Our Telephones For Examiner Want Ads Tdc phone PA Hits The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept ls PA 66531 one Yaar No in Liberal Govt Survives Vote No Confidence OTTAWA tCP The young minority uberai government vhurdtcd Its Itrst and probably highest obstacle of the immedi ate tuture hrcsday night when It survived by 11 votes non conttdcnce motion based on Its decision to acquire nuclear war blade The House oi Commons alter daylong throne speech dcbata reviving all of the nuclear or guments oi the April it election campaign rejected the Ncw Democratic Party non confr dtnce motion 12 votes to iii The motion expressed regret at the governments decision to acquire nuclear arms on Cana dlan soil thereby lessening the chances of nuclear disarm ament and increasing the dan ger o1 nuclear war The vote scrambled some party lines The lineup against the gov ernment consistcdoi 79 Pro grcssive Conservative votes 11 Social Credit in ND and one independent Social Credit Backing the government were lttt Liberals two Conservatives and four Social Creditors 0E lS DELAYED This made total at 111 votes In the Wmembcr House One btP Eugene itheaume tPC Northwest Territories has not yet taken his seat because oi technical delays In preparing his election writ The 27 other uncast votes were accounted for by 12 ab sent Conservatives nine miss Ing Liberals two absent Social Creditors one NDP member unavailable two lttis who were paired with absent opposites and the Speaker who votes only In case oi tie NEWS 146 are or Choleraoï¬aslitWeeicWi CALCUTIA tltcutcrsl Cholera claimed 146 lives in Calcutta The two Conservative votes tor the govemmenttwere those oi iormar delcnce minister Dougias Harkaass who re signed from the cabinet before the election on grounds the Conservative government had broken commitment to ac quire nuclear arms and Jack McIntosh from Swllt Current biapte Creek National Leader Robert Thompson oi Social Credit led the other three Englishspeak ing party members in support oi thegovernment Deputy Leader lteai Caouette and to Quebec followers supported the NDP motion One Liberal was paired with Conservative absentee as was one Conservative RECALLS TURNINGS Mr Dieienbaker recalled what he called sinuous turn ingsby Mr Pearson on nu clear policy over the years capped by the Ottawa Liberal party rally in January 1561 which had adopted resolution reading ncw Liberal government should not acquire manuiac one or use such nuclear weapons under separate Cana dian control or under taint United States Canadian con tlDl Further new Liberal gov ernment at that date would have withdrawn irom the North American Air Defence Com mand NORAD insofar as its present interceptor role is con cerned The Canadian role would be detection Identtlica tion and warning That same policy ltir Diet enbakcr said was sct out in Liberal party statement before last years election BRIEFS Deicgatcs to the tourist hos pitality conlerence and work shop today are left to right Eeroyd executive dir ector Canadian Tourist As Barrle Ontario Canada Wednesday May 22 i963 aeclation Jamu hicltattic development branch Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity itcg Weiham sec retarymanagcr Barrie Cham her at Commerce and hiarcci Bellehumcur president Hur oaia Historic Sites and Tour Ist Association The confer ence sponsored totntiyby the Cooper Is Heralded atomM last week bringing to one the number oi persons who have died oi the disease here so for this year according to nilictai figures No hundred persons died from cholera the previous week Bombing Protests Inaugural Ceremonies lDitT AU PRINCE itaitl tAPi week oi inaugural ceremonies to launch Prrstdent Francois Duvaltera aclieproclaimcd second term drew to close today against background of renewed bombing by underground opponents An estimated 50000 llnltian presents most of them given straw hats bearing the name nuvaiter crowded this tropical capital Dry For 76 Years Tums Wei HARTOW Fla tAii After 75 years and 12 previous electrons Polk County has finally deciticd to legalize the public sale of liquor The wet nutvnted the dry H380 in 20853 hrcsdny to allow beer wine and nhtsky to be sold In public Polk County situated In the heart of the ct trus bclt has been dry since 1887 Accessory To Mass Murder Of Jews MUNICH tltcntcrsi Knrl Wotii 62 iormcr Nari SS sencrai and onetime odlutant to Gcstopo chief itctnrieh tttmmier has been charged with being an accessory to the mass murder of Jews in castcrn Europe during the Second