Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1963, p. 4

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darrir7£xooinrt Published byCanadian Newspapers Limited ltl Bayfleld StreetBarrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Slalght General Manager Ban The BombfGr6ups Help Divide And Conquer Plan Nuclear disarmament groups must be dear to the hearts of Communists every vhere for the are seekin to prevent nations from talnlng nuc earweapons for defence against the great nuclear ar mory possessed by the Soviet Union Agreement to ban nuclear arms on the world front would bewonderful Such an effort has been carried on for some years but to date there Is no clear evid once that the Soviet Union will agree to any Ian vhlchincludes necessary In spect on And why should the Sovie Un ion agree to ban their nuclear vea on when there ls growing demand in est ern nations including Canada that nuc lear weapons not be used close exam Irratlon could possibly reveal that within these nuclear disarmament groups are Communists or fellow travellers who are making it their business to disarm the allies of the United States in Britain new group has been form ed Spiesfor7Pcace which British In telligence sus ects is Communistlront organization his group has released pamphlet claiming to give details on the secret underground stations to be used in the event of nuclear war Home See retary Henry Brooke has called the mim eogra bed eets the work of traitor and urged the group has violated the official secrets act it as been said that much of the detail is true and must have been stolen or lost from secret gov ernment flies The distribution of the secret infer mation is expected to result in an up roar when the British Parliament recon venes next week Theft of secret informa tion is serious matter and may ark another major case of which ere has been three nee March 1961 it would appear that In theiodg run Premier Khrushchev may be correct in his opinion that there is no need to wage war on the free nations of the world His infiltrators are actively engaged on many fronts and articularly of late in ur lng stand nst nuclear armaments var would un to the people against the en emy but the eaceful infiltration used by Khrushchev dividing the people and serving to make us easier prey for the ideologies of communism Most Farms ow Have Hydro lt does not seem sonrany years ago that many terms in the district were without hydro power Even in areas which were by no means isolated hydro lines had not been installed White In same cases farmers were not interested sometimes even ogposcd most farmers were anxious to to advantage of hydro power both for their homes and for their stables and barns in many instances farmers workedhard to have lines con structed sometimes paying extra charg es when there was lack of the neces sary contract signers to merit them Now it is estimated that of the 188 000 farms In Ontario ill per cent have power In the past 10 years farmers of the province have more than doubled their use of electricity according to fig ures recently introduced the Legis lature Aggregate line mileage serving farmers is placed at 45500 enough to girdle the world twice Electricity of course has brought revolutionary changes In farm life Not only has it provided light to homes and stables Itt for cookin and power for various types of house old equipment but it has greatly eased the physical bur den Inthe stables and barns Today many farm homes are quite equal to the best urban life can offer DOWN MEMORY LANE 30 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner May 25 1933 Coulis completing Ztl years as Vespra clerktreasurer Nothlrds of unem ployed accepted towns offer of free gar den seed and plots Anglican Rural Deanery of East Slmcoe held unique Blessing of the Crops service at farm of George Snider and James ltlx Craig burst and Crown Hill Miss Grace Brymncr passed third year exams at Ontario College of Art Petition slg ncd by 125 Barrie firms In favor of day light saving time was circulated by The mas Lowe of Queens Hotel and Lila ja manager of Woolwortha Dr Simpson gave inspiring talk on signific ance of Empire Day to joint meeting of Barrie Kiwanis and Lions clubs ll Rodgers of Kiwanis and Frank Dob aon of Lions were joint chairmen as pre aidcnts Art Spruston of RCAF knock cti out Archie Thompson of Barrie In first round of feature boxing bout at Camp Borden llcrble Dyment bcat Kelly Gibb and Bill Brand dcclsloned George Green for two Barrie victories Earl Smith of Barrio lost on foul to Billy Craig of llCAF LAC Kalghin of ltCA beat Cpl Bolten of Signals Orlllia Owls beat Barrie Bears in to opening lacrosse match Johnny Stevens score ionc goal for llarrle ttoyai Vintage ll Vrlgbta Barrio entry In Kings liatc canto to fifth at Woodbine In field of 22 thoroughbreds Barrie baseball team beat Orlllia 05 in opening game Southpaw Bill litagulre of Bell Telephone and Johnny Bcgg of Angus did pitching for Barrie Fred Richards