Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1963, p. 2

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l5 ANGUS sum Towship reeves IirL wardens volunteer firemen nnd other mauled In flrc prevention allended lhp nne day schunl hold hm Thursday by lhe Department of Lands and Forests About 40 man took the course laid Stan While orcslcr in charge This Is about he xame turnout as In other years Films and tecturcs on lire flghting lochnlqucs begun at to am in the bulldin at Angus Communlty Park They contin ued unlll nnon when unch was served at Angus United Church lay members the United Church Vumcn Chic insirutior for the day4 lung school was Waller Arm strong Maple regional ire pm edion supervisor for swlhwcs tern Ontario Lectures were also given by Lcman Maple district iorusic ior the Luke Simcnc disirici Mr While unve briei ialk on county iire pm ieciion Amelo mum Alloml Mu Aluminium Am an Alllu Am PM Aun Mul ML ol Mnnl Inn Na mu lrulllu 7M nc Iom Cdnlmpllkcnm mum HOSE TECHNIQUES or al Ilclent use of tank truck in shun nuldoor fires were de scflhe by Wnker Armstrong un com NM III III rump cmb tun KI mnn lionllnn nunull Iranian1 mu nvn no nnm 01 lmpnlll ml lmdr mm mm Tum Mmmmn rm Explain Methods In Fire PreVention LLCOL 1160 riRhL Commandant the Canadian Proms Carp School Camp nordcn ducmsm he mining of 25 Onlnrm nrovinclnl poler rnnnlnhlu MHI SUI Inschlor Willlnm Gllllnz cculn mm OPP hendqunmr In Taronln Alter lunch the school cnn CIIMnl cmnum my PM gm 15m Fm DOWJON Nun Illl Avnuuu lMthlhlI mum all mm Imuqu darn mnunm noc unumzl mu yumm ll mm mm mm Ivy nu up STOCKSBONDIMUIUAL FUNDS nssmcn ongcg AN cdmANv mm In mwmr PA 82412 BARRIE rmrm wm MM um ma mm and Mn VmJ hub mmorulhmun IIAWIIII ANIMI cow TODAYS STOCK PRICES Cumpllrd Flynn OJ Dunlap El flarlle DISCUSS OPP TRAINING NISBI THOMSON ENTRANCE MEMORIAL SQUARE mi in nu mm roumL Ham mm mm hm rum in Port Ihmu hr mu ma llaml on Mln em Gunn own th 4w LII Dullull hulk LIN Aynl lnruull um Mummu Kml nl Mum mnum Nulrm IMF mm hum1 NIL Inlet NlrII Inllr lll Inllrpmv mm Juli Club INDUITIIIAL nmmu vencd In the pork for question and answer period on the topics covered in the morning Emph nsls In all lectures was directed at controlling outdoor lircs such as grass and bush fires Mr White snid Those arena fire canlrol are the nnrs most close ly reluled lo Lands nnd Forest work he polnlcd out Fucilghling connected with buildings is another field an iirciy he said Our main con cern mm buildings is in saving lhem irom spreading grass fires Last item on the program dcmunstrallon of firefighting qnlpmcnt look plum In the Slm we County Forest mllc ens of Angus Herc Mn Armslmng shuwcd mw In use vnrieky of band 001 such as the axes shuvels mkcs canvas hunters and portable tanks to cnnlrol bush lire Lalcr Ihc demonstration shi led out the hush In field where he gave polnm 0n uslng tank lruck and hose to bus advantage In rough main Maple fire prnlcctlon lunar vlsnr for southwestern 0m arln Mr Armstrong wna chic Instructor at lhe oneday Hm Hholll nhllllllon nnd Willlnms WM hy deluchnwnl OPP Thu OPP conunhlcs rupmcnllnn many Ontarla dclnchmcnu hoinK Iminnd molnr cycllsls by Um Canadian Im vaxl Corn Srhnol Camp nur dcn anlonnl ucrcnre lhnln is uu 1m In SM lth MW 53 my mu Tom Nmyvanl rn Tm mm Unlrm flu wmgr mw Nw Ilnru Nunmm Inmun lmvn Mlnm Nva um Imllxi on wnnny Wm 1mm IUIIK gau in 11s up 559 lag the 145 April vlslts by the Bum VON nurse Miss Eflher Hexmoss 113 were made for nursing care In adult paucnls and 20 mothers and babies Mia Herman said In re port to the VON Emmi reccnny Our vlsils should be Increas lng more than they am Then are people that can use the vlflllng nurse wa regional dlreclar for the VON Mlss Mary Glb hon visited the Barrie VON the end Aprll Mld offered suggestlons for more VON pub llcliy She suggcsled we Interpret our services lhmugh lhe Wo mens Institutes and rural chur ches well as to the doctors In the rural mus said Miss Hermasa 85th annual meeting of the