Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1963, p. 12

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NMA 4mm lulu hmdl Yolk Ionian ll Illlmon Kunm 3in uhlnllm Mlmmou valm1 Chkllo run In Anulu lnhhlo llkhm Tody Illlmorl erCnmIlrl II it Kimn Clly Wllhnhlm mlulun Rudolph bl Inmat wmnn In FM new4 asked Jack about fans and llttleleaguers and he jtthou ht it gave the boys more incentive But it also has is disadvantages Parents will sometimes bring ijressure on the boys if theyre not showing all the signs of becoming another Mickey Mantle This is he ease in the 05 little league hasnt reached this tsge in Canada yet lts not the little leaguers fault blame the adults 3T0 say that they are spoiled is nonsense Sure they have more facilities than we had 10 or 20 years ago But the dont react any differently than we would under same circumstances Being the father of two boys and two girls believe Im in pretty fair position to judge children and ii youngster is spoil ul its not his fault Theyll take all they can get ta As for organized sport such as minor hockey and Easebali planning boys life too finely is concern ed this is also ridiculous No one at least to my pwledge takes whi to boy and says Bey get out there and ay hockey believe its natural instinct to want to play sport They out soon enough whether or not they want to continue want my two boys to get into minor base hall and hockey and Im sure every iather does But if they dont want to play thats up to themselves Minor sport can assist youngster tremendously in liis education It can teach him how to get along with people how to accept disappointments and how to develop mentally as well as physically Illlmm m7 ork mo Ilaan lulu Clly Imwln Clwtllnd luunlu elmll few years ago down home it was decided to gbrlng in an American baseball coach to act as float Ilng coach in local baseball league This man Jack fStalllngs by name and who is now head baseball conch at Wake Forest College In North Carolina also lfered free instruction classes to little leaguers In the Unlted States little league baseball is almost blg business Parks have been built for the young Iters and packed grandstands are common The in terest ls very high especlally 1n tournaments and Ithe pressure on the boys is terrific Its been said film this pressure is not good for the youngsters filts been said recently in these parts that boys life ls planned too finely Lets take them one at time null Tumin Chicago New York Phllndclphll Pillburgh lm Annie Mklwnuku Human Louis 51m Francisco Cincinnati 10 Probbl Illchrn Today San Frnnrlsca Plnrco 13 It Clnclnnnll Purkay 11 Lo Anuclu llodm Mil waukee lllcndlty Houston Drum Hi ll null Wuhbum or Gibson Sln Frunclsco Lon Angela 51 hula Chicago Pilllburzh Chuclnnnll Phllndclphln Mllwnuku Houston New York School will soon be over and pretty soon the young boys will be hlttlng old dad for new glove run nlnF shoes baseball and anyth ng else connected with gther minor baseball league The Barrie Leglon wlll gance aln sponsor minor baseball here this summer and It rings up the questlon of whether young boys luday are spelled with organized sport Minor on can be one of the most Important stag an My llte The adults play major role in this lvc the boys nroper supervislon less interference rom pesky parents and Im sure youll flnd that art 111 asslst the boy develop as much as any part his gducauon mi Ii Iaiimlen Kim Il mun my ullhtuguAlLleI By THE CANADIAN