llnckcr Ilrclchcd Ruthentcr alrlns Kanch Minx in Jlm Atklcy lndl Innpnll rightPlunder blanked 1115 ï¬nd Wlnxl Wednesday nlzhl Acklny and Huck col lnbarnlrd on lhc lndlam only olhcr Ironch Job vlctory lovgrJnchanylllg MnyAq Shipiey nolched his seventh viclury against one loss but hil arm lightened aiicr raven inn ngr and he iumed ho pitching choru over to iincknr in he Indlnns 40 verdict nvur Red Wings Thursday nighi Arkanrur whipped Alinninl Snuihrm Divirinn lender he hlnd Ihe ralid pilching Ind hil llnz oi Bobby Locke and rum in Richmond went double header imm rlumpinz Jackson iviiio 40 and Syracuse ieil hander willie Smlih hinnknd Bulinio in tho Incond lama alter the Northern Divilinn leader had bani Syracuse in kg opener Fflhnrilrp tlnl 1y angllI In Ilm nprmr and Ed Mmm In thn Iccund mo ¢nnblnl nlrh rmmd In wup um rhnmplun nublnd and 4rlplod MI um two Ilmu but to lend lhv vaclcn over 11mm Jerry nuchtk hnmcrcd lnr lho Crnckm and culthcr nah Llpxkl ong IorAnmnuu By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Indlnnapolh pitcher who managed only one xhulout In lhn lndlans Hrs 45 Inlcrnn innul League baseball games now boast two in raw after Joe Shlpley and veteran Wamn Hacker combchd tn blank Ruch cslcr Llan PLAN CAMP VANCOUVER CPD llrlllh Columhln Llonl ol Hm Wellrm lebnll Cnnlercnru open min In rump hm June 25 And Tnmnlo not Iplil In Mr morlal Dny dauhlchendcr with Calumbul by wlnnlnz lhe nlxhl up liter lhc qu had taken RUN EKEIN 10 ll Alsn in the National Longue Wnrrcn Spahn recorded his claim pilching victory Mil wuukce Brave bent runnerup Angeles Dodgers St Louis Cardinals battered through Houstons wobbly de ï¬ance and trimmed Colts IChiengn Cubs paraded 10 run across in he ionrih inning and whacked New York Mets 120 beiore the Met took 11 tie tision behind Jay Hooks two hii pitching and Piiishnrgh will with Philadelphia Pimies winning the opener 71 and Phil ilie squeezing by 65 in the sec und game cisco Giant lapped Cincinnati Reds slwiih the help oi harn by rookio Cap Peterson and Iolipe Aiou the roiiei work oi Eob Eoiin and his own iniieid gingie MJiho onelime Baltimore bonus bnhy who was traded to Ginan ii 1959 went into the year with 6566 mark to show or six Lasong flu in ihe mnjors Now hex mllng and so are Giants with Ziagums lead in h= Na iionpi Longue may JIM IMCKLEMAN unnamed Pym Spam erlpr Mlcr ypm olstruzgllng In reach um breakeven point Bllly ODell has pitched m1 way In the plus side of the Jedger Andns an added asset ha zmyenrald lefthand currently own the must profltable record In Ilme baseballa perfect 90 VODell won his clghlh In low Tpursday nigh ESSEI Eran Glam nlcked loser Joe Nux hall or slngle runs in the llst nnd Ihlrd lnnlnga and Pctcrson made ln Illa lllth wlth his ï¬rst major lengua homer two tun slth capped by ODclls scratch hlt seemed trusting but lurned nut vilal or San Franclscn Alon led it all wilh his nth homer and alter walk to Jim Davenport and Josh Paganl single ODell lapped mllu FIRST HOME EQDell or Eighth Viqtgjry linu cunul 1mm mun SPORTS Dulll IA Hul Leafs Gain Split With Columbus luluII n4 lmlr lmlm GARNERS WHOLISALI Z95 mm 111 mm Mm mun No my Mm cl Bum mrm hqu Smllh pitched his seventh malth complete game or Syr acuse He limlted Bumlo anr light one scratch ML Ed Schmiber and Pummlo Green humered for Buffalo ï¬n lhe um um twohitter by Larry Maxis gave