Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1963, p. 2

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The Inulnm wvllnn ol Im manl wln lm devfiled In plIM nr Im Ilmlrl rouvenllnn Io Ir mm ll VIII Inn Lulu llm Hm on Jun 10 II Ind 31 Dr nl In mlhrlnuhl at Rural Vlrlnvrl llolpllul ulll mml mum Ill he dinnvr mmml Harm Klnlmen Guh lanllhl nl nmuln Loan Th mwl Aha mmnmrndk ml nn ucllnn ha Inkrn an In nqu P2 llurh propri olur Im Foulh PM VnrM film In human Mn RINK the muk bur ll IM mum Au Ilia mm It In ha lllod Hy Count lml ulna ndnpl mum lhu City DruInp mm fommlllro mamnean lhnl permlnlon ha rnnlbd In Gnnm lo arm deO name on lho aid MI prop my Imlnl Hue unawnrd mr llnn old Irnrlnnmnhhm land pmlellng be mnku no mull In rily or mvlm llKh II mow plnwlng we or and In nn Mu lhll ha ha of Um wan rmnply wllh In mnlnL Kinsmen To Hear RVH Pathologist Defence counsel Dick inld Ihe Court lhai he iookod he oiicncn lechnlcnl thnrgc Tho accused who was not in cauri had bun rmhinl iricndl nincmonihoid baby the Hospital for Sick Children rill Tommie Medlui specialisLx in North fern Onlmin had laid ml the Ichiidl ilio cauid only bo mm ii it rcctivtd miman 1mm vthed Tormiu hospital Mr Dink Thu Mumd hnd remMd clumnm from lhe Olt Iulh onllu lo 1mch Io Toronto wilh due dlumllon allhauxh ha wn not given blanket jmlnion to speed lIvldlnUy ho OPP BIN lo nallly InIr tmmlcrpnru lMx tar mlh ln hflpmvlnca ho Cmm wax Ia Gerald Mallals Station SL Cobalt was lined in Harris Mngistrnlts Court today on charge exceeding the speed limll on Highway 400 In pm lm semen of $25 and $450 toasts Maglslrnle Foslcr said that the can wls not uiuul one In ha cur wm Ihn cfiHdI lnlher mdrlver tn drlvu Iho relurn trip alumni num nurma nldo Indlhn child Mr Dirk mm the htnch Ihnl nxynn wu ndmlnlmrcd In an baby on lh lrlp Given Permission To Build Garage Testimony offered by the Crown showed Ihal lhc accuseds 1953 sedan had bun clocked by Lha Barrie dehzdumtnl the OFF at speeds between 95 Ind 105 mllu per hour report from he llnanca commlltoe recommendnd That ua cnmply wllh the request of the Parks Board In thclr letter at May 22 1963 and sell lot 10 plan use North Melrose Street to Cnnslructlon Company hr the nppmlscd sum of $1115 plun appralsal and legal fees on candillon that house hull upon it within one ycnrn llme Allur Ald Vllllamn wanted to refer it to the city develop ment cummlllce Ald Morrow nald It may aka month to got around to It There appeared to be con lllcl between the Park Hazard and the City Development Com millce durlnl last nllhtu culm cil meellng Motorist Fined For Speeding Taking Child To Hospital as we as the but now 11min are asking tho question of why twn swim ming pop II nnelplacp fias he consideredihls mp EXPENSIVE Mr arm Em Bulldlng over the presml pool would he Ald Newton said low year ago awlmmlng pool was built and given In tho City of Barrie We were told could he cqvered over Greer chnlrman of the bundinu Campaign for the YM YWCA appeared helme caun cl Ins nlghz In explain the need and to answer questions from members council 000 yearfar 10 year lo wnrd the bulldinl ol the ncw YMYWCA building and swim mlnz ponL Barrie City Councll will ask the provlncla government or lo la Aggrmlrtrl grant Who Gets What In Next Shift WOULD GIVE $40000 Citfieeksf For Grant Tde nu mu Illfl run Dunnlln lmL Hung CI IMbvldn 0m Chunk