Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1963, p. 2

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Amm Abluhl unm 5m nummlum Amn an mm mm mm sun It al Mum am at mu mum on PM can mm can can mm mm Cu Ccmnnl Cm canum Clln Pam Conn um you my First ald demonstrations and ham 11min wen highlights 01 inc recent meeting of Harris Brigade the St John Ambu lmce Corps held at the new St lohn House on Campbell avenue Olflcerl In charge ol Am bulance Dlvlslnn were Peter Mezdvnai dlvlslonal superln lendent William Newlun am bulance cfllcer and Dr Hicks divlslnn lurzcon Oiiicm in charge oi the nur ling divlslun were Mn Dalton Guull divisional superintendent Mn lvan Grcey divisional oil lcer and Mrs Lawrmca Parry hurling oilim LLCol Campbell Deputy Pravlnclal Commlulon It And Mlu Ilth Hayward RN Provincial Nursing 9mm rum Tommn comprised In lpecunl pnrly gchdeI own mm mm my Curly cm up can Dlvonlln pan um Cm nu lo Du Ilnm human than Almanac ima nvl mm Acnvn no chum nunuh Nu on mm of canan mm VI nnvwoNll NH loll Avllunn luaumm up mu up Ulumu up TORONTO no uanan Nun manmm down 11 Hold down 11 Mum up 01 WinnipegGram Mnflnll 71 nrmer vim pmldrnl n1 ulu ior Mnln Umllzd candy mlnululurm Grey and Slmcoe Foresters aged National Survival Fan Out exercisl at ha Barrle Armoury last night Nu Yukpun why no had of mu Zlunlll Omanlmlnn Amnch or many yrnn And launder Amtrlcnn Jew Conlmm Officer Praises St John Brigade TamIla le Duvll ymmlnrnl mwnpnper photogra phor Ind umrlnl pholompher In Dlonno qulnlnpleu II Alcorn who hnn been mun er ma 11min of flco Tho Bmflnl Trun Corron ion In rellnqulnhlng hln padllon nnzltcoum 1m mm halllh Shula has been Igpolnled mnnn er In aucceed Mr Mcnm Mnshule hi can nydale mm the Corpor Illon or over 12 yom by THE CANADIAN 156 Compllrd by Flynn l3 Dunlap sc Birth TODAYS STOCK PRICES ALCORN DEATHS rhoifinlmo 1mm Corgomlon I1 45 am 11 fig Dnmv In 101 am llud II In In Tome Im on In Alch Inllnd NVG lnlt Nchl lull uuuuu lnllrpr PIP lochy Cluh Lmu Paw luv lull lul FORESTEBS QUICK T0 ACT IAhudnr uh Dunn hum Linn Am Ianmurl hatdo umnmu McKmlt II Hum Mlnlnll In mnurnm mum In lhe In aid demonstration three persons valunlccred to present victims of car ac cldent one person slmulalcd compound In mature another laceraled thumb and the third bump on tho forehead and anclbqw Injury home nurxe dcmumlm ed lh technique washlng the hair chronlc bed patient the RWan medicine and ap plyqu of valmg wmprgsseg Ll 01 Campbell congralulab ed tha hrlgade member on hell lendld pcrlurmnnce and lad he was planed wllh the new hulldinz and number of vol unlary hour vut In by mem bcrl Mm Hayward presented cer mlcalu lo Mu Dalton Guns Iupeflntcndenz and Mrs Ivan Grncey or 10 year nervlcs In home nuulng IllIII HAIRCUTS mv gxmmnn Minimi Lelt to right are W01 Williams Sgt McQueen Stall $11 Babbelle and Sgt Helena Bolus The mund 167 00 JOHNS mm IIIUNE Blrbor Shop Adullo SHUTI Manlrul 1m Narma Norl om NJ Moon cm Mcln Pare heme Im In llh My Em Foodl sun shell smmmm Mill of Du Tnthm BI Imu Cm Trial Tnd hum Union In wmr MW lcnllh Nw one Nwnnrm Prolponau Imvo me 1mm 5mm In 1an mm an wxlxm wuuq IA IAflll Synomhx An area oi low rel sure will cause scattered ow er and mild temperatures over southern and central Ontario to day Mainly sunny and mild weather is expected in North ern Ontario today but consider able cloudinese and Icattered showers are likely tonight and Thursdny as wank disturbance move Into the are from Manl ioba Partly cloudy lklel Ind much the name temperatures are due for southern Ontario Thursday Lake Chair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara unions Windsor Lo Hlmlllon Mainly lunny and continuing mild Thmdny Wind northwm uka Ontr10 Haflhunon Georgian Bay gluon Plrtly cloudy Ind wormer um mer noon law Ihnwen tonight Varlahla