Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1963, p. 8

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my iwrlélfifl UM 115 mm cmnln Dlrk Tum Ihnged II derll lrl my mum IIUI mnlldml hm ml MI Ir mmnn Mum lh Amorlunl would hull Inn pl Imphya Wu lllllfllv nu wlnnlnl nu ulna lluIflwl and mm mum AnnUnr our hmmnm ml rim IlnukI mnlrlm will md mu mmpellllon lad1 lOflKCAKIl WIN llul dllulrr Ilrmk all lunch during um MM II hnlq Ilflllll mnldul mm In llrlllsll awrpl llu Ian and hnlvrd lwn AM Im huh all lo fly In nun Irrlduy um er lmlu nna drlral ml In lM luilrjaurmnm mnlrlm In year no llmn lhelr my vlctnry Thu Ammun won Um up I7 Imu IInCI ll pul upln 1m Their rur an mnlloln mllnn at am Kean lhrm Enl Hhmen nnd mm lrlnhmen Ahncknl ho Unltrd Hlnlu nhlny nn lho llnl days plny or my Wnlkrr Jpn ll WK cnn mninlnln lhe ncI lady cy may win In mum IIlennluI mnlrhu Inr thu mil llmq mm mm TUIINHIZIHIY 5collan CP Mvnu mum wm nmlllnl vlflorf lodny Tmr mm my mum San Francisco Lo Annch St Louis llluburxh Clnclnnull Chlcnxu Mllwnukw Phllndclphln nuIan New York Rm Frlday Eniilmora Cleveland Washington New York Josiah Dclroii Chicago iiilnnuoil Kama City Au Angola Mayl Pmblbll Pitch Vaahinxion Cheney Hi It New York Terry Balilmm Puppnl loi al Claveiand iinmo 24 Chicago Pizarro 31 ll Min 16le Pascuai ML lloslon nlar n1 Dclmll Full Knmu Clly llukow 41 It lm Angelou Nelson 24 Glmel Sunday llnlllmoru It Cleveland Vnshlnglon Now Ymk nnslan ll Dclmll Chlcun nl llllnnemln Kansnl Clly II Lon Angech Balllmnre New York Chicago Basmn Kama City Cleveland Minnesota has Angelo Delmll Washington Something about my old homestead makeé me smile Workers at the Dome Mine at iimmlns observed 19 whistler swans swimming in company pond Timmins is not known as regular sto OVer for whist lers but it is possible that advarse weat er and ice con ditions further north combined with good feeding ground drew the swans to this popular stop oi geese and ducks The advantage In disposing of lots contained in subdivisions is that sale to an eligible pilcant may be completed at the District Offices on £01 of of map plication to urchase and payment of the fa purchase price No elay is encountered Tileappllcant may proceed to erect cottage immediate it also enables the Department to plan the future any lake by re serving areas for general public use effecting sub division control in areas for future development British Golfers Leading Tourney The main condition of sale or rivale summer resort use AS that cottage having at east 320 square feet of floor space and valued at not less than $1000 must be erected within 24 months of the dated sale in order to qualify for title If you are Inclined to look around for cottage slte tn the next few weeks the procedure to follow ls eas Once you have decided where you would like to bul your cotta vlslt the Department of Lands and Forests ofllce in district where your dream land ls located In recent years the Departmentsrlands and Sur veys Branch has offered for sale many lots Ior private summer resort useby establishing registered Crown subdlvlslons on lakcsacross the province All the lak es must however be accessible at some point by public road By THE CANADIAN PRESS It on dread crowded vacation spots yet dont