PRESS Gun Thundy Chkllo at New Vark lhllldtlp ll Pllllburuh an Erlnchm Clnrlmull hi Anaelu nl Mllwnukn Hmuum ll 51 Mull believe Ive met my share of people from many ltferent walks of life and Lean honestly say that ome loe greatest Ive ever met were or are Melts SPORT AT GLANCE billy lumen Ichcduled THE mman EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY 29 ms gflvfldults To Blame 2H Boys Spoiled If theyre spelled weve spoiled them Amrdul Nlllonll kllfle BASEBALL SCORES By RICK FRASER Lm GIIL mu mo 11mm 22 100 11 413 470 lla lnul nuipélnua GII 11150 Mimi ennuirunn mumJun out dull Mer Tcx knocked out Iumc mm New York mocme Callnay Mil Mnnllu mde lludy Cor nnn III In Anni ackwuvlllo Columbus Builuln Syrncuse nnchtslu Toronln Richmond nelnlll Tueudly Buffalo Toronto Columhul finches Indlunnpoill Syracuse mm Wrdnudny Jnckwnvllla nl Richmond mm nt1uue nook ll 11 ASSOCIATED runs Inlod an Tormnu 1w nwo 10 NEW 1mg Ludo fiul FIGHT RESULTS Dill mm igdlanhpaill II flachulfi 0UsT0NITu lljp flan ripmu TrInlln MI Inn Whole linen ladys WI Duh OIIM AT Whololalo Ptlces EQUIPMENT GARNERS wuomm SPORT Northern 15 452 95 11 30 286 15 Dlvhlun 23 16 590 21 17 55 ID 531 21 475 15 Hun mu morn tompcllllnn In the Nation League Pressing hlm clan or top honor Is my Culp the nmld pltcher who finally cglnnlnz In pay dividend for tha 00000 invest ment Philadclphil Phllllu made hm year no CALL FOR MACMITHUR NEW YORK AWGen Dall all MacArthur hm bun culled buck lnlo ha wu be tween lha Unlle Slllel Amn Each nmnanut In league Dnvalilla he flee aoled Venezuelan who only lightly Her and wtlxhs no more lhnn Albla Pearsonl the union shortcut player and head and Ihoulden above the real lhnrooldu 111 Ill Amul cap Leann Dfl LW York Mel and centre fielder VIc Davalflla Cleveland ladl ans probably would win hands down the 1963 rookie of lhu ycgr 9011 were to be taken my Hh Ina opened In clly nun muday an thru lbs charges resisting policeman creating disturbance and us Gilchrist fullback or Eul Ialu Bills was the American Fnalhall Leagues mos valua bleplnyer In year He came lo the Bills In 1962 from Tor onto Argonauu am brlllllnt but turbulent elxhtyear career In Canadhn football Pallce laid Gilchrist became Ibuslve after he um arrested on charge of Ignoring stop Ilgn Mm he was handcuffed at precincm nation lbs 235 BUFFALO NY AmA po liceman denled nxesday that football star Chcaler Cookie Gllchrlsl wu clubbed by police alter mes an rattle chums Gilchrist accused lowing the policemanwlm pugch Seven charge wars filed Ignlnsl Gllchrlsl alter bl Ir refi MI31L pair of twoqun burnersby Ray Youngdam and Sam Bow ens provided Rochester with margin of 41 victory over Columbus Buiialu leader in tho Northern Division had to cum from behind Io down Toronto 32 indinnnpoli ended Syra cuso ingums winningltrenk 63 and Arhmm held on In bell Jacksonville Hem Surrelia stopped Co lurnhus cold as he relieved Alerter winner Ed Hobnml The Jets had nut exncily been living up to ihei nickname prior lo the May niispin but they iind Ihemseivc ioday 15 games behind In the Iniemn Iinnni League race ihey dropped only one hail game hlcsday night as paceseiiing Atlanta and Richmond ware rained out By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Columbus Jets undaubledly are munforward china fortune in June alter dll utraus May that has seen Ihem lose 21 27 games including the In In row Says Gilchrist stnt Clubbed ARETOP ROOKIES NEW YORK AP Second Eleventh Deiefqt