Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1963, p. 2

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human runIn rnrnnmau um rm mt lln rmmiul mm For Iflll II rm Cow yum ulm ny rm mm run up nu Mn vmmun my AlaI ma lll Muml mu numlnlum mum an mu 1m 1m Arr In In sml am In cl um mu lull TIL mumr on nu rum flu Imp In Con mum 11 Tho Cnmmllm Adjullmenl last night grlnlcd lh Blnlu 0mm Club Vlrllncl lo pm vlde thick of leven lee mm ha 51ml whim In Id dillonal lwa rel Th mmmmu wu concerned about snow from the too And rtsponsbility or durum lo pri vnl propeny WllIIIm MIICnmIon dirco Mr be Barrie Agrlwllunl Soclcly kc on mm or flu curlma cub And uld wu uurpriaed mm rm one lrom lhe cufllnl club present The curllnl club building II on Him Agrlwflunl Socioly round These three lop scorer And clam other will rcpmml Cen Irll Command an Army are cmerlnx must of Ontdo at ha higher level Army compelman in take place In Olllw Iller mll year For the portion Abuuing he rur minute men fell was xrlnlcd metmbortanco at henllhy hampelltlon wls stressed by Surgeon uCmdr Lansdown 80443 In hnlddreu lhl olllun mimic thSn Cadet Carp and the Navy League Canada at their an nual Ingpectlon at Barrie Anni wry 1m night All men must haw goal In llfe ur their lives are empty and meanlnitess he told the boyll An honest llVllly with 0119 cllnws helps stimulate men towards than 1031 Durinl iiiil yurl tourney inc HUS the umbond with 507 nil whlic Pleian Fin Balls in Canadian Guard mm took mm with 4905 Thlrd pinto wilh 4554 wu Cnmp Peiawnwax 2nd Eniinliun Canadian Guard ieam Ton hlzh aurogaie individual acnrcr in ihe iwwdny rifle match wu Capinln Stu Norv inrup now serving with Eli uilon iha Royli Candim Regi mcnl London Hi clami com peiliar wn Sgt kao of Candim Gulrdl who ob uined in third pim wlih 63 WA inaJiCS Llaui Ken Lidzrcn 1061 Queenl medI winner CAMP BURDEN Cnmp Bar denl Royal Cnnndlm Sdmol lnlanlry nhot ill way In vlclory hm yuurdny Io Illly uven wlm out of him nnnull cum pemlom In Central Commad mullbore rma Ihoollnl AIcMI sense or diiMpllni contribute to man lily to reach his goan 111 hi The Inspecting leer nld Hut he had no an or In pop uh nntlvn or awnrdiranllnl whereby everyone get min lo make guru that Ihey all came husk next year Dis tinclluna such as those award ed lo the cadela last night were hemsu1t hard work and honest competition he told ha menMed cmydpl peogle Curling Club Gets Variance um 13 nu mm ACIIVI not Inn can rm rntm mm mm Nu mm mumu Nun v2 AVKIAHII 10 all Ilf Ill INIIIX Indumlm II llnlda ml dawn Ia URGES COMPETITION H9911C¢mpetiti6nv SqidTMosr Important RCS Of Has Winning Shots No deduclionfor talc oommlulon Enfluira about CANADA TRUST mmmm FUND CA TODAYS STOCK Pnifi Cumplhd Flynn Banjul mrm Dualp In hula Mon Than 941 lg Luqu no nuvml uh uh Arm Annual um ulllmn kamu lb Mum Ilunh Nulnn nu mm him all Ila um Lam an Id ml lllwl llldllly mm on mm In mu rmm 1m on nu luv nun nu mum uh In NIIIII lnm Umllm lulumov rm my