Barrie lumber fractured both wrists in fall rom roof At the Roxy Eddie Cant or In The Kid From Spain At the Cap itol Jean Harlow in Redheaded Wo man Coming Will Rogers In Too Busy To Work Misses Gertrude and litur icl Brock who spent the winter in Italy are now at their summer home In Ear rio Major Charles Wadsworth died at his residence Voodscourt on Sun nldale Road Char of file at pos session of Intoxicants smlsscd mag istrates court against Wilbur ill Cramp Orlllias youngest alderman followln annual banquet of Orlllia Bowling Ciu in local hotel Opening do at Barrie Country Club had mixed gol foursome cnmXetitlon won by Smith and lilrs ll Smith Ilira Chitllck and Charles Stewart ladlcs and mens captains were In charge with Mrs if it Palmer as handica manager Misses Phyllis Smith Erlal utterworth Mary Johnston and Mildred Walls assisted at the afternoon tea following Chur chIII won the Simpson Trophy at lithi hurst Legion holiday softball tourney Jack iteive and Jack Constabl beat Eli Crawford and iorne Wingrove to win horeshoe pitching honors Sam Stransman elected president Barrio lIoc key Club with no menu at present In sight for next season following the liiarchfire OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Wm CRIME BIGGEST BUSINESS Ottawa Journal Federal Provincial and munch al gov crnmcni obsessed with tllvls on of rights and tax dollars must lrrrn ibcir unitcd attention to the present problem of crime The terrorist activities In Quebec are now and horrible Oldcr but no less horrible are the activities of other crim Innlr It is no sccrct that the criminal clo The Barrie Examiner avrnorrmr rot mtlu Its no mun lamina and liIlulon Ilousarr rv nrnwrrn Iva outta sworn vs II II lIlVNKIIIIN nranru lumru no nuns mum aamnm anrnav nountar murmur at In unawar an wanna It Ill Moll II It month month nutr norm not Inna muscle rm or rmrn also may or User run In rmnlo 1Ibmlmr tiu Omar Anti Iornl an era is hum inclurn and III to drool diners lineman rs II urlomt caution to the or oamqu or an as In Ian was rm to mm and aloe the lee marl am rncrirt Is more formidable ICl In November 1001 Commissioner liar vlson llCiili raid Arncrlcan crImo syn licntcs wcro showing lncrvznacd Interest In Canada They were tnovlng to take over direct control of some exlatln criminal organirailons and to expan ihcir criminal activities liavo efforts to cltcck organized crlruo bcon IucccastlI Testimony that they have not In one largo Canadian corn rnunlty Is given by Claude Wagner WC deputy chief crown prosecutor to liiontrca district who lays Thcro exists today crime ollgarchy that form common vulgar criminals to dance like llupfliell on strings There exist today pro easional gangs of armed robbers poasraa arsenals that would cause the invaders of Cltbn to be colour The traffic In Illlclt alcohol ant drugs has reached the point where If the ro ftta were tnxcr government dot cits would be wiped out litany poo to would be aurprlrct to learn the IttnlIlX of those who ochrato gambling here Ito said and of organized arronlsta had oEcrated with inapunity and added that public wont be astonished to know the whole story about while slav cry and prostitution Crime In an organised today It has become the bi ea business of them all said Mr agntr better organ SAILORS OTTAWA REPORT MP3 Hard At Work As Visitors Relax Hy PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA It was symbolic that the first working day of our mustwork goth Parliament tell on the date when all other Cana dians were enjoying the Vic toria Day holiday This was leadcrl day the first day of true debate after the two days of opening for malltln when speeches are made by the leaders of the of Iica opposition and of the trov ernment Ind If time permits which It did this yourof the small parties The holiday throng had spent the morning slahtreclng Iround Parliament Hill touring the Parliament building enjoying the view of nature from the top at the Peace Tower and the view of placardcarrying hu manity In the hanlhebomb par ade It the foot of the Peace Tower This holiday crowd plus the usual workln apcctatera tirronged the gIIlcrIcs rents and standing room when the House of Commons met In the after noon CLOTHES NOT ALL FORMAL bikinis are barred But other wise almost anything goes in the public gallcrica in the torn Ist seasonwhich Ottawas Tu Ip Festival Inaugurated this holiday weekend Tha diplomatic gallery was usually filled with dcmurcly urvsrcd Imhuuadorl and their wlltl th wives of cabinet minis tcra ll cuatomlry crowded Into thc Speakerl gallery Can adas new frontier govern ment Ir notable for the un rct collourscrs of the garb III top woman Iiln Pearson act Ihi tone with Irnnll hIt of ril Ind bowl lrrin fawn cloth out over ark dress and short gloves lit Irnrt crcl ladies were haticu while lh ona Ipluh oi color ml the red brimmcd straw hat worn by Mrs Walter Finance Minister Gordon In the opposition Iaiirry It roar the chamber the will of the leader of the oppositions was rncy