IdeW For Jets BARRIE Surreila stopped Co cold as he relieved winner Ed Hobmm CARSONS E550 SCISSORED SPORT This Weeks Auto Parts Special CORNER DUNLOP AND ANNE 5T5 For Thu In CIrSorvlco Stop SHOCKS SICKNESS GOES WESTBUBY NY MFiThe equlna cougth slcknen um hit many harness ham 1n lho Em during um lax lwo month mm have run ill oauno Dr Bernard Brennan vet lnarlun Al Roosevelt Runway nld nludny he tell thu epl damlc II on the wax Ind um All ham ulern wlll be henllhy WANII ANBWER 10on CmThe Cuna dlun Film Council bu not up Iwend mum lo zrnnt ht lam lo athlqu Illendlng ho leur Athletlc Union Ind lhe col logebacked US Track Federa dnn MU pruldcnl ml Fisher uld why he has written In general llml the col lcga gmup has show lack aplrll ol lalr plny Ind la now using nlhlcles MacArthur line requm ol Pmldenl Ken nedy recently pnlchod up on agreement between the At which hu Inn mnlrolled US nmllenr worn and the college lcderallnn ur nz cruwuamlnnuon Gil christn lawyer asked Kean You took him by the collar and prodded hlm with clubs iml flu true Kean luv nezuflva answer Kean laid Gilchrist told him Yuu cap an warn than Blgnjnth cop Judge Willinm Ostrowski dismissed the charge oi mm in disturbance on motion by Gilchrisll lawyer He re served declslunon motion in dismiu that two other charges The Indie nid he will rule on it =smtzéiJM91 Gilchrlu will so to trial in any court June 12 on the re mulling charges mom degree amull felony lllllnz to ob Ierve map sign and filling to produce drivers licenco and Iulqmublln rezlslrauon pound Negro knucked palmlmnn Richard Kean 01 floor pm lice Mid DIDNT PROD threerun homer by Lea Ella sunted Arkansas on the way In victory over ha Suns However pair of Insuranca N115 In 110 111M Inning pwval handy when Willi Tuby Ig nllrd lwn Jackmnvllle rallies will twn doublet The mom 11 short howzver Don Fulani paced the Indlans attack on our Syracuse hurlern with homer and two doubles Mike Joyce spaced 31x Chic hits over mu first seven Innings but ho had to hm help from Wamn Hacker eighth BuIIaJoA Carl Malhlas gave up humor to Ted Kazanskl In the first but then held Toronto In check on aIx mules Thu Blsom not lha wInnIng run an IIngle by DIck SmIIh whu stola second and came In on Pumpsla Gmqu xmle with ha ban loaded 11 file nv enlh Ind muck on three Jet batters lom Butler hurled livrhnler or the Jets bu they Included Lha two human that anJled Lhedlterence emu ms Thm No qunllly All Ihock nhmberl ult adJulllnf man and loml my mllrl month dxlvlnl Ihml wllh Mm lnmnlml Ihutll Q59 SERVICE ONEWEEK SPECIAL July luck and Held me In Summon Ken NIH nallnnnl chalnmm of rack and Hald or the Canadian Amateur Alhluuu Unlon lld ludny Thu or lunlxcn of the met dont know how many nlhletcl lo expm III moi of nur Alhlclu cant If lord to ny Duelr own lramport Allen nld In In inlurvlew Jana not only set new gun lylng standard In tho lime Irlals but ha practised speed armor than the other drlvm mujo ln qunllflnnklnns The quiubspaken 29yenmld driver from Torranco Calm turned our laps It more than 150 mile lwur in the final clrhurellon tesll nmduy He had one at more than 151 In nndfilqa Agpjanlnn upedal day 33 Alnrtm who nachud 151 miles In haur over the 10 mlln trials Foyt lloul tm Tex lhu ml winner wu uoond best 1506 but he quallfled on he lecond day and wnl 1an In eighth vim Pm nclll ha ha ya lupola poslllgn The lone Canndlnn car the Clly of Vlclorin owned by Ed Kmlmuk Vlclmh qunlllled 8033 Monday Ind will driven by