Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1963, p. 1

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Jack Whmlnr LL and MI lnmlly alXul Into Run Fur elm In mlmhy tmnplrh in 0000vnlla wayn mm huk in Walla lncmc In lurlr loot mm Idem llluh polnl Ihnlr Ir nu urrl Ilowvrr n1 fldwny Ibml they um mauled The immediate point of chub langu In ho new proposal In formant snld In Khmlhchnvl lnxlslence that omit Inspec llom in Russln an not neces lnry hccnusn menu um lo de lecl nuclear exploslnnl from out Ildo the territory 01 My mum hy Rusk lald rim Wednes day we donxl Ink BM lhlnk thlo II lame hnl which can bu cxplomi Ici file messaxu lo Khrushchev whlch Kcnnuly Macmlllnn nnd livelr dlsnrmnmcnl experts have lurked out canslllulos the In esl of Aerial of elrorll Io break lllo deadlock In last bun new llaUans whlch hnvu been bollch dawn at Geneva nlnce enrller fill your WASHINGTON CP AP resident Kennedy and Prime linlstcr Macmillan were re portcd ready today to dispatch proposal tn Soviet Premier Khrushchev iar muting oi tciantista io discuss ways at de intinu nuzlenr expiasiana wlth ui having international inspect firl inside Russia State Secretary Donn Rush told press cunlarenca Wednes day that the US government onslderl it important to firm trying to achieve azrep ant with Russia on nuclear Irat ban treaty Pope Jnhn had two medical exnmlnnllans today HI usual one 830 am by his Roma physlcian Dr Plcra Mazzonl and second one by his main personal hyslclan Dr Anlanln Gasharrln who lives In Bur 101nm Gasbamnl said he and Maz zonl and the Popes surgeon Pietro Valdonl believe the Pope will rally fiPope Better 1Vctticqn Shaws New Optimism Belore seeing the Po Gas bamnl xnld the Pnntli can amqun ma Joined with will ingn are goads ashnnlnl was summoned ur gently Sundny but packed his bags to return home today The Vallcan said his visit In the 9030 was lurewcll am JFK Macmillan May Propose Nuclear Detection With Russia communiqu sald treat ment hemorrhages provoked by slnmnch lumor hnd pm duccd good results thanks he strong bro the august Payout communique althoulh carefully worded emphasized in new optimism the Vatican concerning thu Blycaruld Ro man Catholic ruler who had been near death hum pre vignsly mm No 126 VATICAN CITY The Vall can today reported furlherlm mvemen In the condition one John and 53ch his hem orrhage had ceased for tho prgsenl SMILES nrmisonn MILES mm APchml For Examine Want Ad Tele phone PA Buu Th televhanc number to call for the Human or Editorial Dept Lg PA 66591 Ou Telephones Nenlylaur plane carryan about 50 women spam you look all from Dclrall nflnr be Im groundnd many hon 5nd wenlhcr They NW rnln and cltclrla storm lying scum but none drugqu om pmmml Hwy hold Wlmlvr uu lmmlrmd Iyyth Wu Inr Human mm Tm lo Alameda CnIIL hm lell an Sharon we Whmlm Hula and Mn lull MIIN roman bun Ulll home Inlrrmlllcnily 1an wu bum Donna Bl Dclrok reached Hollywood Wednesday mm the nlnrllng poan nt Wel Invxd Ont but under Um mm WM rrcca hnndlcnp xyalem uhn wns rockancd In About Nth pmu wnébflfll HOLLYWOOD Fla AP Moll mmpclllm wcro wllhln alrlklng distance loday the Hollywood windup of tha wom ens lnlnmnllonnl nIr men and he already h1d nrrjvcd ll understood cnncdy and Mucmlllun would be wllllng to have lhe uclenllllc meellng ln hloscuw or anywhere else agree able ln Khrushchev Bu US llclul had no real have that Khrushchev we uld uxm to have Ln moellng at all because they below at tho moment the nugaluns urn no lnlmmdr In ncKoUnHons That statement Indicated op llmlsm Hm also pointed to the not that the next wetk nr 10 day might be crucial with the threat ul new hemorrhug lug mu prosenL enllflcully and technically In it Rogltlva yuullflj hp silk Mass was celebrated In tha study adjolnlng his bedroom Vancan Palace and he also felvcd communion this morn ng One of his doctors said Wad nusdny night that 1113 Pope might be able to get an or bed in week or 10 days If he con tinue showing