Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 May 1963, p. 13

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IIITTMNI TIIIJ llmll IMlnllnn Hulln lllnnllll Irlnlnml MI lfmnprnn llzhl hrnv FIRM lmxlnl HUI nunulny lfirotlml decl Alnn nrrr mmlmulv Inflwntrn TIMI mhurmvnn of Well lop may nut uuu Lamb IMPLEMENTS and MlSCEL OUS Dnvld Brown 000 Tmrlor dim molar tum plnlrly artmauled 16 Grain Auger John Dme Jlurrnw radar plow hyxlmullr polnl lllllll wrlnx lrln Mam Jan Drcrc lmclur culllvnlur ML hydraulic John Dccm Pmmr Maurr cut hytlrnullc new Inlnmnllunnl Side mllv try fluke nn slml flood rondl llon Allls Chalmers llnlm good kl Mll 7vll cul qu1 1er qur rnmplrl mmuplmne will mord qunullly kllrlxrn tqulpmrnl llwlmom 5mm rnnmlela Iuiru 00le Ilnnm KIL rhru uxrlmnnh Grnrrnl HIT lrlr anlmm Mnrhimx 1M mu lvlthlnlrr Hrnlurnlnr gum rmulillnn unl It Will Kpnu llrmrr law at nuan Hurdwnrr Qunnlly ol llyuml ram Nrw Dunn Mrw nthnr mlirlu In lllndtr lh cnnvm compme Inlernnllnnnl grnln separator 22 dmo hell Al nrdnr 21 Mo olmnlur hp rlcc molar in drum lnrmm an lnndrm lrnflnr din Sump Pump chllon Drug IIerws drnulmr clcrlrlc mew othhull NWnub 7rr drill clovrr mdtr lulunu Ionnl com blndcr Inndcr new new Spray momr rumm Hrrrl wnaan wlih ruck NIH lmv Hnn pIrkup 20 1mm Xmanllnn tuol drum unnllly Illcwl 0H Sunhcnm ulvrrprnlllo rlrdrlr tllmm Illu ncw QuumlIy win or rlcc lrlc lrncm Hurdrzm mura mm Qunnmy hmbnl wlre vaulliy me Mlx yrlrmu grim Iredrr hnlnl leu Muxrlu and many onw nrl um 41 cans sand as new Strainers Pails Lister Cream Sonarflora GRAIN 100 blLshuls Garry 2L Ivy Spurting Clndy Born March 1963 22 Ivy Crawlng Mlllle Burn Aprll 10 I961 MILKING EQUIPMENT Unlymnl Mllklng Mnchlno unlls outlet or cows pip Ing motor completely om led 13ml 1qu Cooler Forest City Dlana Reg Na 3195 Born Jan 22 1939 Fresh and 0pm 19 Forest CIly Polly Anna Reg No 310100 Born July 18 1958 Bred main Hard Slrc Don Head Crowlnz Victor Rog 251215 Burn March 19 1959 rcal good bull Ocl l7 Lambclhs Llndn 2730 Born March Brod In frthEr July 15 Ivy Sparkling Prlncesx Reg No 332280 Born March 1960 Milking Wall To fr¢5h on Dec Reign lssa March Kw ND 24 195 Milkin rasth Scpg 13 Ivy Nance Dreamer Lucy ROE No 332261 Bum March la 1960 Milking Well bred to treshenOct 10 ll HHH Nancy flog 70 mm Born March 1960 Milking Bred to freshen Oct 15 Dell City Sparkllug Man Reg No 287142 Born Nov 1955 Bred Chnlsworkh Lodge Rs Beau ty Rog 306311 Bum May 51 1957 Fresh and 7pm 10 Chatsworlh Lodge Lulu Reg No 315707 Born March 30 1958 Fresh and opcn 1L Chnuwnflh Lodge Stand ard Beauly Reg No 217755 Born May 25 lm Mllklng Bred agaln Sept No 1955 0f Rezhlered Jersey Callie Bulk Coolar Milking Equlp menl Sheep Farm Machinery Grain and Household Elieclr The undersigned has mired lrutnlctlons mm The Estate of the Late LANGE LOT 17 CON ESSA TWP limlle wcs oi Ivy Store 1V miles south WEDNESDAY MAY 29 AT 100 PM SHARP The following REGISTERED JERSEYS Dan and anlinnt Vlvlan Reg No 261027 Burn July 13 1953 Bred lo freshen July 22 Bell Clly Sparkllng hlllly Reg No 157780 Earn Feb 1954 Fresh and open ivy Crest lllllly Toilet Reg No mm Born Feb 24 1960 Bred to freshen Sept 21 Milklng well Larflhclh Sybil Beacon Reg No 317541 Born July 21 1955 Fresh Bred agan April Lamhelhs Sporllng Blundlo on No 317541 Born July 25 1958 Fresh and open