World War it was disclosed Tuesday Great Lakes ilrea Gets Frost Threat Northern Ontario two months from summer was treated with late spring and month away nasty return to winter today The public weather ofttcc in Toronto warned that Autttlttrn tlnlnrio would not escape the cold weatth the lower Great Lakes Iran Australia Raises Deienco Spending CANllIIllilt tltrulrrai lrime ltllnlitcr Sir ltnbcrt htenrira Innounced today big Increase In Australias dclcnce apendlng program during his next the years The government also has dc cidrd to buy in Canadian tarrtmu trn ill kin to bring the air Iona total of nsmrtr and to French Mirage supersonic lighters up to tho THE CASE OF THE COFFEE CUP Will Price Will the Hunt cup ni luiirc tutu Illc anti Iimd tllagtirt nrnt pntllrntr as natural disasters agltnat which man Is hrtplrat aunty at tiarries rottrm Irrvtng rrtahllahmrnLr auggcrla that the proput Ia Inevitable The managrra mnlnrtrd wore unahta In say when the prtte hitte wnutd rnrur Inlu rllctt Itowairr rrmst were aura that It was tut matter of time until we ate all paying 50 cr Nll more tor our daily ncrrun Ly Fawn Inevitable and in the lrIItItchnlrl lutur twin Mum of the internals liaih rt tuttillilillttll manager tcttl th he would not he the that We to raise the price The ma mgrr oi Kennys Inrtltm said Well probably get logetth sr amt work not the price and trim It Is to begin Two tartan were put forward as rcaunrr tor the Intrcale The Iirst was the rapid Inuratr In the price of sugar that has labcn place Iatcty on manager said that be was awaiting Instructions Irnm the tnnartlnn ltratnurant Associat tan in the entire price Intrrnrn Ito felt that ntti morning pick maup of Java would not be the only cmmnmlity attrrtril lie tunsaw grncrat price in crease right across the board Itrtvatg Inillvlttttnt who dltl but with to he litrlllltitti had an nliicr slaw ni the sugar argu ment litcry ahnpprr l1 sworn Oi little itllupa ttt IIrr he said You can bet Its not only due In the Cuban Ilttlnttnn hntrn lnnly It dulug auttlliy welt tntt 0t tilt littlalinn lnral irranagrn wcro also waiting to hear when they would be required In llllltil hy pmvin cint Ilnluin by raising the mini mum wages pl their ertiployrcs In in cents for wnlrreti and nne rinllnr inr men They tlltierad ninan how much at the lncrma tn the rice oi rutice would he parm on to their eruptnvrca In the term at salary Imds Muir tell that the lite ltnil would go towards rtriraying rur rant operating expenses it NEW YORK All Astronaut Gordon Cooper gets New York Citys biggest welcome today tlckcr tape parade up lower Broadway named hicrcury Way for the occasion The slim quicispokcn spncc man comes fresh from the cheers of thousands In Washing ton the praise oi President Ken nedy and the thunderous ap piauso ot Joint session of Con Zrcss Vice President Lyndon ii Johnson ridcs next to Cooper in the traditional parade to city hall for medalpinning ccrcmo ltits The forecast was lnr iair attics tor the parade atnrttng at noon EDT The titryenretd air force ma ior who blasted off to lump last wcck with his 22 orbit space flight concluded his cltthtmim nd Issued Irost warning tor ulo uddress in the total moctA ing of the Senate and Ilouso oi Representatives Tuesday with prayer he composed on his 17th orbit spinning high ovcr the in HERES ONE Iterbcrt said the malhcr to her sitycawid non is it runs allrln that are teaching the per rnt to use rlnng No rnarmnn rcnilwt Ilrr lrctt was Jmt letting him what not in any Rise untitrt he lrmmuihle tn rnnim change tor IJrrnt cup of this Icc Illltl uuc hctcrai mnnagrra luck the tM got my tingcra rltislril or that Ill hold out no lung at ran attitude Three men were the NIH mnt cnmrrncd about the public traction in an llttrrnstt in the price The ten rent nip nt rniicc II Nnrth Arncrtran Inrtituttun aalrt mw Nobody to happy hunt th pumwrt not tnry Ilnttirr ni Ilia rllar ltnil We itcl that although no hair but had an opportunity to mlcw rmr rusting in the tight at the sugar and wages drtrlnpmcnlr It will be worth taking even alight Im on the relics In order to Itrrp nur rultmrwra happy ltlu IJnnna Mattltrh at the Lotterievr ilnt frlt liltitlt the lame way will beep the price down the sold It rntghl even load In an capandnu In lrtsllnsl tiur nrw manna ar Mrr being printed and the prlra nt tnlira still remains at ten cmia All entire dicta us his er dian Ocean and roctled llllo tape rccordcr it was prayer of thanks ior all these startling and wonder ful things that you have me btcd