rm runnun II in mlmum In It mu lull Inlflltd Im mp III MM mt MNLIR will AHMH rm mu nm In mmnl pull mun lumlul m1 mum and mm mam mm mm mum Immln mom Merlinmo mm mm mm mm 51 man mmm Annmm MN All lnwnlllh uuulul nu My mm My my Ivbm In mum mm In mm hm Mme mm IIv an you In mum um mum Immu Mllvl n4 nmlh nu Il Iml 1mm wow you mm mm III Mun um nu Wm dmm ll hull uL mu mm mm In lhmu Aummlnn rm mm Amm luv LINNIona Oshawa limvsï¬nzcllu Many nn mlult must look nl slnllstlcs on juvenile xlcllnqlmuy and sulfur lwinzn of unnschnce How many us um nnk hark nn vhlldlmml tree of nll hlnnm look hatk wlthom rcmlllnu nl lens nuu lnchlmt which might have hmlml us In leIIIlc court In become dollnqucncy hlnllsllc We can run unnkx llml brought Jmllflrd cummzs mm nrlxzhlmrx and pnlho olflrcrnnnd we he mullshmrnl nnl rm nppuu mu before juvenile or lum Hy court judge Barrie Examiner May 10 1938 Com munity shocked as two young men lost lives by drowning in bay Harry Payne Smith 23 and Fred Miller 17 jun ior in Royal Bank were drowned when their canoe upset in icy waters Both were good swtmruers and made valiant effort to reach shore but sank before help could arrive Vernon Seadon 12 won gold medal for open violin class at York Music Festival Thomas Sib bald one of Barries oldest residents and veteran of Fenian ltalds celebrated filth birthday by walking downtown which he did every day llon Dr Simpson stated work would begin at once on repairing Camp Borden Road hut paving was deferred to future Lions Club started Safe Driving Cam palgn Womens ftest floum freshly painted reopened on Dunlop St Catholic Womens League bazaar netted money for new floor in St Marys fhureh It was convened by Mrs llrennan Mrs George Overs and Mrs Moran lilrs ieter Ileenan wife of Ontario minister of lands and forests gave im rerslnns of Coronation of King George and Queen Elizabeth at meeting of flarrle Womens Liberal Assoriation Mrs Edwin Longman presid 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN as the regular academic courses One year later it was great delight when the board of trustees learned that the federal and provincial governments would provide 75 per cent grant for Mr Pratt pointed out in his address thal it was decided in 1960 to enlarge Central Culleglate and make it fully composite school with touryear voca tional and commercial courses as well Some understanding of the situation was provided recently to members of Barrie Kiwanis Club by Klwanian Horace Pratt who ls chairman of the district collegiate board it is import ant to know that the highest standards of secondary education in Ontario will be made available not only to the young people of Barrie but also to those of the surrounding townships which must bear part of the cost Vespra Ora Essa ln nisiil and Sunnidaiei Barrie and these townships will have to pay $248225 The provincial and federal governments share equally in construction of the re mainder Growth of the Barrie district commun ity is further indicated by the announce ment last week that the collegiate board had decided to go ahead with an addi tion to North Collegiate which will cost $092900 This will provide five regular classrooms plus commercial room occu pational training room for boys carpen try room auto mechanics room elec tronics and electric room sheet metal and welding room machine shop two drafting rooms and gymnasium Space will be provided or 380 additional stu dents and bring North Collegiate up to the same total capacity and standards as Central Collegiate when the latter is completed in time for next September Target for Norths completion would be one year later when the schools pres ent capacity will beexhausted Wr urn nnl lrylng In my thnl the Mn New Collegiate Addition Underlines Citys Grthh The Barrie Examiner ADULT CONSCIENCE Walls Pubhsher matrix Examiner OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadlar Newspapers Limited 16 Hayï¬eld Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE ansher 811an Slugm General Manager THURSDAY anu 1m 4m Mml men could nuke almllnr cnnlu nlnnn nf youlhlul Indlmollon We nlmulrl do well In keep In In mvnl berm we min In brand younlllm crhulmll Sonalnr harry lloldwnlor hm rcrallnl that won the hotter an day In M01 can Jail lnr hlll nu Mexican pullmuan wll ml of muslnnl was nut nlmlng at lhu pollccmnn hnl hlt hlmI Smlalor Mlkc MMMHCM the Senate mnjnrlly llillltl anlll Ihl would pru llml rcqulrcmunl ul uoml cllnrnrlcr would he up lltd Wm good llml of lllwrnllly mnrconnnulon nka llml slnlmnrnl nu one was murlmnrllnlml lnlrn lwlnrv he wn lfl yrsm old vhlln mvln In the navy In the Flnl lnrld Norrnlly In US Scnnlo was dlscuss 1m propmul In ralnbllsll youth mn mlvnllnn camps The Itnaloru lld nnl vnnl lo lurn the ramps lnlu reform schnuls and lhoy dld nnl wnnl to lurn nwny youths who might hnvo Emlyn lllllo 1mm he pallls of rlghlcmuncss mm are exaggerated or Um there is no reason or concern nboul juvenile dvlinqucntr There clearly mnxslve prnblcm dellnqucnc In Industrialized nnliuns nnc that has con growing mp hlly In ï¬lm and complcxlty during the ml 20 Hulwcdp Isqy 11111131qu hr lwn Invhlcnï¬ rot chlldlxhl Inluhlol should not brand youngster as ml pulcnllnl crlmlnnl ed Record crowd expected or lea gue baseball opener Peneian at Bar rie Manager John Dobson had lve start ing pitchers to choose from Ken Terry Red Storey Johnny Johnson and Bill Poole plus southpaw Ivan Gracey Doug Ramsay and Jack Dyle were col chers infield included Bud Kashner Don Bowen Dalton Corbett Tommy llnre Garry LeGear George LeGear Outflelders were Ken McKenzie Eddie Siransman Dominic DAmbroslo Harold Laking and Buster Clerk Dr liar old Smith elected president YorkSlmcoe lennls League Barrie live in how lers elected Clarence Joe Pul ord pre sideut Oliver Cameron apgalnted Registrar of Deeds for Slmeoe ounty succeeding the late George Viekers llo ward Allan oiChurchili named inspector of Farm Loans for Onlnrio RCAF Camp Rorden slated in at 200 recrulls from all parts of Cane next month Army Service Corps stren th now up to 42 n11 ranks Tank Schoo 2i Dr Ross lurnhull began duties as inlerne at Montreal General llospitnl RCl Cadets praised on ins action by Major Philllps of Royal Cannd an Regiment No iluioon commanded Llcui liarold While won Rodgers irop Presentaiion made by Colonel Patrick liennessey D50 Commandant Camp Borden Under this complex system it is not ronsidered feasible to have the trustees elected They are appointed by the municipal councils who are elected Board members get no remuneration But their selection depends on admin istrative capacity and broad knowledge of education and its changing problems Ratepayers have recourse to their elect ed representatives ii they are not sails fied with an appointment to the colleg late board The three courses will be named Arts and Science Business and Com merce Science Technology and Trades Mr Pratt gave credit to the provincial government or steadily increasing grants for education taking more and more of the load or the municipalities This year Ontario grants amount to about 39 per cent of the local operating budget and expected to increase next year Barrie District Collegiate Board has six trustees appointed by the City of Barrie one or more according to popu lation from each of the live townships one each from Barrie Public School Board Barrie Separate School Board and the County of Simcoe The Robarts Plan for Ontario pro vides five ear courses leading to uni varsity tra nlng or the courses now known as academic commercial and technical it also offers fouryear cours es in the some subjects for those who intend to go straight to work at the end of that