Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 May 1963, p. 5

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THURSDAYLMAY ll rm It GorngGrownior Grain 0r Silage CanCreaie Substantial Costs Dunng the past law months ytaidot TDN or the rose vaiue therehnt been tremendous perscra obtained wt oats For sum at interest in growing corn exam to 69btllhll corn crop intsinncoa County Corn is not will rid 3100 lbs TDN per acre new crop with as growing while eobushel ostcro will earn tor silage has con comm provide onty tteo tbs TD The on on many larms since silos comparative cash value at each came into general use some titty crops will vary wt THE JARME EXAMINER Mulching Materials SolVe Tree Problems By iiRlAN BAKER What with haying and harvest ing and host at other chores to be done around the larm dur ing the summer little time is lett over tor giving newly plant coming Into contact with the tree roots heioro they have be come established STRAW PADS Tito establishment oi cedar badge is another problem that moisture and control weeds while tor bay straw or post the depth must be increased to to up to 10 Inches in depth Whilo black plastic or tar paper ts excellent as nanor helps Miss Janet Evans oi Stroud Oklahoma iNNiSiiL NOTES Stroud USll to hold the rolling pin which brought her the championship Visit Makes Front Page ily ItGS The story at our visit to Stroud Oklahoma this spring made lront page In picture and news in Stroud Gloucester Enginnd When that paper at May reach ed as this week we were laced with the item as follows breezy missive and two excellent photographs reached the News and Journal otlice irom Stroud Oklahoma USA on Monday morning One at the photographs is produced above and indicates that the American tvpc oi icminine charm is to be lound all across that country Including the vast plains oi 0k lshoma Our correspondent Mr Mort vin Lttmm explains that the girl Miss Janet Evans is the rolling pin champion ot the Amer ican Stroud She leads the girls who add touch or gnlcty to the more scrious business oi brickthrowing which now links the tour Strouds in England USA Canada and Australia With iillss Evans Is Mr itnlrcrt Simpkln oi The Barrie Can adatExnmintr paper which circulates in the Canadian Str Voud Mr Simpkin has bccn in lingland and he was welcomcd It the old Stroud News otiice and at Stroud Show about nine years ago Mr Lumm who likes to re ier to himscli as Your Overseas Correspondent an title incident ally we willingly conttrm says Mr Simpkin who is colum nist tor his paper went to the Oklahoma Stroud to see how they set about their brick and rolling pin throwing In which at present they lead the world litl was shown the bricks thrown so well by the pininsyncn dad very naughtily It was suggestrd to him that the Amcricrtn success In the contest was largely due to tho incl that they mod the smaller oi two types oi brick and shipped tho much longer one to the other Strontis Our local committee did not think this was the least bit luttny but Mr Simpkln did reports lilr Lumm The brick and maybe the rolling pin throwing season draws near Cannot we to tho English Stroud muster our prct tiest girls to show how they too can add to the galcty oi Show tiny IN iiTllOll CANADA With brick throwers anti roll ing pin letters about to get in Alllii HIGH iicv Allan tits at Toronto and Hey it Thorpe mmittrtrti tho iunrrhl service at Crown Illli United Church tor Mrs lioy lollgh ilttrinl was at St Jntnrs Crmcicry frown Ilill Mrs tough ls survived by her husband two sons Wlillntt and overly daughter Mr Keith htarlotict Willinuuon Stlmmbcrg setrn grontlritlltl no two brothers Airs it at iiarrlo Mill Ilnnlci ot ltnwae alone anti sisters Mary tlllrn it llewltlt and Annie Airs ltmni rlllitt IIly llllrl itay Slrssorl linrrlr and Jessie Mrs tiny itiituiro She was prrdctrnml by tots iiinta Mrs II Mr LIlalgl and Jam hits Anti eraonl ialitwarerr unto Tout nnl titrn Achttlntr Jerk Leighton and llnllon Stream and tortid Kenny Mia Inttglt wits innit In tint Township In that tntitnrtnc lttnlse litrArtbur tbs ltltlt daughter hi the late John Ali Illntr Nkl Mntiita lnnery lt ntnrrlrd iioy tough In ll ti ilrwn llill hlnilrtwliti Chttrtit anti lot many your was strive In the Indies