relish idea of spending this summers holiday in ydur own backyard the Department of Lands and For ests may be your salvation Chances are good that you will Tim piece of Crown Land to your liking on one of ihe lakeside iois offered for sale by the Department Mondlyl Glmel No gnmu scheduled GREAT OUTDOORS 11 341mm EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY 1m Can Buy Land For Slimmer Fun Amerlun Lulu are York City md on mlu 3th Pct GEL 28 15 634 11 13 24 II 600 20 15 556 WI 21 17 555 15 13 111 6V ll 21 462 19 ll 24 169 105$ 14 29 328 ll Nlllonll By STEVE JONESCU BASEBALL SCORE lcl GEL 27 343 25 11 595 21 10 635 WI 2019 WI 19500 20 21 431 ID IM 12 JSO ll M5 1620 MI 11 WI WI 6V ml Ylh In 5T LOU ArkN Yolk ulchn cum Cnnnlm In nulluln hlday nluhl uml flan lo mull Rummy Tnylnr mm lhe um nlmnllanll Lam dub Cmnlulml domriun luv ponrlly mm mm lar nvwly unwind nulllehlu Jlmmy Plur ll ImvfmyudAIn lh Mm I411 nlllil In rm play on Cm ll In lllfrnuun flu llwr Improved cm ymold nu ulmn al nlm Walker Cu mulch went loll any lionochlllinl uln Ind bll In wlnd nfl lllu mu Frldny dlmponul lhe llnh hul not Um all The Ilrllam named to hqld up mun lhnn lhn Amul cnm nIlhoullI Mll Ifllll he did Ml llxluk tho wulhur wn much laclor All milchvl In II he in Math rompnrrd with pnl cammllllom which wrnl hula null mm dogen malrhu We um wlglnyed monlrd llul hoyl uqu llnnd rudyAgur mm Narihern Dlvhlon Hullaln 10 568 Syrncm lo 529 Rochester In 500 Toronto II 500 lllchmond II II 435 Ruulll lrldly Arknnuu Rlchmond Mlnnlu Jucklonvflle Bumla nonhulcr Syncun Column Toronto ludinnnpollg 0mm nullnlo at Rochester Culumbul nl Syrncme Jackwnvlllu ll Mlnnu nlchmond Arkmu Tommo II lndllnnpoxll Allanln Arknmnl lndinnnpoli Jackwnvllla Columbus Hullaln Syrucusa Rochester Toronto lllchmond Mots Make Room For Iim Pioxsall Renulll Frldly iiouslon Chlcalo New York Si Lou 10 Pillsburgh Milwaukee Phlladelphla 5Cinclnnnll Lol Angela San Francisco Todlyl ProbMa Pllchm Lon Angelea Padre 34 San Francisco 10m 60 NEW York Jackson Hi It Louis Wnshburn 54L iiouxlon Farrell at Chl cngo Jacksnn Phlladclphll Dunn Hi Clnclnnul Nuxiiull Plluhurth Gibbon 11 It Milwnukee Shaw 11 Gunm Eundny Phllndelphln Clnclnnull Now York ll Louln ilouslon at Chlclxu Pillnbumh at Milwaukee Plluburxh at Milwaukee Lo Angel Sun From Mina5 Gimu No games uhcduled lnlenulloinl tum Southern Dlvhlan lct GM 25 641 ll 11 21 10 511 ll 26 310 1295 pain Illh lholr male Ihly hm um lo vaullm our lmlrr IMI Ihan II wulhla wllh bamboo or Ilumlnum pal lulmvlnm mm nlulo Huh nhml uumhllum wmmllu In and mu iSixth Straight For Steve Ridzik ANCASTIIH Onl CPDTho Onlnrlo rnkrnlinn fichnnl Alhllllc AIIMIIHDUI hu banned Ih me of sin llhu uulllnl pain In lrvlrrnllnn luck And clumplomhlpl tunlay ll wu nal innun hnw many Ilhlrln lml Inltmlwl ln uu 1m Mm nlu In In huw vlnnlhlpl In hchl al Ancnur Huh fichwl Fnlrrnllnn olllrll uh hi my Imy II war II My ml oIhr mur nvolml Ind ml 1M declllnn Ixclnn nul Tho lellu lrom lhn Ilmlnl unld Iha Fronlennu wm bcln mnved bmun lh luau openly under lhn um cone dilmlnl nul non Muu lfl Although hu bun mcnllmml mnvcd lo he mm Mr rm mnlmnu he hnd hren lnlnrmrd 01 ha vllhdrnwnl ol lhn Frunltnlu 1mm Klnzllnn by lcllrr 1mm Hmlon mum at lhc Nlllnnll llnckay Leluuo nponlan cl Ihu IHL