43W MasSev Calls Bilingualism Key To Unity Nllh autumn muan mlbod In fllnlflmlfl Mlh hue wnrdl Um Norm Allumlc Cuunril nnnmmml lhq lvlvlh nl Hill In morally tr mm In Imarnlllnd nu rlur mull not Inn mma In ha anrIIl cummunl JMK DENT OTTAWA CW11w Vutrm llllunr II today launcmd rm lha ruml Inward mullllnlcrnl nudaar dolrmnl Tho hummus nl umh 1ch um mnclnlnml Frldny In communlquu hum lnllnwing Hun may Inknan lnlh nmnnl mlnlpm mpmrnnnl lh mtmlwr cl NATO Mlnlnlnl upwo Ihn Iloxu luhn In or nlzu the nu dur lurm mlznnl Io nr Io he nulgmvl In he Fupmm llml mm Hump Inlorm Id they expect mrclinu In lho nul cw Mclu vl palm lhu wny la llnnl Io llcmrnl ol the rlvnlry between lhu Cnnndlnn brunch lhc ï¬ll Ind the Canadian Mnrlllmo Unlon lupporlul by ha Cann dlnn Lnbnr Comm 11w do nrihrd the outlook mu cqurpulnu uAnnLn monruson WASHINGTON CPI v5 Labor Socrclnry Willard Vlm lull accuscd Poul Hull nml drnt of Ike Seafarers Inlcrnn IInnnl Union of Norlh America 01 lnlluro lo recognize the gravity dlwule between US and Cnnndlnn unlonn Gran Lake In Vlrtz nccompuulnd nu ll Hull Frldny wlth call 10 prompt canvcnlnz new mctllng Cnnndlun and Us lrhor lrndm lo wk mille men he unlnn Ilvnlry at tho IJJI0 ol Iha dpulo Ben Bell announced Algerln whlch cm of French rule iast yenr hnn 10000 volunteers mdy la hullle tho Portuguese In Annals and he demanded um the conference extend lm medlnu aid to Hhtrnllvn th The cry 6yearold volu lnnary mm realm ava lm ye Klmk In Ihu almnllnu conference an Immrdlnlc my part mm the moderate pm dan of Tanganyika Jullul Ny mm ADDIS ABAEA Ethiopia Prernler Ahmed Hun Bella Allcrin Issued virtunl declar Iuon of war agnlns Portugal Ind Saulh Africa Friday at me Mrlcan Iumml conference He tailed or immedlau mlmnry Icllonr MIGHT EXIST all Canadians national hummus Auggcsled that all young people who complete two or more year of hlgh schoul should he required to have reading knowledge of ulmple French and ho nhle to utter In French at least law rent enccs at once correct and cum prgquhle Furlher everyone planning tn enter profession or the led urnl or provinclul servlce at their higher levels should make himself thoroughly competent in both written and spoken French In convocation address at Carleton Unlverslty where he received an honorary doctor of law degree he called for de termined eflort to bring nhnul hlllnguellxm slep toward nnflanajynlly nssey said he spoke as an Engllshspeaking Canadian and am very cansclnus of our mars Ill lhe past and In the em OHAWA cmFormer luv ernorzeneral Vincent Manny warned Friday Ihat the true dialogue between French and English culture In Canada In In danger of rerlon Interrupuwn InterAllied Force Started By NATO Sees Conclusion To Union Rivalry Vlrii wpuhllrly rapped Ben Bella Set To Fight SA 99911 Your No 122 7P 1mm APchnlm Far Examinenwant Ad Talo phonn PA Mm Th tolephonl number lo call for tho Buslnm or Editorial Dept PA 06531 Our Telephones spoku buth he maim all 11w rommunlqnl Ham only In munuln mlrllmllnl ma newborn lnvrulllcd In llrluln wllh III bomhm Ind lhe Unflul Sll wilh lhru lollrln whmnrlnu no Inntd In Modllmlnun llowurr mm In uporlld In nmln Ill Euvnpunhmd Ilul no lowIncl lpl imme uh Hwy hocnmu fully up mlloml Ind nuiwed Illh nu lunarI um mrnl howv hl lha rnvln Ilomd um wlll lulu lnn llml la maltmllu In 1m Hm many obllclu In ill lnlvllnhment an In In mm mm nlnr mun