tunam hm In 01101 mum Mlnlln nu mm In 21 IM to II at Th Armth nu ma n4 nu no lull mum limb Immole mum Hm ml ruI 0m nuumml on um ml at mu In nun mun tum mum mumn unnm mu mun nun ILAIIIHT am mrmmm an mum WAINJI mm um Imam um unu lutmnyun my cum mm Inn Iluu mu rqu ule my IO II In mum ll Ith Ohm 0mm IM Ill mm UI um you UI unlmliin you llnlvwfl An MM hull mnvvnlllll Wm mum umnl mum mm unmm nu Mm nutum cmm run um um rim Mcch lhcm mny bu grounds or or Umsm ARM Numomux panics are work in an cum to open up the wnlor way Thu MOpll Ihn wmrwnyn has been expandm lo Includn Um Ottnwn Rlver However the First World War brake nlll lhe lollowlnf year nml Aldelrnckcd the pro eel In ml the Intervenlng yum nllhonu he mnllcr hns been brought up countless llmcs nothing hax been done REVIVE BAY CANAL PROPOSAL North Ba Nuuï¬et Filly year ago he lcxerll govurn mrnl wnx being urged to put up hall million dnllm or the nlan of water vn llnklng Georgian Bay In Lake Nlp 55 ng Barrie Examiner lllay 1918 Town Council wrangled over matter of fish ing in bay At present two men have permits to use nets but entire catch must be shipped to Toronto Alderman Lennox and others asked that govern ment he etltloned to make the iish available irst to Barrie residents Notice given that the GuvernorGeneral of Canada the Duke oi Devonshire and the Duchess of Devonshire would visit Barrie for three hours on June 10 Barrle will seek wood from Algonquin Park to relieve next winters famine James McIntyre fined $200 in court for having copies in his possession of the banned book by Pastor Russell The Finished Mystery With the Rub sians out of the war the lluns were throwinI everything they had at the Allied lnes in France especially trying to regain Vlmy ltldge George Arm strong wrote to his father at Big Bay Point in part as follows The liun has odds of ten to one in his favor but is not gaining too much ground was talking to machine gunner oi the Guards He said the Hun could be seen coming mile away in mass followed by columns transport anil ambulanccsr Loaders were on horseback and in all it was grandslght until they came in WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO He has set out in no uncertain terms that drastic surgery will be required it the railway system is ultimately to pay its own way Among the measures pro posed is closure of halt the nations pas senger stations wholesale abandonment of uneconomic lines and services in creases ln fares and an improvement in the quality and convenience of those liges and services that are to be retain Dr Richard Beeching the man the British government hired away from grivate Industry to diagnose the chronic inancini iii of the staterun railway system has rendered his verdict in 80000word report Since its establishment in Barrie the YMCA has been severely handicapped for space but it has done remark ably tlne job wlth facilities available It has carried on many recreational pr0 gums or all but the very yuung and provided space for 33 nonaffiliated groups to run programs of their own Gordan Patterson and other mem bers of the board of directors d9 nerve warm commendation for taking thednltlntive to provide facilities so urgently needed In Barrie hunched this week in Barrie The ob jective is to raise 347500010 build new YMCA program and administrative centreyon threeacre site near Grove and Bayfieid streets to serve the city and district uIEJullluvc ysuuuc nuuuua au urgently needed in Barrie Since its establishment in Barrie the YMCA has been severely handicapped for space but it has done remark ably fine job with facilities available it has carried on many recreational pro grams or all but the very young and provided space for 33 nonaffiliated groups to run programs