Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1963, p. 11

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his Awan am IN lvolluovl Elllou FIN man my 11 1M Mkin Mnun Clui loo dedn Im lrnhuorl ma my new nuldoorws nrilmm I011 no mm mu to flu NH hum Ilaul Amnnu JUN To lumn Mun lhl almu 100 huhllf Alum cup In no nounnl no Khannu Cav Ila mm Ilmmy Goo Tum TIMI no Thu Lucy Mn mm IIHIMIIIn un ndl Emm no In Thu Truln II mm Tnvll mnu mm mum mu no my rm IIHI mu Lu Tcmhuona TlllHfll Mm mm 390 Klldm gummy Itoam Than the mmmunlly wnl phing Counlry Culundar on Su dny ruleran ell prnud In It mu ol the Incl sheep armors Thoma Bowman helnz Inter vllwcd They IIW him clipping nnd prcpnrlnn More or mar kql llavln I7 yun experience In authority on that and Mr and Mrs Edward Gibbon were in Guelph May 17 lo al lend the graduniinn exercise there when their son Donald received his BA He completed Ihe ouryear delrce mum in engineering Donald pianninl In no lo university In Ihe all The speaker or graduation ex mim was he Rt Hon Vis count Amory CCMG DL Brllish High Commissioner In Canada Following lhe exercim at 1010 um luncheon wu ved in Creimnn Hail INTERVIEWED an to Miss Mary nix who ilu been luccelsiui in linishing her year at lcachcra College Toronto without hav in write herexaminaiicnl She has accepted teaching up puintmznt in the Toronto area Friends join in wishing Mary ovary mucus in her chosen career Mrs Tuck Crown Hlll East Simcae president Mn Ed Sallawx president North 51 me Coldwaler Mrs Ma guire Mlnesing nresldenl Cen lre Slmcoe Mrs Lane Cald wuler pal area chnhmun Mrs Guy Hawkeslnne second vice presldenl ol the ma Mrs che Tollcnhnm was Inilullnd or was 64 as president of South Slmcoen TAKES TEACHING JOB Vlsllon nut 01 he dlslrlcl It Iendlng were Mu OBrien Hawkeslnne Federated hoaxJ member Mrs McElwaIn Phelpston area president Mrl Scott Hawkcsume area sec rulary During the mumlnu session Ann Morris lung Iwa min Sunshine of our Smiia and Canl you has me calling Cur oiine In tho afternoon quqr 1mm the gay nineties mg ameinay 10 anl Rails ihai firriod Those from Slroud attending were president Mrs Mel Couk Dlslrm director Mn Gordon RIX Mn Goodfelluw Mrs Gohnen Mn Raymond Neifly and Mn Fred Mullml land Lasl week over 150 members of the Womcnl Instllulea of Saukh Slmcao bunnhes gather ed at Eradlord lur lhelr am dislrlcl annual Presldcnl Mrm Alul Todd mnducttd the mael Hy ms CAMPBELL IA Mlll IMVFIHJI TUNE UPS WASHING LUHIIICATION HOUR TOWING llepulu In urn llrhup Ill Delmrr 0M NAL fiElVICE 7qu nnlu Inn MI mlua pm pm And fun Wlll nvllmod To In Homo YHIRI No CHAIOI FOR THII IIRVlCI inmmy Amhrau mum Ihu mm Mm my manna DRIVEYOURSELF CIR AND TRUCK TELEVISION Pnocmins CFTO CHANNEL STROUD STEWARTS GARAGE CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 mnuwmmuflw Inc Inn ml man ma mm JUNI 00 mm lam ll HI Mound In warm loo LIIInm Inna mJa um um Mo 09 11 10 The grade ellhl pupils Knlh eran Llnzmun lene Barnes Doug Langman Ind Brynn John ston of Rugby School enjoyed bu lrjp lo Oluwn Mr and Mrs deeul family were all home Leela Mn Jack McKenzie Toronto Stella Mn £an Cotton Nla In hill and Blll ol Orllllu and DuIr flmllles We all wish Mr and Mn Edna many more yam anther Mlu Mauroen Harrington RN and Hand of Barrle visited Mr and Mn Kellh McLeod lamily dinner was heldon Sunday at the Sun D131 Ru lauranl Orlllla In honor of Mr and Mn 11mm Edzelll 5W1 weddlns anniversary Relatives and blend called In lhe aller noon at lhelr hams lo congratuA his Ihzm