Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 May 1963, p. 9

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ZOIIA FOLLEY Iclt Chandler Aria tact alon treals Boh Cleroux with Ielt and prepares to unleash right cross on his way to commanding Illround decision Hades Dbut Spoiled in Montreal heavyweight hout last night tCi Vlre pirate Bob Clerouvaay Quit After Loss To Folley MONTREAL CPI This could be the end at the line lor lighter Bob Cieroux it was clear he was in way over his head Thursday nigh against Zorn Faiiey In he attermath there were indications that maybe the French speaking lllontrcaler now lecis he was cut out tor some other held oi uork Holley the stylcmastcr oi the heavyweight division artiully evaded lumbering rushes and lashed out with still consularpunching tor concili slve to round decision The squareshouldered Cann dan took lcnriul pounding lie was staggered twice In the lpeniug round and nearly went town Iiis Ielt eye was pttlittl Iuse Ills tlody was mass at rtd spiotehcs And he was be wildered at the and id at dressiua mom later Cirrqu said he nnnlcd long rest heiure he started thinking at his inturccihen ha stomped oil to the showers Ig noring the questions oi report crs IA SAYS QUIT tried to get him to quit long ago said his father litur tln onetime policeman who vorked in the corner Annttcmpt meanwhile Is he lng made to coax Swedens In getuar Johunsson to Montreal tor match in July against Fol ley rlngwlse campaigner lrom Chandler Aria who cele trrotes his 31st birthday Itloa day It was Folleys iirst appear ance herohut his superb dis play against the onetime Cunn dlnn champion ohviousiy won iolluwing tor hlm loharuson announced his retirement earlier this month alter dismal nlheit winning perlormance Against Britains llrtan London But ho Indicated later he was reconsidering For his end oi the Johnson light purse Fulicy taunts the sameltcrms he had Thursday nIghtn 37000 guarantee with heoplion oi 20 per cent at tho Iigree Walker Cup Matches Will Be Most Interesting TIIITNIIEIIIIY Scotland It Captains ol the Hritish and llnlted Stnlrs Valkcr Cup goli teams studied lira draw or to days opening mutthes and speed the lllth cup meeting all he among the mast later csliug eter Under this new ayllrm cvt eryhodv gets gune said Charles Laurie non tying itriti team captain alter the as made Thursday Tuelve matches will he played today and tulutitcr 12 Saturday There will he iaur scotch iuursom nntl eight sins glcs matches stay All competition is 0t III holes with It points at stnk irttl Ius mntchev lune tneu Illillulti events with total ll 12 puitua ol rltthc 11 to nr or aiurtli nt Intuitsling or line ruyluuly nuItI Imaginel snul Iiitk Tulle the nonplaying US tin Tile twaiutll luursutr will he played In thel rrturniul and the singles In the allrrnoult Sinu lIIiI lllltIlttl Ituii rum prlttiuu was started In no he US It Mnu I7 nI tit It thus losing only In that ut St Aug rlrnwlt Ii ritlntt Imuklttukrrs lttnc xsllttlr lllt Alltttrltllns ItoI Nutrition to retain the trophy lIu urnn1 tttrrrsrl iitsltl ilttnsrlty vntt ni heavy rain soukrti the course until can pic at days gao Suddenly the rain turned to sunshine and the course has been drying out EQUIPMENT AT Wholesale Prices Bpalslinl TruFttln ianda trans ihoirsaio hinteun Countys leading Hpnrtlng tooth iiutlrl GARNERS WHOLESALE SPORTS as Dunlap Mill gate The out was the some tor Clcroux Both undoubtedly took the op4 ton because tho card drew standing room crowd at somo 6000 lor gate oi something more than 0000 with tickets scaled irom $3 to $l2 Defending Champs Deieat Russians IIIO DIS JANIIIRO iCPAPI Brazils delcndlng champions whipped Russias provlutrslyun beaten leans 9079 Thursday night and took sole posse on oi the top spot in the world has kerhnll tournament champion ship hrnckcl The victory tell the ilrazillans with 50 record and ltnssta with 41 mark each with one game to go In tho sixcountry roundrobin tournament The six muutry consolation round robin was completed Thursday night with Canada represented by Lethhrldge Na tionals winding up Its Iourth place alter deioating Japan 78 7A Associated Press Sparta Writer ta collar took over as mona Roberts Pitching By Jiitl BECKER Onllho strength oi his Ilrst nightvon the loo Oil Hodges ap pears to be