Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 May 1963, p. 5

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Wéiififsrifdéfifi IHWFSTYEF tuna open in unuw MAN mm GUM HARE IILOORIS HUCKINGHAM Team of bolnnlsll In guarding one nrllnlnx ur on wild plnnu In milltnry or chld plnnll urowlnn Innlnly around lho CMIlrrn thl nra ready in lower and nnlurnllau dont wnnl hem dr IlrnynL Tho nm of 200 CNN or Iho damsquadron nlr divlnlon wen shipped to Europe In No vemr and Ihc RCAP an nounced In December larmzu um 01 ha first IFm mund Competent source now my Hm reason bchlnd curly ship ment the CNN to Eumpo was In he prescnca of hi planes on lhclr Eurnpcnn bnscl nupposcdly would point up tho Conservative Knvcrnmcntl lack of declsion on acceptance nuclunr wnrhendx or the bomber BrilLsh cum has carried out Um modifications Ii lha West Gmnnn base 111 only oiiicini RCAF cxpinnnlian for nihe modifications how ever wax that he iccnhicni changes muid be mnde chnnpiy in Europa an in Cm ndn er con firmed um It shipped the first CNN Inwvlcvcl jet bombers Europe before they Wm com batready and lhul he planes rtqulrod some 40 modification on arrival at chlbmeckcn West figmany sources say the Roan Cunndlnn Mr Force forceted air division In Europe with CFIN nuclear cnrricr Jet planes in an altnmpl to tame armcr prime mlnlster Dielenbnkcrs hand on Ulinucl rheadl Issue my WE 13qu Mam Analhcr Dllo lollcr aulhnrizcd he Bell Telephone Co and the llydro Electric Pownr Commls sinn to move pales which will interfere with the reconstruct ion of the Champlain Rd The Bell Telephone 01 now plann ing new line to Sawing Bay is expeclcd to usn Ihc replaced poles for his purposei Though hall Ihe cos of mav Ing Ihe poles is normally mid by he munlcipalily this lime the Department mghways will pay Ihc entire cost cnuncll was LAFONTMNE Special Depnrlmcnl of Highways mm mmcements discussed at Tiny Township Councils Inst meeting includnd DHO plans In replace the bridge ovnr lhc Wye River at Wyebridge Reports RCHF ForceFeeding Suggest Dig At Conservatives mmrler who mind chl TONIGHT Ind WED Exotic Miksuko Japanese dancer living In Rome was slgncd to head the sensuous dancer who enlerlalncd the court the phasnreAmud Queen of Sodom In the lavish Biblical spectacle Sodom and Gomorrah mulllmiL liondollar Tianus production Plan To Replace Wye River Bridge 07mm c111 Inlormcd SHANTY BAY mum Lnlntllnwwnl DRIVIIH By DAVE McINTOSH Hwy II II mam mum lLUl COMING TO THE ROXY NATO lnlormnnu say the nlr division will be the fourth big gest nuclcnr am In the world unul compkllon n1 Iho West German nuclear arm ln lulu 1W They also my lhe CNN has been dripped dawn to gel max lmum range but that II III wauId not in nbln lo carry nuclear bomb to Russia here May 2211 11 Feb Mr Dicfcnbnker said Jan 25 um um AngloAmcrlcnn pm of Nassau had placed In doubt the bomban role the an vleon and that Canada would seeknn nlan on lye mutter bruwlxcn In late February laund many he dclivemd CFms pulled apart on hanger floors or modificnllons and was told that Ihe planes would not be combnlmndy until summer PEACE nounr Silver Birch Bench collag ern complaint led council to or der link culvert be lowered The cottager complained ith high culverl blocked drainage In road ditch Township mad superintendent Lucien Maurice told council lhe culvnrl in own ed and installed by neighbor ing cnttnger In other enuncil business George Mead sought compensa than for lance broken by snow plows at his Balm Beach pro perly Council was gnlng lo Iry buy enough pmperty from Mr MEtad to permlt widenan 111 Im Iold Thls ls because lhe total expenditure here wlll be In cluded in the developmcnl road work lo he pald ln lull by the DHO In De buxc Color which Is he lng released by 2011 Century Fax starting Wednesday the Roxy Theatre It stars Stewan Granger Pier Angeli Stanley Baker nossana Pod esla and Annuk Aimm Wed nesday through Saturday at regular prices Thcsc and thr Royal Bank urvim nu dcdgncd to help you manage your pmonnl flnnnccl in buslnculiko wny at low cost FRASER Mungu ARIN BRANCH 15cth Kwokn when 11 under ruck near lln 9nL home SATURDAY Mn Dorolhy Sabourln 26 Tomnw whtn lmr cm crushed Into rock out on Highway 69 Mill Brill Suumno Ellubelh 11¢an 22 Felonborough when car in which she wan ridlng smashed Into an lbulmcnt near St Thomas WHIth Gardiner no of New mnrkcl 0nL drowned In Lulu 751mm Cook Bay near Ker iha Iurvey does not Include known slayings nuicidcs or in duglflll dams FRIDAY Jame Panelsun dobdon Ont alim oi four when his car plunged into the Muskrat River near Pcmbroktx