Board Governors and general meeting members of the VON In Windsor on May President Ihe valndnl Incorporated Branches present ed thelr repom stressing the Importance at having native and enthusiastic members on Ihe VON board who understand UmNscrvices and purposes of G1 VO Group discussion and gen eral sessions camldcrcd 10 questions on the rclallonshlp no local brunch lo ha nullwnal 0mm She snld Everyon ngrncd nullonnl ofllce lcrvlm were lndlspemable but local branches woren Inmillnr with national omce scyviccs to make Synapsls weak lowpm sure lrrunh has developed was the Great Lnkes Enslward progress lhla urea 01 dlslurb nan cxpcmd lo be slow and dIsnrunnlzcd hut Il wlll prchnhly produuI somewhat In sclllcd wcnlhu In Onlnrlo lhnn has llrgvgiltd or Huel lusl fighting sumo held Thursday by the Department at Land and Forest Angus Exam Iner photo full use of them luo nlr Lake Erlt Lnke Huron regions Vlndaor Mndon Partly cloudy with MW mllcrcd showers lcnlxhl Vnrlubln cloudlnm with chnnca showers late in tha dny Snl urdqy Wingslllxhl vnflnble VON Willing To Do More Nluamn Lake Oninrlo Genr nlnn Buy Hallbunnn Xenia Hnmlllon Iuranlu Inrlly rlnudy lnnlghl mud Saturday with rw mluml Ihnwm vlmls Hum Tnnngnml union North my Sudhury nccnmlnx pnrlly rlnndy wllh cnllurcd Ahowrrl nml lhundnrnhowm lhll cvcn Inn Salurdny pnnly cloudy wllh chlmce nl Ihuwzrl Vimh mullmul 15 Alxamn rcnlnn Snull Sle Mum Partly cloudy and warm wllh lbw arnucrcd Ahowm or llmndmhnwm lodny and night Snlunlny clrmlnx and Mule rnalvr Wind hccomln nurlhwrxl ls Snlunlny lmmul Trmprulutu an Iunluhl lunh Snlunlny Wkndmr III 70 Sl mumnl ll 70 IINIDXI ll 70 Xllchcnrr in 7a Wlnxlmm In 70 Hnmlllnn 70 Hl Cnlhnrlnn ll 70 Tnmnm 70 Idrrbomunh Trenlnn 70 Killnlnr 75 Mthho 15 70 leh flay so as 5thury mum Knpmkmlfig 45 an wmt lllvrr 4a Specializing In BODY WORK SIMCOI Morons WY P09 H9 in An mm IMII IM WEATHER MEcHANICAL SERVICE IN Acdmmunu are Kohl to have Io gel on Ihe ball manage mam couullanl wld meeting the Society 01 Indulrlal Cost Accuunllnll he Conflnanm Inn last nluhl Spenklnz to more thnn 75 member mm 12 cities and towns Phlllp Creighton Iold the fourth am meeting SlCA think the Accountant II In dnn ger 1min hll lab and his in flupnoe dont think he II My In no need manmmem and If he doesnt suva them lomeonu the will Mr Cnlth ls member management eoneunnm llnn lpeclnlhlnz In menin llnn studies and management lnlannnuan systems He nun spent 10 months member the ruelrch mu the slum Commlulon POOR SALESMEN Ha said By and lame con Junk are poor nlwnzn Mnnngemenl LI becomlnz much mm aware or 11 need many tahn it evcr was More He pradlcted revolution Ilm at to when the auditing ma chlne came in Mr Creighton nld prom made by antchpatlon of lulun Theml no quesllon in my mind um the mice manner going dawn and no tabulat Infdsupervlwr going up he an You aint du Anythan with the past except mord It Yet lhe accountant In lorevar relu rlng to the Mr Crelnhlon outllned the manalement cycle using We slded lure for Illustration Stem In the management cycle as illustrated by the figure Ire plan act record compare Ind revue Dinner ior Use yur 19mm were Inducted the annual meeting Ind ban net Simon Na Council me Inierm ilanal Reading Association in night at Trinity Parish Hall Oulzolnl presidenl Glenn presided over he meetinl Nor mun Elrenhuru brought zreel ing mm the Barrie Council oi HM Thu minute or in year banquet ware presented by am mnry chk Lyle Executive re porll were received ram the ioilowinl mambenbip commit lee Mn Halmnn lrenxurer Min Corrignn Evaiununnn Fred Colilm publlcily Mn Mutelie Research Mm liaie Tho Bmle Elmershoppm an lrrllincd the ulherlnz liter dlnncr 23 membm aanl skillull rendlllom Keep Am erlcn Slnxln Awning Just Wearyn Ind New Ashmmu Mr Glenn Inld um WM nrnlclnl to knuw lhnl people anulde the prolmlon ol leach lnx IIIXlOUl la pariah In solvlnl common problem In tenchlna ynunwm lo md Tells Acciountdnts CAMP BURDEN Cnnndlnn Guard membm copped lh nm on