cloudlneu not llula cooler nlundly Wlnd light today northwest 15 nlundny Toronla Cloudy with lunuy lntcrvall today lew showm Ill evenlnl Malnly Iunny and contlnulng mlld ny wold 113m Algoma TImagnml Cochranu glans North Bay Sudbury Mainly many and mild this 11 emoon Vlrlubln 910 dJnelg wkh cw shower In mu 316 name temperalun Thun Whlla River Western Jamel Bay regions Vnrllbla cloudi ness with law Ihowcrl ln th PanIy cloudy and mu cooler lhunday Wlndl llzhL Forum Tempenlurn Low Mnlfht llllh mudy Windsor 51 SI Thom 45 London 45 Kitchener 15 Vlnahnm l0 Humfllcn 50 SI Cnlharlne 50 Toronla so Pclerbarouxh Trenton 50 Killnlue 05 Munkoka 40 North In Sudbury 40 Enrllon LS Knpuskulng 1K While flhcr 35 Monannu 15 Timmins 15 Saul sun Mum M1 Mount Fares mn can turn out 70 per cent of lu men In hall an hour an short nollé Exunlner Photo WEATHER Mario to orcsl4 Thureruns of rnndnm rur vey taken lumen retired rnll rand personnel ndlcnted that two out three than app mched were tndmerent to the erectlon of memorial to mark the Inca the old CNR lut lon Ban1e Demolition or tha station Bird landmark for many yem hem today Although am new man hnvlni lived In Banlo or only 20 yam feel that many the oldtimer will mlu It nld Dlan nllroader or 42 yea The nllwny in thl am have ma history he noted The film was responsible In build ud lown give em ployment nnd kept thth ulna why then were lew inclorles In 15113Inilroldpnldihq In becomo whit it In May 12 Pm DAY ona lime there ware 125 locomotives day golna out tram Barrie Ind Allundnle he can tlnued Today there Ara 1w pmlonm of the CNN in this TWO or THREE AGREE Dr Grant Coipilis pnuioiu gist the Royal Victoria Hos pital spoke on Ihe various 1m pact Ind function oi medi cal iaborniory nin Kinimen Club meeting its nishl in explaining the word pnlh oioKisi ha uld In Word was derived romilhe Greek word patho which in combination with minim mun the science oi diseases umaiiy bodiin dis eases Dr Colpltll Ilso explained whu coroner wu Ind when and why Ill autopsy ml per formed camnefi In nn ofllcer ol the county dismal or munclp allly who holds Inquuls on India perms luppused to Autopsy Is An Inquest After Violent Death Neede Mémorial T6 01d CN Station own and 291 in the Immedian urea in memory oi their sen vim and oi the pioneering role that me employee who went beiore Ihem played in 0min up this counlry there Ihould ha plaque oi some mi to mark the pm raiiwny services to Emits thllluntlmem or lhu old days was unarmed by other mind rallronderl The cpum automation hu demnnded ha closingo these nation all over Ontmo onld Harry Norton You can help It you know There has been no bnxlnm to keep them aolnl We cannot live In the all We have $5711 ggdny an or tomorrow ha nld WANTS PARKING Am more concerned about Iho buslnm thnt Is he 10 by Ina maln um merchnnls hccauu of the luck at Idequute parking lplcl he continued Id like to no Ihe are Iumed into parkan lot HarryTomlIn did not see the need or nmemorlal In l5 or yun people wont know any hava dled by violence or accl dent He said an autopsy we crll lcal diamllon or personal In spection whd was perlarmed lo determine the causo death BLOOD TYPES Depicting 3mm the advanc niche and rclalcd dis cnvcrle In medicine he olnled gut tha ql mg llma pny mgr ypur ht 7510687 wEri kuownrib cxlsl Nawjhera Ara approxi match iklnd Presldnnlelect Lame Carter IaId Ila me wlda talk on leukemln Ind KennAlly spoke on how am peron could llva or yam with the dineale whHI other would die quickly drpcnd In all Ihe parliculn lypo ha disease thin or can Anythlnu about gm an wp knewhlt be happy to Ice turned Into men Ipol hl went on Thu present hulldlnz eln um no purpon now he uld Ind It upon good view from the and who relhh um wllh the ant have only the next WIFE WW om bunaing lucked like nu mi or befan 