and prayer for help that we may shape our lives to be much better Christians and that we may show the world that democracy really can compete and still is able to do things in big way Coopers iirst stop was at the White House where Kennedy $60000 Results Yet QUEBEC tCl It tutul at 0000 in reward money has not yet produch any obvious results but lrcmler Jenn Le suge says police now have aprctitc plan at action against tcrrorltt activity He made the stotcrncnt Tncs day following meeting of turn ranking pollcc army and civil Inn utithorttlcs in the Quebec rublnct chambers The mlminutn mrettng was called by htr Leanne tn coor dinalo rtinrln to track down tlttlsrr rsspnnIhin tar tlmehnmh lilnsta mainly in the Montreal nrcn mcr the last it ureirr Irrnrt irnttt lhm bravo arntt mcnla ltnwmrr they run vun trary to gcnrrai prnicntnnai ra Erctattnn Atter all the price at hrltl atrarty atnro toil until one and etrrynnn knows how the end of living has gone up since those days Him the man Ilitl Its all nlauw will In able to intro tnurtnrt trnrrr the ith that when it Institnhln tnrrirs to pass the prlre at cup of ism will the smile as glass oi tlrwllEltl hrrr rnrnta on board the aatellltc INSPECTION IS POSTPONED itarrt Nurttt Collegiate radct lrfltcttlnn has been westbound Originally arhcdutrd tnr this afternoon the Inspec tinn will he held wrathr permitting Friday altar nnon at two oclock umm swam tuwmuvmu uftYi Wci pinned on his lapel ihdDisting ulshcd Service htcdal ol the Na tional Aeronautics and Space Administration the same award the other astronauts received Then Kennedy noted that Coo pers space voyage came within law days ol being exactly on years after Charles Lind berghs flight across the Atlan tic to Paris In luct Tuesday was the an nivemry at Lindberghs arrival in Parts Reward No details of drcitinns renchcd at the conference were disclosed Mr Lrsnge sold po llcc are doing everything in their power to find the terror ists and told Qucbcccra there Is no reason to get panicky Later in televised press cunierence carried by tho CthI lrcneh language network he sold the 330000 reward oticrrd hy the government for Inlormn tion on the terrorists is simply an encouragement to the pro pta of Qurhoc to do their duty it In ttta duty of all ritlrrna In dcnnunrn thou In the tcr loriat organisation nm City at Montreal Irnl nt lend limit 0000 reward The wave oi bombing has been attributed by authorities In In Front da Liberation Quebe roia group pledged in win In drpmtifltre ior Qurhcc by iurrl and devoted particularly to the destruction such colonial tiederall Institutions al the itCltli and armed toms Reds Launch Cosmos 17 MOSCOW tAII Dia Myitl llrtlnn put another unmanned aalelllto In Its tinrmoa actrnttita arrm lntu orbit around the mth today Tau news agency annuunrrd The satellite Ia named Cole in 11 This said all artcnttilc lnrtrtt wm functioning normally 11w tart hoviet satellite Iaunrhlng was April when Control It went Into nrblt 11o tnamoc aerial was started March to ma Comma i1 carried radio on tam fer manning the orbit and equipment to transmit ulcntlllc data to earth The announced purposa oi the Cosmos utcllttn to to at cori ttlttona oi mic night lira may atint humans In orbit and on lateralmu menu tithe Titanic Examiner Local Weather host warning Very cold to night Sunny Thursday Low to night 20 High tomorrow it For lull summary see page two Isolation Is Suicidal PM Tells it Says West Cant littord Two Separate Communities Canadian Tourist Association and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce Is being held at the Continental inn See story page two Examiner Photo Plot Uncovered 0t Assassination scout iAlFSouth Koreas military regime reported today new plot to assassinata the learn chief Gen Chung ifea Park and overthrow his gov crnmcnt The Central intelligence Agency said six civilians were arrested shortly belore they were to make an attempt on Parks life at ceremony Iliay 16 In Scout Stadium marking the second anniversary of the tool military coup OTTAWA CPIPrime llilnlsv tcr Pearson opening the NATO ministerial conicrence said to day tt Is an absurdity to think that we can protect ourselves by individual action based on national power alone He told delegates at the to NATO countries in loos each nation ior lt self and God ior us all is not only silly It could be suicidal So the Atlantic community must come together in one At lantie Community The West cannot altord two such commu hides European one and North American one each con