rooklo John Bulim lord Fort Worth Tu INDIANAPOLIS AP ah nenl Jones Illa ram driver race driver will liar Thuw dayl 47Ih Memorial Day cm as the most aolld Invorlte IIIma Bill Vukovlch took the I500 mIIe event or the Iecond slrnltht year In 1950 The seniar all slariitam which will meet an Intermediate alisinr squad Saturday evening at Queens Park was Iciecled Insinizhl at meeting oi aug Diliginlst Several of them will be In llon lunluhl at Queens In scheduled doublehenderg Edgnr meetsmnie Fina Mlneslnp at seven uclack whlla Elmvnla and Trueane Henlan clash at SelectSenior Stars Earlasaturdaxrs Gdnie Yukon Eric above will tell you he nlnt so keen on in cy duds in or out 01 the we lessionnl wrestling ring Ha isnt so keen on fancy dans eiiher He iigum hes up Against hit oi showboat his evening Barrie Arena 1119 leilnw waiilng in be crushed by the Alaska giant is Stan Stasinki This in the semiilnai bout on the card that calmes Jlm Hady Ind Jahnny Valentina Johnny Poll and Mika Valentino will open Ilia end at 845 Jones Favored In Indy 500 PA 60972 KM INSTALLED N0 IRILLS plid all or or iaiel will he tnlenicd handy man mild in the ouliieid rez ulnr and concenlniing on hi hlilink During Oriaics mm ho lm hi 381 clip rais ing hil average lo 293 with raven homer Ind 11 run balm in Oriolu lulu viciurymnk in in longest winning mask in iba mljorl thin nelsonalso wu their mi in 15 um um increlnd their edge over the mend rpim Naw York Yun keel whn were belted by Box ton Red Sox 118 mm mums Aliment Mm Iln canlln ued their wlnnlnx mnrch ML In to dclnry No In row and reuth the 500 lave or the um time by beallnl Wash lnmn Senior on Bob Al uwnl threeum homar with two nu Infill Ian the nlnlh Smith tagged three mn homer ha capped ourrun iiiih inning uprising Orioles nu their winning streak to nlna games Ind bailooned their Amedcnn Lam lead in lengths by defeating Kansas City Athletic 42 mesduy night Acquired In In all msnn lrade wim Chican White Sox Smith In iound himself in an unusunl role with Orioles He has been playing only on Iidon instead oi commuting lwecn he lniieid Ind oulileid in man hi liyur mnior lelgua queer Inclchn unlue Ia llon Gov11nd Indium Ind Chiclo Whln Sax Ind Calchers George Chappel Erlslnws Jae Marley Slew arla Fltchcu Bulch Boyd Stewarts Al Smith Edgar Dun Dykalra Thomas Jnck Val Bunla Plan Flu base Gary Think Bxhlows borne Armstrong Stewarts Second hnsa Blll Hendemn Edgar Ell Bartram Slewanl Sum atnp Corby Adam Ban1e Fin Homer Barrett Torah The latest member at nam moro Orioks Innnan Kama club 15 Smlbh 35yearold veteran who latched onto the brass rlnx Alter alepplnz of merryiowund Blll Raycrall Stewarts Gur age and George Mlle Barrie mm were chosen coaches for lheaenIor liars and tho re munder or the tum with the club they pcrturmed with Inst season In brackets 15 as fol Iows By MIKE RATIIET Asloclaied Pml 5pm erler Orioles IncreaseLeqd By Beating Athletics Seagrams Star Rated Best Planant in smoother in bonerInning 191 more Inntying that gonuhxoly In whlaky popular prloo an In con nflor tout nttur mc ngnlnlt tho throo loudlng bmndl In It prloo olnu Cnnndlnm lkod mo tnllo of Bongmml mar but no you tried this gront whluky yet If not do Io man But It you dont ngroo with the verdict of thouand of other Cnnndlnnl And rMo bout nqu undu Ihnlllolnl lupvlehm lndlnl MunhOIlumllon BEAGRAMS FIVE STAB CANADIAN RV WHIBKV It cxpcclod um lhe lnler medlalcs will pick hair Inam mum at league meeting raokla Mickey Lollch