Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1963, p. 3

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W5 Terrific Golden Hawks Fly At RCAF Borden 33m Man Sentenced To Penitentiary Finds No Negligence ZOn Part Of Defendant rrfmmed mu In any IllWM In mm PM nml rrmwl Mum IM Inn0m mum mm lmlhu nd lhll he vmq hulllr Inlullrllfll lho nnln rll whm bra In mm Mllvlon Inching or mm lhl my Vh ouvI ML plomlwl uullly In IrpanO rharln nl lrluklnl and MI lnl wllh lnlrnl lu rummll An In Ilrubh Mum and bruklnl ml mull Anna men Mull Anvlnw lnury nl Alllxl 0n Mu mllrnml Hm Mululrnlul mm yulrulny lo luu mm In hlnnlnn lcnflrm Um Alm Inclndrd In he our vlrllvrry mm mm In View dnlimy room Ind labour mom rqulvmrnl General olllcu lobby and um ahnp tmvruucy and May lab and phynlalhcrn kllchrn and tanlulu pucdr Ilrl Hm pmlmlr man from corridor uml vlrw medal pnrdlalllc rqul up In mom rnnéwlni II he Imi ulgd Inur Conduclcd loun will allow lhn ollldnl orcnlnl tcrcmnny lho Hnynl clnrll Moxpllnla new win an Juno Tour wlll an lrom uflrr optnlnl at 130 pm null 39 RM pnlnlcd gold with In mi and while hawk mot cm hlamncd on lho luxclnxe lhu mm pulnnm uanuI Ic Mrs Patterson Iasllliad that she tank lan to the doclars omce and had 15 or wmin ule wan before she saw the doctor Thu seven men chosen each year or the team Ira drnun from the rank of 1c pllau vinz with admin and lmln lug Hull RCAF They havo nn IVCIMZD 11 your Mr Fem Icrvlcc and all hnva bun Ilnlloncd with Canada NATO Mr Dlvhlon In nun Penetmrdshene doctor mSupreme Court here ynsterday Lwon damage sulla fur negli rlcnce brought against him by nne of ink pelican alter she fell andhmke her ankle Alter stepplnz the verandah luv lng Ms Dulce in March 1950 Mr Justice Carl Stewart in will mason or Judgment said The doctor was not in gas llon to know that had cen xnowing He had put an an lhe walk and can find no not of negligence on the part oIIhe defendant Mrs June Marla Patiersnn brought Ihe damage sun agalnst Dr Blnkley of Penelnnx ulshenc The nemballc team pcrlnrm ed in publlc or In In time In May 1959 and has Ilnca given over 2m prechlon pcrmrmanm heron morn Hum 13000000 ApLClElml In Canada and the Unlltd States Tho lnrmallon the cam marked ha 51 anniversary Ike RCAF and golden unnivcr at yowertd fllzhl In Cnn hda To Conduct Tour Through Hospital The Hawk will make lhclr appearancu aver RCAF Borden at 430 From that llma unlll lhey worn all lhe thrill will bu breathlaqug The experienced 52 pilot who also served will the array In the Second World War flew the lei wing position in mi and led the cam inr me first tlme last year He was selected or gauging in 1960 SL last Week that he had any choice hed like to slay wllh the Hawks Usual practice has been or the pcrsnnnel the sensational lyan loam In change every few years ARJHVE no Fnrlyyearold Squadron Lead or Lloyd Hubbard will lead the RCAF Golden Hawks lhmuzh lhelr manouavm at Camp Borden tomorrow altar noon Mrs Pullersan testified cams out around the clrculm verandnh and then going down the steps as stopped all the butlom step my loo went under me was my tight cot and the ballnm step was icy BROKE LEG She lost In when sh came out mm was snow all over The walk was covered and it had been snuwlnx for more than half an hour She Indknted with her finger and lhumb about quarter an inc or snow She sald it was cold wln ler day but It wasnt snnwing when she went in Whoa 1E figured broke KNIUIITA MET Elm knml In It ml KIM Ar thur and MI Knluhu llua llmmvl TAM mil ll I119 um uhm Windlnr Cam nuw aunda 11 Imme mlmlflnl la nu cord nl umvkllm nr lhcll branllnl and rnlmnl nml lluuur luhlnzmwnu than but In porluhh TV Mu nlhrr ur lllIrI Ho nllrmplrd In ll lhu lrl In nnnflwr boltl on lhc Inm ewnlnz Ilo wnn urrrnlul 1n Tur nnln on May 11 wllh llw Ilnlrn nlllt III In MI mlmulun Tunrl Mul nl llm rcrrrnllnn mm In the thllnw lluldcnro lnr mo who wllh In alum Woman lloapllul Auxllllry Ten err our crnlrnl luppr lhu lour will Include pullenll room on Mullcnl Mrdl ml In whlch lpccln rqulp mm nurh nxyxrn ltnl blry kcr umw Ind pnllcnl 1m no In he LIIIYM Numrlu wlIl bu vlcwed lram conlrlor nnd Ihc Norlhwcll Numry with numry equlpmrnl dlflnlnyed The npcrnlln mm nulla and npcrnllnn and rccnvrry roam cqulfimtnl will ho to up II