Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 May 1963, p. 8

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mg so In ElliI nmnlr mluhlg Ilwun luuml nmr Vnnxmlvrr Mum Hnml Mrmvl mnlnlrml 000 mlnA and rbrql rouu Minna mow In m1 mm In calm ml I1 Tlun mnmy hm Iwn rnHrrInl hlc Raluvlny mm Fairway II rmnhu In Vlntmlvvr Ami Mum 11 mlulmt mum In mm It on denomlnnuun lny VANFOUVIIII Il houn lm Iuhn llmwn MI nunoml cnr nnrd mmhl nllrr ma Ir hum annh Annoml nr Irn lwr WM mudnl nr 000 Qurllllll HUGH lul Iurmhlrnl ma cnmpnny null Tlnuulnyl lr Hmhrhul vxlm unuo lrrv lrnm lhn Lnumll lumlqunr lrrl In Senlllc mill lhn Mm Imunmrr Ill rmon um p1ny In Irlmlmm uulnxmu hm horn wmklnu nl Hm Unvcrsn of llrilhh Cnlumhln Iur Ilm In Ihrw yrurs on tonal mum nra spcllrd sproch nymms lhul cul dnun lhv num hcr snvmh durin 11mm and nllaw Km rrmlilll Spullwl Iwlrh IN plin Inrleclrlr lrllrr nmxnmr In lrnmlnln llnl lnlo sounds likv than nlphnbcl um he run mum to 1mm nlluw 1m lhn Wm lo mul Al ward of up In unit minute mmhlnu wmhl 6M 000 unnpnml The Onlnphunc mmlucts three dislintl munds 0r liltb lcllvr and rcquim ms number dcclslon lhc under Dr nrddnu all 71ycnrold Engllsh woman using 1hr Oploplmnc the oldlsl dowrc imo 1919 cant nnd mum lhzm In mm daily wlth helm lirlng She is consid an ape PRODUCIZS ROUNI Dr Dcddnns caullou hvcarmld ellmica engineer dcscribtd sumo he prohlcml Involved In delimm thncs day at Nu Engmccring Insllluln or Canada convcnlion He salt simple dcrlus translate lrllcrs lnlo sounds fur the hKIM have been kmmn since 19 Humvar 1th turn out ll chnltx vnrlcl cl siznnls lhnl mnka L15 rcadlnu immssiblc Lost Guard Bonded For $25 Million Nde mm are hung maue to male dcvlcn lhnl Ml allow the blind In read ordinary newspapers mall and Innks quickly und easily QUEBEC CF Elatlrunlc Ildos now help the deal lo hlnr anfi he drngb If speak Pafllllo caunsnl or the TSE In the nonjury suit by WH red Posluns was question Inn Dr Morton Shulman an onto chic coroner and ormnr pmncr with Mr Puslun in Ada lnvcslmcnls Toronto company dealing In stuck op Iinns Mr lariu TORONTO CmA lawyer or the Toronto Stock Exchange aske witness In $2100000 dnmhgv suit against the TSE Wednesday II he knew lhat Peicrhoruugh om hank mann gvr had commlucd suicide in ms because 01 bank cllenls llnnnclal roubles Deaf And Dumb Being Helped By Changing Letters To Sounds In cannedlon wkh lhe Grand Opening Rays Slmcou Mo 10 Mr Car Chnlflcld of 13mm Motors Corpnralion is on and with one of the cum pauys mnblle Iralnlnu units These vehlclcs are Mall 1th or be training service Witness Dames Death Druggists Are Linked Pallilln sungcslnd In Supreme Court that Irlmlmm Hm In BMC OFFICIAL WITH MOBILE TRAINING UNIT mer mm mm uulnxmu Imnrnmu II umup lmml mva Sun Um lhrfl mum Day wrrk ml IUH ul Hm cm Mum Thch nu Inlrurnlul nyl Inn In so Hunl dun all llm mm lru ll wml he lung MUN lhrn II Eric Imamr nl Onl nmldrnl Illrrronic Amel nlu lellld MM Ilo Inhl lhv cnulnrrrlnl hull luu of Canada nnmlnl mull mu mllumnllon nlrendy rut llnu Hkr Innnnw mm ml and pnprr Industry CA mlnl lnruul anlan also sungcalm Ml mummy Inkc pun mo in