nunxi mu ruinme mule II II Ynlfl II hull Ind vlnlvl Hm III lufl Nfl MI IM run IMMII HVIII IIIIY mm ul Thumle rum mm YOU hm GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MONK AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradlonl 51 15911 unl Im m4 rm mu Ml Cl rmm um unmmy mum ay la la Cnnllrl your II mun um va In Arms 7mm um nuy ammo ml mum whlll you gum AUIOMOTIVE Wï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬s rbfsAEa mm Mmur Alllnlnn um 95mm raunmx runum mw nnly rm rnr hm alumum nu IA Hm IIAV nu Nn 111 Farm Supplies Sorvlco Can an Hnllnnd Dnvld Drown Bully lnm Eqmpmcnl 170 NVHTON RV VA um CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE 57 lnslcr mllklnu wllh ncw DeLuvnl 100 mlcx mllkm Barrio Holly Hwy 27 PA 60138 WEADICK MILLING C0 CUSTOM GRINDING AND MIXING IOn tho Mm with our mobllu Iced mlll IOr at our smuonary mm at Suwd OWo carry wmploto inn prepared nods communes ALSO IN TEREST FllEE FEED CON DARK IMY chDlNa 151 mm mu rmlnntnd any Geld hunter In 15 dx Stnw berry Rom smu 51mm on yur old TIaphono on All nulliï¬ed valmun Dom mm 91 mm ï¬lm nnd low In Junl Nurm blr feeder plll CAM mu leeud mu non ANn coiv cow mum Rulmldlul or unsun Ind 1mm lan nmnl or Imam months Telephone PA Mu bilween Ind 11 MIL 11 5mm and Sunflly MALI cumin mn ux hlruu bug wgmgea ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE noun dul am well RR anmwd Ontario License No 177062 Nick Monlnxue Pmp IDl lAllx Sltll Chill In yum old Ilupl oun luuy nip gm mam mm mm may nu Powmd by Jnhmnn so 12 mater Cm be um mm Rogk Fm uï¬sfApply wnuen Fund 10 Czdlr am on DEAD STOCK mzhest prices Mid for dead or cripple cattle am horse 5an animals removed For us sorvlco MINESING MOTORS Ford Traclor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 213 MINESING F001 momma Aluminum no1 ulw 1m model cummell will Ilndlhleld um upnnumed mu mi 111 horsepower 50 molar Priced mumInlay Tum 35 Imam Telephnno PA FARMERS MARKET 00 DAY ml powered by hmwuwer Bvlnnlda mom wm nll ar or Inn model Apply Sum Gmn Mn lord Ontlnn vertlbxu my two ll nn am so hm Evlnnld mm All In Cullen conddzm Owner law1211 Burnt Tbllphom FA nonurnwm Mercury ten hompowu Jamnon mo Cum mumu 151mm cm boll nbnum not 13 ADD Ann sum 3m CAINPA Ill ll l0 lnnhel 0100 They In buddllll ClIII ormmanlll hlnlplull now to PA 101 ORNAMENIAI mus Ind can 81m Ivxmen phmlnn Tn hm JIM Z1 an In lulllh ul fllflll TH Wont PA 10665 or PA H750 PODDLIS VIM mlnlllll ul Iltend I100 Smud HRH Appl Mn Ianlow l1 nwood AVI Inn by TAYLOR FIAT Humua or bum Hawn lwnl luau Approved my mum of Alrlcumm 91 mum Wlter huldln HOME WANTED or Lilliold lnll dol BXuI Tick Ind 9le Mud Good Wllh chlldren Tllr Phone Clmll EM flit ARfiClES FOR SALE NICKS DEAD STOCK Pountlivncï¬ck CHARLES CHURch mom sums PAsmz Collect Ur ask or FEED SEED GRAN PHONE STROUD 52 FARM MACHINERY TREES AND SHRUBS GAR suwuas BOATS MOTORS LIVESTOCK D0651 PETS mm mm Mllnlnl Ilnfll pl Mal MI MI nn mm an nl 7m Mum mu um pm 05 FOUND MAINTENANCE MAN IIIAUIV Ill Coldnm ll Dy ulna erflulkl lll You mm hum Ir hm IIII uh mm ï¬n mt 1mm 0m mu Tnvnhn rm 0m nuuon lnmmn wm mm mm In to sunmvo Iluhwr ml Idy Ind Dun Mull Vrlnlly phonc mm mlle 1nme Do on mm Influna mm by In mm mo null or pyulmmm l0 HELP WANTED Hum pinup Iruek Ir or nunm nl new ur and huh lumun whom llrwd Flu ll war pm man mmn mm mm mm mo mu mu Mmd mm rluu LEARN HAIRDRESSINO novvrnmcm Chlflï¬ld School Thornunh lrnlnml In In bum tulllflI mziiwm imxumzssma acnom wonis 51 mo cull mu your In um all Ind ar dawn Aim all Nolan Hold Inns