Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1963, p. 7

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nm In IA 1mm nlll imp mum yowonunil ol dumpinl lhflr rub mu uflrml In mlnnlnl will lnnllnl NIL II llmlml err In Ill Ftluml marry and Hm nldrr rlulhhm nu nhmlml wllh llw Irwlul tlllllhnnl ml touuo And while Um hnmo maker lurm Ihq mil hnr huhnml cnn aka ruum In lmmllcn nmlenlnl nr an on her mlllllll uhll flu lnlnnl Lrwml nlll nlm lw ihrn III how In Illh vrurlnhh dyrl mnnlnnllnl nml plrklng ml rlnllnl Ilw fleece Anmnl lhn may 1er nm II In um ur mllnn flu Mum uhMl IN MI hair nllk ml 101 hnlr And while In lugan maker mm Ir ppnmlnny II nutm1 al Mmhlry Ilvlu nummrr Splnnlnl wlwrln nonllnl tnr nlmlenl MI Mum haw In win an dlnp amndlu as II III on All lypcl nl Aplnnlnl whveln Many pmplo hm whrelu In lhrIr hnmu Ilumnnl Im IIImm My lln ml know him nu lhrm er lll Hrll Hn 1m nmm Ill Mn mun ulnrkbum uhu In la ma ulenl mmnnlhlo or he rovlvnl Inlcml In lhll nnrlonl mm In Cmmdn wlll III Inslruclor um wlll lunch hnlh Imzlnmrl and mun Illum ml Almlrnu On 01 he munu In In Inukhl lhln ynnr nl lho Hacklcy anley School of Flno Am nnd Crnm nrnr Ornnkcvlllr WM In llm ml or uplnninz Thera wlll nlwny bl mm lullmu homcmlkm but moat hlxh mth girl would llnd cour hll mm mm devo Mod 51 mnlltr on our cooUng Ind uwlnx cur rlculum II Introduced lo mu Sh lold lhe mnull conven tion lb Saskatchewan Ham Eoonomlu Anocllllon the come ml to prcpnm you Ml In Ihe dual role mm will be callad upon lo lumleom hlnad homemnkcr and was Iamer Wu lull lunch lhouxh mos anln Ire xolng lo ho luuzljmo hpmcmnkcrs REGINA CP Home cm nornIcI coma for hllh school air an lu auL date my Edllh Rowles pmlessor of home economics at the Univer Ilt oLSpgkntchnwan Ancient Craft Revived At Hockley Valley School Alan Macnnuxhlon lovem men nomlnca or Common weaker expected to rccelva About 1000 gum includlna member at he diplnrnnuc cams he Same the Common Ind their when The two mnln social functions connected wllh the 26th Parna munta opening Thursday wlll be receptions lendercd by ma Speaker at the Senate and Hum 11 Common after Iha openlnl cmmnnlea This your It has been posh poncd until the opening the lnil session ol Parliament be uusc Governochncrnl Vunior still is recoveran mm mild hem attack The gall ullnlr was up held hdore he 51h Parliament opened last September hecnuse oI rcnuvatlons lo Rldenu Hall omclal mldence of he Gum norGcncraL 0iiliWA lCPiFor he sec ond iimu in roW iiu vicere gal stale dinner and reception ihai usually precedes he open ing of new Parliament will not be held this year Home Economics Courses Outdated First Lady Wears White Satin To Opening 0f Parliament PRESIDENT OF THE CGIT group Karen Sykes cnnlre chats with her secm pa DII hml 01nt Imlrurllnn holh or hulnnrr nml no more nduncnl nludenL 11w ul Unz II bonulflul and Mmmmn dullnn II Mnllnblu um lho IKIWIVIIIMI III mvrvlmml nmlmu 0r he yuunnr Ihnlrnlm Oldtr IHIIIPMI will uh In jnln In Ihu runny IKlhmfl III II nlfrml Imlmllnfl nlllmm um Imllu mmdl um Imll Mm tullvnl xhmlwr mmic OIIUIII prvlnrmnnm of up In mm damn mu 1m wnhllshod leI the aper nllnn ol Mlu olln Frnntn nrl lIlIc dlmlnr anlonll Hullrl nnmln and mu Ilnlly Ullphlnl lrinclpnl lhc Nl Hunnl llnluI School In annnla nnd Elulnn Cruwlnnl llle Na Ilnnnl Ilnllrl will ho llnllcl Mll lulu Iur llmrcmlrlu lnluu nl lhu Nnrklty anlty 5ng Am and Crnlln Bul In no nnaush Women whclhnr married at mm are bclnu old mm claly nerd thclr Icnlcu nub Ilde un homo Anyone with Ipo ln lhls marriage partner Ihln Ind ham ha woman cook clennlnx woman laund rm hnuxehnld manner her nummnld Mum chnullwr husbandl vnkl her cmldrcna perhapl Iven lnrdcmr and III lhll In nddlllon lo belnl wlIl and molhcr The bearing children In uomnnl primary unttInn and In our culture lhll means mur rlnze and establishmcnt home where chlldmn live wth lhelr menu or