imprnvcment anknn sources said Flying Women Near Hollywood Gnsbarrlnl said the Pope was In good humor and serene and that than had been no hem nrrhagu slnce Wednesday The substitute therapy thanks to th strong libre of the august patient has produced good results and the general condltlun has indicated mar ked rally Further Sign improve ment ascertained day Wednesday and which are steadily being accentuated were noied 830 am In Ihe daily visit The hemorrhages which In the previous days caused ton cern have now caused The Vaticans noon cummunl que Iallowlng mnrnlng state ment that the Pope had an ex ceilgent night with perfect rest lhnlrfllrl infik lul In rat Ila In In Irmk munan flu Mr Iv Em Ham and rman filmL lhe mnhlned Vlllhl Hum nppmnlly mod lm door open Murray Wunlcn ll who mu Imlhlnmd an llrndlunl mud laid he law mm he IIPNI an lhe um filler Indy Iqadeth Mm mum alrm dmppmi from can lrnck lodny on llmL lord film and lawn nl lhem runmnl around 111 ulnlflh IIxmunlhnhl cnll purrmd Hhurlhum Influ Innken In lha tall and wu lakm In Ia npnm whm ll Ill be htnnnmly d6 nlwyod Thu SIU hm bun In vloltnl dhpulo wllh lho Canndlnn Ln har Conurm nunwmd Cunn dlnn Mnrlllmo Unlon lar norm yum n1 cammlulon heuran Inlu vln once on llw Crrnl Lulu hm full concluded clam lho urrnl Lnku um 511 and um CMU clnlhcd on lhu lnrlflc mmt wlmn lhn lnller ounnllcd lho cw tom thlpl Polite in ncluhbarln llurn nby laid iioinckcy leii hauw nraund midnight lo pul hll car in iho carport lie law lhu lll houciiu ni man rnillnl lilo gun behind lhn cm nnd Alumptd down behind hn uni Thu gunman red lhmuxh lho back window mumInn lho Klan4 Some poll cnclrnltd mu nan Ind wuunde lhn pm nxcnl Pallce nnld Iho lunrmm npv pnrany lama IIUIMI 110 wt ruled In hmpllnl or mlnor wound and rdcmd Dcmme chmm1 In connec tion with tho Mal shoollng 53L Herbert VILson 30 Ih Queens Own man on May 13 VANCOUVER CmRod Hel nckey Vancouver port agent In Senlnrm Inlcmnliunnl Un Ion IndJ WM aha the back only today by Ihollun Falls From Truck In Barrie The cm was remanded to June lha request of mm anl Crown Attorney Chal nner Steer Has To meuvsn Leonard Rlymand Dunllle cooknt In Royal Canadian Army Service Corps men at Camp Borden was re manded In pallce court In mornlng when he appeared on charge of capital murder 31 Agent Is Shot In Back Borden Cook Is Bemanded All eyu turned award the sky ax on of Ihe Royal Can adian Air Force rescue hell W1 Spending CAMP BORDEN AIR FORCE DRY SUCCESSFUL Th ullll Wlll Mal um IM lo yum lunk CH Ialku lenbln 1mm Mrlml ml Carvaul llu Nulhwny mm to ho new They nld charm mfld It In le lmwrmcu IN null mlcly lnr lrcvmllnn of Ctuolly lu Anlmnll nrrlvnl marl Ilma utter nml be only mum nl ndlnn mu lu nu II but almnl Iha wk and dulmy II llmlmngly mm call In lull MINE FIND lcdernl velar Innlnn ul 110th nnlmm dhluhm luneml It In lulm In anuv Hn um mnrkd Ilock yrl ha uhl lrtlly Num liwry llmu lnko lhl pallenll puhn all lnnjtr thl ulna do Be Destroyed Burn Alecrm wm rounded up In no cltyl ml dlumnl ply minty Mr IMunn wan thread and upplnudul by lhn Federallon Mayan and Mnnlclpnllllu whm In mrnllonrd Um mm of 00 000000 nllhnulh the Amount Lonuanxo devtlavmcnl proj lcll min more hrnln lhnn hrnwn will be maltd 1m Inv ornbly II to buy mark or mploymznt mean at up llnl new 1110 Into Hm Cnnn Inn mnomy ML Penman dld no lpall oul delnlll Ilncc lcglnlnllan 11 only In It prellmlnury Iluxo In the Home of Commonl ll wnl un dcnlood hawevrr lhnl an al lcmpl wlll bownndo lo emplm Ilzn pmlecLI llml can be under lnkrn qulckly and whlcll will tumume rclnllvcly hlnh vol umo nl mnnunl lnlwr The lund wlll bc uud by the federal government In my mu nlclpnl dchenlum or local uh llc work projccln approve by llm rovlnm Wllhaul apnclly lnu nlerul rules Mr Penrwn Iald lhu chcrnl government wlll he xenornul even to tho ulenl foregoan some rc nymcnl prlnclpn ll lhn mun clpnl pro ls complelcd qulckly Prlmr Mlnlslcr Pearson old H00 delegates to munlcl nl mnvinllon hero