Bell Clly Beldecn Verna flog No 194523 Born Del 16 1956 Full flow Bred lo lrcshen Oct 13 AUCTIQN SALE Forest City Auumn Flash No 316m Born 00L Illklng Bred lo freshen Lambeth Sybll Mary Reg Egrn Marph 31 Maicl mil Molly Grace ND 243530 Milkipg Brad lo fllklhg iBrcd lo freshen Ivy MgEIu Masaiglobe AUCTION SALE 13 EM and Reg No 10 I93 freshen onSchool Ru lslmllon TM Irqllrnllm IlIHdnn MM ll Inter Bud In yubllc nhmh llxc Tonnlhl Inmnlll Schuol Am No In 541nm In lain plan my Inllnwu Runnyhm mlunnl Nu IMJlhurulny My 30 ume pm ally Nu lzMumlny my 27130 415 pm ruulnu Na lMJyrdnmln Muy nzw Im105 an lnlmwlrk No lJMwlny Iny 71190 Pnlxl pm lluvmla Na IIATumnp May 1315 pm SI lnula No I7FIIrIuy Mn llIzm pm pm Klllyluih No union Nu UNI ulnm No II III my mm meh N0 Is any Illunmm Mu 21May IL lmnll rhlclun who will III mm In ly Dmmlwr 11 an mnnlly trimmed la main nmuunmnu an Alfll mm lnunu nub4 lo muva prod up Illa Im munlann an1 1r nullMm AUCTION SALE Snlurdny Juno at 12 noon ahnr or ORVILLE MILLJH Lot ll Coxucmlon Km Tomeulp our mlln Itrnlghl mum at MINOR um north At Jerryl Gurus In Mllflnn 5m 70 hend Dunllurpuw shmllmnw Cnllln Illih than ann Mnrhlnrry Grnlu Poultry and Inn nurth Hum Trnm uuh Na mma Um mm In meL JIIIHIY FOUHIILIN Aurunnm TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL SCHOOL AREA NO onSchool Ru lslmllon TM Iraulrnllm mum who nll mler had In In yuMlc nhmh llxc Ionmhlp Inmnlll Schuol Am No In swam In lain plan my Inlln Runnyhm Mun Va ullv Mn Is My 30 ume pm l4 Public MonEi loll imlu Enltlcrlm and some gnllm In nxllung Ihlpl my be summed dInI AUCTION sms Thnru nu lrnynlxcd In dculnflnns In tho mm Inbla lo prevent milling an days when he mth Thu nulcm also nu up or their mcnll nInmugh they haw lhclr own dlrglul mom Thu usual arrangement II or lhc crew In around mess able and he lamd by mm boy or form On MR Buy my muva alonz line Aclccllng nod mm In Lounur equipped wllh over head inmrrcd lamp In km llw vlllln warm MONTREAL CPI Thu 26 Ooolon Black Day Ihlp with dillcrcnm llx equipped wllh £10000 culnlcrin and says Cunndu Steamship Llncl Iho In Canndlnn luker lo be filled wllh cnlclanIslylo dlninz Iaclllflcl NORTH BAY CmA MW hlnhspncd snuxhbound mustn gnr luln service between Tim mlns and Toranlo ls under study by the Ontario Nnrlhlnnd Tram purlallon Commlnlon Lake Boat Mess Has SelfService HighSpeed Trains Considered Between Timmins Toronto The lnml cxnmplo was most unfortunate In the my younger brother had crush Lord Ogilvy younger brnlher Angus Oallvy cur rently honeymoonlng wlth his wife Princess Alexandra Be fore their marriage earlier nu month Angus llgured In number cur smasher Re tagging to lhls Lord Ogilvy Ia Tho main argument that corporations cannot be taxed oniy individuals and ihat con sumurs probably bear tho heav iest share Bucnuse monuinc turer allow or his to in tllo prico of his goods and then tho wholesaler mikes nnoiher Allow ance whlle adding his per centage tho in has pyromided far beyond tho original rate by the time goods go ihrough Ihe retolierto the consumer Just can understand ll he said My familys record almply appalling In the question Insurance claims Without doubt we are um clns smalhers of motor caraf LONDON AP Lord Ogllvy J7 Frlnccss Alexan drn brother in law aald Thursday he was happy about becoming an Insurance cnmA