lmlna plan Mr lhe lhm rw NATO mullnu 0mm 1n Uh IYL Dirk HIM Sn Myllcnrrnl he NAT mmdL held mm ruulomm Isle ynlmlny nut rl nr lhc up My Serial lell Lezulcr Thnmp mn nah nuclrnr mm nnl IMII nl Imu In the Volm mlhvr ll wus mine lhl mlhvr ll wus mine III playingY nl pnlillum Dunn wuusilvilily my man proplc nnd lhc purple Cnnmln lo Th mu armrr ideme minister Douala Hnrknrs wu rndirluhle He rcslgnml ram lhu flnsKlVlllllt cnhlncl In Ifclnunry over delay In acquir Ing nutIKur nrms 11m mnlhm mrlllciml lhr knvnnmcnl nuns In amulro lhcm He Inld reporter he cnuId have supmrlcd It he moHnn hurl DXprflSsLd trillrlsm lle government dccldfnu ncquiru nuclear nrms wllhoul consulting lnrnnmnnl llm Jan McIntosh PC Swift CurrentMaple Creek mid hls vale was In no way mcunl as lndlcnllon of support or Iha Hhcrals nld he disagrch with he warding Ihe New Dcmncmlic Pnrlys non mnli drnce mnlinn and lmlim Can ada should Inna nuclear arms They ranged from belie llal Cnnnda should have nu clenr arm to he position that it wuuld be lncspanslhlo lo Inp ple Iha leerni government Iilhln wcek It assuming of Ice OTTAWA CWA arch motives prumplod six npposi uan MP5 lo cast lhzlr votes wllh uvcrnmcnl supporters and sus laln um Llheral govnmmcnl on nnnmnï¬dtncu mm Tuusday nighl For he lirst me since In US xnvcmmcul wcnl inlu the agriculture business 1933 un der the new deal administra Unhampcrcd means Ihat more US whcnl will Ix compeling wilh Canadian vhcal on world minms crem ing heavy downward pressure on prices through cflnrls lo dispgse surpjus slurks Their decision to elxmlnule all wheat acreage and markcling controls or the 1954 crop your means that then will he no re slricllnns on growing when on lms Congress passes new when program Number 01 Reasons Caused MP5 To Sustain Liberal Government us wheat growers have voted strongly against stricter unrem mcnt controls on Ihelr crops and hair declsion likely will affect Canadas future whey qxporls udy Piluus ï¬nd Tuesday coach H13 Chlcaxn Black Hawks hasnt cumnlnlcly giv an up the sump Here on an US Wheat Decision May Affect Canada WASHINGTON Cl AP NATO SECRETARY OUTLINES HE HESNT REALLY GIVEN UP THE GAME mm lmnormw Ur mm lurmer Nomulpmli Mlm Mu nl Falpiln Mlnlm NATO nmhnl It ml Him wmher vullum In buck mynd AP wmphuo Gnmno ace muslin alnlu rlghu Inln Ihu mm Mun nnlhnmn 1m nrl nul In hlnrk murlMdrrrd dmnrcunllnn nl lho Univmlly Alnhnmn He said he hellms the nav cmmcnl should Acquire nuclcnr Arm dclcnce committee mamamud nuch 5le after cxnmlnlnz all aspect In qucaunn Ber Lebne ISC Caribou said was foalishntu to up set government Um him Just slmcd ll work He can III vale with government suppflfl ers on lhn basis lhn he gav unmrnt should cl chance and not on the qncslinn nu clear arms He said he govcmmcnl has promised dcfcnco tnmmillu that can examine whether Can ndn will ncquIrE nuclcnr nrms Prime Minlslcr Pnnrxnn nlsa Imd assured the Communs he queslion wil ho brought helm Parliament take rtsmnsiblo stand regard lnx the dalence Cannda PISMlSES WILL EXMHNE The administration had Ihrown ll prnsllge and slrnnnln behind ii program In hullic nxnins nrm zrnups dcmnndmg loss In lher than more Rovrrnmnnl In ngrlculiure The Alnhamn xnwrnur Iuld DEFEAT ran mums The vole cap hlggcs campnlgn em waged In US farmlands was In sunning du loa or he ndminislralion and arm policies Governor Tries To Block Court In the referendum held oomph1e returns showed 5969 voles against lhe Kennedy ad minislrnllon plan and 54115 for 1L The vnh In lnvnr was 478 Ike lnlalur short of that re quircd