Kenning mulll Inlml mm wllh new mlml nullunnllly mnnnlnn lhc nurlmr weapmu dellvcry va emu mm TAKE TIME Clo Pm cnl 00er Mnnny mcl Mny nnd planned lo mm nxnin In June nul lha urgcnry ma lune mly canny lho am lha nut mccllnl la Idvnncad ll wu lcnmed Th Cnnndlnn EIU ll locked In 1le with lho CMU and mnnngcmtnt Uï¬con4 trolled Upper Lam Slllpplnfl Company of Tumnlo over mun nlnl at Upper Lnku Ihlpl The cumpnny which or Mrl had In conlrlcl wllh lho ï¬IU lelrhcd lo the CMU About your no And mm 300 SIU mambm Inn lhclr 10m Inr unlmhlnu volley chamu alrllor lhll week again lenderl Cnnmflnn ln but all had nld ha would my part In ha hill the Cnnndlnn SIU nnInxl lhu CMU PLAN To mm wnu Canudlnn Labor mm or AHIH MnEuchcn Clluda oï¬oln LC pryldmlL and Our charler wlll ha wzn on agnlns ua unless we cslahlsh hand nl bland wlth than who Ire mm In South Amu Argo Ind 31019mhlqp NIymr nlso drew lhiï¬demul up sVawlllh his rcapome Win In ure our gnlanl brnlhcr lmm Aluerln hrnlhnr nen Bella lhnl wo are pro and la dlo little at lhe lnnl removal of humlllullon cl colonialism mm Ilu lnco ul AL rIcu lhe Tnnnnylkan Ialrl enking the cult he calm on all Amen to dis mun for random areal rt malnlnu under oxclan domlnn on Us urged lha adopllnn charter or African unity but added In everybodya business It la most particularly Ihe busl ms at young men and women Ilka you preparing to alter your prolmlons You are Canadl um 11 you have not learned your other language you have not fully entered Into your herll age and you are no equlpped Io Improve and adorn ll an you xlwuld here In Purluguese Mm zaylblqige nudflln 50th Africa The fundamental solutIan 01 our Canadian problem does not lIe in documents however he lul they may be We will on achieve lull measure unity when the people Canada un derstand what mean and de sire ll as means Improve relnalluns between French and English ram Mr Massey declared problem of Canadian dilunlly might Itill exist laid Mr Map lay Nevertheless bilingualism would do much in enlarge ihai lrue diniom betwezn our 3th culture which has been stead ily maintained by good Canadi ans French and Englishspeak lng but which il new threat encd with legion disruption Noting that kinda enrqulrm leglslauon and VBHWI kind of regulation mile been sugggsled The problem In urgent he laid Frlxlny mm and Indy hun llndn pormnl lwlnullnr la the VMIIHII nullonnl In lllml nml lhvlr mu va nfllclnll In NATO wen Iuln lrnm lllll Ilmmrd out on Io mum la lhalr harm lvmm Candnl nlornal IllIn mlnhm lnul Mmln de mllml lh mnltrmto nod mm and ulrl lhI luluAX In tum wlll Ilwllhfll lln Wulrm nlllnnre Mr Mum and Mum Mlnlller IIul Hal lyrr mic lur lnnndn mo mullnu whlth look place In no huvllmuudui Wu mod nl llllllmPnl lllll rltnr wuponu Inwmi flu rnd oi HIII your Aml llulxlum 11m erhulnmll llnly unrl puIIIMY Franco In rxpeclml In ullln lnfllul nlr unlll Umltr Ihl nu rlmmlu At Ocn Lyman km we nctcpl lhe cocx Manta two cullum and hen muu ICCtfl Ionlul tam Icquenm or we do no bo Huvo In It and 1th the anrh Cnnmllnnn up on mlnnr Hy lhnl II DUIle but whlch wn hop In Its dllnppcnr lho ï¬rst session ï¬le Iccond Vatican councll In llama last lull ha nld tho clfdllk all name was mcnUancd qulla pmmlncnlly an pouiblo pupal candldale And one of he warldl mas nromlncnl Cama Hc laymen President dc Gun Prince ha ccrlnlnly coma outnllmnzly lar Cardlnul IA LONDON Onl CPI