Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1963, p. 6

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hfifififl rrf an Miu Iflnnnu Nlmn ol Vllllam Fl Mllalun WM mu 71 alril me ran1m lhnlr mmlnl diplnmnl upon mmhlnllnn mm Jouphl Hmle Rdmxl ol Numnu In lInlnn Audllnrlum anonlu Allrmlhuz Hm mum on urrclm um hrr unvrnln Mr nml Mm llnlml lenn Ind mlor Mmllyn Hlnnnu II 0va er nullrnl ul hum Innllnl Mrm Mill Ill School In Amunn and hump Hmdtn IIIIlrlct Illzh Krhool hlwro aha rrrrlml hrr Mar mnlrlmlnllon Dear No Phnny The about l0be bride described In me am Idler mu blller young girl whnse holllllly wauld mvn polled lho wedding and hurl her mnlhcr Yaur loner rcnccl an even mun mvugo biuemes and ho llllly What you refer to mu happiest moment your onllra life was men revenge My lhrce bmlhm would have becn glad lo nerlarm the honor but why should lhey hnvo been um ralscd lho girl much and she was mlno to glve awny was might add tho happl ul mnmont 01 my entire Me No PHONY 11ml finmlm nunem Mutt Well Im molher who won laced wllh preclstly me some problem and you are wrong wrong wrong walked my daughlcr down the aisle myself Ilhnn look my place In lhe Iron paw When he mlnlslcr asked Who zlvelll lhl woman sloodl faced the Eu ls proudly and rupllcd do 17 You nld there was nn need to make spectacle herself and that would only pmvldu more grist or the gossip mlll You aim added Why humlll alu your malher In an anempl to punish your father who probably couldnt care less Dur Ann Landem dis agree with your reply In De serted Mulhnr She was ner vous wreck because her about lnvbamarfled daughter wanted tn walk down the 3151 alone as symbolic slap In the ace in her absent father who had skipped 17 yenr earlier ANN LANDERS Actress June Allyson c1154 solves into lean In Hollywood last night following the pm nhlfon 01 posthumous Tele GRADUATES Revenge Is Sweet But Also Bitter Whnl we wnnl to know ll lhls Should we wall or them lo ln vlln or Ihuuld wa wrllo and loll lhcm we are camlnn My luubnnd Inyl unto wu wlll nlny In holcl wo need not wall to be lnvilrd Our rclnllonshlp wllh lha nuw dmlflernIIM mod waurl hula lo do nnylhlnt lhnl mlslll hurt ll My lmllncu ltll me lo wnll unlll npecllla ln vllnllon ll Imml What do you lnHMlls CAREFUL Dar Mnl Your Imllncll rluhl Wall lor In lnvllnllon Yaull nlul you dld MANY WERE llUlll mm dflUll In Onlurln In Miller 1301 Ind 417 mum wm Injurrd ThLy bolh work and have lovely npnrlmcnl wllh all naw lumllure My huibnnd and an very 11ch In go vlsll um and my Iholr llltlu plaza whlch lhcy have dumbed In delnll Ol mum we plan lo my in hotel time they have only one Mdmom no lhnl not Um qua MM lam WW LEMI mu Dar Ann Landem We Ire dellzhtcd wllh our new daunh lcrlnrlnw Shu and our son graduated Imm cello Ins all and my live nboul 200 mllcs from here Den Annoyed Maybe shal nInld history will rnpca hull and lhua dawn mm lo make mm It dwnt Mi INVITATION Why doesnt she hnvu braln enough stay home AN NOYED What baffle me ha Ml woman should know better be cause she was one ucrclary In not she had my lab which how lhe go the has to divorce th wlla and many Her Some days she juxl mu around the olllce read ovzr our shoulders shumcs through paper on our desks and nasal through the lilo cabinets She Waltzes lnto lhu ofllce al most every day Ignores closed doors breaks In on prlvale con ferences slu herself down and am If she is duhmun the board This is terribly annoylnz because Im supposed to take down everything sald at these canlcrcncu and when she buns In Im never aure should record her remarks MODERN INSURANCE SERVICE From Dear Ann Landau belong to club with 17 nlhcr secre um and the problem ahaul which am wrlllnz In sur pflsingly common one The buss wile REPETITIDN SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY vblnn Academy truslea award to her ale husband ador producer Dick Powell for his contributinns to the Industry The trophy was accepted by PWarmly omnlmlon FIRE A010 CASUALTY INSURANCE Mn Tall nlso Ith Inertmud mlaunco lo Itudcnll Itch nlral Ind vocallonnl cduufllon and In the Held ndull cducn llon Ind Ina uls Mu Talk le mhd or mm educlllanll work In Cnnndan northern lenjlnrlu Mn George Tn ol Tur nnlo nauunnl educallon new my mid he arder could nhl mum Iludcnll wllh lnlrr esllm lonn lhln wllh aulrllhl granu VICTORIA CF Th lm perlal Order Dnuuhl the Empire mull adopt mm llclcnl modern npprunch In In education prnlmm delewu to he nauunal chaplerl Innunl mulan were IoId Monday The convencrs ol the fashlun show reported their promss lhls year Fashlon Forecast will be held on Oct 23 at Continent Al Inn Mler experiencing tre mendous success last year mem bers are wnrklnz anulualasncal 1y for mm success thll year 11w Clubs aim is to team 25 111 to wnlk25 mile Ln 25 dag The club going In partici pate in Ys Mens project to promote good health by walking the measuredmdle InterestFree Loans To Students Discussed By Delegates To IODE Sbo urged Imembul in par The nominating committee or IBM officer was appninled In cluding Mn Demon Mrs Rob ert McCalxan Mr Russell Dgyey Devotion were led by Win Runham Wayne Megdonal the Youth Speaker Bureau spoke to the group on the need of new YMYWCA bullding Jun Party being planncd by convene Mm John Haw nrd and her committee far In gshMeneues and the Mens The May meeting of Ys Mun we was hcld aLMrL Robert McCoIgang mme lalluwlnz d1n her the Continental Inn PLUSI sommmo new HA5 BEIN ADDED YS Menettes Plan Party Powellr former partners Charles Boyer and David NIV en who then carded It Miss Allysonr table and gave It her AP Wirepholo 11m 400 delnunlc nlso ml llrmcd Handing rcqucsl Io ha federal nvtmmenl that the 11rd Emlyn be nmtd lhe omclnl Cnnndlnn flu the Irsl bullnrs malon Monday dclelnlcs 4ccldnd lo ulnbllnh nn IODE Cnnndlnn cenltnnry Iund wllh mlnlmum abjecllve 350000 be ralscd by 1907 pmjecl hr hls um to be Announced no later than tho ma unl mncllnn uh Men are onnn rather my Hull the IODE nhlllty Mn Tull Inld They know we can mu fund by holdinx run and human but wn have to Ihaw them wo hiva brain well llclpnla In nallonul pmvlnclnl and heal educational organhn Hom Michael Donnell Inn at Mr and Mn Dan Cannall Dalton SL recclvcd hl Bach elor Int degree lrom ha Faculty Arts Waterloo Unlverslly College Michael wlll continue his lludlu In the all II the Unlvmlly or Tor onlo 1Phula by Ashley And Crlppenl 88 DUNLOP ST The buslnes was presided over by Mrs Melville Dlxon with the new secretary Mrs Cart asslsllng nu Klnrun Tnll far or deliver In urinn box llll ll up wlm mnlq drum mowHI mm blnnhln ale wt lhrn Ilnro ll unul all or In box Mulmum valunllnn moo plul my tlennlnl haul The lprlnz board 01 directors meeting was reported on by Ihe District Director Mrs Keith Really The meniber were re mlnded of the Ippmnchlnu DI trlcl Annunl in Bradlord United Church on May 29 Car leaving the corner 315 am other llems on Mrs Mc Quayx Home Economics pm turn were comment on mono How to live wlth your dnulhlflu not or them by Mrs Wlllls Smllh an Instrumen tal Exodus by Miss Fmch Ann Maw and humorous elm Stroll In the Park panto mlmed by Madame Allen Alb man McQuayEarI Cun nlnghnm Ind Hubert Prentice manlyfour member and seven vlsilnra were present Mrs Bert Shelswul wn hostess All WEARING APPAREL CLOTH COATS Fashion nude with com ments was singed with 12 oi ulo 13 girl present modelling Separates for Summer Misl ea Glnriu Jennlii Shiriey Dix on and Lois Black who had been awarded Provincial Hon ours were each presented