Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1963, p. 6

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nrm Millr lama mun nf memberl and two visitors attended the May muan of the Penmnrn Eve nlng Minion Circle of the First Baplm Church held at the home lha new president Mrl Gord on Wood Melraxo Avenue The opening MM and word ol welcome were allowed by the buslnen malnn durlng whlch tho annual report reviewed hlgh llghla at tho pm yenr Many helplul aludles were shared and tho clrcle luccessfully rslned lla flnanclal allolmvnl ln mp or Home and Overseas aslanl Mn Rusul Mowlorthl nraup conducted the remaindzr he progfamnwllh Horn Mlullornn tha them the evenlnf Tho awnktnlnz nature In Iprln season Inspired helplul devol bnal though presentcd by Mia Verna Prilchnrd centred on the Christians lnuk ol Saw ng the Seed of tho gusptl by giving by serving and by pray Sevnrnl memhen led In prayer or apocillc minlunary needl Thu yumrum mad hy Mm Ronald Gnllupo lold ol Ihc plen um 01 100 Bolivian chlldrcn camp whose dormllorlea had been rcnovaltd allcr npeclnl In of money had been re ceived from Canada brie lkflch ha bmlnw mm of Bnpllsl witness In the Provlncn Quebec led to lhu nudy lhe evenlnn Recent cal nr Illdes wen thm lvluz 1n ormnllon an lha nhrnry Ind book nloro in Montreal when Frolcslnnl book and uudy lErlflll are available the war daily vacation lelo school lhc summcr camp program and lb eilecl Chrlsllnn chlnx on the puplll of Feller Collzlel Auxiliary Mn Eadxley Ian and Mn Roy Tod Join thu group ol er1 shoppe mclnl hour louawed lha bznedlcunn USED IN PERFUME The nrnmnflc all he mu lms me In mrd In some klmh of gygdy Ionpl verlumu and indium Home Missions Main Topic At May Session furniture and Anvilmg rm 1pr my ml ELECTROHOME Membera of Ynu rm wher Ilu um ol mm mnmm Imuumnu Ilnnu or In my nomlllnltlnn wuh ha mw ulmlmml nu lipcl llynm mm It wxlhnulpmlmxl mm Rafivi II man Superb mum lulu by DEILCIM FT Kimunm ELECTRONIC ORGAN McFADDEN An orchculrn n9 your Imgcrlipnl 59m the Hosplta GIFT SHOP OFFERS VARIETY Elghwfiva per cell of people who loss weight on crash dleu gain back In slx months All that dletlnxlor naught By reducing an protective dlet plan you have better chance aka lng lllm lhu ldeal wny la establish the rlzht food allem whllo you are reduclng nr Ihls glvu you healthy hold on the entlng huh lhn enable you to mnlnlaln mph welght What yqu alllluda toward Itaylnl with pmlectlve slim mlnx pauem Are you rzluc lanl to keep serving 31m mad emu Do you ram the that in order to name your welsh you must ergo Iecond hejplnw You know now that overeab In In just had hablt and that hub he only drum hold on you you hnva on it in omer words you need not be stuck with hnhll provided you choose not to be To not unex pcclcd rewards think in terms what you want Thu mind being son mkinu muchlne lollow lhn directions your Ilncero dukes In your mlnd mar like Iha idea of not ovurenllnfi Al any om monk make name nlIuclfla caF orlc Io provide energy an even rule durlnu the dayIn Itud margin at he evenlni meal find that 20 to an mln ules Idler Iho meal ll ovo Ive 0Ko1lennll nyou 09 Then II you dont feed tho dcslru In overeat It will the Hoépnals new Gm Shop Mn Badmey apd Mn Tad were In charge Mndow dmslng ln the naw nhop They KEEP IN THE TRIM um mm mm Crash Dieting All For Naught Reduce With Protective Plan lutn nylon ospoclnlly designed for tho 3le wllh slander log Shoo dolcnto bouuy In tho top fashion shad Youll want to wear Mm Phantom for pulse in Sanlllzod tor imhnou Sim lo 11 In proporllonud lengths so 01mm Em AALKERS $1 wane You will Kind to youI pleated astonishment that you nclually like not ovueaflnll Many people in luck man nor ma welsh Individuals or II he enviable pomlnn not cravan or even wantan to con tinue enllni until my eel loo lull Their eatlng hahlls kee their welth deslrobla lave vlnco your an that how much you cut at ulttlna In largely hablt and Ihnl with llllle lorclhnughl you can shrink your shth dawn to propcr she you an In canlrol deliberately overeat In short time as lhlrly days you can cnlay eat lng modem Ilm meals munlh II you enloy ovcmllnz now Skeptical The them lhlt nlnn thmuxh In later lrom lrlumphlnt reducer mix wouldnt back In alumna tor gnythlnl qn