munn IM 21 Um no on 3mm Mn mmm Klddo Immnorl mamy Club latm Tm Lunun TU MAY 11 130 000 HG NWy Wilmer lpom all lrlin Im at nu ma ThHum tum Thu Dlhlr Mm man cnunlry JuncUon no CDCTV New In VIIUIH Swill lel xuo Mnhhlu mi xuo vmiuér swm Mnmm WIDNIIDAV MAY 1000 15 mu 1300 um um LW 1m Ilmm Good Momlnl Studio Plrly Dlnxer Sllnll slnl fllnl Around mmb alum Lon You 5110 Th nlvly mum Ill Pope run nm Dun llntlllheny Hound roundX MI Mr and Mrs Roger Relve and non of Toronln vlslled on the weekend wllh the farmers pnr ems Mr 5mg Relve Mr and Mm Ell Lemmon nnd Nancy of Penelan visited on he weekend wllh the form erl pnrcnla Mr Ind Mrs Douz Lemmon 700 7m Inmnnu Sympa of the community lsexlcnded to Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hughu and family In the dealh of Lloyds mnlher Mrs Hurry Hughes who died at Stevenson Memorial Hospllnl Alflslnn Max Mr and Mrs Cccll linker nnd Blunrhe Schomhom vlslled on Samrdny wllh Mr and Mrs 11 Mgplgomcpu Mr and Mrs Jack Perri Dlnnne and Susan of Thlshu lown vlsllcd on Sunday wllh Mu Porrm parents Mr and Mrs Wllllnm Carr bundny lsilors wllh Mrs John Houizlllon Sn werejlr and Mrs Ed Metal and Inm fly and Mr undlln Paul Ja in and nmlly of 1mm Mr nnd Mrs Doug Fildcy of Hnmlltnn and Mr and Mrs Ken Flldey and family Barriele1 ed on Sundny with Mr and Mrs Eggmcre Fljgcy Mr and Mrs Alex Lysy and June Torunlo vlsflcd on Sun with Mr and Mn Peter Mr and Mm Vern Abram oi Toronto vlsllcd an tho weekend wIIh tho lnterx pnrcnls Mr aqqlldrs Mal Qrpymnn MlisflAudrcy Manes Barrie Walled on lhe weekend with her mgghnr Ngfhjlapel Mr and Mn hurl Curr vlsll on Sunday In Tollcnhnm with lhu Iaunrs parents Mn and Mn Thnmgson Mr and Mrs Earl McMnxler and slxlcr Mr and Mrs and Iamlly Toronto visltei Sun day wllh the farmers pnrcnkl McMnsler and Irene Mr and Mn Ronald Dunn ing and my Willawdnlc vial ed Snlurdny with Mrs Dunningl laments Mr and Mrs vllllam nrr Sunday vlsllors with Mr und lllrs ll Montngmory wen Mr and Mn Melville Simpson 01 Noblelan and Mr and Mrs lln olglrslonno of Nnhellon Mrlffl Landlty and ML and MRS ANDERSON ll your rmler hu MI mind by mm Is No cumin ran iniIsuwcu DRIVENOURSELP CAR AND TRUCK TELEVISION PROGRAMS Cap Wlll ll Dvlmnd TI Yul Hum CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI COOKSTOWN NEWS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 Nam Wmhu Iporu 700 Bron 1m 5m Eunm qup In noun nu llmnm our mo CTV Nun mu mm mm 1100 Plan In Ilqu wmmunn MAY no Klddo nu nemlno law Mumlnl uuuln noo yrnru luo our Hm Noanany lpon Kmdo noun 1611 Mann flub xwda Imunr Illaan no hum Ipom Dunn us And Wflllmn um Oun Wlll nml Wham NI Mom an new KIND mv Nm Mfln hull Om But out will MAY ll Kmao nnmlno 8288588 88 um llmm Ind Alln luzpll In Conflict th Thu IInum Ilm not Von Minty Mou an den Promon man7 Thu wmm 88zzzsn 38 moo um 15 1115 XIIUMBAY MAY mmï¬mu Mr and Mrs Art Hansen vim ed on Sunday In willawdnle with Mr and Mrs Jack Sinclllr Mrs Hansen vislllnz her 51 eg for 153v dn Mr nndim 611nm SchrIm and lamlly Brampton spun lhe weekend wlth lhe Imerl Mr and Mn Puwell Mrs Ted Pownll and Mr and Mr Gordon Lemmon attended the chrlslcnlng Dennis lnn Powell In St Johnl Unlced nggchA 510an Sunday Miss Pnlrlcla Evan and Slim Evans of Toronln vlslled during he weekend wlth their parent My Ind Mrs Dave Evans Mr undying Norman Harl mnn Mallnn vhlled Sunday with Mr and Mn Norman mon Mr and Mn Jones Mr and Mrs John Asmnn and Hel mu of Midland vislkcd on Sun day wllh Mr And Muï¬ Bob lujgy Mn and M11 Hulse of Tor