um KINGSTON CF Jmel Mane president at Kingston Frnnlcnnu cl lhu Enlltrn Pm luslnnnl Hockey anul an nounred Frldny lhu honlcnncl have been movbd out HP Ilan There wn nn ndlcnlion Ill arm WM Friday ha CM lmd seven hlb and muck an lwolkmun He Illawcd only on wn won10 record II whlch would make any hurler happy Bu hlslory repeal ll Ihl nixloot lilopound may be In or lruuhle mdzlk Imled all ha 196 season in ma Inshlou and one Ilme hum his record Then he ran lnlo Irm lmuhla Ind ended flu cnmpllzn at 1110 My ONE WALK The win lent the Lt Inlo lhlrdplaco 10 with nuchuler fled Wlnzrln Iho nonhem dl By THE CANADIAN PRESS Sleva Rldzlk ll flrlnl the ball no well In lha International Luau his lesson hat must bring back memories of hi troubleplagued 1m campalxn The MyeIrold rlthIandar pitched Tornnlu Maple Lu Victory over Indlnnnpnlll Indiana Friday night lnr hll lxlh ntrnluhl triumph Ban Glass Fibre Vaulting Poles Giants Tee fof On Sandy Koufax Marlchal who struck out 10 bmuuhlhls record In as ho cut on the Dodgnn eight gnm wlnnlnl streak extended Ihe Glunu vlclary string In tour and ann nlned men xuru of revenge He was lha ser when Kouiax pitched hll The ihirdpiace St Louis Car dinnis maanwhlle wniiaped iho New York Mela 1M Philadel Khin downed Cincinnati be ind Cal MCUShl lourililiel Pittsburlh baited Milwaw kua 71 and Houston edged tho Chicngq Quits in innings cgnquwn METS Joan Pagan slnulad to Man lhlngs or the Glnnla and Wu McCuvey followed with an other slngle Willie Mays then walked on 82 llchcd and Koulax hlt Drlan Cepedua hat squarely or double that cleared the bases Fellpu Alou lollowgd vyjlhuhln nlnlh homer Koulax finally got an out but Ed Bailey In single and Kan nx at me haok Bnley wrapped up the xcorlnz or lha Glnnl with twonun homer the lhlrd whlle Don Zlmmer accuuned or the only Dodger run wlh plnchhlt homer in tha leth lhe first Ive Giant scared And after reIIrlnu only we halter Koulax took the rest of the night nit ThaGlanls went on to an my triumph behind Jnnn Mnrichall tourhi pitch Ing and Increased dielr lead over the secondplace Dodger totwo games The National League leading San ammonium lot even with Kéutnx who pitched no hmer nlulnst mm 13 day hc are by shelling he Ln An gela let hnndcr from the mud wllh fiveum llrsl In nan outburst en mm triumph over an Dndzerl Fr dal nigh Frontenacs Will Not Operate In Kingston Last time Sandy Kuulax didnt mls man This time he didnt mix but Wrrn mnlr mural mnnunr By MIKE RAlllEl Amided Pm Sport Wrflu no dellnlu dcclllon mldu ll ha been In lenm may Bl Inul or Mllwn It VIII nol flu up lrallonnl dellcll nl mou Ihn 0000 Intnrml hy nu nrulm In Klnulon durlnl 1h pm uuun Ihnl ltd to plrenl cluhl declllon MIAMI Flu MP lln Mm Mrndnu llmd hmmnn lhl uvrrllmlull dub nu Imnn Cnlum Mulm lauded hm Frldny uhnurd hl IrolxMrr Mom LIIM hnm Avum Mm an all hllrhnll lmm vmaul Clllldlull Ind UJI um remIn In Cuba Thur had rimmed Hum dmlnl lho all xenon Ind Inlo mu Mn ldllnl rlmlnu 1mm nu Culm loummenl lnr mm In out hither Lull Alum of II Frunduro Ollnll Iln nlmml lh trolllllu an DIIOIIIIDD In very nonalde docldcd It menu ho uld upon 10 clHu la lnvullmed for lerllIm mum Chic II prtlly llrmly lulled In El ul lnd hur Delml hu decldld on pulllnl mm In Kuun CIlV OMIhl Clnclnnlll