Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1963, p. 17

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FIRST AID FOR THE HOME Furlhcr il consuuwls hud purchnscd llw Ullm 00d huskct lhv Inmmhnlr pwwur purlod as they bought 19w they uuuld huw 5pm 11 per ml of lhrlr Inrnmr mnnyuml ilh 1m Hum 15 xwr mu nvqumd Almul nnrhlnl he Innu dmxl Inlmr lulu vaumh on nurlculluru fur Mn i1 ncrsolml ll InkLn 01 supplh fur funm mp mum and muxkcllnx us well Below the war Canadians nu nually Me an zucmgc pnunds duny products 150 pounds mil 10 puunds cl mm and no pounds vegan bIcs ulher lhan polulnrs WERE EATING lOllE By 1M tho xxxrune was pounds dairy pmduc pounds of Hull nlmm 150 pounds or mmlmu no pounds wuclnhlcs The raxvnfianzfimw dwindled from the promar 1300300 war Hum mom in man film were mnrc than 700000 farms in If and Inn average size was 240 acres In 19131 more were 481000 arms averaging 010 nms output per acre In 1900 had risen 25 In 30 per rent from he legIm Ere ur ulnduglion He reports Secnnd World War om arm worker Ind 10 persons by 1960 he wu funding 25 Changes in the agricultural economy have hucn Iraccd by IL mrncr dircclnr he ccunomlcs division the fed cml agriculture depqnman Vhals mum me average Cn nadinn is eating more or whnt the farmer produces ANSWER Yes but to nre vent iulure smoke smudgns suggest you have lhc ndlust merit oi the oil burner checked by your service man To remove the smuke smudgcs Wnsh the slone will sliii scrubbing brush and solution ul Iriso dium phosphate using onehalt pound to the gallon oi worm wuler rinse thoroughly with clear waicr Dc onrcinl it keep the cleaning solulion nwny from pninlcd or varnished surfaces as It will ration and damn the finish OTTAWA lCPY There are fewnr nuns and farmer in Canada than before the Second World War but In arms are bigger and their productivity ls substanlinlly hlghor QUEST was our first year in our newly built hnuse We have ail heal and we nollcn that the stnne chimney has smoke slrenks on It Can these be washed all It looks dirty and ugly ANSWER Yes Dissolve 12 pounds of salt and six ounces of powdered alum in about four lullansoi hot water Add one quart of molasses la Ihls mix iuro Then iliomughly mix 50 pounds of hydrnlcd lime with about seven gallons of wnlor Add this clear soluiion to the lime mixture slirrlngly vigorous lyl When Ihomughly mixed lhin out with more wnmr to desired brushing consislcncy As you know when first applied the whitewash will have in yellow lingo which disappears in low days this is in good formula for use on wood surlnccs MOLASSES IN VIIIIEWASII QUESTION was wand Icncc wllh mixture can alnlng molasses want In re cent he once nnw but have misplaced the formula for the whitewash Can you supply JI DUNLOP ST Farms IncreaSing As Farmers Drop 98 DUNLOP ST ll DUNLOP H134 2B ESSA ROAD XE CHIMNEY ARMSTRONG HARDWARE AllANDAlE HARDWARE ROBINSON HARDWARE PARSONS SEED C0 Your 50mm Dnlur Your SoGrun Dnlur Vour SoOrun DulIr Buy So Gum Hcro fly ROGER WHITMAN Since mix Is only 01 prr an lhu nullonnl hudgLl lhe rt movnl lhvso eslnlns mm In uhlo calvaorics uould mczm rt lullvnly llulu km or rcvcmln Il ould mull in Iubslnnllnl assistance to the mall MIIIHDH man and pronrlnlur and HIP mllcnnl ndurllon in he mark he lmvcnuc dopmlmcm TORONK 4CPl All dnalh dullu should be cllmlnuled ram cslnlc vnlucd 10 than 0100000 the Emu Plnnnlng Euuncll Toronto summed Io IW Thr councfl comprlscd nl rust officers Insurance under wrllnrs chartered accountants and lnwym old lhe royal com mission on axnuan Hm cslnles vnlurd at less than $100000 ctmnl Inr per can ml lux Mn 511ch cl produce 77 per mm of deathduly unue HMS llMKWMWS The hulltrly MI nflcn mlml harkwmds ll Inll nppcnrinz ha Iu hund Where In mo the average cow yieldnd 4043 pounds milk year lho 1060 average was 5815 pounds And he ver nge hen Ink 141 eggs annually In 19 compared with 195 In 1960 In 1960 the armers share he cansnmcr dollnr wns 57 cents In bee agnlnsx 70 com In 1950 57 cents or hrollcr chlrkln agnlnsl 65 cents 9an