Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 May 1963, p. 9

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Em nu mun um and qun In In or II ml ulu mnduhq hll lllh man nm lmmd mklnl ll be lmdul hlg hand man Inhlc rummu lilnllylnl Ill llmmonl In lb drnw And Ih Inu HI llllo lhl Muck ou la om In early ml In Md dun In Ml why mu Inmq llq um pm polod II flatvlnnlk All our plrunl hll nlnlh man Ilul lhu chumplon dgrllvml old lflrmlln IN lm Itlnrlu And In ul Ilnl Mm ml Huh IM vlnnlk dc 1h 1m lhnl In mmlnpd naivlnnlh who II Ilmoll I1 hurl Ina or lwo vktorh nd 19 your mum lrlnl by hundmfl nu Illenlerl ltllow Armenlnnl In lhc nudi onu Molcown Vuloly 11n Aln lnmu Ind our Bowin mk Ilowly bulll up our xlod Ilmonl lth monlm hid mud him In Almoll comm vlclar lhl lounumenla nwlul non drawn um Ian llmu 31 Iron APnwlm MOSCOW Chlllanur 11 pm lelmllln wmltd lhl norm chm thumpxnmhln lrum Mlkhnll nolvinnlk Mondly end4 In In ulnl chumplanl llrln hula lo prmrvo hll mittwon HUI Th0 nnrlham usocinllan now Illllllled wllh lha DIM mx naked he parent CMIA or tull bunch memhmhlp mun an plr with 2th prohinclll Iun cimunx Narlhern Ontarln reprp nlnllvt will bl Allowed to Idd Under the new uyslem Ip pmved ll tha CAIM Innual mlellnl here the Ohmlo Hockey Assnclallon representa lhe will play Ihe Northern 0n Ilflo representative lo deem on Hmlill In lhl enlem Junlor flnll nII mm la flnhhad by April 20 1994 Ind will cm Race renrdlen of whether oflhern Onlnrlo hld ln upnr alc ram lhl 01M ll lucceulul BRANDON Mln CHTh Clnldlln Ammur Hockey AI lacinllnn Monday decided on nlw Memorlfl Cup pIIynll aya ltm nu namn Ior Eulzm Mimi pélc inn mm In Juvenlle In the new ayxlem will In ellnibla to play 11 they under on May 1n the mlnner The culoll dale Ilved correspnndlnl ch an In all tho lower cm Under the new setup the in nior celezury will be open to my under 2n on lhe my 11 preceding the um oi the ser Inn in which they will pily The exlilinz dnie which will remain in eiiec next season is July 31 Th CAHA executive up peeved the change 11 lo the mh annull meetinl which opgped Mondla The move Hullned to Iome phym another yur nugihmg BRANDON CHThe Cinn dlln Amateur Hockey Assacln don Monday gave lwomonlh mm In the maximum an mil hr Imaleur players from Junior down In peewee It goes Into all In the 196165 amen Tigran Petrosian Takes Chess Title Eastern Canada Gets New System min Ron Sinln sup act55 home pm thzley Field in Chlclza yeslarday lo icgra Maximum Age Limit Given Boost By CAHA CIHQAGOACUBSIIhltdhase Riéhards GraduateS Both Pitching Great lmwlm horn nl Armonlu pmnll In Tlxlllnl loom ude lho mm In play nul vlnnli lar Ihc llllo hr umqu Inn in nuiknml lwrm monl In Curnun Mrh Wed Ml Mum ho daleled Ill vlhm nolvlunllx In mdrlrnl Infl nur IIrII um UM world hm hlmplomhlp In Ind hold It la m1 hen II In cw lum by llly Hmynluv nul vlnnik malnod ho ullo ln IBM Dml No yrlu lulu IMI II In fixllHull TI ml Jul 25 your out ln ml nolvlnnlk datum Ta or me lllla ml mm II dullermd llnlll III your lmwlm horn nl Arm pmnll In nxlllnl loom lo play Ml mom Mm III pout phynlo In nludml It lhl bollnnlnl ll qumlmanl bul dun mm nulddll and lllltr Iluu Ind lhown hlmull tlurly lhu mm For lho IIIL lhm or our mm In mull hld been umnm UIIM Ihouxh th um Ind mm but AI minuln Bolvlnnlk lnen qulcldy mod up In luv Ill ll wu bellowed unllkely mu ho would am in lurk In hld or lhl world