Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 May 1963, p. 1

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Local Weather Our Telephones For manslau Want Ads Tela phena PA Mitt The telephone timber to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PAyiSTI Shower tonight Cooler Sunday drama of rain Low tonight ta High tomorrow so For lull culinary turn to page two army 99th Year No Honolqu Has Gala Welcome For Space Hero ABOARD USS KEABSARGE AP Gordon Cooper comes home to Honolulu today and lilo first of series of welcomes honoring his heroic feat of orbiting the earth 22 times in labour tour through space on the agenda were parades and receptions In Honolulu at Cape Canaveral Washington and New York includlng mectiog of Congress Tuesday First in both time and Im portance for the quietspoken IEyearold Oklahoma airman was reunion at Hickam Air Force Base with his wife Trudy and daughters Camala it and Janita In The Cooper family arrived In Honolulu late Friday for the date with the space hero The thatmon aircraft carrier Kcarsarge which plucked Ma Cooper out of the Pacific 96 miles southeast of Itiidway Thursday afternoon plowed along at 25 knots to keep the appointment for its famous pas senger MEISIT RENDEZVOUS It was in Honolulu that the Coopers met and married In 1947 when they were students at the University of Hawaii Alter downtown parade and receptions at lolanl Palace the statehouse that once was the seat of Hawaiian royalty and at the home of Governor John Burns the Coopers were scheduled to lcavc by jet plane on Sunday for Cape Canaveral It was from the cape that ha rocketed off to glory last Wed nesday morning Senate Democratic Leader Mlka Mansfield of Montana who announced the congres sional invitation to Cooper said it was arranged both to salute his outstanding space accom plishment and to mark the presumed conclusion of the Mercury spaoo pro act Next alter Mercury will he tha Gemini project to put two men into orbit In single cap sule The goal beyond Gemini will be manned flight to the moon Doctors evidently were elated at Coopers robust physical con dition The brief moments oi giddlness the reddened eyes and bushy voice noted when he backed out of his Faith cap sule onto the Kearsarge deck Thursday were all gone after nights sleep RARE PRIVILEGE it told the ships chici petty officers at lunch Friday it Is rare privilege to be Invited to eat with the chiefs it Is mightyrcomfortlng to come down on the big wide ocean and it does look big even when youre flying over Itto know that you have compnn Nuclear Decision Is Not Final Yet mawa CP Tbs Cana dlan government has not reached final derision on its stand on multinational or inter allied nuclear force for NATO Prime Minister Pearson said Friday However he Indicated in the Commons that decision will be made within the next few days and instructions will be given to Canadian delegates to the NATO ministerial meeting which opens here next Wednes day Mr Pearson replying to 0p position Lender Diefenbaker said he may have something to say on the subject during the throne speech debate which opens Monday Guido Rules0ut Peronist BUENOS AIItES lAltUn easy Argentina braced todny for mora trouble as President Jose Maria Guido banned fol NonSwimmers Save Little Boy SASKANON thlMr and Mrs Isaac Peters of Snskntonn both are more than 80 years old and neither can swim stroke but this week they saved two yrarold Andrew McFadan oi Saskatoon from drowning In the South Saskatchewan ltlver They were on picnic lunch by the river book when they saw boy throw something Into the river and go in after It Then he begnn to float away Mrs Peters said Sho ran niong the river bank keeping lha lad In sight while she screamed Iran tlcally to her husband Mr Pete crs ran loo yards niong tha bank splashed Into the water and grnbbrd tho boy by the scroll oi Ibo neck BIG COM Yrsme ha Merrily pat on the head for liar IMlbnnammt Party lowcrs of former dictator Juan Peron from seeking execu tive pasts In July elections Guidos decree banned candi dates of the Pcronist front Union Popular Party from run ning for president vicapresb dent governor or mayor They