with inscribed sliver creams and sugars and cakeplaie by Mn Mel Dixon and Mrs Curr inbehaii oi ihe Insliiuie At the May mullnz Thom Inn anenn Institute members hada guests Hi Homemaking Club members lfom two groups FUR COATS Thorniéh WI Preseni Gifts To Provincial Honor Winners RECEIVES BA STORAGE WAYS WRIGHT CLEANERS lTD DO NOT PAY UNTIL FALL Do NOT PAY UNTIL FALL llmmlbd Hon Mn lndlvMuIHy II our II villu on human am no DO NOT PAY UNTIL FALL EXCEPTING FURS An evrnlnu on lyma danc lnu wl bo hnld Wednesday evo ninu nl Slmud Communlly all The tnlcmlnmen hu hem Ir rmuzcd by the flap VIHey Square Dunc Club Newmnr hl Music wlll be mvldcd by Voodhrldn ortguln Pm mdn lho danc wlu hc In nhl the Hull MLu Hm Qulnn who on the 5U of Upper Cnnndn Comgo Ipcnl he work end lb hnme nl Miss Van Baldwin myllcld Slrcel Olin TYNE DANCE vpgxzrnn aum SOCIAL NOTE Note In Intenflnd to cover an Hun mm lilo ol lho clly nnd dlllrlcl Weddll In nlvernrlu hmhdnn brldn puma comm olIn pur llu vhllnn Ind mnllm In Iltllll Inlet In women render of thln put Your llle ln Inpplylnl bl new will be reHy Appro clll Plano phono The Burl Enmlner PA Hm and III or Ellnn Dlnn or Audit Conhnu II In wom cnn Department This not the name as dalm Ing that exercise without cul orla culling last way rtducQ weight 011 lhe nlher hand4 Ihasa who not sum exer dse tutu their way 1m have In less trouble commth Ihclr weight Also can pmmlso youll look IHmmer and younger DIclerI will be able Io Youre slimmer you look wonderful This was my greeting to lrlencl whom had not seen In several months She looked puzzled then explained happily must be ihe excr else bowl twice week and Ive added few daily stretch bends eel slimmer and my clothes ll beiler Why dont you tell your readen how good it make them eel Io exer cisel he demanded Well now perhaps dont promlse you enough on that score There no Iunlc meas ure that compare with mod erate Imouni ol exercise Nn lure never meant us to his all An muscle down in come on and inc sets in Will ex erelse you look and feel pound llizhler Rolreshmrnt were served by Mesdames Allen Allman Mel Dixon Gary Wllsan and Jas Speera Thu next meeting wlll he held at Mn Reginald Flem blza home on June 20 with the Hlslorlcal Research and Our rent Evunta cllmmmea being pomlbla nulls program More details later Your Clothes Will it Better If You Do Daily StretchBends Business discussed wal Home Economics Service Pro gram distributed Exhibit and Donation or Conkeiawn Fair at Eight nnlebsok for convenera reparu lo be pun chased Catering to Aug un Wedding Scale 10 be nrdered Cemetery Flow er Bed to have shrubs planted Repair Park Swinl Ruling on Tableclams and Hall Dishes Treasurers Re pori by Mn Peter loiaskey yuur uqu IM um mhlmum plu By IDA JEAN KAIN PA 8553 fiM BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY Mn Johnlinn nerved nlmh menu um um mceunl conclud cd wllh WI Ilnluntnl quest wu made In mum bm lo mend lha dishcl III nun Wommn Imllluto at Craig huut on May 28 port of the previous mock Ing was md by Mercury Iresaurcr Mn Stewart Jamie on bus Mp wu planned far he near lulurn la vLm plum of lnleml In Bnnlo Roll wu Answered by 12 mm born with an exchange lower slips Moltn wn given by Mu Ed McGrady Ind the lucky draw was in Iavor Mn Dev Mc Gralh Silver Maple Womenl Inslilulo met at tho home of Mn Johnston or the May meeting The presldm Mrs Don Mc Gnu was 11 Du chnlr can do almost Anylhlnxl hlasinz welsh actually has bacoma just one lane my program tell lmpggvement Please yaur mymry dleler nut to let dawnmere important not let henell down hope Aha sees hersell rim and slim and ltlumphlnL me Ill push and lot low lhounht But find that stimu lating my cIrcuIaUun zeta rld Hanan thoughts and loellnzs dJsconlenl he