campaign manager lrcd iladiey of Prince Albert lilra Dirlrnbakcr wore clbowlcnath lover kneelength mink atole ittl coifca colored drrsn marl neckl and huge col Ict mou hot When Mr Dirfrnbskrr roar to make his first speech ol the union he was grrcled by the disappointingly smell attcndc once of Conservative iilta with loud plauac In which lino Douglas lIIrknua In his mum inrnt lrontbcnch position of tnnvorvItivr nrutrallly point cdly did not join Prime Minister Iuraon rialkthumpcd in Ipplltlao by he larger and Miller Litrcrrrl following when It was his turn to apuk In rebuttal lfitIlEll INTEIIIIUITY The leader at the Sculls trcrllt party It tllnb Ilrnmplntt all th ttlalintllun of bring the that Ipetlltcr In the 26th IsrttI went to be to rentle and nuts liv Interrupted hy inirrjctllnnl whlcl were not always tulips montary IIIIII agricultural contributions evacuated from the rural rump of the Tory lunches Finally the New Dcmoculio MED MIMI The nomadic lnuhmrn of life rlraa Kalahari Desert barn uteri the fragile natrlrh Ihcll for centuries to carry all leader Tommy Douglas treated tht House to his fiery Scottish Highland eloquence sparkling With good sense and eplgram The best phrase oi the opening ccher came when he criti cred the Liberals for protesting about the Conservative move of Imposing tariff surcharges by order In council when they themselves were guilty of com mitting Canada to nuclear bombs by cabinet word without parliamentary sanction before hand contcnd that If taxation without representation Is no democratic be snorted then annihilation without represent lion is tyranny The launching of this lm tInt debate was unspcctecu er but Its welcome keynote was lctermrnstlon to proccod with the nations business an parlia mentarians rather than to jackey for partisan advantage like campaigners Yotlit cooperation Thyroid Problems Are Quite Common season home van rchr Dr Molnar Durioga Zreccnt illness my doctor said thbt my metabolism was out of whack With proper treatment can this be adiusterltJ Yes You didnt say whether out of whack means that your thyroid gland is too active or too sluggish but ltprodttcea the hormones which regulate met Iboilsm TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS May IRS The birth 29 years ago to day in mi of the bio Quintupiets In modest farm house near Callander Ont brought journalists and thousands of tourists into the North Bay Inn to ace the five little girls who made headlines throughout the world One of the quinta Emilie was to die when she was 20 but her surviving sisters have remained news In almost everything they have dorrc lullThe Belgian Array on orders of King Leopold surrendered to the Germ anr BIBLE THOUGHT Tirc Lord is my helper Ind will out car what men shall do unto mcpllcbrewl tart He who knows that be Is on the Lords aide needs no other assurance REPORT FROM IIK Condemns Agreement For 40Hour Week By iii lilcltsTYIIE IIOOD LONDON The National ln comes Commission familiarly known as NICKY in Its first report on aublcct referred to it the government hIr strong ly condemned the Scultilh bulld Int Industrys agreement for lira catabllarmcnt of tithour wccir to ba rifccilu In November of thtv year Its report raid the agreement was unlikely to land to reduction In the hour acts oally worked and would result In thet building costs The agreement It also said was contrary to the national In rmt II also ronrlcmncd the tithour week settlement for Scot llah plumbing workers which was forcrunncr to the building lrsdca settlement The plumb Inl moment to applicable to About 000 workers but that for tho building Industry attrclI about 50000 The Colnmlulonl rrport says that thr Scottish building Iyrrc mcnt will result In near to trcuo of 1I prr cent tor trails mrn and 77 per crnt Incrrrun for laborers on top of two cents an hour coatvofrlivlmt rlu glvrn in February Ibcrs wrrr rt laid an exceptional grourdl juatltylnl the Igrcrmrnl th agreement has alrcntly haul rr rrcuulona on wear and hours England and Will If an Incornn policy II to luv nuccavful lie report prosure from carolIre worts Irtremv must be withstood and the waacwue Ipirnl Inoirrn ALTERNATIVE CITICI The slim rrrornnrrmlr alternative trarr for building rm rloyrra In England and iIlrI am In for civil rnglnwrinr in dustry IIIn faced with demand ivr whour wrrk They Ire they should arm to page Increase nut eacfldinl the growth In national productivity Thay should foruo warn Increase rrnlll the Iccunnrlntd Intth In national productivity has equalled the were Intmac Intohnl in cutting the annual rukam look by two huurrl The Commission am the that course to the more seahblr llarry Weaver gcncrol Icc htary of the National Fctlcra lien or tiuliding Trades Opera Ius has this comment to make PHOTO EDITORIAL Illch an rcault of tire frcq cral elections Iiowevor dreams as the political scene may have them they krrnw that no could declare lrlmsclf head without majority vote of accept our freedom to choose govern And metabolism In