were limited to contesting leg islative posts There was no Immediate re action from the Pcronisls but repercussions were considered certainty At stako In the July elections In addition to federal executive and Icsislutlvs ports are tho governorshlps and legislatures of 21 provinces and the mayor ships councils and hoards of education In thousands of mu nlcipalltlcs TO IIIIINK 0F WAII Military leaders quarrrlilng nrcr tho rots Pcronists should be permitted In the elections hnvc brought Argentina to the brink of civil war twice in the lost 11 months and caused nlno motor governmental crises The latest coma only last week when most of the cabinet ra signed 1193 Montreal Felice Plan Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday mo on Not More Than Is for copylo Pages Crackdown On FLQ ZIlllMan Squad Organized lifter MailBox Bombings MONTREAL tCP Aroused TWO bomb disposal experts gingerly withdraw rod used to drop an explosive charge Monday Is Queens Birthday So Canadians Take It Easy liy 1le CANADIAN PRESS Victoria Day officially honors the birthdays of two queens but for most Canadians it provides the years first worm long weekendand trip to the cot tage or fishing hole ifowever the Canadian High way Safety Council believes tut Canadians will bo killed and an other coo Inlurcd during the 72 hour period between it pm Frlv day and midnight Monday local times Sunny weather is predicted for most of the weekend with some rain for the Maritlmas Sunday but clearing Monday Warm weather is predicted for lirltish Columbia and cooler sore dcgrrc temperatures are forecast for most other areas The holiday to still occasion nlly called the 24th of May Queen Victorias birthday but since IDS it has been fixed as the first Monday preceding May 24 it also marks Queen Elisa bcths birthday which actu ally April Ncntyono gun salutes will be fired at noon locnl limca across Canada Monday In offl clot celebration and some mu nicipalities will celebrate In their own unlquo and often tro ditlonal way BREAK BREAD Ono of the more colorful ccte hrotlons is the nnnuni distribu tion of brcnd and choose to rev orul thousand In tho six Nnilons Indian lteserva near lirunilord The ceremony dntrs hack to into mail box lurrounded by bales of straw to force the explosion ol bomb The Queen Victorias rclgn when aha pledged to the Six Nations Con federacy that on her birthday all pcople would be equal and that quarter of loaf of bread and bait pound of cheese dbouldbe ginntocach or the oonfcdcratya members N0 EXAMINER ON MONDAY Thu Barrie Examiner will not publish Monday Victor Io Day Publication will re sume Tuesdays bomb was one of It placed In mail boxes in the Montreal To Meet DIIAWA CPI American Labor Sccrctary Willard Win and Canadian Labor Minister Allan MacEachcn met hcreFrl daytoseftne1tago for next weeks highlevel conference in Washington on Great Lakes la bor strife fha two labor ministers are to meet presldcot Clauda Jodoin of the CnnndlanLabor Con gress and AFbCIO Prcsidcnt George Meany In Washington Tuesday for talks aimed at cod log shipping disruptions on the Great Lakes There was no announcement alter their Informal mectlng CanadaClassed Developed lit Trade Ministers Meeting GENEVA tCtI1rera is no scramble to bo high man on tho totem pole at the big confere once at trade ministers here Some countries want to qunl Ily as underdeveloped areas In order that they might rcnp bcn ciits from any subsequent tnrifl ndlustmcnts helping the poorer nnllons Perhaps no country is striv ing to crowd Its wny Into the upper bracket whcro It would come into the category of glvcr rnthcr than receiver Cnnudos status In tho spcc trum of nations name up Fri IM hiawussdcgww 1N BARBIE KENNEL CLUB DOG SHOW omipading In tho Darrin liens not ltlt dog show today maroonroam the rather amnil admirers arr left to right Susan ttrlm show Aurora Jam Waniia worth Ma and bark norm Toronto Theth ma limws all afternoon at the limb Arm Examiner Motel day when bricfinit officer at tho mccting of the General Agreement on anlfls and Trade classed It with tho Industrially developed nations also In cluding such countries as Swe den and The Netherlands us well