Pro mlcr Jun Leann ul Quebec mid Frldny that Confedera Ilan ever hrcnkl up It will bu beuum way Io kup Qucbco In hnl not been luund Addrcnlng the Iprlnu convo mion or In Unlvmlly Wm an Onlnrlo when he recelvtd In honorary degree Mr lflKD nld Cnnudl hnl wo chalcu Fnlhcr Abbott In Monlrenl lo nddreu he Innqu mnvoclllon of Loyola Colleuflnld ll no oxaggeratlon lo lulu lhal any prnnauncemcnl lhe curd nal makes mauled through out North Amcrlcn II no lhruughout he cnllm churéh an mnjnr and lmpurlan mlb men thought MONTREAL CmThe ed lur landan Jesuit period Ical In the United sum Ian PaulEmlle Cardinal Leger Montreal has been mentioned qulle prominently in high enclulasllcal drtles as can dldale to become the nut pope of the Roman Calllollc Church Rev Waller Abbott feature edllnr ol the weekly paper Am ulna said In an lnlervlcw Io dny lha Cardlnal Leger re gnudad one the most lib eral mind In the church and lndlcallons are he would have monfl Eurapeln Iuppart boll clerical and lay There has nut been am Imllnn pope since the 16111 cen tury Tha Pope Who begun nun day period of spiritual retreat and rest Friday said momm masl In his private chapel No official announcemml was mad hm on the condition oi tho 31yearold panllii who rui iered severe relapse our day ago in illness slam uch disorder beliaved to ho Ili cer or cancer CP mm APvï¬eulen VATICAN CITYPop John spent tranquil night and shuwlng improvement ollowlnl hb relapse Vulcan mums my logay If Confederation Falls Apart It Wont Be Quebecs Raul Mention Leger As Next Pope Pope Spends Quiet Night OPP Continues Search For BeetonjYOungster nla Inrrmo lulu no drama IM mmnrmnl Idmllo II In Im III llw Ill nllnn nlhrmlh Iln Invnllmml hum lnuwl the mu not out 1an wllh lhe inrmnlnl Nkl in Ill on flu wmld nur MONTREAL CPITho prim nl min In Cnmuln hu nlmnat douhlul In Ihc lut nlx monlm numm who lhIA Ink um lulu 70 nr mm or In pound Imualul llu lame nmmmt In make lhrlr Owll mu aim lnr Wrmllor lu nilm ï¬uprrmo Alllvd Com mnmlrr In Euwxw wlll luau drpuly mpnmlhlo In hlm nr unclrnr nllnlru Thu dapuly hnl no yr been than The xovcmmenls decision In comml nuclear forces In tho NATO and NORAD alliances ls certain bu debmd nxnin when Prime Mlnlsur Pcnrson move for he eslahUshmnnl pedal Common cummmeo an delencc Sute Secretary Plckcrr gill government House leader announced Friday night that the mollan or dclnnce mmmlllea wlll ho lhu ï¬rst cm of ovum In lhls locum cnxell over Conlniumllun nlll apart wlll no he hmqu Quebecho po lillcnl valcu FrenchCanada hl ram IL wlll bowbircnum ho wny lo Imp urbtc In II no been lognd nldMr Laue Thu premltr who lpoko In Enalhh Illld mnny PunchCm mdlnmu no ronlly ml at hnm Cnnndlnn Cumulu Thh rcllnu wn mum reccn nw ever In lhn nwunnm um hul Iuddenly nppcnml In Frrnch Cunndn Iml nnrdruhrly Quo bet the um wher Frtnth wonkan Cnnmllnnn Ihnuld plnr from now on In our munlry OHAWA CWAn Illuu In Just wont dle tha acquislllon of nuclear warhcnds will mm In the Common again next vmk Govt Watches Price 01 Sugar ExIernal M13 Mlnlsler Paul Martin right answer questions during pm con Parliament To Discuss Warhmdslï¬Sueéwh BarrIILOnnrlg Canflu snugthy Mly15 1963 Hy RONALD LEBEL PRESS QUERIES GOVERNMENT MINISTER SIN WacoIla In lhI Irlrn uv11ll lluy um uponl Mmul WTlï¬lll lama unlnl hulldnnH hm bun mnth lhl rivrr UNITED NATIONS CPI Thu Unllod Emu ncumd nun fill II In