for luId mllk nznlnsl 57 and com or broad ngalnu 229s cunts In 1950 ANSWER Properly Installed the ins iurnacn should give yau no troubie with fumes The man wha install it undnubtcdiy will take cure in vent lt pmpm iy ia the nutdoorsi the same time suggest having your chimney inspected you get dawnvdrnits when the air is hcuvn it can indicate either an nbstructinn or the chimney itscli is not high enough Thu chimney should be at icnst two out above the highest point in gubic moi our cat abavc int roni it is also pouihic limt aimig 29¢ nre inierieiinl with the draft us simfly grnwlng crops and livestock Want Death Duties Off Low Estates QUEST ewnu Ielo Install gas furnace but our cnnl umnco smokes when he nlr ls heavy The chlmney is regulation size Would we have Imubie with fumes coming be gas lurnaqe ANSWER No It wont work out Remove the linoleum pry and tear It all Then sand ott any rematnlng spot at the adhesive thn counter surlnce should be smooth and dry Cover the clean counter top with con Inct cement nnd put another toy or at the contact cement on the underside at the tormtcn whlch has been cut to an exnet It Cnrctulty put down the famine and flrmly press It Into good contact by rnlltnn with rolling pln or short plecc ot broom handtn QUESTION Med new top on my kllchun counters The present ones of linnleum are badly chipped and warn Vu want In use formlcn now Can this be safely put dawn over lhe linoleum Fqul QAVQVER LINOLEUM EQJRNACE mom PA lNJI PA 01441 PA l5000 PA 412 only Exlrmwly IImuumtml nunwn Salldy Trend lmuMoFrrc IImy Inslalla inn Disliuclwc Munghlvlrun Runlm Available In numurum l¢lcnl IlzrsHllxcs mm or yuur Imlum Excfllngly Hmulifnl DOUGLAS CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD Annr NI Thu salislnclinn lhn to verso 1m luvs no menu the pramlso of old ago but the promise of We satisfaction llle long enough and Enlis The lion and thu serpent or vnrw Mar lu um enemies nncs soul Suhm is re qufluly rclvefreldv la ppm lln imparlunl point Is brought up In the Innlh verse of lhls psalm The phrase nn evil be lnll lhcc dflcs nnl mnnn lhnl an lndlvidual will nnl knnw sad una lcknm hlvdnass re verse nr any alhnr of the dim cull vlclssiludcs of life What il means ls that 9le will come to hls soul In versus 11 and 12 we find the passage quncd 11y Satan when he was flying lo lompl Christ to throw 1117115011 dan from the lap at he temple Mallhew Lch 41111 The feeling of abiding in Gods presence and shelter pervades ml nsalmIn the shadow Ihu Almighty verse mak Ing the Most High lhy habita Hun verse dc The dcslructlon hut vnslclh Monday my be Iuknn to mean Ihe drought In mnns soul which can be Induced by loo much nmucncc Tun much pros perily can produce as evil an 0ch 15 Inc much pnvmy The lawlcr verse was lhn blrd cnlcher the phrase ls used In ruler la any tricky attempt against lllo and welfare The ldca or God as shield can be traced back la Genesis 151 whcrcln God assures Abra ham that ls hls shlnld Mas every adult can single out least one time In his life when his all that he had had such an nverwhelmlnn experi ence Inn he was face to luau with God Hlmself The Idea of God as our refuge verse can be rated all the way back to the Song Moses Deuteron omy 3237 The Idea of God as our fumes Is as old as David Samuel 222 The Ilrs psulm In todays lesson the promise divlnn protccllon or Ihasc whn put their Irus 1n lhc Lard God Is Compdifiéd To Safe Shield PHONE PA 64 nm nu mm ScripturePsalms 01 107 By SPEEB JONES llnrrlr FUEL and CONSTRUCTION Co Lid ESSA ROAD PA 1110nlhcrlng In verse refers to lhe gathering of lhe scattered Isrnelltcs Mler lhe disperslon Jeremiah 3237 Elulel 2031 Isaiah 1113 GOLDEN TEXT They cried lo Lonl In Ihclr trauma and lle delivered Ihrm lrum llmlr dislrens anlms 1076 Adversary verso really means adversity The Important pain In his verse Ihe good Ms mulling from hearing wit 11055 to Christ Thuodd Inc In that when one keeps all hls gnnd upcrlnnccs to himself uvcnlually ha has very lime to keep thn on thu other hand wv share