Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1963, p. 4

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lllh AM luv IN Cumin flltlv Ntllolrll Pu rllllnn Th LMIIIII hon IM Lhwlmuu hill OMIIIM In IM DY III II lvrnrhl In Ith In MW in win mMn wlm um Ilu IM lull ml Mum mull MN Un Ham Alllhuflufl uma elm mH rm le mumm Dluul m1 uymm mun In MM mun Humm ma mum llollan IINNKI mu nun lulnm Murmur nu mm rlulul mum mul II um ml mum In pllnl my nm In unity um mm In 0mm no ma Im an mum II an mu nq mu II UI AMIMI ule THE COST GOES UP iurlph Mercury An Irony of Vovurnmenl ownership of puhllc umqu ms been lllficlosfll In 10 nnnnunccmenl by Ina mayor of Vancouv er that he wlll Mk III pruvlnuinl gnvcrm mcnln IlyllloIcctrlc cnrmmtinn ex plnln why his elcclrlc lluh bill In no hlgh lhc Irony Ix Ilml when tho Hrnhh Cnlumbln unvunnwnl nxprnprlnlul tho Lang portrayed stranger lrom lrlseo Olher characters were lnyed by Joe rne Ernesl Rivard linrlan Mclnnis lenry Mclnnis Lillian Haskell Lena Gill Gilbert Carpenler Vllllam lllpkln llrlhur Quinlan and Norman Osborne Joe lll kln was slaue manager Orches lra ine nded Mrs Willlam Grassland 100 Saw Camilla Kavanaflh Charles llinds Constance lllnds Frank lllelnnls Nora Gnilfoyle and Anllwny Cancillar nnr rle Kiwanis Club presented Regiment of No in Town Hall larcleal comedy in ccied lloraeu Wilson orllzanlsl of Cal ller Un ted Church Lead 10 or played William Cralg llarrf lwlss Cll lnrd Graham Tllllon Elrlck Walls lrank Cralg lllra learl larr llilss Barrlc Examiner lllay 10 1028 St Marys Parish Hall packed two nights for Under Western Sklcs muslcal drama with local talent dlrcctcd by Father Brennan Lead role was taken by ChmHo Saso n5 cowbo shcrllr Leading lad was llllss lllnry avnnagh as Pretty ranc owner ln comlc rules were lom McCar lhy as shadfv1 western lawyer and Gerald palsy usAC lncsc ranchcqok Vllllam 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN it will ever be bus The effect 01 gov ernment ls cumulative It builds up slow ly and any changes that are made must of necessity be minimal During the six years under the Tories Canada had In incl liberal government The policy As Mr Pearson gets further into this matter of government he will find there are man other aspects of pollc erected during previous administrat on which must be continued the Quebec Chron icleTelegraph predicts For instance he is iindln that he has to iollow along fairly vel In the wake of the Progres sive Conservatives in the matter of dairy support just as the Tories were obliged to continue the Liberal policies they in herited six years ago rnmotion mi cated ls administration will continue the trade promollon efforts Inilinlcd by the Pro gressive Conservative party Election oratory never settles anything The roblems of the countr still remain and ave to be solved in th regard It is of interest tonoie that Prime Minister Pearson admits he is happy to acknow ledge the achievements the previous administration in the matter of trade the issue Mr Gulndon said Speak ing as one of Ontarios native sons of French descent mustexpress deep regret and concern in the determ nation of certain groups of poo le particularly in the younger age brae et to do away with Confederation am strong he liever in Confederation as founded by Sir John lilacdonald and Sir Georges Etlenne Cnrtien Separation from Confederation is in itself contrary to the FrenchCanadian way or life However it must be stated that there are today several separatist groups particularly in the province of Quebec It is signlilcant to note that these groups do not even get along between themselves The issue of separatlsm