grmtp Fire was III memtwr pt hown Itili Womans institute to procttce again tor this years competition on July so we have had another letter from the in crnationai manager who tells us that England have had ship ment oi bricks flown to them by the USAF in 47 Bomber cf the SACThc request came through the RAF who passed it on to thc us Air Force England wanted practice bricks quickly and they got them it any at our readers are an ticipating passing through Stroud Oklahoma we hope they will pick up tow bricks through Mr iiughcs who runs big drygoods store there They are tree or the carrying but cost lot at postage to send One oi the large English brew eries have stationed publicity man in Stroud England and are hoping to see that the Km giish tcom becomes known the world over and comes out on top Stroud Canada must get cracking to hold its own We could use sponsor Allisiori Lacks Curbs last summer Photo by Lummi Oiiicers llttend Chapter Meeting iBOND HEAD Special Grand oiiiccrs oi the Order of the Eastern Star attended the May meeting at Pinecrest Chap tcr No to 0E5 Cookstown The meeting took place Monday in Bond Read Community ilali VLsitiog grand oiiiccrs were Mrs ltis Walker worthy grand ina tron Windsor Mr and Mrs Alex McDonald Streatsviilc who are past grand patron and past grand matron Mrs Olive Adams past grond matron Toronto Mrs Pearl Kohl grand conduct mss Barrie Mrs Helen Marr dcn grand marshal Bancrott Mrs Monte Murray grand org anist Toronto John Muir assa ciate grand patron Toronto Av ery Day Trend sentinel Throns to Ernest Thompson Barrie and Gordon Murray Toronto grand benevolent members Wars tby matron ot the Pinecrcst Chapter Mrs dean Orr Bond Head and worthy patron iicrb Landerkin Toronto presided lie tore the meeting the grand ot floors were entertained at dinner at the home oi Mrs On other DES guests attending came trom Barrie Alliston thlburne Stsyocr Collingwood Stroud Creemore Beibavea Newmarket Toronto Celedon East and Orangcvllie years ago About torty years ago our corn acreage in Simcoe County reach ed 12000 acres year and in rose the 12000 acre mark was again cxmded but tor most yesnt our annual acreage has only been about halt this ilgure ranging mm 5000 to 8000 acres This yearall signs point to substantlo increase in corn ae range once more Our Increased acreage this year will be tor both sits and llIlJ corn The building many large tower silos and some bunk er horirontnl silos both or whtcb permit the automatic reli leading oicattie accounts tor much oi the Increased corn all sge acreage The tactthat corn can produce more TDN or Total Digertiblc Nutrients per acre than most other crops Is also an Important tactor in this trend toward more com While the production at Grain been increasing rap South Slmcoe in recent cars in North Stmcoe this crop still in the trial stage or most terntars The growing at grain Corn has ldly in corn oi the Flint type was main crob oi the Huron indians ln Huronis some 350 years ago but untll the last iew years the production at grain carn has not been too succcrstul north ot Barrie However earlier Hybrid varieties now available have made it possible to mature corn in most years especially on our areas earlier soil types and tree tmm early ielt irosts CORNS CKDSSED understand that the Flint type corn as grown by the in disns was used to cross with the higher yielding Dent type earn as grown in the Corn Bell to produce the early iiybrld varieties that are now so prom ising in the more northern sec tions at the Province it is obvious that com wheth cr tor silage or grain does otter to many lermers an opportunity to increase the production at live stock teeds This iscter should allow tumor with limited acreage to lncreata his live stock holdings and step up his revenue providing the in creased costoer acre does not oiitet the value at the extra production obtained The cost or unit oi TDN is thereiare major determin ing actor as to whether or not we increase our com acreage and rrducl the acreage or com pcilng teed crops such as oats barley and hay Much oi the publicity given to corn in re cent years has stressed the loci that corn on the average double or more than doub Does Without Meters ALLISTON tStntil Parking meters cant be