palll Mllvuulm SI MIWPW oi mi ohm clUn lhll In In Ingpqmldend It would Drill dmlmll Inr union to mul lum Klnlnlan lhl olhvr luml mm In UnIM sum uld inn Illnniioll Twlnl Vancouver Player Hmong Refugees Ind coach ho Frontenm laid II Ippmnt Irom an NHL mminn In le York Km wank um there II lulu nexl lemon ll will be composed United 5qu ll Inllrely mpucmn mm Mun Coch nvu up le hlu In lha Syruun vlclory Whlll lllllfl Tom Xunnl look lhI Inn for Columhul Plnchhluer Ed Doucheo Mk twwun homer In the ninth huh In to put Bumlo out rant Tm Elm mo at ham nm help from pitcher Dick Rich in he llflh And John Power In lhl mlh Soulhplw WIII Hum In of llvn Bumln hurleu glllgd with thavlg ry The Le neared two run In line in main an Ilnule wnxk mother IlnllI Ind IIcrL flu fly They In two mm In the mirth and an In he tmh hm held In Indlannpulls drive Charley Smllh homered for lndlIm Mk Joy VII th lama In olhar nmes IQ Bison beat the Red Winn Syn cuu Chm edged Columbul ch 32 Mllnla Cracker da feated Jacuonvilln Sum Ind Arknnul hivelen sludld Rchmand Vlrzinllyl vlshn lhreo umu all 1h pace It by the ludln Bullnla Ell Howle Gou eIngle drnve In angler win the deciding run thl 12m Inning II the Colts won their IIIIh game In five meeting with the Cub this warm Spengler Ilnd eln glad to open Ihe lnnIng Ml outh mm Ind hll eighth In the last nlne emu Houston managed the vIcIory despite aIx error lhree by Bob romanle who last year net uzue record or UllId linemen wIlh 57 cunseculive errorleu xemel Shut out ior Iive Inning by Braves etmer Werren Spahn the Plum erupted Inr seven nine In the slth tn bind the veteran ieIIhunder his thlrd de feat in nine decisions Bob Bai leyend Bill Vlrdan each singled In run Dick Scholieid emuled In pnir and mklu WIIIIe Stencil capped the uprising with three run winch hit homer Bob Friend was the winner scattering Ive hits In cluding Hunk Aerone lilh homer McLlfll who won the Phlllles Iasl gum with llvshluer he Iare they went into threw game skid aided Iha attack with two Ilnzle and we walka Thu only run McLlsh Iowzd WI pinchhi homer by June Gander 1n thu Izhth Johnny Camon Ind Tnny Tay lor each drova In two Philadel phin nun nulnxt Reds num Bgl lfurkey Winning pitcher Bah Gibson nnw 24 Ind stun Munlai both hit homer in llhlt Cardinal attack that sent the Met down in Hair iiiih ntrnixhi inssi Curt Flood Ken Boyer and Gene Oil ver each stroked lhrec hits hill with Olivu driving in titre runs In nnppan ol Gibson but the St Lauil rizht hander needed reilei hein irom Bobby smu in Ihe ninth inning nohlller ngnlns Ihe Ginnls at LosAnuiu Thin war hit diiiarenl thll lime iar Knuinx who lost his lecnnd Against Ii victories McLlSfl HELPS SELF INDIANAPOLIS AI Iom my wlmll up lo 11 mIIu Ill hour nude Inrnelll Jnnu Indlnnnpnlln lenr Snepdvmy maul look remna ny min In Iquyl nuHoml mulllylnl IMIIUVI Iar um um mmllu May low mule Mu mm ml tun ll mm mph umlrr Ilmllnr enmmlnm Ins Hllulllly wu nucllnlnl In hll om hnvmmwunl Awnnlnn 5w tlul ll l5 IhICII nnIme Pll Im mpmnrhrd medium the Klnzuton proleulonll hockey cluh hu beencalla or Juno tur her unumrnl mnccmlnl horkry ulurl will bu ml Ilur lho mrellni Mun uld load ulllvra nl unlar hockty ll wlul mu lnhrultd In nnw mulr przdlctcd that bmuu U1 Sudhury Wolvu Ind lha Hull