PA IIIIL Km 515111 with aowh 7D Comr In mumu Inm Icr mom1 am whl dew he lun lllhu lulumu nnmw down And uk om mm It In prr monm IA £11931 aqulI our door ledn in llnmlnl Mu wllh nd lnlurlnr Anlunuuc lrl mInlon Cullnm X0 11 new whlh mu mu 1er planed duh Ina ml belu One nwnar cu ln lmmlrulll ton dmnn MI win 10 down PA um VANGUARD our dear in nu wlnr with mlchlnl mm mm armm mm 0n Incl Culiom ndlu whl mu um And wlndnw mm An ulnmfly load My II with 17 dawn PA 70 mi mun Cnunlry Sean Ellllon Wllnn 1n mamn hall with mnlchlfll lnlnlnr dnv Id In 1le ndln Mndow PERSONALS 51 VCIIBYILXR ofllhnl rem Dllnt Ind Very In mun wLh Mm mu mow um ullomIlo lrlnlmlulun mum WWII mm 1ch Ind ndlo 0n mum an nun nu umhl In drive PA 52575 CARS WANTED TO BUY DODGE Kenn In total brawn with In Interior untam Inmunnn cullom nfllo VJ molar Ill new whllo will Hm Mun bl Dun bl lpvfldlud mildew wt numb FA Null CAB INSURANCE ELI nll or yumred Mun WI LnJIIn my Mn Inï¬ll In or circuitnan lull town III anuu et Coma PA 656 1m RENAULT Sednn Motor tnnxmllllvn llnl nhr1ar AL Body poor will ll or um um nr Iv or old at or VnIon ruck in nod mechlnlul Candl llon PA 59950 mo Pomllm suum Winn cylinder lnndlm Lulumllllan lmmuulllo condlmn 000 mil lnll muel quI In color Radio radial Wuhan TeIIphonl PA 1L ml BUNBEAM lupin nudlap IllII nwldflvfl and condition Murmur New Hm lwln ur hurelon low mun cm or gain Nephm PA M618 lfler nu 1m cnmour SIRn on madam ummmlan mm IV In Ill Excclknt malllfllh Good um RanchW prlud Telemann PA 32012 ll PONTIAC 11h mm with 33000 nflllnll mllll wo door cylinder Itmdlrd IMH ndln Ind Whlu Wlul Would llkl In rldl down or MIL PA mu nununzmnn ml mum wllou hint GUN unn Nu nu new Hm wuhen 0n condition Tllrphonl PA 5M0 MSREURY HDMLIIII Emmy Gncd body Intmnnn load Hm Nerd lnnunhllnn VIII P11 50 Not haml Siluldlyl may Balkan Mlmlld Ont KI All off ll 3ch In Four door hardtop with null Oxku Nledl body work Tllr phone PA Mat OLDIMDBTLB ll Comm Slum and Ian lmmlculu common umuhnm Sllflnl chug Telwhflnl PA 31 01 MM Pmlculln CADILLAC or Ill 50 Im lu our dour low mlhlll nu Hm Shaman condmon II llu Tlllnhwno PA H1530 on II elun nod eondh mm 470 mil Llfl 00 at but all BIL Muhonay RCA Edllr PA Ill71 Inï¬ll um um duur nun nod condition lulu mlllv male 60 Tfllphonu PA Any lowcost HIEInsured THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA WANTED Mun be 24 yearn or age or ovtr Apply In prim nnly 107 IHFIN 5T BAMUB ONT AUTOMOTIVE 701 CARS FOR SAE TRUCKS TRAILERS WOMENS COLUMN TRUCK DRIVERS IN LOVE WITH CERTAIN NEW CAR Buy new will scom mm IJOAN MALE HELF and All perom havlnx clnlmu Illlrlfl Ill Run ELLA MAY Wlll MM lulu Vllluo ol lilmvllo In mo County 5mooe Vldow wlm dlod on In lllfll day Iv Mldl mu mun lam mm lo nndmllnwl on or Wm blh Ilny lum 1W4 umr nhlm dnlu he mol wlll In dlnlvlmtrd mnnm llu purllu rnllllrvl lhmln am no umr lor wlll not he llnhlo to any 99mm when rlnlm ll shall not lhen have null DATED IMY mm MI 01 tin of MI A1 IMJ IIOYR REACHM AND HOWE Own SinN nnnla Ordnlu um unruly mum AMIInn um um YnUNfl MAN volt lmln Io ll nmlnn wm on Ilar my klnn at work run Nun IA Illlt rllnn Mlem m7 mm plrtllmu tallmun wnkly Clr unnuL wm la Hal Iluril Lumin umflno Duonlhm Inn Roll um mu usan OWL nmunlc IIILP unhd houw remplnlon mm Juno mm he 10 nu In com lnruh mm III Mir Aauu nnly unm mm Auull tunan om te ry by unnu glnl WI flu Blrfll lum tr EMPLOYMENT WANTED ucnxunv zmmnun pmum mchphum Avmnm mly mum wrmy Would um woman wlm rhlldun In 1cth nlply la nun hnnawxmnu to no an 1mm Examiner GOOD pllhl cock nulllfl