chlmplomhip IIIIIL NEVER notnm Mu durlnl Duo mm ho lwmlmmt um bum Mmh Bolvlnnlk Ind mm Ill lorclnl Ihon pollpontmenll Chm upm uld mm Ind mlwc hnd tonmbulld MI Int Inns lhm kn plcku must cnma rum lhn brunch Tn which lhe tnmxllyl Ind the my bl Iddl ram tho branches pnrliclpulu In In round robin nle mm ml Hull will In bellaulva mm 111 win ner ml Ierlel meets in chgmqlon Mim orhl Cup Hill Nu club will be Illnwed lo plck up Iddillunnl flaym for lhu mm which wll ho played In Qulbec However lhl Iarlu winner mny ndd le pllyen or the enslem Inn le may from Ill nwn um clllion Iur lhl pllynfl and In upponenh noun PILAYVRQUND ROBIN Tn dzcllr the er eulom Quebec Ind Marlllme umlnlons will plny round robin lo um no Inlet Hun Apr lo Ind linlsh by April Under the provmll pllyar may like In pm alm my IIn Ille centn Hm Ian III puck pmzdel hIm lcron The exIsIlnu rule any the celen player must touch flu puck helm It on our cenlrl or II II oIIslde IhuIirllIm Calumhln bunch Emponl new mutt Ipprnvld the jam memIannl um Ieur tommIIm Thu CAHA also Idapled Ihl Eokmonlldlylc penny Ihol pnntyle penlllY shot In which pInyzr Inklnl th xhol plckcd up In puck II qua line In Iron he zuI lender and well In mm there propoud IcInx mla II ll lhe CAHA Ippmved pm posal Io use tho restriction on plnyer mm centrech Ens Mm behind his own blun nrle down In peewu or In quivnlent whlla Mllwnuku Buvu tll char Joe Tom lake the lhrow behind Mm in 11er inning ol flnl Im at dnuhlehndar Al Juhmlhn ol Mnnlml um II fiumlay ln pad 4er lmuul IMII nul ho mum lhunxlmhnnr dclnypd pm or mm minum nundny marnlnl Ami lniumlllenl Illh nn lelLdurlnl lgvngan an Hmlnuld In uh lhlnl in male hchInd rm llnld4 Ami Millr Huber Iml Funk mud llod or low It OKLAHOMA CITY MP Don Fllrllnld blrdlld lhl lllll lmmc ll Quill ka Counlry Club Randy and mm In us 000 Okllhomn Clly optn lull loumnmlnl by um mph our ilulllul Bum wllh Ilhull lo rrod IIMII pm loumlmrm In nun WI on In tho lhlnl round lo mu Ind and Mllllfll Bumlny to hell or nnm niran nlly hfi lho in from pin on NI mom that on lul halt nd lopu In wln 300 or mini wln ln 1M 1qu of tho In mm leave lho Mun DIM loop in dnuhl Kllchlntn Wnlorloo Innaunud nrllor ll Ill dmpplnl aul Ind mu and lrnodllnck In unknown qulnu Reprmnllll two um um Nomiy lhly wm no nun Mr mun conclm lnl mun mm nu 0mm Hockey Allocllllon unlor Ir riu bul um proplnd In lo cogn 1a ohllln ll Windmr In held much In lhl 1m lnr uvml pm but nuvn Ixarclud ll helm Chl uum Moan lo the hum ol gumber In Thu Chllhlm mum the Inn ml mm mm next Inn Olh Du Moln lawn rm Vnyne In mm nd Mun on Ind Pan Huron Mlch n49 Hummus Th we Onllrlo clue wen Apprnvzd or momhanhlp by Ike IHL Board or caveman The bond Innannced um Blin neapull wn withdrawing Ind that St In conudmnl lume lo Emem Protei Ilonll Hockey Luxuo Thu lovzmorl Ive St Plul lrlnchlu owner will 10 Im todly to decide whelhtr re min he IIIL Minnupolll pulled out Mann flannell tryblexhlhn hand uld Wind and Clulhnm wm rlnled lrnnchllu In flu Inm nnllonl Hockoy Lam Mon dly Don Faixfield Defeats Bows Secmnry Munm Gordon Jucku of Melville Shh re pelml 1331 unplu on 1062 opalIlium the rim llme ll CAHA hu ended year th bluls larflva yearlu Tum plnyer rpzlllullon In the 196258 xenon me In 165 marl thin 21000 hllhu III In prcvlnul xenon Th CARA ulna nvu member bnndm un power to make compulwry lhl un 01 human hy plmn In Junior Ind luwer culmrlu Ind lac mm