Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1963, p. 16

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my Wm $321 mu TV in nu elm mu Hm mm llulnn llnul llllvlsllAV mv Ma mam nu numlm xuw Ilnnllnl mm rum xum mm 1an no Innn Mu Hm 835333533 mn MM 21 thmrl um nuy Th an spam hum Iw Andy WIIII Hm run mu 1nwl mm mm um mnipm BM 1000 mm 00 11 AD Hm Cut Nm ux nnlonnaln cm Nun mm Spam Nun Mom Cry thl Wanwnll IflUlllhAV MAY law In man lass mm um um L00 353 1m rmm Good Mnrnlnl mum rmy Nm Ilnmpn Imam ram Iuly purl mn umpnrunu of mm mm In Ynunl Thlxly vlI mu 1000 10m 00 11 AD WlDNlIDAY MAY 21 um sum Inn 30 Pub Im Rm Dmi nn Humberry Hanna avlntlll Almn play both sides oi the sireeki Aiim portraying John Ken nedy in PT 109 hes consider in ihc mic in The Best Man that was generally considered pattern oi Richard iNixan Como isiled the Twilighl Honor sci lo meal intern uooncr Richard Chamberlain Comos analysis docs vucal lalcn buyer than Perry Como in lawn lo dis cuss his next seasons television series Hell do only six shows Revue will ill he rest with an lholagius Vhalll he do with all ghal spare time Gal at says the Walt lsney makes his first trip In the Orion in 05 tuber Hell discuss plan for he Disneyland outpost hell build near Tokyo and hopes Lo 513 Japan as tourist Besides raising family she parllcipalcd in Ihe active life of Camp Harden and past president the CFMSTC Ladies Auxiliary an or number of Lila accompanying her hus band Fred wilI be leaving Camp Borden in June on his posting to London Ont They will be mlsscd by he many lrlends made over period of years spent in Camp Mm Dnmthy Edwnrds pre slden of the CFMSTC Lndles Auxiliary at Ihe conduslan of the regular monthly meetlng made prosenlutlan sllver clgarelle llyhter wllh the Me dical Corps crest to Mrs Lila Oakley departing member lphnlllnlnl II Our lulu II an In lxt KIM NMHFUMI Mrs Welshmu also vhlled couple of week with other re lallves Mr and Mrs Lnrry 01 son and family and Mr and Mrs Bill Olson and lumfly of Winnipog Mm before punched ins tn Calgary CFMSTC PRESENTATION By BETTY MELVILLE Mn Webman Calgary Alla has none home after vlsll ng her daughter Betty and son lnlnw Cpl and Mrs Mel ville and Iamlly ol Moro Lonp Perry Como Cuts TV Schedule Plans To Get Fat In Spare Time banl mnzraluma Bob Hope ll yanr um In Iol mind by mm AROUND SIMCOE COUNT BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANNOUE AND MQDERN WORK man Is NO CHARGE tHIs sinvica HOLLYWQQD MUAround lrnulhl 5mm Frrl Iklhnnlrl Fl lllKUl AMY DIIJWZHY lhonn IA Hm Mum mu llnuu Nmmdlv mm CAMP BORDEN DMVIYOURIU CARS AND TRUCKS AM Air no Minna Tu Im my TELEVISION Pnocnfis CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 mm luv m1 nw IIW Nuv llulnn on In luv um mam xuuulm qu unwin II mem um Naomiy nqmn man ma numun iaé And hnw about he calchIlne or MudThe man with he barbed wire snul Thats al mnsl us had as he Iille Ed Wym celehraflng 615 year as an nclnr by playing In Iwo film at once Mary Pap pi and Thu Greatest Story Eve Téld New ad campaign for Nine am to Rama avoids menlion that its about India and the as sassination of Ghandi Nine haurs for three women In Ihe me killer screams Ihe nds Who said It cant be sold or what IL is plclorinlly beautiful fairly oxcfling meln drama on his will blrlhday May 15 Do lnrcs wanted In give hlma blg party He said large