Vcdnel uy night he hopes the undl ro xnurccs will be taken up qulckly and that he lund should be up rrntlng within low wacks TORONN CHTho federal yovemmenlt 0000am mu niclful davclopmenk and loan 1m Will be media brand rental snack on unemploy mun mplm take or to demon strate reséue operation 111 nlrcran was just one many that thrilled young and $400 Million In Fund Is Fan Unemployment Doctor uumuam him HERES ONE Bigrlo0ptlrlo anada Thundny May 30 I963 vrnumkn mm nl In mm Ind Jon Cot rllm mm Lle of mo Whm Inn command ovlrh anllov a2 Sovld mnrnml nrllllery null 1001 was reduccd In rank or hnvlnn orpand npmllon cxcculrd armrr Col 01 Irnknvdy mm lha Arm In in punhlnfi hlm lnla of In In Ilnlo rommlllu on wordin km Iclenllflc munch Fram lllll commlllun ll lulllltd In flI curly lhII mnnlh Icnkavnky paled on 5000 vhnloarn hi mm dflt umenu lo mum and us In MOSCOW ANThu Icnndnl Vcllcm Ipy In the Sovle mm nrchlvu broko out Inuw lodny wllh lha dcmollnn lormnr nrllllcry mnnhll And new nllntlu on the Brillh and US cmbuu An fimporlnnt pm at our ob jccllvn to enmurnza Immedl Ala Imam in employment ho nld Indeed we ha ha munlc lpallllcs will ban lo lake Id vnmugo lho pronum In the next cw month Io that there will be many new job posllbla this winter hops yau urn clung your uddillonnl pm Ml randy We will be Inx on It you that may would move cf Imurfly rlllmenl 1135 ms men 11 Mr Pcnrlon laid the new tund would be In additional was prevlauxly announced He not nnnlher cheer from the mu nlclpnl lender when he urged their virtually to come and Russian ExMarshal Demoted Rs Spy Scandal Breaks Out Knew old allke at the 17th Ah Farce Day at RCA Camp Borden Feature the day was ha hour lonl flyan demons TUNA BOATS ARE SBIZBD The molecular LLGem Ar lem Corny IIIJ lha mnnhnl vm Muted In rank IM Maj Gm Poxovny Ca Buli nov Ind olhm wm demolod And punllhrd The mum 01 Du punlhmenl Ind dcmollvn wu nol xlvrn Th Announctmcnl pun mvnl for than Involved one way or Another wllh Pcnlavnky made In tho lnvunmunl MW ynver IIVHUIII In lnltrvlnw will the prougulorfi he lrlll telllgcnco For lhnl crlmo Pen hayk nl lholjhy mum bullnmmnn Gra vllln Wynne wan lamented lu elm nrl confincmcnt fur hclvlnr ellvwr the uplonnn mgler ll II ihn provinces no the Mural zovrmmcni which mun provide the nucllon lo whni Ihe municlpluliu do or do not do The aid we prepared lo extend or municipalillu or lpo cliia pchcu will boand cnn boiiven oni ii lira prnvincial government 01 approved the project and Ippmvcd or in municlpalliln ullln deben ium in lhu iedcrnl ovornment in mm in financing the my ML mum of municipal flnlncinfi it in no lo compete with or lo rcpiaca 21min lame ol nnnce Morrovar will work within the cnnmmuonal concth um the municipaIIUu are erratum the pmvlnccl Ion of the Golden Ham See one am plclum on Falls lhm Examiner PhD roam Tmth Doledlvo loom Wum nld Pntrol an Bornrd min wu lwln In In mm Al firm 15c5ufi hm loumm Im d1f33¥ia wmwm loflu uld mm liken In lho Innd mbbury movtM 7mm Ihc mm who mupod In min voila mlm um mum um Mumllo mm min nu ma Mulvln Brown Han lm Tom and Damn Caham ol Tucomm wm mu minded In unlod lar unluntl Jum l1 llurllll on chum ol Illumplm murdur unlnu both mun wu Illa nmnndcd la lhl 1mm dull COOKSVILLE Onl CPI No Amorlcm plnded ullly In court Wodnudn tn hln hm hm Mo 1y and kl mman wu bank mlm Im um Mr Nowlln commenllnx In lhu Common alter Mr Gordan woke Inld hn hupvd Iha new Liberal avcrnmml would lol lawup tho cmlnvlnl allnrll bezun by hi Conlarvmlvo lov umrmmt He also mmlnd ac Ilnn In Vllldm In yum5 uu mum whxrh were mmr ID Thu ml bulk 01 the ml Ipandln prolrlm Wll prepared Ind pr nled helm the former Conlarvnllva lovemmcnl 1m ofllcu and Mr Gordon mmcd he rlxhl reducu lhe aper prlnllanl before Ictklnl Pulln mgnl wrovn 91 lhn An emnomy alqu by lho Incll lreuury board would take Ifdmu month to complelo ha In likely will be xomc llma Mon thu Common ell Irnund to debut on the full lptndlnl pronrnm Already lame 550 000000 