Aulmmm mmm um nun rm Duvmmml Ull nm In nymml oI vouun In Dunn mm tummy and unmn muu nun Imam minnow mnul HAD All muun humans In an ml umMmI Ill lmm um 0m on Unl An rnnmm murmur 1m them mL in MIMI CIMIflln DIII than Mal1mg ICIMMII 1M Ian Inn at clamn mu ll ce null mum ll IL IVIAWL ruby Ila Barrie Examiner May 10 1053 Bar rio citizens turned out in thousands lo welcome home liarrlo Fiyers from Win nipegl The lliyera coached by iiap Emma won the Canadian junior hockey championship and liicmorlai Cup beni ing iioniiace Canediens 41 in iinnia Mayor Jnmea iiarl proclaimed two hour civic holiday Flyera arrived by irain Aliandaie and were escorted in monster arade with bands and Heat lo Queenl ark for civic reco lion Cnpl iienry Howard Han voter an of World War Two and Korean War aailcd ior England wllh Canadian Army Conlingcnl ior Tornnelien of Queen Ella abelh Mra Earl Cox installed as rt nldcni Mdies Auxiilar lo illnna ni iiev Garbuli Snail nalive oi liar He and mlnlaier of Trinity liaplint up alum uin mu mu In Alliston also had mnn nice old ladies who were fond of eats he continues 50 along with its sizable bird po ula tion the town had numerous weiied pampered indolent cats who roamed at will inevitably etew cats were attract ed to my garden and not because they liked flowers in act it became common place to see dozens of birds entinf and drinking in mf garden while lurk ng in convenient hding places were those mean old caies Strange to say however In the two years was there saw only one bin at caught by cat The bird was rob Robins ll seems nre just too frlendly or their own good The other birds Ihal name there the grosbenks downy wood There Is perennial argument be tween bird lovers and cat owners ax to the damage caused to the bird popula tlongy predatpry tgllnes lion rcdaiory felines of crest in this regard is ruceni article by Cllfiord Nathan in The Mom real Star The writer recalls thntlaicw years ago when he lived in Allislon Oni lrio birdwaichers dream town the birds used to come to his garden in num bers affording an opportunity to study ihgm and providing many pleasant mom en 51 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN PERENNIAL ARGUMENT Perennial Argument With Lovers Of Birds And Cats The Barrie Examiner Walla Publisher Ifaarrir Examiner USING THE WRONG EQUIPMENT mum ITmh ma 100 ml ma Mull Published by Canadur Nampapers Limited 16 Hayï¬eld Street Same Ommo DOWN MEMORY LANE FRIDAY MAY 17 Kira It lloflron alcclctl pmhlonl Catholic Vomrnl League Among MilCHOW 31ml or the weddln My of Barbara Chrmlo llonnld mm In Sl Andrew Jrcshytcrinn Church vcru Mr and Mm George Slcwm Calgary parents of tho rlde room and ernnd Mm 109 Prlmuu InJ Mn Ted Kennedy Mr and Mn Hurry Mum and Mr and Mn 81d Smllh 01 Toronto Mnylu Lulu Church Winnipeg had members Ban rie Flyera and oiilcialx at his church scr vico and social evening before victorious team left or home Ernest Burton former town clerk now in real estate huslncsa In parinership wilh Cliii Brown nnnrcd Jurlico oi Peace lor Onl nrio Tory Greg oi Winghnm nirleni of Ontario ockey Asmcinion was keynote rpenker nl victory ban nel ior Barrie llyera In Conlral Un led Church Second annual liiolor Show and Fashion Displny nrrnnï¬ed by Chnm ber of Commerce nilracled rig crowrln in Barrie lirenn linrriu Kiwanis Club held 100 nllendnnco night dinner at ommuniiy louse wilh lnsl President has Thiliick in chain lwnmlnule rpecch cs givon hf past rerldentn Oliver Tam eron Leiurion arke llill Crni Fred Kelly lloy Klghiluy Neil lilac onnld iluss Neillololl Cecil Norrie Charlie lnrnonL Jack llotifern Fred Smlllr Val ier Sleckloy and lay Chrislle aim lhn cluhn ilrni president In 1023 George lluhhnni Annual llnrnl Sclroohr Mum ic lulivnl hrou Ill cllpncliy audiences ilrreo nighls 10 1C auditorium liven nponsorerl by llnrrle Rainy Club Mlu luva llumhlo riirecied program lrn lirioni John Ough welcomed gnuln lo cningidinnondanco Ii narrie Goii Ciu In my opinion no cat alive fast enough to catch bird who is aware of its rgsenco And from what have 111le Aéhare usuallyawarq packers nuthatches redpolls blue jays chlckadees song sparrows brown thrash ers behaved