sllcllny Vlnlers ls nu Inn 01 her recent film The Balcnny Her lament did It hecuuse though it wuuld be anllwar bul it turned out to be propro slilulion group of lhe Garrison Lad Ics Bawllng League mm the Bowllng Plus Evelyn Davls Team Captain Vl Merryweather VI Hsevans Belly Melville Dud le Gllbzrl and Linda Godden had an enjoyablu evenlng my 15 They bowled It lhe Hollday Bowl ln Barrle They enjoyed Chlnese mod supper at Kennyl Restaurant after howling few games 1111 team also rocelved trophy on the nlgh ol Ihelr banquet May lllh lnr linlshlng second in the series of the mulls BARBADOS VISITORS While the people of Camp Bar den and surrounding areas were Congratuxnllon to ail he 15 dies on lhewlnnlng team whn received trophies Ihe Ladles Bowling Banquet whlch was held at the ROS of Sgls Mess abWL POT sum Those laklnz ca lar the next lerm are presldenl Mrs Dom Ihy Edwards Sammy Mrs Mm Barbara Osborne The Aux lllary will be holding blngo My 75 pm year has been stall member of Queens Printer The CFMSTC Sng Mess Lad le Auxiliary held their May meeting socialvevcnlnx with Mrs Baxclny who lho lhining Centre Commandant guest ql hung nunu m4 Alln run In nnlllrl nun Jammy rmvmmu Ilml uu mun Mnun Iuh man rmlmnr lllm uy mulnu Mumnun wmm 5pm Lulml 77w Illlnlll hm lhnullll mu Hm mm rum mull llnuv xmda 1mm And Mun plllln um nl AI vm mm Mn nun Kan Im urn llldl wly Tm II To lluvll munn Unmmhll hit Know Shaw TORONTO Unmuchlhlu lyncurv r5 BARRIE plnu phon wnh Cnml Ynll Thu smutnu rurrd Inosl lnblu South hud lm way knowlnz whtlhcr lhrcu cluhl cnud ho dtlcntrd and prmcd on In lhmu heart In Thls deal murrcd In Phoenix Ihsl your durini he lrlnls mm cam lo rcprcsunt Nnrh Anlcrlcn In world championship Neilhcr Ida cuuhl mm mm with lhclr cards and lrcqucnlly hap pen ln sunh cases the hlddlnx wnx cnnlcsltrl to Ihe limll St Jamess Palace was he London home at he British saw erclgn mm 1693 to m7 Opening lead king of clubs The pnrlAscore hand lnrlzcly lxnurcd in he literature ol tho gnmc munlly has ll own spe clnl polnl interest The lus sonx luarned from these hand are cspcclnll valunhlu whnn almllnr xilunlons nrlse ln lhe min llppgrlnnl lmnds DAILY CROSSWORD ISIer ulunm mm mm Du Mnlnu mm Illtnlllm l5 Unlvmlly MnnlluL Quml ll mle OLtmulxled OIMnil 0mm run 3th Nli comm on In mm mi uni5mm painting 11 11mm 15 furl Ir 10 Much HIV Myulnv llmufllko Illlllll dllhu mom or ullvrr mm urban at Km mm Wm haplna spring had come and line show would soon melt Mr and Mrs Ellph Poaler and ran Ber nard who had never sun snow hoped there would ho more ni that while siulihwhenv they ar rived in Malion Airport March 23 mm Barbados West Indies flley came to visit Mm Pooler sister Mrs Edwards and lumlly of Reichwald Loop Prior in yisilinz cousin in Florida They were not disappointed it did snow on May Mr and Mrs Foolerihnnkpd the many iriends they met in camp for giving them such warm welA come and showing them so many lnleresilng places and lovely scmery in and around Camp Borden They ion by plane May 17 in visit Mr Poolcra sister Mrs Mme oi Loni Island NY berm re John George Cassidypfl an unem ployed restaurant worker on suspicion of allcmpled bank robbery IA chubby rumpkd inan handed her note Monday which said This héldup Give me some mgneyf Mrs Dccgan heaved sigh and reached or the alarm buyqp Theman ran THIEFFOILING DULL BUSINESS The next