Otlnwn Cnnndlcm lhu olhur two Canadian lenml In the EPHL wuuld be moved mull of mu border nox len nn mm Ind ll openinz de hyzd Ulul lnr due to lhn cold wulhu Thay had mu Icheduled or Wednexdly And Thursday but Ihey wcra mlpon ed Leanne pmldml JIm Short mud lhere will be no omclnl openan cmmaniu Ind hnpu work In In wslpontd Imel It later duh Drivers Face Gusty Winds With lhé promise anulher in evening IhaSenlor Softball Magus ll looklng forward In bl mwds on Iwn front this even lnz they try once man In npgp Iher lg chednlm Queer Pa Trualava Hullnz Ind Slewull will clash while Elmvule hosts Edgar In no mm mm Both contuu In llnled for M5 liming llmu Smmu increased lheIr mar gln lo 64 wllh two more mm In tho Inurlh and alter Lukuvlew plcked up two In the Illlh wllho out hll Smllhs alarler Wayne Russell was replaced on the mound In lhe mm by Don Far uherI The mnva nlmnu bunk Iired Russell wu conning along an three hlller all reglsl end In Illa second lnnlng and Faragher needed help from George MacDonald In rough Ievenlh Innlnz to luck way the vlclory We run In the sixth lnnlng lave Smllhl what looked Ilka comlorlnblo 84 margin fining Into the final innlng But Lake vlew wasnt ready to roll over mg plny de yel Théyxenl FaxExha running for cover when lhey rallied or The Dnlrymen clashed 1n the opener Smllhl wasted no time getting to Lnkevluw flatter lenu Klooslermnn as they chased across pair mnsrln ouch of the first two lnnlnsx Lakavlaw replied wllh one In the ucond Smiths Dairy held an grimly for an victory over Lakeviaw despite our run leventh in ninz by Lnknview and Simone spnllcd Barrio Jaycees lead then roiled lo 124 win micnmsa MARGIN Lnkeviuw Dairy cam close In comeback victory and Simone Cn made It in MK way an the Intermediate Softball zua Hnally opened 1963 ed ule lollnwlnz two postponed ua l9 mor weather Senior League Opens Tonight On Two Fronts bug to mlmnrlenhndlu In luned unlll Iller dudflnc Ill mnrnlnl III the Seller Bonkll anus hell III fln um Int Illht Mlnulnl Mlnnlu nipped Elmulc In wzllpllyed mun Ind Impoulbla to urry daun Mu However my will he unled In Manny nnndnp um cunlul nmu PLAY GOLF at ALLANDALE GOLF CLUB mo BAY POINT ROAD an Mum PA km lny Al yuu play hm qummwnu 50ml lur allh mm nnl Simcoe Smiths Cop Intermediate Wins IMMIXONIIIIP 10 Emma By RICK FRASER Sport Erlllor inn minu nm Jury Au lllthlnf Jnnn Muchl Ghmlu ltd In Anqu on our RM Frunchra ln mum Ill Nullanll lulu load In Iwo mm hy Iwullnl lhI nmnuup Mum 14 Trlmhlo who Aludylnl Fromh In hll spur me III X70 In at FrcnthCanndlnn lnlu lIII rexulnr Aloutno llncup Ind hrllll lhl wnhnd tar lha Qurbrc Llly nu la look over lnul Illenl Ind hold 001M rIInI qr younnnl molhlnl Mm Id In Mnurlln MIL m1 Ill II Ind Mn Jlm rnjoyl doin Ind lll lho llml nl lhlnl lhnl mm new 1in momma rrnm KIIMnow Twin hll mu llAm lumur NHI dmu In In mm In victory our Mtlo Whlll Fm Tl Hui mm In hnh marl confidean In TrlmMo lhm Ihey dill Wormn InlrL 11 pink pnpcrl were Ippll callonl or own data 111 vrlm mm to um de pending on ma locnllnn In no 2231154011 Mnlmn Sudlum In unchanged mm In ytnr Workmln altsIbuch lhll url lncrtnud Inln ncw MIX lb lcnm treated by conch Jlm TrlmM Icqulred rem llnmlllnn TInrCnll In wlntcr renllcollgrry Mon MONTREAL cmmom of In Monlml Alouellu