nnlillcr parllrulnrly at the dcmsnnmnking lnvch whcn HI cmv rmurm requiring cnzim cum knuwhuw wm lmnlvcd QUEIIEC CI Mnrhinrx llml rm lrlm Inw scnlc chlpl ml mrry rm soon will wlllne Munch Cnnndlnn woods an un mum pmlltlvd lmlny Ouluuimz President Law lon Munlrcnl urged arma llnn nullonnl schnu pm mm In the lan Cann fllull mamars In lhc Unllnd Snlls llv snlll 7500 went south be 1912 llml lDfil Dr nrddocs nalivc of Lon don Engmnd and pmlmsnr at UnC or slx yours now hnpcs lo niw mm mm lhc acid as wilh and persons lnlcr lhl your dnxnn nlhcr lcrhnlcal pn pcrs Mrr pnsmhd the con unllnn qu about 600 dbl gnm undo wny Wednes dny llnlds Fglflny DrfShuIinari denied lhe sum Enslcd link betwccn lh suicide and drugglsls business denl inks wit the present cos cl 5500 or marbinc like the Oplophonu CUI NUMBER numbcl sounds to 63 dislincl one and prnmlslng subsu Me or lhr alder codcs of lhe Irpnlgngthinrs Enrllcr testimony In the hear Iug Indore Mr Jusucn Gale has Indlcnled hat Mr Chapman authorized credit or Mr Lynch and that Ihe credit was later withdrawn by me banks hand ollice DENIES LINK Automation Hits Canadian Woods Mr Chapman Pelcrbomugh mnnnger or the Canadian Bank of Commerce had cammillod suicide at lhe snme llme as John Lynch Pclcrbnruugh drugxim wcm bankrupt In the put and call stock option busl nos personnel In alt phases at pra duct scrvtce and repalr Denl er numnnel am constantly be Ing lranmed In modern ser vtca techniques as they apply to thurtttnn Ignlllnn dlcsut autumnu transmtssion etc BMI Insuring the ulllmnte tn to sallstactlon 48 ANNE STREET SOUTH TNH BALL PLANING MILL Lumblr Congratulations at In Mr Puslmu dlscharze mm rvclorshlp Duly and Co Toronto Inveslmcnt llrm mun Lido was finished In thyme aRlIdn business1 Dr Shulmun dlspulcd Mr Pnllillos summation mat the great hulk of Lidos business In Amcrltan slock opuuns cum from roselllng opllon acqulred rorn Mn Ly Qucsnoncu About leo nnnm Dr shulmnn lesllllcd llvnl hr wcnl In Toronto chnrl cred uccounlnnl Sam Orcnslcin 195 to try and mlse more cupilnl or lnvnslmrnu Ho ulq Mr Orenmln than wcnl to George Gardiner lhm vlce chairman of the T55 Tues day Wnsnl the real reason Ihr ml hat your star seller Juhll Lynch hnd preceded you an of business No sln Dr Shulman Iald Va were In business belore hl appeared on the scene The banner le0 partner esti mate Mr Pnllillol request um Mr Lynch would hnva 1wde $1800000 capital to insure the volume of flock bun Imss um Ihn Pnlcrborough dmxglsx did When he volumc dun expnndcd lnlcr ca llnl $100301 wauld be r9qu re Roierrlng to lhe hank mana g9r suicide Dr Shulmun said hunm it was because ha Wu crooken heard he had been delving intoiundg oi the bank Mr Pallllln had sulsesled during crassexaminauon of Dr Shulmnn Tuesday that lhe de pnrum Mr Lynch from the pulandull husIncs cIallzed form 01 stock aplun Innsncllunwas the real rea snn why do investments slipped um torm upgrading through cons to coast irnln ing nroaram while then roll ing clan rooms are an im puran part Dcpiclcd aimva as well will Mr Chaliicld the Morris 1100 An interest ing feature this automobile In in lulu suspension in