AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY WAY lAV IV Hullor llldnny Kiddo Prolluarl Mull Oumoor Ivommln Nun Wumu lpmll IAIIMII Thu mlvlll vi 71v Nu lpuru Mme MI ml llvlal llm IAIUMVAV II 00 Pymom Cum rmy ll My ll III Ann Th Nu Marl 1an In for Wolld 1mm nunII Wlulllnl IAKUIDAY MAY II 1m 1m hmm um can 0pm no Loo Wmmn munI am Wu nuwnnl xlnlnmu cm 1m rmlnm hm hm but lhnl mmmu cmm rn 111 1qu qul 83888 nun my 11 co smxu mu no no In Wlb of mbon Annn no Nm Wulhn mm nr Klldlu Cannuy llaudawn Tm Tommy Amhruu mvln mm Imnun Rlchardn leader ha 4H Club and membm Louln Neflly Brenda Hunhu Lucy Ann and Joyce Fullbunk and Lucy Olcksinkl antnded lho Achluvment Day All Benton The girls all rcculvzd Imam There Wu colourlul dllplay dream 339 by ho mumben uch ll Mu Pun Russell vns hasten In the May meellnu the Unllud Church Women Mrs Nell ly opened the mantlnl with mac and Mn Tadd conduct ad the worship service Mlu Margaret Nellly Banla read the Scrlpluru and Mr Todd read ï¬ery on Pa Mrs erlly Mn John Hughes and Barbara allended Ilm flernoon session ol the Mr and Mn Harold Scott Toronto were Sunday vultur wllh Mk Florence Luck Mrs Kell Npoflcd cone cornan Hm quill committee and Mn Graham rccnlvcd mu rage for having hlnhdny nenml tho meeting Thu Itudy book was taken by Mrl Weaver and her helpers Mrs Gordon Hughes and MA Doug Hum ACIIIEVMENT DAY mallcr where you meet horn ha cllarcllo Iho pull out ll Alwaya hnr vexy In one Samchow aomawhm ynu have In manage lo gel hcr nnolher pack immcdlnmy Ilnyourl any klnd man Bandn Bhwnll lemlle powerhouse like ten mlon well Mlentlon Sho wait until nhel at the corner mu mom Mm fulllnz out her arcue lhul arcing you to in or over hu oyp Egybody touxnm her mouth mm on 11 look you lqunre 1n the ndaml apple and lhen de mmd In my drnwl leht ml by boy 1mg me One oi the fringe beneï¬ts of manhood and this Alarms lest oi Iniinniry is Ihu privilege oi helping the Ilri through the ceremonial rim of the nicotine habit VHEH ire ome type lady maker amllllr In mull men 15m an Thll Hula doll lhlnka It ll cuts amp qlllrcllo mm the comp By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AP One Hula ordeal for the maln the roblam tak ing mg My xmokcg THE LIGHT TOUCH MlsiMarrzuret Huzhu ol 0h Thelma Itchy flu your mm III mm by Lifes Oddities The Lady Smoker All Can Wm ll Drum It Your man THIRI ll N0 CHAROI FOR TMII llRVICI By MM EAWYER Mann In Tm Allnut TELEVISION PROGRAMS DIIVINOUIIILI CAR AND TRUCK GILFORD CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL Ivor Norm PA 82433 we mm mm Mummy luhmunu mum hold III In NIII lpom woo Anlnllnl hmm ma on Annuni Imu lumur llw mm IL IN um 1mm hunt III TMIKN mun rumm IIll my Dom and 0m My WI mu llh um 38¢S=SC9 Pnlwu Mr and Mn Kent Taylor mg dnuuhm Toronto spent Mu mzrl Day with MH Joleph Glllord Wumenl lmuluu wlll meet at Mn Hum home My II It sum The Ipuku wlll ha the new recrullon con vcner of 81mm County Every one welcome Mm Weaver Toronto mu wackcnd vlsllor wllh her par ent Mr and Mn Weavur Mr and Mn Ran Delnnay Ipenl Momcru Day In Toronto with thelr daughter Ind hus bnnd Mr and Mrs Don Blyu Mr and Mn Blll Aznaw Mr and Mn nwmu Mummy Toronto and Mr and Mr Jack Perkin Flemerton ware Sun day vlaltarl the home Mr Ind