of their own In campaign of this nature moral support will not be enough Money is the pressing need if this ambitious rm ject is to be realized Doo ey Greer and 424 picked canvassers are on the job to put the objective over the top They will call on everyone from the business and industrial executives to housewives Both cash and pledges will be acceptable Tough Dedision For Mac YMCA DeservIeSWSupport In Majdr Fund Campaign camgaign which deserves the Sup genurgcgmgmnlpy has beqn The Reaching Plan It has been esll The Banie Examiner Walls pubuxher mm EXamï¬trr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by Cancun Nawsplpen Limited 16 Bayfleld Strut Bum Ontario ubllxher an Slught Genml Minner munsnn MAY 1a ma mu MORI AID llnlllnx Ihronlclovllrrnldf The mod lo npond onInn uh money wholy and otllclonlly In cmphuued cor rmly hy mnny In lho lrnlnm lhul mrh mnnuy badly upon In not only wulclul but Immlul from more lhnn one MM View Surely howuvor me an onounh uanlul Ind nucaury thing In An In lho undmltvolnwd rnunhiu In warrant 3mm In generality lmnglnluvoly lppUOdA The view In now held In many qunnm lhnt lhn Franc River waterway nhnuld he opened or plenum bouts which hrcomn lrnmcndmuly numnrou In In past few yearl lpeclll hml rallwn would rnnxgorl Ihuo vmels over Hnl pnrllon of mule whrru might bu xlIchull In pm in canal Anolhcr group which Is Ind has been runhlng lhln Idcn In tho North Bay and lslrlcl Chamber of Commmol The chamber In llrcclly wnccrncd wllh lhu Mrclch connncllng Lake Nlpmlnz wllh Genralln Bay commmco has been let up under Um chairmanship of Mayor An In Clmp bell of lembroku to urge Idop on lhl pmjcct by pravlnclll Ind 211ml govern men and now lho plnn include mwa mule from Montreal to GeorglIn my Acllon It the eanlern end Includca ruxoluuon passed last week by meet Inn of uomu 110 pmons mm communlt In In Iha Upper OllIwn VIllay to range oi our guns when they were mown down like grain But thousands more came and eventually they succeed ed in pressing our lines back over the bodies at their dead Do not worry about the war We are yet far from beaten and the Americans have yet to begin Do not let anyone tell you we are losing ior we have been winning irom the start June 22 tired as date to start registering every man and woman in Dominion of Canada between ages of 16 and 60 Walter Scott of Bar rie named chief registrar for South Sim toe hi mdhope oi Orillia for East Simcoe Several aircraft from the Royal Flying Corps training base at Camp ilonre Bordent ran into trouble last week Rising irom landing field on Dyments farm young iiot tailed to clear telephone wire an crashed iii lane was wrecked but he was not urt One hour later another fell into Mr Bayllss field on Tililn St and turn ed over but this student was not injur ed either On Saturday morning Cadet Cecil Farrow just arrived at Camp iioare struck poplar tree in Barrie air rounds ills machine was suspended the tree but he got out and dropped to the ground fourth plane was dam aged when it landed in an ltiiandaie bog with engine trouble but luckily again the student was uninjured The big question now is whether Prime Minister hecmiiians Conservative gov ernment government which must go tothe polls next year and which has al reedy suffered major loss in po ular ity as result of the Common harket negotiation reverses can see its way clear to put the reï¬ort into practice if it does it may we be beaten It the polls next year it does not the British railways will no doubt continue to wniiow in chronic deficits mated will result in the loss of 70000 railway jobs in thenext two or three ears and possibly as mlny 150000 10b by 1970 For this reason of course has the unanimous opposition of the tall labor unions