pnny dlrcclor but mysllflcd whx beg been chosen The Wrwcck Tornnto hear Inks which mdcd Thursday featured thousands of word on this particular Act at uni lederal rate of 50 per cent on lncpmc nvnr 535000 Provincial axe add up in two percentage pay an his the many Issue raised so 21 durlnn tho hearing the cor nrnnuntux mad alone In he ns lorpcdocd ram All aldes Consumer ruups vnrlous as suclatlons nhor and manage men all llrcd away the 10x TORONTO CHIf layman had to write report altar at tending hunting oi the royal commission on taxation or ha in six weeks his first room mendatinn would probably all for ihe elimination camera lion taxi Corporation de Being TorpedOed AUTOMOBILE SMASHERS FIRST cLAss SAYS OGILVY nnu Ha wn one Ilm yann nl Cnnmllnnl on Hm lnml llnu nr lnl flu Flrll Would Wnr murk Ing hh Mlh hXIlMy nl Moor mm In Flnmlm um Hxhllnl lulu Al Vlmy Illdu III unpe rlurl did 001 Illcuwr hll real mhln lulnnllly hurl hem dlr mund nhmlly ullor cnllnlmcnl mll ho wu hounded III Ihc Kllllfll lnmhrmlnnlo nl lil In llum In he med lnlu numu la onllll nl Um 15 In lhe HUI lllxMunder al Canada and minimum can min with lhnl rulmml or man MI life will the lmcnlnl hlalnry ll mo umn llr az thtrnn both world wnra nawlpnpcr mun and mnro ncrnuy prnmlnenl nm In puhllc rclallum hm ca Inpml mud mm Xrtcnwuod in ny Thurflay mm Wu ITho Cnnmunn Pm repnncd errantoust thnnsdny lhnl ho lrnvzIllnx Mme bulwun Tlm min nnd Toronxo now ll 24 huun nnd lhnt the new service would cut II by nenrly half Soulhbound service mm Tlm mIn lo Toronto now cnlllllll of no lrnlnl the all Norlhlnnd which mnkes ha lrlp In m1 noun and ruin No 4m which lnku 17 noon Both are oper mm aver Ontario Nnrlhlnnrl no hLlwun TImmIn nnd Nomi Hay and CNN Ilnu Ire lwctn Nnrlh Boy Ind Toronlo Timn cl depnnu mlns ma framed Onlarlo Norlhlnnd lrn has nu ye bncn dtcldcd but cxpcclcd la he nhnul 930 am EDT Thu new an lrnln wlll lcnvo Nnrlh run EDT dnlly Ir rlvlnn In my crvtcc de scribed by Mr Johnston still very much In tho blun nlng stage would prnvldo connection nt North Bay with Cnnadlnn Natlnnal Rutlwnyl Inst atlcrnoon North BayTor onto train whlch not Into open ntlun Juno an schedule Ivan hour nnd to mtnutea Johnston clln commission chflrmnn Thurdny Over Iha yenrl hero have been Jewelry loam mm lhell Nevertheless lhe Gennrnl Ac cident Corp recenlly lnvllcd hlm lo beam dlrcctnr and he accepted Lord Ozllvy In banker an Insurance director he cxplalncd with mile nm the perfect exam how to mtccrd In buslnw wllhoul really lrylnq In lncl mid Lord Ogllvy my lamlly la poor insur ance risk all around pnrtlctb Inrhly forljewclry Lumbar professional englnuer ln Montrenl called for tho ellmlnauon the an the gmund that It 11 hidden and that ail laxnllun should be In the open so laxpnym can aes Ihelr fiscal responslbilmcs mun prlvalo citizen ap neared In Toronto and said car porallon In Win evll Duran AngusI engagement ha wns lnvulved In two other smashes None was serlnns hnrwevar MVMWVOIHVVI youngest brother James he also hld hlgnshgrq egg3rcuble The anme suggestion cnmu balm ha cummlxslun Ignln In Tnmnto when Diversey Corpor ation Canada Limited recom mended that iurlax be placed on personal Income as Iuball ugg gr mm mm In from nl Kemlnxlon Palace two night hetnro his wed dillT It wnuld be helm he nu mind In In lhu Individual really