in Quebec must be removed but that cannot beac complished by acts of Violence or terror ism Recently voice was heard in the Ontario Legislature ap eniing for reason on the art oi those are advocating WW my in the younger age bracket to do away with Confederation am strong he liever in Confederation as founded by Sir John lilacdonaid and Sir Georges Etlenne Cortien Separation from Confederation is in itself contrary to the FrenchCanadian way of life However it must be stated that there are today several separatist groups particularly in the province of Quebec it is significant to note that these groups do not even get along between themselves It is said there is no feeling of separat ism man the French who llvo outside Quebec ey too would like to see the sEread of blculiuralism but they know at this will be gradual accomplish ment by people determined to make the best of the fact that they are living to gether in nation where many languag es are spokenbut where the peoplojoln in working together for the glory of Canada Canadas Problems Remdin Quebec Separatism Calls For Strong Voices Of Reason The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher Tfiarrin Examinpr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by Canadian Newspapersumued 16 Bnyfleld street Banla Ontario Dllsher Brian Slalght General Manage WEDNESDAY MAY 15 Pnu¢ Winnipt no Slr John Man nnahl dhl Iml lhnk llul bnfmlvrnlinn was no solemn that ll should lmnlsh WM and humor Ho did not wnmso nnbrlcly wllh luck run Them wnuld lxtymnrv npnrkla lo cam paign tho splrll lulngvlar Mac dunald mu mum In uvlduncu or rum he were pr vnlu clllxnn hr ml on brushoff but In hlu nmm pmltlon ho unn hardly be Ignor cd lhu lnrhlnnl omphnslm lho Incl lhnl mhllc nwnnrnhlp land In Icnvn the pub Ic vllh Ins In any In lhu aperatlnn publlc ullllllu nu ummumuu llll lmloyumlnnl board that had been Wait uln nver consumer prlccn or elec rlclly ow owcr buyer have mmpo tllcnl nulllnrl lo WMLh lhrv mny nppcnl or prolrcllun or oven Infnnnnllon In Mklng nhnm hln own llght blll Vancouv ern mnyur npmrcnlly rrllrcla VIIID nprcml 5mth Nnnml nr luformnllon an In Imw line llydro mlm llngmv mm In mules ur of Barrie Furnishings don lam ll Vright Land donat iilLCarthr nted by wn ed Murchison iown Coun recldes call vqu of ratepn crs or $55000 to enlarge Barrie Collar ate Ratepayers of SS innlsili llyieagh turned out in largo numbers at Barrio Police court to hear two assault charges nvolvin student teacher school trus tees nm ratepayers 800 Snowbnlit Vnh opened his new Sunrise Cntc in Bar rle and donated llrsl dnys proceeds to Childrens Aid lied Dclnneys Mid hurst Forestry softball team beat Mine sing by one run in opening game Crnwiord pitched lor ltidhurst Dr Ron ald for ltllneslngi iloherl Peacock Kirk up and McKee rero halting stnrs Pud dy MHex was the shortest hut instest hnso runner in the league inst season and hasnt slowed up More than 100 couples ntlended lliay Ball at Bnrrio Armoury held by llnyni Cnnodlnn Corps of Signals Crimp ilorden privately nwnml ILC Electric Complny hm years back Hm lakeover lcglslnllon removed power mm from the Jurlsdlcl lulzllc Ullllllcs Cpnun galon nn Frankle Cam bell llllss Janet Campbell and llllss Lou se llurlburt Merchants jolncd ln Sho lng Week Lelghton McCarthy formally opened new nurscs rcsldenco at Royal Vlclorla llos pllallln mpmoryof l1ls fathqr Dr The task government is not an easy one Mr Pearson enters on his term as prime minister with wide selection of supporters and wellwishers Like his redeeessor he will find that these will egln to all away Ii he tries to be univ ersally popular he will