our valuable slore gundexpcrlence It grows ylng enough ln mnka the Ind vIdunl ready Io depart for an even better onc The second psnim assigned im iodny contains iiiusimlinns oi Gods gundncss in men was prnbably wrilian aim the re turn the Jews irom their exile the end oi every sec tion ui thls psnim is repealed the Idea giving Ihnnk ior Gods iaving kindness GROWING FAMilY Is yours AllANDAlE UMBER Mr De Young snld he looked lorwnrd lo Ille day of labor mannnemont co operation In speclllc projects For example labor and management could go logelhcr lo nlrn nl mnklng certain types of stool now ln1 ported could agree on proced ures to bring ln new muchlnory and oqulpmenl roqulrnd for ur tlclenl producllon and could plan the dlspaslllon rHrJanng and rccmnloymonl ol mun dis Says Canada Needs Regional Groups ttonnl labormanagement scml nar Wednesday he said Can ndn people are orlnnted mar geograghtcuhy than nationally and He much could be dam on the nullunnl scale the coun ctt was working towards the day when prnvlnctnl nnd rcfllannl organization would be the mgtnstnyi Mu said Quebec was already ahead of the rest of Canada In armlng broadlybased econo mlc enuncll and In luklng action Inksch up local muncils vrovthers were In apcrnllon In Nnvn Scalln New Brunswick Oqlfzrlg nnrd Snsknlchcwnn MONTREAL CP GEDIKA De Young chairman of lhu Nn flonnl Productivity II My Cnnndn Is the kind coun try um needs local and re xlnnnl nroducllvlly and ecalm n1c agnnllullonx PA 581 That he n6 mean however Hunt Plus Roman Calhollc Church relurnlng to Illa ham Where In congregallan first be Kan meeting eight years ago Rather it mean that Plus hulldlag dramatically dll luEnLchur full plrclc placed from their traditional Jobs by tho newer more produc tive machinery THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 17 TULSA Okla MP church that was born In barn going full circle The building will be sort church in ihe round somewhat similar lo ihunlra In the round arenas The altar will be in tho cenlro oi the building with pews in semi circles so that no parlshinner will be more than so feel from Church That BegahInk Barn Is Now Church In The Round small ncgmcnl of the clrclo Trusses offer savingsio Big and Do it Yourself Builders Trusses are 30 less expensive to use than convention closein quickly up roxlmntely hours will do an average house There is planning flexibility ecause partitions do not support roof There are many more reasons Why not call us today and get the full particulars on this new way offihuildinrgl a1 framing You can LOOK T0 U5FORTHE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION Complolgirock oI CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS The bum which was tho llrst mcellng place has been exten xlvcly remodelled but now ls hopelessly small or the 600 amlly parlsh The nuw bulldan wlll have Jealan or 000 per sons Rev Edward Phce lemming pastor hopes to have hl llock moved ln lothe new qunrlen by Chrlstmas The chalr wlll be lcnled In from law stone screen helplnz set apart the mall Chapel wlll be the only Iran lnluck ol fihe altar The pulpll wlIl be In rant he cholr area The only xlnu In the bulldlnz except at somo atnlncd glass window In the tool area wlll beattllo entrance will be nllced 0H Io set apart small chapel lar marninl mums devotions small weddings and olher cere mgnles Bl sun of Mn Utmm Ouallly lmln that your Bulldur um Burlnm Bron Produm 429 BLAKE ST mmnu PH 60254 BERTBAM BROTHERS LTD when 10 us MONTREAL cm129nm Quincy Mass will have chance in watch Ibo pipes and drums ai lhn Eiack Watch Royal Highland Regimen of Canada May 30 An nnnaunw men Wednesday said Capt Gall is in lead contin gent 50 in 70 men to parade Al Quincys Memorial Day cele brations permission was granted the Black Watch by he United Slates govern meal to march with iixcd bayn ncis an 115 mii In Full Curlon Lon For Anylhlnl In Floonnl PROGRESSIVE FLOOR SERVICE 418 Nike PA mm EACH FLOOR TILE Vinyl Asbulas 012c

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