Flinn lnwu run In sun on 19 Anhnlnl Annm Mum 5m Aluminium Mbvrll ml Imu Au PM An and at Maul ml NJ 1le III lImmu on lovlr rnnlmvnKCom mu However lhn acts of hu mo Ind he Mdmco lhul ho ac cuxcd wu ndlnz and Inmurllan won bound to in flurnca lho nlza of ha no Im posai ha nld Maglslrulo Foster uld that be npprnclllcd Iha Int lhnl there was an emnrucncy hul that Ibo accused had endanger ed 11ch he passenger In the car by drivlnz such rule of spccd The accused had led red Hg lo hi cur nnd drove dur ing day with hl ligth an although these precauunns were rendered lnclicctlve by Ihc darknm which had fallen by Lhe lime Ihe car reached Dunle said Mr Dick The lerl was lnlnrmod that lhe accused was conscious ol the risk hr was taking by driv ing so last ilawevnr the childs mndilian marl iho law that All ambulance would cos $300 make the trip diclnltd hi course of action said da Icnce munscl Play hi tie um Perhaps there should be finallyglrkf for ghe children to Ald Jollille said dont see why It should go to ma City Development Cammluce It went tn lhe finance committee and went to the parks com mmne Now lhly want it In En la the city development commit tee wonder whos going to get it next Aldflobcru suucslcd the subdivide agreement should be reviewed Ald Hersey sald Im sur prised there In more liaison bntween Ihe Parkv Board and the City Development Comm ce In an Ire this nature That 13 why inlhlnk this 15 W95 gm Ald Wilson Ive been wnlchlnz the results this campaign on radin and In the prus And how many do you ex pew could well double AM Morrow said Ive liven my pledge for Unrea years mi 11 slick to nuw But If Id known this was coming Id only have given half as much fad think lot at penpla wlll eel iAld Hersey askgi What is the Intel panldpaklan Mm ME Greer snld 33500 one member parliclpallng In an IC Hvity al on lima The Stiller pool can glva halter Instruction and comm edflsqugflalulejcar around almost as expensive as what lhgnaw pooluwlll cost TODAYS STOCK PRICES mm in IMUII iiw um In in Adar AlDunn 11MB AIIH Amu mm lam Mlllllm Hamil mnmlu Mum nu IV MQII my Im 01 In AcrmL InIna Nu Inln Nlml lulu Unlm In IIp Juan cm Im AW illM Inw luv Mun hr nunm llnlllnl mu mm Vnu Dom 5mm mm rum OIL Pow anfl nm nim on PM my Mln INDUITIIAL Malta PL nnrrla MINxNa nn park whm lhu CNR sin Inn used In bnaramw park Theyll be nblo to park their can adjacan la mu mm prul cnnlcrmco lhlx mnrnlnz Aldcrmnn Chnrlu Wll nan aulllnrd in plan whlch ln By the lime lhe lonrlsu pour lma Bank on mane lhny sf uld 1h RCAF Camp Harden Bund masler Sgt Jim Richardson left 15 presented wIIh me Trainlng Command Trophy It Hausa ans Klmmcns Inter COUNCIL MOVES Ms Ald Smith said think they am badly 711155an the boat in this campaign thlnk they should lmvu ln vllcd the public to go and QM old bullding And hen they saw what It um was doing under these candluuns It would We are um filing an amount that could bring us critlclam Nothing is more worlhy than Here Is necessity In mee lhe need of lhe World perflenl ol the urban population Said Mayor Cooke There Is novquesuon In my mind the vital role he has been play lng with clue camfiemllon Id be in ever of the taking over Ihe syvlmming pool MAYOR LANDS Mayér Conic asked Aid Marrow to lake the chair while he spoke My only reservauw Is would like to sec closer c0411 armlon belween the and ho iwlmmlnz pool BBNDMASTER