cm INDUIIIML HIKING vu Slcrlhu aubmaihinc gm and the jnmwnlnl umlIulo mull plllal Fur lM mum plllls ucnl etch unll nnlercd fourmun Ielm Thm Ihovlerl dashed mm the 400 to the mynrd ranges lo get into shoolinu poslllun and knock down no 91th 1mm in Iimll ed Mme The next lwa days wlll he went HM cnmthlons on tha Sllgrl Iubmachgnc gun and In nddillnn lo the nlulnr rifle mm mm other InlemUng 3le film competition Both Iho obmde mum and alllnfl plum evnnu wm won by lhl R05 mm mm mm were our Ih place 21 Cenlnl Ordnanc Dcpat London 251 Bu ch Landau M02 and Camp Burdenl Royal Cunadian Arm £31381 Com School MMOllGINHRAL mm KurMnl lccnlrli annml icer CommMm Chum Command Iyu In mo Sula rm offlccr congmuluteq the TI up um and the 25 boys of flu Navy League Corps on the Ipnunncr may pruentnd to him the m1 of the prccb sion drills and the proficiency lpehker said Dlsclpllne pro Erly Applied helpSJraln both dy gqu Iqlnd The boys must keep In mind that lhelr training hv drill and tho blhlh smart appearacu Are not and in themselves An one who can Ink column Capable ol glvlnz commands In son ulbla mlnner Idvllcd PM Muse uirliscipiino included the cgdeu nhliliy to provide lhemselvil with qualified education ihe inspect ing oiiicar cnnllnued Every day in our insuhnnginz world ii is Incoming necessary or men who with in rnch their proper call and to contribute lo the wellaro of tho community to have round basin of edu cuionll knowledge upon which in build he noted CONGRATULATIONS in 33 Inn Allmu IIIHII llup llml anlM mu mu me In ml sinmum urnn ll Munlml Lou mum or 01 NH Mom cm Mcln Mm rum rm rm lllm rruu an mu MI um lnlnn on WIHIP MW lcnuh luv om ivivs Jna Junkn MIAMI nay mm MI Inlm nlr dly Mumoon ll In Anni mm Al flownlnwn may Llll mm MIL 11th trnfl Tlflln EL 1101er um Mr mun hm Mun hmkrn lnln rumorl neg Ncmhwny mu Ml IIIdII dnmnuo wnl done In llm Inlulor III noun Iml nquhl Ill olen Ia um lho palm mnh no mnecllon lumen ml inqu In nmmplhlwd hy lwukm huh wlmlnw Ind ha other bmklnl Inl nub an AM larynx mm VImvrnwmd on In In wuhndl whmfln mu nmo Inlln downed In my whnl tho wfllmn mu hul Illlrd um My mm upon Inlnrmnllnn ro Cclml ml nrrulvd mln an nnyllnld Ilml lzyrnrrnld mnlo man start Id on Jam so Innchnl And whm BL wu chum Tumulty Mlh covuml It pouuulon In olfanshm III pun The audience gave In enthus Iasth recepklnn lhe lwnhonor guard Ylhll drilled In smflllng prgclllon The continuum from the sclrcldetsrundu he dlr action Lieut Law com blned sexlei or lnlrlclle man oeuvre wilhrrlllo drill 1x command oi SLi Brown The hispecilnfl oiilcer remarked in MI address that he had been Impnued Ind de MKth by in exhibition given by ihue boy and 1115 le remarked on His fact that the cedars hadjivenflmin display in the Armoury and hat music had been provided by lha Air Force Band ni Camp Boxdén The speaker all ihnt many viaywouldbo Inclined tn thin that this Iiservice apexMinn could well be emu led It more senior level ni gh armeii term VSe VIVI