Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1963, p. 5

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unhcr rmmsl 1mm Mr Parsons wnl or pcrmisslon or mldnlnhl dnwn dunch but no union was lakrn The by law would have be mind whldu lhn mm for rinsing plum ol nmmcmcm In lho township Ray GoodISI ow mmu lnvcuun cl allowing hl recrIpl BETWEEN VTWO FORCED Geom lnraom wrote to ask or perm lo allow blnnncs ln hls hull movldlnx he donnlcd pofllon hls rccelpln lo llxa Slroud junlor hockey boyl Mr Pmoru Wfll old to perm nlon mm flu pollca as councl had no nulhorlly to grant Inch pcrmll Following an appch in all mu niclpnlillu wlth lrnlnlnn estab llshmcnls or retarded bhlldren Innis passed mollon lu dun Ala $50 My ron BINGOES Police Commlulan In leuer stated it cwId not mute 1L1 buan below 515 and asked that In be npprovcd Th was handed Io Reeve Coch rane Mm asked that mollon In Approve be passed It will requlm Nat under five mill In my the mount rguca nvncm Dopulyv Reeve Campbell as mnds chalrmnn anld he all work promised last all would be undennken as soon as lma Allowed Mr Dnlllmorc mm Iha parking shun Iormnrly placed on he loud be rclnmll Al the regular mcctlng Wed nesday nlxht Fred Dnlllmoro told Counclt that he had been atlemptlnc for the past elzht years to get actlon at the and the llth llne when hl sum mer buslness is located Last wlntcr trees hnd bctn cut but not cleaned up he sald and the wldtnlng ol the mud had not been undertaken llo also sug gested that ditch be Illcd so that pnrklng would be avallv nbln lle asked or actlnn be low the comlnz hollday lo get 0w road cleared of brush and perhaps gmch plnccd so lhnt vehicles could mnkc mm In Ilcad uslng drlve MINIM Nlnlfl HURK T0 AWN IIIOW IIIU EATUIPJ Mllllnl llpo Culluu Ilfll Alum llrllll Woman In hill Enlnlnlnmull SHANTY BAY DRIVlIH nun INNISFII NOTES The maul immading love cry our time nuul Ottawas Sparks Street Mall 55 the prams ol mnstruw Han Each year the any block on secllnn Ha main BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MAY 10 ms Gullah Numerous Requests Made In Council STREET BECOMES MALL £302le MG 315 mi Tho malt Modem Drlvo In 11th ml Tnmnlo 8c Clnomnltopa on vol Icmn lrvmnv 04 mm nnx 0mm rm Ml Ilnlmnl Con ro Olllccr Elmo Ford was present at Cmmcll mulan lo mum mm on beach Informan person Um no dogs even on luuh would bo allowed hm llc unld lnal yrnr he had been calch to nlop lghln when Man had broken loose llc wnnu to ban lnrzo pnlnlod Ilgxu cmlcd Cour tlllor Tomn naked who would enlorrc ll he tell lint pm plu would wnnl to lnlw lhclr it clnlm has been placed be lore cauncll nl lens lime time before wnx receivui and ln slrucllnns nlvcn lho clerk in allow up on the mailer with Hydra sunny er1 ROADS PETITION Wllh ncafly complcle num bar mlcpaycrl signing or am the road in lbu arcs nnd another group whose pell llan Will not available the rt Ildcnla Canon Village am asking llml lhc mud in lhelr nrcn be taken omr by the lawn blp and brought up to Mand nm ii is mon lhnl mur nncc hm Mn ncrivcd lhnl ii the lownshlp place lbom in llwlr road by bylnw Ultra will bo no doubt about the subsidy bo inu nvnllnhlo The mailer wn loll lor lho compltllan ol the Ilznlnz DQG 0N BEACHES peuuon lrom firm vu lago Iur 31m lighllng whlch It clnlms has been winced be Mr Goadrollnw sumd ha sInce he had placed more 11 nmund mu bridge IL was not now hazard hnd hum bum In manner to nllnw bank lo be taken up the cam whlch It spam Road supervisor Cowun and Mr Goodfqllaw will to Into huddle and see If the nlnmura wll be nccepknbln FIIHMY Ind SATURDAY idler advising him ihal he had 10 days to remove molerinls on township road allowanm while he was carrying out an ultima tum irom icgal representative oi propefly owners to replan bridge on hk subdivision which had become dangerous Whllo Ihe new bridge on his subdivi sion was in Ihu making Coun4 cil hnd received complaints in tho lorm oi pciillon from res idem who live in tho area street and