accomplish lit tie it he tries to serve the eneral inter est he will drop his popu srity just as surely as Mr Dieienbsker did Be that as it may the record most likely will in dicate that he is passing on to his suc cessors some admirable achievements ust as the Diefenbaker administrallon as done We think too that as ML Pearson gels furlhnr into the operations of gov ernment that he will find that the Pro gressivc Conservative party had many admirable achievements many more than he was prepared to acknowledge during the heat 01 the election campaign ior even during the weeks leading up to slm ly extended what had been establish ed earlier years And as the new ad ministration pursues lls policies we may presume that the outlook will become in creasineg liberal There is throu hout the notion some accord to the ole ms of French Canada to greater recognition of bilingualism and hlcuituraiism but separation is not the means of achieving that recognition Prime Minister Pearson has promised action to meet the desires oi the ple of Quebec and such action shoui he awaited No steps taken eon ulckly meet the needs and there is helet that the eotpie of Quebec in the main realize that ac symKLa meow 00m munhlu lull pml nu mm Itllml rimIn lho mm llnlun Nurwly lim nmk Ind Wm Gummy T11 Allva In uponum Ivy lCNArlm lnlunlllanl Com nnndnn 11 In Immw Ilnnl puma In llel dlmml by Dr Nu fnuylnII mun omnmr In rhm the lu Mdlnn nmum Nnanrrh llaudn Allnnllc onnnnluphlc vuup hem DARTMOUTH Nfl YI fihlp null ICIMIIIII of olghl Mr UOIII will held or In Nunlh Mlnmlc Im lhll mnnlh In un mum numh mmy lln lllh yolrnllll cl Intland wnlmv Thu Aldermen Iucd up us In an warm lhnlr own Im on Hnllly IIncUoninl he dlll Tm concrmul Wlll hnl Burl cu vuy Hula hmm 1mm lhln publlullan 0M mtmbrr said In mancy cauld hnu bun mad lo Mllrr Idvmlue Ixy plylnx far llln nenr th way too deplcunl lhl Indululll Advnnluu any Anulhtr duw nucnllon lo the lcl lhll ll lul mnp Included phalm graph pravlnrlI 11mm mu nur lhn Mme Illxhwny Mmowhnl polnlodl hl rrnmk ed lhll lhn pmlnu mm In sum mlnon In my fur ll own advmmnz ll MnM bmuuhl nul haw mr llul mm lhln kind an Ono llcm whlch pramplrd cnmldcrubla Amount Ildcrv manic ornlory tumemu wo thlrd page of Idverlmnz In lourm man of unaralnn llny um publilhed by nu Geornlnn my Development AI aorlallon prlcu two CONT OF TIME Tho mcrllnn council ll which he YI Men recclved per mlnlun Io Imlnll mmurzd mllo Ilznl wu normal In caulk cl lullnn no mvod prool nunln that can never nrwdlcl what mhjccl wlll pm moln monl dehutn Greenland Being Investigated To See Why Fish Stocks Vary nw an we can look or morn people Ilcpplnl out wonder lhnl downtown Ilnrtkelperl did not think IM ldu helm Nuw lhey cm mm more wlndowahnpplnl Ind more or he lthumly plce aljrcuulomgblll days The Banlo YI Man lrue to their name luv arranged much alrnplrr and 1m Ilrlnuoun teal ul andunnce They hm melvcd ermhllnn lrnm lha Banlo cly muncll lo place measured mlla Ilzn on Dun lap Bayllcld and Bradford Ilrceu wllll qunrlen Ind hIll mllo Kuduallons THE PURPOSE The purpoul Ta cntaurnxe Boonie lo wnlk more llllyor Cooke other mnmbcrl ol clly council and lame ol lho Yl Mon lrled out llle llnl mile earllcr lodny Thty repoer lhclr mnalllullcnal novel and lnngnrlllnll By MEPIIERSON US President Kennedy nan ed somelhlng when he said It welllrnlncd marine should bo Ible to walk 50 mlles day wilhoul vlsiblo all dlalrm The pmldenl probably did not hlnk his remark would be Iken nerloluLv by the clvlllnn population hi counlry but It wu Soon people look Wmlla walk and most hem muck oul Ilka lh hlllcu wonder at bueball EDITORS NOTEBOOK President Kennedy