of It hn been allocnttd undur Ipnclal governor gen wnmml or Aprll and Friday Ihe lovarnmmt will ask Parliament or III Interim money vole to cover Jun and July bllll pendlnl Ippmvnl tbs complely gummy But unioremn can the year rouxum plug imple menman ha government planned luhlnllve melsum wlll Add many mllllom to tho ouunyl hm Mr Gordon must cunslder when ha present his 196384 budget Ipaech expecled in midJune Exp mcnmzvzs $570000000 dellclt or 1952 wu uncut lut Oct 12 by Mr Gordonl Conxurvutlva pre danusor George Nawlun Mr Gordon hu ulrl hll eventual goal In balanced budget though not neceaurlly In one or even two yam Ind It antl clpated hll next budget wlll con taln lomo lnduatrlnl tax lncen tlvu that will Allect revenues Sdclllld uncanlrollable costs such howlul Insurance and other wellm measum puhllc deb chum and Ihl hulldlnz Inhlldm tnlelhur wth ray Him or unvamment emp oy were mnlnly huhlnd ha rarcent the In the Ipendlni er Imnlel The ullmnlu compare with 329169134 In 1961 ele mile mounted to the In Pllll ppguvngz lorecasl 55000300 In pension nymrnll which Innl Includa In Wednesdny budgetary animal would push total lpendlnl In 3130 mm Lu yam1 comparable loll wu DMZI470 13155431 um OTTAWA CHAnother bl federal budm dcllcn appenrr certain In the 11th of the rec or¢hlgh spcndlng program 01 new uhernl lovernmvmt Spending callmnle totallan $651550451 or the current Ils cnl year begun 111 lmoro than 00000000 lgher than last yurwera prmnted In the Common Wednudny by F1 nnnca Minister Waller Garden He allemd hope 11m aoma trimming may be done on this basic spending plan mm which wu pm and by the ar mer Prom ve Conlervallve ovammznh Two Plead Guilty To Bank Robbery The Federal Estimates Up $300 Million This Year NqiMorl Thln Fur Copy16 Fag 01m mlzht Friday lunny Low lonlzht HM tomor row 70 For complete num mary planturn pm two Lodal Weather mrm and via or our mn an ml ngflom uwpllollhtl lhe uclllmcnl ch In my hm luneled bllwllnl on In hallm Ind dump Inl Mm onto In mnd lo Hop the yunullu pull bu uld he and ml inunllon doing Md mil Plvp Del nnrrovul truhvr nkldded nlo llcld when nmmcd the hlmllll tar Ill mmmlndmrd car dvlvan by Clayton Bmllh cl Cooknvlllo Ind Inlng clung hulmAndllli mumm SKIDUED ulhnr cnmlnblo ll they fled In 9an but Wllwn Inld swim 1111ch Duuglnl nurmwl wn rld led by nlmy bullell dur In In than and mm bullet Ilmck Del Wllwnl cmlur on higher nmnunl reflect larger zrnln llockl nlur recov ny ram Um no dmulhl In lama dlmlnhhlnl of much ol lhnn nverngu whcnl upom Ftdcml pnymcnb or cnrry In mm on lompornry when mcrveu In an callmnled MI sumo or lho yur cndlnl next March Ianlnu 0000000 Il Incnlcd In your Tho main and tho Hm lup plcmenlnry lnrm lpendlnl all males or 100344 thaw will ol $172211150 nanlml 3mm 600 or year znded In March ll Higher com or carrying hmporary when marvel In mm wendlng under the Airl tullurnl Rehnbllilnlion and De velopment Actculled AnDA more than account for lhu ln crum 1n mendan plnnl OTTAWA CPIFederll nul cuIture department upendlnz or the current hen year wul In 1m 1000000 morn Ihnn Ins year on Um hull um tabled Wednesday In tho Commonl well no appropriation have ya bccn requested or numbrr the gavcmmunll In nounced prolnms such In mmd aid or technical and vacnllonal rnhllnz already coxllng 5158649qu calnblhhg Blnell single Increalo nn naunced Wednesday WM $92 IZMOO Jump In Ihe cut of carrylnq he nlllannl debt Th0 new make of hi cast W1 0009W Isnt pm mm It down reflect current burrow mg ml which no lower Ihnn when the figure was muck lalo last year pmved Mr Gordon made no cammenl nn lhlx nloreseen expenditure have niwnyn re uircd government come ban to Parliament or extra approprlaiicnl which in can years have ranged iram 3130000 8230000000 ent of new dupnrlmcnl of nduslry and two new ecunumlc mncle and 00000300 cap m1 um or an Atlantic velqpmenl Hoard $11 Million Mére Spent 0n Farms WALTER GORDON

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