to II phun Ioma Iha lamous French Cnnndlnn enlhulinum tor hockey mm mm may bu liming to pay Look ll lhll uncrnlmnn nuer Ted Workman mld Friday lmlnx lhrmlnch thick plnkmlnred paper mm In desk hm In new 1am Ind mas lhem In thinning Blll Manbouquctlo pitched Bolton declalon uver Delrol and Knnm City oul led tho AI Annie AnzeII Both the Orioles nnd Yankee continued vlcuzry mun Ba llmora pushed game ahead ol 1110 Held with In mm in row 74 over Clavclnnd my Mlka McCarmlck won hls In In he lunzuo Jua Pep lnnel lhrnu nm homer and Whltey Fordl lehl pllchlng carried the Yank la their mirth Llralghl over Wu klucbrew flow form this union mar belnu Killebraw who has been hut the Wins balked across live runs with grand llnm homer and ainglz then re tired altar eight Innings with Mlnnesatl holding seemingly 53 63 lead However Ron Hansen lied lhu more within an In the lap oi lhe ninth in ning by belting Ihree run homer and il was Hull Kille brewn defensive replacement in lei fluid whn won it Tha Byeamid moklu rapped twwun homer with we nwny In the last at the ninth giving the Win their iiitil ltraight victory Ind the seventh in their last eight games The ion stopped the White Snx winning min at our and dropped them to third in the American Lemma lcramble be hind pailimprrernnd New Ymk Hnmmerln Harman slarled Minnesotas lying Twins wing lng but look undersludy Jlm mle Hall to apply the clincher ln Frlday nlghta Mi lrlumpli aver the Chlcngo Whlte Sox our run In the cvanlh will no one out Gearza MacDonald was called In In qulel dawn Lakevluw and he an the job done althoughLakeview had he flelnl run on second will anly mm away MacDonald got Run Rlnncnrd and Don Jones on pop ups to end ha Innlnl and the Left iieider Tum Garner we the big producer ior the winner he drove in three runs with two singles Ind secriiice fly Pnul Priest picked up three Lnkaviewe six bite your sunr rim By JIM ACKLEMAN AnoclIed Pm Spam erler Harmon Killebrew tcad off gng caddy Iank the wlnnlnl Phil Marshall look over Klm lermnna chores for Lakevlew 1n the second Inning Moss Winning New Grid Fans Barrie ingcee appeared head for lopsided victory over Killebrew Understudy Power Twins To Win Second twin ll lo II lnrrl Son Nut Thlrd ll Windllald lurml Camber Al lo And fourth up hnico Involvln Conn Bmylhul Wnrrlarl on which hIndrd llnyal anln In only delm Hull mum nnd Iho and Il Klfllllflll lrlm Maple nolh Ila nllx ml the Ihlrd payment The orluinnl nominallon lea wan pnld prlnr la Dec 15 MI The umnd paymcnl WM 30 paid prlnr In Doc 13 1961 InI payment at $500 mull bu made by owner nnterlnu Ihalr Im so Iwo dnyl Minn lhu rnce making 110an Map lho lnvorllo Jockey Club odd mnlcr George Duflul holed um Ihn Montrentownzd coll whlch wn brtd by Wlndlleldl Farm hld wan Inc hll hm mm lhln rlnn and had In oplnlnn maul lmprmlva form nnmlnm that luv red Hm tar NEONN CHflow Ml pIe Ihs hly ml which mm In mynl bluo and whlto Illh Mull umque Mont renl was made In Ivoth la today for flu llmh run nlng tho Quecnl le ll qugibing June 15 nd nlna IL rcmnln 111 or flu clan alc or lhreeyenruldl mm In orlulnnl nomlnlllan 11 281 lollnwlnz plymtnl mo IuEgrlpllon P1 lz Davo Nichoilon hit his ninth bum in the seventh of Dick Stigma Ind Hanun knotted with his biow Against iha