dayanolher wouldAbe rubberhanded her demanding note The 33 yeur old Mrs Dcegan Laughed hlm Thu man Iran SAN FRANCISCO AP wauld be bank 0be handed demanding note teller Vera Beam Market and Geary branch at me Bank of America May She pressed the nIarmeul loll and he ran East dealer NnrlhSoulh vulnerable nonm van on 43M 0109 Alollfl 9A8 IfiQ1 mm mm mumm of South CONTRACT BRIDE 1m comm mama lhbrw ModIn unblch Blur nlllngu nn umpny mu play IN hing us yxn noun 8y JAY BECKER North rv nonlur I1 Turf To 221mm In IICMDMO hum coll 51 all realized that rulan pnrlncrl Irlck wllh lha klng could do hclr lldc no harm and mink vrry we da same and Wlsl had lrump holding cnnslsllng nl QJ QW Jlo IX or IMx In each of these taxes 11 Uppercut would 1m me lo manulnclun lrump Irlrk or Wm Tofuohnwx Mum Nunl The uppercul wnx emlncnlly successful since dld no mat lcr whclher dcclam overruflcd csluhlishing wn rump lrlck or Wall nr dlscnrdcd there by glvlng the dams nn ulrn club lrick was diItcrcnI at hm table where Ens was suflicicnlly alert to Had the play to but the contract then tables when Vcst led the Jack at club at trick three East ruHcd hls partners high club with the king 01 hearts Al the as where East discarded diamond South rufled Ind lad tho ace and an nlhcr heart East won and led back dlamond Dcclnm look the ace and playsd Ihe queen spades Um resuming hls losses In spade hear and two clubs mull hm declare made lhrce heart or good score Whether lhe contract was made depended upon lhe caliber of tha delcnse The play lnvnrl ahly started with West cashlng lwn hlnh clubs and continulng wilh life 3a the hope at making that con racl Elghl lab chre player an deck Thursday nighL Next week will be Ihe end of lhe sea son speclal euchre This wackl winners were Alice Troll Hilda Holmes George Gillhnm Mlc Mel Pring Rita Coulson and Tom McFadden port Mrs Donald McMnsler has rclurncd home tom Stevenson Memorial Ho pilal Allislon She was Lherewo weeks following an operation mutiny Hy MRS ALLEN MILLER Mr and Mrs Wililam Tor difl and girls maflmm spent he Mothers Day weekend with Mr and Mr Frank ElpMck Emmi WINNERS hurixbu IllAl large congregation eilendA ed the utternoon service My 12 to participate in the Christian Family service Ivan Clerk and Harold Caldwell conducted the service with Newton Hesse iendt ing in prayer Rev EM Mit dreli preached the serum on The Christian Home Mrs Ivan Clark and her rim ier Mrs Gordan Wright snug two duets Beside Still Wel ers and Father Make Dr Allen Perth and Mlsl Mary Kllgour of Shnwvllle Que vlsixed Irienda here on Saturday let two dul en Lovlng Mn and Mrs Gentle Stra chan Orlllla visited Una Im eru mower Mn Walkar Ins weekend VISITORS Cpl and Mn Gilbert of Islh SI motored to Kingston over the mildly weekend In vlall Cpl and Mrs Gardon Scull Io merly of 15m here turning to half home In Barba dosWesl Indies Mgrpnap 31 19145510 By MES CAMPHELL GUTHRIE UTOPIB Innfl luvn 3511qu 0mm mum JIIMIM lmnn 1001am Madam uu 4i the MR GRIFFIN wouLp um 727 mu YOUR HOUSE mu AMONTN OR 50 mass WELL ONLY USE THE ourswEssrs HAVE 70 BE BUILT IN THE 5mm mk THE INIERIORB MR GRIFFIN wouw uxE mm mm HOUSE mu memos so muss wsu omv us THE OUTSIDE5m HAVE 75 BE sunr mm mg TH CURTAINS WE HAVE ARE ll THE BARN EXAMINER vWEDNESDAY MAY VIE an fizzéw i255 WAAFIITII 54

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