Started Something able Clth hit lunfnld lllhr In lhe mqu Um pm llnHlll MM can In nrnlrd IIII movldo mw huh lnl mum hvr nu rwnndrd Ianan llerl II Annw lunar II mlll Mu dun human ruch nwny lrum wnlm lua dlllln film by hr Tumplmll III law who In Nu ImnlAmI um Ivy mm lmrlfln rulll llllvlnl Illulnd In an lmumnl dam bjrdlu of he Ilmly mm III cnvar 1mm mun 1an nrrnn II In erllllnn uhy Huh Ihnkl In lilrcnYAIuI wIm my IncHy rum rar lo yran mlnlnn or Nurflmul Allnnllc thrm conblow ellmt lo nu your htll muclu wlll muka Inllrr your hm upnrlly Menu wllh tmphymnn and IN II mm mm lumrm nllhml Mum nuny ul lhrm dnvclop cmphymlm hm II Imporlnul la um lha lung lo the but effect paulbla under ho clrcumnlnnm you can learn In hrcnllvl moro mmclly Many Ilrudy Inns dons lIvcn whllo mmy all inln III dalnu much of uur hm hlnl will 1le Ilnmurh mulclu Ind rhul mammal II rfldllfld nolh tho mo nnd Myth your hrcnlhln wlll dapcnd ol mum on mum you hm mm mm dlmder Inch emphylcmln Inn elnllcily In the Many Yuu um munculnr lcnxlun Io luluhs You exhalu mnlnly hy relaxan and mum lha lunxl punh nu old air out Tho amount you can aka In win he mu hmxh depend on how muth Ila nlr hu btcn pccd mum ynu dont Ilnp hreulhlnx when you Ilcrp All our body promm new Marin and la qulc down whm cm mm MUD mclnbonlm bland prmure lemperMurcnll mlko ha chance to ml Mn anyone not learned ln breathe lvo lrlcd Ind lrlndv um llm me Can Anything be donorMRS II By JOSEPH MOLNER Bur Dr Mnlnm Wu Iold Ii the hasnllul Hm nqu to Icgurln to yenth conjqclly VThu allendnnt Inld Ilop hrcalhlng uhcn Ilccp vml alpgrwlne hlvo Ihnllnw breaths almcd more at lhe tourist lhnn lha lnduslrlullsl Ono ma ob mum the moclullun la smart vlshnrs Mum help to qulckcn he lourlsll curlmlty and perhaps craunde lhcm In my Hula anger and spend more or their many The nuacinllnn hns ulhcr less rlclarlnl mean dmwlnz lhn ndmlrlal ndvnnllnc of Simon County und the whole Gmrulun Bay dlslrlcl ln Illunllon of po lcnllnl lnvman TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH KW0 All BodyProcesses 4Sl6wDown In Sléep Mféin Hu Irnmpuu dqmtlnmul mrmunlugnnl KINhm will pm Hlla lm nml wrnlhrr Warml Hall or III Ilvllvl In he rur uy4 le llrvmmrnl al mlncl AM Iman lunry ulll pm Mu llm Iumy AM flnllln Ind llnln plmculnz mum ll urll nu munqu 1110 Hum lr llrmufll Ilumll wlll umlll lvnle pruumlrl lrlponlblu or nIInIym HI phynlrnl IHIH Iul mul llllihrirnl Ila lnr Knn mh Tun lnlmdlnn Illlpl will mm mm uppmxlnmlnly so rml of mu lumy mu rnnhIlIm INVHIII In Ilka mn IIn In mnkn ulnmnllnnl II umlnr mlrrvnll No Axlhrlllt Allrcll HI Mull Why doubt your dmor diunmlfl He mm tnlllfnll larmmlnu ran an IHH In dnulx chuck wIHI lAnnlhrr tumpclenl an Ipcclnl IL cnnllnue nnndu wm lllrl In lnlrnmllonal unon aI ha ml 1an Dru Dr Mahler Dnu unh HUI MIMI lho nym My doctor Ihlnku mu II rmnrucl mm In IN Am In damnMM Only nurer II the lhyrnld war In Might cnnlrnl lhnre Ihyroid drflvkncy lhymld mcdiuuon ll lnnlcnl flu ham lhymld In normal In brln About wclahl rcduuflnn vmul rtqulm laxlc dam which would mnkn you lrrllahlo Ind nenoul Dallbrrnlrly paellan normal mlrm or name ulurlnr ur rmellkn lanlnl wvlnhl wilqu wlhrrlnn In tn prnncrlyvde cldrdly does NOT hm my Innrnnn Sim d0 nrl mmdlmu med under mpcrrmnn cl Km phglklnn Dn your but while you If Iwnke Than It lhlnxl lake turn Ihcmlelvu while you Ilccn Dcnr In Moxnm or pmon wllh lllyrold lo InkI dosune thyrnld DL Like any other muscular activ hy ruler nIlcr youvu krpl dalull or limo You cnnl do lhls conuloully Milo you on nsllcp Ind he cxpcclcd thnl your brain In wlll be Ahnllowcr In By THE CANADIAN PRESS 195350le Iclcnlml murkvd nnnlher mllulnnn In apnea with lhn