POTSDAM namral alh lelu who can do unylhlng well That ls lhe way Cuac Henry Rsflndgu nf Clarkson College of chhnnlng duscrihvs Corby Adams of Mincsinu Educ cuminucs thy not only is natural Mllcr but no makes pnys in he 031 would be leiculk or an cxucrinnccd pm longucr his Instinct or huscbnfl is mnzinu In nine games that he Knighls have played during the short spring hascbull scusun Adams Vice has thnmn out men trying lo score from lhlrd base on fly ball and he has Northern Onlnrlo hockey men llghing keep their players ram bcln Stmpcd up by On Inrio llozkny Association Cams lhc snuh are mislng mum prulcsl nor the Cmmdiun Amalcur ankcy Assnclnlinn rrlusul lo Kraut hem Mpnrule branch Mums In Ncllh Hay Id Pulanuia nwnnrmnnngcr the Junior lrnppcrs null lncnl nnna man ngcr Murris Snitlur snil Thurs day they will lend bld to have the CAHA lvciaiun rmmsidcrcd Immu cl slur ockcy plyer Clfllksou cnmn out late lo try out or flu Clnxksnn mm and won himself pcrmuncm usslgrjmcnl at right ï¬eld Um CIUMlmltlin Its ml nu mcrflng in IIrnndnn Mum rhis wuk llnd nlItHd Hm Nurlhvrn 0nnru Huckvy Asso hm lo 5pm wllh mu OIIA Hm quhrm lrums dram rum lw HM Muuld have bun limilvzl lo lhv ln hmnclIlo eruh mushr5 znr allowed Iflrll luuu Nullonnl Lrnuuu II PC Cmllmlml lIlII HL 311261 Fnlrly mm mm mm Anmll Mll was an Cnmln 24 50 an IlquIIlwl mm Hum Ilnllld WANNA JI llllIiluul IhIIlhlrI 81ml Shhnan Fuirl vulva IL TllplrISkhulu Illlhhurulu mm Hunknun Mnlm muYIIII Im An clcl ll lllrlllnlIIhll HA lrnn mm IHL Hm Inrmil cuy nl Mr Snider Sllldj Lmy Ell lr in th nurlh now have SI rm murcnus uhlrh lupclld rum hmkry 0r thrir oximnu mm HM prululiml of sex llrlllc nflilkahnn lII nrdcr In lu IOP Junior Iwckry nml kctp our junkur pin in Nurlhrrn Ontario llllrnuIlllymlnlr An grit Cnuxry KC Wnflnrr nmmmm ï¬rllllllul Ilu IllUHF Ilu Hy THE AHSINMTIII PHI By THE CANADIAN PRESS Corby Adams Praised By Coach Of Clarkson North Demands Separate Status BALI LEADERS PLAY GOLF at ALLANDALE GOLF CLUB mo BAY POINT ROAD RR BARRIE Mm Iluy an Mny Wnhl Iy lnmmnnrnk nazk my Ilhuh IzulA In Anlnknn Immu IH IIIIWMHI HP lUllLm III Ml rm lur SOFTBALLMVVPTSIARSATBASEBALL IN QQLLEGE 20 Ill 15121 11 WI 41 Kunm II mlnl Hum lmnlnlnnnlwMp IGvll mum Juno 1uy Am Jfl lladge smlles now as he re calls when Adams ï¬rst approach ul hlm the end the Clark sun hockey scusnn The 22year old Canadian boy said Mr lludgo would like In try out or bnscbn Nudge replied Corby ynu may be wasling your time but nuld be hanpy lo have you Iry out Why dont you try out or No weeks Aner that lets Sm what happens NEVER smv cunias About month Inter during pro season practice game Ad ams letthundcd Mucr was walking back In the bench antr suiklng am against hand ers curve ballund Hodge Slup mnde two other spectacular cm ches that have started double 9W9 GUIDOLIN URGES Rticxuo Bop Guidolin mar anlnnal Hocka Lemme playcr now scouting nr 11mm 11mins said 11 Inc hild the bid lailcd hm bruan way we unuld be able lo keep our own layers The OHA rulnlm lhu nf Illnum as they knuw he Im pnrlnncn flclllng players from It NONL Nnrlhcrn Imckry nun say my are loss In under xlnm why Hm csuru Cum dlnn clubs who have cullml nr years or he DNA In he hrakcn 1p didnl vole or he snlfl lrod nulcrlcllL lirrsidml OHA Senior Knpuskasing lml nulcrliclll NOHA Senior Knpx nnldz We are large onnuxh In 100 Mlur our own nlrnlrn We dont um pawn ln lnuk nllnr us Wu nraducc many lhn gum ulnymu In lha game today and In hung an In me Vic Ilunclflrr IIIIIK nml luvcnlln math Inld nrc nl Ihc 01M bul wn dont emu 1an nprcmnnllon on lhc IIIA uccullve OFFICE Sn For an Kymml 01mm Muhlnu nnd nlrululall RUNNER MACIIINIIH ll mlnllln II VI IA lIN We Rpcrlnllu In SIMCOE By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Today Hank Ilndgu ls happy that Corby Adams did try out even lhoug he didnt do it unlil hls junior year in college Adams undoubkcdly will make as Inc 11 mark in baseball as he has in inlcrcollcgiate hockey before he grndyms Adams 1939 graduate of Barrie District North Colleginlc and um sun of Mr and Mrs Lelghlbn Adams Anion Mills He is majoring in huslncss admin Islrnliun at Clurksun RomMalian Glullo Rinnldl ruainvd hls European 1mm hmvywulghl Us In xsmund decisinn nvur Erich Sclmcpnncr Vcsl Gcrmnny Each weighed l7 pounds Rom Vayï¬c Uulhcn 107 Now Yurk empaimud Giuscnpi Aligllnri 92133111 pod hlm Dnnl worry nbau striking out