Guistppo Vnicnle of Tom onto drowned while dipneuing ior me on Lake Ontario hnnkwnicr In 03min 12 died In road no cldents nlne were drowned and WE me other deaths Canadian Press survcy imm pm local limes Friday to midnight Monday shnwed lhal 20 persons were drawncd lwn died in fire and our me death in unclassified accidents The lolnl for highway denim was two more than prcdlclcd by the Canadian Highway Saicly Cquucil Accidenlnl death came to 75 persons on Ihe same weekend ins mm The highest oil over or Victoria Day weekend was 100 ill 1951 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Sixtysix Canadians mLi acci dental death over the long three dny Victoria Day holiday weak endi Trullic accidents claimed the most lives 40 and Ontario was he hnrdcst hit province with 23 dcaihs ree teachers whose mlgnntinns were accep ted are an the SCI sinii They are William Elliott who teaches mathematics and scien ce and Cnsweli Latin and history The third lenchcr leav ing is Mrs Yvonne Black physi caleducationi atVCDCI Three an ers hired by the bnard for the fail term are Miss Marilyn Pncock girls phy slcal education and Raymond Carl malhemnllcs English and buslness practice both for Suyncr Collcziate Institute and MANY VISITED Since the beginning the Imith century Christians many churches have visited tho Holy City of Jerusalem Nexz Scplembcr Mr Murch Inke over as principal oi me new Lungslaii Secondary Schuol which will be operated under the York Central District High Schunl Hoard Another surprise resignation takes effect Immediately Mr Anlo has been CDCI board mgmber since 1958 COLLINGWOOD Siayner Call eglnte Insmule princlpal Arthur Murch submltlad Ms rulgnaflnn eflecllve June 30 the May mceung ol the Colllngwund Dls um Collegiate Insmuke Board Mr Murch has been principal at SCI slnce il opened lwn years Ego Harare lhnt he taught CDCI since 1957 Marla Dead 66 Canadians Die On Long Weekend Principal Givegns His Resignatién Aha her mm can or Thompson non of Mr and Mn Colin Thompum of nnnlmw dmncd when motorboat overturned on While Fish Lkgnegr lerwn omi Ronald mm 11 Dun gnnnon Ont in shootan to olden homo MONDAY Mrs Isobel Mnlchen Hamilton whnn sh wnx knocked doxm IMch um by cnri Gama Payne 23 of Hunll vllle Ont drownnd whzn boat overturned on Crown ma near DorerI gm Pelcr nnd Thoma 10150 both Toronto drowned in Sunny Luke 11an ffiafiamggfi Frank Elliot 38 Clarbon OnL when am In det In was riding lmuhed Into ela xrnph pole near Bobuueon ddy Hannah 18 Ind homer David 16 boll ol 1hr unto In thar cnlflslon on High if nem Bancroft aph Fr 24 of Toronto when Sport ur In which he wax pnnenger wu Involved In real41nd collision on Huh wny 15 315 Klnuvllla SUNDAY Earl Cunnw 34 of Kingston drowned in Collins Lake near Kingston when sudden gust of wind overturned two boats dumping mm people lnla dz wnler Dean 53 son of Mn SHOW In 11 crib George Ba es 19 of River driwl Park Ont drowned in the Holland Rlver nenr Bradford when canon Upped over Vindimar Kowncevic 31 of Kllchener when his car left Highway near Gurlph and snack several ire trunk in tie wig when Ml from boat MADE UP CARPET ABERGAVENNY Wales CF An Instant red carpet greeted the Queen when she visited this South 31 lawn The steps nutslde the town hall were too warn to take real carpet so blight red strip was painted from the curbvto the doors Dnmal sclnnce Inr CDC Mrs Blacklock 1muthemat lcs of the SC slat will be leaching at CDC in the all Joicph Mag 28 of 0th BARRII SHOPPING PLAIA IMIPLIY Mung ARTHUR MURCII SavaiE monthsold Mr and mm Lorenzo Toronto Imolhmd ROYAL BANK uni mmer no or Kw pcl Township Duh when hi car muck lm nour Landon Ont Mr ho received an honorary dociornia or him item the unlvmlly suggested HI committee be dclnchcd from lilo provincial xovcmmcnl but be Iupporicd by govemmnnt commercial Ind privm contri bmlonl dmwned when shin boa oveflumcd on tho Trent nlvm near Pclprbgrqqgh lMMILmN CPD Creation of In Ontario law reform com mlueo with permanent mrc mm wu urged Monday by ll Allan Lenl of Toronlm dean of Oxxoode All law Ichool at Ihu eonvocntlon McMaslcr Unl venlly He said there an many area where lha law II out Itep my 50cm nququmqnls Ouuhie the parliament bulld Ings both on opening day and the day that lallowcd dunnn slralora were pmminenl wllh placards and sign Monday then was parade demonstrat ing against the acceptance of nIamIc bombs Dont Make NATO Men In our End was the lending slgn in the par lde which marched rnund nd round ha xlree and drive the bulldinga Many nl Iha pnro Monday the House convened was explained Ihn lhls was In show