launching and nrhillng of Sputum Il 17157111 Gonncso Inld ha Inland taulcn la France Samu 500 men the Illh Unlltrl Slntcs Inlnnlry crasscd ha harder Inlu Cnn adn ram Erin Pu mm nun lndnyIn 1814 Llurinz the War mm Thu Invaders sucked lhn lawn Port Dom nnd burned It mlraylng Inwmlll nnd lnnnrry Ive diillllcrlcs le stores 11 burns lhrce ml mllls nngl ID humus My 157900 TODAY IN HISTORY Is It Info normal wry Huh centre AmIJulllhli car hnuu nr uniInna lnMnM rnn Inn llvru Ilny vy Ha lrlf no mm wn Mn Ind lmrnl plrndrr nu br lull nl mum rnnlvnl Why unuhl Ink nurn Hm turlnlnl um mu daleim IMM rm IIIH II no mm lhl mum II In drrrrpll Ml ll unl Ilnnrl Nu lllhl cl day Mn runway wul hurllc um mm In llu Mud In mo Infu rlrrUnn nm llnrold In Indrmmlenlhlnk ilr Flnhlrllfiuird In up um nlml llul mme Illhl ho Lt lnlo lhc lullllllva hnm f7 1m darlorflhm la rhnnurd mm lwlliahl mlduli as In loamy Vkla Thu ynunlrmlnTIlér utyl ha dnunt lhlnk Any hulr lull mm on polity If led or IrTflflIAN mom 111 ml comu nn la VIIIOUI mhm lram lhrauu out the pmvlnrn rcumlr mm or hem hand an prndpln or rather unrchlnn mm In tnlfl of tho Tho mmhlcr nl rduullan nn WIIIInm mm In nnl In lo um In In pill and mm ulld ml III one 11 public Iclmal board In slmme hnl hecomu nnnnyrd ll nllm quullnnlnl childrtn duh unirhml hnuu TORONTO II laakl Umuuh lhm my hm to he My rm far IchnoXchlldren Canndlnnl have been npcndlnl nrnrly billlan dollnn well your or In consecunvn yurl marl Ihnn Huey hnvn bun urnlnl TMI amounu In net deflcll In our bnlnncc payment avcr billion dullan In lha lul Icn ym nadn lrylnl lo hclnnu In In Inlcrnnllunal club ha due at which ll unnol nl purl nur Trude Crusade wu Ind nxcnl 01 Ontario man urncmrurs In InroIzn markall we hrlpcd la bring la Onlnrla 14 new larclzn plant In alone and manulmurtrl Ar ranzemenll nu mun job or our people Ilul plrn nnhuhiii nlifw might draw to your alien iian lhnl Ihe Omanin Trudi Cru Inde consist nut oi Admin In some pcnpiu Imvly but of many flops Inch Foreign Suicu iiilnlana which aiono have produced over in million oi nuw expuri order in six month Tho Trude Cnisnde include Minu inclurinz Opportuniliu shown which imvu produced Import re placcmanl ordcrl inr Canadian campuniua In the valun oi up praximuicly K15 miliinn This all mean iobIinr our people NEW PLANTS 1th survey eslnbllahcs that he Trude Crulnda ha had vary marked meal on tho econ omy 01 MI Provlnce and them In protculonul and abjccllvn av ldcncc lo umbllsh lhh Thll has mcum new Job or many our peoplo You win be lmucatcd la know that al lhc 5040 pevpla who wen surveyed 45 per can them claimed Ihal hey had mndn Iwflchos In lhelr purchnb cs from Imporkcd Hch to Curb ndlun mnnufnclurad Mdl mu the pragnm QUEENS PARK Onu ago bolero the pro gram cznn Onlnrlou rm unemployment wal over per cent on manually adjuued hull Allcr one year of 1h pramm Ontariol unemploy ment min on nemnally ad juxtcd heals II pmxlmllcly 35 per cent Thh the lawn rule Imam oymrnl In Can ndu and Is ower lhnn thlt tho Unlled Gluten Thu mch al the Conlnmcr Import rcplnumenl phase ho Onlnrlo Trndo Crusade was shown In aurvcy conducted by profusion company In Cam am to dulermlno whether the pub Informullon prurnm and this Trndo Cruxnde wnl gelling acrns la the buylnz publlc Ind accompllxhln nnylhlnz When tho Ontario Trude Cru nlde began morn HI yum he 0m Provincial Prod ucl wu Improving the ma par mm let one year lhl nnw Illmulnllna econ on program the 0m Pm vlncxal Producl ll lmprovlnl It mg mu otnuarly palcent REPORT SUCCESS Dear slr Recenfly certain crlllclam hm bran made ol the Ontario Governmcnll Trudi Cruuda One crllic wen Io far In to lay Th Ontario Trude