Toronto in lpll with Co lumbus Md he Leela helr anly vlctory in hrwnmo mlu Winrun lumen by Frank Lela and Lou Johmon helpcd Jacksonville and stretch the loss min of the skidding Sun lo Inyeq gnmps Cardinals seven ol lhclr last eight collected clghl unearned run agalnst Calls who commllled ivq error in lusan Iheir llllh In row St Lauls bl lnnlng was the 51x run Ihird when Calls mlda lhree errors and Sun Muslnl belted lhrcNun hamerlha 47m nl hls career Hank Aaron paced Milwaukee as Braves bent Dan Dryuiale whacking his lï¬lh homer dun bia and single Spnhn look 61 lend into Illa eighth inning but then was tagged for Jim Gillinms homer Tommy Davh third single llill Skowrona dou gl and triple by John Rose 10 mysm pans mu Cléude Raymund St Jean Qua native held off Dodzm he rest or Lhu way preserving Spahna seventh victory tannins three lasscs ODell handcuffed Reds on three bit before they cashed In two mm In Ihe slxlh Thu southpaw was lifted durlnx un alher Clnclnnali rally In ha xeventh and Bolln yielded lworun single by Daryl Spen ccr but held at Reds Ihe ml of the way dawn theHrs base line that scored Davenport rhumum MADE IN CANADA BILLY ODELL Mucmnun morons MFED ST Your Chnvrnlov Oldmohllu Cldlllu Envoy and Church Truck DOIIIr Jerry Lynch hanged hls ï¬rst homer since returnlng to P1 rale 1mm Reds and Don Card well registered neat eighthi ler In Plllshurghs rout of Phil adelphla Phlls gained spill In the second game squeaker taking tha land by scoring our Ilmus in he lflh and adding he do cldlng marker In lha sixth We Covlngtona lwn run plnch homer hlghvllghted Phlls his In ning while Tnny Taylors sacri fice vbunl brought home the cunnilan nm In the lxlh Hunk as set down Cubs In order at me slrelch Th6 loss went to Glen Hubble 14 Hook received key nflensiva support In the second game 1mm Duke Snider who knocked In both Met runs with his 897th cumu humer and nlngle Ken Hubbs got triple in the ï¬rst when Run Hunt cnuldn hold his hlgh pop near the risk lleld ml line alter lung run and Don Landrum had an infield smile in the eighth Cub pui together Ihe biggest ninxia inning splurge oi the yen Inn wilir their 10 runs in Iheri irrihoi the opener against Mel Sixteen Cuba balicd against Ai Jackson Larry Bear nunh and Dan Range with six gelling hits and neven walking Also invnived were lwcrun Me error wild pitch and double sieai Larry Jackson coaslpd In wflh sixMt shutout and now II 75 Ray Sadéckl was Hug wlimnr with rellel help from Ed Baum and DickIunell the loser See your low nulhovlmd Chwiom dealer 50 Inn no Bonanza on the CBC nolwwk Check your local llsllng Ia charm and lime CANDY SPOTS WINS CHERRY HILL NJ AP Cundy Span so In 1le work out for the Belmont Sinks and picked up $711715 or nwncr Ru Ellsworth us he won the Jab say Darby Thursday a1 Garden State ParkFlnwleuly ridden by iockey WIHIe Shoemaker Cnndy Spot toyed wllh 1ve other lhreeyenrolds wlnnlng the Flamile $121100 raceHa was 111 only leoe wllh the whlp H13 mnrgln was length over Malno Chimes Phll Marshall turned In onehlz performance last nlght for Lakevlew Dalry when they played scoreless la wllll ImuurnersI Gas lnan lnler mcdlala Softball League game at Queens Park Only hll all Marshall was laurthlnnlnz doubla by Wally Kelman ONE BITTER Twrinsx Edie sfenatdrs For 10th WinIanow The thrllflest family car going One the thing Mule has going 101 him