involved The YMCA of course is not an organ izslion solely for the benefit of weight lifters distance runners Ind gymnnsts It offers wellrounded program which stresses both physical md spiritual vai nesmihers is little wonder then that thé has tie su port of most 20 in in the community Obviously the new building will vo much greater opportunities to Id to services Ihleld lha Clly lmrhom In whkh Tnnl lYnIanlly In In hnvo In home lhl Hun wnvy blue llnu In II you guml Iymhnllc nl mu larva And In Omnan lllnr whlr flu rmmcnl the unl verny In In Indl 1m award whim puu nu II lhu word of Snmuel dc hlmplnln than mulv mm irnrllun nu In um dnwn Iha Olonnhu nml mnl Blur lyllnnl Tm nnnl II lhmlm uymhollc nl lhc mu Mllnrlc rrmrd ol lhc mlon well he umuuul qllllllhl II mun hlmplllm 1M Ihlehl IholQ Ivy rrlnllnn In Ihu ran at ml at Ifllllmmfllh null relllamhlp VIM lhr rommlmHy uhlth Ihr found ha unhmlty hnpe will ll Inn In Hm cnnlltllrlllnn nl lho ruAl of mm rummllm MM iovvrnnn unL vmlly he nymhnll In all mm mm Inmnwlm mm or Trml Unlvmlly rnnmmd Ml lhl rm mllhllu Hun 1M luunl hnr you will like wmlml In lhll flamuol flu 01m plnln mum nu bnlh nllh dul ully limh Emil Am In lht lmlrlonl 14 Mail II Mum ll roflllu Jul manly Iml ynur pdlla April ms lllled Curlmu Symbnl whlch qurl llom lhu aymbnllxm the roll at Irma Trcnl Unlvmlly Mny hr allowrd In tummnnl on lhl orgln ql hymn nl le bur slr nw retard or Mr Pursnnl discussion hen Ihowcd lhnl no llrm decision wm ex ndcd none were nchleved In ad none could be nchlmd But the Inlnrmnl mendJen talks are nnw considered hm In have been resounding luc tm And Brllnln In delighted mu he llnl lnlernallonll Icl In new Prime Mlnlmr cl Canadn wan to come htre lo 101qu lhe Id llnkl ol lrusl worthy relllneo between lha lwa munlriu wuum Mczs Mr Furan hld mnl ldVI or comlnl lo Brlmn The ngM Hnn Lesler Bow Ies Pearson scemld to mod lhl exhausllon or his lllCUDn cam paign and he Wonlc of hl mlnnrlly position whun hls RCAF Yukon pllna landed him at London limon HI well known arln man an Brllnin lrnm every newspaper Ind won or hlm new nlcknlme Smiler Mike lull bum on imam would one hudune and Smher he became Just hours laler he Ilsa heclmu The 111th Honorhie through belnl honnnd by Ip palnlmenl 1h Privy Council of the Unllnd Kingdomu lhls mlumn had predlcled the pre vlflxs day PATRICK NICHOLSON LONDON ENGLAND TM capital Ll once more warmed by heamnln auushlne me Ill worst wlnler In three cell turies But added In It natural cheer mulllmlored aprlnl is new wellspring hope ubnut Cnnadl liter whnl mm Brn ï¬sh leaders now Inc in rem wet as winter discon len which mounted aver thn 35 PW OTTAWA REPORT MIROIHMTE RVMHOLI TRENT UNIVERSITY Britons Are Impressed By Lester Pearson LETTERS TO EDITOR ninnnin ALAS MY POOR BROTHER HKWURR MUIIIKM nlu Junnun Ioltphnnl Mm mny llm lnxlmu mnlMu up ulnr mm on whmnhnuu and III hlltlnn III school munlm wnrlï¬lpber II mu In God uhm In pnnnn Mm ull In Ilnccr mmmllmml MI In lull II lull llomv nm podu an mood In rpmluly lunvdrenched pl wrlla II that un Ida And 1mm wlll now lo nlhrr Imp la MI new pul lun or Inmhemm Iddl rnuld nuhlhh mw uml lo lnlrrdewndmu In In Wulvm lurid Thnl II he Imlnrlunnu Im prmlon ï¬ï¬‚fldln mm pecln wrnnlly nr Humuh lnll Ur nueommunlullonm ten Innulhlnl Ion of lhl Com lth durlnl mm SpecificHy Mm Wm lhe mmylnlnu Mind on very prominent aura hero wu flunntd by IM cnlnluuun The all of South Mrlu mm lho Commanwullh the Inllm lo take my 11 In after urlllln Inlmru In our mulull dlmncl ol lrndo lhn Cllllll my nrllhh lnv enl an MI by lhl Coynn In lho conlml holwt Cnnndnl anomlc Ilnflllllon and nlhnr Vulrrn nnloM Imam lhe mum low of dlurunllcd Immlmnu 1h vlnllnl owollllan In flrllllnl enlry Into lhl commun mum noncooperation In Mum