mérhbeisrof hh Navy 19 MW with Ihclr rifle the ahouldgr pygmy undgr lhey hail ailalnca In awiEmlHL skin diving knotlying glxngn ium and shaping Bub Batman Sc Ian at Mr and Mm Jahn Dnbson of Bunkn re culvch hls degree he cun ocallan held Tuesday at Unl vcrsity lmonmv Fncully al lApplied Science and Enilnccr n1 cr 571 Cal Enncld rule an his vlslt tn the Canadian Pm vusl Corp School mumun yulerdly Icncrll Kitchln making an nspccllnn Camp Burdenl major lulu Inn uhooln mu wcck Len In Police Charge Barrie Man Possession Oifensive Weapon NIH and flawM Immum mur mmlnunl II mumM1 ulnlrlbulur In Ilu flmla nml Orlllln ma Nw IM ma ulnplnycahlml cumMmI mar Mmlnr hund nod produm mm trvmrmtmla mom min 1va mmlm Moon lo 000 mr mnnh fur ll lm um Inlnlmml mulm Mr nnv Men menhundlu Mn mulumrnl lnr uppnlnlmml xlmno rnllucl Ir Jnrvlu lmllnrlllul Inn 1mm Imhwny m1 Walnudn numh uy ml mm Mum and 1le In mum nl Tulunm llrlllr nuInm mm ml will Dumbo nl mumvvra nml Ilulnm ml Inmumm mlorflvo mun flollnvlllt GRADUATES FRANCHISE 1m lourmy moman by Karin Klnunla Club Amanl Ibo rnmpdlnl um mo hulu 111m nub mullet Ind mm mu lumponv loll llenllay In mom law In norm wlm AM Mm mm prlu or thm VFnIIanM play Iho allm JMMA In lnIIrfluh Ian and 4mm wlm olmr mmma Irnm Hum roronlu Ind llvl flllmrl flnlph Franklin Remnan an my Klwnm Iub mm Klwnnln mm In murm mrm yuludny wanna II Illnl 71 or Illa par 71 mum Frnnklln ll one law lmmlltnppm nl llnnlo nll chm lmlm Mlcr tho General Salute In Ipnutlnn and march put lhu nudlmnc was lnvfled by master at ceremonial Rly Alklnnn lo wnndlr about the hull In the dilplnyl oi lignlls can Ind olllcm and rude lha Royal Canadian SDI Cadet Co and lho Banlo Branch Navy League mumbled In ram or City Hall lall mm seven nclack lo march lo lhn firmoury for tho annual Inspec ton The RCAF Band from Camp Borden set mm but In um and lho corr arrived lhu Armoury Ml bolero lhe In npccllng onlcer wu lo Arrive Surgeon LICmdr Lann down RCN In accompanied by lwo alder Ll Curry MN and SILL IAvl arrived or Mornlnu Dlviqanl wllh prayer Ind roll cull Barrie Kiwanian Is Top Golfer nrlandlcr Willis Month Commander Camp nonlcm oxlmm rlxhl LLCnl Commlndnnl In Cnnmlinn lrovuu Cum fichaal anloml Defunct Phala NAVY LEAGUE Ind 8n Cadet get Illlp Ihapa or hair annual inlyccllan ma Present Manv Awards To Outstanding Cadets In air In 10 ha nmc back du wu gum PARKDALE wmes Jark stallr Appearing Slollar Conslmctlan Company uld was m7 chanulnl Hm dimnnslona The plum orl In lly called In 11 apmmenu was one loot Ihorl Al ms the uh campnny re uumhled or vsnlna Qum lhc preuntluon nwnrdl nddrcu by the Impul in 0mm llld cloning unman SEA CADET le TINI wllh cola mama III loo Io bnclnl ululhmmt Um nvnlllblo Ihlouuhaul Onlulo mu unan Ilmuud Wmu Awarda lined la Iha mam bcra the Royal Canadian Sea adel Cor wcra lollowar awlmmlnz med by Mr and Ma min 00 Wood landa allendancab uponwred by LL Graham AC DI gneaull aldwdlvlng uponbred by Cromylon LC Lelghlnn markamamhlp spon soer by