Mrs Geom Bull Smudn pal Thl human hlmnoy II chain xmokcr who tell mlnlw In mure unlm the hu It on lhm cluarellu alnl or her Ill all men man rally and blow torch to keep lawn was wcekend vlllwr wllh her nrenll ML and Mn Herb Hun ea MUSIC RECIMIJ Mrl Blake Constable held ï¬lm recllnl 01 her puplln ny ll Suvnral vhllorl wen resent Mn Hazel Kan ml mended Plano alm lonl were plnytd by mh pu II and Mn Constable cloud wlh two aelecllonx Lunch wn flawed by ch hoslou and her alflhl Hulk Shel ha Dohaminn Iype Thinks clzmllu Melly or flu mwhlrd at the party Pw for harm an Imlmlon com cob plpu oncnmtd with thine ones Oct anhe on mg by knocking pipe mlnu her Ihoo hul One nlce thlnl about Darth Your will nmr lnvllu her hick Inln mm pulerlnll xollc Erin Cnnl Ilnnd nnythlng nxcep highly perfumed Orlenlnl durum which the yum my lrom Inn near end or twoloo black And Illvzr holder Alm hall an hour by her you reel awny Imelllnu llka In old Chin ¢empl ubby type Keeps lnlklnu ynu try to mm ha up and the clnretlo bub around in dlmllons like wenllxw vnne When the mulch llnnlly burn yuur llnzm and you cry mm ulu loudly Whall the null Got lha Ihnku lulu Maybe oud hzller lay all the nlul or whlle now My lln Alm Wu mm An mum mu tumn ImM mInmyu mm In TOTTENHAM TORONTO BARRIE Three diamond Th but chance or um II In nolrumv Ind lho dllmand nln lvtn 1n lho hope lhal North MI Ipldc Ilrcnllh and will undu uke lhm nolrump would wmnl to bid two hum or hm clubl Nellhlr bid would Three mlrum To bld Ieu would thaw Inc respect or parlnera uvmnll Granted that the splda lwpper ll not Ilurdy one ï¬nding by new there Ihould IN be no em on lhal more With Well openlnl the bidding and Noreh mm enoum lo overall In lhe lwo level It ll next la lmponlbll or But to in hlzh card In hll hind Our ham hu lb palm and Want And Norlh between mm probably hlvo 01 remain Inn 25 he queen of Ipudu ll therein re 10 pg Illnppglj Nina ulckl would not be llmll to lake It notrumv would be Improper tn bld we nolrum or hm clubs Ilnco 91mm id bl paged lam You In South neither Ildo 3llerlblt nw blddlnx hu Imlmn wan In Toronto to Attend ha 77th annual May FulIvnI Concert oI Toronto Publlc Schooll held In Manny Hall won held on two comecu llva nIahu May And May One man the chIIdIcnl chum condmd ol 700 volcun They wm mlmd by wlnnInu choIn memblu and orchutm who had taken part In competluons throuuhou In year Mlu Rum JobeII mm Mn JamIexon play the vIoIIn In tho AllCity FuhlIc School Symphony Orches Mr and Mn Jnmlcmn were in Anculer on Sunday In attend this blpmmnl mvlcc or their younl grandam Timolhy John non at Mr and Mn John Wilder Hormorly Sylvia Jum leggn Conmtuintinnl to Loin Black Gloria lonnotl Shirley Dixon and Mm Lynnjipplmte who were wanted with tho Provin cial Honour Cortliicltu llld ï¬lm at the Hi Homemnklnl lub Achlovement Day held In melon on Saturday May 11 Thin word was Iivcn for having comyleled successfully 12 pro icon ihcy ouch noclved alto copy the Encycinpnedil Britlnnica Book oi tho Your Conlrnluiltlonl too to Min Nian ire KlooItcrmIn oi Thornton No Hi group who receivcd County Honour Cortliiclto and pin ior having completed mec ugiuiiy lixproocta Mr and Mn Gordon Henry who sold their inrm recently to Mr And Mu Rundle nl Pm