BIRMINGHAM Mn lion al Un lale Franklin Roosnvell Ihe farmers rejcclcd wheal controls clcciric hockey lamev he man am the Dflmit Red Wlngs while his wife Margaret han dlcs the Toronto Maple Leah Daughier Mary Lou 15 and MP N€m Mlorncy irnelnl nkhmnml Flnwm pallllm npfnnml ul Wnllncr wnmnl drlnm lcdrul murl nrdeu mny lull la Huhum lle mld nun who drly IIUI nnlm my be In Mum lltlflfll Irmml nun 1er In Alabama llwy um In Mlululppl lhn Inmn mum lullnwul In Jail inwrnnr Ilnu Dnmell Mllslulwl whu mend Nezra lnmu Mrrodlm wllh In In lnpnnlllon Ilnlule And humr1 Mm 1mm he Unlvmny yMlnlulpul Mrrctlllh Ilfr ¢n rollrd lmlnrl lwlml lnrtu w4 or Vllll Thul anlnrn emhnrhd upnn Mlflpnnl Nullmrnl Ilmlrnlu null lurully mrmhru It In unlrmlly rnlupul Tmrnlrmm InVNLMll Ill Ihll uhllc nludrnla my nnl mu lllu Hwy willlnn In Irrom No mlwmnlcllmcrmlly Thin Inuld be In untml 1h rlollul whkh nupled n1 mml uven yml nan when Au uwlnn lawn Hum wa ml mlllul In Ihl unlhnr umlrr lullml rmnt mulm 5K lmr Ms uprllnl lur maklnl wmm ulnlpmanh mm IHICLIII all cumplxlnl am in mob Hm Mll mvu nhnlnled nur lrnl mun DImn Inlll 1m lrulm hm no cunlvnl our Wallm The unlmflly ll nur rrlpnmlhlllly HM luyuml Uul up IH Ml law rnfntrrmrn ul llmn lerrr IllwlI unlrmllr lnum Idmlml WA lm lnr mhlni In mnvlc Hum Ind IYIIIMIMXNI wllh hlm tmbndy mu Invcrclznly 1th unto xnld VnIlncu vcl mm hnlllu wllh lho lrdcrul gavemmnnl nnd will be pre mm to bar lho cnlrnnm In any Num Mm Lock In enrol ul lhu unlvmlly hll Iulhurlty on lho linu Tun dny nncr Ihu unlvmny hnurd lunar hud mm nde wn thruu nnd US Dhlrlcl Judnn II Ilnhnrl Groom xt luscd In delay lhe Juno ll rulmcnl IMPORT SUGAR VANCOUVER CF 5mm poured nnrlh arms lha border lnlo he Vancouver area duran lhe wackcnd Custom mew the Douglas harder crnsslnz snld almrul every recnnd turning Canadian car urrkd some ruraranylhlnx ram 10 pouml bag In sopnund racks Sugar II relllng or 0173 or 10 pound In Vancouver compmd le or Ilmllnr Imuunl In suhué 1t couldmean that Presldcnl Kenncdy will change hls term pnllcie and mom nuw In the direcnnn rcduclnu zuvcrn ments rule In ngrlcullum 0W poncnls had umpulmxed on he conlunllon that approval lhe when nlnn wnuld upon the door In quotas an llvtslnck milk poultry and crops not rnw sub Iccl In them The defeat gnve crednncc In ndmlanlrallon crlllc hm mm or want less government Inlcr creme rather than mum Frce man had slnkcd hl prestige on he canlcnllon that farmers worn willlng to accept more clrccuve cantmls In huh overproducllon and mbiliza price Tho 01ch the rclmcndum is In reduce price supports now at 3240 about 5115 But supports wnuld limllnd mowers muklnn the per com rcducllnn In plantings The plan would nave rcqulrcd laxmm In reduce 1954 crop plantings 10 per cent rum lhls year would have supported 80 nor can he unrmal pm ducllun on allullcd acres nl 32 bushel and tho rcmolndcr at $110 Fnrmm would have not puymanls lnlnlllng around $300 000000 or Idle wlmu lnnd Anrlcullure Smelary Orvillu Freeman hnd predicicd that defeat of the pin wnuld result In chaotic wheat market can ditlons Iamlly pct Bijou act as Ilciala Pllnus the must suc cesslul much In Black Hawk hlslory sald his ring cama disappolnlmenl bul no lurprise CP Wire pholo 9an 90 YHnnhly hr in pllxlchIoiflculhlunrd Minter Sal wllh Chlr lncludlnl ruxunnbla curry inl churn ho DOWN PAYMENT Only 1000 Monthly lur lho plutlcfumcunhluned Heller Sal wllh Chnlr SAVE 5150 on althor lull lullflu nanHa unylnl rhlur NEON UP Funeral servlm will be held today lnr Edgar Nelson Smllh 72 lormer lnalbul player wllhv