time second alternative is special twoyear courses for commercial and technical training new vocational wings ln secondary schools Thus only one matter of thls construction rests on te munlclpal llle Involved lhe mun Mom Inn po Hllmu lry lulmu Ihnl lHrl culuhr lmummnl fllrl nnl In him 1mm Mllm cllnmd llu llmury wuld llu Imw lhn mun Im lum In 1mm numlwr ul mum IIIH MINI Ilium vlulvl llvr llxrhequrr Iuml ul lnnnlln mklnu Irlvflylmlll ul llw nmhnmu Mmh llwy wm mvmwllrd In my mu umlvr II at llqmlnl mugAn mum Aloun 1mm nnnlhrr rhulun Ind uhttlm hy mhulllrmfl or an rlnlmnl lmll llm pul rimm um Mlluhnun lhu Flmmclnl Admlnhlrnllon Ad MIMI ennhlrd ll mull my in In pun ulmln nml undrr II ncl Hm xavunmrnl hm rrdnctd Hm lnrHl pvnully In lho dulrtd lml rum hum Hick11 unl lnul Maul mum llml MI dcvluul nmrhllmllnn WM In lrcl tlmuuvcnuun ha mm tlvlr llml Any nu lmlrnm AhmlM lm lulul uuly ullrn MI plmrd Ivy lnrllnmrnl Hu ullulr mulmlnn rlmltl llum Ilull rlrnnrl up Mr ln IIIIIBI mom llw RKHNIP mrnl Inhmlucmu mm nulvu lrilnlnlnn lu usulnltr Ill rmrrlrncy uwnunm llllfl HII IIJIMI Na luxmlun wllhnul leprt Mnlnlion ll one nldcsl bulllwrlcs of lcmucrucy In U10 nutInn mule lxlmcn lha men nml lnrllnmtnl It has hccn analth llml uuly Um cIculul rrprcscnhulm ho promoho Hnule Unm munwhul pqu my lam llul In lhln inunucr lha Ulcl enlmkcr uuvcrnmcnl nraucd win pcrmlsnlhlo fur ll In wllh draw lmm my wunlry lho Kfl rml or prclrrcnlinl lnrllh and Hm rflccllvcly hum mun llul MI pxuwlnlu lmd Humm lrrl cl levying lnrml MKth um um uvcrnmrul MumL 50 ll thrn lnlkc4l Illulllcr Ilnlulr lh flnunclnl Admlnhlrnllon When lhu new purnnnmnl wn Incmhlcd In the Full Hun Inul Munln draw upon hi legnl lmlnlnl lo mmlcr slusmnn mrk upun the government or the mnnnnr In which iI Imposed lhcu levic upon lhv Clmndulll pump by Order Council WAS IT LEGAL valucd during lhc clccllun cnm palgn And the Hm major 01 the Diclcnbukcr guvcnuncnl nflcr polling day was In lmpom mics emergency measure aimed at halting the run on our dollar These measures Included uiduprmd larlH surcharges End ulhur auscri1y slaps ne lgncd In dlscourfxï¬o lmporls Unc cl these which every Cn nndinn louml loll painfully wn sharp slash mm 3100 ID In the vuluc at foreign pul thnscs which nlurninu lnnul 1m were pcrmiucd ln brinl Into Canudn rev duly about he llme 01 last Junes gnncrnl olccllon reader leI rcmnmbarl Cnnndu mu lnlo major linnntial crisls imm lng the lnlernallunal value nl our dollar This wns revealed lo lhe publlc hy lhu Ith primn mlnlslcr lust all lhc nlecllon havlng been concealed lmrn electors unlll lhenln he wards nl Liberal Lender 1mm lcur Innby what can only ll c519ch mqlor mm OTTAWA Lust summers ï¬nancial chickens am Hocking home runs here but slnuo he human is now under new mnnngemnnl lhe cross bred birds unccdcnlgralcd by Hm Liberals urn now ncslling under the Liberal mnl OTTAWA REPORT By PATRICK NICHOLSON Financial Chickens Are Home To Boost ON THE LAUNCHIKG PAD me mm wmrm In vlvq NEIll at wilmn II III lhv luumnm ul uur ummml er ymlnm mmm In mum lumlvul In munm munum Imx qu pnnnnlnunlu numb uhllm lnurmlgw ml Um unn ma nllun Ihu uhth mm mm lmdlllonnlly lhrre lmn hm IIIme mum MAXINI lhnn ulluw ru In our munlry The lend Inry Im hm lnr lurue 1m mullun nl Mulmndl In pxbdc mun uwlr ulm 1m 1m Irfl Inm relnilrrly ynumz whlnwk In Ilvnlluml rlr runuunrrl Many llvcm Mu nvl Ivrlfl rllailvlu fur uld nun nh hlnnu whim Ilnrln nnly nl 11 new 1le AIM cum llm MMUIMUH nnmenuny hnlnnu In In nmu WIIHWI lm brm tlfnxlnl Hood of mm Ion and In quirch um rmived Ami now at luul 5000 unmrn and wr lnpl cm more M11 he drnwv In the allowance by low MUM WIINIWN ninncn MI My 1qu pgugmx 11w ncw up In our nncxflnlr vrr Iémmt wu nlncrd In all ma dufllu In lhn And all muqn T1 prnzrnm hrtnmc mm the on Mny And prlnr In Ihcn It was npnnrml to official the dendrum wtlfnrc Uml