upward 20 yenn lull two Jobs more uxclul than out um conchmralcd on leach lnz cooking and sawing 1115 my Au nunns The wile of the New Dorm crane Pnrly lender Mrs Dnuglsu will return hue Th ul loo late to allcnd he opcrflnii nuélrlllnn Mrs Jnhn Dlotnnhakcr will he opposlllon lender plnru to wear an emerald green xnlln lhEBlh wllh pcnrl Jewnlry Mrs Robert Ihampmm We of the Social Credit leader wu expected mm her harm in Red Deer Alla was not known lhc wife he pnnys dupuly loadcr Mrs Rani Canuelle Rouyn Queq wnuld be hm WIGGINS FURS luqullu llmul our law Iummvr wer much and mullIlium mm mun nclll rim AND mEFT Only luvrlrr uha mm and IF luu urlunlwly humu Imw mu rm nl mlr lun Ilurlnl mmmm Mr Lester Pearson wlla ot the prlme minlslnr hns clur sen tor the reception whlte mln gown vmbmldcrcd with red carnation dcslgued by Bo ronlmy at Montreal Wllh it the will wear whlte satln slola lmcd with ml Abnut tho same number are expeclld lo meet Senate Spenkzr Maurice Romnet In his chambers Tha rooms will decorated with red mm Ens ler Illle nnd cascades of while hyaclnlh In crystal container cnposgs GOWN Mrs Annie nlrbeck which lhg 100 Home on William Slrécl arid member ha AGAINST Haqrmrlpié AND mm IUUIIID PA 84868 rm rmzr rnuvr mmmu IMV on nmm FREE OLAZINO AND MINOR REPAIR HHZI HUIMIIH IN Illllllfil J0 lM TOM PROTECT YOUR runs PHONE Thu Ihurlut Nrlml lur uhILh any ludrnl mny mml In one week but II mammondrd lhnl llnllrl Mumnu enrul fur nl lrml Iwo wuk pcrlnd nw Srhwl Hm Imlrurllnxl In Iml wl or lnur wrrk lrnm July 1m lo Auzull mh Wu must leach lhem em clcn working hnhils l0 they can kcnp lhclr hnmo dam and ldy We mun lunch lhcm Ihnrl cull In mknry In lhey um um In hurry For lhl younger nlrl in Ichwl 11 our mponslbllily lo Ium out ynunl wnmcn whn cm cope wllh he runnlmz harm I11nd hand It lho mm clnllzcd lrnlnlnz my kind II mud to lake on nlnriod Jub MM LESTER PEARSON Joan agrick c3L1t5 He Sinndlnz from the Ian are Manila Little Mary Ellen ficnlgr nglzcns Club Bar SHAMPOO AND SET mm Anna nIm uvnvwm FINN IA M6 Mm IUll VIII IIUIIUKI HALON 110 The lollawlnz 1m lha girls lheir secret pals whu mended lilc dlnncr Karen Sykes and Mrs Annio Blrbecir Anna Spurn and Min Mary Daniel Linda Richardson Ind Miss Bill 91 Curmran Ilth Corrlgan and Mrs Sluphenson shlrlay Human and Joe Trash Belly Ann Larnnztr and Mn Fimham Danna Hunter and Mrs Fred Lowe llulher Mclm lyre and Jones Merelie Liilll and Mn ircna Dohson Linda Moore and Mrs licnlley Lin dl Smillr and Mn Binney Wnn dy Lacirlo and Mn lnnbeill Hud den Donna Mchwcll and Ross Diane Arnold and Mn Wisdom Marsha Keicey nnd Mn ll Flccumm Carl Jen Irlnl and Mrs llurAl Pally Murray and Mn Kelly Bern IN hnnison and Mn William Clcmcnln Mary Lynn ilnmillon and Pgucller Nlncy Gordan CGIT Host Secret Pals Last nvenlng the it met and cnlcrlnincd lhclr Scmt Pals It closlnl dinner puny at Burton Avenue Church The member Manned and paid for In dlnncr out htir own lundl Some 01 the CGIT members even mind out the birthday lhelr are pa rum neighbor or lands and sent Ihem aur rrlse cards Sllll kceplnl their dcnllty secret Burtnn Avenun United Church CGIT Iroup pnrllclpnled In unlquo projch during lh as mason The members each Scml Pal someone who was senlnr citizen or shutIn or snmcone they knew to be lonely lens once mnnth duran year and sometimes more often he glrls tonllzcted their Secret Pals by letter card or am Varied in ware sent Chrislnms lime chocolates Ind homemade candy packed 1n pretty boxes Iho girls had dec ornlcd wcro sent or Valenllnel Day and Easter CLEAR ISL HALF PRICE 16 COLLIER MIT Rand Cnndy dewurd Hen lhcr Valson Rum Corrlgnn lExaminer Photo WI nu dmlng our mllro flock of Iprlng mllllnuy Includod In group In Ilnwn ylbbom North and whlmnln 39 NM Shop of Barrio erIu Fnlrwealher and MI Fun 604 Eye Bunn Huey Ind Mn Wiley Can Woodward Ind Mn Mary Moore Mary Elen Reed Ind