l7Gowun 52 PA 66465 umnmuuuy But now with excluswo UnlsMo con slruclionRamblorngnmgocsonoDollar Thu cnliro sldus the Classic Six and Ambassador VB nru stamped out ono boltod body and homo method orslnxlo unit construcllon with lho body and homo WoIdad lnlo ono solid ploco It Is single unit you havo mado cholco In the right dlroclion But did you roalizo that Rambler pinncuvcd this slnglo unit molhod ol conslmcllon 23 years ago Since then tho Induslvy has taken up the Man and using it In one form onolhornnd for my good reason producesasllongorlon caviugbody mm mm mm wk Unlsldo conslrucllon glvos grcalor slrcnglhBcltordoor ll If youre buylng car this sprlng and have some other car In mind you slm ply cant allord to overlook Rambler It will just lako you low mlnulos to call on Rambler dealer and got the lads For oxamplo how ls tho car you am presently consldorlng built By tho old That policy has pioneered dozens of major Improvements In the automotive IndustryThatswhytholndustvys most covetedCaroflhoYearawardwasgiven ihls year to the entire line of Rambler cars for outstanding design achieva mon and engineering leadership How did we get to be best By walking at it for years We didnt win the 1963 MotorTrend magazineCarofthe Year award overnight Years ago we decided on policy of providing maximum use fulness to the user And weve stayed with it Ramblerwins 1963 Car of tho YearAward THE BARRIE EXAIvflNEIRY Avmu morons llMlTED FRIDAY MAY 11 Emory and coolant uumnluod lorZ yuan or 24000 mllos About your baltnry and coolant my body manllon themPWhy notlThuy coat you money to mnhlnanhnls why llam blor gives you lmlloyy llmls uncondi tionally guaranteed or we lullyaara or do on Rambler Its CoranlfcrArmourcd and fights on rust and corrosion Ru memborthnlnamuCeramicAnnealed only ï¬amblorham it Ceramicarmoured mulllor Is guaran teed or as long as you own the car Dldyou looklntoscrvchwo features ro you gelling miller thats guaran teed ferns longasyou own tho car You better than the usual spray lob Youre darn right ls Asa matlcrollact In tho procoss we spill more than the olhers usol Tho Rambler body also contains 75moraruslrcsislinggalvanlzed stccl than bolero Developed right here in Canada specl lically lorCanadian conditions DeepDip lsan exclusive Rambler process The en tire car body is submerged Into six huge tanks onaatter the other Each of these tanks contain thousands of gallons of cleansing and scouring solutions that thoroughly prepare the surface of tho steel Then the car is dipped right up to theroollnatankolprimerpaint Sounds single sheetof steel This method gives better door fit better body support and better weather sealing Deepde process ls lha worlds mos complete ruslpraoï¬ng When you talked to other dealers did you inquire about rustprooling Did anyone claim thatthelr car had the best ruslprooï¬ng in the world No Well we do Its called DeepDip IIIBrddford Sn PA 6I77l 4x Daublmsafnly brakes ulvo added pralocllon Am you gelling DoubleSafely Brakes Tlmym tho onus wilh the two separate hydmulic nos Ono to the rent wheels mm to lhn mar Ilono sot of brakes tall thoolhorcontinuosloopomleï¬amblora go lhomvovy fownlhm have chairhalal and adjustablo Ramblers lnlorlors hnvo headroom logroom and hlpvoom moasummonls to equal or better any other car In their cla 55 Comfortable recllnlng seals highlightRamblorlnlorlors How about comfort and safety Are you getting reclining seals and head rests You do on Rambler Theyro ï¬w What about warrantees What story did you get here Well we want to be blunt In nocaselsanyolherautomotiyo warrantee better than Ramblers In the area of items that could bu costly to you 24000 miles If it fails anytime before the guarantee period you get brand new battery at absolutely no costto you The coolant is an allseason radiator till You never need to add water or antl freezeAnditpreventsrustandcorrosion Inyourcoolingsystemttsgotatwoyear 24000 mile guarantee too LOWMICRO MEMOW SIX Iiiusimlions compm lilo foaluros oi compnliiivo cars Thoso bookicis will help you to come paruaii ihocnrsyou mny booonsidcring Wiihihom youii bonbioiosupnmto fact from fiction asyou shopamundJn them youll find charts and comparison tnbios prosoniod in simple and oasyioruad lorm Tho information you got covers Whatwehavo toldyou so tarlsonlytho baslslora comparisonFormoredotalled lnlovmation on all makes and models go to your Ramblcrdealerand got your tree copies of hls excluslvo XRay book lets0nootthem comparestho Rambler Amorlcan the lowest prlccd Canadian bullt car with all other compacts Tho other booklet compares tho Classlc and the Ambassador with all tho cars In thelr class Weve compared engineering sonow were on to styling This is something youll have to see for yourself Butwad like to quote what Motor Trend said Leancleanlinesthataroapparenttrom almostany angle Are you getting an alternator Its standard feature on every Rambler It keeps your battery charging even when the engine is Idling Your electrical sys tem can never drain your battery dead XRay booklets separate tad tram flctlon WC IOFULAR CLASSIC WE FOWEWUL Mink PRODUCT OF AMERICAN IIOIOHS CANADA LIMIILD STAYNER HOLLANDS GARAGE Bylhowaywhlloyauroalyourdanlm take lostdnvo In Rambler Thats the bust comparison and the one that only you can make to pvovn loyaurso that RamblorlsyourbostAulomollvn buy canéeooxactlywhatyougotforthugflcn you pay And romnmbor those valu able booklotsurotrooIromyourflamblor Dealer Charts glvu full details of spoclflcallons At the end cheach booklet theres st of pvlcas for all competitive makes and models Thesu are the manufactur ers recommended list prices Now you exieriordimensionsinieriorcomforiand convienco ieaiures engine sizes and specifications and every other detail youii want to know xvii DON va CLASSIC 770