tnlglUIO In tho wovM PM The lecl Union led Dial UnIM mm 10 mm Inllhlnr at nominal 01 rhnmr In mnedlon wlm 13mg In 11 Conn Ind EIEL The mlnamy Liberal ovum monk erIVcd two opposnlon mm conlldcnco mollans lhls week and expeclod lo wulher he next veto MURDOCIIVILLE Que tcm Police and vahmlcrrl movmd mm Hm leflnmnlnl York lllvcr Frdlr lhn Mn luur um um fanned lrum enl Ilmrd br 1m nmc nu no bmllu In Hm ur Slx man no btllevld la hm In In lhu mlnhlp only lul chnudny Four perm Mmd Inlnly whm lholr um cur llnnltd Ihun nr am My llll been lunmi lhn Holml McCoy llnrnrholl Qm who vul In lhn mun mu lnlnl In work at Gupo Copper Mlnu In mm Hamlin mum ol lh rlver tamed mllan nl lhl 1304M hrldno In drvv and In Iht pm llnwn xlnrknm lhl ur drlvm Ill rvldly nl lhmltnlnl survival ul lhc Unllld Jutlan lhe lhrnnu Ipeech debate WM enllrcly up lo he member and the government wan no Lrylnx lo abrldu the realm cl much There wnl no commcnt rum opposlllun benchu Mr Plckcrlxlll Illa In nuunccd that lho ovornmem wlll uck nexl Friday an lnlcrlm supplyV Volt cover lho ovum mrnll dnyloday upenm lur Juno and July Anolhtr lnlerlm lupth mollnn would be llglrw ducc In July Mn Ilckmiill lnld the Com mons the government would he xrnllfled If he widetannin mane speech dcbule ended boo lore he deudllne 515 wn Wednesdayhnu um Iha Hume could not down busineu the much earlier 111 10 MEMBER men buxlncas lponsored by he new Liberal udmlnlnuauon The defence debate will mu Thursday 11 lhe throne Ipeech debulo last the mnxlmum duh almn dnyl Say Reds Trying To Kill UN Find Third Car In York River mm In Ottawa yesterday Defence Mlnhler Paul Hallyer Ian And Mr Martin wfl port Merlm Iupply II pin IN eou lieu3W asTun AllME NEW YORK cmmun John Brawn 34 wnnltd by Vancouver polite In connection with In mu men than $500000 rom thn 100m Ar mated Cur Ca wu returned here mm Illa dc Jnncim Indy by pollen Drown VIM ho lull min In have lha economy lecllon VIII Alrllnu noel 70 let lollnwlnl nonIlop mm mm ï¬lo Ila wu nut an pIInl Frflny byBmllnx1 an ha plnno ll an York Idle wlld Airport van ncrompm ltd by In Inlupol pollcnmn Alvaro Caurelcno who Immedl Illy mnrthod Mm Mn cur tom and lmmllnllon WNDON mum Police Ileppad up their wild on um Ih pom Ind IIIWIII min or my tummy lo mum on lhl £15000 wuflh old bm hldl llrfl bl The avemmenll nuclear poL Icy and In lnlenllon In have two alriculhlra mlnmm um um fire rum Conservnllvu gen bylllnn xobbzry or menhry davlca to Ipprnvu Bov emmenl xpendlnz when depart menhl ullmnm hlve not yet been mud The new cell mite have not been Approved became of the 1m two elcctlam Ind the 1961M esllmnlol are expected to be tabled Ihmlly 1MB Agrees To Rate Changes Police Watch For Gold Bars on the NATO count meeting to the House cl Common on Mondny CP Wkephola Say Browns Removal Is Shocking Incident VICTORM CmDeputy Ill BEAUDOIN Eumlmr sun Reverie NEWMARKET new lead In the 10 month old cm or myumld nmnulna Bakerl dlsa penance rum Beaten wu rec ved early yesterday mer MIL Nevar It In Ilm durlnu lhc dny dld we ml Inn lhll he would bu deprive ol lha duo pmcm law We hlva had nnlhlnl Io do wllh any kldna El m1 do not condom hl eln held in dalenllon Incom mun ado Tonunle tho became known million of perms across the country is know to hav been Hanmed sundly ï¬rmnoun Aug 19 1962 short dlgamï¬om her home One of the musl extenslve searches 1n Gnurlol history