was lhr rullr ululwlmk lu lull lvl va mm ml yen mt llm In um lluunulunm Im nunll an um mumm zm nnIv rumled lo Mm mm man uppllullqm min unwanmmm In kiln ul I9mm mm Inn ulllfll Thrlr lrlmlmrnllml lluhllhl ycgnlnr my mm In unnpnuy Hml muvluyl mu MN lmnm ma mm lhr lllllrï¬ï¬‚ lnr InIr nlnnmrrl wuk ulvllmo trachm nllrufl IIhulvul uh IrIImI HIM Wnlnluhlv Illnl Iwm mm hmv 71 mm up lvilnllnm um rnrflmll Iluw LxmI unllnhlr Vum Iw ruuulnym who unr My mk up lo HM 5mplrfllhrrl qlo ml wunl mm my on year lhm rm nm rollwr nume ulml ralll lulmmInuhrr Immu lar ymmu mrn 1mm uuimn Imhrnilln ullu nlunlrvr ln sunk lulmmn II llw Mhlcl nru rampu dullvm llw IIM mul lrndllllm mm In llm rumul TUHONTU Il Fllerr lulrgn nn lvulmllinn lhal Hun rlnMIr In HimMl IWII In mlulfll mnnlv mluhm lug pm and ImIHIHHlIII mum 1le mu Hr unhhm ml 04 man tryuluuv the mnnnl llml ricn hr lkllllNl nuclmrlrrv 1mm The cmncmr clam lmnor nry pnsldcn nl llu maxnun rnllrnl or me lllwmllnn nf lhu mm Ihr Mrlcsln Umlmrul AH llmulmlud Ivy mtlnn pl nunm nlul cnnlm Hmprlnr llnllc Srhmiu Hhlnpia old lhn hcmlx nl Mull n1 hr tunhrrnuvIMRIH In Aiman hislulyluc hum lluy ml ndupl nnzlu Mrunn Hunter Inlnxo l0 Incrlinx 4nd Salunhnx Frontier Coilege Too Many Prois ADDIS AHABA thunln mumUS lrrsldcnl Ken nnly and Sovlul Immlcr Khnuhthcv lmlh sent goodwill manages lo the 30nfllun MrL run mmmil tonlcrcnuo which 0pcan Wulnesduy leI Mrlllh Includan molullnn mmlcmnlux IIILIIII stxrwIlinn In Unllul SinllL He snld pol m1 Independmcc Inr Quebec would have mean lrx unless it Is accnmpunlnd by ecnnnmic and social lndrpcnd tnre lunx as uilhin Cnnhdcrn linn we cannot make up lnr our wenkhcssns nnrl nllorlcnmings ln wny do nal think up haw to anosc xonl lhnl Me nu rid Confrxlrrallnn he mm FrenchspLnking service clul in his communin 20 miles south east Montreal ST JOHNS Quc CplJean Mnrchund presidom the 000 member CoMedcration nf National Trade Unions said Vednusday nlghl he is run Inccd Quebecs major problem 116 uni conslilulinnnl or dor Goodwill Wishes For African Talks Dcspile cunl unscasuuable winds yuslcrday in Toronm mtch MariLou MIchnnld aura only her makeup and Union President Says Quebec Needs Economic Social Freedom HAM EXAMINER THURSDAY MAY THAT TOUCH OF MINK Hw cuIn urauu llmll Humid Itr llrnlll Nv uursrll Imlny Imlun Humr mm III ulwlllmnl nl Invmul himl lur lmlllly nhn Imn Inl Hm lu mum Aml ulml Imy um lltvynl Imm 3011 mm mu ml XIIIHum um um lndviqud mm In Crum ul IUIXI nl cnlMac then an nhnnd and In onkdcrnliun L1H In mid Hailed Stains capital dis nmwuml Cnnndan Mandurd or living vmuld drop by pvr cent It Vnu are prepared comm mil cvmrs on he induslllal lnrcl you are prepared Io linhlcu yaur hrll to flu pain ma AT ALL IIMHZM IHIIIMVIIQI nll IIUYAL lREAM Thmv was no lack lulcnlcd nlrn und Fflm Cnnudlnns are In no way Inlcrinr oth rs But we not have Ihc rmuircd knowledge Oulsido capllul and lechnicnl aid Wm ncLdcd because French nnadiam didnt have lhu rah dilinn at big huslncsx wnuld he dungeraus iI they suddenly hommr owners hlg business Hill Gnllonl of Royll Old Fuhlumd In miuk bikini ouLsidc doun Inun theatre to publicize mnviu rhu low lcmpcmlure curly Wednesday morning was 43 CF ViruphulnL CORONET lco Crum PINTS Freezer Pak Now THROUGH MAY 25 um WHILE THEY LAST lu Crum IIJuy he lllwr Inv nur nr Ilnynl In will In lhn lmI unlluu mu nm 201 lhulcc Inmnn ROYAL OLD FASHIONED Hqu Gallons He sald he mcclinu in Ottawa Is at he rcqucs 01 Prime Min islcr Pearson The prime mlnis lcr had made he request