III qu roam the teams lourih your the Golden llnwkx por iormcd al 51 Individual IhflWl bcim mini audience oi 1599 000 people in Canada and ar pcnmi in another 11 nhown lho United sums includan Iivedny Ilini Scnluo Worldl Fair qucnu n1 llzhl lormnllnn mnn ouevrcl as well high speed my nprobnllcl SQUADRON LEADER HUBBARD PROUD OF HAWKS Leo bismches m1 driver gave evidence Ihat he received call to so to Dr Einklcys Showing he witness pidures Mr Thampsnn said suggest lo you lhcre are large pillars un both side of those steps you could have hung ontn Ans Yu WITNESS suggest to you than was no Ice patch Ans There was further suggest that he couldnt see you you halt he was busy with patients And lurlher suggest Una you didnt use cuullnn Ans iidnt thlnk had to use cnullon rm Ann Dummy In crouexamlnallon by Thompson Penetangulshene counsel or Dr Blnkley Mrs Paumau said didnt notice anlcapatch when went in fié tesllfled um after she went home there was severe pgln in her leg and she receiv She 531d Illa first cast was an about week and that she had walking cm on or about six weeks war the walking cast was taken she was on crut ches or while she told um court He ran In and gut Dr Dink Iey andDr Blnkley thanked the taxi driver He put cast on and went home She said the taxl drlvennw her all and ran ug the walk to help hzr get up she aald u=h my lea3 le beam heard 2th Funk mum day at April cnmpmd lllh In or AMI m1 Mung numlm nl ullenll In gunInn wan up mm 1299 to P71 lnllrnl dnyl Incmml Marl 1000 mm um In Aprll In 59 or Mull III yrnr mum lncromd by an our lo In Lnlmnlury unflu Incmml hr mm 17 lo 011 Xruyl were up mm In Am of lo 739 for In manlh livrrylhlng kn up ll nan Vknrln Hmnlm lnr lhl munlh Aprll Ill ym In compuhnn will April 1m Mn Allu will ruklrnl 11 hr narrlo mltun pmld 0d In mtellnl Mr In rendch mMra ml Um prepnrnllun nr lull Ilfllll rendan nnd lnlrrprelnllon of mm ol vnrlanl periody Mr ucrlln commch An iu lhurlly on prcplrnllon pupllu or he Royl Comm lory ol MHIIC rxnmlnnllam wok on lho prenatallan can dlnds for H1 culm Ind Ilmmi wuious point In ha prepurnllon Evorythizigs Up At The Hospital narh BelNu piano luchcr nl lho Royal Conscrvalory Mullc wul nut npenkcr can mullnu he llullltr td Mullc Tenthm Anaclnllun Iho mldcnco JcnlI Brymn Four dcmonslmllng he hlzh level 01 aklll and pro clslnn demanded of the CAP hnvo wan lnlcmnuunnl ncclllm the Golden Hawks and Unk lnz umonz lho best the work anrobnllc lonml Th Goldcn Hawk will lp pour again cxlcnslvcly lhh yearv They hnvo already been Ichcdulcd lnr 54 appearance In this country gnq Lhu USA Piano Teacher Is Speaker Mr Justice Stewart smiled and said Youd have bucneno titled damage someone had been Inund liable Mr Smith runes to you conditions were sllppery all over town that day An Yes And youd have be care lul wherever you went Ans Yu Mr Smith In suman up sold broken ankle Is palnlul Ullng Althuuxh Its not evidence sullered broken ankle once myself and ll cut down on my deer huntlng 50 oer cent In crassexamlna Hon Mr Thompson asked ha witnm How do you know per whey she fall Wu 911p Ans noticed when 1m to plck her up suggest when ynu ally Ded youware runan to help her gummy He testified The wall wnl very slepery slipped myieu didnt all sum It was slippery becam It was snowing and It covered the Ice SLIPPEYIY CONDITIONS He laid mule 71 mm thlng she aald left her there and Blglgey fin her coining dawn the step and on the last slap am her all went to hm he testified omce mu wnlkid Inward Mrarnfinemh onughe veyandah fins Yes Tho numa graduallon danto wlll bu hcld Frldny at Ccnlral Callcxlnle hy lnvllnllon the llnxpllnl Banrd was laid at yoflcrdny cuulnrmclcllnm Tho umclnl urndunllon excr tlsu wlll lnka plnw nl llama Dhlrlcl North Collczlnle no pm Juno Tho board was lnId that the Lndlcs Hospllal Auxanry cm Shop has been working out woll ulnca It opened two weeks 30 dihit hi the book will be prescnlcd the board at ap prim The properly commmna has recommended memnrinl hook to rlund In as main lobby or recording lam bequusls and donations The overall flannell Iliunlion oi the Royal Vlciorln Hospital is quiia sound rtguiar board meeting was laid yuierday Painting of the south wing is Emccedinl satisfactorily and will finished by tho scheduled complcllnn