nnl many women nlmuld knew Ahqu the new IM Not In mnny Appllcnllom hm nhnuld hnva hccn wm mmlnx In wan drcldrd In run an ullnlng cnlppnlgn nu ma nalmctd nl lhlx mar 10 nlnn In available In widow and name Alnzle wamcn mm 60 In 65 year old They cut Eollcrl up In 65 niunlh plus mtdlcal nld BIBLE THOUGHT Dy DON OIIEAHN TORONTO More lhnn 5000 wnmcn cxpcded to count Hm new uldowl nld nlluwanco bclm lhc end lhe your And iuï¬sï¬lniial 551510 ancwmnpcr advqxflflnx An lnlercsllng sldcughl at lhis legal dispute concerns mesa million 01 Canadian lourisls In mm surcharge were Ille gaL won the roslrlcllnns an the importation or twin pur chase also illcxal need wlm masslvo bllla totall ing perhaps nearly szoamaxm in repuyahlo xurchnrzcs On hu mhcr hand even now the new Kuvcrnmenl could nsk the new parliament to puss hill rcgularislng lhe sleps whlch when In opposmun argund were gllicgul in every curls who was charged duty on his 10mm pur clmsu In exccxs $15 but less lhnn $100 will also have cum ngnlnsl lhn government The In dlvidunl bums may he smnll but collcclhcly lhcy would slugger tho lrcasury and he mum QUEENS PARK Ads In Newspapers Do Job For Govt Umlrrl SHIN llvrmr rm mm nulml WNW unlw mlml an lur NAN Innling laul Ilu rm uldrmtr count nhslslnllrn nm nous mry He uumhy uuxklng least until And not has mlwr numlcs MICII In unum phylum inxurnnue In drnw nn Cnuplu am mun marrlcd curllcr um hry also are lrnd Inn in he clnscr In tho mm hen mL Which mran Khan IIDI1 munl chanco Ihc ulfe dyinn Unlil remn limes Ihe hul hzmd win be older lhnn the wily marrhluclllc awr nno was mm lic 1qu year elder Nuw the end nUILr way HAS FANCY TAIL More than 200 colorcd euth nrs make up um proud an or the pcucntk By 1m CANADIAN xuass my 23 lure In Argentina and ae crct rnnspnrl to Israel Natl war criminal Adolf Eichmann three years no ludayin 19m Elchmnnn was mm nnd convicted In Xsrncl or lhn Second Vurld War murder of 6000000 Jews In Nall extermination camps and was hanged on May In 962 To Ihc end he showed neither remnrac nun rcpcnlnncc and snld mnnds bolnro his dbalh had to of lhc war ma cénadas Ixpclihe Ant gut second reading nllcr closure 1m Prernler bcrhurt of Album died Israel TODAY IN HISTORY 11 mi sol unnuunLtd he cup In Argentina and ae rnnsparl to Israel war trlmlnal Adolf MCNAMAM ARBIVES FOR NATO MEETING mum Mn Mlnlmr lrme ol mlmlm Illlllvll hy In Hmlrlwvlfll AIIIA lmumlul In Canada lmund nw lmnmcnl or mcnlnl mu fun mndo nmullnx urldcs during mu pm low dcudu In Hu ml lcw ycau psychlalrlc mcdldna mu mnda unbellmhle prnkrul lhnl all of an aka harm that then II lumen The Clvmun Cnmmmee at the Navy League Barrie brunch officers and mini wish to thnnk the ptople Earth for th flue rzspunsc lo lhelr Tun Day May and final cuun pul us over he Inp with It lotal of smut Thank you We wish alsa lo lhank Mr Fisher hl exccullve and mm her the Barrle Central Calle giale Band for lhelrwllllng sup art on Battle the Atlantic unday The success our Mn mnrlal Service at lhe Cenotaph nnd our Church Parade wrrc dun1 large part to thelr mu aopcrallnn Our program during lhe rev can Mental Nnallh Week was nlmcd nl making people aware lhnl when cmoxlunnl and man lnl dmurhnnce ls hcl ed In it early stages medlcinu RBI bru rr chnncc In the lrcnlmenl and the curing of lhc dislurhnnn One the ways In which wu hrlp proï¬le In the early fluxes of mnnlnl Mcknm hy pruvld In adequate mvlcmsuch as manul hcnllh cIlnIc whlrh in no desperately needed In the Czflnly Slmcne agimszyu moment Mn men for some munlhn and with the nu drugs his bland ï¬reï¬sum has come down to gala car Dr Molner My hua who la 40 has been under Ilc ioieraies no noise imm ih children and considers anythinl do or any that he doesnt am with in he deliberate attempt onimy part to disturb him cannot dlxcus anything with hlm or innr oi pulling him to hdd