lien or spring and shocks 44 ELLEN ST Nu weeksitici Mr RAYS SIMCOE MOTORS jlwrrfl wrrim cur 510m Congratulations TO Wu Ir pluud to hlVl been ulccled cunlnclorl or hur new thowrooml Ilnm Ind Ilurco wmk lnr Krishnamlchlrl Indlll mmlsm lo defcnee Ind econo mlc coordlnnllun told preu cnnhrenra hit Ir mun known Communm Chluu aubsonIc bomber but no nuclear wllpmll HI uld India is leeklni lent the equivulznl Chime equip munl oiu lmer pllnu But lmlln did nu wan nucleu wu lpnm even dalerrenl be uuu use ol auch wupam could Iacl tn angl Worried Ibou the poulbllll Inothu mack tom the Chr use Indll In making conven tional axml mnlnly tom the Wuslern mweu in an cum to dolbh hr du 01 um mdivhlan Indm umy Ind lncmle Alb WASHINGTON Indll reject lhu at nuclear weap nns delunco Igalml Red China but wants mun convul llanal mm Ild from the Navenheleu there wu aomc canczrn In anthorlkltlva mum lers whether world prlcu could remain endy In Ml In an lace cl lnlemnl marketing tun mon 1n the mm or ulure nlu len ed lo reflect lhls concern wllh xhnrp dropl modified luer by recovering KEEPING WATCH Canndlnn Anlhorlllel wen yarled keeping careful watch on the Illulllan may to nuke represenmlonl to U5 Ihould Canadian exporter be hldly hurt by ludden dmllc lelchexln 115 pollsy Kennedy no to ecud lhll canctm when ha told um mulerence we In lain Io do averylhinx WI ml to ausuln Gardlner received our book In Innounued In the pun wax xolng nlo buslnm he be cnma our cnmpemnr Dr Shul mnn InId lull the Hm mm 1936 mm ha 13E Mr For In Mtge mnsplmy bulween 1h TSP Ind ML Gardlncr now rhnlrmln lb exchlnu bond at uovrmurl Agrlcullura Secrellry Orvllla Freeman nnnnunced Wednesdly he wlll be zlven pruldenllll Iu lharlly to prevent dumpan 01 us when on world markrll Thlu was Io pmvlde penurbed Canadluu and other exporter wllh murancn there would no Ibrupt drop In 05 upon prlgel ngxt ynr Slunned by mull of the wheat rerercndum ha Ken Idmtnlamllon lmmedl nlely pledled that Hep would be Inken to protect other wheat exporllng countries from the cnnluslnn and chin um may emerge mm uncontrolled US overproduction The chic caronlr was purl ncr with Mr Posluns at lho llme of TSE Invesllnllon whlrh resulkrd In wllhdnwul ol exchnnue appravnl Mr For Inn dlrcclan omcer Ihlfl holder and employee Duly Irm WASHINGTON lCP Prol pecu tor sharp Vuplnalon in us when production coupled wlkh posalble drlsllc drdp In prlcu loomed or am ers urnhad Pruldenl Ken nedys plan or tighter con lroll voting luudly Iar unlim llcd prodyctjon nexlhyn India Wants To Send Arms Aid Farmers Vote OvérProduction PK Stunned Rt Wheat Results PA 82496 PA 68083 CO LTD am Ilrenilh by About 10 par E9513le mremyggr parlML Krislmumlchm uldhl IDV emmul recently purchued 1a Clnaqlnn built Caribou unl port mnnu with dullverlel to mold lmv 1m Ind we prob nbj wllll munflora He ma lndl prim Med or more lrmpnn piunel to 1m mar and Iqullu aver rounh runner man It tho leek Ing bomber and supmnnlc Jets hoping hr 115 and mm lrlnndly enunlde wlll donate much lhu qumnnl or pro vlde It nn Iend can term that would nol dnln no uverely In dlgumzr ughnan At His mm mm Ind in