in Xcllcr lo the premier who snid he would no discuss the cun lvnls of Icuer available slnre me prime mlnlslcr may wnnl do his LI press can lcrcncc in Oman He said Mr Anderson is nub ing only on BCs behalf and has na formal pasiliun on Ihe ncguliallun loam Howevcr he hoped Mr Andersnn wnuld cnn linuc an in role similar In that which served nur two cuunlrics so well during St Lawrence negotia lions The premier would not define Mr Andersons position in the negotiations other than in snyi he had been working In gut British Co posilian across in the United Stnies Ilrlluhlnl lull luuvlnlil nulqu mm ml hm mlr dquI HI Innlmn av nuu Snw mum fur Ilmrll lnnllhl Mr Benncll also told press conference he will hcad pra vinclal delegation Whlch will meal with federal olllclals to discuss the Cnlumbln in Ollawa June The prcmlur sald Mr Ander san member at former pres Idem Eisenhowers cabinet who pmlclpalcd In St Lawrence Seaway Ialk for the US lg performing the dullcs at no cost lo BC VICMRIA CPD Fremlcr Bennett announced Wednesday that Rnbort Ander Ion former United States such rotary he treasury has been aclingas rcdtapc breaker or British Columbia in Columo bin River treaty negollations since late 1962 The ombudsman an amclnl appalnled by legislature to In vestigate wmplainls mm the publlr or cases of alleged Muh handedress by government om clals Sweden has lwn of them OTFAWA CplThe govern ment suflgcsled Wednesday that Parliament itself make the de cision on whether to establish special machinery to protect the liiile man ram bureaucrats Justice Minister Chevrier sairl in the Commons its rules com mlilee might study suggestions oi creating parliamentary commissioner or ombudsman such as some other countries have Anderson Called RedTape Breaker Jun 52 Dunlap PA 83341 24 Hour GoVt Wants To Aid Little Man Srrvlc All Walk Gulrlnlml For Full Yen WATCH REM Mnnlvergqu BILL LEBOEUF PINTS Sllolbn Huh ll MM Crum II 10 Huh Six wldllu in suit lugs IU ll All In 110 lcngllm nmnbrr Lawyer Andrew Brewln 1NDI Tarnno Greenwnadl long ac livc In clvll liberties groups asked Mr Chevrier at lhe new governmcnla View an 01 Jul 5m It might be rclemd lo lhe committee on procedure which be set up this Msslon under ha chairmanship at Commons Alan Mpqnnuxhlon Il haflvould be agreeable that perhaps would he an uxccl Drastic Clearance SPLIT BAMBOO ROLLUP PORCH BLINDS Dough Fisher NDP Port Arthur has proposed maln Ilon lhlt sesslnn to create the oh line parliamentary counscl who would ï¬xamlnc grievanch nl Canndlnn citizens which arlsr in their relation with the administration Ihe fodera stat In Canada and repurt an lhem In lhe Commons It seems to me that thls In matter far Parliament to deter mine rather than the minister nUusI Mr hevripr aald bill along these lines was Introduced last sculnn by Art Smllh Conservatlve MFA or Calgary 48mm who dld not seek reelection The hlll died when Parliament was dissolved for the April ledcralelectian mm dealing in clvll and nlher ll mllllary law MIMI EATONS GARDEN TILLER Specials Shop This Weekend and SAVE TECOMASTER This Friday and Saturday Feature TWO DAYS of OUTSTANDING VALUES PHON PA 85983 mus upm wide lelléd the laneway biInxinl the miller Iu lhzallenllon of he HouseJ Ml Chggglpr Added in addition la Mr Fishers resolution Sociu Credit Lender Robert Thnmpson has inlm duced bill to create the attic of parliamentary commissinncr almost duplicate oi Mr smiths Vbill last session ROME STILL STANDS ThaJIlncentury home the nncesloys