iortiaysh Hn claims in the result his high blood pressur that he zeta upsai so easily it seem me he causes it by letting everything hulhcr him almost believe he wauid he better ulf iiilnl aloneRDL Your husband Im alrald hm thfggg rqghcr backwards can agree that he wnuld be holler all living nlone He would probably new and rat arse Ihnn everbut wouldnt haw anyan else upon whom to vcn hls wrnlh Jayne Dagnenull SecrmryTrcnxurcr Barrie Branch ol lha Navy league inmnlly our cnmmunily lnng wilh the rest of Canada observed Mcnlal Heallh Week would like In cxprcu my pen gal npprcclallnn and also thank you on beha 01 ha mm Brunch The Cnnadlan Mental Health Assocmlan for the com er Inn and lnlcrut whlch your spnpcr showcd at that lime and lhrouzhoul the ycnr th load pressure dmnt mï¬kchlm expladc temperamen téfly 11 alhcr way round Icnslmu contribute to the blond pgcssurc he really believe what he says he shnuld be slrnghl hsr hls own good not to man tinn your and the chlldrcnu You should talk to his doctor Isnl normal lor man In lake In his bad because of dil nrence or opinlnn Rather lhls acllon has he earmark tantrum Io gel hls own way Dear Slr LETTERS TO THE EDITOR TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH ear Sr jiTakes ToHis Bed JIi He Is Bothered Ynurs Ilncercly MI 04 Hm Maxwell Mylar hnlmml nl ho US mm mm 01 um mm ml HUI WIN WILD NATION In Jnnlmry 17M 11 hand MIN txilr nundld Sydney Mulran lnday hlucr in than IlnmI Tnkcuchl ha uch lme nudylnu ul lhr Natural Illslnry Museum in KKnslnfllnn Birds prey limin ha lhcmn many hls pnlnunu How long has thts trnlt been apparent certatnly would doubt that tt appeared suddenly tn the Inst cw month And It dld that had better Inves tigatedï¬ loo The windmr éxmmuon mni In May 15 ll actor may suggest my chlalrlc help Your husband may not be what we Ihlnk 01 mentally lll but he doesnt low emptlonally well qllher ol accupllng lllc plucldly and unslhly Somcom who dis agree wllh hlm Isnt cnmmll llnfl crime It hell lcnm be tolerant learn to lake lhlngs calm hell be hnppler and It will no he lol cnslcr to treat hthlgh bloodymssurg Tnkcuch is mt ly painlcr who use moody arms and wk on lhcsc moods beinx vnrinblo yet permuncnl mt review puhlIshcd by the Chelsea Poul don pupcr Tnknuchl born In Vnncnuvrr xludlcd the VnnrMvr Srlmnl Ar and later nhhnnul lrnv nlling grant rnubhn mm In mm In Brllnln ll munlhx am He has leHed Ylllmhuln Groom IIgyrjl nnd Frauen LONDON CPI Norman Takeuchl 25yearold Japanm Canadian winter holding hi Iirsl onurman show In Brim palnlngs uJ mnr him 30 drawlngs urn ll cxhlhlilon he Thames MA Wlndsor Berkshire This 1m 1mm Can ada has moved nry rapldly along Um nlh moves since hl min In England and Ms wnrk learn am In nu dnubt nhnul Ms Mum There are plenty ni pcoplé with high blood pressure who are pieasanl to live with and Ihopehc decides in become one oi them He can ii he wants that il 17m Dr Mnlnnr Please help me overcome my avcrslan ln hospllalx because of car 01 ï¬re lnrmerly lived In cily where many deaths ln howi tnl resulted not lrom lire but lrom lumcs lrum burnlng may lllms Thls lem Ix naltnalural any ashamed of llAJ Iul trcalmnnt for aimnst every Iygp mellai Illness You should be able to discl pllne yourself not al this car lpymphobln ll you kccp ln mlnd lhul modem hospital are completely lireprool and mi xray film ure now fireresis lnnl They will burn only slowly and not with the almost explo slve energy olrlcrtypc lilms The lire you menlloned oc curred mortilhan 30 years ago We npprc cooperat lun 1n the concern or what nur communlly dolng in the light agalnil menlnl Ines and 1n the lnlroducnon nnd mnlnlalnlnz of adequate service or every man woman and child who II In need help Yours sinccrely Bruce Owen Program Chairman Barrie Brandi The Canadian Manta llaallh Assotlallnlj Canadian Artist Has Show In UK