as though the cats did not exist Of course whenever cat Med to get close the birds simply took 011 It was seldam mare than thaL After many years of watching nature in the raw not quite the same thingilou would find in Walt Disney am conv ed that mostuild creature can look att er themselves and that the odds are for their surviving at least long enough to prggrgatg theh klnd1 Cats have their place as do the birds It may be as some say that each cat nvcraï¬cs thirty birds year and if so it is ty But if the cats did not get the birds something else wouitt indisputabl mom birds are destroyed in one mont by pesticides than Americas Icarxomu cots Limp9y in Ignored years Thu belfe that MM lcss and beautiful while cm are slink sneaky vlllalnuus is an anthropomorphfc fallacr In nature such concepts have no mean ng There as in our human world each crcnluro takes chances and hopes for the best 8mm 51mm General Manager on Pm Mr Whit xcnulna purpou thll um Tho wrllcr would have aural dul rarer or gov rmmtnl whlrh ddnt Indulge In lhln permit uhlldly per qulmu all cr would Ihow lhnl ll hnrl I0 quqlilyyl my yummy And human mm lhlnkl In Inununrnl uhlrh ourm lluhm In II llvln mu do mu lomnmrnl Krmmlly Im mm umny lvr publILIly Fur ImlmILl ll nlnrlnl lhn In Mun he mum of day my mlnlnm an no lo nppcnr on hooklrh 1an dc puhllclt In Ihu dcpnrlmnnll work Only lhn names mlnlslm are lo appear Why when new highway hrlnn built should hm aim win It In hcln hulll under mnlrncl he cnarlnunl of highway on Manugh on mlnmm ll um lo publlclza the min lllll nu In whnl way or my wny don lorwnrd lho lnhr of hi publlc or lhn cnxn munlly1 THINK EM The Imp has been do by one lestdriver lre mendous cur lhnt wlll shake up world mnrkcls Bul more 513 nlllcan ls the cry ol the ex panslon of Linwood lrom workleu and undeveloped vll lane lnlo boom lawn with 1500 new homes or worlmu plus Ichooll church and shop plnl centres mu ed around £000000 new plant Thl III example lnwimurbnn do vtlapmenl whlcl could well be emulated In Canada which hrlnnl oglcnl nuts lmn why any name at Ill These am our promising pccis at this industrial occu lion And the opening 01 this new automobilo factory in remote Scottish village was rm ngnized for what it is nthact ing atollur guest list You certainly let around ipped Prinz Philip to Calm inn newspaper owner ROY Thomson at the ceremony might say tha some lbaut you chuckled ltoy Thomson re cnnlly returned ram Moscow mi about lo Icon or Canada The enllre Brlllsh Isles cauld be cmlnlntd wllhln our Ive GregbLukes Ye hose lny lulu he mlnulc Greater Lon don area hnuses 130mm souls TORONTO new cdlcl nn publlclly has bccn handtd down by lhl publlcfly conlclou lov cruman LONDON Enalnnd The re cent opening of new automo hlla luctory near 6133 ow Scotland august st ch would nlaa hzlp Cnnu when group oi top busi nessmen and other community leader gathered or tha omcInI unveiling oi the new imp million marking the opening of tho new lactory oi Boole Motors Ltd at Linwood Ihu rosperity oi Britain wal liven our powerful boosts ï¬rst the new Inclnry wm bring 5000 new jab and whole new cummunll la Scol land which current suffers douhie he unemplo menl rate tegordeq ln Eagle Second this mm was lo cated In an undavolnped area rather than In prosperous but overcrowded suuth east Enz land at the dlrecuan of the gov ernmenh And fourth when the imp mils oil the production lines at the planned rule oi 3000 cars week it will earn dollars and other iorciun currencies for Britain in world markets in competition with oihcr mini cars also with rearmounted engines such as up ln huw have been the monnnoiy ui Ger many Franco and Italy chiefly Ggpms ruuusnum Third the naval Imp apt priced at $1260 plus $264 lnx ol era Iamorrnwa dcslgn at ya terdays prlce lhls coupled wllh ll mlnlmumsnrvlca pro vlslonu bringing ensler mo larlng la Byllony lIFE MAGAIINSAY1Ml gumuu smmmc nousmx HEY KIDS QUEENS PARK OTTAWA REPORT By PATRICK NICHOLSON Decries Too Much Personal Publicity Directs Industry To HaveNot Area Dy DON OIIEARN do chiy puwrrhu Instru mrnL And In our pallucnl Ilruc ure lhu mrnu lur ll am pm llrnlly In the lovernmrnll Inxull II II wflmpn