And In Irmnmmln wllhln In M10 lrnmowark 111m um Jml nu My cflllrhml Tlklnz lo Brllnnl and Guam dlan here lorry plclur n1 Cnnndl emerge of mum lhl lmdlllonllly reserved Enlllahv mIn ltmpm hit when wxlh hll usnll wellmannered mHe um but one can mmpcnsuln nr Ml underllnlamenl Perkpl tho mood ghoul Cln win lalrly Iummtd up In pram 1mm newmnpcr conlrnllmi by lh Cnnldinn pnhlsher Roy 11mmson thll rdcmd lo lhu quarrel And lemlon lhll oncn nnhnpplly chlmlrrltad min rtlnllom wlul nrllaln Ind htr other amen durlnl lhc le 3an of Mr Dlzfenhkrrl dmh luvHy rule BIBLE THOUGHT ll ll lnlerullnl lo neck llu Inswer how thI could be In line mull Lb brch And dc tislanlm lnllu whlch lllr Pear Iun held with Brllllns Prime Mmlmr Macmillan Ind MI key mlnlsleri my Pnomam BritIn pauln through mma anxious flux The col lapse bar hope or early en lry Into the common mum and Inxkly lbuut her nuulur mIe In NAN poxe ha most mmcdmu of her many rob lemx Somehow ll all Cunadl can help In um olher mlllzrl an old Mend thn he rived II Canadl House lo hold unwell press conference he wnlked Into the bulldln where he had worked lhmuzh those lrlendxhl bulldlng dnyl ol the blllx An Landau dld not overlook ho Ilgnlllunt lac lhll he wu Immplnled by Normln Roberlson hnw deputy mlnlller or externll Iflllll who WI pumr Ind IUC cesslul Cllll ll lIlKh commlb slumr here In the post war WE Thln In the MI rocket whlch llllcd nlronlul Gordon Cooper nnd hll Fullh capnuln Into orbll on Wednesday The IIqu rnrkc znamlnu Into 5pm mnv unnmnnplacu as far he average viewrr ll cnnccrnml Novnrlhulm 1an urli ml 5pm Inc It DriNafs Leave Your Lighis 0n oven durlnu periods 01 good vlnlhll lly lla cultr to pal an coming vnhlcle ll llxhl an The Frncflre was pmlcuA lrly hu plul lo lho dxlm checkinu whelhcr lhn rund nhnnd In den bctorc pulllnl out In puns rm In tho Unllnd 51m had found lho practice valuable safely lac lor Mn Flnklemnn uld In An lnlnrvlew here Some Cnnndlnn drl ml hnvn mingled ll WINNIPEG lCP Flnklcmnn pruldcn ma Cn undlan Assuclalion Optnme Irlsls my hIJ orznnlmllon has enduricd lumesllon thnl mol urhls drive wIIh hudunhu on duflng dayllghl hours By THE CANADIAN PRESS An Imperial orderincomi cli wn gassed 91 yam nun Inday in 1571 Iuthnriz ini the Idmlssiun ni British Ca umbin in the Dominion oi Cnnndu Vancouver in land ind been annexed to the colony oi British Cnium bin in use but it hccnme nicer that wider union was necessary in nave Ihu nulld rniony imm economic dis ieri Negotiation iur union wllh Cnnadn were pushed Ind ihn union became eiiec live In Juiy iiili I075 Venezuela klllcd nn Permnl 1770 Mnric Antoine married Dania XVI an go up TODAY IN HISTORY Anrearthv am 11 bolnmbla esllmnled 10000 SYMBOL 0P PROGRESS IN SPACE 71m in onnnsod MW and ML trr and uomnumcs ensllr way In nur hcnllh prohlcml Thousand upon lhausnnds of ulcers have been healrd mu of conservative lrenl mom and In Inn process um um have learned cw hula lhumzs xuch how lo llvo morn ngxlbxy should not um on just any ulcer The Imxlnl lrenl menl has in be properly pm armed or there can be compli cations rcqulm holh spec lnlicd sklll and can monk Can enyy 15 ml On Ihc average It not yet known how mun mulu can he capcrlcd In last and ncilhrr can It pusslbly be known unlll some years cl cxporlcnca are nvnilnbln haw oflon lha proce dule lean hr rcpcqlpd Perhaps we could compare phllosophlcally nnwny dmllc rcduclnn dim whlch mnko lhe pnllen lhEd some might but dont lcach Mm how to keep lllofl allnrwud ll new lechnlqua nurfnn lmnginlflve one But II not qulck and easy way of end nx everybodyl ulcers By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dru Dr Molnen Whit II your opinion ha method of lreellnz pepllc ulcers Um have ncenlny heard and read about Where