as the United States flrite sin and France The officer was merely list log countries that had taken part In Fridays ticbnto Brit Cn nntlfnn Trade Minister Mitchell Sharp told reporters later it wns no accident that ha apccll Icolly rcroovod Canada from the highly lndustrinilrcd onlccory lIo sold In his spccrhx The operation at nil higny lndurtrlnlltcd countries is ossenttnl Virilo wn cannot claim to be In this catrgory NEWS police and municipal forcol mounted huge offensive today against time bomb terrorists whose sporadic dcpredatlons of more than to weeks were cli maxed Friday with series of explosions In the placid suburb of Westmount The City oi Montreal set up special zooman antiterrorist squad Potion liircetorJ Adrientltob art met today with beads of the 9H suburb of Westrnount Wimpboto Labor Officials odoin followed by working dinner Guests at the dinner included Extemat Affairs Minister Paul Martin and llS Ambassador IL Walton Butterworth reliable sourca sold the dis cussions centrcd on how to Im plement tho Ilyannls Port greomcnt of Prime Minister Pearson and President Kennedy that ships and their crows should he frca to go about their lawful business without Impcdimcnt or harassment on the Great Lakes FREEDOM ESSENIIAL The prime minister and the president agreed that this free dom of movement il essential and they expressed concern about tho consequences oi in dustrial atrile on the central wntcrwny between the two na lions Prediction Good For NiiTO Meeting WASHINGTON AP U5 officials cxpcct smooth sailing without surprises when the min istcrlol council oi tho North At lnntlo ncoty Organization con vcncs In Ottawa hfuy 221i This expectation qualified sources said today Is the con sequence of diplomatic spuco work which resulted In true cnoirrcnro agreement among NATO members on forrnuln to establish the Supremacd intcr nllicd nucirnr striking force undcr the command of new dcpuly to 15 lien Lyman Ixmnltrer NATO suprch commander BRIEFS Kennedy To Meet Pope John WASilINtIlON IANJohn Kennedy the first United States loman Catholic prrsltitnt will moot in italy nut month with Pope John lictress Gets $4500 lor Bit Lip LOG ANGIIIFS IAilAdrru iiitliila Stewart Iran won 500 Judgment against Floyd Awl at because his Iorrnnn shepherd hit her no the lp err nwart sold she was visiting Appol and his with at lirwrifiI them In June rm whtn the lfllir hom she was renting to hit her 115 Diplomat To Resign Post WAEIIINGION tAliGmrgr Kennan rewgnlrnl expert on Communism and figure to 118 dlpinmary will resign this tall as Amrrlcan am sunttor to Vllloalnvla In making this arnmrncemrnt Friday the White ttouu said the blvyelrohl diplo mat Ia rrturning to academic life and that no decision has been ruched on aucrwor Mil Marooned Ilown Out ALICE IIniNGtt Australia titeutcrsiIsuengcrs stranded on the then Earlene by floottwaiers were beln flown today front thrilldelta In northern swath Australia to At Ratings in the northern tmaorr no mile away The train with its no pass rogers Inotwiing which has baen muoonad since Nacdu Little League Player Dior Prom Blow nvaNsroN tAtiA themud urns mm amour inysr died lvtdr In to iice nuseil winWM Last Inlury wuirefiomring man sy on Montreal RCMP division and provincial police and with rep resentatives of to municipal forces on Montreal island Meanwhile SgtMal Walter Rocky Leia12yearold army explosives expert remained in critical condition In hospital vlctirn of bomb he was pre paring to dismantle in West mount lta was given wmdiance of survival lfospltal authorities said his strong physique is factor in his fight for life His pulse and blood pressure were reported good Surgeons worked more than five hours Friday In an effort to save him ills left arm was amputated his chest and face torn by lacerations City authorities said the West mount bombs gava svery Indi cation oi being tho work oi Lo Front do Liberatidn Quebecois pledged to achieve Quebec In dependenca by violence WORK WITHOUT STOP Montreals 200 man pollco ontlvterrorfst squad will work around the clock in shifts Smaller police forces on tho land have bccn put on hour alert With the Victoria Day llolle day weekend ahead police