measure of the rate at which we put to use the energy contained in our food It the thyroid Is sluggish so are yorhyou dont have much energy your eyes and hair may lose luster you feel cold when the temperature doesnt war rant it and you may put on Iweight because of lack of Ictiv If the thyroid gland is too ace live the reverse Is true You have energy You have so much that you cant sit still but have the jitters and nerves You may have palpitation There Ire lot of symptoms in other words for too much or too little thyroid activity The way td diagnose It ape ciflcally L5 to use either the BiiiR tb at metabolism raicwhich depends on may urlng the Imount of oxygen you use up or the more precise PBl or proteinbound Iodine test which re the amount of thyroid hormone cir culating in your blood it your problem Is underac QUEENS PARK Come Down To Cases In Medicare Argument By DON OHEARN TORONTO wish spokes man for the insurance industry would write me letter would like him to give the Industrys argument on num4 ber of points Among them are these is not private health insur ance nurre expensive than pub lic Insurance What percentage of private remiuma Is paid out In benc tin and what percentage Is paid out In public and semipub plans such as the Saskatche wan rogram and PS If figure for private plans ls lower And there doesnt mm to be any question that Is how much of the differ ones la made up of rates ex pcnsei How is this sales expanse ius lifted in health Insurance which today in our society is being recognised as matter of right What portion of the premium dollar goes to profit or capital occumuiationf flow can profit or capital gain bc lustlflcd In health Insurance Curr private companies tun Idc health Insurance as cbcoply as public or scmlpublic plans If not why should the insurer in our medicare program not be public or acmlpublle Igcncyi The controvcra evrr mcdl cars is moving ate the stage where the various lldtl are let lIntt down to cases had It II already apparent tivity daily administration of thyroid bomronc circulotlnl in your blood it your problem is true antl thyrold drugs may be used or radioactive iodine may be gIVen or surgery may be the answer removing part of the thyroid gland Choosing tharcorrecl type of treatment for the Individual case requires good judgment and careful evaluation of the patiento symptoms and circum stances As aim to example you dont decide at someone needs thyroid pills to pep him up when actually hla trouble that he is exhausted from too much drain and work Nor do you slow down the thyroldr ac tivity because the patient is wrought up because of extreme personal problems Thats why the BIiiR and PBl tests especially the lat ter are necessary to confirm physicians observations Thyroid tor metabolism prob lems are quite common Some are severe and obvious some are subtle and nriid and diffie cult to detect Standard tests new are available for confirrn ing the facts After that treat ment can be very effective But some changes can occur Within narrow limits one can switch from overvactiva to or dcrectlve or vice versa If your doctor prescribes certain treeunent dont think thats the answer forever He will recheck you from time to time so he can stop the treatment or modify It as your changing needs Indicate that the key point probably will centre on private versus public Insurance The government has committed itself to private companiu The Liberals favor seml public Insurer and the NDP wants an outright public plan The government has not to date given any strong and de tailed explanation of why it fa vors private companies The other parties give strong argument against them They can show that much greater portion of the premium dollar In public and semipublic plans ls paid out than In priv ate plans And to date the writer at least has not soon ony atrong rebuttal of this or gumcnt As an Individual probably would like to see the private companies handling this busi ness but only if justltIcJ And In ther own best latch call It would term time that both the Industry and the gov ernment presented thra justifl cation The reasons why this Is needed from the Industry are obvious The gnvcrnmcnl of course should be prepared to dcfcnd Itl position Particularly so when we recall that hospital Insur ance II not handled by private Insurers land they wcrc not seriously considcrcdi and that Premier ltobnrta comes from an Insurance town Ind In class to the people In industry raccoon or ycnorca nor atwa Canadians have bccomo jaded with po uency of fed knowlt In appeared to party leader of the nation citizens We years ago mghfiouihnhlvhmm mw your memm nr at YS AU OMATIC meat as matter of right but In some Western hemisphere countries there Is no such tlrln ll freedom of choice as we be photograph above llailla dictator Francois Duvaller reads stale mcnt proclaiming himself nl Duvnllcr gave himself sccutn term In office through rigged election two resident

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