Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1963, p. 12

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M1 By ALAN WALKER TORONTO CFlAn Onlulo Cnurl Judgment handed down Tuesday qucsllam tho valldlly powcr allur ney allegedly lencd behlnd the Iron Curlaln By HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON CF Tap labor lladm Canada and Ihe Unked Slates held ourhour confercnce Tucadny aimed at endlnn labor violence hamper Inz Clnudlan Khippinl an the Great Lulu They dumbed the Mk comlrucllvc and laid lurther mecllnxl an planned aimed lull rmhh lion the present IMHMIW Cnnndlnn Labor Mlnmcr Inn Mncbnchon mld the mm mtnlum ol Ihe um conlzrence jufllllu urlhcr meellnzl ex ecled to take plum aller he nrrh cummlulon report on nu Grenl mm lnhnr hauln II complclcd mld tum dnlt for lhll upon Jun Mullnz wilh MncEnchen wrre US Labor Sccmnry Wil lard Wim Claude Iodoln Cn nudiun Lalmr Comm pml dml and Gram Mcnny AFL C10 vmidtnL Imcnt nlla wul Gram Hnylhnrnc Cnnndinn dwuly Inbnr mlnlslcr Al the ccntm line lam lrnuhln II mule hclwun Hal Dankn Scalnrm Inlcrnn Ilonnl Union at Cnnndn and per Lulun SM nlnfl Comm of Toronto Tho Illaguppoglc hy Dolh lrlmo Mlnhlcr Imrum Iml thlcnl Krnncd luv rnllrd on he lnlmr rhlc nlm lo wmk Ilrrnunmly In rml lhl mm helluvan lhmo who own and Inl Ihe shim Almuhl he In no nimul lluIr lnwlul butl mII mum lmpcdlmcnl WANT NT lhe Amulnn Iympnlhtllc Inhur Rroupl ml nlckelrd nnrl hnymncd Uppcr Lake Mllpl delayan Ihu cnm pnnyl lrtlnhlm In Us mm In lluIr llnl round nl Alb lhI lnlmr paxllrlpnnu Inld hqlh uavrrnmcnll Inld AFLCIO nu Cw nlllrm lhc purpow Ind denim ln mrh nnllnlntlory Top Labor Leaders Discuss Shipping Violence 0n Lakes F1 Lady Jacqunllne Kenn edy canm her lwoyearald Ion John Jr up the While House steps alter chat wllh Allmnaut Gordan Cooper background In sum yesterday Landreville SuSpects Iron Curtain Papers Frederirck Valsnn Onla IWIMMINO lDfllu wanna ANII IIIOWBM turn llli nun ROOM IMMM 00M KXEIICIBB RO0M LOUNGE GEMINI rumour ROOM DRIVI CLOSI JUNE BUILDING FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Now Bulldlng Plum Include mli TAX flitfllll nm YOUR DONAHON $475000 REQUIRED JOHN IR MEETS THE SPACE HERO SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY YMCA YWCA BUILDING FUND Hos official zuardian estates who tar several year has been seeking federal Intervention to protect Soviet hcln In Canadian estates was lnled He uld Mn Jusllc Len Lun drevlllll dullian In the first Itcp In crimping an lnlrlcalu Anlllcmenl or the current Iilua um In brie Ilnltmcnt that re lcrred lo the PnurwnAKenncdy agreement at Hynnnls Port Mum urlltr lhll month the mid also that lnlerrerunc wl Gm Lukas shIpplnz II rmlv In the allenllon all can torned and lhat Arrangemznh Ire belnz made lnr further mcrllnxl aimed at full monk lion 91 he prugm Illunll Jndoln In um an Ificd with thin llral mccllnz He planned tn remain In anhlnl on until Frldny an olhcr unlon buxlnau whlch he would not describe MncEnchm relurned Immcdlnlcly allow OTTAWA CmFormer de cnre mlnmcr Gordon Churnh Ill hm attuned Ila leernl purly or hnvinz milled lha Canadian olcclarnle nboul Um cflcdlvn NM or Cnnndnl NAN mlln ml ha Comma durlnl tho lhmna wmh dtbnla dny ml the ones John groundltoxmund mlullu could be Armed wllh nuclear wupanl wllhln lwo hour In nn emer nrngy Grent rollol lnlchrrled Pglgne llnlnltr Pmmn ML Olurrhl Io Llher Ill umad howl lnlormluon durlnz the hut elrcllon cnm pnlun la llu emu llml the Hun Jnhm were lllled wilh Ind and ffimpklelyfifllfll oncrm Mr Churchill added nmld luxhlen 11w rotunda hm bun put 1n lho mlnllu Io lmlunco lhcm md to old lhc hmvd or uchanl mltlenr llvlnnl durlnl rnlnlnl ol Ibo mlunc mllrry In Washington Mu