ACCEPTS TROPHY Parking Parks Replace Station 330 nia unm rn mull rmmmu nun mo Allnm Mmulu hum imn ln lmna Im null fill room Illmrml lihcll nmvlnl mm Turn In rm rrm Tm II film Iwnn vIn znun Manuel um mm 64 mi ion HI fit Wu rccommcmltd tnpllnl nullny as law as posslhlu nr lull proJcrl cnmhlrnl wllh mu cqnm malnlcnnnce Mr Wilson nddrd lhnl around July workmen Ilmllll ho pru grmlnu an clmvrrllnl um am Ilnlkm la punk mm Submluinm AImuIJ 136mman by Mom I5 I96 In order Ihu Ihey my be lludied befor IIIa mmmenumenl nf puIvIIc IumInn Ilmwn ll would be nppmlnlul you would usury Ilw Commmoe olymn InlenUon lo nuke lumeulon In old In mum your Imlmlnn on In mnIIinl IIII 1m Maury wlll In plum In Inuwr my HIKING about Iho Commlim at he am In which luhmluinm Ilmuld l1 prrpmd ANION Srmmy Adrian all tmmpomlmre to Ila Sammy as Unhmuy Amue Tnmm Tm Onlnllo Commllln on Tunllnn upoinlcd under 11w lublic Inquth Ml thnmd wilh rcvlcuin me In um ollltr mmuc mmm nr Ihc lluunct III munkiplnkl uml uhml lmvdl 0n wmplcliun or III nlmliu It will make ltcmmlkmllllom Io Ihc mml Ippmmlm mm of nlulng lho muum In pvuvhle Iho mmmnmunl mm uqniml Ivy the people at OntHo 1M Cummilm whim to mm mm In hmuledu and upuicnco nunnmllom Ind Indi lelualn who hm am and npinknl In mnuilmle In the mid of thy Inquiry An Inviullan or winm unlvmhuinm II hmhy liven mu who ml Hull my an mm the Cummmu In In walk or who would like lhr View to known All count concerned MIDI ha pressure downtown nnrk Inn uld Alderman Vilson and Um nnrliwlnrly In evi drnu on Fridays nnd wack cmh Ho InId ht clly musl how in open mace nvnilablo or park In purpom nrhrring an conllnunllon ur txlcnxlnn the pink he uld Thls wlll he ha nlmnre point uml will dum rnlinlo Bnrrlel mnln um Irom nnolhvr mnln mm In any olher cllymol 20000 In Onlan Gallnlb Cunslrutlinn nwarded drmullllan contract lor $800 at In nlghtl cfly council all um has one month to dcmnh lsh the mi brlck union and flu gray Alonzo shed PARKING CONCERN dlcnled parklng lot or ahoul 100 mm and lhu cnnllnuallun Memorial Park 50th la the CNnuprapcrly national Band chflval Mnk ins Ihe presentation ls Flight Lieulonanl Chalmers Training Command Headquar ters Winnipeg have put the campaign aver the my bn 110ch vole AM Mar sellu voted against ha motion MAYOR LE5 COOKE 110 All For WRIHIN SUBMISSION ONTARIO COMMITTEE ON TAXATION In full hmcm or Ihu park 11 11m lwdl Ilse devel oymrnl Md wllh lllllu vnpllal upmu In prmluu Ml nllratlnn mu Inld Aldmmm Vllmn plural lho Slmcoo Ilml nm In mm be nlnllan II law nmllhilAwuuM be uncd Thu tnllr lmc wnl pn nmd wilh Um ovcnlunl Luke nhorn Rnnd In mlnd mld Mr wlbon Wed Ilku to no lha cnllro parkan mu paved wllh Iwn nchcs nl nsphnn and II he Lukuhnre nnml camu nnrlh of lhe CNN lrnckl lhrru would be llllla lmublo 1n Ihllllnl lho mrlmf ed Ihnl his Fire and Trnlllc Commlllto was discussing the pcxslblllly movlnz lhn parklng Ipncu on lhu wulh nldo Dunlap Imd mnvlng mm In tho mulh nlde at Simcoe strut Acllnzr MnyoruA Morrow said that luch Im nclion wnuld In lLulI provlda an nddillonnl our ur parklnz npnm IllMl IN MINI wymuncm nm mwe Mr Lowe he hltherlo been known as Trettlc Conrdlnnlor The mmmtttee turther recom mended that hydrants be Installi ed tn the anwing locations as per the fire chief letters Ger rett crescent at the end of the main hnltway on Shorevicw drive an Shoreview Drtve at the end of the main