is righbhander Camila Pnsculi who has won three oi the 10 games in the mini Against Senators in scattered eight single and ï¬nding himseli short on runs druve in the winner with sac riiice fly in Ih nih inning know In people are snylng we have to prove our scIvcs nya Mele who brought Nlm home second In year But we have loo much going or us to be counted out PASCUAL WINS THREE The triumph gave Wins the longest winning streak In tho mnlm his season It also them only oaths game out the In division anzr flounder ing around the allend of the standing for the first month of Ihe season belare slnrunl nIpw burn The words belong Io Mlnne sou Nin manager Sam Mule S1 does he holiest team In lhe majors Continuing to ciimb in he endings In Iha lighlcnlng American Leagun pennant scramble lhe torrid Nina maintained heir sizzling pace Thursday with 31 victory over Vashlnmn Senators that accounted or their lolh consec utive victory Somr people are aloughlnl all In their pennant predic tion burn me up and hope II haslhn name eflccl on pluymf By MIKE RATIIET Amelntrd Pun 5pm erler mining City Alhlellc mud The A5 who had last 10 straight In Stave Barber oombeuilhe Orlales leflhander or six nun In 1mqu and Tho thirdplace Chicago White Sox cloud in within ulna same nltile lap wiih double header sweep uver Cleveland Indians Hmnd lZ whiiu De irnil Ilgen whipped Lo An geics Angels 41 behind Hank Azuirres inurhit pitching in mend divinlon niruuie Pnscunl 130w 74 drlms ln he wln Mn run of Senalmfl starter Tom Cheney In the ninth niler alnzles by Earl Haney and Zollo Vernalles and Ill ln lenllonnl walk to Bernle Allen Tho loss was Cheneys slth alrnllht after he won his first our Bob Allison hll um home for Mm GEl 10 BARBER wn slmlxhl thl leagumludinn Baltimore healing Orlole 72 3nd lrlrnmlmz lhelr edge to twn games over the runnenup New York Yankees winner In no Innlnn nveranlnn Red Sox Beauulnl sample Free Estimate FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA ms BARBIE Uphulxteflnl II our Bulb ncll Not Jul Side llne 65 BRADFORD 81 BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MQDERN wank Cletn Buyer drnve In the de nldlnn run or Ynnkeen wllh nncrlnre fly lnthn th alter Red Sox had fled the score In 1hr ninth on Ed Brrsaoudatwov out homnr his second he nrme Roger Marla led Ncw York with seventh homer nlngle and bnnenloudcd walk In the seventh lnnlng In broke Ur Ralph Terry went the dlilancg or record Ron Hansen playad key role 01 While Sax In bolh com lromhehlnd vldorle over in diam Ha lucked homer In nandN him his Immh Ins agnlnll 21th victories Bobby Dal Greta collecled hm hlls for Kansas City and Ed Charles II twmnm hampr Ed Rakaw Wm the winner but needed John relief hplp Il COSTS ONLY 47 FOR WEEKS Takes Only Minute Ask For Miniloan CORPORATION DUNLDP 51 reacanf NEED 5000 TILL PAY DAY PHONE PA 66527 Bab Mnrfln Ihe xixlh Inning at UM opener to map the and slngled hw mm In laurrunmlh lvnlnl uprlnlm lhn wrapped up thu nlnhlcup Aguirre won or the hut time weak and squared mud Mulrre did not allow an exlrnbaxe hl und pvrmlnrd only one Angel bus runncr pnsl 59mm hnsc Horns runs by Jake Wood all loser Bob Turlcy and Gus Trlnmloa mndu Mulrres Job caskr 25 Dunlap PA $0622 We carry everylhlnz fur the camper at THE MANS SHOP TENTS FISHING TACKLE GDVI APPROVED LIFE JACKETS FOR $150 BARRIE GOVT SURPLUS UMITID PA Mina v5