lor modtm cnl II In Mullah lum mu monm mm mm pla klrtd and lift Willi Dal mm lumlncr SALES HELP AGENTS lEGAI noncss IIAIRDRZIIBRI 11 Mind or modern III ondflnntd ulnn Mun hold Onuflu Ikencm Jun Gullah Hr slyum thphono PA INCL mus am or Em lnr hwuwnrk mm 1le In human PA comuon llounleeper wlnh lor nnl My Mlllblu max mug Ll In wm Ilox nm xixElm aluminium um um vaerlanced wok Tahphona FA Lvmv or ml Dunlap sum 3nd my gm Tclwhom PA Mm Long £51317th Barrie inn require saleswomm to all by eIephona and personll con tact with local business aslab lishmenu 11115 challenglng poslllnn with excellent opportunity for advancement Some knowlcdga typan In asset APPLY IN WRITING 10 FOX 17 BARRIE EXAMINER ammo mm mum upm mm um hlrflwln um unmeamaly rum In on mm mm mun palm exmhd nax num Enmlaur fluenncu nquxna Dmvlnl wnted pm ar mu me mm In nut In lypllnntl Arply In verlfln Io Dehln Till Clpplflnn Stall Burlu MECHANICS FOR GM DEALERSHIP We pay $240 per flat rate hour Beneiiu include paid slain tory holidays ii of existing On tario Hospital Plan and medical life insurance pin weeiu vacation pins oUm rings ben efits Write or call SERVICE MANAGER AND CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD 77 Avenue Road Toronio Out 9245431 Having previous his experience and eat is desirable but no osseigiéaii Foxdetail write giving nlme Address And telephone num IFSO bOMINION AumMomz ASSOCIATION Cnnada largest molar club can establish you with an Blane of your awn In ellher the Orlllia or Ban15 am ll you are bendable 4nd cm produce acceptable meme Do you want your own agency Can you talk to eople Do you hava easant personality Do y9u enjoy health MATURE LADIES Age no barrier your own ambonn the kcy In succm with AVON Cm mctlcs Vrile Mrs Walker 38 Thwmson 5L Barrie or call PA H551 10 HELP WANTED npy Wanl 5mm unwed mm pm vubllullm ION IA um AVON CALLING AN OPPORTUNITY FORVINDEPENDENCE NOTICE TO CREDITORS FEMALE HELP SALESWOMW IN 3mm N0 INVESTMENT REQUIRED HIGHLY ATTRACTIVE COMMISSION RATE GUARANTEED YEARLY RENEW ALSO INITIAL TRAINING PROGRAM NO AGE LIMIT GROUPINSURANCE BENEFITS PENSION PLAN BOX 27 BARBIE EXAMINER Interviews will bé arranged locally nuw wwm In excess of 10000 req re wager permjl Awll cation arms may be oNIined lromthe Water Resource Dlvl Alon Ontario Water Resources Commlulon 801 Bay Street Tm ronlo After June 15 1963 perqu or water taklnz In the designated men wtll bl tuned subject to tho nvallnbllty at surplus wnter Drnmaxa Arm Nolluwnuzl River Basln Area druinlnz to Lako Er bewcen Port Bruce Ind Nan tlmkr lncudtnz tha drntnnze basiru of Nanllcake Creek Lvnn lthcr Young Crick Fishers mock Dcdrtch Creek BI Creek Clear Cmck South Otter Creek Ill 01m Creek Stlver Crtek and Catlizh Creek ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION 501 Buy St Toronto SNIDEIs Chairman CAVEnLY General Manager DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS FOR WATER TAKING PERMITS All persons prelenlly taking water or planning to aka wiler from ponds strum or well In 013 drainage areas Xe out below should check their permit requlremcnu belore JUNE 15 Except for domestic and dock use Ind other mlnor exemp tions water taking dust bill or nlgauonhpurpolgl mm HINT FOR THE BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Classiï¬ed Ads for terrific furniture and up pliancebaxjgmns irowmmp School Am at Oro invite tender or Ihe truly fortnon at public school pupil or the inliowinp routee Route 14 miier 51 pupils noun Zlwa miter 55 puplLr Route miles 11 pupill