installed along the towns main business sect ion itccausc that port at Vic torla bl lacks curbs councillor Frank Misencr reported to coun cll Tuesday night Atong with Department at Transport ntliclni Mr Miscncr inspected the towns strccts week ago to see how parking lactiltltr csuld be improved The curbing limitation was om hnntlictp mentioned by the oi llclnl iir Miscncr snld Boiore doing complete trotilc survry the Department wants to wttit untll tltc tItw Church St bridta is own to troltic possibly by June that rwr tor the town came in Public Works chairman it llotttiioy trpori ilc said the ilrpartmcni oi lllghwnys had ic iusrd grant to bcip the town ttulld road In to new Indus Elmvale Brief On EldilVALH Stall lilmrolo is participating In 1rr orlng ltllti to lii7 prtstntrsi1 lothn llourtl oi Transport Commotion an opposing the altnndom hi hi the Colwcli lo irnctnng tilt why line In lblr lrsprtt council Ir cooperating with nrllnnlbw Ing taken by rotnmunitler on the line most concurred it the proposed shutdown not long In one oi tItrso comn all ten Another council decision at its rttltlhlay mrrllng lltli on rrror the appointment at is int lpcctnr tn rnlorrn the Cter tur llon liniriy Art lllnlvsltl will appoint its own Inspcrtor ther than subscribe to trottntyilo aprrtor ii the county tirrldts to hire one An engineers report tor saw or installation on Stone ht is tltittllti within two weeks lllnr tounril requested the report his ier petition by btona GL sn rhirnta was Vlllilttl ivy illt Onl arlo Municipal iinard as boring the necessary number at Man lllies wild atnuuni oi nlittliltlti lit to I100 will he paid by rountll tor matrials the Films van Itascltnll llltll will to Ni more Members at the or limiting grounds Mullet and laul itowrl appeared be trlnl slto beyond Dulicrin St This toad must be built to scr vlca packaging plant to be built in one at the sites by the wanting to supply serstlon ma terial tor the sewage lagoon Ailison Potato Growers Coop Spokesman or the Coop Er nie Sparr wrote to council rays ing the ilnn expected to start building around Juna and also expected to get CPii spur llnn in Two buildings are to be crcc ted this year Mr Spurr said with more to come as the coop TOW itcauwbilc council is to get an englncus report rccommen ding the but routo tor the town service road to serve these buildt logs and tuturo Industries that might tocatc ihero ticiora makt ing tool decision council will visit the site where ell possibtllt ics can be seen at glance lit committee meeting in tiny Mayot Jack Mitchell and two rounctliors were to meet representative itexdsle tirm Prepares Railway torn council on brhslt at the ball club Torn liichcnrls spottrrmsn tor the iilmvslo minor hockey club which finished second in Its dtvi sion in the Ontario tinsts had his rr ursi granted by council lie or ad tor 30 the balance needed to buy arkall MiltNd tiltl ItiinIiMI killN0 will IN FilANK MISENER price of each whic oi course varlerirom reason to season What Is oiton overlooked in is comparison or at least no darpinvctt is that it may cost or times as much to grow an acre of corn especially groin corn with its higher reqqu meat tor lcrtlllt tot weed con trol and speclslred machinery tor seeding harvest and storage EXTRA COSTS These extra costs in producing corn crop can be substantial as Ioilows Farttilrer costs tor good com com may be three or iour notes that needed tor good set crop teem to $1500 per acre tor com compared to $600 to moo tor oslsl On the other hand the corn tleldts the ideal place to get the best value trom iarm manure on all but the heavier types oi land With man ure the cost at tertitiser can at ten be limited to 100 3001bs or so at starter tertliirer or 00 to itsoo per acre The cat crop on the other hand does not usuolLv respond to man urlng as well as the corn crop and strawy manure spread at the wrong time can sometimes reduce the yield oi arts When it comes to wed con trol corn we have choice at partial control by chemicals at material cost at 60 cents to $600 per acre more com plete control usingAtraslna or timber chemicals tor control at most weeds and grasses such as toxtall and even twitch grass at cost ranging irom $000 to 32000 per acre tar chemicals only