haltwny mm St Vincent Street on Grave street Ml extended water main Grove street east extended to Lay street Jim Lowe he cliy hub in department sald that ho was prkparlng rand lnyauls and working In conjuncllon wim lhe chya cnnfinccrlnx dcpnrlmcnl nnld Savagp ol pnrkslbaard and lhr storage shed Into yark Mgr apgce In Fire and Truth Com mittee report adopted by Harris City Council last night it was recommcndcd that lhe Jab d5 scriplion Tramc Supervisor be given In lhe head of lho Trafllc Departmentdim Lawn yvaluulh The Apnl 22 loner was Inb mined by the chief through an unfurlunale misunderstand lng the cammlsslnn said In slatemonh uvcl wrote another letter last wrek saying the ear lier letter was written under pressure mm the police com mtsstnn and said he would not Iclinqu position ya alter he wrote alter to tho police commission April 22 re questing he reduction to allow xoungerperxnn to ink over DRILLIA CWE McIn lyre 56 demoted from chlel lo deputy chief of Ihe Orlllla po lice department Hula more than month ago was reinstated ch15 Mg nighl Traffic Head Is Sypervisor The work to be cbmpleted in month Tendcrslar the wurk ranged from $5 lo the $800 bid by Goxinlh Construction Cm Mnym Cooke uked or little more attention to bushl ess under dlscnsslon during last nlght cguncll yeglingz Said Mayor nulice there this passing things aruund in table and attention is being kk en up wilh this Inatead 121 with council businmi City council last night signed the death warrant of one the cilyx landmark when it let the lender lnr demolition of the old Canadian National Railway station and freight shed to Go ilnlh Construction Company or fvTRE BARRYE EXAMINER TUESDAY HAY 25 195 Reinstate Police Chief Ht Orillia Otders Council Pay Attention Old Station To Go Down mu Buy mlan Pmlly clnudy And cool lodny nnd Wrdnudny Wlndl ll dny narmcrly 15 wodnu MHIM Femnu Grnrnlnn llny Lch llurnn Hm lo nurlhrnll wlndl I0 la 15 km Imaman flnrlh lo nurlhwul Is In 25 final Wu Klmi or rune slum pnrlly cloudy and Illllo mllde Wndlmdny Vlnd numwnn ll loday well I5Ierlncldgy North nay Sudbury Lulu 0n lnrlu Guam an my lhllbunan Tlmnnml rexlnm Cloudy Ind cooler wllh occmlonnl In or shower today And Vcdnudly Mcamlnl onnly cloudy Wedncy dny nllcrnoon Much flu lum lcmpcnlum Wednudly Wlndl wulhvlcs I5 broomlnl north wnll 15 Ian anti Wednoxdly Hnmlllan London Nlnnra Lnke Em Lake Huron mloru Mainly cloudy and cooler wllh cw Ihowun Wtdnesdw Wlnd soulhcnst 15 bccnmlnx mulhwcs 20 lhls allcrnoon and norlhwcsl 15 Vcdncsdly Toronto Variaqu tluudincu and not much change In lemA pcmlurc lanlzht and Wednu day Wind light hrcomlnl Ioulhcrly 20 lhl Iflemmn And Vodncsdny Ar glon Mainly cloudy and cooler with cw Ihnwm Wednesday Wlnds soulhnrly 15 today nnnh wcsl lg Wednpsdny Synupxh Th IIIgIrpmsure area Ihal hrnuzhl sunny and warm weather to much nI 0n Inrio Ihe last Iew days Ila moved eastward Weak mum ance caused maInIy cloudy skies and uh or lhaweu lhrnughout the Grant Lake am today In Nonhem 0n lnrlo lemperalum were In the his mornlng and maximum lumpemlure were 10ch lo be In the 40 Over southern and cenlral secllam oI lhe provlucc morning madman wm In lb 50 and hlghr be In the 60 and 703 IIIIIa mler weather due Iar Wednesday Ind var Iublc cloudIncss wIll be com by rgnllcrcd showeu He sald It was lmpedlnx ral flc coming up Slmcoa meet Ald Mllls disagreed wilh