in no danger ol avlng to leave the country Hodges moving trom collar ger at tho Iostplace Washing ton Senators uradny night lhllttng Irom New York Itlets who oceup similar position In tho Nalonat League Belore the game the appoint ment camo up ior discussion In thohail oI Congress where one representative said It Hodnes also do anything with the stoma Ing Senators he will be Just the man to take over the as ior cign aid program all seems to be solo at home for while Senators responded to new leadership by rolling over quietly beioro Robin iloh erts and Baltimore Orioles ott Ior their llth loss In their last 11 games Roberts hold Senators to two hits both by shortstop Ed Brinkman and didnt walk man as he pttchcd his third straight complete victory The savourold rIghthander lost his iirst tour this season MOVE lNlO FIRST The victory Baltimores ninth in to games moved Orioles halt game In iront In the Amer Icon League over the hits Chi cugo White Sox The other two games on the slim baseball card also pro duced shutouts both in the Na tionni League St Louis Cardinals moved back Into third place with 60 victory over Ch cago Cubs and Cincinnati Reds deleated hilt waukce Braves 20 Ernie Brogtio the Cardinal ace ran his record to sl with livehitter Letty Dick Elis worth who allowed only iour hits In seven innings was the Cub victim Catcher Geno Oil vers homer In the lllth ac counted ior tho only run Ilm OToole won his seventh against three losses on three hitter against Braves Denny Lomastcr the loser threw iour hitter itcds scored in the lourth on an error and op double by Daryl Spencer oy added run In the ninth on an CIIHII Executive Is lieElected BRANDON tCilThe exam live at the Canadian Amateur llockty Association was re elecled Thursday to second oneyear term at the groups au nuol meeting here nrt Iotler oi Edmonton was returned as president Lionel hlIury oi Quebec City as vice pscsiderd and Fred Page at Fort William second vicepres Him Jock noxhurgh oi Slmcoa Ont remains immediate past president lawIve other error stolen base and single by Ken Walters Senators wasted little time showing their new manager how Ilie Is lived In the other collar Starter Cisudo Oatceo ova up Ill aix Baltimore runs the ilrst three Innings Solo homers by Al Smith and Jerry Adair and twotrun double by Jack Brandt were the big blows Hodch and the Senators had come under Congressional scru tiny duringa House oi Repro sentattvcs committee hearing on ioreign aid arucro chiei George hieaay asked IiHodges would make good manager at Senators Hep Edna Kelly oi Brooklyn noting Glls long service with Dodgers when they occupied that area said Anybody Irom flooklyn is bound to do good ch Wayne Hays oi Ohio Not In Eavor 0i NHL Draft BRANDON Illlrl CPIThe National Hockey Leagues par tial drslt Thursda received the otliclal disapprove of the Cona dtan Amateur Hockoy Associa tion Delegates at the annual meet Ing hers agreed on motion opposing the droit In Its prasont iorm First NHL selections under the partial droit will it made June at the leagues annual meeting In Montreal Under It aach NHL club may select iaur ldyssrold amateurs and pay the players last club or clubs $2000 tor his prolss slonal rights The CAHA wants universal drsit oi overgs Junior players by the NHL and other major proiesslonal clubs to replace the existing prosponsorship system under wh on players are tied up Delegates agreed earlier at the convention to take up the possibility oi universal drsit with tho NIIL Delegates wcra divided on the question oi whether the CAM should handle lha mono pay ments to the clubs ho ave player selected un er the par tial droit RULE out the possibility oi buy Ing used car at any other lot than DANGERFIELD MOTORS ill laxmi Years ago Adams distilled 29 greatvltiskicscoch with said All can say Is it he docl wa oupht to get trim to run tho Ioregn aid program Actually about the only man agsrlal movs Hodges was al lowed to make turned out well He yanked Osteen In the third or Jim Duohworth who blanked the Orioles the tool 23 Innings Osteen was the to consecu tivs Iolthandor who ioilod to lost against Orioles who are 121 against south own But 0s tcen was selects to pitch be Iaro Hodges took over Claims Boomer Ioining Leals NEW GLASGOW NS tCI Toronto Maple Leoie doionce