earthlr Why didnt Frlnkly have never known of In nverwelghl who reduced and flayed Him who dld hy any other malhod than by call 1n huh In nvmatlnz BrideElect Feted By The Community learn About clungYo Vbulld no long 07 both agreed lhul ha new da pmmem oflen wonderful variety ol mu well complelo wardrobe or the nuw baby Examiner Photo Elmgmva School wax tha lo cation much ncllvlly Saturday night when resident Elm mve cammunlly gathered to honour Min Sharon Dundnl at miscellanrou hrIdm Ihower Thll war meed shower Ind Phantom Deer Ann Lenflmx am wrll Inn to you In hope close friend mlne wlll me my letter To gut ll realistically should say hope someone wlll see ll and call ll to her allenllnn 11113 the problemshe doesnt see darned lhlng hul shel loo valn lowear ulmeg Thu woman In her lulu 01 very loadIwklnz and could easily pass or 55 It aha dldnl have deep lurmwn in her lure hend and crews eel around her eyes which of course are the result qu aqulnlllng She also has reputation snob which in undeserved The woman puus ur pawl an lha meet lllh and an becausa doggnl see them ANN LANDERS Please Ann law llnu In your column mny encounge these foolish people to get the help they need Think you MRS 2040 WITH GLASSES Dul IMU Here the letter hope someona read In your lrlend Glasses these dnys me In amprl many Khl hu takad Io app rnnce And incidentally some ulna mat mm look years younger In glam because the Irame hide the pouches under the EYES And for than who have an averslnn to glasses then no contact lensu POOR START Den Ann Lnndenx 13 yuan aid and Lhuva been marv rled or two months My hus band 10 his lab Lha same week we were marred look on night job In addition to my elzhbhaur day Ihm because we we on car appliances lur nllure clothing and he was up to hls neck In debt balm we manlcd only our or flvo hours nice night and when Im awn Im on he no livery mln ule believe my husband really trying tn find work but lhlnu are tough Xn this town my he hasnt hgd nnyA luck lhe entertainment took in form turd party with prizes The prim were won iollown High ildy Jnnel McCague mend iiixil Lady Gindyn Walk om Low Lady Mn Bill Smith llixh Mun William Ball second man Man Hrrmnn Coin Low Mun Klaus DriaL Ml Dundas received approx mnlely 75 lover Ull from man than 100 Honda Ind nelihbnurx who nuanded plus an electric Mlx Master preacnlcd by ths Chimp gt Elmzrovz Refreshment were mved bmlIlyla lo the mm hey lhclr cud table In Ippmprilla chain In In In loylblo evening Im not complaining about hII unemployment but rather um ha refuel to do anythlng Imund Ihe apartment In help rHim Slim Gals Fake Myopia ForFancy FramerUP Yelirdeslzrged specs nllcn qu PA $022 me He wontshop or grocer Iu or Ilralghlen up me place orugven 51m gupper When get home exhausted have to mock clean and do the washing and lrunlnn Im expecting too much from him please let me know will aka your pdvlceIMNDS FULL Dnr Full Eighteen years old married two mnnlhs and of to Inusy start You could hav wnlled whlle qr Ihls deaL The husband oi yours ehonid be helping straighten the apart meni he should he dnlni the marketing the cooking and any Ihing else which might make your llie easier Any woman who has proven her willingness to to the extra mile us you hnve deserves All the help she can nil POLXTE PHRASE Dear Ann Lander Sevural mnmhs no my husband pnd entertained couple In our ham When they 1m the wumln snld WI had lovely Iime Andnuw you must come lorsee wmpllmg My husband has been nagging me ever since Io an vlsll hesu people keep telling him well So when we not an Invitation Ho Insists we have been lnvlled and repent Ihe Come and Le us sometime line have told hlm repeatedly that dont consider um an In vitation but he claim am thin sklnned and too Inrmal am wrong about thl wlsll you would tell me If my husband wmnl lease ell lllm so ha wlll gel or my back Thank yumNOT SURE Den Nol Como and see somellme polll phnsa cqulvalcnl In How are you About 95 per cent of the people who ask how am you dont really care And URLsme goes for people who say Come and us somellme fieanmilul Vinvilallan In cludes specific day and time 25 DUNlOP ST Cm Mu All Colmxrl Camp anut lnhrlhuhh Ill Colpgo gym inn Corduroy Canon SLAX chrfip mu Sumlm Mcnh Comp anun Cm Irlco 28c