ruin hope bul lhll Mcullnl mnult Me In unvnnlmrnl MIMI muld mlnt lha lemplnllvm pmunnl lulu or Hm mnplum 100d am most lurunr chrn men Ontario has had In the llcrndu hm hm In he past year And ll IA nomwurlhy lhnl lhl lmu bnrk In hm nboul lhv llmu llml ll 0Nan llnn Ilnrlrd hrnllllllxll dawn Ill 50 mm MCKI It mnku he nun and It Iml he rrwurcu la Arc llml lhn new xrln am And ll want to II um mu Nu nonlllnn or mm unnl mhllcny The alrength of our nyxlem dcpcnd on balance on slmnl Kovcrnmtn cunfronled by dram opposlllon and on UN main and check Ihln provides Expcrlrnm has long hown lhnl IoMIdcd pnrllumnnu do no deuce Kopd xuvrrnmm So lnr In good xovnrnmcnl In ccnrnmcd In Incl Hm nhlcrvcr um never be mm pcrhnpi rang oppnslllou Isnt cvcn more Imporlnnl him won government mung opposluan can lorcu gnlnl novqmmnnh Hul lophim novrrnmrnl cnpmhc In mud mynpd sloppy onequarter at the entire popu lation This wnrldl largest com munlty is already so ovnr crowded that tho traiiic arter ies nre almost rinznnnt and innd cost exorbitant Yet it in so prosperous that new Industry cnmputcs with nnw industry or sites iabnr transporiuiion and distributive inciliiies Th or as me Ha ha lost wnlghl ayneme pm he complains headache and nausea and hi sleep rest less The teacher my am mly Io wnrry and that nec prncllcu labelling highway coflglrUCMn allgns My lintgrader la hypcrncllve and of normal Intelligence but hehn dllllcully aellllnz down In class school psychlllrlu prescribed atlmulnnl that somehow centers his nclvlly In Ihc rllhl place at Ihe rlghl me have given lhcm to him fur lhrcc months The objective wax set bchnvlor paltern and MI school work Emily lmprovcd Now wish to stop but his my in gains TQRDNID APE BAD LEAD In the same way now Indus uy chases new Industrï¬ Mo On tarios lukeshare allleneck arnund Tamnto while open land rush Mr and abundant labor can more readily be found Iq many of our smaller commu mllcs But the Brillsh Govarnmenl has decided In In wlsdnm that enough 15 enough It directed this planned new car plant In It directs ulhor Industry away 1mm London and Into In unde vnluped area Two years no the ï¬rst ml was turned on the acre Sit and the seed of new ludusv lrlal community we born within in monlhs production commenced upon the novel minicor which was launched upon the drowlng hoard lour years ago previously When pro duction peaks 5000 wellpald Jobs will be avuilable in ho larmerly underprivileged agrl cultural vlilngo ol Linwood By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dm Dr Molnen What is your opinion oi administering pills in In active slxyennnld TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH armqu whim uAT nmnmn AT mum Gives Stimulant To ActivéChild MIX nrrnr WTNI IM MIUW HIM AI lllDK nflfm pm 3th Donl nrguu wlm he Icnthcr Tnlk wllh Ihc psychlnlrlxl mud uhrlhrr he ll Prcpnrtd la allow Ihmnxh or hclhu mm 0er doctor uM Alpnlc ThI lppmnc hulmd lho boy Prrhnm lhu xrncrnl pro rum nhould bu conllnurd hul nlul Ill Illha ml ynnklng Mm mam hm What does however in thannel or organize the young Ilera cnerglu Into usulul no vlly Instead of lollin hlm squander ham hy buzz In all dlrecllonx Ind Jlllcrlng enllrcly lme lhnl ch11 dnn remain on thesemedica Hons or your ur ï¬n and sometlmen fur tnnxlderably logger perhij wllhouy harm Iluwcvcr do not lhlnk lhnl you he leachtr nr should make lhln declslon Tho psychl nrls should he follow 19 case nlonz n11 rlxht If he can not do so unomer psychinlrisl Ihould or Ill event physi clan Medications lhuuld not be ulven and then armlcn They do not act cnllrcly all in all Individuals anchlnz or any unwnmcd cflccla II vllnl pan of what we mrnn whun wu any drug ahnulrl be mad under Iupervlslan II Important to see whether the In symptom tau weight uppctllc mt and com tortl cnumt by the mad catlnn It Io perhaps the dose or dmp should chnnud Them nre cnllrtly dlltcrtnt our used tnr tho puma montlul pur pose an of thn psychic entr glzm mluhl ho mm and cnuu lu trouble Howevnr this exactly what is belng done Thu treatment has been used by child psych alrim tar wmo ycarn MW wurkl cant explain how and Il am not embarrassed to admit Fourteen mllu tram deer