men Kent Douglas predicts that Montreal Canadians right winger Barnla tBoom Boomi Gaolirlon will be with tho Leela next season Douglas said In an Interview Thursday that Gcoiirlon Is go In to be traded irom tho Cn nadlens and It looks like hoit ho Iolnlng us ilo sold the Canadians are In terested In several Lent piny era but wouldnt suggest who would be sent to Montreal In Exchange ior Geolirion Douglas this season became the ilrsl deienccmnn in tho NHL to win the Calder trophy as the leagues top rookie He was guest oi honor at banquet In Stellorton Thursday night and addressed gather Iug of minor league hockey players in Montreal Ken iteardon vleoprEsldcnt oi Montreal Cov nndlcns closed to comment on Douglass statement The rmcdlato Solthall League will try again tonight to Approve Plan For Tourney nnunoou ltlon tCPlThe Canadian Amateur Hockey As soclotlnn Thursday approved plan tor hockey tournament ca zitJan among three at the worlds top amateur teams Canadas Olympic club and tho natlnnsl teams at Sweden and Czechoslovakia will partlcl note In the tournament to mark the CAIIAI both birthday The Jubilee tournament thI be held In the Toronto area with the likelihood at at least two games at the single roundrobin In tllapla Lent Gardens Sweden will also play tour ex hlnltion games with other Ca nadian teams across the coun try and Czechoslovakia will play eight The Canadian Olympic team being assembled at the Univer sity oi British Columbia will also play exhibitions on the way cast to the world tournamentL VISIT Tho Bcsottial mortars Room lounge QUEENS HOTEL iilE iiAliitIE EXAMINEIT FRIDAY MAY ll 19 Doubleheader 0n Schedule For Intermediates Tonight upon us Hm schedule invites slated tor Tuesday and Tlrura day were enIlodotl due to poor weather but It Is hoped that the dntrhlehendor scheduled inr Queens Park tonight will hunt tilt the lid on the circuit Ior la season Lokovlew Dairy and Smiths Dairy cinsh In the opener Itt MS and at that Barrio Myers and Simone Ccop moot Tito senior league Is also well Ing ior Ilno weather to break through Action was scheduled or Wednesday and Thursday nights but had to be postponed However two games are on top tor tomorrow night Elmvols hosts Edgar in no white Truc lovc lleatlng and Stewarts dls play their talents at Quecna Park in the other Both games will get underway at 845 pm mourn oEuvsrtIEs Farm Home Industry SIMIIIJE PETIIIJLEIIM LTD 75 ANNE 51 PA 82563 you drive INVESTIGATE THE NE torturotostad at speed youll never noodi 30 Nearly Indestructible ORLD OF Its Replaced ItEE if It Blows Out Use The Cash BONUS COUPONS For FREE INSTALLATION and WHEEL BALAIIGIIIG WItITl ar ILACKWALL TUIILlll TUII TY All SAMI HICI Learn how relaxed drlvtnq Thanks to SupqrLostl Soisty 99 At sustained high speeds your our tools so easy to handle Youll enoy new measure oi consiort quict and riding IO Call It Prsmlum Tire Luxury The stylo Super Lostlc oioty 99 High Spcttti Nylon or what ou willtho high The puts Soiotv Ftrstl It will moon to GOO conbe Yea Canadian Tire puts price on this supertire but no higher than others for that ordinary topprodo tires Nome any brand you wish IUT your trade discount and special old tlra tradein allowance on like money In the bank when you som pou YOUR FINAL TIRE COST at Canadian Tire Ask Canadian Tire about Saint 99 DEAL tor Youl NEW inot ratraodII its own distinctive characteristics and then aged them HASTS not Illondll Hi ans mar oIhIrI ONLY wrest rule roaua not In rs to tnthuas All use in to WANTED inlrnntrn Tsntrlirra and Bull tlrusnttr wlut rrnulro euuunnle ul null tiltllit lrnuspnrtulrnu AVIS In Ilntrir have all moire Nul Irrvulrit nt rlrlelrl anuti Miles to Irae In opcclal oak casksNowtlamsllos married there for Compacts Standard Core 88 ONLY wrm cull ra ADI not sum an InIntras III It SE NYLON TIRES VII toot MI Itor WU ililii and Many rare lrlhics to create the stlpcrl lisvour oIAdornr Private Stock 50 besure to try this custom Irlcnrl presented in It crystal decanter Int popular price at ax 14s ltd Prwate Stock CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHIUKV Thomo Adams Distillers leitadTornnIo iur tpmiailtlm rontarl iilll Iinndhv ul IA it til In linlrio ASSOCIATE STORE KALLIO LTD IIO DUNLOP ST IA 676418

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