or minor lumu lgnl tendm odd wlth In prnfmlonal rule which uyl that 1cm allied when plnyer touchu flu ruck atm It mnu the ml 111 The CARA vunll lhn ldnl ull mud man the puck pun lho all nu baton player touches It Th1 mum already um by 11 Imlleur club ucepl lhl junior and mm Juvanllu PmAlpouorId juvenllu club an un lhu pramloud tul Windsor Chalham Obtain Franchises Sanlo cum homl from mend bu on Andre Rouen llnxla mlo nitmm ueld APVIIXI phow an HUIEONL Mich um lmm Mm llc TIM In Odo or and llmunl nlllclllu lulu Du MI lllnm III In nml mu munlnl lhl alarm 74 rulld llmmurlly Thu lulu fur mnr lhn Ill month arImHl Myrrh 50 Th unml wlll hpld WM nouh lrom church blntk lrom mm In Elmin NY whm lho cllyl Hum hllh nthwll Cluttllld Ill IIMIIIG Kindly In MI Ingmar In mm nmo IM My Nam or In wln tho lllllhmln Troph IhI hlnml hnnnr Ic rnld 115 rollul um Illr In Allen £1er DIVII uynrold III Ick Ind lhl mum ol tho ml nu Blown an up mm In nunnHnl Huh la hlm Ind Illnld hlm In MW ur conlrlrl or 5000 um nul 3000 Thin Morn put on Cllnland unllorm II III II tnvmd Ill lummar ho Md lhu nd doctor numhmd Thu lormnr 3mm Unlm Illy AllAmman mm in hmpl lul mumy 1m Hun lwo dlyl Illlr bdnl Idmllud Cll EVKNIII mini 11 Eonm um n1 Ind rhoun lhn Alluri llfirl Ir IN 1m Arthur ModelL pruldent of tho NIIlonIl Football Lulu Cllvllllld Bmwnl Announced Monday lormnlon ho Emlc Duh Auklmln Youndlllnn lo nld the hull ulinn 1h drgld Moog dl CLEVELAND AP Emil DIVII bu Iho football mm could pin or lupin hll mnmnry all mm man to hll Iourth win In lhu opener Lu llrew ks on HM holldny Tn blow In cluded homer by 10 chkxon Ind Neil Chflsley Evnry an onlu regullr dnm In one run Allnu allover Bob Hum hroyl Also turned In Iplrk In parrormnu he look over or Dick Sunny In lhn eighth with tho lyllu and win nu pom and June ro lleved Cecll Butler in the nv enlh un second um with the tylnl run on hue Ind no out Jone pruerved ho Ind Alln Orlcken wdened llp In tha wulhem dlvlslon In turn lull llmel wllh vic tory over Richmond Virginian and Buffalo Eiwnl moved 1V llmel thud ol Racheslar Red Winn In 1h north Blwnl downed Synnun Chleln Ra chuler bowed to lndllmpolh Indluu Ind lncksonvllla Suns bounced Arkum Tnvtl In Dilonullllvil an Jam who bounced Around Hm mljor Innuu or number or yam pitchcd lo only that men preservlng 43 victory or Lu ln lhc nllhmp Mon day Toronto Illd won lhn open 1H with MI llllck Browns Keeping Memory Alive Davis Leukemia Foundation Sud Slm Jone uni more mm 2210 Tomnlo lam homa happy tram VchorlI my bmbnll cullnl MI brilliant rellel hurling gm Toronto Maph Learn my an Interni Mum Lulu doubleheader 1mm Columbua Jals In Lhn other Amerlcin Lulu nmu Chluln wnn Sax mnved ug Into the main with Oriole edging uhlnmn Senior Minnesoll Nlnl dmpped Boston Red Sax from Hm lo fourth by dnwnlnx Red Sax and Clmllnd Indian wl Angle Anal Pappu mien whan 1h miner mln pulltar ilcherl wu mlnlzer Blltmore recorded hi mend Ihlllfllfl Ihe 3mm Ind hll touth complet nm In bring THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Plppll llmled Detroit 11 en lo In mu yllchlnz Bul flmon Into In or the Amen Ican Lune lud by blankllll Tum molt chucked Pm burgh Plum on ha um Amount hit In Houston at ulzd Pitm In lhc nnly flElam Lulu um ched wen Idlo WINS FOURTH Pnppns year old Balli more Orlnlc righthinder who earnzd hi Paul Richlrdx di ploml few year back and Droll 23yearold Houlnn Coill