won hl Hrs lama In the mnlou De Ital Tilers whipped Lo An uelel Ansell Smltha declslve homer al lowed runproduclnz doubla by shortstop MILI Avarlclo Irndcd tn Orlolel along with Smlth In the deal that sent pitcher llnyt Wllhelm outllelder Dnva Nicholxnn and lnlleldern Ron Hansen and Pete Ward tn Whth Sax Smllhl blow of laser Ted anatleld also handcd the via cry to Rnbln Roberts who stayed on to pllch agnlnn the desplla the death his lather Sum Roberts bran Inu hll rm to hurl two hll shutout or seven Innings hul needed relic htlp mm Dean Stan and Slu Miller to net the vlglogy Mllaanl umswlnnlnz tho all mm Kline follnwzd doubla by Lenny Green and walk to We Pawn and lnlpped the Nlfll Iluuer out In Marll Senators laser ulna lo and 15 hair 1m 17 Knmu hnd led Iha learn anha lop ol the ninth on Chuck Colllerl run Icorlnl Ilnlle And wwun honm by Don Lock Jlm Km who had threohl muloul or eight lnnlnu mud long enguzh £9 vyInAiL 1123711th dmvo In both While So mm with homer Third base Gary HIncstnnrrle Plaza Fred Cullan Skuwnrla Outlleldersh Peta McClaskey Torglrl George Falconer Slew artn Frank Rawn Torah Pu Wnnn Bristnwa Jlm Edward Turuls 9nd Art Martin Slewarlal In announcing lhu selections league secretary Dorian Parker also added that the game wlll ucl underway at seven oclock am wlll he ulna lnnlnz com um Red Sox not line job done again Yankees with 15hlt explosion Gary Geiguhlt hil iuunh homer In many games Ind Lu Clinton chipped in with another tworun Ith while Ed Bressoud lliilied home two runs in ouncan mend inning liipied home run In Inm run third and xinuied in Hart four run letiL Biii Monhon guelto was the winner with Elli tnifard tIixlnz tin ion my muss mam ind Thl In lhe first mo such game has been staged and all procucun wlll go towards Im proving the park There will nlso be drnw held prior to or dur Ina Lhc nnmc Tonight will leulurc Il first senior duublehcudcr ul Queenl lhll sruspn Barrie Plum will be Ihucllni or third straight win when lhey mac Edgar In the firs name Truelove WIlh record meet Elmvale and Elmvhle will ho after It first vlrlary havan dropped 50 drclslan Io lho Plum squad In lhglr inllln stnrl Last nights scheduled game bclween Truelovn and Edgar was postpancd duo lo raln and we grounds and will he re scheduled at lnler dine and single but took his second loss nunlnsl llve vlclorles when Indlans cnma upwllh Iwn run In the 1th on homer by Dnvnlillo and mnprnduclnl double by Max Alvla Both vnllllo and Alvis are rookles Jnck Krnllck brought hll rec nrd In 31 with rellel help mm Ted Abernathy lalich who had our losing minor league season And In 01 record in the main Ina erd eight hit In past victary Na against Angels The yearold leiIhnndnr go all ha working room he needed when Dick Mcliuliiie hit tworun homer iar Tigers oii Ken Mc Edda in the leih inning PLAYER FINED NEW WESTMINSTER ABC CPKumloopl hockey player Ronald Mcchi 19 was lncd 1100 and ml in court hen when ho was convicted null Mush bodily harm to referee Douala Anderson Richmond BC Recchl we charged an Andcrsnn wan hi on the head and auflered mlp wound during the semiflunk ol the 80 Junior hockey cham planshlps here March 16 Reach was playlna or Knmloopl Rockell Bcaulllul Sample Fm Elumam FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone FA Hill BARRIE Uphohleflnl 0n lun Ieu Jul Eldr Ill BRADFORD BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MQDERN WORK

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