1h remain cm Iwzy in Golden Hnwlu med nemballc mm of flu RCA wheduled Ia present lbw this aflunaon at so Camp Botden The RCA Sllflon at Camp Borden ll prunnmu Ila Air Force buy The public has been Invited And no mulc tlons will be impaled It lb was Mr Carter laid Even though wa wont become docton we Iepmed bit about daclar Vllle him Hmld Fanler cl Burris Iuc cemtu completed part two course through thq mum of Ru Ealm Mnnlgemlm ol the Nnuonll Amcllllan Bell Estate Bonrdn Mr Formr qunlulel cum dlduta 0le Certified Pro hertyr Minnie Golden Hawks Fly flt Borden Bettie Realtor Passes Course IndV whit expected 01 Electric heating EllMlNllTES THE FLAME provides new standard of safety in home heating cannot create dust soot or dirt of any kind Its revolutionizing modern living and is within every familys means For more information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or UV BETTER ILICTMOALLY BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION I5 mun smrr PA 6152 THE IARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAn MAY 106 ALLISNN Slam For the fledgling Alllslan Ind Dish1c Aunclnllon or Retardcd Child lha undunenul dullwlllu In over The moclnllon Im obtained clmmom mum In tho Pmbylerlnn Church our Applluunm Ire helnn commer ed or teacher and nludny nlxht the million melvad chum rlar presentation tame durlnl the my meellnl held In tho Llonl Club building Mrl Maude Fuemnn OrlllII bond recur or Kellen at lhl Ontario Amcllllon or Ramd id Children relented thl OARO charter to aim Darling vice pmldent of tho Amuon bunch szawm president the Afllslon brunch demlb ed lha clanraom lacilltlel to be used next 111 In lha church The annun Navy Luau Ch do and Sen Cldc Corps Inspec Uan Wm lake pllca omh thy Darrle Armqury DIXBON clerk In CNR mllon 0mm in Trenton Ounwn Roaedale Plrry Sound and Alllndaln or yem um look he ginrte Impeding 9mm wlll b5 surgeon LLCmdr LIM down RCN and Lleut Curry Royal Cann panda 1mm City Hall led by In Air Force Bind wlll precede he lmpodlon The impecum ll Ichtduled belln nt Aelm oclock Nnvy Mum udeu bdwun Ch uu 11 and Ind Sn CM belwun and Alliston Assoc ForBetarded Clears Early HurdlesEasily vay League cdcu an all Bbln or leven wants Awlm min 0119 Petty 0mm lu mmhlp membmhlp profic lency leldmhlp Ind add lha yup Sc Cndeh wlll ncclvl lemmlnl lllendlnce Ildndlv Ink marksmlnshlp prollcluh cy JIM Pony omcer mmnn Ihlp Icndenhip Ind add hiya nwngda CNE mtlon balm In demol Sea Navy Cadets Inspected Tonight Application or the pallllnn of anchor Ire halnz camldered by Ina eduuuon commluee FL Slawarl nld Wa hope to hm decmon noon no ha teach hlred cnn mend Inmmer rogue on touching methods deal or the moclntlont pro posed Ichaol nr nurded child ren New arrexpondrnz lecrmry II Mrs ersorle Johnsonxsha uplncu Mn Wuller McEach erg who moving to Brngplom necordlnl ucreury Ind pub liclly convznlr II Mn Kenneth Blanchard treasurer Pnrkhuun program chairman Mrs Leach ltlon flirted Mr Dlxmn In that pmvlslan mould be mad or mamarlnl to mark um hluorlcnl role played In community by Ihl nllwlyl Exlmlner Pholo Commune Just formed In clude lha vandalIns mmmmu wllh Dr Bums dual man and Emu Irvine Ind Al mon Elxter Humbert Ind the nation cammlllce chair mun Hnrvle Slum mnmhm Mrs Edward Banllnl Dren nun Harvby Khmer And John Srhmldl Guest speaker wan Klrk Toronto cxecullve dlrcclor ho Onmlo Auocinllon or Re lnrdcd Chlldrcn He described how he Olmc mvu local al IGCIIHDHI throughouuhn rovln cc Ind link lh hn Nallonll Amellllon EOVIETS SEEK 01L Sovlal all pmspcclon Ilaklnl out In Norway Splubemn OPEN ALL DAY WED OPEN FRIDAY 11 van Colllu II um For in mm In In pm And Imported Fwd Cumin Ila They um qunllly load ll compelh lm prlm Cloud All my Mendy DROP IN WON BARRIE DELICATESSEN

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