converts Into pedestrian mall calmlug sldcwalk cam garden and mm cenlrc Mull Inttrlulnmml ILUII 1nd HIT TONIGHT our niml By Hu Ime lhls rmclm fllo prm the writer will be In the Capitol City rrndy to much In omnan or lnrllnmtnl and In and Ilalrn to loma Um dwnlo Iollowlnz pol lnr walk Ho oak crpHan la roman by the mutual arm that lummcr midch allowed lhelr day to run loom Thar urn dog mnnlnz loose all over man now he natal 11m matter 01 he alum wnx kn or lhu duk to rcvlcw he wordlnz Ind ll klt to be 01 vnlun mm mm be ordarcd STROUD 15min th Mr and Mrs Leonard Home arrived on Friday evening at lhe home their son Robert and lnmlly lime did Mr and Mrs Robm Home know mm corms emuan thy would he ihu guests of honor Inlhclr own home where inmlly gather lnu had been planned as bonus warming parly Mr and Mrs Mama and nmlly Just cw weeks ago mnml Into new homo on Highway II The nmlly guru llum collce Uh blc nnd mnguzlno wind 1710 new home was much nd mIred by all During Um uvm as men by lMy waat and Rev Mr mg licd franmf Hlll gnvg Ihc as he mmhm and The CGIT Prcsidcnt Karen Poanl welcomed all fin toast ISLAND IN THE SUN ELMVALE Speclul Th annual mother and daughter banquet of tha CGll and Ex plorers groups was held In St Johnl United Church school room Approximately 100 were at lha aupper Graca was re cllcd by Lynn Cooper Follow ing the meal lhcre was Ions lo 1he Queen and music by Mls Kay or cos are expec ted to zoom his year too Work on sidewalks tree planllng tn Thlaflyenrx Slmme guilty levy or Benton L1 581016 up lrgmjlm In 1962 In Eeciona case the biggest biie comes ram ha viiinxes share of maintenance and ad ministration min or the newly cniarged Banting Memorial High School Aiiiston This year the high schuai levy went up imm $951013 to 96 The Benton Public School levy rose from $12615 last year In $13050 Bchlnd this lies on In crease In leuchern solarles ap proved last week and necessary my on tho yahoo urnnce Family At Stroud Honored Bv Party un needed iar all municipal rations this year in estimate at 578M119 an increase oi $1384097 over last year this $6227031 comes imm taxation campared lo $55 IIBM in ESL Three of tho biggest iaclm in line lax boost are beyond councils canlrol Education lev ies set by the school boards cnncerned mus according to prnvlneiul law be iuliiiled as requested Likewise local eaun clls must Explorers CGIT At Elmvale Entertain Mothers Ht Banquet FIIIST HOW HTAHTB IM Cnnllnuoul an nun pm The 1963 budget struck Sni urday night 59 lbs resldcnlial mm mm tat748 and commute clal and Industrial al 8285 mIlls Last years figures were 69 and 75mm respmlvoly ayera here get thelr tax bill nter thll month they wlll see what the 58 mlll residential and 785 mlll cammcrclal Increase In their mill rates tar 19M mean to them In dollar and cents Depending on assessment the nvmge taxpayer will have bout 51118 more to pay thll YCE fiiimnmommu Ilcnumnm fizz lvuluumum IMM mum ZANIJCKJ Beaten Taxpayers Paying $12 More NOW SHOWING IHEY TOOK IHE CUREFOR SIN BU SOON 00 THAT ENNIS HHflHYMfilIS COLOR AND cmmumr Jim MunI llu klIn lllny flhm MONTREAL CP Ttn mum Ainzm ram our prov ncu hnvo been chosen In ram pd In In nullonnl mullc com pllonm 1m held June 2Nqu Mounl Orton pmvlnclnl park In be custom lawmhipl flm compdluan now In In lhlm year In Iponwnd nnnw nll by In anum Mull rn du Canada lng llllsa Dolly Ann Home of Orillla enlcrtnlmd at the plane and cam were played alonx will the social time Gucsu pmml were Mr and Mm Leonard llomc ul Orlllln par ents Mr llornc Mrs Jlm Roberts Mr and Mn lass Home Dolly Ann Susan and John Mr nnd Mrs Lloyd llornu nnd Dnrbnra all 01 Or lln Mr and Mn Enrl llurno and Pnnl llnwkcslone Mr and Mn Albert Home Rugby Mrs llomo luld L1 an llmhcrl Day wnckend our Inm lly wlll not larger Mr and Mrs Homo have two Elf and nlx boys Ten Singers Will Compete MM McAuiey replied Barbara Carmbail thanked flm indies The presentation oi 0611 awards were made by Mrs Cecil Tinney to Lynn CW per