rilhlhnndur who mdu tied from he Pnul RIEhIIdI Ichool only recently urns up with outstanding pitching pen ioimlncel yolldl 1111M By MIKE RATHEI Auoan Pm Spam erlu M11 Plppu and Dick Dmlt End In two dlflerenl luau bolh arc linden lhn nmo 161100 Jones Relief Hurling Thrills Holiday Fans Anlvln ll Syrntun lwa yam alter llroun Ml DIVII qulckly nwrou nlmnu Ill lhv mum mm by lho hll lull hick mm mud on yum urry In 310 rulhlnl ulcmpll Iur HM ymll In MI Hun ym mun Hruwn mu In full lllcmplfl II mm polnln cum dlull nrownl Du num will ha worn Iny Anolher Imlmd plum nld Mudrll 11ml wu lhn unllorm numhrr up pm Emil Iml ll wlll bu Irllud Tho llwwnl Ixer mm lm pmnll Hlmuthnul MI Illnm Ind rum flu cull mum Ind hmpul blll helluva to bc Ilmul 0000 DIVII hll Ihnu In Ill Mun he nrrivrd nl Syrmuu Unlvmlly Ilo mu lnllnwln Um ml Jim nmwn whn wnl rudy Illmn on pro lrldl roll or In llrnwm HI hm Ior one hnur Mod uld Wu All knew whnl ll nmnt think lirnlo did loo Ha wnl coming by In ny nodhya lo and lhe olhtrl FOLLOWED RTAR pllll hl ulnEprd by Iha urnwnl cl ul In Modtll Jnc Shlnley lcked up his lelh iclary wlh menh mound 102 Dual mlucd being Ihulonl only by home run by nochulul nay Younxduhl In dllnl plckcd up two runs an Ggfry nn clfcull blow Una Wnfie by pro vldzd chksonvlllo Wllh Ill win nlnz mnrzln by hlullnu threw No wild pitches hy Sym cusel Vfllia Smllh let up Hul Illul wlnnlnz run In lho ninlh They enabled Joe Nick mnvl from lint In third The younl 1d hinder lhcn grabbed shun onebouncer Ind wilhou louklnx at chkl threw out In hlller ml Had he lhrqwn home luck would have been dud duck ulnx run on base Ha struck out lho next lwo batim In and lha threat w1Ln mama cosnY from In the 1961 explnsinn draft Drou has been trying to regaln tht form In mad hlm Islam winner or Cubs In 1057 and ans the lclzues mos prnmlslnu pmspecla Under the Rlchnrds method In was hmught alonx slowly and now has won two of hls In three mm and brought mourned run averm down In my mun nus Coll manned only our hlla on Pittsburgh starter Don Card well In the seven lnnlnas he worked but put together two In the mu run they needed when Bob Aspromonle nlnxled Ind Johnny Temple tripled tn thg mm innlng An unearned run came urns in HM manth when Bub Llllll mall Richard reclamation pmlncl nnw lhal hus Colu moral surprised teacher even mm pitchlnfl hil ilrsl complete game In mm over our yumulna June It 1959 Ami it allowedby only hm day lhe nohllier uliched by Don Nullchnrl sllll another Rich puplLa llousiqn Orlolcs meanwhile hacked hlm wllh lour hnmm that pm vlded all run or lhqlr lxlh vlclorfi In lha last Keven names JN Brand and anal Powull each hl tworun horn ers Jlm Gunlllu and Jerry Aylrflcunngglpd or solo shall In his record lo Ha xlruck out saven Ind lowered his eurnad run Ivarue to In 1231191 111 SAD SAM JONES Ill uy lhltjhv Pmluml wu Candy fipoll hm my hll minor Huh Thnnvy Candy Span hld won lhl Ennln Anlll Derhy and hi Flor hln Duby hut hll Kenlurly hm Ml la Ttnmy lml owner Nu hlllworlh who hoped or lrlplo crown ll WAN ADI Mm Tho bl chulnut 1mm Cl lnrnll who wu mm and line hhcd lhlrd back Ch luny Ind Novcr Band In th Ken lucky Derby Mny ll Lou Hlv pounud on mlln rlvnlu llko llur Snlurdly Ind lrfl lhlm mm In Hull qulrler mllo ol lhl lellco homnlrnlth Chuluufldv wn mend If Band lhr IH EST ACE Thay It the only lwo blx mm to dy Spou uunl defulcd Ind he lhruyurdld chnmplonshlp