Credit an new residing on Sirl In AvgE inrflnrrie Wlllh Mu Walsh retumad hogno vglthjhgm gor law dnyl Julep Ho mm the Medium CmQO made human lrlp In Mlw 1m week floor Pm II In Toronto or my week with hll nun Ind unclt Mn Ind Mu WIlllnm Agnew ow OK 0m 36 um on W1 um um mom om owns +370 0mm om Ben Vln Nlekhk on or Mr Ind Mn John Vnn Nlekhk hu returned to hlx llama hm hav lnl flnluhed hll ascend you the Unlvmlly Imamo DAILY CROSSWORD 39 Irlule mm It Iow un mum funm gum Impu THORNTON CONTRACT BRIDGE he mum II Rm uua huh Squibb ll Mk II mun mum army at In uupnu mm tawnyhm mu BIDmum neuqu Ml nu lwilllhn umpr Guile By AV BECKER vlohmly dmmvni Tmullhl 42 Minor Mm min no ELEM 0mm IL Alluk Four henru You cant vary woll bld 1m wllh this hyoul Whllu you cant mummy unr nnm our hcnrll lhc odd Ilmngly Invur mnklnz ll Mm III at In lull Norlh right tho klnd of hand you have real mm In hcnru um prohnbln numbIo lhll he will know who lo do If lhm In any lurthcr blddmm lnn Thor ll no med In men pmrm beam of tha Ilnulelon Illmend Norlh ll liker la have lecnrd lull Ind wlll probably make lwo dlnmandl hran hld would ha Ihol In the dirk Tomorrow Ilium II léldrn common party look plots to the Community mu Sunday to honor Mr and Bell on their 4m wedding In nlvernry Over 200 lueatl Itgn ed the register and enjoyed the afternoon with friends and fluent mm distinct Amonl them wm Marlena listen Mn Boll ram 51 Catharina Ian Popper and wlfe Ltndrny nephew at Mr Bell Mn Tuer and tornlly Toronto John Don ney and family Ind Cooll Denney Fanport Hooch Rev and Mn Robert Lacey Toronto nevr Kent and wife Ohntworth Rev Frank Hunt and Francil Hunt and Amity Toronto Mr and Mrl Pepper Mn John Bell Miss Grocc Gordon Mr And Mn Matt Park and daughters Toronto The Intrnllon in to Jump lo Iva diamond II NIth bldx lwo noirumz or three dllmonds hll molt ll rebldx Such Jum In tonjuncllon with In curhl would guarantee wad void And would Imounl lo pm or North lo bld mm with pmpg handL No Ipadu IXIm In dlnmondl by no mean Im Eoulble de le Wesll opening 1d the my to 1mm wa the ponlblllty by mum of cucbld For mich pur pose partner only good dllmond tun Ind either lhc 01 1mm or ace club Io make lwclve lrlukl be nuenlththawinl and In molt cults would end In deny dllmond Iupporl hmhurmore than bldl would nearly uwnyl be based on qu In or II card In lenmh No Ipadu IXIm In dlnm dlll py no gleam Sony to report Everett Glbson last the burn on hi mm by Hre Sunday foreman Mn James Morgan CI arlnu vhlled Mr Ind Mn Bell Mn Robinson Ind Wu loy Emma at Vivian Mccannn an Mn and Mn nxrnbuli Allislon vluiled Mr um Mrl Hum Turnbull MARK ANNEEMA Durlnl tha altcrnoan Linda Joan Allan and David Spam Larry and Murray Miller Gall Ellis with Terry Arnold Hues solo entertained with mock wedding ceremwny Elwood Miller was MC and Mlecn Spec pianist Nalva 15qu auchre pIIy lm wgg out to enjoy thy gvenu Lou Hovlrlh and Fm Taylor Jae Dickenm And Hollmln The next euchra II My 16 Mr and Mn Alan Glhaan Ind Inmlly Mlmon Ind Halvery nxrnbufl Utopia were Moiher my nuula the Hector Turn bulIA Mr and Mn Wllllnm Grant Toronto were with the Ghbm McMulerl By MM ALLEN MILLER UTOPIH ll BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 17 000 MI WU WEN NOW 100 QMMI