mu rum IILM uronv or FATHER WHO MUST EXPOSE 70 OMALL TOWNU OUTRAOED Wm mo Low nunn Mockingbird IWWWMUPNWDHNWMWWTEFUIK mWMWLWIWWROIWWVLiMWUHIlW HID CHILDREN mumono AND CAN ONLV PHOYECT THEM mu To kl Vï¬wnmrhlflhqdmm Aurvlml hy MK hrulIur flay nrlhrlllv Mr Mrermnn nllrn lsllmi Um llnllwull ImmL nl Gllfunl Thu curly yrs Ilfc Wm mpvnl nl Imlmy uhcrr hh Innm lnnmll lwnllwrinlnw Ihv Tum hl II living in Inmnm GILFORI fsprciuh The uncrnl mvlrc Kmuulh Mchnnun was luId Tarnnlo Mny Hunnd Interment Hm Slxlll Jnn Ccnmrry In Mr lclrnnun wu nunml Auptrmtcndcm of IMF Shun mcnl hrixllnn Amclnlinn nl Snndinalllnad Tnmnln SIMCOE CWFred Milchcll Pctligrew nl slmcnc vua cammlucd Io Onlmia Huspilnl nr 60 days alter he pleaded guilty In magistmlcs cnurl Tuesday to assault musinn hml Hy hnrm to his nincmnnlhold daughgcr clllurcw was churned ullur his wlIe luok lhclr dauphlcr Carnlyn tn Dr KciHI Mnlnlnsh because he bahy all lending and not gulninu wolgm normally lhc mull wus mm The Sirhmc dads lisllliuivhe found ml the childs IBM IIEII Innisfil Burial For McLennan TODAY RCAF Station Cnmp Burden The Air Ofï¬cer Commanding RCAF Tralnln Command Alr vice Marshal Cnrscnllen DFC CD conduclcd his annunl lnspcctifln of ECAF Slallon Camp Bardnn Tuesday This will he Frnlurr 700 And IDJD 15 IF MM Il AWARD INVLUIHNU ll ACTON Father Committed To Hospital ï¬tter Injuring Baby Daughter Am VICE MARSHAL Car Icallcn shown inspecting RCA Slallun Camp Borden Band Len to right are Sal Air Vice Marshal Inspects Borden Brigadlcr General Sawyer left 15 Army Transportation School takes the salue as Royal Canadian Army Service Corps troop GREGORIY PECK ILS OFFICER TAKES SALUTE SIDT TIMWLEHS WASHINGTON AP fltp rmnluuve Paul Hogan Drm FIaJ wld Tutsdny hm Smivl slung Irnwlcrl hrnvlly mnippnl Mlh hï¬lvum IEVICCI um spulhd lhls murninu In US wnlcrx mulhrrn Flar MIL Ho llllnnlfllllIl In Hausa nl Hrpmcnlamcs Humll than the vmmml In wxxwlhlmz nhnul inlnlimu 05 lurilnrlnl wn Ins and like allI1 lo mum npc unurrnll umrr ppm llnm will my InuiMo Smlcl union an mum mm the court Ihv baby has nlmosl recovered Ixnm lhc Injurch sun mulequ me he dld no lhmw he hnby hul dld sqyrozqril In later slncmunsv Pctllgrcw will In lml cnnlral nI hlmsclf Mhun the baby lacgun to cry Imd lhxcw her gains the door Sandman lcsxllled was fruclurcd Lulcr at the hos pital he llscmcrcd lhe child had bum bones of bolh arealms Mn ribs hrokcn and had suffered In rnnl ch injuries mane Inhlc Cyr Sumltrsun sum Pcfllurcw 1qu hrs old him he haby had IuIIun out of her lnlhcrn hands and slruck door March he farewell visit of the Alr 01 lccr Commanding us he retire 1mm lhcARCAF In July or Ms your alter 31 years service He arrived at 11 am and was me by the Commanding Ofllcer Cnmp Bordcn Group Captain lllllon CD and other sen lor ofï¬cers After Inspecting the Guard Honnur Commandcd by Flylng Juicer Larrlgan Richardson bundmasler Fa Larrlgan Guard Ccmmandcr and AVM Car scnllen RCAF Photo march by in ceremony at Camp Borden General Saw yer attended the RCASC Corps Memorial Day activities as the ï¬rst slnge of his fiveday visit to Camp Borden based IIIIII ADULT 0X IIFFNH 15 an RTMITI AT DUNK litchamp uwa milMIME Maw Anna mu ni During the day he visited all RCAF Masses and ni pm was the guest of hanuur at reception and dinner at the Oil iccra Mess He dammed Wednesday mor ning In relumlo Training Cam mand Headquarters at Vlnnlpcl Gunn SL Banla the Mr Vlce Marshal was conducted on station