Linda Ritchie and Dnnnn Ritchie sing song loiiawed Upstairs In Iho church grad uation oi Expiomx CGIT look place The leaders were him ii mck and Mrs Gui ien Shnmn Bate introduced the guest speaker Mrr Wr Btu oi Bnrrie She was thanked by Melodie Ritchier Mr Hig pronounctd he bencdio mm Tax bills are being printed his week cicrk William Wai son said hxcsday Tho um oi the three lax insinimenix is due by the end of May llevenua expecicd in addition 10 taxes inciudes Childrens lild Socier beneiila at $27318 Department of Highway grant $8060 unconditional per capita grunt 52430 and villnga income mm the sale licences and 905mm sw nun wlu come from 1963 residential assessment nf $586300 allghlly higher lth 115 years 5544170 Commercial and lnduskrlal assessment lolnls dropped rum $203957 last year 103193064 or 1963 The 1963 debenturc levy totals 54644 and Includes the edu cntlun and Memorial Centre urcs previously listed In budge expendltureL other estimated 19m expendi lures are as ioiiow with lha comparative 1962 figures in brac kets Garbage collection un changed at $1472 are iira and police protection at $500 welim $730 and Memorial Centre dehunlure $249087 ii nnnca and administration $5095 $5345 library $35730 $882 910 high school debenture $1 15367 $205906 general pur 1205253235140 $253080 siren lighting $161328 15190952 insurance 550 6154950 and municipal andvmlscellanlanl pellsel 8515472 15351501 To meet these expenses can cll declded to net ulde 115600 for public works including streetY bridge sidewalk and waterworkn This reprmnla $8500 Increase from last yearl Iota swlauon some new water main and new nonmem velt ylLlnlanned or 133 By lmdmun tho lap um pool carrying an nnnunl Inlary 0000 mm in European bccnum the head ol tho win orlanlxnunnlhn ln ternnllonnl flunk or Recon IlrurlIonunmfly II 1m Amul can The 69yearold Swedish econ umlll one lho worldl mas lnfluanllnl llnnncinl nulharllks died or hum nllnck In London my Out closest and man rclpoclnd lrlendl was haul nnsmlnsky zovcrnnr of flu flank of Canada WASHINGTON CPD An olhcr Eumpcan lfkely lo we cud Pcr Jacobsson as manag fnz dlmlar of he lnlemalfonnl Munclnry Fund bul Ihu poul bllfly lhnl Cnnndfnn may he offered tho Job comprom fao cundfdnln thauld not be wind out fund fnfarmnnll lug gelled lodny TODAY mm Al 100 And wnmrm or ACADEMY mums INCLUDING IJKHT M3011 THORNTON Speclni Wu Girisllnn Family Sunday at Mnin United Church iiiny 12 with the av Leonnld Wnrr in charge The theme wns Godl Presence in the flame flm speciniiy pnpnrcd order service issqu by the Ontario Cwncii of Christian Education was Ioiiawcd Hudson Wart fund the Scripture and Brian Bretth ioiia my lor young people 1110 senior choir Ian amhcm xuiinbia for iiioih erl buy bapiismni mrvlu oliawcdi Prospects For Monetary Head Are Being Investigated Now oumcno PMBIOND Ap cm only mmm wnH mu Low mu rwu rIlM monv op FATHER wno Muur EXPOm Hm cutmnm MKS Lloyd Webb and Mrs Gray who were mlcnderl wen unable to be present Nancy Campbell having com pMed 51x granola was glvcn county honora Each glrl re ceived sterling silver 517011 did the leaden Guard DMALL TDWNO From Strand were lendera Mrsl Gordan iiix Mrs Wai rnn Mrs Craig llunler and Mrs James Ros with their girls These were Nunw Cmnp bell Shirley nix Shirley Aytu Joan Ayersl Leilio Dcflnng Fieke Keunnn Lynn Ferguson Joy Murphy Danna Jean Wat son Lynda Watson Joan Small Karen Gray Lynda Campbell Anna Marie Newman Jones Cathy Fox Anne Stcenholdl Doreen Hunter Dianna Warb Sandra Wenthcrill Sheila Ge been Ann Eisses Lola Watson and Gerdie Keincn The next 4H club mine Club Girl Stands 0n Christian Family Sunday Observed STROUD SpecialiMay 11 saw crowd at over 150 club girls and their leaders ga ther at Beeion Communin Cun tm for achievement day iho proioci Sepmies iar Sum mer brought many lashinnn and nbriu on exhibit and many tale ol ripping nut and rcfdoing and final Achievement in Shoud 4H Girls Compete At Beeton The members agreed to hr