munldpallllel In Toronto Wednudn that lhe NHA Imendmcnu eluding the urban mum and developmznl plan In pm the govern muml promm flu will be carried forward promlled 14 up Imazm mentl houlnl praxrarn They are not bclng brought lorwnrd In the inlllal stage the current parliamentary unlan beclusa other boost to IherCAnadlan economy are confirmed more urgent now Senniar Cmil HY hit whiia depth and welim Held provincial Jurisdiction his pm and committee would no net valved in question oi canal iuiionnl iurildicuon becauu it in lacbiindinz body He hopes that axperl help can he enlisted In duvelorlng ha line ol Infinity and nation to Hm ro Hammad AI houah he hu no unwed ha commmee might hold hear lnn Icmg lha country to en uuto mat the med lhemxelves who could not come to the our 1qu wnuld participate In It W0 Sennor Crall expect bit It would take two mu or mm In do Junica to Iuch nn inquiry The Senate has mm number 01 these studiesIndth which have brought he Chum her wlde praise notn Iy for the examination law years no manpower problems poslllve and prevenllve kind um olden reltom may cemlnue to llve he thy nnd uee lul llvu IA member the Ca nldlen communlty end he need or the mexlmmn coaperellon ol all level at government In the pramotlon thereol 1m QUEBEC CmAkrlcuflurnl geomphy mule Held yet In be filled well Prat Lloyd Reed of McMaslcr Unlverslty Hamlllon uld Thundny night In his presidential address In lha Canadian Associnllon the our ay annual meetlnu the Canadlan Federation of Mayor and Munlclpamles He told deleaalea In ananln that municipalltlea must be thouth of as crnlrea around which ha caunlrya major economic ac uvlly revolves no appur dnw to Ihe national economy Fertile Field Drlver thu other cnr How ard Almaworth 51 OrIllln nved himself lrom Injury by jumrlnl to the passenger nlda of car whcn ha nw the head onncmg WEI imminent Gives Talk Mayor Munzraln of TronRiviera Qua deliver Iha prelldenual address at Ihe opening Ak ORILUA CWEdvard Gar not Ollerluz 55 Orlllla Thunday wu lentallvaly Iden tified by police as the man killed Wednuduy in twocar comIon on Hinhwny 12 our mile west or here No other venom were valved In Ihe accldenL 0mm wu neclpualcd in mi gccldem Complm Stock cnown =DIAM°ND mm SULE NEWS LOOK To us roiiHTRfi or FRIENDLY firm sanvuc mgr HA5 BUILT oun REPUTATION Orillia Car Victim Tentatively Named MONGRMN Now In perm mm la main than homo Improvemenu And pllll ynu mmm durlnz Inc wlnlor Winmar your Mod nil far you can In nun of India he bu solution on qunllly lumber building mnlrrlnll Ildlnl rocllnl Ind Inlullllan an Inn Mum nvlnzl hm Vllll our yard lndnyl Budget lerml Amnud 429 BLAKEST BARBIE PA 80254 60 um II Ulmall Oulllly lmlu your Bvlldur um Purim Bro Produm OTTAWA CPLDefence Min Iskr Paul Hellycr Id Thurl day night lhn he had to no out alda Canada to at blcklround delence Inlormllion whm Ila Wilson wu char ed wflh ca llnl murder alter nude bu Wllllam Fox Young was nund In line Jun 29 He had died seven hcad Injurlel and expaxuu TORONN CPiHnrry WI Ion 45 told polka ha had bum and mbbed yearold mun In In £12K but had not meant kill 1m Dal Sgt Jame Cuwfnrd testified aw The winter rose on ques Hon prlvlleze to comment on an Article In Wednudayl Globe and Mull which mentioned him both as member the board director of Canada Steam ship Linen ml mm IBM be hwrabl Inclined to Mr Bankl and SIU YITAWA CF Senator Thomaw Crerar LManltubn laid Thunday In the Senate he wouldnt support president Hal Bank the conlmvenlal Sen fareu Mametlona Unlnn Ind War Inc Job domkchen Mrlcullurll leogrnphy neglected and poorly med Hed Prof Reeds Ind Only three courm an altered in Canada Went Outside Geographm ha med student to Interest themulveu In thln umlalgy Hadnt Meant Dogcatcher Nol EACH IUIZC In Full Clrkm Lulu For Anything In Flam PROGRESSIVE FLOOR SERVICE In PA Hm BEHTBHM BROTHERS FLOOR TIlE Vlnyl AlbIIMI 1012c LTD 115i Elgggncllvu WrnuihlIran Rulilnzl Available In numerouu dlllmnl elmUm In your home DOUGLAS CONCRETE PRQDUCTS LTD 91 Anne Exlramely Econnmlcal BuiltIn 5er Trud TronbleFrue Easy Insulin Exclllnzly Beaulflul Cpl Don Holmes the pm vlnclal police said the buy Id mmed shouting himseX ha crouched In Held on his thera Inrm three mile west at here The boy admltled abri callni anothzr story to draw lenllon to Mme STURGEON FALLS Onl CPlA yearold bay Inld nnuraday he fled about the manner In which be Inflated gunshnl wound in tha It near here Saturday Ha told the Commonsinm venlnz In delence debalo II the lnvunuon the Conurva fives4M he not more lnlnrm allon vboul Canadal dalcnce mum ouulda the country than he could as lrom the Canadian gcvemment was the nppnsltlana delnnce crlllc Admits Hoax PHONE PA $9642 ran ran zsnmnzs Burris

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