Inspection WED THURS FRI RCASC units Co Heu chan CD Commandant of the RCASC School accompanied General Sawyer at the salut Ing base Nnï¬onal Denan Photo DRIVEIN THEATRE Bax 05 om um um mu pIn THURS FRI SAT DRIVEIN sï¬iie W6 mm Llllle full Summrr and Hmok Adul llul The Mule Sum1 SHANTY BAY Hwy 11 Gulhrln muni HURONIA Allo Pliylnu LONDON lREulCrBThflmfll Gnlhnflh tamer clvll lord the admiralty has menu libel suit against The Dally Ex press spokesman fur the newspaper said Nesday nlnht anu eacn yvmne fabulous lineup KINSMEN Thurs May 16 8pm HELP KIN ENTRY FORMS AND FULL DETAILS AVAILABLE WHERE YOU SHOP WHITE SWAN mm mm you Md In In maunm wm am mammmowum Mo novalynch mm qua PAPER PRODUCTS 50947557 qposzs MAY 3m 1963 STARTS LIBEL SUIT nqumu amnuelm uulb mauualvnul nlndmnunlm IMP IAJSIIIIDMTIIVI 0M ylll In whlll nu 11 llhll vll Illnl Clmdl Ml Ian H0lDAYS HOLIDAY ANYTIME 68 Your holiday hostl wagguy ODD FELLOWS HALL 10 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES JACKPOT $23000 $1500 Conlelfllon Frlu Every Thunday Nlï¬ht ls Kinsmen Bingo Night Galbraml held the post the clvlllun hand or duran the period when Wlllnm John Vnsrll hwy clerk seni enced 18 years In prison RussianInlelllgenco agent Inst Icarï¬warkud ln Galbraiths oh HELP mamas WM IM aucm ENTER NOWI and each yvinner recejves this fabulous lineup of prizes Mndo In Canada by Tho Eddy Company Vuuniiswn 10 2Wuk Malay Tourq ma nulomablla lrom Kllllmly Muunllln lad oluxulloul deu led alyaurtfll on Io wry nan mm on Gnomlm ay when null and Eon your mm mm on Inlovmnlfly vnlun Superb Funch cuulna Indoor unnduhln Iplfllll Dlldplul $50 hm wular spam and unluvpuud Hanm any lot mull ladglnu and Iunl Wlmml Mil vuullon mly haoll flu Alluvial 000 Cull Mu plul Innu bonull 9mm cllydluomlhlunlquocullumofold lunch Cnuudn In Quebecu charming lunoundlnnl Youll an my cum camiafl at ulnllngullhnd Chmnu mullnuc Kllluny Muunllln lad oluxulloul deu nan mm on Gnomlnn when anhly and Inlovmnlfly vnlun Superb Funch cuulna Indoor lumwularlponund unluvpuudlllhma Eniumux Lulu 0H cw pollhnnll and Idlnu lull aw ol Iha Icllvulu you an Inlayav anew you mm valuing In luxurian luvroundmgl Spoclnl 55 HamIla CruInombuklnu Aunuul 31d lor flu clan 1qu 1an dn ImmMonmallochnvlolloxnwnmolumlo onlwfll duluu 0mm Eilxaholh Ham ovum 2Wauk MonlmlaupoMnlllmu TourII complnlolmld mom Cnnnda puckngutour by CM Youll an ha ll ham and III Hahn and mom luv my but ucunlanl and ally Ilnhlucolnn to manaud luv you nlnln Innan Inland wanduland In MuIlmkuI huulllulLaln mum ï¬n wflulnmh 20 CONSOLATION PRIZES51 you pick from this list of exciting CANADIAN VACATIONS Wardroboallowancel $25000 pqgkol mopey and $10000 PIGK PACK H0lDA Eï¬igréï¬i CASH BONUS THEY TOOK IHE CURE FOR EA ayr sooN GOT um FAMILIAR FEELING 5414 MPERIAI THEATRE ESLIE PHILLIPS STANLEY mm TONIGHT ONLY Mlle Inn In rWIMMIMMII minim ml Ml umlm mun plownow THE SKY ABOVE AND BELOW RESTRICTED um mmn mm mm THE HARE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY 15 1M Munch SIndlalhvllllng combinaflonohuwa banzhcnmblnn mall mm mm1M an Roch lnnlhn Launnllm pllyamund un moullovnnllln rldlnaand wmrl am Dhm uhlm nulladln Mum Monalhu am at Incomplmblu LII Oulmal And Idling nlahl Illa Culnu bonzhcomhln all lllhlnu Ind rulouu laano IIvlnu In Onlulo maulcal nauhwaa 8L hwnncISuul Tlrnnlle Luxualousw CARSON RIVIERA LUGGAG En mulchud Bï¬locla in malchad Iqu of canon Rlvlam Luawol PLUS sum Jnmu NTan any Halant BEYOND ALL LIMITS