trolling its own policies and each moving away iromvtha other as common menace recedes United Europe should play and can play If It desires an equal part with North Amer ica In the direction and develop ment of the Atlantic Alliance it would however be and day for pcaco and security it united Europe played leper ate rota Speaking in the Commons liir Pearson said It is lolly to expect the awtul dangers of the nuclear age to go away while we merely sit back answer mis stie with missile and charge with charge orbit with orbit SHOULD KEEP EillWlND itather in dealing with the Communist world the NATO partners must keep on trying to solve political problems one by one stage by stage NATO must direct Its best ta lents toward uncovering exploit tag and building upon every con ceivable point of common Inter est between East and West Botbtha peril and the prom ise at was rem htr Pears son said We have Itcpt the one in check but without realizing the other as much as wa would like To survive NATO most com rrchcnd much more than mil tary defence It the community of inter est which we share In Pope John Sutiers Setback Has To Cancel Weekly lludience VATICAN CITY tAPiiope John was reliably reported to day to have auiiered new and severe setback In his illness One of italya trading surgeons was said to have Ipcnt the night at his bedside The attyrarold rotor at the ltomnn Catholic Church can celled his regular weekly acn crnl audience In St Peters tin Iilictt but appeared at his apart mrnt window to him crowd at 15000 In St ietrra Square below The Pope stood at the third floor window about three min utrx Sara through hlnncnlnrs am coltohaitoti ml tartarid the mm Return is he appeared very pale but his voice carried through micro phones was vibrant and strong as he gave his blessing The audience In the linsttica was cancelled to minutes be fore it was to have alerted in lib brtct appearance at the window the Pope made only one rclcrgnco to cancellation of his oudlrnco In the linslllcn lint inside 5t lctcra or out side it Is always good he laid in informed lourco sold lro lessor Itclro Vnidnnt leading llama aurgcnn had remained at the Vatican through the pig atimtlal does not Include the closest pose slbie unity oi purpose In the solution of political economic and social problcms oi concern to us all NATO will weakcn and eventuain the prime minister declared COOPERATION NEEDED NAN must also comprchend eliorts through cooperative ac tion to raise the levels of eco nomic and social welltbcing not oi the NATO countries alone but of nations In leuntor tunato areas international cooperation was the only means which made sense in adapting to this er scnttal inctor but we often pre icr the older techniques of ex clusive national action NATOs heritage must not be jeopardized by nar row natiooai advantage Mr Pearson said However no le gitimate at aspiration should be needlessly sacriitccd Foreign Secretary lord items of Britain current pres Idcnt oi the North Atlantic Council said It is easy to treat such successful alliance with complacency and to regard Its lcngular council meetings as rou That we do at our peril The Justification Ior NATO was that It had brought coun tries oi the alliance security and freedom More than that it has been the essential Ihlold behind which Europe has rebuilt Ita economy lirst under the liars ahntl Plan and inter under the Common Market and Eltli European Free Trade Associa tion through which Europe and North America together bat found new politth paths to co operation and interdependent Where the United Nations has so iar failed to give collec tive security NATO has sat cecdcd Where the world Is groping towards Interdepend ence NATO Is increasingly pointing the way COMMUNISTS STVMIED Another cinim could be made ior NATO Lord lioma said By our determination and by our unity this alliance has played material part In forcing change In Communist thinking about war We have compelled them to modify their doctrine and thus defeated any short cut to Communist vic my recently Communist doctrine held that use at iorea and war was legitimate and re apectnbla as an Instrument oi policy New Soviet Premier Khrushchev had aucceded in convincing the most powcrioi hall at the Communist world that major star Is no longcr permissible The NATO powers hart ditler tng views on number of mat tcra but on two they nro conv pleter unitcd they will not al low their way of tile to be chal lenged by intro and they will do everything to prevent war ozhteh oltot as 0n