pr COTTAGE SPECIALS COTTAGE CURTAINS NYLONS Comp mm my Kyml 68 MI Mud ARENT JUST DOWNRIGHT $168 THE SLASHER 99c SHOPPERS PARADISE THE HOME OF It Isnt very omn lhan an In veslmunl pay dlvl as quickly ll dld or Southern Ontario hnusewfle Mrs when she found her young son Pntcr lacel downward In his wadlng poo After second oi natural pm It she niucked him on the pow laid him on the mum nnd stifled In adminisler he mouthtumoth method ml irlnl respiration which she had learned year heior at one of thr St John Ambulance Save¢ AiJie courses The invesimen she had made two hours oi her time had given her Ihe essen llai knowledge lhl saved her sons iiie flle slnry of Mrs nut an unusual one although for her II hIS very special Ilgnlllcance Instead of tragedy ah has the continued happlnes of her lime boys laughter and the undue Hon lhu rho saved his by ML prump ucllun The need or artificial mph anon wont wall or trained help to arrive the few mlmltcs even seconds that It takes to call doctor or other trained hrlp can mean the dillcrcncs between posslble and anlm possible situation me can ebb away because no on an the spot know how ta live Irtlfldnl gutting St Iohns Course Wise Investment WI ton late Io leam when the accident happens and lhe wlsa paranl will take the opportunity to learn bath the HollerNielsen and the mouth lo mouth methods oi nnlllclnl resplratlon at one tho SL Jnhn Am bulgm SavMthe clasm this we XIII IL Allllhh Phonc PA H57 All Ihndu SWINE Fashion Sampch klmlh Kim IO Comylnbll Vlllll up In mm mm to Jun MI Colour Hm ax Comp anuu our lnvlnul lrlrl l3 GIRLS KID Appmmini lith Hilfiébfssmo EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE 0m LAMINATED Plum Tabla Cloth llnk Vhlll MW at ullw Wm my lvlro son whirl DAV MECIM lellm Qnnllty 550 DRESSES $187 $439 COATS 29c WM Mnybo Im my nut but Mm shouldnt mamr Io you bouun Ivn gal mm bargalnl hm mu luxl rldlcul out Am you Ihop hm Frldny or Saburdly you bot your boot youll uvl pllnly If you dont hulluvn mo Ory ll IVE MIST MY HEAD Slllhlrl Cruy Prch IDEAL FOR COTTAGES CHINA ASH TRAYS SERVING PIECES Vuluu in 199 THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MAY II FOR TOMORROW Frlendly Influences prevail now with accent on the solu lml dmlmll problems and other manor requlrhag uuud judgment and 1an anqugp lack or amt good new pmposslbly mm dlslnnca FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow Is your hlrthday your horoscope prawn line personal relolonshlps durlnu Ihe next year wllh Iho possible excepllon of brief Ilros cried wllhln Iho next two wee and In mldSeptemherwhlch could ho your null with most humans you have andency loword hglng gglromely loplnloll Med and THE STARS SAY By EEIRELLIM Dresses For The Bride For The Brldesmald For The Mother of the Bride 44 DUNLOP 5T EAST PA 34134 OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 900 PM SHIRT SILK SHORT PANTS VELVET Fashions For Your Beautiful STORAGE BAGS ID I0 lmy Irlu Iun ny Hum JUNE WEDDING COTTON SOX fem Vlhll ll All Culourl 51m DONT MISS THIS IM DAY MECIAL Choose From IIUNUIHJM SUMMER IIAII Our Wide Selection lloyl In mm noyl flprclnl 29= $229 $l00 anlhiéfiize no And no 39c of Barrie Whfl Rldlculeul Pvlu PLASTIC CHESTERFIELD COVERS other by expresslnz your Ideu In loo dogmallc miner UII sellcontrol lhtrulore and dont spoll whal might oherwlsa bc delightful picture 01 happy hnmc lnmily and such Ilia Where Job and llnunclal mul lerl are canccrned do not ex pect loo much between now and mldOctober but good cycle heglnnlnz then should llst well Into IBM Stellar Influence lnle thlx menlh In mldduly lute Auzusl early November and mldDeeember wlll be gen erous tn sentimental Interest and late June early August early September and the tlrtl llhree weeks at Decemtter wtll the the or travel chlld horn on this day wlll be endowed with great sym pathy or other but must bl carelul no to be unconsciously lnlluunced or misled by the wrong person vmfimnaniss EEK LONG MlllMI 499 lellod Ounnvlly YMF LOTIIR AND IIANI PIVOT Ssl Drum In nrlne muck Gmn film 30 In Comp Value 595 Monl Sunw Hm 99c MATCHING MIIHT L71 Mulchod So 566 ANH MICKEY palr for $108 MENS wonx PANTS FOR CMZY IIIICE 29¢ $399 SHORTS 77c PA 84900

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