mov lng the crosswalk Slmcae 5L easterly Cily Council spent cnnslderable time an Ihe matter ol crass walks last nlghl helmu decid lng that there will be two new am One ha walk on Dun lap street will be moved Ind there wlll he crosswalk nl Baylleld street from Sleelel to Woolwarlhl Comer Collier and Hayfield 1119 new mm of ofllcen for the 196364 season was recent ly electnd at he Kinsmen Club elccunn night From It back row Hendy Lamb imm City Council Planning Two More Crosswalks Th ldzalrsllunllon for Ihe WEATHER Fonficfi KINSMEN CLUB EXECUTIVE Toronlo 150 Unlvcnlly Avunun Toloplwno 368414 FDECCIIK law lnnlzhl Windsor St Thomas Landau Kitchener Winzham llnmlllon SI Cnlhnrlnc Toronln Pclcrbaro Truman Killnlne Muskokn Norm uny Enrllun Knpusknsing While lllvcr Ald Williams is my poled In be 100 feet ram lha Lake ne South to southwest wlnds 10 la 15 knob becominfl nnrth Io northwest 15 la 25 knou chnnsdny morning Clo rllh mowers and conslderablu 0K Laka Ontario South to mulh ml winds 10 lo 20 knots Over caxl wilh occasmnnl rain Con xldcmhle log tonight Inn um vcly mu nu sum Md Hersey said The maln oblccl Installing crosswalks L1 Inugyaveul Inn of 111 Every ne use cmswnlks danger because children are old hat may put out their hand the car wlll slop Sume llmcs car going 25 or Jo miles an hou 11 stops nesday momlng Overcast with occaslonnl ruin Considerable lag gnnlxhl pedeslrjgp youlq be crosswalk every 200 Mt bul hat doesnt wofikl 031 very vgg snld crosswaika 11 have the sign soma distnnca away so lhpmotarsl can sec ediale pastpresident Dunc EH13 dlrccmr Don Gordy re glsuar Barry Clarke histor Ian Ros Huiwell secrciary and Farh Sinclalr dlreclor INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK If you nro ongngrd in hmlnm or plnn to alan mm and nvuimi financing in no nmllabla rlnmhm on mammbla Immv and mmliliom you um Invited to vlnil nn 11 otllco or wrilu lo mm for lmuklot Thu Induntrlnl Dovalopmnnt Bunk help finance moat types of nnmll nml medium nlw Cunnilinn buninvmma or vnriuly of purposes BRANCH OFFICE ACROM CVANADA Tempmlum hlxh rdnrdny Slnlnvllle NCDnvd Jelly 38 lormcr mnjar luau haw hnll pllchcr who was member of lha Milwaukee Dmvu lhll on In Worldficriu in 1054 nernnnnbm Schlldhnch 69 an Assoclnlcd Press rcporlcr In Burlin Ind Viennl or yum hear allman Barrie has crosswalk or three years and when me Chan es rccnmmendcd by cnundl In night are made there will be crnsswnlks at Berczy And Cod ringlon Essn mad ntar Tillin Blake at St Vincent Ihc one at Hayfield and those on Dunlap slruel lellcr was mclvcd from RCAF Slnllnn Camp Borden 1n vlung council and the clllxvn Barrie to Air Force Day at Camp Burdnn Le Hum FrunceJtnuIuu menrd 60 knnwnns the mm he Franc luxury liner France Clrrmonl Fenlnd Funn Jenn Mlchvlin no mcmber or he wclLknown nmmaklnl lamlly 0n Collier and Bayllcld IL all you have to contend with is Krnmc on Collier slreel and south qn Bnytleld The Royal Canndlan Mr Faru Ensign will fly at the City Hall on Air Force Day tomorrow CilyCouncil ruled 125 AnighL lo the crosswalk And on Simone slrce that why we wan to move it back lojive ll Ihe loo col City Will Fly Air Force Ensign Entlom row from the MI Ron Abrams director Peter Mom vicepresident Lorne Curler presidentclcct Gard Conder vicepresident and R05 Rice hullclln editor DEATHS HI

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