cepllny dcllnca Ild from no Sn VM Unlan Sam at he 11 MIG jet nzhllrr which Sovlel Pm mler Khrulhchu In IIIVA Irnved In lndlm and So vle lechnlrllm lll lookinl Indlln sites which to Iqu Ill MIG 1n Actony Under the lnternniionll What Agreemenlr to which Canad and the US are rinaiariel prices range within floor of about 5L6 and ceiling $201 bushel basin No Northern at the Lakehend The current min roughly tho midway po our Internationll Ineemenu on when and lo prevent dumping Ind all he mt II II Mary Street We are pleased to have been chosen as the Pointers and Intcvlor Decors ulors on the occasion of the opening of their new howrooms Cdiigratulations COURTIS LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE HlTEST CORPORATION Congratulations RAYS SIMCOE MOTORS on IheIr GRAND OPENING SHOWROOM ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Polnlus Dccoralou and Dry Wall Conlraclors We Wish You All The Best In The Years to Come Bradley Sons 259 Innlsfll SD Congratulations Kay SIMCOE MOTORS FROM SIMCOE MOTORS Plumbing and Hunting by SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP TO RAY TORONTO CP mm coda cl regalnon lovemlnz ha Muller or Imu balls to be nullced AI xmnlently th Hlvhwny mm Act wu umd Wednesdl at lnnul con arena th £th Comuhlu undullon 0mm Chm Hun Fred Mlnlhlu Gndaflcb recommended Ill plmun hm unenlan ha 11 cenml onl met pm wnuen exumlnnhn no dad um war regulating the num bar lulenun Ind molar hnmpowI In pmpartlon to bum length bum and 1m hnard qhould he Innueuted Amonx them ma pmvlllon lhul police be given authority Io arm wllhoul wtmnl any mmrist who remm Io xixmince Ml licunu or otherwlu denllfy hlmsafl Small Boats May Get Code He My wanted mlnlmum an be In or operator of ham towlnl warland Ill bolt op nun And pnuenleu bl ro qulred lo wur Ipprovad Ille 1mm His relolullon Indmmy oth er Iubmlued by the dele nlet will be dllcumd Ind volcd on Deputy Chlel John Mumy o1 Mélupumln Toronto reld ll resnlnuans or amendment to the Highway Truffle Act ASKS LonEM tng Chlcl Carroll nl London Ont rillu or an amendment to Ihe Cnmlnal Code remnth will he described undua re malnls Imposed on charitable and rehgmu orzanlutlons Iry In to miss money by nlflel and lollcrlas 0th Carroll wanted the Imendment nlpnlm um flu PA 6I42 PA 64192 PA 531 when no dull to 150 Ind re qnln million mm myar rfivo or other munIclpll om nun EXAMINER nmmu Mn 1m Deputy Ammeyfienenl W11 llnm Gammon nld then Ire tron Inconllxundel In umllnl law whlch allow mm rhinos It uflcultunl Continue HOWARD MARKIT Best Wishes 0N THI OPENING THEIR NIW MODERN CAR SHOWROOM Ellmlcol Innallnlion By OUR 130 COLLINGWOOD 5T THOMAS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES l2 BROCK STREET BARRII ABERCROMBIE PARRY ELECTRIC SIMCOE MOTORS ON THEIR EXPANSION rr WAS oun PLEASURE llulrlul MIIOrIIlI Dy ILECTRIC QUAKE RAYS T0 INSTALLTHE WIRING LIGHTING FIXTURES RAYS SIMCOE MOTORS Ill Imu Ln Lmdluu mammal Emblllon bu outhw than rww 11m me 111 Red Cum flux was Km flown Cand by MIMI Ryersnn In ms durllll thQ Riel Rebellion elizwhm PA 33596 IARRII

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