Brennans Essa P0 Vllwm mllciency JED cd by Juaanlnlora Leighton Chin Pauy officers award aponwred by the vay Magus and prmnled by Tom Fuslmmnnl P0 Oaks seamanship aponaorca by tho Ladlcs Auxiliary and resented by Mrs Marlon Shul cbolhlm AC Dewar leadershln upon snrcd byJ Cochrane P0 TINI TONIC The Commlllee nl Adlullmen Ins nlnhl heard an applluuon by Slollnr Conilrucllan Comp any Ia have 21 apnrlmenu 1n Ilead of 10 culled or In an npnrlmenl hulxdlnx now undu camlrucllon on man Ilml AhoaIInI the rifle lklndivinn equl mm and dlnplly knoll hon and hllchu prepared by line dell uld he Innd am pm rally douhh will In rcqulrcd but on fool Ihorl rant no woman who 1ch apartment bulldlnl uld air Jul ma hylnw lulu chann ed You knew when you appllld CummitteéOffldjustment Hears Application From Builder Emit Armour In mun L9 to right Jami Vault Bill om Leonrd Rlchnrdl and Chm Nlcholl Farm and terrific combination for tall cool drlnk Wdfhl Illnlllun Immm nhulwnrllullpnlr mmunlnnu In Unluln mud Im Mnr43 WIN lhu ImIII Armulllnml Arl ml nunA nl um Im wlu Imlminml lillulrl Inhl 1mm Ivy llro CnunrlL Any InlmmHnn main hm nlmm Mu muller lul Mn nlwmmw n1 Ih Ar Mul Ir llhlhl may ululnhml mm 17 Ihnllhh Ilruimnr llm Iub liv Annunlrml mmtll luv um nulnw mm mm llmv Hllnl Md 10qu 0nlmn IAflrHy Nlrlhmllul IA Tnmnln vahvma NI nllwinn rmml wwwl lmmrilu Allll Nlnnhv MIMI unl ll llnlllun Mr lmuhm Ymmhh Tulunlor ERMA MulMuI Tlmnnrn LlA My 3A lmunln rm lmltlrnt My ll Muchonnltl CA Tnmnln Mrmlfl of limulln Mr Muny AA Am Tho luhlld Arrnunlnnln nun MI In Hu Imvinra Onlnrh Innmlnrrl lho rlnrtlnn ma lol oln nllirm and mnnlmn lmi rnl Mr Amplrlurd MA 1nmmo VlrnlmMrnI NI llMnrinulg ml anvl IMM Inmnl Donam Amman RCA fllchnrdl Cadet of he Year Ipomrcd by lhe Canndlan Lt lon and premium by Blake PO Willan NAVY LEAGUE Awnrdl given to mtmherl of HM Barrio Branch of the Nnvy Lame were lollown wlm mlnu Ipanmud by filling and relenlcd by Mn Reeve LC Aunuw cmu Fwy Offlch Ualnlly Iponm cd by the Navy Loam Corps and mounted by ha chllrmun Dalncgull CFQ 11 Shaun nony and CPD Dgneault nelmnnnhlp lpomorcd by tho Ladlu Auxiliary of the Navy League and presumed Mn Mnrlon Shulnuhalhnm P0 12 Abraham marksmanship spon sored by Russo Slrnnuhnn and pqlgd by Curry OIC Holilcr prollclcncy sponsnh ed by Finn McGlhban OC Richardl landeuhlp mounted by the RCAF Amchliun and resented by the president John olden 0C Cawnn Cadet tho Year sponsored by um Cun adlan Le Ion nnd nrcsenud he mil an IL Blake DC Kiel lomkl That mum Inalhcr car And Annlher bunch kid Theyll mm In put anolhcr Ilorey nn Thllll he nut Mr Btollnr said We Are mcedlnx Inywly The bulldc nx ls already up and II Inch mum lwn bedrooms ll will be our bedroom THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS COUNCIL obloc chmgln by law all he Ilmc Thu woman uld Wall he building all ready up And she Irncnrcd lo withdraw her obltclom Mend were on hand to wnlch flu lhlpl company perlonn demonxlrnllonl and Ice drlll Examlner