or control oi weeds by cultivation and boring may be even more costly Woodma trol to cats can usually be kept down to $100 per acre or less except when seeded down to legumes when the cost may be ssoo to $400 per acre in this case however the extra cost should be charged against hay or pasture crop Machinery sndstorsgo costs are probably the major prob lem scirg tsrmers considering growing Corn especially grain cotn Except tor small new age on trialbasis modern corn planter with suitable tart illrer attachment corn picker hauling equipment and storage facilities are must ior com mercial corn production at pmtitabie love The cart ot all this extra equip ment is such that corn grower must arrange on his own arm or with his neighbours on cusiomor cooperativa basis to have suittcltnt acreage oi corn to operate this equipment on paying basis in addition each grower must have adequate corn crib or silage space to store the crop tor the winter in stressing these extra costs 13 Teachers To Join Staii ALLISTON Sisiil Banting Memorial iilgh School will have new teachers when ths tail term starts to September prin clpsi Sidney Owcnr reports 0i these seven teachers replace atatt members who am leaving and six are additional teachers hired to bring tha schools new technical and vocational wing into maximum use err Margaret bailey teach Ing girls physical and health education will replace hits Norman Dysertt William iiub bard boys physical and health education rcplsclng Norman Dysnrt Miss Judith itoblnsan home economics and physical and health education lor Mrs Jane Lancaster Vincent it chlldon French tor Mrs Low Kenneth Grsdwcll mathe matics tor Miss ituby McDon ald Mrs Sarah Campbell com mercial tor iisrry ittadcr Be an Unssl commercial tor Vcd Chsudhry DEADLINE NEAHS EDMONTON Cl cans dlsn army spokrrmsn ssld Wed nesdsy the critical period tor the iloodibrrotcocd community at Itirlsvik will bn reached with in the next to hours Altlnvlk lraprwrs settlement at no per sons moo miles northwest at Edmonton Is threatened try the Msekcnrie iilver swollen with Ice and spring nrnoti The com munity Ir located in the Mac hrntlr lllver delta nrsr the Arc tic Ocean CLFF RICHARD WWM TlCHNICOLOR Litunttttnstntntntnn snows AT 700 sntt pm CONTINUOUA KAT horn Now Showing iltiAitll Additional Ioschcrs sre Mrs Mary iisy and Mrs Phyllis Itn derron commorlcsi Mrs Ger tnrda Williams EngILsh Larry Keogh history and geography lsn Ksy boys occu atlonslt Mrs Mabel Wilson glrs occu pstlonsl HURONIA DRIVElN THEATRE thtIe Arr can it THURS and Fill rm oak Opens part not llsrta at Dusk the market shade trees tall trees shrubs cedar hedges and rasp berry patches the care and at tention that they require tor tho iirst summer alter they have been planted hence there is as high as titty par cent otton mach higher mortality among these high desirable plantings Iwithin the lrst year attcr plant ng For busy term iamiiics who cannot spare the time to look be alter such plantings as much as they know they should van ioty oi mulching materials reads ily available on most iprms hold the answer to this problem Ai tor all what is better than tow shade trees around the barn yard proper and tow shrubs and ornamental trees to break in the monotony oi the house yard or what is more delicious than dessert at red raspberries At least those things are worth little extra time spent to protect them trom drying out and trom weed competition by applying match at the time oi planting or alter Some excellent mulchcs easily available on the term Include straw or boy especially it it is chop ed waste ensltoge leaves saw ust paper iced bags fer tillret hugs black building plas tic costing about three cents square toot tor paper LOOSE RAW For mulching raspberry ai ches looso straw or bay pied between the rows oi canes up to toot deep seems to give the most satistaetory results hold in tho moisture permitting tho roots to grow saier nearer the euriace and perhaps most important to hold down weeds However remove all wccds bo tora ap tying mulch This will racticaly end the weed prob em Multl wall paper bags are very usciul tor use as mulch the important point to remem ber is that the edges oi the bags should be overlapped two or three inches Generally