RouleH milu pupill The above are the approximlle pupil load and mileaze Sealed marked tendm will be received by the underslzned up to oclock JUNE TH 1983 All buses must contorm with the regulation at The Depnrv ment at mnsport be driven by operator approved by the school board and adequate in surance carried by the owner Further particular pertaining to proposed router may be oblaiu ed mm the underelzned Lowest or any tender not neces earlly accepted JOHN CURElE SecyTreas Ora Station Out 14 PUBLIC NOTICE I2 TENDERS 00K OVER oun BIG SELECTION 0E GARDEN NEEDS WET BOXED PLANTSYour Choiceof MALI HELP SATURDAYJUNE 12 oclong hogan chm The CAME DIzal Purpose Shorfhorn Cow yeere fresh open Dual Purpose qow year old fresh and open fled Duel Purpoco Shorlhom Cow years fresh rule day Dual Purpose Red Shorfborn Dow year fresh open Ayrsher Cow years old freeh and open Herefordburhnm Helfer years fmsh and open Red Shorfhom Cow yean fresh 1nd open Red Shorumrn Cow uni fresh and open Here ford CW 10 yem fresh and open Red Shorfhorn Cowl ycen fresh call affoaf Herc fnrdDurhnm Heller yearn fresh calf at fool Hereford Cow yene fresh calf at foot Herdordvbluham Heller years frerh calf foot Hereford Com yenre bred to freshen by sale date Roan Shortharn Cow years fresh all fool Hereford Cow years calf at fool Bed Short lmrn Cow years fresh calf fool Red Slortham Cow years calf 300 lbs foot HerefordDurham llelfer yearn baby beef of foot bred Hereford Heller years calf 50 lbs at fool open Hereford Heller years call at foot bred agaln Hereford Heller years calf If fool bred ognln Hereford Heifer years bred fa freshen In September Fa Hereford Sleers lo halve Hereford Heifers 700 lbu ll Hereford Stem year 750 lbs each fit to klll Rozisfercd Hereford Bull years real herd hire HerefordDurham weeks old mutiny HAY IndleMIN un Hampshire Sussex Hens 70 Head Beef Cattle Hugh Clan Farm Machinery Grnlnr Poulhy and some Household Elmla The undersigned hu received Imtrucuam from MILLER 1m 12 com ESSA TWP mile 5111th north Allin ontmn nan pl Juryl Gan aze guys 13 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE AS LOW AS THURSDAY MAY 30 AM TO I0 AM ONLY SIMCOE DISTRICT AlYSSUM blue white MARIGOlD petite gold mixed colours PETUNIAS white red pink blue glitter and deep pink white SNAPDRAGONS SAlVlA tall dwarf PANSlES MANY OTHER VAR lETlES VEGETABLES TOMATOES COOP Model completely overhaul ed McDeering Super Wt hu tor in good condition Farmati Model Tractor good working order international 91 Sellpro pelted Combine years old with pickuv clover attach menu Steel Stoneboat New Holiand Baler so motor driven good condition Waterloo Threshing Machine 42 iood condition no it Theshing Belt Halfinch Electric Drill Care Power Mower Al 50 Harmer Milt Belt internation al Power Mower lit Farm all ll Tractor 31 Bale Eleva oro motor like new Screw lack international Side Deliv ery Rake on rubber year old My Swather on rubber Set Breechina Harness Hone drawn 10 Dump Rake 12 26 Tractor Tire 211 Grain Auger with motor Chain John Deere Tractor Manure Spreaders rubber Manure Loader ior Case irnctor with bucket McDeerinz SeedFertile izer Drill good condition in ternational Tractor Cultiva tor brand new international Tractor mitivatnr Bone Pota to Grader and Chaim Walking Plow Sawing Machine aeee tion Spring Tooth Harrowe drawbar international Tandem Tractor Disco Rood condi lion ssectlon John Deere Drag liarrown drawbar One way Splate Tractor Disc An tique Cutler Murrow interna tional Tractor Plow on rubber new