Pholm SI sum DUNLOP nu PA moo team 20 women under Mrs Elrlck have swung Into ncllnn for Hunted Cross blooddmr cllnlc Ind will mks more than 600 telephone cm In the next twp weeks lilrrle ll below ll quota of 300 donor per clinic to In thin ycgr mum Exunflan munsmvh MAY Make 600Call$ Td Blood Donors The Barrie Bunch 11 um Cnnndlnn Rad Chm Society will hold blood dunnr cllnlc June 19 mm 130 to pm and mm to ma pm It Trlnlly um Hun we phonucalu thll win he mndu In he nex two weeks rroximalcl 200 people will be qnqvwillpg In germ Tho blood donor committee llkLlhai Ill those who hnve no donated blond within Iho ins nine mvnthl seriously con Iitier doing not Synapllu ngh preslura over narlhwmcm Ontario and just was lbs Great Lake 11n pcclud lo brlnl generally Mr weather to the ravines why band of clou and tenured nhawm ll expected In mava an nanhweuem Ontno Frl ny In in apiéél or dollar for ma coming cllnlc lho Bnrrle Lake El Clulr Lake Erie Nlaggrn Luke Ontno floor llan Bny Hallbumn Alzomn Tlmagnml Halon wlnflm Landon North Buy Suull Ste Marie Sudhury anunlo Hlm lllon Malnly clear lonlghL Fllf dny Iunny not much change in lempflnturc Wind 1mm wnizhl wens ur Myllhwen filFrldny nqu szpmlum Low Innllht hlfl Frldly Windsor 50 St Thomas London Forecasl Issued amce EDT River Cochrn rc ulom Cloudy with cw thaw er Friday Huh winds and nvl much mm In tempemm Swill MN MI only 89 p7 DONT LOOK SO AMAZED Na need to look no startled We very ollcn coma ur wllh bug1m like then Only lroublo youd holler at here urly whllc hm Ipudlll 1m BOYS DRISS PANTS MENS WORK IHIRT FLASHLITI 5qu 25 nmwn Tum Ellck qmpl I1 TAIL om wmu1 mu cnan COTTAOI NIIDI MI BLANK Dnuhlo Mn Ba RUNNIN 3H0 Whllo Th1 lu lellni Quinllly tlluznxellhll 1w $100 WEATHER FORECAST uqu Walh film In II riiflirs 2¢£ SHOPPERS PARADISE mum or 3349 $359 Boyn Ma wenlhcr Branch of the Red Cm Soclcly has Ismd Iha following Inle mcntl he pm It has been 31 pnnplc who no regular and Ihlenk donors who have 1th guy The salons Ihnnnzc Io blood at lhaBload Depot In lbr onln ls llkcly lo conflnuc es nednlly wllh th accidcnl flied wetkends thud ul SCARCE TYPE Blood whlch has an RH nex nlln um always team and lhom wlth lllll typo ol blood In particularly Imam domain Dn nu wail lo be phnned lint decide to mm on Wednes Watch lat the Blood Donor Cllnlc 1an on the luck Ind publicity the pm And on ndla Killalao Mulkokn Sault Ste MIL1m nlgm or Dr Hull ml dent the Unlvenlly cl en un Ontnrla II the mldencml Mr And Mu Art McLean Peal s1 Kltchencr Maunl Faust Wlnuham Hamilton St Calhulncl Tomnlo Pelcrbomush Tnnlon reception will by held a4 qlgm arHDrLG Dr Hall will addreu BariII and um member he Unl versgly Weslern Onmln AL MENS WORK IHIRTI IN IN DIM Bell amn Brawl nu llnl cummfi mum mm nmpm VIII ll pr Univexsity Head Speaks Here won mums mind 0mm DAHLIAI IU ran Mu IHOIIIJIJIVI Wlllll llllflfl ma Scum Huh All lllu ITn lnrludod $100 for Imia $ll7 ONI

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