Min nexutl Iouthpsw In the ninlh But Lenny Gmn opened thl bottom of the ninth with sin ldled by had knee In hII nlnlh straight am with run nroduclnl Ilngla In the fourth HI rand slam hen earned flverun mm mum Wh Sn Simeon In the second game bc arc Le Jolllfle settled down and the Slmcne banstarted huynml Arnold Neal ncnl Jaycees of and runnan with three run homer In the first Inning and Dan MacDannld doubled home John Muloney In lhe second for Harrie lead Jaycces mny lust as We have gnnu home alter that Jalllfla Illowcd only an tnIIed nlngle over the has Inning Jolllfle the nnly pitchér In either game to finish what he markd retired nine row In one llrelch and 13 the last 111mgn he faced ree run second Innlnz bounced Slmcoe back Into the picture and chased Bums star ter John Mano the Ihowen Royal Maple Is Favorite ARMON KILLEBREW TONIGHT KEMPVIEW BOWL 730 Players Festival PGW IHG FINM 1Charge Companion Gene Lipscomb hamemlde Iyflngo found mar Lipscomb In kitchen Black apartment clly medlcnl exlmlncr Illd Ihm warn need math on Llpxcqmbl mm During prellmlnuy hearlnx In munlclpnl court IuUmnny wu alven that Black mad Imaman In whlch hl Id In IlIW Upmmb Inlcc hernln me hit Arm Black no on moo ball An Iulaply Ihowed Lipscomb died In overdose heroin Ha had 9111 ed or Angela Rams Ballmon Colu Ind Pituhgrgh Slecjm BALTIMORE ANTlmolhy Black 25 complnion pro loolhall pllyer Gene Ell Dnddg Llpsmmb the night bu are dicd was chmzed by grind Jury Friday with mum In 13 equjpmcgnt HMmu ihpmmh wu found mom Ill lhn moman May 10 in mean ypmmpm Bamm righthand Monbnu queue held ula figers to Mt Ind struck out 11 hi and our Delmll pitcher let an American League record and fled the major Ieagul llnflc nme Imkeoul mark with leum total of 75 Frank Mnlzona led the Red Sex of fence with homer doubla ard Ilngle Brooks Robinson hngi per fect butting night will homer two singles and two wllh im the Orioles winner in oi hair ins 11 game mi thlni Eascmgn lfuncketl In three mm while Russ Snyder banged tyingmu homer McCormlck an oilseason ac quisition from lha Giana who dropped his 11mm declaionl In Ih American league posted his first victory with relic from Dave McNally Sam Mc Duwell Win the loser Pepltnne who failed in cum through twice earlier with ha base lull mud on out decidad It or the Yankee with hil threerun homer in Ihe Iixlh Innlng Ford mnde hll season mark 53 and iamnllnnal lifetime again Washing ton New York now has won nine It has 10 while lhn taggeran Senator hava lax 111511 nzvggnd ll orlrlsr Jollliie nldcd his own cuuse wllh iwxrnm ingie in the sec4 and Jim Walker drove in pair with two iingies and Joe Walton David Hayes Leighton Smith Clarence Rinchan and Marshal Aikins all picked up two hits inSimcoeu Nhil alluck LakEvIew 010 020 Smiths 229 202 ale and Hall ended matters on the first pitch he new rum laser Eddie Fisher Sllgman nay via yhe winner when lhcy exploded nr five runs In um lhlrd Render Dick For bes finished the game and he was tagged for we run In lhe lourlhk and three In the lltlh kl UI Chm Ynur Whrel Alllnmrnl lull gnuVI Flock Ahmlm HmIrV fompkln lrnnl En lurmmlou pulhlul WINTER WEAR MURDOCK x1 mnomo 81 PA 82202 TAKE CARE Secnnd Gnme HARRY Fin Gum

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