mm Ewak power qu that can Silver Maple WI Hold May Session must have mada no false mm Dislnmued with the way looked used to eel Insecure even jealous Wuhan cause Then would urn in food or consolation Now Im trying mmcthlnz constructive resolved to an move on to admin exer glso or excess may ll Luku In feel the happiest reducer are those who do not ovabdiet or under exercise hma In to NIL nale mm humanher whn used excrdxe to pull out the mulllgrubs She report that figure htan just one face at her program of sellImprove maul 5le Into smaller dress the lo man than My could all agate 13A shunned len hastaiu were Mn wu Lam Campbell and Mn Campbell mammal Mr Bolhner presented In exceptionally good study 91th with ma or False quh based on the Iludy Mu Lulle Wilker Invited the may to hold the momenta II her holno 911 30 51ml Womenl Minimaan Sm 1er of Eu Rand Pm inn Church held May meet In thglellgwapjp rnom Aon Mrs Herbert Youn Ind Mn Leslie WIlker can ucled bl devotions The uroup willyro vlda hon for the Explor ergo gm Thu mlnlon lludy on Foxman wu taken by Mn Nathan and named by Mu Church nnd Mrs mmmlnl mm leII on May 21 Mu Mccurley PEédeI Essa RoadWMS Hold May Setmion1 PIWM aim in iho receiving line were Mn Jack Dempstcr wiio oi the Commanding nliiccr oi iiCAF Smtion Edgar and Mn Ed dlc president at ihe WA Conéérxérs the calm labia were Mu Wilson and Mn Burynsa¢ed by Mrs Jerk kins Mm Hansen and Mn Hawkins Mr Morris and Mn Hon nlng Ionkcd nlter tho bake Inhlo Mn Mncnaughlnn treasurer was In charge of 1c kels and he dierIhullnn of cook books Collce Klak and bake nlo was held at he Soclal Cen lra ol the RCAF Station Edgar by member Ike Womenl Aglllary leen ln mnrrllga by her hm lher David Mlller the brlde wu nulled In waltz length gown while brocade The In ted bndlce of the dress WE en hunced wllh softly rounded neddlne and lhrcequarler length Ilegvu The boullanl 5km 01 the gown featured an ovenklrt am chlllnn The brides should all llluslun tulle wuv wax caught in comet The ununy Mr and Mn David John M111 er RR Barrie The bride groom Is tho son 01 Mr Ind Mrs Joseph Kelly 01 Lorelle GOWN 9r BROCADE cr SI Marys Roman Catholic Church was tho mung or the Ixchanu vows between Ml Emily Doreen Mum and John Gerrard Louls Kelly Fnther John Weellnk officiated at the £91 emony Edgar WA Host Coffee Klak lnqulro about our low Iummu prlcu on tryIn and rt modelllnx FREE STORAGE 0N REMODEL 10 CALL TODAY AGAINST MOTHS HEAT FIRE ANDVHEFT Only urrlcr who make and tell fun exclualvaly know how to lake can your hm dam lummcrl PHONE WIGGINS FURS 84868 Vows Exchanged At May Ceremony FOR mm PICKUP Dvnmo DAY on EVENING FREE GLAZINO AND MINOR REPAIR PROTECT YOUR FURS WITH COLD STORAGE MR AND MRS JOHN my Gaul attended ram Mann Forest Tawnla Calflnzwood Wyebrldge loretto Slmla Guvenhum Ind Port Colboma ununuu The bridegroom moLlIer allied allhed In lawn of mm Auk tho color or lold Memories In belle lone nd coxsags while carnation enhnnqed by costume Fa Lrnvelung the bride chm lult of copan blua wool with matching My nuggorlu Idnowm the wedding Trip to For Em lho coupla will mldc lnCookslown The reception was htld the hum of the brldel puenLI Thu hrlde mother recalvzd ww lou gown 15th of mu Lhnnlunl sllk Beige somatic nnd comm or yellow mm 23 Emplflcd hcr elgscmhlc The Ittendant war flown rise penu da sale with match lni headdress Her bouquet wu whit cnmauans The momsman was Frank Kelly Laxcum The bhdezmomuErle Mrl Mae may Toronto and edu ququn of honor bride carried cascnde bouquet orod5nyolmart mu Csansejm In in olhm rm lo 12 fihlhcurs 5136 Ihnmvooi bun with SOFT WATER lwolnllnlll only EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANENTS 550 Allmdlh

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