Cru Iada wronl In concept and wrong In exccullan the sooner II droaped the better LETTER TO EDITOR 0f Rights For Pupils May Have To Be Bill Macaulay Answers Critics Ontario Trade Crusade SanAnnunl COIIHIIHIUOII My 01 YOUITS of Mldhuul SUCH IS LIFE Mml Me In what we make II mrl am And Me It All cum in puddle we not mind Dear Lon All forgive us New pardon nml relrlevr ug my to In my when were llml Hy DON OIIEARN mm III II mm muy hmuu ll mln In Ind mm In Ilwnyl lrm III IIII wont In hold lnl lhv pulw ulna vur Inllh Illllllll Imu biblb IIMJ Ilnl lhey wlll III In duun III lh HIL Thrrr Ml Illll MI xlnyllnhl Trumllon will rd nu rhumhtr wlll nuln rmnmlly Um um ulm II om mmly 1an un AI prnl ullh lrmmlnn II Mun occurml In nuynm la unndrr It was Any and In In Ink vl Tho brown Mod will In Immd And mu hrr wlll HVlrnllhtd In mmtu no me hey wlll be Just In dull mn The mw one ulll hl lonrd up mm or no Tlucy will In wlnm hul lnuud muddy lhnl will Jul ho pnlo wint llwauld In In Admirabll llnl or hlnuman In brooé on Ml lomormwl rxecullonl The rtnovnflan will Il lrphened up lh 111m II Amunme In ha thin In the rurlnlm Except for mm red ur pel on lhn floor ll In new ml mm vumlnhed brnwn Hod Ind muddy win cur Am Ippmnlly wnl unhmd Ind un heedcd 7111 ieulalauve thlmhlr In comylcluly mauled lhh yrflr BIBLE THOUGHT We do not ndvocala purchu n1 morn expcnliva Cnnldlln good or Canadian good poor quillly Wu do however lay that ll mm mm to look to here II Canadian munnmlur ed good or equnl qulllly and price In buy ll became II will mnlcrlally mist our Now my 11 mzl buy the Imported pmduct No one lhflflld buy or pcmlva or lhoddy load or na tlannlhllc muons but It ll umclcu Io inure our own manulaclurlnx became we III loo lndlflmm In look far libel mph mi cpllamlm our be that lhll counlry cnn unn per can mm wholc Your very truly Robert Mlclnlly Vlrha 0mm Trlda Cruud mum opporlunmu or Cnnad II flung Japl or our we can hop that It the and at every year we hm bnlnnccd our nvcratl bllunca at payment wtth the warld prosper can nttnrd more Im pom The world tun ma stake In the Itnhltlly at tho Cun Idtln economy Thu Cnnndtln economy cannot be liable or man untll able to marl clmuly hntnnce what It all with what buyl was an No nallnn In the world an legitimately object to us My la hnllncc our lnlcrnnllanll pay mtnll Furlhermare we clnnol be In bnlnncc wllh lndlvldull cquntrles neatlzlnl therefore that cannot hop to mate vltnl mm In Cnnuda band an export alum And bullnvlnz that the damcltlc mnrknt must bu Iupported to lama extent th Ontarln Gnvcmmcnt undertook Publlc Inletmutton harm by way at newspaper rndlnt billboards and tnlovlslnn Wu hnvc lrtcd Io bran home em phntlcntly to everyone In On lnrla lhat Iho economy at Can ada ll tho bultncu averynna And not the tale rcmonsthtllty ortha Department of Trade Ind Commerce In Ottawa or the Fur vlnclnl Departments Develop mgpt acrosl Canadat our Imports continue to In croaxe the accelerated rm which they have our lhn lusl law yam It lmponiblc to man enough export lam tn balanqp lour naymgmn ll CanIla lm hllllon dollar dellcll an Internatlonnl um uch year II lnconcelvahlo lo June that we can clan lhll lap whlla exporll in cream nl 76 rmr con and Import lncrmlnu at per can yearly EXPORT was We do not Idvocnla culllnl out Imparln hut wa do my Ihal we mun reduce the ran at which lhm lmpom Increm We bellavo to be In but possiblo interest of all Can adian to purchase domcnllu product over an Imported am when prlcc Ind quality lord Lust mmmerl monolan trill proved mil beyond dauhl or than who have em lo hm 01qu wlth whys to m3

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