the Queen and her pruenlatlvel that they as mem bers of Canadas parliament were anxious to gel on with 1h govemmems work rather than take hulidny In her hanur Question again took over an hour and finally when the op portunity for discussing came the leader the oppasitlnn end ed by moving vote nun canfiqeppe in the governman The openlng ol parllamcnt was the usual colorful display Thu GovernorGenurals Body Guards ln thelr red coats and Mg hua bias acted an escort lo the chlel jusllce who olflclaled for the governorgeneral lle was me an the steps ol the Peace Tower entrance and escorted Into the senate chamber by Prime Mln later Pearson The Specdr from the Throne was read lirsl In English then In Frcnch al ter whlch the House convened and perlod questions en aued These were mmlly of an unlmpartanl nature but placed to such manner lo endeav or to be very embarrassing to the goycrnrnent Law Dean Asks Reform Group Hy ILGS Canadian who havenot seen our capital city recently should iry to visit it soon Ottawa is undergoing laceliitlng The old station and L1 aeriea oi tracka some at which run un der the Chateau are to he re moved alona the canali All the residential halldlnga in the downtown area will disappear It mail has been set upoo Sparlra Street irom which trai tlo has been removed Music and special displays wlll ho shown in painted booths lha oiliciai opening of the tulip 593 son was declared here Saturday night and every park street cornerand canal bank is blaze oi color Bad weather hampered many visitors who filled the city ior conventions visiting and the opening at par ilameat PEtLIAMENT QPENING INNISIII NOTES Canadas Capital Impressive Now BOX OFFXC OPENS IM SHOW STAR DUSK NH Today Only To Holland lgck BM HIAWIKI or INK WWI mun ml Ill NH An alter $50 lnr an ease men across property in Tol lendal fell through lllls was to enable walcrcnurse to get an outlet The property awner wlm had agreed lo sell the needed lands backed dawn when tho deed was presented to him far signature 11le leaves watercourse wlflwm an oullet to drain pardon properly The Bnfincse have preserved lheir ancient Hindu culture tn lac and even 350 year of Dumh rule In the Enst Indies changed them mm innlslil police report lhel they had only low mlnar motor vehicle accidents to Invesllgalz over the holidny weekend Col lege along the lakeshoro were mostly occupied but plcnickers were kept away by cold weath ers innlslil Park did nol have more than coupleol duzen care In at one time and orher benches were sparsely occu pied although the opcrnlnrs were open and ready for crowds Haber Smith gave Farmer Tkslngton Barrie Examiner correspondent massage hr his riding saying lha the best service lhe leern government cnuld do tar Canada would be not tinker with Ihg economy Sm ACCIDENTS Stan TOMonnqw Fuwro II 630 adcra and demonstrators had mm mm other part at the pmvincc Including Toronto MET LOCAL MEN We met hot the local rldA Ing members and were dinner gum of DufferinSimcoes mem4 ber Elwood Mndlll In the par lInmcntary reslnurnnI He has mom over In the west annex and is rapldly becoming IC qualnled with the routine of the House IN ALL OF MANKINDS DAYS ON EARTH N0 SIN OR SPECTACLE T0 EQUAL lT DRIVEIN THEATRE um Rand nl Can Lu Tlmos Tanighf Adnll Enlerlalnmenl swam UNCIIANGED num mun cum HURONIA PLUS whlch has been subdlvldcd Ontario who have Inlshed or nearly finished their seeding should be happy they am no la cnlcd In Eamm Ontnrln or Quebec when very llltle land has as yet had any AprInKIllI Inn and um gram up be tween the lurrowa Fields are mostly waterlogged and cattle SEEDING DELAYED Inn mm la mm Hm Am lmrwm mm mm all Yum mx mm nu ma all mum unnmm mm mm mummy mu hm In mm um hum mu mun unluy ml yumr In mm nunMun 19er your yuuthtul Ionkfi Ijgpgflflupdnwn Women If BAIHHE EVAMINER TUESDAY MAY 21 1083 TODAY ONLYX THE BIGGEST BRIEIITESI MINEES MUSICAL GWEN IF THE YEAR hackm with RHYTHM koumaandkomcxms with FUNaIul NINE with mum mum IHEWUHVE with Hill and NINE FF mama KIM MAIN All VINUUNEK OI ml WIN AM In IMAM Null HKIAHM MAKING HAY See lhu only version lhsTwist ever danced in haysmk and TH LAWLESS KID DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS und MINUTES TO LIVE Actullly mm In mu Wofldx llbulaus plasmi pllcu In mmum hummiuin TECHNICOLOR CINEMASCOPE WED Sum appear In have been only ra cenlly pul nngrass ll wlll be well lnlo mm below sanding ln that Bllll ls ucmmpllshcd AT REGULAR PRICES FOR THE FRIENDLIEST DEAL IN TOWN lll Brnrllnnl SI VIAU MOTORS l7 Gawnn SI 511 ER ma

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