rather than In In Inem clcnt Indirect manner Becausu corporation know he zovurnmcnl wm Inks hall their lncama they renrd dnl lar as being worth only so cenu he said They and to spend on such thlnus lavish ofllcem SHE updylangsi penred to carry lhe gut Im pact came mm Fun Ca pon Manual vicepreli denl DuPont of Cnnndn nnd charlerednccounlanl up reared helma lho commluinn Montreal on Indlvldual and said corporation um contrib uled to mu Inemclency MIMI LAWYER NEW YORK AP Hrli cun Stuns Allomvy Gunml Loull Imlkuwlul lormrr lnw nanoclnle Mu mud DIurI dny llLLHltd In Flal In mm unnnmrd much of mu Ilalo liquor nulhurlly 5mm 17200 Id In hnvn hlmlcd ulwll Iur muu mlnlxlmhll llrxl publl lunc llun lnlluwlng mlld hour ah llllk Aprll Gcncml Vunlcr luaklnu Ill posed lnr plcluru than III In chair welmme hl 90 luull whlch Included tho mlnlxlm unlor rcpmcn lnllvcs lhnlr mm and lenlor membm ul NATOI lnlcrnn Ilonnl Ilnll GIVES MEXICAN ADVICE MONTREAL CPI Miguel Altman tumor president at Mnxlco snld Thunduy Cnnn dle tnlry lnlo llw nrlnnlznllnn Amzrlrnn Slam II lhu vuly aunllbln mum or Canada In lollow Mr Alcmln belmn nmldcnl lrmn mm In mm was In Montreal to pmmnla lourllm an head ol the Mn cnn nullanul touncll luurlaxn 10 uMNm mu ST JOHNS mm cmm pmvlnrlnl arcrnmml plan In nddhnll nn hour to ho llm or Ntwloundlnndm lcnxl llml would the cllccl blll lhnl rmlvm llnl mulln In lhu Newlunudlnnd lcglllnluro Thun Jny Allurncyflencrnl Lulln ll Curl lnld lhc hlll would put Newluundlnnd ln lhu Allnnllc llma lune lmll nn huur behind lh wtoundlund Inn mnol ml hcro now Iv xrlme Mlnlmr non has agreed In men Prcmlcr Benncll lo disc cuss the Columbia River power ruled on Jun In Oluwn 2110 British Columbia prcmlcr snude the date Wednesday and Mr Penna wired Ml ngrccmml Thurxday morning VANIEII IS 081 OTTAWA CPI Governor Gentrm Vnnlcr wu has Thun dny Algungpcqn pg NATO But no you suns Itn unulm duyfluflofl at copy of PM 03W unass LEAD MONTREAL lCl Dr Claude Vnchun vluprcsldenl ol the Quebec Denlal Associa lion anld Thundly lhnl ll Montreal look the land In lluor 1dallnu Ila drlnklnz watnr pm llcnlly nll communlllea ln Qua bee would allow ll example Dr Vacth spoka nl lhu open lng ol the Iasoclnllona conven llnn whlch ends Salurdly Dr anhon nld ovary rcllnnnl an 01 he assoclallon ln lhu rravlma la solldly behlnd me den llunrldalud waler PRESENT BRIEF OTTAWA cm1m volcu of Women prescnled hrch Prlmu Mlnlrker Punch Thun day nruulng Ihal Canada should not bemma nuclear power vilhlnlho NATO or NORAD de lenco nlllnnces The brief was also distributed to delcnm nl tendlnz lhe NATO mnIslcrlnl council meeting here which has agreed on the crenllon nu Inlet nlllcd nncimr um In NAN RESERVES DECISION PORT ARTHUR Ont CF iliallstralo ii Cunnlnnium Thursday reserved declniun to June in lho municipal corrup lion trial or iormer councillor in adjacent Shuniah municipal iiyr Roy ng 79 pleaded not guilty May in charge oi oi icrlnl in accept bribe on or nboui Inst Sept la irom Nelson iormer rcovo oi Illa mu nicipality ln relurn for his help in completing aland deal GIVES STRAP KIKJIIENER CF Magis trate ll Kirkpatrick rent onced Arthur Porndis at Kllchener Thursday to iour stroke at the stray in addition lo four month doinile and 13 indeterminaie ior armed Nb bery Paradis was convicted oi robbing Kitchener mun oi 60 