dale in Julmi Nurses Dance Set For Friday The remnlnder of the quota buster were 100 per camera Mrs Lamb $704 Dave Fab makecr $740 Frank Chrktnl $779 DL Beaten Mlko Hoe nor Vnyne lluwcll Jim Bailey Dr Gcorgc lessen Dalt Nay bill and Win Law John Wmcheslera secllan It cumulatcd $22527 and Mac Fendlays group aggregaled $1703529 Quota busters remznlzed 1m nigh were Fred Silk 3310 Jack Cain 3527 Ron Coxall ma Gerry Roberts $355 Nnnn Synnott 5105 Bill Lem mon $405 Report BVH Financially Sound To date his special name group has collected $115000 and the team have gathered $3955320 This made total 01 $15456320 Bub Hurrriar of the special names conunlllee said his com mitjee fiklnt meet But not cvcrynne reported and campaign dankman Eldon Greer expressed hope that when all reports are In the trend will be towards suc ceulul campaign Sllghtly over oneWrd ol the $475000 gun or lhe YMYWCA building lund was reported at the third report meeting heId at the Continental Inn last night Climbing Target Ladder THE TOP SECHON dlvl Ilnn and team were given mention at the YMYWCA Whymhmmmnhwdmuvwmm wuntonllmmwmaymhnvflmahldlhm alumna Mmfimmllmnllm mm Ilolll um 00 WI OI have fmhnblhcplndlumn whumnrywwlah Inn mm mm ml mum In tho mm and mm PERSONAL Lam Cpl no Ntnlhwny um um um the nrllclu had um yet been dcermincd Map Emms hnusc Dmdunnld 51 was entered dur ing tho evening nnd number of mlscollnncoul mlclu wrro rcpoglcq slolyn Harm Clly Pollce bcliuva Hm tho penan or persons whu en cred Ihm houses Sunday nlghl may hnva cummlum Ilmllar acll lul night EspetIally in he day sum mer camp held by the said Mr Lowe Mrs Ursula Iloehnu bnxnn the day camp scrlcs or lha retarded chlldrcn coung 91 years ago nlflclnls said this wlll cam Ilnuu Ihl your and In coming years We work backwards and Inrwnrd lbewcn Ihe Adult Shel Jlm Lowe president of tho Assadntlon spoke highly ha work the Barrie has done In the last poupie of yam In general asslslqnca to lha BSSD claHons program One these communlly grmips the Barrie and Dislrlcl A5303 ciauon for Retarded Children Russ Davey execullva direc Qar Mid 1115 lees par of II responsibility In ucam munlly the assistance In any way posalblo qther commun Ity groups wider range of planned community afllvmes In part of lhe objective In its $475 000 building campaign fund Feel Some Party On Theft Binge Ive kept my mouth shut for Iwu or three years But since She nld era was closed meeting held Ihera two yeau egg uh the old uylngiiisgsflfi wofild blister the paint on flue wa Mrs John Cofinncchh object ed to rmrmnendlng Mr Can Iha area planning board PLANNIM EdAED BEEF Association For The Retarded Will Benefit From New Two women appearing an den utaflans caused furore In City Councfl Last nlghl campaign fund dinner report held at the Continental Inn last Fxtommejefl John an Council Takes Blast In Two 5Deputations uAl mm flucbesler top section chair CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE mammm wmmmamwmm moHahmmuMJQvmuc ngmmmuumm find mind but mmm mimmlnmmhmqulm othlnllpmdl MMWWI Mmummmwhhow Cpl Nonlhwny nld me mclhod entry klcklnz In window or back door cormmndcd lo lhu mclhod ol mry mod on tho homu Sundny avenlnl Mr Emml robbery wnl ro porlcd 10 pm About hnlIAhnur Inlcr Mu mum len 15 Mnrlan Cm upon ed someona had broken lnlo her garage and had lrlcd In hunk lnlo her hause Mr owe In cnpuln Ive mun 12am In he campalun 00 we IhnuId help the and know they will be ahIa Io help us In thn pool concnm ed Mr Davey snld hat pub IIc szmmIng palInd wIII be In cluded In Ihc program Ior In dIvldJnl nnd arr011 and hulldln prndjn on unnsportauon he cut to great extent we could possibly Improve at Al proggnm WLcnn mums larger and better programs said Mr Lowe lewd Worlubop said Mr Davey In that was pend them Christmas cards and jumps nnd they print varlaus articles or us Mnrlnwa said the association spends tremendous amount of money Inr transportation both or schooling and recscallous Jctlyilles Swlfifrflng ls lus ona ex wasrln on It too Ans You and Ald warn there Yes and 009 there You smlle All right so head Smile Alli Wilson What did your solicitor advise you Did he advlie zgu iogofio qufll Aid mam Comri ask her what member were there went commercial just cant 1$S° main $22521 Tom Yum lop