Kennedy cxpccllnz her third child In AugusL carried her son down to the automobile In men Major Cooper and mu return ed the Executive Manslau Honest Johns Full Of Concrete plan the Russian government In mllm money mppasedly on behall of Ruulan hen Mr Jusllce Lnndrevllle my In hlx Judgment he Inspect documcnu In Ihe exhale can nI NIcnIaun 1ka who dimp penred In Tarnnlo In me and was declared legally dead In 1N7 Tho Issue In lhlI case ra volvlng duel Iround power attorney which is car llflcd In In the year 1959 and unwind wilhln lha Republic Poland bogs being tested by viva vace vldcnce personal teatlmany SET OPEN HEARING in an own hearinl dtallng wflh all aspect the cm WHI be held In In Onlurlo Supremu Court Mr Watson helluva Inch hemlug wlll provide precedent In den with future cam In which hero II doubt the true halt wlll cl lhimunny ha dgscncl The power attorney al legedly Ilflnld by Lewkol ll lerl Mrs Helene Rndzlaacwakl and Mn Marin anulcznk nnmzI lhc Pallnh conml here anndlnp cpl Mr Julllco Landrcvlhel Judzmcnl am he pnwer ol nltnmcy II Imly volunlnryr Will lhe Ilgnrr ln net he manlcl may II he liuner 7ln Inc Ill ll thll hm1 Whth Ind an the ml heir or next kln cl lho NflIBd1 Thm Ill lhe qucmonn lhal Mr Wuhan my Ihauld In Mind nl every power at Illor naymrumoninl lo luv bun In the gllon ol Soylcl FJcialIu miwufillu or olhcr Iron Curtain counlrlu mm nrmnl lilu Illon In WMth only am Cnnn dhm nllowtd by flunlln law to rrprmnl Mm who In Um 5mm Unlon would bl thnnntd mu dommml mum by Amunlp Armxlunlnm lhm So vltl nmhuudnr to can Illlu per Sen Clinton Anderson DN center and Vice Preslden Lyndon Johnson Wire Photo the mrbll span hero lea orhthe ngigol mtg Coa MC hm Ilnrrln Duclnrn lrrxrripllonl Accurately Flllcdl IIOUM Mm Tn 11mm MT TM WIMATIII rulknl Til Iuy Anaiutmvll Collin St SHORNEYS OPTICIANS PHONE PA 6889 Toronlo NEW OFFICE GUILD Fire which Sunday evenan damzed the hack kllmcn of Main St Imus accupled by Mr and Mn Viennnm could RIlInI prices powdered mllk across Canada could lead to higher prices or bread dairy Industry spokesmen my But the men who should knuw the bflklll In nnncammiltal The milk powder Increases were sparked by the rcmuvnl of edtral Iovernment puhsldy la mum at 25 cents for 100 pounds of who mllk lurvey by The Canadian Pm lhows powdered milk prices have one up an average log three unto pqund One Ch heilies jump will Embath be in Nov Sculls rge grocery distributor Iherc uid price have not yet been raised but In going in be onepound package will man can club ccnts more than the current mica of 32 cents One Nova ScaIIn largest bnkerIe IaId Ihe price bread wIII have to be raised IL year because of general Increase In commodIIIea used In maklnl bread Milk Powder Price Up Across Canada By THE CANADIAN PRESS Dog Savesr Five jIn District Fire ITMTQflflAM Spclal Auhovhld ham CocoCola Mu Inlmfl wllh CoupCola lid hm mm It WI meanmpmm Aymum lmt mm mum up In mum mm um mm 11 mum um IV um In mm It hm lo mu mum lam men In I9 mm mm mm mu lllwumlmmlnun hum Inmmmummummy um mlln an no In mom Wm mu lmv cu mmmnnewmummwnmmuammmm DI WIN um mm lenutmIMImllnnqnmmwv wmhklmflllifliflhtlfilllm bunnymm lumanmunnmwmnmummm nwvuuumumm1Mqmum Nu Glamourwlth bucket wakmloamlng whllollnlsh led upholslovlngflno Gahxlo 500 XLConvorllblo completely oqulppod Inch wank or Ion weeks Sun It at you Ford doalM today TAKE HOME CARTONS OF COKE TODAY HAVE COLD COKE FROM COOLER lOOK FOR CASH TOKENS WITH AVALUE FROM $100 TO 5200000 UNDER THE LINERS Mildimly mmunmviuvlmwm paid mu MIM nu um IN NO Vol ll fm have been lot worse had IL not been or he amlly dog it La credited with saving the lives ha five Vienneau child ren he our younger child ten had been put in bed and