Hodge commonl cd You probably havent seen loll hapdodAcurves With Iwinklc In his eye Adams replied MnHodge Ive never seen any curves Ive never played baseball before Adams only experience came nome Iné ncnvcnuli 159 nulpninlcd Jlmmy Medium 159 Phil olnhifl ionlrrnl 2amF6IIy coo Chumllcr Ariz nulpninml Bob Clumux 2M Mnnlrml 10 FIGHT RESULTS ltcpnlr In all make curs FREE Plckun Dnllvcry N0 CAA NAl SERVICE IA IAIIII Give yourself break take fivglï¬gr fifty ale TEWARTS GARAGE 13 dd iv Todqy lry Cnnndns fnslosl growing ulcLubnlls 50 A10 Moro people like It ovary day MEMPHIS Tenn AP Jack Nicklnus blasted In hnlevlnnne Ihcn closed with snving blrdle and led cluster clgh touring pros Mo ho lustround lead of Ihe Mum phll Open gal aurnnmcnt Thursday The Jnvinl Nlcklnus and 1115 seven colleagucsl40urcd he lawYard ENS7D par €on nVaI Country Club course In lhrenundnrpar 67L An early nun11mg 0th and steady brma prcvcmud re pen Inst years spectacular opening when 37 golfers brake par in he first round Sharlng the lead with Nick lnus were Jerry Edwnrds Bus cr Cuplt Fred Hawkins chk Mnyuf Cary Mlddlecolf Johnny Pull and Tony Lama Bunched 65 were George Knudsan of Toronto Jack Me Gown Dave Hlll Miller Enr her Dun Slkoand Mlke Sou chnk welcumu nltprnnan warmed he campullllon sent 21 contestant under his lime MONTREAL CPiJocy DIIA fellao Trnlsvnivleres Qum scored inhround mchnlcal knockout Thursday nlghl aver Fernand Simard of Quebec Ci he Canadian junlnr we tnrwelzhk champion In nun lille fight Montreal Defeated By Wolverhampton MONTREAL CF Waiver hampmn Wanderers lheir CanadaUnited States out by duluaï¬ng Montreal Cnnlnlla In cxhibilion soccer Thurs day night The Wandnrurs member Brilnin firs division soccer lnxuc lack an early lead and were in command all the my aéléfNiélilaï¬ï¬ Registerstï¬ce Fémand Simard Stopped In Fifth 69 JOHNSON STREET BEZZANT NURSERES and FLOWERS kmmIum ORTHO AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS LIMITED cukvmu anlnlo NIqulmlnIl MInllfll ORTHO Ron Dust in the pliable zzlmic aquceu dwtzr takes the work out row care One pun release powerpacked combination of Insecticides nnd fungicitu lhdnnc phallan sulfur DDT Result ORTHO Rose Dun wnrd all nphls black spot mildew rose hm red spider mites anmm beetles me slugs lhrins nnd many morebrlnn mes unluly from bud bloom sun and par tAPLJhage Lhflnrd vnlh the Savvy Cravth Allhough lhese lwa ï¬sher men wear wide smllu Ihls l76pnund slurgcnn caught near Sarnla is not all could Passes In Sleep Gavvy Cravath 901944 Aqli 69m BUY YOUR 0RTHO PRODUCTS AT N0 ROE LESS DOUGH ho huld baseballs pmEnbe Rulhhome run rcwrddled hen early Thursday in his sleep He was 83 In l9l5 he hit 21 homcrs as an uulliolder wllh Philadelphln lhlllics the Nutlnnnl League have been The fish measur lng seven feet live Inches lho inngest everuughk by Purdy Flshcrics was mule bul n72 nus than record for we modern game This mark wu no eclipsed unul Babe Ruth topped with 29 In 1919 Cruvnlh came here In In lnla real estate when he nllred mm baseball In 1921 had no me or cavler dell acy um brings lancy price on the gourmet market CP erephnlo PA 60247 Hbckey Canada Comes To End 1111 mum Ime nunm my BMNDON Mln CHThu Canndllr Amateur Huckay aaclauor has ordued glal Immune to mu publica llnn Hockey Canaan ml money loser munlh existence Ihe Jum luue The declnlon to end the manlth mnlazlnel lire cams Thurday closed executive tension at the end the annual CAHA mnllnrhere Gordan Jutkes mm mm wrymanner aald later he muraqu could not be ï¬nanced wlhoul xerlously depleting the associations unds No loss II um wen relaxed The magazine has Ind Imu ltrlid xlnco ll blrlh 1m 0c ll The reghlrullon tee ranging from 25 cent for mlnnr players lo or coaches wu huhr gum to help my or the man In Many Ion objected to what appeared to be compulsory subscription and number CAHA madman faked or an end to tho unpopu cm In an EIMCOE SALES EERVICE Na Highway Boulh cl nmll Barrie Ontario PA Mm Annuwlndullnifluflflï¬ï¬‚ mm uld mow1 II llllnllnortnnflllhn mm mm in anqw 39 raggaom Rah 0715 null Dont hmllh Illflhlr lum lmr otllplnll and uvullfln vmn Inn old mm mnvm cu nu nu mm mm vmn yeumla mu Ymuldlmnwmvlslmhmml lhmllmmluhyIlmnflnl SAVE EXTRA 310 on TORO Im spoFATwn um II mm In moo In mum nluluuu pm MM mu nv MM hm mumI nu Mn Hmmnmlmm summon munuunuml my Ila Bold ll In It nil will die with conlrnverm 35°