mm are spending cw day wlh the latter mother Mm anvg Hauzhï¬lnm Miss Bertha Cownn attended Iho 50th wedding anniversary of her nlecn In anmunvllle on sagurday Mr and Mn Ken Coull of Toronto went the weekend with lhelr parents Mr and Mn Tom Relve and Mr and Mn John Callus Mr and Mn Jlsso McKinl can Crcemare ipendlng law day wllh their son And dnuxhlerlnlnw Mr and Mn Harald MgKHllcun Gordoxi Donnelly Eganvllla spent the pan week with hll mggher My Allcaonnel Gaidon Prince of Toronto VII cd durlnz he wezk with Mr and Mrs Monmomtry Conurntulallunl to Miss Halt lu Mallow who celebnled her Mlh birthday May ll Miss Mellow Hm with Mr and Mn Ellsmcre Fildey Durlnl 1h anonnoon friends and neigh bours called an Miss Mellow to extend reeling and wishes for coppug upodhnallh Ml Belly Conn of Toronto visited durlnl the weekend with Mr purcms Mr and Mrs Jnhn Coulu Mrs John Ludley and Hugh tar vlslled on Sunday In Elnp vnlu with Mr and Mrl MM In wmhu Man II To In xummnlo lury Ah mm in Hun llman mu Awnlnlmmt wun cm hn ann 6qu Monan slum rm Nu Romp hqu repay Pmy Nanny hum mm Hmwlllncc Damn Lonn Ynun Tlh Thlrly 5c Yup am lllwkl NIH Wallh Cheylnm nu Dlmam TORONTO Jury ol in Tum 53$ mm 1cm menfl Dill lqlnl Hero type of play you Ieldom Soulh is in Him nolrump und Wen open he Ian dlamandl Dcdnrcr nnlurnlly ducks and Bus piuyl lhu hm Wcsl lends lhe qutcn and duclnrer duckl ngnin Ens pinyin lhe five Wes lwd un nlher dlnmond Ens allowing wllh lha mm Ind South dlv cayds club Acmrdlngly ho plny law muh rum dummy nud on wllh lhe king whcu East In low low Tho Hnl wlnu ha trick all thl but unlorlu Declarcr can now rcnsnnnbly mums lhnt Wul Ilnrlcd wllh livecurd dlnmond mil and Hull lhe conlrncl cannot made Wnl hm he an club or entry No lhmlnrl mull proceed on tho bull lhnl Lqu lhn Ice Optnan lend klnx dll month It was decl ed that unlts up In to two banquets the Ex plorer banquet and tho CGIL 11 women were reminded that the Fall Fair supplemeulry llsls ngje avallabm MrL Glass And Mrs Kirby conducled the Worship Perlod with reading and Molherx Day poem by Mn Flldey iho Ham and School annual meetinl will bu hald ihe evening oi Mny 21 at ihe school To shor ten the hnnincu pontinn oi the meeting In reporin will he prin ed The nominating committee has full slate oi niiicers in present which ii agreeable to tho member and nectpted will also lelva more iima or other huslnesl and the programme Tinco ladle mm council will be guests Iniwlll explain to the members the constitution struc turo oi Home and School Asso ciniionn and answer questions tellinent to ilome and School Rexisuaiian at Essa Union N0 Cookslawn or Grade pupils will he hlid Cooksiawny May 27 from 330 pm Any child whn is six year aid on or before December Lil 196 is eligible or registration UCW The Cookslnvm Unllcn Church Women held their May meeting In th school room of the Church me Presldcm was In charge and opened Ihe mcellug Minu lca were read and adopted 01 iowed by the Hull Call with 22 mgmhm prqxpn DAILY CROSSWORD The annual Home and School Council dinner and meeting In Harris was attended by Mr and Mrs McCuue Mr and Mrs Henderson and Mn Mo Lean duel Paul II NM 11 1nd ANNmLAlmmc SCJIODL REGISTRATION huhfl eofloq uqu In AntMlle Rev and Mrs Howard at tended he nrdlnullun service It St James Cathedral In Toronto on Sunday Sympathy or the cammunlly extended to Mrs Alvin Hood and family In the death of husband and lather Alvin Flood who died Iuddenly at Slavensun May 11 him1 3qu Mr and M11 Hualon and