said thcra will be continuous vigii ones In csa tho Monday boll doy may have some symbolic attraction for the terrorists Provincial police forces in the area were placed on 24 hour alert Friday night Deputy Attorney General Charles Cantln said in Quebec City we are going to get to the bottom of this no matter what Premier lcan Lcsago said he has asked provincial police to make spcclai efforts to break up the tcrroriat group and to report to him personally Daniel Johnson leader of the Union Nationals oppositionI said In tho legislature that ha will it Immediate replace ment of Attorna General Gcorgcs Lapnime an QPP DI rcctor Iosophat Brunet on the basis of Incompetence Mnyor Chlpman II Drury of Vcstmount city of 31000 rnid all police leaves have bccn cnn rolled and the force In on full Ilitil llIILMlNGIlIlil Aln IAf tonso wcckrnd lion shud for rnctnlly troublrd filnnlnghnm with thrrais of renewed bomb inltl reported While the stage was act for mrrllng nl Irrrldrnt Kennedy and Alabamas segregationlst cotrrnor tmrgo Wnilnro In North Alabama polirr hero on third ttghlar security men titre wrdy rind Wnlittrs um rs rd to mrrt at Tennessee Valley Authority anniversrry nbrorvnnrc at blurrla Shoals Ala pm president Ia Kitrtiuttd to spank While rumors lorrcoat an un easy or Ioiire fhlrf tsrulo Moors said We ore tolling precautions which we mnriricr necessary Although he declined to rial oratr armed gunrds were nostril at some buildings which could possibly be Inrgrts of bombers lllrhway patrolman guarded the Ilrnil no they hate since last wnkanda vo Irnre TELEPHONE IIIIIEATI Anonymous telephone throats have been revised by Negro traders some whlta husltwll mm and rsrirm plum of bust pm In other davelopmenia Attorn torrent Kennedy said It Agavlile NC that damage Inlilstod noon on United Mates image abroad Iv htcldents fill the binninshun midi crisis It great but super namewu ln all It bombsall made with dynamite sticks wars planted In mail boxes In West mount Six exploded it was the sixth that injured Sgt Mal Lola as be removed ft from box Some of the other bombs were exploded later by army and other explosives ts Westmount has as mall oxcs in all many at busy street in locations Lela was the only person In lured to Westmounts explo slons which shattered mail boxes and damaged no arby property Later postman picking mail from the boxes began lid ing the itching timebombs four sticks of dynamite wrapped together and attached to cheap clock timer Man ran and ran said mailman Plerro Cote atter ha discovered the first of thre bombs on his route stopped just long eooug to call the police Police oalled In explosives ex ports to dismantle the bombs Lela and his partner in the Royal Canadian Engineers Lieut Douglas Simpson had taken apart two of the devices and were starting on the third It went off in Lolas hands as hundreds of horrified specs tators watched Simpson stand ing about 10 feet behind Lola was uninjured Del Sgt Leo Ploulfc the Montreal pollco bomb expert joined in the work hopping from site to all in yellow convertible PlouIIa dismantled two bombs and caused third to explode out of harms way When Lela was taken to hos pital the army gave up the idea of dismantling any more of tin timebombs Barrie Scouts Plan Fireworks Monday Night th First Barrio Boy Scout Troop will sponsor fireworks display Monday evening after dusk at tho Barrio Fair Grounds Admission to the grounds will be It per family Titers will bo refreshment booths in the event of rain the display will be held the following Saturday lton Corrll chairman of the Group Committee said about 31m worth of fireworks hrva been purchnsui Guards Posted For The Weekend hora dominated the Alabama Icglrfnturo nt Montgomery nl legislators voted in stand solidly behind Writinct who challrugrd Konntdys sending of 2000 sol dlcra to mica In Alnbumn rf Fania Darts 11 int cutlm gtata pia rr In the nation In ml III In Lakesido Ilooplc trl In lowland rnrty today Devin AttAmerlca halibut with ttyrms and Melanin winner was mm min last July pod ad from playtnl Cleveland browns at the Nam Football team Hmwmg was with

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