vlle the deannry to hold ll 1961 annual meeting In Thum tnn The June meeting 15 to ho hcld the home Mn Elliott MW mm rWntson charger Thu Scrlplure wasv read by Mrs Reid Mm Squlra reported that the parcel or the WAhalu had been sent Plan for at trndlng South Slmcoe Deanery be held at Pauls Angll can Chum Burton May 23 were dIrcursed lahapcd that all members will try to attend annual uh Ju held the May meet Inz at the home of Mrs Manow Tho gramme Mrs Deanery Plans Made By GREGORY PECK smten To kill MockingbirdA In he oven ma duh my bclwccn urn and Frnncu om pmmhl undl dam mud lnfnrmunll lumen comidemllon mlzhl min North American compro misc lieu be In lhnt Ivenl II that lho swearold Canndlln govrrnor who helped Iouud he lumL could luv the Job ha wnnm ll Haw cw Inc vnlry between the two Euro can lrndnmlocsllm Commnn lur kcl and tho Oulor Sevenalre llon or European cholu with he comnn nuppan all lha European power may be no my mailer Thcro are rumors lhnt num4 bar European prospect now mo helm looked over includ 1mv IlrrrePnul Schwnluer do my governor flu Bank of France CllplCE Nol may ELMVALE Special Chri tlan Family Sunday May 12 was observed in Si Johna Sunday uhool nd church by special progrnmai Sunday Idmol there was Open ilouaa when visitora were Riven our of ihc Sunday school classes alter hearing duct by Barbara Campbell and Kathy Whlulcid and reading appropriate in Mnlhcra Day by Colin Elliot Scnpiure Wu rend by Bill Furncyi lho climax cnmo with he dcdlcnllon by Rev Mr llixhnm oi the newlyrenovated Sunday school auditorium The aliendnnce waa 1E7 the church aervice lh aacramnnt oi Baptism was observed and he ioiiawinz children were bap Iized Luwmnce John hlcllinnn Brenda Maria Evyla Bemica Ann lioyie Joanna Evelyn ilar poll Kim Darlene Agar Sandra Jenn lnylnr Jciircy Francla Archer and Loxla Ann Slbbald Baptismal Service Held At Elmvale DETROiT CF The Uniied Slates pus niilce de pnrimenl has came up with sumclhlnl Iar dag Mm be sides Jokes sympnlhy and indinc Its liquid called Hail The idea in for the mailman to whip out his pinstic bottle us he is approached by biwhant dog and give he Enoch splash of the unit in is Inca The resulti is hopedis that the dog pub his tail be tween his leg and goes away without experiencing ihs rieasuro oi sinking hi lungs mo the postal departmenil uniform or the leg at the mail man it turned ant the cvzry day allairl or school admlnly ration still needed attention Alter committee our oi the school grounds needing landxcarp ing the board tackled Ihue Following discussion with BMHS leather Burton Ford the board decided to carry on with the driver education course Mr Ford conducted at lhe school thlx year or lhu lint time To comply with Mia Fords request arrnn emenis will he made or an diiinnni instrucinr ALLISTON Siam Somuihinl of an air or anilciimnx pre vailed Hauling Memorial High School here in night when the Aiiisian District High School Board gathered or Ii May meeting Nowum the achooi has been oiiiciaiiy opened what is there lull in do was tho prevailing mood HALT POOCH 0R ILL SPRAY Driving course Kept At Alliston School immTihy total $900 nu been bud Rated Iar Inndscaplnz In ad dllion the contractor has to do mme nodding ya on south end and at lhe can Ilde Thu problcma of runnlnl the nrw school are many and ur led and he board nude sev eral mam bearing out lho el Iccll In one Roy Petcrmnn In chum Mills cnrfiakm was asked lo nltrnd Iha next bonrd marlin to explain clean nz proctdum and other mm on now under way lunch behu dug or newjmigo Ind lhe problems In volvnd since It runs along an old roadway Two rm In the front lawn urn almd to the Axe to make way for Impravo mum mm tho Imall one by tho hedge And In one dogs In flu uhoal Connldcrable me lho mm In oenlred around arrangcmonu or landscaping lha ground And decldlnz on pavtmenl deslgn where walk are Illll needed Ardcullurnl conunlltea chair man Geam Lhk described lnndunpinz rmmmcndutluns recalved ram