James Home spent several dny visiting his niece Mn Ted Dion and lamle 1n Ottawa On May 22 Ill Presbyterlnn Guild sented lurkey banquet lo the Student Cnuncll of Barri Cenlm Collegiate The mange munls were under the Convener Ihlp Herb Shannan Jr BALL CLUB ORGANIZED Anyanu wlshlmz purchue Insllufla bu rlp no Tnursday ticket or In Strand Womzn Jun 15 please contact Mn Harold Willnu or Mu Gordon Rln belore June The Womens Mlulonary Aux Illury of the Pmbyterlan Church will meet at the hum of Mr and Mn LEW11m Boy SL Barrle Jun ll 815 pm Roll Mg will be Bible Vem on South Slmcoe Baseball leagua in orlanlled with 11 mm pan lclpalinm Knox team played Ill um game Friday evening wllh Breton with Ihe score in lnvor of Stroud May 25 tuna wllh New Lowell was poatponed Hub Shannan ll In chum of the team Mon hcuull Ja Am Pu Mun Anna Th Dun Mm Kathy Parker Nance pnnclpnlol Slrnud Publlc School ard her pllnnre being hirith cummen ed for tho excelenl muslm they presented mt week In the commuan hall ha brcn bl task Iralnlnu publlc school puplls ln the many pans LI Emma The pm crlatlur showed that man tal ent In rural areur ls high We lnupe or more cancemllka hlsl nghllghu of vast yelrl were school concern by local talent demonstrated this Henry Dnvls Ivy qlso wu Jplcrvlewed an bee cattle ruining IIMS PlNAlORE Local mm peopléfialhl 76 MRS JOHNSTON rum Mull VIMuh IIDIIWHY lvrllll HIM hy mm qm um mu mm uy lln Am Wm Mum An 1mm Mu in KIM hlv IIHIIHIYI Jounul run NI Ml Ninadawn Wnllfl Tl II mmn runn All lur TM II erllllnl IllTIMI m1 Iu Inn Inlomlnu mbugllu mu llumll In Nun ham dam Mumn TORONTO of Mull Blltlboud lulllh BARRIE RUGBY II null lhu wade lend high Ind enter dummy wllh hurl AI Iumlnn bolh defender 01an lo the hurt which II uy lilw 1y anolhrr lrldc Mun Emu la dummy wlh heart Ind nIH IllII another Ipndt Than play dlnmand lo Iha king and the In lpndt Thll run you out lrumpl but dummy um hu um Now mm dummy with lhc ace dlnmnndl and plny Ihl lm ol hurll nn whlrh ynu d1 urd your dlnmnnd laur ny lhll lime III you hm In In AKQJ clubl It would not be wln to rely an trump bulk and hope to make the comm by discarding dummyl dlnmond lam on ma outh round cluhlflnlere ls lar hellcr prmpec maklnl lhe hlml by dugerg llngnfplgy DAILY CROSSWOBD Wes hand at Sun Helrls Nunh leads the klni of ndu How would you play the Inc the mnrnlnl Iervlca of St Peters Church the oflIceru of the AYPA were eltcled hr 186 They are president Elin hekh Benny vicepresident Dn vld Randall SI Paulu Caro Barber secretary Ind Don Smur lhwnile treasurer same the 111 vlulled ghe museum Mldhnm mant number ram hers mended Gllber Ind Sullivan npereul HMS Plnulare It Slrond Friday evenlnx 311 on an decluer with Ihl Well hand It mu Nutrump North lend tht win of mondu on which South play III um an 914 Ali on um noun carlnld from hm allended lhc Allandala Schnal of dlnclnx series annual recital held In Barrio North Collexlake on Sat urday evenlnl Min Trudy Davll loglf par jnlhe rec1l5l Mr ind Mr Brown of Torontn were men vhllarl Sluanl Mrl Ken Sturgeon Mn Jul Constabla Mrs William John alon Mrs Thdd and Mrs Pmmr allcndcd lhe Soulh Slm coo Womens lnslllulu dlslrlcl annual held In Bradford lut week MM PROSSER Mn Wlured Peacock was In legs Saturday avenln hi hum of her mother Mu Ed If Slurmn when kitchen lhOWEl was given Min Marilyn Todd July hrldblwbe by number of Marilyns Irl lrlcnds Mnrllyn lhnnkcd the girl or the lovely ulna and good wishel Lunch Wll then lérvcd by the huge ran her mamer chml from this