OPEN CONFERENCE VICTORIA CF Canadas ï¬rst nun amokurs eonlcrenco opened here Vzdncsday with warnlni mm RC Health Min ister Eric Martin that smokinl lhorlcnl iii and increases dan ger from mallgnanl diseases The cunierence organized by the Goomember NunSmokers Association oi Canada at trncted represenanch oi ha BARBIE EXAMINER IAMDAY MA 1m Bev Andra Renaud an old authority on Canadal In dlun education al program hnlds Navuho rug he brought back mm our of reserva tions In the Midwestern Uni THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTE DTOTH CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVI DUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS BEIIIIMM ROB LII COOKE nmwmo IIATEHIAIR Irwuxsgiflégnémw AHTAGE ml BTOIMIE LTD mm mm mm um nm Ill TIM lInnlu hamlnn clmvrh innhnï¬nrevmrurulrl Vinfini IIIHQl MRI null mllllauu Aumun II 1th moo nlrrlo comm nu um Munha an mom Tha winner trulnl Ind plan his me He my lag behind 011 while but he la conï¬dent of hidden mouml When others hlvo burnod up htIr energy Imd enlhualum ht forge In the rent A1 they IHL In tho hom Ilrmh ho Iprlnh mmu thn ï¬nish lino The Churth um help you trnln Ind pinnl Christin II renamed with hll own nplrltunl numlnn ratherlhnn he utpm otllh um ready wth hidden resource whcn he momnnl of chilllngl camel Youll ï¬nd 10M or peep COMde Ibcut tho tempo of lady But mm of them simply catch breath when they can Ind try to keep up with ha pace THE FAST PACE OF LIFE Then Is something mm Impormtl EN nunmp ARIZONA SETS PACE UAHDEHHON MONUMENT C0 llmnn Ilullon Au 51mm Ilruu gck TOO FEW VETS There ls hurlnza of velar narlnn throughout the world but the need most acute in developing countries says he Fund and Agricultura Organiza Ion Parent Teachers Assoclallon Council health and education departmean and churches led Slates He lay the in diam oi Arizona are selling an example or Canadian lrihes by building iheir own educntinnai swam OP Pho lo ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE ll PA 1991 BILL BARRY mu mwxcz mnoN lA mm Dunlop up vmlnh 21 Hamhy JOHNHON SON MACHINE 5H0 Mr LIckIl rm HOWEY ELECTRIO IJ wry lmm Tglnï¬ny Mun Vlncml ll Gnnd Knlzhl of branch 4913 Mr Vennlnz and nlher members the Roman Catholic urnnlzmun have bun mm It synagogue vllkzd In Anglian plfllh and at tended meellna the Muslim 505er pl Toronto In nth use hay huva learned about he prlcticelol nugr quilan The followed up by inviting members of dozen faith to St James CnlhulIe church to ulk about the dimer nnce between the various re llzlans Among these repre aenlcd were Angllcnns Bap llxls Modems Buddhists Mor mom Luthurlns Jews Pres bylarlam Ind member 01 thn Ulgiled Church TORONTO CF Colln Venning In nmccr he Knlnhts of Columbus who bp lleves that Intermm undar mndln can he must emcllvely promoted by amnll lmupl wagkln level since In all he huhecn the movlnx lurceln mram walleye Is an $410th Mr Vennlnz lecurlly nlllcer hr Import company nyl he feel 11 Important that lay man lake part in havecumenl cal movement dont wutk Irom tho boltom wn wont get any where QUESTIONS PROGRAM TORONTO CF Exlstlng Milan on Man bused on lathcentury cancepls Dr John mm or Klnzslon uld Wednu day In opening lemon he annual conlerence ol the Ontario Wallara Council Chal lenging the prlnclpla nut to be poor is In be llzy he laid the ecnnamy hu become too com lex and decisions made even other counldu can rob whole lroups their Jobs InterFaith Ht Lay Level hall xcéimumm mm HM Mmu mum Hill 001 Ann Ind John 5L flTECKLEY FUNERAL HOME use so Wouloy ac uni ol no Immoodrluummwunion houu nl Iplrluul VIII Wllhmll nlmn Chum Mm dummy dvlllnllan an wrvlw an your mind mum why mry pmotl MM and IanVIM luly ma rum vacuum lhy In In Mumh hr HI mlldvml Ill lot III MI mnnmnlly n4 Mllon 70 uh HM hurth llnl whkh mu mm mmhi luman llln In In xa rmmh Inc In Ind and your mbh any ll CHURCH FOR ALL All FOR nu CHUICH mm my mini hm flmMNDLENfl CHURCH DIRECTORY FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 73041 mm 600 pm Wudnudny 730 Our Malhnr Pcrpuunl Hllp Nevin IT IS EXTREMELY HELP FUL ALL CHURCH NOTICES ARE IN IN 12 NOON THURSDAY SUNDAY MASSES mm mm IOJS Im 30 mm The Salvation Army