of George Washington null slandsllve mill1 well of Sunderlnnd northern England ioim MnihcsonLLccdn has prnpased bill to provide or review oi administrative pgwerr and to reiievu imm tlhéir milaprliminn which he lays embed principles adva caltd by the Canadian Bar lia sociallan TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PQONEPA Mill TNTU WARM WEATHER WITH Hus Pam MON 5pm Price rich Fcalum paucrlu Imp Briggs and Slrauun cnglpc EnsySpln rewind slancr Hns new deluxe heavy luhular SIM handle wllh cunlrul panel pmhbuuan thrub llu bell operated clutch D11 10x umbpncumaflc lircs Mini wldlh ll dlamclcr tires unbreakable llnns re El5Â¥ lean Rog L95 lo 649 EATON Spldll Pill REVERSIBLE TILLER flu lrlce IN 11995 SERVICE HA Cllpplrhn sr Splclnl Prlu nth Mlcce Set Table approx 60x20x2n hlgh ncnchcx 60x11x10 hlgh EATON Iii iis versatile beautiful hesl Super ior construction and finishing wilh all pieces precision cui siaincd and treat ed with weather rcsislani wood pre servative Table and benches have strong tubular aluminum irnmcs old iinl or iransporinlion or storage Lock lirmiy in open position California Redwood GOLDS SHOE PICNIC TABLE AVAILABLE AT Spulul Pric TORONTO CmNew Dema crallc Party crltlclxm earlier his year abuse of the On IArln Icglslalures 1m mulling prlvllegu apparently rebounded Wednuday night bolh uplnp run Ircclor nutm nmllc dermal rclrlgcrnlor am on Two large vegetable crlspcrs ullllly compartment and lmllle slorngc In door EATON Provincial Secretary 9ka produced loner which he mid had been ligned by Norman Davlsou NDP mem ber of he legislnluru far Hamll Inn East and mulled to All con Illuenls riding under the legQIIalgyca hank mm was trillclzcd In the legislature April 17 by Kenneth Brydcn NDP member he leglslnlure for Toronto Woodbine ar malllng lcllur and new Ontario mad mnp No Road Mdps IustLetters Viking REFRIGERATOR FREEZER COMBINATION MIMI UIII 114 cu ll nol usable Almugc umco 5mm lrlcry ch Samn excellent mum cu re me mar EATON lELOMASTEIl EHRDEN TIMER PA 84833 $109 25995 BY GREB Spocials On MATCHSTICK BAMBOO DRAPES flu In 3695 WEEKEND MARINE SPECIALS to his condiment under the trunk Rand mm are out accord ing to Km Bryden Mr Ya rcmko told the Inaugural met Inn he Frnlreuive Conserv Illv Assoclulon or ha new riding of Scarborth Centre But lhlnlype of political eralure Ia Ill HahnI zalhur Mr ancmko End In leucr repelled In tho consulunnla gov WEEKEND SPECIALS LOUNGE SWIMMING POOL LOCKERS AND SHOWERS CLUB ROOMS CRAFT ROOMS GAMES ROOM EXERCISE GYM LOUNGE GENERAL PURPOSE ROOM DRIVE CLOSES JUNE INCOME TAX RECEIPT run voun DONATION BUILDING FOR THE WHOLE FAMEY Thh lovely oludrlc hllr dry valund 2995 Na Ullle II In nullu my ram Irullnl Mlllllfll Tnan or rmm BONUS OFFER VIkml IZ hull Hunvhuul Cnmplcle windshield Mooring whctl and seals Rog 49900 Reg moo EATON Spuhl Prlco VIKING 12 Elbe 995 Runabout EATON Sula Prln Tm up In hnmolnr nnly mi and men 11100 BATON Spltlll lrlte l2Ft Aluminum Boat EATON Spotlnl Prlco 1m Fiberglas Boat $475000 REQUIRED an Building Plum Includ 24 Barbecue Adlumble grill pallfloril Eltchlc mororixod Spit Hood Two RubborTlud Wheel Barbecue Special Oulifliir EMON Spotlll Prlu surponr YOUR COMMUNITY YMCA YwéA BUILDING FUND emmmt scheme for minimum wages porllhlo pulslon and mudlnal insurance polnung out what lho NDP command ahurtcamlnxs IMS MANY TONGUES Thu cxlernnl servlm of the MINI Broadcasting Corpora llon nrcscm prnxruxn In Innluauns busldc English 1595 3990° 199oo 199oo with xv