In the hearts hul piul equipped to da hmLG Yes ivVe heard ubouk read ubou ll Ind discussed lhm nr lndlcallnns for usr ol lhls mclhad chiefly cm which bleed or cause lrnclnhle paln And when historically ln cllnnd theres Hlxlorlc Ontario 01d Upper Cnnndn Wall seem lhnl perhaps paihy should he mended Nahum be Wankelml people number them hnva alaver your particular no mlion or Interest it seems tha department probably has pub lication or yoq AI taxpayer you pay or use anyway you know So there no call to be shy aha Inr morn Wlul cerlnln pride the Liber al havo le word out that they expect number or pro fessor la be candidate In the my rclecllon TORONTO thought or this lime or yumwhen hollday plans are being made The department at lravtl and publicity has hull up really lamnrkabln library nl publicl Dfll They nu ma or the uklnl lu5l by wrlllnl tho depart ment of travel Ind puhllclly Province Ontario ParlluA mfg Bulldlngs Torontos 119 man than Iwa dawn booklels and pamphlets vary mm Rdmhinx OnlndoCan ldnl Vnrlely Vacltlanland la Ipuinl publication or ynchly men campers yen kflera alley gtc TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH QUEENS PARK Skill Is Needed To Freeze Ulcers Ivory Tower Place For The Professors By DON OIIEARN roprmnla manl everpruning desire or new Ichlnvomnnll or dlncoverm far Illd beyond th enrlhbound home Every hour of every day brlngn clom Immo the trnfuullll InyflNIM of the unlvorun am llllu cllmlylng rack is one of the mean by which wo will nchlm our Ambluonl lYm Iho 14 ln Cholcslcrol dncml dlmlly hm any hcnrlnu on he Amount nl uercm you can like on hns heart rondlllun muln mrrim mlnht ho lnndvhlhla So nak your doclur about ht dancInu llnr Dr Malnrr You wrole lhnl exercise ls good lar peo ple wllh hlzh cholesterol Would dnnclnx be harmful Am 60 nnd have lmrdrnlnz of he Ir lcrin LIL Extrclsc II on maul can diuon nvnlml Loss or welzhl dxrl and medication nra olhm To question where the nearest hospllfll equlpped tn da Ihls hm In malrupolllan lor lrcallnz his ultcn can It himand aim decide whether lurh lrtalmml is wnrrlnled Th reeling technique is an example it hu been eiicciivl in cases which have dciied Ilm pinr lreaimrnl which or vnrlaly oi reasons shuuid bu rind iirsi Or LG does not hue doctor and ham Isnt uslllnl the pram canvcnllnnal mal menl or ulcerswhy not know that name doctor and not without reason but railed azalan articles on novel method which hava emphn med lhe dramallc cell but no pointed out limitl Honi think these new dlscoverlu mould he reporlcd hul with rcgsanthe Illrflllll Am howeven dISIrened about the leclinz Um evcrylhlnl can be mad easy It cant Lilo lsgljlku that They place In govern mentas advisers on their Ip clnlllu But represent llvu he peupla hey rully are only lulled Lo repment other profane Inlallluence Ind my mm In esscmlnl comrlbuuan Ilke loud and um we panl Alan with out them The most nolablu experiencu was In 1955 when then ludar Farquhar Oliver rccmlted Pro lessor Marcus Lang of Ihe Unl verslty of Toronto to ldvlso him and la druhand write hi elm Uon plgyonn or him Mr Oliver was very proud the association But the mult lnn pllflorm was probahly lhc mos Incflcctlve pallllcn docu ment In all Canaqunhislqg By the nature 01 thelr profeuora are ivory people The Ippllqun lrull or their mom unplher breed But In the uxï¬crlencu ml wrller lens ey main about lhu worst prucllcal pollllcllnl yog cgnld hope lq llrgd We havu Eire Ilngularly 1m ollhgm El my Leghlntgg From limo In limo ho CCI ran vnrlaus pmleuoru lhrunxh on he prnvlnce and the wet dlmngulshed by total lck ol Augean 91g pola And the Liberals luvs Ind various flirtation wlth them mauxh they new not put them lanyard as candidates calling lnwer of the let to rnm We