nt kniicxaini Porndin the court was ioi okiha money while man 7n yo Iian refunded held the 1mm mum To use 9101 cm BALLINGHAM Scot AP PnlIco raid Thurday Hah ermun atom ll NIchooXl lpt pmnkly Wu drowned by pound Ialmon When thoy re covered lha body Nichaols 11mm had dnnlh rip an MI fishing rod and at tho and of tha line was the salmon Ill hooked THE DARK EXAMINER HUD 59on WAs KILLER WORLDJNEWS IN BRIEF ll um pub unc 1x mild hour ab Gcncml Vunlcr posed Inr plcluru chair welmme Ill lch Included HUBERT Prjme fiun mm mm um yd Kldd he wlnncr In 1h I11 mile run TO MEET KIDD LONDON lfloulm nrllhh IOmllc chumplon Mu flauy wlll Innl Cnnndn Ilrucu Kldd In Ihpmfla mmpfllllon In Tomhln 1qu no Hyunwld llrlllm runner wnl defench by To mnm dlnlnncn Itnr ll 1m Em plrn Umnu In Inulnalll lull llnphad All hr For bonrd none am am to he meet Ik nvcr upecll nl lhl new 11 But Sthaol wih he bonrd Thu hoard uttplcd lho mlln nllan of one lcnchcr Mlu Imn Ilublduc Imd alto heard re port rum luptrvblnl prlnclpnl Marley Clemenl on prom ol lhu DEN In the vnrlaus Ithoah 0H0 STATION Special Fleld day or puplll 1n SthDDI Am Ora wnn by the board For Juno nl Oro Inlr mum All lnulm the board Illlcndcd um Mny mcclA lnz held at Leighl Comm school Fallnwlnu dlscuulnn an alt Iwne mvac In he xchoala lh an dccldtd la Iprly lnr phone 1cher nr Ichoal wflh bu raulu finned in London CATCH SOLDIER LONDON CF Cunadlun mllllnry nulhorlllu hm were advised Thundny Hut Pia David Ollvcr nhsenl wllhoul loavn Ilnco May 15 hld been taken mlo malady nbnard ha Ianndinn Pulflc llnrr Emprcu Canada due 1n lecrpanl lo dny Oliver wnl described member lho 2nd balnllnn dlfm figment Im CANADIANS ROBBED LONDON tCP Scntlnnd Yard was and Thursday mm Ir lnvullgnta Um holeLrnom robbery of lourlnl Canndlnn rackulng Induulry group Wll lum Ruwo Valkervllle Ont and Marc PcHeUer of Montreal told police lhcy lost mm 000 worth htlanllnnq In cludlnn levcn lunar Field Day Is Set For Oro Children uuuuu on Ihrlves Na market hm were closed and onu grocer rc pnnnd he was wall deep 1n debris PLANE DIVES AMSTERDAM Thu Nclilcn innds memoryAn irish Acr Lingus Viscoun flying from Duhiln Io Amsterdam made an emergency diva oi 11000 ice Thursday liter door unins lened and lhs passenger cabin deprenurized The piano landed safely at Schlphnl Airport and none the crew nr ha 26 passenger was hurt ninsi suffered mmo discomiorl through ian of oxygen ll lilo cnplnln dived lha piano to H000 ieel irom 17000 11 QUAKED WESTMORMND Cnlii MP lerier ai eurihquakes rum bled through the iush imperial Vaiiey Thundny cnurinx wide spread minor damage Harden hii were Tmenry and nlher nurnbieclg Itnpknd hands Letkuwllz rmsmbnr of Governor Nollon Hockelollnrl omen hmlly wu not clled In any way In the lndlclmonl Thu ddendmt In llyrnln Siege 57 mm or 27 yum with Le knwm in 1le firm lhut han many cm balmu lhu SLA Leflmwllx dropged nm of lha pmllco whun bccnm nllornnchnurll In 1951 TOP DENTIST DIES CALGARY CF Dr Rey bum Mclnlyre an pres donl ho Cam In Dentl Auoclallon and femur den the Unwmlly ol Albert1 dan Mslry faculty dlcd hm Wed nesdny He win 71 NEW PRESIDENT CHICAGO AP Robert McCormIck Schmon to win clocked pruldcm laday ol the Ontario P13 6a Ltd whollywwne auhsldlnry ol Iha Tribune Co Schmon succeed Arthur Schmon who wan re elected lo mm as chairman of um hour land chic