left in the care at their layearoid tister while the pnmntswcnt out to visit nearby neighbor During the evening the 13 yeamid girl Icllleeep on the cheslerfleld and was awakened about pm by the family dog which was crying 0n Invest gallng she npcncd double alarm door into the back kilch en but clnsed it qulckly when mum of smoke rolled out at her Firemen Inter nld this move prevented the he mm pens mung Into the house The 5154 tar then got he younger chlld nu up and out the hows be FORD GALAXIE aoo xL convannauas PENETANG BOTIlING WHO PENEIANG ONT Id mum mm IINIMIAdvnml Mubum 1mm 0mm mu arm Inn um mm In In ImuI mum Ind Mm Mum mul Do Ml ml Mun mun mml mumwl 1mm my In 1m Nu Imam In mu my 15 mm my Mulrle mm IN lo mm mum mm mm IM on In How mm mu lulu mm mun1 mu mum Ia mm mm nqu av huh mun1 lamMllllKIIlllMMlhlvblO hub nummmwnunuwmuanum nunmm awn unruly mumcm mm Idan NW MI It Will WNIHII mum mm mm are calling neighbnr turn In lhc alarm The Wenncaus have no phone TaHenhnmx volunteer ire brigade under chlef Drul Me Claln hauled the blaze for half an hourr Mr Vlennenu was 6m 01 Ihe volunteers answering the call and was surprised to Hnd his own house an im 1119 back kitchen and com lenls were described Tuesday by Mrs Viennuau Iolal Ions Smoke damage la ha rest the house was extenslve The back kllchnn was used or storing the childrens toys and play things such as wagons and Bicycles The house owned by Paylen an airman slntloncd Moose Jaw Sash was Insured but he contenu were nol Mu Vlcnnenu sald Two la hm Asmm tablet water will bring quick relief nctonlyfrumpainalrhcumnliam How to Relieve Aches and Pains Caused by Too Much EXereise or Change in the Weather Many dmu when you exercise muscles that have been inactive oo Inngmrwhcn Hindi change in lhc wzalhnr you can wily get Icim and 1an In your musclu Ur joinu fan dependable way to rclicv these nagging discom fo in with Amnm may put MICRO TV SETS SONY THE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY ms IlLLISTON SpecialiA Nb snn Sl resident William Elmer Bowers was oonvicled an lhrce charges in police court here 1115 week lllazisiraie ll Foster mud him Kuiliy oi drunk drlv ins caroleu driving and drlv lug while his licence was under susoensiml Find Blliston Man Hewu sentenced in 30 days in jail for drunk driving and 15 day ior driving while his licence was under suspension boih sameness In run concur mnliyi In April Mr Bowers got mm lnll scnlence or similar charges lald by both the own Guilty Charges 0n nuon ASPIRIN éan bnng you um Ian gem pfln relic imam flaking anion For thank In in innant flaking actinn Asmm is ready to go to work instantly and mhrids but pains of lum bago neuralgia Ind Ithaca well no you feel belle fut Sn dont mflcr nezdlwly from anhritic palm and Iching in yuur ENTER TODAY AND SEE CBiEé film mu mm mm IuMMulm mu mm ourmumlmnmm um My mummy Null IHlU 10m la nl mmmul luluUN IM mlmnol on all vII IMml wnx nu mum mm at In Immaul 1mm mum n4 mmbm 1m lmmdu mm 1Innmupumbmbyn Mumalulmnlu mu lml Mm mmu 1mm bum IN mm mun of run In wme hm nuqImmWmuuawmpmmymu my mu mmmulmmmtmmu Hummu mm mlh mm mm 1m mum Hmmlmuyml unnmludynuvllqulllla mumCm Cvll Wnlly tanlnl to In lamu Wm mm an hm II cum Mm humml Km Cu41k n4 Cch tochll With Be lure you get genuine Amnm look far the pack nge wixh Ihe Bayer muscch Ind jainu Pm your can fidcncc in Amnm and an ally an relief Read the instruction nldcr Insid the packg for but mull for you police and the Onlnriu lrovln clnl Police Alhslnn dulachmcnh LY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um Kepulrl In all make mu FREE Plckun nellvcry CAA NAL SERVICE PA lflll you TOWING TEWAR 1ARAF Blyfleld

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