dlnllncc Cenlnl Army Command lum runnlnu mle here vctlerdlv or Camp Ilclon Get On Thé Ballfi Thru wln wu allowed by IM and place Cam Burdrnl flnyul Cnnldinn Schoo ul Inllnlry and comlns In third the ham mm Cnnndlnn Gulrdl Camp Ptuwnwl hm runner In over lhu mHo cnum wu Camp Pel nwnwnl Gdlm Grlhlm nun with llmn 14 mln ulu man HI wu lob lnwcd by Plclanl Mum ohm Hlldrrlh ll mmxlmucly 29 mlnum Ind Ill Inn Suit wlw wwk won mu llnl pllcl Borden Illt In plm In murd unlll an IMI lull mill 11 um um nm In lunny mrm mh our laugh mum ol lmu muddy Army Borden Finishes Second In Long Distance Race Try Reading Assoc Elects Officers He laid the undmnenul trou MC Bldg lllrrlo Docloru Prucrlpllnm Accumer Filled SHORNEYS GUILD OPTICIANS rm BARN EXAMINERhFRIDAY MAYW 1N3 nck Lyla Execulva re recelved mm the mambmhlp commit lrenxurer Collllr PHONI PA 6889l of Toronto NEW OFFICE Me with accountant that 1th get stuck wllh rtcord and dont by It to compare or miss Thu bulk of accounllnll at ha end of the month reparc autumn and ruxh em In to management This wlll hm also charmed ln Mum hl Ia Ha outlined wllh Ihe ald Illdu Lha Ileps accountant are gain In hm to take They will line Io throw out trldl llonll Iccuuntlnl nllrely con centrate on key rend and bi Items and mm over the enun manalement recardlnz He said You ill to 511 It and It can be sold to manua menL To sell mnnazemenl you must let to the palm whn happened to IM mom lh xpuker nid You unnol get your point mm in man azemen If you do no at nether and sell them Follnwlnl hls ulk Mr Creigh lon hend answer In quel uoru lhu had been distributed one lo each 11119 or the peuple the table to thmh out and IMWEI SAMPLES Sample quesllum Ind answm were Can manuemen under stand yqu npd why Yea ynu and la unda menu and you not through Can the accountant hearing 1mm management how and under what circum mum Usually the only llmn ynu not hemlug lmm manne men when you come up wlll some ed llxurcs or can he accountant become the must hnponnntper son In tho company can Ill Mme Io unzg Renata management chin Laughter He holed thn 15 ntw Cflmtlh of the IRA had been Ionmud Ilnce July 1962 and um 30 mm are in thu process be Inz cranked ineominz president Mrl Parker Nance introduced the new executive honorer pmident li lieeiey Super intendent oi proieeeionei devel opment Department oi Educa tion past president Mile Keeme Barker Public School Camp Borden president Mn Cathy Parker Nance Strand Public School vice president Frenk Archer Alexnnder Dunn Public School Clmp Borden recording recretery Doneid Lnnliord Barker Public School Cnmp Borden correspondinl wentw Miss Merlnret hic Dougeil Ilsa oi Barker Pullie School And treemm ML lshlibei Wilson Sunnlduie Tann Coopled mtmbm Mnuklcm Barrie Inspector Dronnan Clmp Borden menmlva lhe principal committee and MIA Clam Amos Innlsfll Township Tue Inaulula mmhy ground llumpy lleld Ind mm cmmnz Mlny ol the commIlla mixed the lln hh llno Whlhtd la um em with mud 111 Army crass counlry me helm In 1955 wim Camp Mu mw wlnnlnu lhu lrll our yam Tun cnma Clmp lppu wnlh wllh on win nllnwtd by two wlnl for Jump nurdnn SARJEANT co Lm PA 82461 nu yum yum Mulummvl mun hIMm MMHUM yum nmmvm lunmu mm SUNUGO noon ran ms Lona nun HIAIINO Oll ETnn Mien reading confus ed with saying words Our Job is to skimuiul children to read Lhouzhumly and critically at variouspianns oi mmprehenslan and speed Th childa curiosity must be Around that he find lhinga out or himscii said Han iy In an address to tho Slincoe No Council oi the Interna tional Reading Associatinn at the annual meeting Ind banquet hieig in Trinity Parish Hall last Mn Keely superintendent of Profeulonnl Development 0n tario Department Muslim look as his epic Readan ln um Canlcnt Subjects FOUR FACETS There must be undnrslandlng or no readlnz luldnl place he laid Ho outlined the our acct um lead to undemand In In reading The child must comprehend he laid Meanings rnuxl be lefiquher IPXDMCIEJ Tin iirst in word perception the ability to