execullve nor paper company Robert Schmon hId been rfiprraidcnl ol the Ilrm since Ila nu multnu lhu wlll mmtM In llnwka Jun 11 mu lhlod be In II lb Nlulyy clon lnl lJIma Eoinnmm com od Mu Doyd Mn and MIL Mulha MI TM um nl lh bun lrlp wlll b0 Juno ll Mlcr Jun new member In ukod Io comm fill or Mu llmld lorllrifll luluHulk Lam lhlnkrd lhu maker or her lnlvrmullvo Illk An Imunln munII conducted Mu link won by nu mm mounl comm lnr lho Cl CIM Sochly Nu mm Ill lncmu am 1991 dnluunn VIII mud la lhc nod Mlu Jennnclu GIIlu la he Slmcoo County Hull Unl And dlrcttnr H10 Darrin hunt ma Cnnndiln Mrnlnl Menllh Anacllllan Ipolu on Hw work Ind objcrllm dual lcrlnllon Thu you the Bar rll brnnrh lmprovl menu brink lulllliu In In county Thu prolrnm he Mly mul lnx b1roud Womenn lmlllula mu In chum at he hrlnth dlrmnu Mn Glbblnl commuted on lhe malln HI llvc wlr and yuu wont be Iltpped on She Mid lhal wo mml rcnow our mlnd Ind know he dmmnco belwecn wlnlul lhlnklnl Ind crenlivc mlnklng leo each day or Joy II Mlu Jennnclu Glllnnln In cl Gcmln mun ho conurvnllvo In Hnanclul and olhc bullneu mnum during 1963 You can make prom nlanu lhcla llncl wlpecillly durlnn early June In Sc amber and early Decem ber In lenernl you wlll hlvu lo milk or IluwY aloud pramcu Itsuns hawover be mar cndurlnu mun lime which an achluvcd In mun Ipeclncular Inshlon Domml lnlemls with lho excezllon 01 brch period In No vcm er and um Februury mould be Icrcnu and human loul Crtnllva worker Ihould Ind the month Juno Ind Octnbcr extremely ulmulullnu and prulluhlonnd Ill Gcmlnl 1le Health Director Speaks At Stroud If gall unwed mm pasl lllly mnlrlmony In Illa Junu Aulull or lull September Ind ha Illn tmilo happily on murrllm contracted dII ml analol thug peglada Illmulnllnn day 1111 wlll be period In whlch lo cancluda pendlnl matter and to inmntn plum connectud with OMrange project good purlodr loo lar homo and roperly nflnlrs or peruonm re atlonshlpl generally lnmarmw ll your birthday mn chnn prucnll sumo plena nl prolpecu or lhl year ahead upeclnlly where peranal millionlhlpl In general and romance pnrflcularly Ira con earned ron Tomomxow Fmcdom movement In luxhlun must The hobblo akin ll not or Iho dance not Drppy clothe look awkward Spike hecll not far apart clothesInd not or easy walk lnz Iny 11ml CCasunl cioulu In alum malarial cnn lake you every whm In column and Ilyle DDulnn¢r or mnnulaclur or label add dlsllncllon In your wardrabannd do lot your Inhlon lhlnklnz or you EExlrcmea urn dnnluraus unleu yau can nflord to lhrnw nwny dress when It begins to huge HWBIIIC Ilyle wllh mum lnl Accessory change can doub la the me your wardrobe AlMnpioco it tho look lo aim for Achluva by coordln nllnu ynur calm cultlnl down on emu New In lama uhlon 1va Hum to help you make dmuhu plenum Dyculnl whether to my home or lo cut Ihould ho pleasure but all loo Ire quently II can bu luurce lruslrauon and temper tantrums Now that kind behavior mith hnvn been understandabla In zrnndmnx day But in was when the lnxhlan am alter II mnu dally lulutonl to man who problems In almpln or woman to put lozelher work nbln collecllon clothes or ev ery occasion From the mhlon booklet How To WellDrama pub llshed consumer Icrvlca b¥ lho Union Label Doparlman tho Inlemllonll Lndlm Carmen Workm Union Copy thl was Fashion Tips From ToZ Tells