dirty old Glasgow on the Scottish lowlands where sheep used true prosperity now grow glen Must he New World repent the mistake of lhe Old Cmr not we pro mm In lesson hlstoryl The name Llnwoad could well become battlnry for our bypassed smaller and luveller cammunlllel to which common sense and government should dlncl he industrial plums now puahlnz lmo over crowded Tumnlo usury my Ion could conllnue the medication far year or two without meals What do you lhlnk The drug due drlneGM run mund wrong lo Illmu an to child who hypulcuvounnble to lull and always hat to be dolnl snmelhinz THE CANADIAN PRESS Edward Jenner the Erik iish physician who origin ated vaccination WI born 214 year ngotodayin 1749 at Berkeley Bloucriier shire Although ha never passed medical examina tionwhich was out compul Iury at that timehi lilo work was to lead to protec tion from the acourge oi amaiipox His work started from the belle oi the people oi Gloucestmhir that person who had had cow pox was immune lram smallpox By 1800 vaccination of cow pox into humans was being Fragliaed throughout Enz an IsisKing George VI and Queen Elizabeth visited ha United Stath MI 196 milA roman from Clpo Diamond took 32 lives In Quebec City DRIVEIN THEATRE Ilmu Holmium lultlrg All Con lll Lul Tlmu Tonlgh WWMJINMMI WillMatty TODAY REPORT FROM ILK HURONIA awn7531 Mu Il HISTORY LONDON One ol the great est shawpima which attract visitor mm all part of the world is the old wooden wnli battleship Victory which lie at Portsmouth and la open for in apecllon by ihn puhiic Last year 279000 visitor went around the Ihip and about 20 per cent there were organized parties schoolchiidren Mnay cum from overaeaa particularly from Can ada lhu United States Nurway Sweden Italy and France Visitors this summer and in Iuturn yenrl however wlll restored and refurnfshed VIc coryr And one lemurs In that ey will let large mart the vlng quarters in Iha nfl rect Ian the vessel restored nnd lumlshed exactly as they were when Nelson uscd them at Tra ulnar MADE IN nocmnn The llrs phaao of the restor IIJon the Llclory has involved making furniture In Ihe Pdrls moulh dockyard lo it speclllca Hons decided upon ufler research by the Vlmry Advisory commit Ice hu bmught the oldest warshlp In the wrld to new life 7le rum IILM BTORY or FATHER WHO MuuT EXPOOE Hla CHILDREN TO UMALL rowun OUTRAOED MnuloNn AND CAN oNLv PROTECT 1rch WITH HIS Lovc Nun mu lam WIN OF ACADMH AWARDS INCLUDING II MT ume MUWDDN VINMM WWW WHILEIN mmoumum MURPHYmu lï¬ltfll nvmwwmhw munu TODAY Ind SAT Fun 101 Ind no lNNllll LUDINU HIIST MT GREGORY FIRST SHOW STARTS ER Continuum Sal mm mm BUT soon 00 um in Show maqu rmma mm By MclNIYRE HOOD Hwy 11 mm mm mm The most lender and touching low stiary of our lime EUNUAV NIGHT DUSK T0 DAWN HIIOW FEATUHEJ ï¬tanlnl II pm llnun Hull Tank flame lel Mun Crulun Mumlluin Imun Enlrr Mull Enlrnnlnlmnl Damm SHANTYBAY Rs Nelson Saw Will See Victory ISLAND IN THE SUN GREGOILY PECK NOW SHOWING In Jiï¬ nonzmnumnc mm mm THEY TOOK THE CURE FOR EMJNb BUT SOON GOT THAT Hm Show FAMIIIAR FEELING 5m Sllwdly Tlmn 100 430 790 Ind 940 PLUS DARRYL ZANUCKS SMOKE mammals COLOR AND CINEMASCOIE Jamel Mum my l1qu MC Ihsnny On am an Inn lunnllr cannvou mouss NIGHT WN HIIOW LTUHEJ Lu pm an flame Mun Hum Iluin Cnlrr nox In CE inn now the lagshlp Admiral Slr Wlllred Woods commander lncMef Eortlsmoulht The second phase of mlora Mon to be started shortly will Involve mu racrcnflon of lhd quarter Cnptaln Hardy who wns captain oi the warshlp at thu Ballla halalgnr In whlch Nelson lost his life Research on this Is now belnn done Ultimat ely hls unrlLrs will also In In vlpwrlo epublic The most Modern Drlveln noth Tnmnlo Ste Clnzmnscnpu on our Iml alIool lcrccn Whom 1765 ms V=°rÂ¥ Nelsons hnmmockiypa IM pcnded col has been restored as when wax used by him with two lantern above and on each side gun wlih shot Hiihcrw no on view time were brought from the leuiennntl cabin which is at present new nlmi by Commander Brn chcr the commanding oiiiccr Fallh In Chrlslmake radical demand or Chrlstlnn ncllnn hav tough nod llxhl have llnhhed my mum have kw the humu Tlm alhy BIBLE THOUGHT TONIGHT and SATURDAY It