hlnzu on ha Glrden sum ma mile Ind lhn 15000 Belmont Hi milu Around won with Aqueduct Ind Ahuy Swill and the Dollwm Vllloy Stake ml min Candy Spots Ready For Jersey Derby BALTIMORE AP Candy Spnla who look cm Chm lcnunay Ind Navtr Bend In lhu 30000 Preaknru at lellco II lo Garden Sula Pnk rudy to challenge Ill comm In lho Jersey Darby on 115 Memodll Dny Ally HQ may no bum lrnm Iha Mnine Chlnto larml Get Around Ind lho chlyn SIanel Ahny lha lhrw mold Mlle In tho anm Aqui ducl June Ixi olhar Salim5 nch Bu alo delemd Rochester 105 lnnu edged Richmond 21 Ind Syracuse defeated Columbus ll The Arknus at Jnckwnvlllu amp wal lined out other Snndly mu uw Bub ale and Rochester dlvlde doublehuder Bullllo wlnnlnl 1H and Rouhenor Arknm Ind chkmnvllla apllt Arkamu winning but 103111 52 Rlchmand whlp Allnu 111 and Syracuse defut Columbus IN run homzr In the third Wu hl fourth shit jolnlnz Sun 11 days nu The victory went to Rgubenpomgz MI mun Saturday la Lulu shut out Indianpoll or the mend consecutive ms 50 Du In dlnns uma hack wllh Ind win over Mlplo Lem Sun day AVIS fin hnm era by Wllllo Klrklnnd And Tilo Francnna KIVI Indlm lead they nuvcr relinquished D34 spite lhu Idditlon at our un named run Clevelnnd hld In hold on Leon WIIMI drown In in mm for Lu Anlelc withlwo home Thny were Um mh And mh Ngw xoyuc mm In Nniionli League miun Salumny Naw York shut out San Francisco Lo Annie delnalcd Pliisburzh Mll wnukee deienied Chlcuo Cincinnati dziuied SL Lnuil Ind Houmn edged PhllldeL phia Sunday Lo Annie swept doublthander mm Now Whlio Snx neared the duclsivs runs In lino sixih Inning an ulnglo by Floyd Rublnsun Jon Cunninghlml douth and riilce nies by Dnvn Nicholson Ind Ciurlie Maxwell but needed Jim Brosnlnl in nings ol light reliei plichlnx to subdua Senators Erosnnn now hu lllDWEd only on earned run In ll innlnu Ilnco hl wnn ac ulred from Cincinnnii Iwo wee on hrebrun humor by Earl Builay um cupped IOIINIHI lirsi lnnlnl uprlllnl and min shots by Bob Alilaon Ind Har mon Killebrew puwered Twin Ind dropped Red Sox Ill in my downln ianlll pince sinned ole aeénnd conllnued to third on catcher Smoky Bur lesa bad throw and scored an sncrlflco fly by John am man H3 DUNLOP FOR COMPLITI DITAILI CALL RENT CAR AND TRUCI by CALDWELL SIIVENSOP We Can Put You In The Drlver Seat Tool nllney Illa mulled ll npam mllmky would unl In In minon III uld lho IuchcI hu nol been dluumd The dapper pitch IA mum to blond Hm benuly Mamlo Vnn Dorm been llmlllnr lllur The nun kid he llmuzh Hellruky wan hzhlvln Mm pull well Ms mm Hull Bulnlky nighlrllmn llvmu hlvo not bun pm Iem Belimky rut in Iprlnl ulnlnz but hunl Ihnwn muth IluH 1er Ind hu hem wlld nllney Id wanll lhl plly boy hurler lo my In hi bull pen whllc and whelher pllchlng wlth erv Grimm nlrglumen hlm out Thu Eyckold Belhuky who hu 17 mold lhII ulwn went Homily night In lhl bull pen lribo he ho An all 75 The more mun lhu fuznay snl dolnl munt lllkinz huk Lox Angela but hlll wrilm report flu lho min ner would Ilka to Clnvr landl Glry Hall rumhinder whoa bun Invinl Iolm row bles MI own In won lwo Ind loll thm no um um Inn Pnul did uy lhu muluer BIrdlo Tabbelh lud lmn mk lnx to L0 Angel mlnanr Blll mmy Ind ho oburvcd lhnl Belinxky good arm There wlll morn convent Hon before Lo Amulet dr purl Wldnesdny him but whether Iomalhln will com It donl know Paul Idded Gabe Flu president he Cleveland Indian wn Inked whether