led by Inspector Jame Harris Criminal Invufllnuon Bureau of he OPP lollowed or over week The public portion the lurch wu called all but yes lmlay Inspector Hmls uld by phune We hm been IflVeSW ling th unceulngly alum lha day of her dilappunnop mm magmaION Yesterday Provincial Pollen Conslabla Ed Kaiw IclIng on Maxmanna melvod Ihmly ha lora 13111 began his lnvum mlon In the Namath am order 1mm Inspector and of Drllhh Calumbln Id Frl uy hf rogue p1 robbery Inspect Douxln John Brawn from Rio d0 Junclm wu shocllnu Ind the 110 anv frnmtnl hld nolhiu do wlm Wu hm had nn pm In um he uld wouldnt he rnny to It Everyuna II Inllllcd hnbm carpul The Idolmallon melved was that her Ibductor my have come from the Newmankc Ir anAanslabla Rel in said there was car In volved In lhe information but that It hu not yet been and RUMORS Tha mend porflon the tu mor mnmled recent Ham lltnn shooting 01 poflceman by Newmarke man Ind um ha man had been In Ihe ma It Inc time of Tommlel disappear Constable Kelao uld he had heard of tho rumnn dld As Ilmnl Commissioner Hamid Graham and inspector Harris but that In In we In con Rumor begun Io ellcums ear Ilu In lha any In Toronto that remnluoj Indy lud been ohm In In Ibnndoned In Iwnmï¬ In Ibo Nuwmlrket nu vncouvcr Sun Inld ho Lead Sends Constable To Newmarket Vicinity NM Moro Than For Copy12 Plgu oi Summuy an pm two Emmy toga nnd yourpm Pdmble Eiwui 1m Sand 399 Hm 51 Local Weather earned than no cannech between this Investigation Ind lhn rumors cum man car lnvolvedfl Cunalable Kelm returned to Newmnrket area this momlng and wax to be Joined by In spector Hmls Tammie dnulilier oi Mr Ind Mrs Thomas Balm who live six milesannih oi Ailiston wu last seen Sunday afternoon Aug 19 1962 with her young brother Allen three and hail yun aid at an irrigation pond swim min hola about 1500 yards mm due am home milmu 10 mm Inspector Hml mind from Toronto at mm the next day to lend lhe search News Imu mrl unlu arrived from Cnmp Burden at noon Hominy and were supported by regular per wgnel gram thgugqnl on Ho hu not been duer wllh any crime hero no be hcld In mm nutty ll pollcc hgniqunrlgn Then is no exludlllnn lmly between Canada nnd Emil Bu an dolnn our but to lend hlm back The only my an it out II ha ha Mend or Inwrr who will 1pr or MI hnbm corpul aint no ll hunch Ind we wvnl ME Ipnona llwyer Chch norzul In fuelld ll mm the kldmpp Itch nlquo wn um In Brownl Irml Nesday and 000 rawrd was mud or my Mammalian By Tuesdny mass crowd of wilcemun mldim airmen and valuntun duued through lur mundlnl countryside and hld not yet given up hope of India Llo llL Im mny 600 perm bud lather by Wednesday and an the urn day two men were questioned on the case The men were later released Ind mother man wayheld or ququnlnl on he Frldly bin lhh unln turned out to be lulu lud By noon Saturday mm lhln 1500 lurch were concentrat ed In the Sector um Semh heldqulrleu originally Ihe Baker tum had to be lrnnsrerry to the Beelon Communlty allowing Mondl 1h BunIa Exumlner pant that Um hunt wu over or flu publlc hul no or tho police The pol Ice mark just beginning uld Inspecker InnII week am the dknppeuranco Slum Ihon Um OPP luv Since Ihen ha OPP hm colvtd mlny lends in the me Ill which mutually had no dlrm bearing on Tommlnl dis Ippenrnncc wnl Rlo The ntwanuper quolcd RI Police Chic ammo Borxul ll XII ans1 mm No held lncommunlcnda In