cammunlty attended the realm by he will Mrs Terrence Blaek he In Thormnn United Church Suture dly evenlng Min Donn Thom In npupll ul Mrsanlgc Brfiéailfiompmn was In Tor nnlo last week The Ruby fmup the Fed erallnn ql Axr culuue will me in Rugby Ichool May 31 at 015 pm IL Peta Mculr vcy uLOrlllll wlll bu the mast weaker He will ulva talk on hll trip to Jlmalu Every onp In lnvlled to attend nipll namth KIM lAArI mud nulnlw Drum nonuy may II II Joln nun Duh ll anauull Itll la ninu rlNhld Human mlr la Vlallllonl at llw Ill My Punch llm nlconn dmu all NW mm xflql whnol Irebusy wrlunz You In decllrer wllh the AUROII 10mm MI Dovrt imrmh Line Reunion Ax nun mnl unry mun CHURCHILL CONTRACT BRIDGE mm In Nanh Incl nu 10 Uonhfllml II lnnll luvlnl Inlmll mum louMn mm HIM minding plnu mm CMMIII Mann mum Mn By JAY BECKER aordla TIP Ind Don slmml CUGTVI CaunIry Hac doun hm hem mlda hrmor durll at tho Ollbwny lndlnn lorm If lunch4m Pmnhll mu It Ammwu llm II II Fulfill lmkm 40 In In Nam Im Then come lha AK mm followed by the tluhl lhe opponent lake the queen your worrm are over Ilm you cm hler Inler dummy wllh heart And discard the lock tlubl on In queen lpldu Ind lhuu unblock lhl null 11 lha quern club ll reluud you continua wllh tho Jack whlch wlll one out my klnl m5 qlubg In divided 31 II II Important lo cnh AK of lpldu curly otherwile lhn club Iuit mlghl gel blacked Tomorrow wlld hlld whtlher take Ihe queen dlnmond mm It lrlck an but to wln wllh the us once be cause lho delenae mxlht olher who mm lhelr attack to hum and om on the only enlry durpmyl club Th method would whflh ulhe lrumpl Ira divided or In ellcct you win laven rump tricks four nude rum and lb WM cl beans wo dinmgnd mi npr qluhl Bulcllly hi hnpu win luur club lrlckl mm Ipldu heart gnd dlaxrqnd TM my not be pnxslbla the Nurse cud are badly dlvided hul he chlncel makinz the hand In good proper precau 0M are Ixmlud Mr and Mn Gordon Caldwell entertained lhelr Intermadlnln mine In lheh home an HIV 21 locelebrala their 2m wed dinl annivemry By MM CAMPBELL Sympathy In extruded to Mr Ind Mn Delbert Swnn In the dealh 1121 mother Mn Jo seph Swan Fergumnvnle She did in lhe Royll Victoria Hol pnlll Barri My 95 The many lrlends 01M Crawford lhe former Mlss Ethel Sampson ol Oro sullen were many to hem of her deaul In Barrie on My 23 Sha had been pallenl at the Royal Vlrlarln Hoepltnl for over week Slncere lympulhy ll ex tended to her bereaved husband an daug Mn and Mrs Rrynoldn Penman visited on Sunday with their dauzhker and mnlnlaw Mr 1an Mn WIMer Hall Lde and Judy Earl Wanleu and NIH Peggy Fun at Timmln vlnlted Fr duy with Mr and Mn Archie was th Mr and Mn Lloyd Picker mz arm lnmlly of London vim ed th lormera slller And bro lhernlaw Mr ind Mn Alex Flylay mg Inmily Mine Pickering of Tab on and Helen Plckarlnl of Col llnzwood were also recent v1 non My ghe Fin Mr ml Mu Lloyd New Ind buy of Thurman wm Sunduy guest of Mn Cllrenca Audu ml Ind lgmfly Mr and NFL Art Tnln Klelnherz wen rmnt vlsltorl ha home Mr Ind Mn 99 inclallan held III In In Inrlu four enchre the Ichaol Mayan wlth In uhle lnvplly The prize winner were Mm Boycholthu Sheldon Tam Devinand Albert Burn The next euchm are May 29 Junu and 12 Everyone welcome MRS MADE CHIEF NEWFLOS GUTHRIE I7 Imm mm to um Int 41 Nam WANLES MOUSE THE CELLAR wwcmr GnAouArzs Nnr Wampum NE CANT WM TU srAnr wonsz Wu omczl 111E BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 1m MWHLIMW mtgng wucuon mm on

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