Arthur Lucock Llnday my and Mn Kendrick Sllnlea Nealhwuy Ind Mm Ltwll anther Walran um Mn McFadden Cnlhy Rlbnlkln and Mn Knlzhl Jnne Webb And Mr nuns Kalhy Keehr Ind Mn Roberllon Brenda Ilnlnn and Mn Laurlln Pam llub berl nnd Mn Lmla Yvonne Vm Duurln and Min Blrdle Evlm The engagement has been an nwnud ol hlls Jean Lullu lelor la Pelcr Helmn Thu bride ls lho daughter Mr and Mn Leslie Tnylnr Barrle Thu bridegroom 11 lhe eon alMr IndMrI Hofmnn of Holland Andrew Pm bylerlnn Church will be Ihe nel llnz or In nflernoon ceremony June Photo By Smllh Studio Accordlug to students mm Ker of ceremonies Jlm FltMll lng dld wonderful job and Ray Thompson the student eon vener and Mllchell stall mnvener both worked hard la mnke lhl dance to rcmcmbcr BARBIE EXAMINER7 THURSDAY MAY 15 Karen Hnro grade stud em was emwned Queen with Milestone Klara and presentEd wllh donn me by Ins yeara quen Pnl Guod9rpmn Her escort and King lurtha enlnz Greg Little was pre uglgi xx agar lshlfl The theme of the dance was King Arlhura Court and it wax curried out In the doom Ind buffet prepared by Miss Smith Carolyn File and their ctmmlllees Th cafeteria was Iranslormcd Into goldplllarcd archstan ed area with lramcd yindowx guard box and was Equipped tvllh drnwhrldze and lener The music NW Fisher Ind the Canlnllnn pravlded he entertnlnmenl or the gradua lm danco In the ballroom of Central Collegiate Karen Hare Chosen Queen fit Grad Dance JUNE BRIDE PA mu mum GRAND HANK Nfld lervlco club on the French Island St Plane of the land can Newloundland has collected $300 to be divided among three women whose husband died In the llnkhll of the Mary Wlsmmbc all St Pierre Jan Mrs Muivmlii Reginnni Chair man presided ever the meeting Mu Lea Milan was prnised highly for her devuled lurvice in the Lcngue Film were show pcrlaining in Ihe province wide adoption campaign question and an we period iniinwed IIECML IDWIMCK ROCK Inf Inllrl summer mum Dur lblu aluminum mnflmdlm will Ion man My nbblnu mu or him mm man mutant 111 The meeting opened With Prayer by 11 Rev Lee Falher Blackwell welcomed guest nnd members of the CWL The Catholic Womens League Roglnnm Heeling held In St Jaseghs Auditorium Mulcaster Sr nd capaclty attendance Buy new Chavgrlll No Down Paymcnll BUY NflW FOIL WARM DAYS AIIEMII Iucllvu 5mmtr lurpllun pr nnllu va Harden MnUIrrprwlcd nalml nut nnd Alumn ly hqu In In or yum Mlx rm nr mulch em lur mlour clmll Youll want all lhm It lhm low prim CYWL Regional Meeting Supports Provincial Adoption Campaign Gucét speakerlwfin Mn MOMENT relaxation is enjoyed by Rev Waller Dyer Ind Mrs Noble II Mrs ar Ynlfl Money chudully Refunded Elllllullnn Ellnaked Am wmowa BANK Nnd LETS HAVE ANOTHER CUP 0F COFFEE rnrummxmmmn ALU MINUM ARM CHAIN WV with Iliml My MI hm Room mmll thl mun Ur Bummer mmnun 0m blue or red lemma buy MA MI lev Lee closed the taking wllh prayer Cohham Archdioccsnn Presid out Mn Donavon Social Action Convener and head oi the adoption drive in the Archdiocese oi Toronto Mn James Kelly and Miss Helen Robson oi the Simcuo Couniy Childrens Aid Society iiirs Wnrd liiorkic Provincial Social Action conven er and Mrs Jeny Coughlin Regional Social Aclion Conven William Crnak pours coflce or them at lhe morning cal lce party hcld by the Evening Guild of SI Georgea Anglican MILES NORTH OF BARRIE ON HWY II ON THE WAY TO ORILLIA L97 the CANDLE SHOP Open for the Seuson FRIDAY MAY I7ih mmmm GIAMPIIIK dnlmd lnr Iuy Ilvlnl Fondwa vvmll wldlh 2H llnlm 1N Iolyjggghhmq lulum Blue In Fat Hui H1 Church This was irsl for the Allnndala group and ea lured bazaar and sale 01 mm baking Examiner Pho Perm 499 1250 All lllnrflllftl Caldwell Ml Pal Prldham Formerly of Woulwnrlhl Salon Alli STYLISTS PA 64072 Slun leacnck Prnp BEAUTY SALON 71 Dunlop 5L Wu UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT KAYS

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