Hamilton Tlnra and wellknown sololsl in Toronto music clrclcs Mr Smllh presidentol Donnelloya Jewelry lelled dltd Sunday hurt attack whlle playing 80 VOIUUED BY LOSS TORONN CmA siudont wuilnra nilicer 0f the Jamaican high commission in Guam nld RELIGION SHOWS LONDON Ont CPIJudge Fox at the London Juve nhe Ind umfly court mm Tuuday that of ha 600 boy and girls who hive appeared In the1m two years only two were Jewkhflia ullrlbulcd this In ï¬le concenluled reflglou mining rmlved by Jawlsh youth WORLD NEWS IN hm 1mm nms N50 avfllblrorwlvirhniolm RubbrCUIhlom EATON Splclfl Prlcu 2Vplm um Each 51er features luxurious longvearing nylonpile frleze covering protected by Scdlchgard StalnRepeller Spots sponge off Liquids blot up without trace 3Suhr Sul wloh Chair Old 23950 EATON Spuhl Prlca Ipleu lull Mm nullh wllh ram an mum 4Somr Sol wllh Chllr 0rd 26950 Alto uvllllhll with Falm Rubber CUIMON EATON Spaclal Prln 1H Sulh Ml Invan In due to Enlanl huuqulnmy buylu pom Comtmdlon In UnIplcmtd Th plywood Ind hurdwoad lnmn In Ilmulh ened by Iprrlll lluu lhtn unwed Ind Imlrhrd or but II Ilmrpalnln Sprlnul In Inch Ind ml Ira KNx lha rmnun mamlulu lhl mun rumour Ind durlbllllyl And he luck luve nmulded foam puddlnl Nckl Ire qullled benulh he REVERSIBLF PLASTIC FOAM CUSIIIONS Ind lha murdly huuhnme rnvtrinl comu In mu llnllnl rnlou Tur qunln CorI Chorall2 GranBronte Tnn RumGold nr Del Erica 2plc 35 ml lvuy ll mm pylm nml Ihma N0 DOWN PAYMENT an EATON Dudld llnn Thm rleu lulla with Aluuly lrnme tonnlrncllrm hardbolrd llvpl ml Mm lnvrln 1rd mm whim duwm wllh INnrlll bun plum rum LIItum Wu nul llnluh IDOIIIIH rn Ahnul tnxMxll hllh will Jrfl mlvrnr DRAWER HIZST Ilwu 011 hl DUKEHi ED In IIHL On Nah Mm llAlllld hellul mm or alm Tuusduy the commission is con named with the loss at Jamai can student who remain in Canada after completing their education Hugh Bonnick here or talk with oiiieial and atudenla at the University of Toronto and other institutions said about 20 per cent oi Jamal ean student stay in Canada aiter graduation LAWYERS DISBARRED TORONTO lCP Gerard Stanley Madman of Toronto and Frederick Claugh Brown oi Hamilton have been disbarred by the Law Society ot Upper Canada ior improper use oi money in their trust accounts The xocletya dlsclpllna commit the announced Tuesday that it was iaund that Modem drew money improperly from hls trust account and that Brown had misappropriated money in Mug2 guv ï¬x wwcmrxmm LIN aid Toronto boy has been charged with arson in canine linn with lire in downtown synaualm Sunday Paiica said the lire waa act in mm bed ding on the third floor oi he Agudalil iaratl SYIIBKOKLIB 51119an av HALIFAX CPlThe new de almyer escort Saakalchewan is remaining in the ma oi Fuello Rico on ha nil chance that aha may in called upon in provide axlra transport or Canadian wishing lo NERVE Halli the navy aaid Tuesday This Saskat chewan an mule here irnm British Columbla was at United Slam naval base In San Juan Puerlo Rico uniil lhe weekend taking part in United Slain Navy axerclsu there 20 BARBIE lXMfliXER WEDNESDAY MAY SI CRIMES ARE WORSE QllAWA tenPolice Chic any ann an mnomo c1 218°° 12yar 23800 20800 Ivayear study at Ottawa crlml statistic shown that teenaura are becoming involved in marl aerinu and brutal crimes HI aaid in hia 1962 repan that lhe xigniiicant iact diaclased in tho aludy in that in all field except iraiiic it would appear that ha Iconagar Ia outstrippin hla elder insoiar as Iawbrea in concamcd Rnpiln to Iypu Ind Makes Appllnnm CHAS KELLY senvica CENIRE PA 57122