Cindy Mkevlaw spent the weekend with he laller mother Mu Frank amlley Slur mn ll Eng many lela ll hum nply 11104 mm It ofi purenu Mr Ind Mn Wlllllm Riley In bin Nonlm Noth dealer Nellher side vulnerable nn mam North 1cm us noun 91m lg CONTRACT BRIDGE um 031 010 ï¬KlIH NORTH non nryupii uteri MUNmu uulgd Xlr lom Mammy mu la diam 17mm Ill17 than mm at I1 Kind mm chm mookw Dch for emu mind by um Undu LYourx did mm of noun 915 L63 namum pawn minm By JAY BECKER mmmh mmu GAVE LIBRARY The Royal Library at hu Dr hh Munum wn domltd by King Georg and hat bun lddld lo by monarch dawn 1h yuu Illa an Mloln lmlmr Inacan Suppoar on lhe third hem Ens elem to dlscard npnde In that me Saulh cnxhes hm round Ipndu reduc In the North Eu Ind South hand In lhrce club each Thu play at the 1an club end plny Hail and can make unlx Alwu club lrlckl Eilher way Ihcrriore Soulh make hm nolrump Suppose East elects lo d1 cnrd the nlna of clubl In that case 50th leads club and East can maka only lh AQ club runrdtm at whnl ha doe next Thu only clua he hm that West dmnrdzd hem on Ihc king of clubs and more likely Io havn hear length than East any tale Soth yroceeds on basis caahcs Inc of hum On lha Ina hem East musl make discard and re nardlcss of whll ho choom to do declarer makes lhn con tract lha mmracl now appear beaten alnca there are only clghl lrlcks Available but lnnlly Scth ma la make he hand it he nuns Elsln major lull holding correclly nnlely West lhDWl out and discard heart This II dis appoinllng since West had allowed ML South wnuld have bcen sure of making lens lhge notrumpt The Junior dloir provided spe cial music under the direction Mrs McDownli Several pup ii oi the Sundny School were awarded certiï¬cates and prize for compieLinl temperance Itu dies County and Provincial pri ze were also given out to ihreo pupils Mn iilmiie superin tendent oi the Sunday school de iivcrcd ihu address or the mar ning service Ihmt worship period open ed the aitamoonx activities The chiidren entertalned their mo than with several mil under the leadership at Miss irene Mc Master Mrs Pinkney told of the work of the Masses sers then conducted medul tion ceremony or Ii 11 who will pass into Exploru work In the fall Mrs Wanleu leader of tho Explore welcomed the Ir and gave Ihort numme ol Explorer Alma Hand work undar tho leadership of MraW Cook and Mrs Hangman war on dlsplay or the mother to lca was Ierved lo the mother hy the leader and Oldll glrls Mrs Davlu Ind Mn Howard poured lea large congregation attended he special Christian Family Ser vice for Mothers Day conduo ed by Rov Davies and Mrs liindic Sunday school pupils and cachet occupied tin middle sqnt of ihe church and march ed in body Two Infant be ï¬rm were performed by new Davlcs They were the In nnt daughter of Mr Ind Mn Harry Thompson and the In fant son Mr and Mn Em MOTHERS DAY SERVICE Mrs Full gun mm the nuhum Home Magazine Madame Duper Lay and Con can mad an article an al the mggaleje Mlss Irena Kell and M15 Carol Flldcy uni vocal duct Don Baxran and Chan1231mm lhwnlta provided flu and accordion number MESSENVGBBS TEA The Museum under the leaderlhip of Mrs Pinkney me or their In meeting the season an school recent ly They ended their years tMllex May In wflh MoLhus Day tea In lha moo roam ol the Church Mr lom wart Iaiin om no Hum I1 1th II Army loll 00 mambo vawummz 551 was an TELL VOLWI MEN OVER 10mmle MINEEnHILEENfl 5r srm us Aï¬klNG THE BAR EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY 11196