shade and truit trees should be surrounded with groundcovering mulch extend ing in circle with radius ot hall the height oi the tree For instance maple trco six teet tail should have the match extend in circle extending to three icet irom tho tntnk We have discovered that the depth oi mulch required de pends upon the composition at tho mulch Moist cnsitage or sawdust need only to be eight inches deep to conserve the In growing corn instead oi outs we do not want to discourage the growlnr ot corn Corn has very dcilnte advantages over oats but to get those advantages we must have the knowhow tho volume one the equipment to grow better than average corn cmp it we cannot grow much better than average corn crop at lower cost per unit oi TDN it would be bcst to stay with oats barley and wheat which we can grotv harvcst and store with our present equipment There is also the possibiii that we can increase yields and low cr costs with these grains by 25 per cent to 50 per cent in other words good crop at coarse grains is likely to bo mom proiltsble than poor corn crop and good corn should pay better than an average on crap in titanv Lt It at females MANOR 8T DAVIDS SAUTliltNlil Manor St Davids aautomo is white tabla wine aged in Brights wine cation and nude tons bland oirtpootal grapes grown in the Niagara Peninsula 8115555 thn¢551mr on gentc mulch the hot rays at summer tend to rctlcct oil ot this material to sunscaid the evergreen kinds oi trccs espec ially Thereioro sprinkle lawn clippings little old boy or course gravel ovor the material COAKSE GRAVEL Again clear plastic tertliircr bags or building plastic are al most worthless as mulch since sunlight penetrates to tho soil low and gives tight to wccds yi ono inch covering ot coarse gravel or straw to depth oi eight inches will exclude light and prevent wood growth The outer edges oi the lactic sheet mulch can be held own by digs ging shallow groove around the planting nd than tucking edge at the plastic in re Iiliing it with earth to prcvcnt the wind trorn ilitlng it oti Trees ior shade planted im mediately adiacent to the barn yard proper soidom survive partly because rank weed growth sucks the soil in this location dry at moisture to depth oi two or more tact and partly because tho soil here is satur ated with nitrogen and ammon in seepage in poisonous concen trations poisonous at least to unestabllshed trees Since shade trees are so do sirnble around the barn yard it is well worth the trouble to remove busth or so oi the contaminated soil and replace it with ordinary ilcld soil and plant the trees in this in crt trcmo cases we have found It necessary to dig out hole throo tcet deep and thirty tn chcs Itch and line the sides with wotcnprooi plastic botora illllng It with Ileld soil and planting the tree this is to pro vent alkaline saturated water FEATURE MD Ind pm can easily be solved by adequate mulching starehole pads oi straw or spot Ltl hoy tlii tlto bill cxncily bccuuso these pads can be laid tightly edge to cdgo onn rotv caclt side at the badge Pack the pttds closely and tightly to gcthcr and into the base at the cedar stems to exclude wow and grasses Using such mulch dispenses at the need for plant ing rt ccdnr hedge on cultivated ground it bring possible to plant them on the roughest gtnsslcst lanti tilil not too per cent survival without giving any turthcr attention to iiin hedge Wltllo inorganic plastic and paper muiches do it good lob so turns weed control and mois lttro retention is concerned and are comparativon easy to apply organic mulchcs proved on ex trn service when after two or three years they decompose to turns htlnltlsttlcii soil to nur turn the new plantings Mulcbcs as ticstribcd above can be applied at any time through the summer it otlcn be ing possible to savo dying tree weeks alter pinnting by the prompt application at mulch and about to gallons ol water SilliNTlI BAY Iltvy ii at Guthrie DRIVEIN rnrsrar THURS FRI SAT iiox oitlco Opcns at 800 pm VAN liEFliN il lii more Shown at will 1N ALL OF MANKINDS DAYS ON EARTH N0 SIN OR SPECTACLE T0 EQUAL lTi lii7filiLil iiilClIS MATINEE FRIDAY AT 200 pm nox orrtct crass AT the ilt tonet Bthiflt him than wager

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