divlslun manager $6087 and Jack Cain my team captain $2954 Examine Phatob Wilson Mayor mayor our will and mu Lnlnr council member dis tusscd Ihe maiim oi deputa tion appearing and making charges wlihnul pmoi that wunid be damaging to personl chur ucicr Mayor Cooke laid It Wll un fortunate that some of lha lhlnza that were uld hen to night were Mild An Today In up In ihis City Council to look mar Essa road well the mi of the oily Aid Wilson auggulcd ihni soma 01 lha presentation made by two deputation ionighi if publishen might luvs 10 new mafia open or prosecution or Ald Wilson asked When did yap my toms Mn Gibson conlinuad Ive heard iwo pmmincnl citizens on Essa Road my they couldnt get out oi there last anough and another man said there were no important improvemenla in Essa road in no years LACK OF PROTECHON She complained oi the lack ni polce pmtmion laying um week ago three adult ran through garden and maiar cycic and care An racing up anddawn that hill Mr Marlin Gibson on dep utation spoke on an application loghe cglrgmiliceq gyusimenl wanna Mm Gibson said There ha been evidence of flamnunwm mgncez AM Robert asked would yuu say In personal conflict between you and Mr Coulis An Yes Al this polnt rum in tha audience objecud Alter order was restored Ald Roberts asked Is the prvpexly not zoned commerclm An Yen We are no longer doing pastmon on what has hap pened but lutead we are ac tivating the necessary step to correct what has happened series at any flu Banlend ak In aygzulpd cits look at tfievldon fa cilities which have been ex To demonstrate 11ver gems ol any my Banleite He said the citizens nl Barrie and particularly the camgalxn en were experienclng type of Ihinklng that they believe The Mute or our community not beyond their power control The essential pvinl in human evaiuiinn um ai creative think ing and workingnwa depicted by Barrie industrial Commls sioner Ed May the YMYWCA campailn reer dinner in night at Continental Inn Would Help Attract Industry NOEL lEIljENSON Ro 0R YOUR DOLIORI Rx ran GLASS FILLED OPTOMETRIST AT Suphmlonl Jownllm and FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE PA MN BARRIE EXAMINER MEDAY MAY 28 1561 FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE CONEULT Police Have Asked to be not ch of any ropalrman who hul tnte In lgcnmy hlmxell vyaumlu Corporal Reg Nealhwny said this morning Wu ask that All those who deal with rcpairmen 01 my nature ask ham to pro duce ldppliflcnllon said hey were buns Ida repairman they muld ldtnuly ObemselveL Thu 1mm City Police Do paNment warns all housewlvu smnkcopcn and those who have buslnul with repalmmz make lure proper Identifica wn hxfopglrmen Bflnz your whole family and enjoy Air Fares Day with this yen The commanding oiiicer oi RCA Camp Burden invites the public to attend Air Force Dny tomnrmw Hi invitation reads would like to extend to all our iriends in the Barrie area must cnrdial invitation to visit will In at RCAF Station Camp Bonian we celebrate Air Force Day inmanow We eel that you will enjoy our visit as wa havu have In nteresti awn glimaxed MW ymglnul cum Ith peclaculqr 3er Ihaw Bogus Repainnen BuggingPolice and Oplomflrhh Closing3n note STEmar wee he 1an It will happen because we have confident In our destiny Stating Um Industry was not anly lnkreslld 1n the fiscal and financial upset of commun lly Mr May said industry was also lnleresled in recreational lacultles Because oi the importance lamily recreufian place in our lives ii ILUIe duty avery business man industrial leader and private citizen to us to It that in leaves no stone unturn ed In helping to mum the rum ml campni C0 Invites Public Attend Air Force Day From an indusirial siandpolnt he said ille new would mean that induser will be as sured their people will have ia cliilies available or great van lely activities and The commuuily can oiier not only good industrial climate but zoadlnmily climate well pended new recreational fl efllfles motels hotels and how ing and expanslnn of our exist lnz indlulry within Barrie And nav the éfinramn driving campaign to hnva new YM hullde DUNLOI EAST BARRIE ONT YamI Sincerely Gnu Cumin Hum Egrpgxgdlnz pillar nusmu muccr RCAF Camp Borden

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