You What To Wear By ESTRELLITA WHAT THE STARS SAY snitswm RIM Esmn child born on lhl day wlll bo hlzhly vmalllb bu lnclinud in such resUeunen and boredom wlth prnjem mixltd that he may not make lhe mm brlnl lhcm la xucceuml conclusion In can look forward to plenum Juurneys In lala June early July August nndar January eckllnc should Inner your law and Iha length ynur neck soft rounded calmx on urn lhln map or Vlneck lnu no turtleneck your ago flung ybgyo short neck man auun IWLK mom ashloncd the Idea lhal rtdhcnds cnn wur led lhnl tweed cant coma In the ally that nation Just for sum mer that show Ind hand must match PPnnu be worn only 0000 7500 IL Myalery woman glamorous ashlun adjective whrn you cm llve up In It Monotonaus and mused Ire dunlh la your luahlnn na 53 1Lcnther limes hm bell ahnuld bn lmled wlh rexpecl worthy or their value Pollah Ihncs keep hull nut belt bxlclilu and hundbul catches KKnlnud clolhea hund wmc my to pack may lo cure orbu bu am they aro enay on qur Hnumr $8506 for better or worse Turban should show flu or no hIlr at tho buck and Ildcs hal most Important mile lhu gm lIIa Alwnyl buy hat nan In up Ienlnn yourself tulxlenath lIndmuem way never to bu Always care how ynura drencd oven you think no am will son you JJealnusy of Inolhcr wo manl mm may be just lha spur you need to dress helm youmu Be Jealous wlUI clear head and Ihnrp eye for good Idea you can um 11500 alillor tho klnd you net mm mm and twin and dan llnl Jewellery urlctly or Iflgrva NORM SHELSWELL IS THIS THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS SPECIAL FEATURE HO 4300 Lotmd II I46 Vln couvcr SI Spoilm In lowly Ilupo CARRIES FOR 975 MONTH In Mr Nu flee lhll Ilnlllllld can In bath Im Cull lhll am um llllhwny don nnrlh huhd ul Nldhum Quill mudlm And an mnln nud nullnn mllunnl Inlrk Wlll lndo lnr ml hm Ind WILLSON man nl wall far to shop Even before you Bro randy la make your purchase shop arnund know when to In or tho lhlnzl you want and lake llma lo try lhcm on Man ix what look for when shopping Thi liny whiieandklue mini 5qu inia ihe hem tell you yuuru buying quailiy zarmenl made under unilnry condiiions by Ikiiiod workers eniayinz decent inbor uundnrds VVersaiiiily is the mark of good buy such as silk tires you can wear under dny roll or in an evening party or contenddress lhat iuok well neiher or separately or rain coal lhula amari even when thg mm is shininu WNWkilo much are iiulicw in but keep ihcm hcnuliiuliy while and far mlsiakea Learn irom iiw one you make Ngerrnako the mine qnp twice nu WINCH TTrend should hu spot ted when lhcyre cnmlnz rm ualng And 11 holler to buy longrun lashiuna lhnn lhuso that are Just hitnudquu Prescrlp Hon Read at can ono Inshlon It you look well In them lorcr alt and Ildnwa all Qt Qulck ry and nu nun lahrlcl are tmpnrtant eapcclally It you trlvel lot Tu hn at your best ln them Allck up the edge wllh nn lron no matte what the dlrcctlon promise Remember to hang up Kour clothe on wullshupud anger as loan us you take them all Um shoutrm kccp plultlc but over clnthc you dont woar olten Supertea wandcrlul when they become wlazcthcrsl They should he wellpllnned welllullorcd well coordlnnt ed Law the mlxcd up for tmlrn llc loukl tul thq Kmlcait JACK WILLSON PA 61422 allullfll 552

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