attach sound and meaning In written symbol laid the speaker Reading 51507 lnvolk an In lcllectuu or cmollannl reacunn to thaugullul Ideas 7Readlng demdid Intol ratlnn of all these nlo lha lolal cxpglcncqof the lndlvldan1 us are no use so allnz the teaching of tending In not form during Ihe duy Mean m1 ho keyslnne read Inz said Mr only Rendlnz must be lmxghl In every pcrlad and Ihmuxh every hour lhc IV MEMBERS ha Souler at Industrial Cost Ammam an Continental 1m in order Ihnl the chlldl abll My lo read wlth underllandlns be developcd to Ih hlxhesl dc Rree the teacher bcnn awe some rcsponsibililiu the weak er continued THINK WITH WORDS The Instrucmr mus lunch lhc th new words and the nhllhy thlnk wllh words Even when lhe child has mastered lhcsn lechnlm skills he must be nhown haw enjoyment can no derived mm lhnlr use an 1001 or Icnrnlnz he said All In the built cansldcrnllan teaching vacnqunry Our no of Mum and malhcmnlm dc mnnds nu cxacl compxehemlon technical lcrml said IDSBKCI Dont Confuse Reading As Just Saying Words This Exciting Display of Fireworks is Sponsored by the First Barrio Boy Scout Group of Trinity Anglican Church IN THE EVENT OF RAIN THE DISPLAY WILL BE HELD SATURDAY MAY 25 and abstract word like pun and lrlcndshlp became hard er to define man mal uru and his experenca brond ens Word Ire no absolute In meanlng said Mr Healy lhey are ml The Ierm xtrike has seven mcnnlnru noun and 33 verb Thus the child must devcmp 590d HI lcnlng habit mi skill an min In uslnl he dlctlonary he noted The leather must always re member that words must he med manylimes belore they become par of pcuanl vocabulnry caulloned he speak The need to read wllh under nandinl lyplflui by this de mand our course in snclal Iludles said Mr only lakes he most readlng all nu cur rlculum sumac Student cnnnol passlbly re lalr knowledge all ma da all they read In lhclr hlxlnry courses They must be taught how 10 relaln ldcan The In chbr must devele zulde no lur Independent rcndlng an that the child will come In rallonul nsscumcnt ol alznlll cant relullanxhlps noled the speaker 1m alight Len to right In Andrew MacGregnr Barrie Phlllp Creluhlan 1qu The frequent discusslon and argument over In content of our schnol text books often engaged In by adult who have nrvcr rcnllzcd um All wrillng la done lrom blns he anld SPEED MISPLACED The speaker noted that Ihc men emphasis on end In rendlng was oilsn msplnccd You cant read any luster Ihan you tun think he anld In science and mulhemullc you CnnnD do he sklmmlnz Um ycu are man called upon to do when tending hlstory he went on Rates speed In reading must be adjusted in lhe Ham lhefr purposes he eonlinued CANADIAN or ORIENTAL DINING 29 Dunlop SO Em Take On Ordon PA mm ar 64 CITY CREE DISHES Tha Fine In In aancluslon the maker aid that he had elected to go out on limb by providing Ilst the steps that must be taken in reading anything The student must be pmpurly prepared so that he win be able In anticipalu problems In on cept hal he may meet said my spenker He mus know why ha be lnz asked to read medic lznment There no earlth use In telling hlm to read from 1mg 20 la page 35 without 11v the sludcnl tame Idea what he looking far he can Inued pupll must have been alv envprnper preparation In he technique or readlnn the as rlgumenl he to skim or Ilawly7 Are mere charts and gm to be analysed The dlflerenc to the men tal approach that he maker to the project DISCUSSION IMPORTANT Dlrcnulon an Integral part of reading skills said the speak er 111m must be allowup so dxmrenl Itlllude can be as uued dlltercnl Interpretation canvassed and dmerent cun ccgu clarlflzd Var mu Kmlv chairman and Alan Barley Hlmlllnn Mm than memberl mended Reading asslgnmenla should he ihe lnunchlnz point for In dnpcndnnt rennin on lhe pm the pupil Mr Henly nld that nu hoped the day was no If on when every uchnal would have own library mm by skilled consullanl 1n childrenl funding

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