he Tribe WI Inter uled in Bellnsky who beam celebrity with nohlllar In kl nelson 1m ynr We alwnyl an lnlemlerl ln alranzthenlnz lhu lull club Gabe replled Iddlnlz cln lnlk about Inzclllc pllym ll Icould b0 conslmed Imper Bud Furnlo rporlr writer For the Los Angeles HerIIdADum £ner nld Monday nigh dul for Belinsky lireldy In been approvad by La Anxelu un HIl manxer Fwd funny wguw my aim Lakes report II ihe sums llmeswaywurd Mme about to be traded An urller port had he soulhpnw handed to 111° minors 09n7d whfle PM delphil and San Francine Iplii or Phillie Ind ior Gi unis and Chicano Ind Miiwm kee divided lwo um 01b winning the ilm and iosinl Cincinnati deiuled Si Lani 1M and Pittsburgh mu out Houxtnn 50 Saturday In the Amulcnn henna Delrnlt and Wuhlnuon dvlded two games Hun wln nlnu the Hm Ind mm Mlnnesou whlpped Clcvm Innd and Baltimore nlppad 11ch10 21 The Lo Anlelu It New York And Klnm Clly Boston aunt were ulnad out Four dnuhlehelderl wm d1 vlded Sunday while Detroit dl hated Vuhlnmn mm only single game Balllmm Iemd Chlcm 1nd Inn by the nmo more Huston delemd Kansas City and lhen lost 97 Lo Anxelel deflated New York helm hnwlnl In the second um and Clcvehnd gamut Mlnnesnll Indlon CLEVELAND ANRumor pernislad lodly um pllcher Bo Nah Bellnsky will not he with the Angel lulu myth Ionler Rumors Insist Belinsky To Go UI chul Your hrvlu romphla 1m End BulwnIo Ovuhul Nbi Wlml Alllnmrnl Whul III cl panel Amth TAKEOCARE WINTER WEAR MURDOCK I1 TORONTO Ir PA 82202 HARRY um JEIIMMCI RETAINS CROWN cm Lu Amherstv NS re lalncd MI Cunndlnn Junlor wel lerwciuhl boxing crown Smur day night by mrlnn round Ipllt doclllon um Trrum Gardiner Sydnny ll vcr NS Dolh welzhltd 1315 pounds law hours Robert Olumr chairman of the New York sun llnmeu Rum Commlulon Ild the meeting Slrlloil Rmwa Sun on Springs NY acheduled lo begin Thunday hu been postponed uglll Ally 10 Smlnzn Prulden Emu Mord nld Ihe vlrus hnd unread avar lhl wrekend Inrecllnl about 250 of tho 850 harm on lhe grounds nu toluene by Dn Rhymand Collar ml in coughing llcknm fink lm MI man mm min Inch um numbn of null my ndl ponpgqcmqb NEW YORK lAPlA mi Hou couxhlnz Ilcknm Alec In mo harm um hu man many ucllnnl Cnnndl Ind lhe Unnad sum hu clued week daily In the Ichldula Alan at tho hlrnen moaned ln Simon 1nd mulbly mutated nm fatality Themly fix year um acer wu found dead Ihl ollllon nu Mauve Enemy hm Monday hi vmrlmrhn nld ho could nnl dcflnlmy ultrlbull dun tn fill vhlu Inflation For two reunnx Hadyand Valentine and probably more Inna are returning to Barrie Arenn Iomnrraw nlxht Th first Hull Hndy hu challenged Valentino far mum this time two out three All or one hour and hall flho alher rtason that base two are jun 1099 lgecp away Theyll head Hm card that al Ia Iumm manner challnnuo mulch between BllIy Red Lyons and Sweet Daddy sikl Ind he npcner cl Sun Slaslak Ind Ho DIPaolo Firs body lets crushed It And um was amazing Hndy and ancnllnc new at each other over and through thu mm nr 45 mlnulcs No one laurcd he an wm In such good physlcal cggdluan Only uhnndlul of lhu 1000 odd patrons last Wedmsdnyl wreslllnl curd rcmllned thclr lula dnrlng he Jlm HndyJohn ny Vfiqnllfie mulch BAIHHE EXAMINERl TUESDAY MAY 211 Strange Sickness Causes Big Delay Hady Valentine Return To Arena loll JOHNNY VALENTINE Smlllnfl Work PA 85945 David MLDomll

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