expert consulted byhu cmnmmeo The board approved quest mm the technlcal department to apend up to $200 to maka all booth that BMHS could use each year or school dlsplaya at nearby lall lalra Thll booth to be bullt ln the school carpen lry shop will be built In such way that It can be dlsmanlled and timed alter Iha season ends mm member felt mod quallly booth would en hanca the Ichooll exlllhlta at lha Colollutoyn and Beeton lalra mm mu wmu Finance chairman IL Mc Kelvey said the 015000 total was reasonable enough consider lng that the total value of the 5c901wau$8888587 Tntnl price of changeover or der or the new additlona came In around $15000 Them com com necessary alteration in specificnuonn which arose as camlrucllun progresscd breakdown at thcsa changu along wllh muons why they had to be made were listed In the arghlmu rgpprt Elle board W0 hardly Ivul Ilth Pupplu to comlamblyqm In mun occulonl youll want Io marlth Umul Hm Pupp mun Ilwol yet no smartly Ilylnd mm wm Mm lo lho nlllcal Gnnulno lamInd lgnkln mm up wllh wool mp Iolo alum Haul upplu llulblo at your lull So my Io clun on Jan brulhlnnn all II nm In clun Ilth Pupplo Il mwl Como In lav mung Thflll nlylo all and uloum Iullyoul Letter of thank were auth orized Gardon Adamsan re presentlng the nrchltects and Donut Hawlcy president of Konvey Construction 00 or Ihelr donations to he BMHS schalmhlp lundt Mr Adam san Is Mag 75 per your In wants prlza or academic ex cellence Mr Hnwley donnted $100 without spccllying any we creme or the type prize It was ta be used for Actual cm to the board or this years course which run from January to the end of April was 8253 BMHS 93 char Chmlea McKinnnn want In take summer emuu to qualfly as cemnui driver dw Han instructor the board was told Time and transportation are the two biggest handicap to an literschool activity like this Mr Ford painted ouL Outoi town Itudcnts are Pinned at dkndvantaae MTFflid BMHS hiltan teacher Mid the id rtudenlu dhosen or thin extracurricular come kept him so busy that in future he would like another qualified Instructor on Aland by duty The clan is was chosen from 41 appiicuntr he laid The proportion wal eight lrom AllLston and eight irom outside communitiu Yqul Never Take T7em Off MENI WOMENS BOX OFFICE OPEN IM SHOW STARTS Al DUSK 23 mu MGMLLWwmmnflh mhmmw Aha Playing Teachers requesting um of to nllend wedding and redun tion ucrclse had all their ro qucsu granted by the board BMHS which hug been and to play has next year to tho high schonl hockey toumnmem was given the nod from tho board to accept the tournaman 11 IL organiuru choose Ammn the Alla aver Sudbury which also In the runan for tho honors Upcoming events annaunced by Ptlnclpnl Sidney own in his report include the hnnor student nlghi and grade ellh vlsiling day both on May 14 Farmer mil member Orr nnw prlnclpal oi Graven hursz High School will be gum spen at 110nm tqdent night Teacher rulgnallons accepfled wars those at Mr and Mn Dymd phyxlul education anqhealm teachers Accounts passed for payment included 37 or the lrampartan Unn commlltee 5371 or flu pmperly cummluee 0143031 management cnmmlnec Ma 35 vocational cummllleev and t$510M or ha flnnnce comm cc mm If he 51 purchase price ol upright scnfloldinz doun cum under the ulpment allawancn puld or by Invernment flu hoard Intends to mnke the pur chqse use Purchare or an electric typh writer or the schnola general nmco at price 1415 ms IP provcd Total budgeted or 1111s qyrclrnse waxfioo In another lha gremllnl thnl mile the new Installation wen dlsclused In particular light along the was wall can trolled by lime switch wen tho target When one board mem ber wondered why lhey came on alx pm when It dount get dark unul eight p111 Thats nalhlng ha wal told once tho awllch wen haywlra and they mapped on In the day llma an all gnu THURSDAY FRIDAY munulna Jamel nobmnn Junch DRIVEIN THEATRE um Ave Gen II HURONIA CHILDRlNI

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