Murrow international Tractor Plow Combine Grain Box international Rubber tired Wagon Rack Antique Buggy Low eteel Wheel Wagon rack Woods Oat Roller wheei Farm Tractor large nine 50 Cedar Posts zrow John Deere Potato Planter 12 Steel Poets Gehi Hammer Mill 31 year Iaylnd well Mixed Grlln 00 gm 200 busheln 500 $03 bmhela ol Clover BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Extenslon udder Debval Mllldng Muchlna unlu or cows plplnz molar McCul lough Chain Saw Al Electric DeLavnl Cream Sepnrnlor nearly new Flurry Manure Spreader working order Scrap Iron 150 new Envestrouxh InE Quantlly Snuw Fence ID Cards Hardwood dry Cyclana Grass Seeder Emery Stone molorzBrnnd New Vlse Elec trlc The Pump elm Set of Scales 2000 23 many smaller HHLICL Terms 35 unless alhcrwlse arrnnqu on larger equipment Definitely no reserve as arm is said Buyer from disinnv must prove their identificaiion with the clerk Nothing in be removed until settled for Owner will not be responsible or any accidents day We while on his property Buss Hand4 Frank Webb clerks JERRY COUGHLIN Auctloneer Phone Barrie PA 05449 THEIIARRIE EXAMINER WEPNESDAY MAY 1961 CHICAGO AWA UtSi dis trict judge acted hlcsday ta end boycth by landm uninn against Canadian min vu ul that ha baen Idle more than weeks in labor dispute Judge John Holland or dered lawyers for 1h Natlonal Labor Relations Board to pre HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Flnlly Manor Coal Wood Stove Cookan Range March znd Oll Spam Healer with Ian brand new Chesterï¬eld Suite and Chair Couches Quantity 01 Chain Bedroom Sulle com plete many Mher mic loo numerous In lLst Boybdtt Is Ended Over GraingShip llod lnlnrmzï¬on WRITE NOW Go Slowml Drmlm Cand1 leltgd724IV5hlggn Au Poan Edwml WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE NET PROFIT OF $10 $20000 in SIX MONTHS STEWART ROOT BEER DRIVEINS Cmadnl 1mm growing Drlvuln Chlln hu an fran chlxo hrrliory In your Iru STEWARTS DRIVEIN FRANCHISES INCLUDE kitcï¬cn equipment necessary for opening All building plans or construction of your Stewarts Dnvein 0n the Job training of owners and employ 86 Plus many many more benefits 20 year franchise or your tcrrltory Comgletely installed mot beer orangq and Lu ux lNNISFll STREET BARRIE PA 626531 259 para lefnporlry Injuncllvri lo and 1h work stoppage Judy gallant njd he will llzn ny Howard Shaw owned by Uppzr Lake Shipplnk Limiled oi Tor onto Th crew ilBiiiiiflltd with the Canadian Maritime Union CLO The loader ara mm but 01 Inc Grain Elevator Finnr and Feed MIIIVWorigerl Local 418 an nliilille oi the in lernahunai Longahoremenl Al socialism The labor board accused the SW and longshorcmen ol tn gaglng In secondary boycott which vlolalinn ol federal AW The government vcanstdered the case of such Importance that it sent representative at the labor board and the depart ment justice Irom Washing ton to clpata In tho lttiga tlon The In dispute been the subject of urgent diplomatic exvhanges between the Cana dian and U5 govemmentl The basic dlspule between the owners and he Seafarers Internatlanal Unlnn whose memhm or merly manned Mala operated by Upper Lnkcx The labor boards sulk an injunction charged Iha SIU and Lonuhoremens Anodallan In duced union employee the Contingmn Grain Company or Chlcnzo where the Howard Shaw docked to refuie to load her Ofï¬cials the loader unlan laid 1m union dId notmcflon the nowad pnsllion taken by flue wurkers but um It wax In In dlvldual declslnn by each man lmylveg The v5sel hivblqu 157 ha ©2373 SEER