Chadd ca Colllu mu MAJOR AND MM GILLES Corpl Omcm 910 AMASunday School Hollnm Mull 00 mm Frlrlly anlnlml 110 Roman Catholic EVENING DEVOTIONS Sunniy pm 700 mm EVANGELIXHC MEETING IT MARYS CHURCH 95 MULCASTER 81 PA HHS Wouloy BL flaluvdly Cohulnm ML 0J0 lm5lndly School 1010 mumEmma Innch Ilo pm Evenlnl ltrvlu In landy Eur Mnnlh lath lench In nllllh Froo Method Church 100 Blyfleld II II Gahun Putor SERVICES 1m lnd 110 pm GUEST llï¬AKEfl MIL MM MHTH ol Ovlllll TM Church of Ilcl In God 11le MB on Dill C10 lundly It In Ma hmlly mm IchMl Clappenon St at Wouley Sundny Survlcu ll Gem Em Pnlor Iml SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 mm Mflllllfll Wmhlp 1pm Eunuuma Kench FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Pular nu ha Gruuhmk Phnnc PA Mm ALLIANCE CHURCH STEEL Ind COOK REE kam Inlu Cl lmllol FIRST Baptist Church Tarnnlo 5L DIM SERVICE Sundly School In 700 gm II If 00 IJfl I14 REV AVID MI DOUGLAI OAIIIWAI onnnm 151 lhlnly Ely Roll hull mm Mka CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY NAZARENE Medial In 11ch School Audlwrlum Bl Vlncem Elm CAPTAIN nuonl mm 159 Colllur SO Service Ancl Sunday School mm Testimonial Meeting 2nd Wed pm BARRIE CHURCH OF CHRIST NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL Putar ll Weldan Bull CHURCH BURTON AVENUE THE UNITED CHURCH of CANADA OF THE Codrlngion SI Public School Beginnan 1010 BIB Clum or mu For Informnlon Phono PA 61003 wmus AND mwcomns connmnvmvm 1100 LII DIVINE WOMEN To bu fluid In ll hm Chum Crown HUI 11x00 ImSUNDAY SCHOOL THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH Gunn Sim Sundly Scrvleu 945 mm Sundny School for III II am Thu Lordl Supp pm Goxpnl Wudnudny pm Prlynr Blbl Study In In my Momhly Young Pncplnl 730 pm 2nd 4th Frldny Monlhly lelu Mlulomry Group YOU ARE MOST wmzom IUNMY CHURCH ICMOOII Mlnlillr thu PA um Comm Ban nu Ind hmk lmu Mk IIAND Illl Ovnnm In ChaimIla ALL ARE WELCOME 10 Junior lghwl Conn And Brinl nu hmfly 10 Chuck In lunar ldlul ll Cook lluel Ru John nlddel 000 mm Holy Cammunlnn 00 munMamba Suvch 7x00 mm Evan Punt ll nu Jnkr Mm pm EVERYONE WELCOMI NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL ST GILES CHURCH REV ADM ILL ST ANDREWS Ian Jun ll bl In M4 II TIM UNWIMZOMI Own Ind Wank Bl Mlnhler mm Dimpfl Dlmtor Pnlu 1100 AHMED LOVE CENTRAL You An Walmmo THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADK VISITORS AND NIW RISIDINT WILCOMI IUNDAI Immol nl mt In 1qu In In ll um TIM HEALING TOUCH nzv Minn JunI rmm CllUllCll not In Nu nulldln with fltn 0d run 4qu Ind ulflu lonlm wllhduu to attend ANNIVERSARY NERVICM IN BTROUD 11oonm ALLANDALE lumn Aunm Ornnvllll llml Willa Dy Mo mm Holy Communion 1100 mm Morn lmlcn 100 pm Even Pum Burton Avl Cu In All all REV BELL MA Mn Hulk Olunlu 00 mm CHURCH ICIIOOL AT Auulm Millm Mldllll LUIYD W770 ounm um Chinqu Mllhtn luv ludlau lhll Wlm wlll b0 lho 0nd chn th WHERE IS CHURCH UNION LIADING US Manage YOU multHEAR Sun pm MORNING SERVICES 950 mm Sunday School 1100 mm Worship Servica Wed 800 pm Bible Study Frl 800 pm Youth ALL WELCOME REV TUNKS Pastor anlor Rev wuu 945 mm BIblo Szhool 1100 lmWorlhp Suvln 700 pl1 Evanaollule Smlu BETHEL CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH SCARLET WOMAN Rulol the World COLLIER ST ESSA ROAD EASTER ST GEORGES IN CANADA Tho pm him Broldzm Ovor CKII THIS SUNDAY ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE All CHURCH NOTICES MUST BE IN BY THURSDAY AT 12 NOON WORSHIP Al 1100 mm ADULT BIBLE CLASS 1000 mm YOU ARE WELCOME 10 ATTEND lUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Mu at all Huh No It Rev Juleph Molltorll Church Plum PA Hm Pulorl Renldum PA mu SUNDAY SCHOOL A1 Mn PENTECOSTAI EMMANUEL BARRIE WIlLOWDAlE UNITED CHURCH IUNDAV CHUICfl unool 1M Nu om munnull Mn Lou Chollluln III plum mum mum THE LIGHT TI WORLD JOHNSON ST SCHOOL mm CHURCH ICIIDOL Numry la llnlnr Depll lu Your lelon to Vunhly and Mlnhlu REV IUMMERI mqu cl PrIu Mn McKinn Colllu Mm Nut lo rm mm Va mm fluly Commm nan Rely Communio 1m mum lull 100 mm lunléni You An Welcom mu Pub lehul WESTMINSTER um um Mununto TRINITY CHURCH Dlvln Mp AMENDED INTO HEME ST VINCENT ST II ilmdtui EIGHTEEN MULCASTER nu